* Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include "omxilfsm.h"
#include "omxilportmanager.h"
#include "omxilcallbackmanager.h"
#include "omxilconfigmanager.h"
#include "omxilspecversion.h"
#include "omxilgraphicsink.h"
#include "omxilgraphicsinkvpb0port.h"
#include "omxilgraphicsinkprocessingfunction.h"
#include "omxilgraphicsink.hrh"
#include <openmax/il/loader/omxilsymbiancomponentif.h>
#include "log.h"
_LIT8(KSymbianOMXGraphicSinkComponentName, KCompNameSymbianOMXGraphicSink);
_LIT8(KSymbianOMXGraphicSinkRole, KRoleSymbianOMXGraphicSink);
const TUint8 COmxILGraphicSink::iComponentVersionMajor;
const TUint8 COmxILGraphicSink::iComponentVersionMinor;
const TUint8 COmxILGraphicSink::iComponentVersionRevision;
const TUint8 COmxILGraphicSink::iComponentVersionStep;
Component Entry Point
@param aComponent The handle of the component to be initialised.
@return KErrNone if successful;
KErrNoMemory if the driver failed to allocate memory for the new component;
otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
TInt err = COmxILGraphicSink::CreateComponent(aComponent);
if (err == KErrNone)
return OMX_ErrorNone;
// return some problem
return err == KErrNoMemory ? OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources : OMX_ErrorUndefined;
This function creates a new Graphic sink component.
@param aComponent The handle of the component to be created.
@return KErrNone if successful;
KErrNoMemory if the driver failed to allocate memory for the new component;
otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
TInt COmxILGraphicSink::CreateComponent(OMX_HANDLETYPE aComponent)
COmxILGraphicSink* self = new COmxILGraphicSink();
if (!self)
return KErrNoMemory;
TRAPD(err, self->ConstructL(aComponent));
if(err != KErrNone)
delete self;
return err;
Constructor of the class.
DEBUG_PRINTF(_L8("COmxILGraphicSink::COmxILGraphicSink +"));
Destructor of the class.
DEBUG_PRINTF(_L8("COmxILGraphicSink::~COmxILGraphicSink +"));
delete ipCallbackManager;
delete ipPortManager;
delete ipConfigManager;
delete ipb0Port;
delete ipFsm;
delete ipGraphicSinkProcessingFunction;
Second phase construction for the component.
@param aHandle The handle of the component to be created.
void COmxILGraphicSink::ConstructL(OMX_HANDLETYPE aHandle)
// Initialize the data received from IL Core
ipHandle = static_cast<OMX_COMPONENTTYPE*>(aHandle);
// STEP 2: Create the call backs manager...
ipCallbackManager = COmxILCallbackManager::NewL(ipHandle, ipAppData, ipCallbacks);
// STEP 3: Create the Graphic Sink Processing Function...
ipGraphicSinkProcessingFunction = COmxILGraphicSinkProcessingFunction::NewL(*ipCallbackManager);
// STEP 4: Create Port manager...
ipPortManager = COmxILPortManager::NewL(
*ipGraphicSinkProcessingFunction, // The component's processing function
*ipCallbackManager, // The call back manager object
TOmxILSpecVersion(), // OMX Version
0, // The number of audio ports in this component
0, // The starting audio port index
0, // The number of image ports in this component
0, // The starting image port index
1, // The number of video ports in this component
0, // The starting video port index
0, // The number of other ports in this component
0 // The starting other port index
ipb0Port = ConstructVPB0PortL();
User::LeaveIfError(ipPortManager->AddPort(ipb0Port, OMX_DirInput));
// STEP 5: Create the non-port related configuration manager...
RPointerArray<TDesC8> componentRoles;
ipConfigManager = COmxILConfigManager::NewL(
// STEP 6: Create the FSM object...
ipFsm = COmxILFsm::NewL(*this, *ipGraphicSinkProcessingFunction, *ipPortManager, *ipConfigManager, *ipCallbackManager);
// And finally, let's get everything started
Create the input port VPB0Port for Graphic sink.
@return A pointer to the VPB0Port to be created.
COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port* COmxILGraphicSink::ConstructVPB0PortL()
DEBUG_PRINTF(_L8("COmxILGraphicSink::ConstructVPB0PortL +"));
OMX_U32 thisPortIndex = 0;
const TUint32 KBufferCountMin = 4; // OMX_U32
const TUint32 KBufferSizeMin = 1024; // OMX_U32
const TUint32 KBufferAlignment = 2; // OMX_U32
const OMX_BOOL KBuffersContiguous = OMX_TRUE;
// conformance suite currently doesn't support allocating contiguous or
// beyond byte aligned buffers
const TUint32 KBufferAlignment = 0; // OMX_U32
const OMX_BOOL KBuffersContiguous = OMX_FALSE;
// TODO these arrays must left empty, to be removed from the video port constructor
RArray<OMX_VIDEO_CODINGTYPE> supportedVideoFormats;
RArray<OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE> supportedColorFormats;
COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port* vpb0Port = COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port::NewL(
TOmxILSpecVersion(),// OMX specification version information
thisPortIndex, // Port number the structure applies to
OMX_DirInput, // Direction of this port
KBufferCountMin, // The minimum number of buffers this port requires
KBufferSizeMin, // Minimum size, in bytes, for buffers to be used for this port
OMX_PortDomainVideo,// Domain of the port
KBuffersContiguous, // Buffers contiguous requirement (true or false)
KBufferAlignment, // Buffer aligment requirements
OMX_BufferSupplyInput, // supplier preference when tunneling between two ports
supportedVideoFormats, // Supported video formats
supportedColorFormats, // Supported color formats
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, &supportedVideoFormats);
return vpb0Port;
Set the graphic sink port to the graphic sink processing function,
so the processing function can access the port definition later.
void COmxILGraphicSink::SetPortToPF(COmxILGraphicSinkVPB0Port* aPort)
ipGraphicSinkProcessingFunction->iGraphicSinkPort = aPort;