// Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// TSIMmfCtlfrm.cpp
// EPOC includes
#include <e32base.h>
// Test system includes
#include <testframework.h>
#include "TSI_MmfCtlfrm.h"
#include "TSI_MmfCtlfrmStep.h"
#include "TSI_MmfCtlfrmSuite.h"
#include "TSI_MmfCodes.h"
#include "TSI_MmfEventIds.h"
#include "ActrlTestUids.h"
#include <mmf/common/mmfcontroller.h>
#include <mmf/common/mmfstandardcustomcommands.h>
#include <mmf/plugin/mmfcontrollerimplementationuids.hrh>
const TUid KTestControllerUid = {KTSIMmfControllerUid};
const TUid KTestDataSourceUid = {KTSIMmfDataSourceUid};
const TUid KTestDataSinkUid = {KTSIMmfDataSinkUid};
// audio controllers, from mmfControllerImplementationUIDs.hrh
const TUid KTestAudioControllerUid = {KMmfUidControllerAudio};
// pause length for repeat calls to GetPosition
// NB this can't be a const - global uninitialised data in ARM
#define KGetPositionIntervalLength 500000
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0001
// Load each controller plugin into its own thread
// REQ172.3.1
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0001* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0001::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0001* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0001;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0001");
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0001::DoTestStepL()
TMMFPrioritySettings settings;
TInt error = KErrNone;
RMMFController controller, controller2;
settings.iPriority = ETSIMmfPriorityLow;
settings.iPref = EMdaPriorityPreferenceTime;
settings.iState = EMMFStateIdle;
// Open a controller
error = controller.Open(KTestControllerUid, settings);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("controller1 failed to open, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// Open another controller
// (it is valid for this test to open two instances of the same controller)
error = controller2.Open(KTestControllerUid, settings);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("controller2 failed to open, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
TBuf8<KTextBufLen> memFunctionText;
TUid uid = {KTSIMmfControllerUid};
TMMFMessageDestination handleInfo(uid);
TMMFMessageDestinationPckg messageDest(handleInfo);
TBuf<KTextBufLen> memFunctionText16;
TBuf<KTextBufLen> memFunction2Text16;
// get thread addresses
error = controller.CustomCommandSync(messageDest, KThreadIdFunction, KNullDesC8, KNullDesC8, memFunctionText);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("controller1 CustomCommandSync failed with error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// memFunctionText comes back as hex string
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Controller1 thread ID : 0x%S"), &memFunctionText16);
error = controller2.CustomCommandSync(messageDest, KThreadIdFunction, KNullDesC8, KNullDesC8, memFunctionText);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("controller2 CustomCommandSync failed with error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// memFunctionText comes back as hex string
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Controller2 thread ID : 0x%S"), &memFunction2Text16);
// compare thread addresses; they must not match
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - thread IDs match"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0002
// Give each controller thread its own heap
// REQ172.3.2
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0002* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0002::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0002* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0002;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0002");
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0002::DoTestStepL()
TMMFPrioritySettings settings;
TInt error = KErrNone;
RMMFController controller, controller2;
settings.iPriority = ETSIMmfPriorityLow;
settings.iPref = EMdaPriorityPreferenceTime;
settings.iState = EMMFStateIdle;
// Open a controller
error = controller.Open(KTestControllerUid, settings);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("controller1 failed to open, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// Open another controller
// (it is valid for this test to open two instances of the same controller)
error = controller2.Open(KTestControllerUid, settings);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("controller2 failed to open, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
TBuf8<KTextBufLen> memFunctionText;
TUid uid = {KTSIMmfControllerUid};
TMMFMessageDestination handleInfo(uid);
TMMFMessageDestinationPckg messageDest(handleInfo);
TBuf<KTextBufLen> memFunctionText16;
TBuf<KTextBufLen> memFunction2Text16;
// get heap addresses
error = controller.CustomCommandSync(messageDest, KHeapAddressFunction, KNullDesC8, KNullDesC8, memFunctionText);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("controller1 CustomCommandSync failed with error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// memFunctionText comes back as hex string
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Controller1 heap address : 0x%S"), &memFunctionText16);
