// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// This file contains the test steps for Unit Test Suite 10 : Log.cpp
// EPOC includes
#include <e32base.h>
// Test system includes
#include <testframework.h>
// Specific includes for this test suite
#include "TSU_MmTsthSuite10.h"
// Specific includes for these test steps
#include "TSU_MmTsth10.h"
// --------------------------------------------
// Unit Test Suite 10 : Log.cpp
// Depends on : none
// Tests :-
// 1 RTestFrameworkClientSession : check connect
// 11 Log : create
// 12 Log : open log file (existing)
// 13 Log : write format - no test specified as this is called every time the INFO_PRINTF or ERR_PRINTF
// macro is called by the framework or suite(s)
// 14 Log : status (incorporated in test 12)
// ---------------------
// RTestMmTsthU1001
RTestMmTsthU1001* RTestMmTsthU1001::NewL()
RTestMmTsthU1001* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmTsthU1001;
return self;
// Each test step initialises its own name.
iTestStepName = _L("MM-TSTH-U-1001");
// Do the test step.
TVerdict RTestMmTsthU1001::DoTestStepL()
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Unit test for RTestFrameworkServerSession"));
// Check we can connect to the existing server.
// NB - open, write, close, status will be called by Log tests
TVerdict currentVerdict = EPass;
TInt ret;
RTestFrameworkClientSession testSession;
ret = testSession.Connect();
if(ret != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Could not connect to server, error %d"), ret);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Successfully connected to server with a new session"));
testSession.Close(); // cleanup session
return iTestStepResult = currentVerdict; // should be EPass if we've got here
// ---------------------
// RTestMmTsthU1011
RTestMmTsthU1011* RTestMmTsthU1011::NewL()
RTestMmTsthU1011* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmTsthU1011;
return self;
// Each test step initialises its own name.
iTestStepName = _L("MM-TSTH-U-1011");
// Do the test step.
TVerdict RTestMmTsthU1011::DoTestStepL()
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Unit test for Log : create"));
TVerdict currentVerdict = EPass;
CLog* theLog = NULL;
TRAPD(err, theLog = CLog::NewL());
if(err != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("CLog::NewL() left, error code %d"), err);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CLog created successfully"));
delete theLog;
return iTestStepResult = currentVerdict; // should be EPass if we've got here
// ---------------------
// RTestMmTsthU1012
RTestMmTsthU1012* RTestMmTsthU1012::NewL()
RTestMmTsthU1012* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmTsthU1012;
return self;
// Each test step initialises its own name.
iTestStepName = _L("MM-TSTH-U-1012");
// Do the test step.
TVerdict RTestMmTsthU1012::DoTestStepL()
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Unit test for Log : open"));
TVerdict currentVerdict = EPass;
CLog* theLog = NULL;
TRAPD(err, theLog = CLog::NewL());
if(err != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("CLog::NewL() left, error code %d"), err);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// Open the current logfile (it's already open at the server)
TRAP(err, theLog->OpenLogFileL());
if(err != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("CLog::OpenLogFileL() left, error code %d"), err);
delete theLog;
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// Attempt to open a new log file. This will complete without opening the log file and
// without disturbing the server; we can
// ascertain this by checking the log status, which will be unchanged.
TInt theStatus = theLog->LogStatus();
delete theLog;
theLog = NULL;
_LIT(KDummyLogName, "DummyLog");
TRAP(err, theLog = CLog::NewL());
if(err != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("CLog::NewL() left, error code %d"), err);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
TRAP(err, theLog->OpenLogFileL(KDummyLogName, theStatus - 1));
if(err != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("CLog::OpenLogFileL(KDummyLogName) left, error code %d"), err);
delete theLog;
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
TInt theNewStatus = theLog->LogStatus();
if(theNewStatus != theStatus)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("CLog::OpenLogFileL(KDummyLogName) changed log status!"));
delete theLog;
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// NB no test for CloseLogFileL - as this acts at the server and is something we only ever
// want to do at the end of the TestFramework run
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CLog opened existing log file successfully"));
delete theLog;
return iTestStepResult = currentVerdict; // should be EPass if we've got here
// ---------------------
// RTestMmTsthU1013
RTestMmTsthU1013* RTestMmTsthU1013::NewL()
RTestMmTsthU1013* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmTsthU1013;
return self;
// Each test step initialises its own name.
iTestStepName = _L("MM-TSTH-U-1013");
// Do the test step.
TVerdict RTestMmTsthU1013::DoTestStepL()
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Unit test for Log : write format"));
TVerdict currentVerdict = EPass;
// any call to LogExtra will test this. if it doesn't crash, consider it passed
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Testing WriteFormat..."));
return iTestStepResult = currentVerdict;