// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <ecom/ecom.h>
#include <ecom/ecomerrorcodes.h>
#include <ecom/ecomresolverparams.h>
#include <ecom/implementationinformation.h>
#include <ecom/publicregistry.h>
#include <mdf/codecapiresolverdata.h>
#include <mdf/codecapiresolverutils.h>
#include <mdf/codecapivideoresolverutils.h>
#include <mdf/codecapiuids.hrh>
#include "codecapiresolver.h"
Constructs a CCodecApiResolver object.
@param aRegistry
A reference to the instantiated registry information
@return An instance of the class or NULL.
CCodecApiResolver* CCodecApiResolver::NewL (MPublicRegistry& aRegistry)
return new(ELeave) CCodecApiResolver (aRegistry);
Class destructor.
Class constructor.
CCodecApiResolver::CCodecApiResolver (MPublicRegistry& aRegistry) :
CResolver (aRegistry)
Requests the resolver to identify the most appropriate interface implementation.
@param aInterfaceUid
The interface for which an implementation is requested.
@param aAdditionalParameters
The parameters which must match for an implementation to be suitable.
@return The unique id of the implementation which satisfies the specified parameters.
KNullUid if not implementation is found.
TUid CCodecApiResolver::IdentifyImplementationL(TUid /*aInterfaceUid*/,
const TEComResolverParams& /*aAdditionalParameters*/) const
return KNullUid;
Lists all the implementations which satisfy the specified interface definition and the
resolve parameters supplied.
@param aInterfaceUid
The interface for which an implementation is requested.
@param aAdditionalParameters
The parameters which must match for an implementation to be suitable.
@return Pointer to an array of suitable implementations. Ownership of this array is passed
to the calling function.
RImplInfoArray* CCodecApiResolver::ListAllL(TUid aInterfaceUid,
const TEComResolverParams& aAdditionalParameters) const
RImplInfoArray* retList = new (ELeave) RImplInfoArray;
// coverity[double_push]
CCodecApiResolverData* customMatch = CCodecApiResolverData::NewLC(aAdditionalParameters.DataType());
TCodecApiResolverMatchType matchType = customMatch->MatchType();
TUid implementationTypeUid = customMatch->ImplementationType();
// create a list with all
RImplInfoArray& fullList = iRegistry.ListImplementationsL(aInterfaceUid);
const TInt count = fullList.Count();
for(TInt index = 0; index < count; index++)
TBool matchFound = EFalse;
const CImplementationInformation& impData = *(fullList[index]);
CCodecApiOpaqueData* parse = NULL;
const TDesC8* opaqueData = &impData.OpaqueData();
// if opaque data is empty, move to the next element in the list
if (opaqueData->Length() == 0)
// create an instance of the class which holds the opaque data
TInt error = KErrNotFound;
if (implementationTypeUid == TUid::Uid(KUidAudioCodec))
TRAP(error, parse = CCodecApiOpaqueData::NewL(impData.OpaqueData()));
if ((implementationTypeUid == TUid::Uid(KUidVideoEncoder))
|| implementationTypeUid == TUid::Uid(KUidVideoDecoder))
TRAP(error, parse = CCodecApiVideoOpaqueData::NewL(impData.OpaqueData()));
error = KErrNotSupported;
if (error)
if ((error == KErrNotSupported) || (error == KErrCorrupt))
// means that the resource entry was not valid
// we ignore this plugin and try the next one
} //end of if (error!=KErrNone)
// check if the uids are different. If they are, move to the next element
// in the list
if (implementationTypeUid != parse->TypeUid())
// check that the input data type is what we are looking for
case EMatchInputDataFormat:
if (parse->CompareInputDataType(customMatch->InputDataFormat()))
matchFound = ETrue;
// check that the output data type is what we are looking for
case EMatchOutputDataFormat:
if (parse->CompareOutputDataType(customMatch->OutputDataFormat()))
matchFound = ETrue;
// check that the input and output data type is what we are looking for
case EMatchInputAndOutputDataFormat:
if (parse->CompareInputDataType(customMatch->InputDataFormat())
&& parse->CompareOutputDataType(customMatch->OutputDataFormat()))
matchFound = ETrue;
//matchFound was initialised to EFalse, so fall through
// if a match was found, it will be appended to the list returned by this method
if (matchFound)
} // end of for
CleanupStack::Pop(2, retList);
return retList;