error = controller2.CustomCommandSync(messageDest, KHeapAddressFunction, KNullDesC8, KNullDesC8, memFunctionText);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("controller2 CustomCommandSync failed with error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// memFunctionText comes back as hex string
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Controller2 heap address : 0x%S"), &memFunction2Text16);
// compare heap addresses; they must not match
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - heap addresses match"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// cleanup
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0003
// Provide inter-thread access from client to controller plugin
// REQ172.3.3
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0003* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0003::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0003* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0003;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0003");
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0003::DoTestStepL()
TMMFPrioritySettings settings;
TInt error = KErrNone;
RMMFController controller;
settings.iPriority = ETSIMmfPriorityLow;
settings.iPref = EMdaPriorityPreferenceTime;
settings.iState = EMMFStateIdle;
// Open a controller
error = controller.Open(KTestControllerUid, settings);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("controller failed to open, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
TUid uid = {KTSIMmfControllerUid};
TMMFMessageDestination handleInfo(uid);
TMMFMessageDestinationPckg messageDest(handleInfo);
// send dummy messages, to verify that return values are correct
error = controller.CustomCommandSync(messageDest, KDummyFunc1, KNullDesC8, KNullDesC8);
if(error == KDummyFunc1Return)
error = KErrNone;
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("CustomCommandSync KDummyFunc1 returned unexpected value %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
error = controller.CustomCommandSync(messageDest, KDummyFunc2, KNullDesC8, KNullDesC8);
if(error == KDummyFunc2Return)
error = KErrNone;
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("CustomCommandSync KDummyFunc2 returned unexpected value %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CustomCommandSync returned expected values"));
// cleanup
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0102
// Load a controller plugin by UID
// REQ172.5.1
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0102* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0102::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0102* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0102;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0102");
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0102::DoTestStepL()
TMMFPrioritySettings settings;
TInt error = KErrNone;
RMMFController controller;
settings.iPriority = ETSIMmfPriorityLow;
settings.iPref = EMdaPriorityPreferenceTime;
settings.iState = EMMFStateIdle;
// Open a controller
error = controller.Open(KTestControllerUid, settings);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("controller failed to open, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
TUid uid = {KTSIMmfControllerUid};
TMMFMessageDestination handleInfo(uid);
TMMFMessageDestinationPckg messageDest(handleInfo);
TBuf8<KTextBufLen> memFunctionText;
TBuf<KTextBufLen> memFunctionText16;
// verify that we've loaded the plugin requested
// the return we expect to be the string KPluginUIDSubstitute
// we'd like to use the UID itself, but it's private in CMMFController, so this will have to do
error = controller.CustomCommandSync(messageDest, KPluginUidFunction, KNullDesC8, KNullDesC8, memFunctionText);
// could be we haven't got this function in the loaded plugin
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("CustomCommandSync KPluginUidFunction failed, error code %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// this string must match that specified in TSIMmfController.cpp
_LIT8(KPluginUIDSubstitute, "TSI_MMFController");
// memFunctionText comes back as hex string
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Controller returned : %S"), &memFunctionText16);
// check return string is expected value
if(memFunctionText.Compare(KPluginUIDSubstitute)) // returns 0 if equal
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - string does not match expected value"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// cleanup
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0105
// Load a controller plugin by filename / extension
// REQ172.5.3, REQ172.5.4
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0105* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0105::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0105* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0105;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0105");
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0105::DoTestStepL()
// open controller by filename / extension
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("open controller by filename / extension"));
TMMFPrioritySettings settings;
TInt error = KErrNone;
RMMFController controller;
settings.iPriority = ETSIMmfPriorityLow;
settings.iPref = EMdaPriorityPreferenceTime;
settings.iState = EMMFStateIdle;
CMMFControllerPluginSelectionParameters* cSelect = CMMFControllerPluginSelectionParameters::NewLC();
CMMFFormatSelectionParameters* fSelect = CMMFFormatSelectionParameters::NewLC();
// Set the format match data
// Set the controller plugin play format match data
RMMFControllerImplInfoArray controllers; // Array to hold all the controllers support the match data
cSelect->ListImplementationsL(controllers); // Populates the array with all the suitable controllers
TInt numControllers = controllers.Count();
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Could not find any controllers"));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3);//controllers, fSelect, cSelect
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Found %d controllers"), numControllers);
CMMFControllerImplementationInformation* implInfo = controllers[0];
TUid theControllerImplUid = implInfo->Uid();
error = controller.Open(theControllerImplUid, settings); // instantiate the controller
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Could not open controller, error %d"), error);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3);//controllers, fSelect, cSelect
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Opened controller with UID 0x%8x"), theControllerImplUid);
if(theControllerImplUid != KTestAudioControllerUid) // check it's the right one
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error: this is not the Audio Controller"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("This is the Audio Controller"));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3);//controllers, fSelect, cSelect
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0106
// Load a controller plugin from a preferred supplier by filename / extension
// REQ172.5.3, REQ172.5.4
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0106* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0106::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0106* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0106;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0106");
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0106::DoTestStepL()
// open controller by filename / extension and preferred supplier
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("open controller by filename / extension and preferred supplier"));
TMMFPrioritySettings settings;
TInt error = KErrNone;
RMMFController controller;
settings.iPriority = ETSIMmfPriorityLow;
settings.iPref = EMdaPriorityPreferenceTime;
settings.iState = EMMFStateIdle;
CMMFControllerPluginSelectionParameters* cSelect = CMMFControllerPluginSelectionParameters::NewLC();
CMMFFormatSelectionParameters* fSelect = CMMFFormatSelectionParameters::NewLC();
// Set the format match data
// Set the controller plugin play format match data
// Set for only those plugins supplied by "Symbian"
_LIT(KPrefSupplierSymbian, "Symbian");
cSelect->SetPreferredSupplierL(KPrefSupplierSymbian, CMMFPluginSelectionParameters::EOnlyPreferredSupplierPluginsReturned);
RMMFControllerImplInfoArray controllers; // Array to hold all the controllers support the match data
cSelect->ListImplementationsL(controllers); // Populates the array with all the suitable controllers
TInt numControllers = controllers.Count();
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Could not find any controllers"));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3);//controllers, fSelect, cSelect
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Found %d controllers"), numControllers);
CMMFControllerImplementationInformation* implInfo = controllers[0];
TUid theControllerImplUid = implInfo->Uid();
error = controller.Open(theControllerImplUid, settings); // instantiate the controller
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Could not open controller, error %d"), error);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3);//controllers, fSelect, cSelect
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Opened controller with UID 0x%8x"), theControllerImplUid);
if(theControllerImplUid != KTestAudioControllerUid) // check it's the right one
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error: this is not the requested controller"));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3);//controllers, fSelect, cSelect
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("This is the Audio Controller"));
if(implInfo->Supplier() != KPrefSupplierSymbian) // check supplier
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error: this controller is not from the requested supplier"));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3);//controllers, fSelect, cSelect
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("This controller is from the requested supplier"));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3);//controllers, fSelect, cSelect
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0107
// Add a second instance of a controller which already exists
// REQ172.5.1
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0107* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0107::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0107* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0107;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0107");
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0107::DoTestStepL()
// add a second instance of an already loaded controller
// essentially a duplicate of test 0001/0002 - simply to verify that we are running
// two instances of the same controller
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("add a second instance of an already loaded controller"));
TMMFPrioritySettings settings;
TInt error = KErrNone;
RMMFController controller, controller2;
settings.iPriority = ETSIMmfPriorityLow;
settings.iPref = EMdaPriorityPreferenceTime;
settings.iState = EMMFStateIdle;
// Open a controller
error = controller.Open(KTestControllerUid, settings);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("controller1 failed to open, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// Open another controller
// (it is valid for this test to open two instances of the same controller)
error = controller2.Open(KTestControllerUid, settings);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("controller2 failed to open, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
TBuf8<KTextBufLen> memFunctionText;
TUid uid = {KTSIMmfControllerUid};
TMMFMessageDestination handleInfo(uid);
TMMFMessageDestinationPckg messageDest(handleInfo);
TBuf<KTextBufLen> memFunctionText16;
TBuf<KTextBufLen> memFunction2Text16;
// get thread addresses
error = controller.CustomCommandSync(messageDest, KThreadIdFunction, KNullDesC8, KNullDesC8, memFunctionText);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("controller1 CustomCommandSync failed with error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// memFunctionText comes back as hex string
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Controller1 thread ID : 0x%S"), &memFunctionText16);
error = controller2.CustomCommandSync(messageDest, KThreadIdFunction, KNullDesC8, KNullDesC8, memFunctionText);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("controller2 CustomCommandSync failed with error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// memFunctionText comes back as hex string
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Controller2 thread ID : 0x%S"), &memFunction2Text16);
// compare thread addresses; they must not match
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - thread IDs match"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// get heap addresses
error = controller.CustomCommandSync(messageDest, KHeapAddressFunction, KNullDesC8, KNullDesC8, memFunctionText);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("controller1 CustomCommandSync failed with error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// memFunctionText comes back as hex string
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Controller1 heap address : 0x%S"), &memFunctionText16);
error = controller2.CustomCommandSync(messageDest, KHeapAddressFunction, KNullDesC8, KNullDesC8, memFunctionText);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("controller2 CustomCommandSync failed with error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// memFunctionText comes back as hex string
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Controller2 heap address : 0x%S"), &memFunction2Text16);
// compare heap addresses; they must not match
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error - heap addresses match"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// success if we've got here
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Two instances of the same controller loaded successfully"));
// cleanup
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0108
// Load a controller plugin using ambiguous or insufficient information
// REQ172.5.3
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0108* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0108::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0108* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0108;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0108");
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0108::DoTestStepL()
// load a controller with ambiguous information
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("load a controller with insufficient information"));
// we'll basically give no information at all. if we get a controller back at all,
// we've passed.
TMMFPrioritySettings settings;
TInt error = KErrNone;
RMMFController controller;
settings.iPriority = ETSIMmfPriorityLow;
settings.iPref = EMdaPriorityPreferenceTime;
settings.iState = EMMFStateIdle;
CMMFControllerPluginSelectionParameters* cSelect = CMMFControllerPluginSelectionParameters::NewLC();
RMMFControllerImplInfoArray controllers; // Array to hold all the controllers support the match data
cSelect->ListImplementationsL(controllers); // Populates the array with all the suitable controllers
TInt numControllers = controllers.Count();
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Could not find any controllers"));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);//controllers, cSelect
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Found %d controllers"), numControllers);
TBool controllerLoaded = EFalse;
CMMFControllerImplementationInformation* implInfo = NULL;
TUid theControllerImplUid = TUid::Uid(0);
for(TInt i = 0; i < numControllers; i++)
implInfo = controllers[i];
theControllerImplUid = implInfo->Uid();
error = controller.Open(theControllerImplUid, settings); // instantiate the controller
if(error != KErrNoMemory)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Could not open controller, error %d"), error);
controllerLoaded = ETrue;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("No controller loaded"));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);//controllers, cSelect
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
const TDesC& theControllerImplName = implInfo->DisplayName();
const TDesC& theControllerImplSupplier = implInfo->Supplier();
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Opened controller with UID 0x%8x"), theControllerImplUid);
INFO_PRINTF3(_L("This is the %S, supplied by %S"), &theControllerImplName, &theControllerImplSupplier);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);//controllers, cSelect
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0109
// Call overloaded constructors for parameters
// REQ: none
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0109* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0109::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0109* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0109;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0109");
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0109::DoTestStepL()
// open controller by filename / extension
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("call overloaded constructors for parameters"));
CMMFControllerPluginSelectionParameters* cSelect = CMMFControllerPluginSelectionParameters::NewL();
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CMMFControllerPluginSelectionParameters constructed ok"));
CMMFFormatSelectionParameters* fSelect = CMMFFormatSelectionParameters::NewL();
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CMMFFormatSelectionParameters constructed ok"));
CMMFFormatDecodePluginSelectionParameters* dSelect = CMMFFormatDecodePluginSelectionParameters::NewL();
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CMMFFormatDecodePluginSelectionParameters constructed ok"));
CMMFFormatEncodePluginSelectionParameters* eSelect = CMMFFormatEncodePluginSelectionParameters::NewL();
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CMMFFormatEncodePluginSelectionParameters constructed ok"));
// if we get here without leaving, we've passed
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4);//eSelect, dSelect, fSelect, cSelect
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0111
// Add a data source
// REQ172.5.5.1
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0111* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0111::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0111* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0111;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0111");
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0111::DoTestStepL()
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("(a) add a data source"));
TInt error = KErrNone;
// first : add a data source without a handle
error = iController.AddDataSource(KTestDataSourceUid, KInitData);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("AddDataSource failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// Get log info - we expect "AddDataSourceL Called"
_LIT8(KExpectedResult, "AddDataSourceL Called");
TBuf8<KTextBufLen> memFunctionText;
TUid uid = {KTSIMmfControllerUid};
TMMFMessageDestination handleInfo(uid);
TMMFMessageDestinationPckg messageDest(handleInfo);
error = iController.CustomCommandSync(messageDest, KLogFunction, KNullDesC8, KNullDesC8, memFunctionText);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("controller CustomCommandSync failed with error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
TBuf<KTextBufLen> memFunctionText16;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Log : %S"), &memFunctionText16);
if (memFunctionText != KExpectedResult)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Return value did not match expected"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// second : add a data source with a handle
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("(b) add a data source with handle"));
TMMFMessageDestination* sourceHandlePtr = new (ELeave) TMMFMessageDestination();
TMMFMessageDestination& sourceHandle = *sourceHandlePtr;
error = iController.AddDataSource(KTestDataSourceUid, KInitData, sourceHandle);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("AddDataSource failed, error %d"), error);
delete sourceHandlePtr;
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// Get log info - we expect "AddDataSourceL Called" again
error = iController.CustomCommandSync(messageDest, KLogFunction, KNullDesC8, KNullDesC8, memFunctionText);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("controller CustomCommandSync failed with error %d"), error);
delete sourceHandlePtr;
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Log : %S"), &memFunctionText16);
if (memFunctionText != KExpectedResult)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Return value did not match expected"));
delete sourceHandlePtr;
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Data source handle is %d"), sourceHandle.DestinationHandle());
// call a custom source command. doesn't matter what it is, we'd expect it to return KErrNotSupported
// anyway - the point is to ensure CMMFDataSourceHolder::HandleRequest() is called.
// a return of 0 or -5 indicates it has been.
error = iController.CustomCommandSync(sourceHandle, KLogFunction, KNullDesC8, KNullDesC8, memFunctionText);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("CustomCommandSync on sourceHandle returned %d"), error);
if (error && error != KErrNotSupported)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Unexpected error code returned"));
delete sourceHandlePtr;
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// cleanup
delete sourceHandlePtr;
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0112
// Remove a data source
// REQ172.5.5.2
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0112* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0112::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0112* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0112;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0112");
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0112::DoTestStepL()
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("remove a data source"));
TInt error = KErrNone;
// add a data source with a handle
TMMFMessageDestination* sourceHandlePtr = new (ELeave) TMMFMessageDestination();
TMMFMessageDestination& sourceHandle = *sourceHandlePtr;
error = iController.AddDataSource(KTestDataSourceUid, KInitData, sourceHandle);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("AddDataSource failed, error %d"), error);
delete sourceHandlePtr;
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// Get log info - we expect "AddDataSourceL Called"
_LIT8(KExpectedResult, "AddDataSourceL Called");
TBuf8<KTextBufLen> memFunctionText;
TUid uid = {KTSIMmfControllerUid};
TMMFMessageDestination handleInfo(uid);
TMMFMessageDestinationPckg messageDest(handleInfo);
error = iController.CustomCommandSync(messageDest, KLogFunction, KNullDesC8, KNullDesC8, memFunctionText);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("controller CustomCommandSync failed with error %d"), error);
delete sourceHandlePtr;
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
if (memFunctionText != KExpectedResult)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Return value did not match expected"));
delete sourceHandlePtr;
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// now, delete the data source we just added
error = iController.RemoveDataSource(sourceHandle);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("RemoveDataSource failed with error %d"), error);
delete sourceHandlePtr;
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// verify that the data source is no longer there. try and remove it again, this should
// return an error
error = iController.RemoveDataSource(sourceHandle);
if (!error)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error : data source was not removed at first attempt"));
delete sourceHandlePtr;
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Data source removed (second attempt failed with error %d)"), error);
// cleanup
delete sourceHandlePtr;
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0113
// Add a data sink
// REQ172.5.5.3
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0113* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0113::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0113* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0113;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0113");
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0113::DoTestStepL()
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("(a) add a data sink"));
TInt error = KErrNone;
// first : add a data sink without a handle
error = iController.AddDataSink(KTestDataSinkUid, KInitData);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("AddDataSink failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// Get log info - we expect "AddDataSinkL Called"
_LIT8(KExpectedResult, "AddDataSinkL Called");
TBuf8<KTextBufLen> memFunctionText;
TUid uid = {KTSIMmfControllerUid};
TMMFMessageDestination handleInfo(uid);
TMMFMessageDestinationPckg messageDest(handleInfo);
error = iController.CustomCommandSync(messageDest, KLogFunction, KNullDesC8, KNullDesC8, memFunctionText);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("controller CustomCommandSync failed with error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
TBuf<KTextBufLen> memFunctionText16;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Log : %S"), &memFunctionText16);
if (memFunctionText != KExpectedResult)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Return value did not match expected"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// second : add a data sink with a handle
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("(b) add a data sink with handle"));
TMMFMessageDestination* sinkHandlePtr = new (ELeave) TMMFMessageDestination();
TMMFMessageDestination& sinkHandle = *sinkHandlePtr;
error = iController.AddDataSink(KTestDataSinkUid, KInitData, sinkHandle);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("AddDataSink failed, error %d"), error);
delete sinkHandlePtr;
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// Get log info - we expect "AddDataSinkL Called" again
error = iController.CustomCommandSync(messageDest, KLogFunction, KNullDesC8, KNullDesC8, memFunctionText);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("controller CustomCommandSync failed with error %d"), error);
delete sinkHandlePtr;
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Log : %S"), &memFunctionText16);
if (memFunctionText != KExpectedResult)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Return value did not match expected"));
delete sinkHandlePtr;
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Data sink handle is %d"), sinkHandle.DestinationHandle());
// call a custom sink command. doesn't matter what it is, we'd expect it to return KErrNotSupported
// anyway - the point is to ensure CMMFDataSinkHolder::HandleRequest() is called.
// a return of 0 or -5 indicates it has been.
error = iController.CustomCommandSync(sinkHandle, KLogFunction, KNullDesC8, KNullDesC8, memFunctionText);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("CustomCommandSync on sinkHandle returned %d"), error);
if (error && error != KErrNotSupported)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Unexpected error code returned"));
delete sinkHandlePtr;
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// cleanup
delete sinkHandlePtr;
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0114
// Remove a data sink
// REQ172.5.5.4
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0114* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0114::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0114* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0114;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0114");
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0114::DoTestStepL()
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("remove a data sink"));
TInt error = KErrNone;
// add a data sink with a handle
TMMFMessageDestination* sinkHandlePtr = new (ELeave) TMMFMessageDestination();
TMMFMessageDestination& sinkHandle = *sinkHandlePtr;
error = iController.AddDataSink(KTestDataSinkUid, KInitData, sinkHandle);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("AddDataSink failed, error %d"), error);
delete sinkHandlePtr;
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// Get log info - we expect "AddDataSinkL Called"
_LIT8(KExpectedResult, "AddDataSinkL Called");
TBuf8<KTextBufLen> memFunctionText;
TUid uid = {KTSIMmfControllerUid};
TMMFMessageDestination handleInfo(uid);
TMMFMessageDestinationPckg messageDest(handleInfo);
error = iController.CustomCommandSync(messageDest, KLogFunction, KNullDesC8, KNullDesC8, memFunctionText);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("controller CustomCommandSync failed with error %d"), error);
delete sinkHandlePtr;
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
if (memFunctionText != KExpectedResult)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Return value did not match expected"));
delete sinkHandlePtr;
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// now, delete the data sink we just added
error = iController.RemoveDataSink(sinkHandle);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("RemoveDataSink failed with error %d"), error);
delete sinkHandlePtr;
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// verify that the data sink is no longer there. try and remove it again, this should
// return an error
error = iController.RemoveDataSink(sinkHandle);
if (!error)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error : data sink was not removed at first attempt"));
delete sinkHandlePtr;
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Data sink removed (second attempt failed with error %d)"), error);
// cleanup
delete sinkHandlePtr;
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0117
// Set / get source config parameters
// REQ: none
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0117* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0117::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0117* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0117;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0117");
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0117::DoTestStepL( void )
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Set / get source config parameters"));
TInt error = KErrNone;
RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands customCommands(iController);
RArray<TUint> supportedSampleRates;
TRAP(error, customCommands.GetSupportedSourceSampleRatesL(supportedSampleRates));
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("GetSupportedSourceSampleRatesL left, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("GetSupportedSourceSampleRatesL returned %d entries"), supportedSampleRates.Count());
RArray<TUint> supportedBitRates;
// we expect this to be Not Supported
TRAP(error, customCommands.GetSupportedSourceBitRatesL(supportedBitRates));
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("GetSupportedSourceBitRatesL left, error %d"), error);
if(error != KErrNotSupported)
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("GetSupportedSourceBitRatesL returned %d entries"), supportedBitRates.Count());
RArray<TUint> supportedNumChannels;
TRAP(error, customCommands.GetSupportedSourceNumChannelsL(supportedNumChannels));
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("GetSupportedSourceNumChannelsL left, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("GetSupportedSourceNumChannelsL returned %d entries"), supportedNumChannels.Count());
TUint bitRate = 1000; // 1 Khz
error = customCommands.SetSourceBitRate(bitRate);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("SetSourceBitRate returned %d"), error);
if (error && error != KErrNotSupported)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("SetSourceBitRate failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
TUint sampleRate = 5;
error = customCommands.SetSourceSampleRate(sampleRate);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("SetSourceSampleRate returned %d"), error);
// Setting source sample rate to a different value
// is tolerated (INC038043) to preserve BC with 6.1
if (error != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF3(_L("SetSourceSampleRate failed, error %d, expected %d"), error, KErrAlreadyExists);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
TUint numChannels = 1;
error = customCommands.SetSourceNumChannels(numChannels);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("SetSourceNumChannels returned %d"), error);
// Setting number of channels to a different value
// is tolerated (INC038043) to preserve BC with 6.1
if (error && error != KErrNone)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("SetSourceNumChannels failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// EPass if we got here
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0118
// Set / get sink config parameters
// REQ: none
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0118* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0118::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0118* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0118;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0118");
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0118::DoTestStepL( void )
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Set / get sink config parameters"));
TInt error = KErrNone;
RMMFAudioControllerCustomCommands customCommands(iController);
RArray<TUint> supportedSampleRates;
TRAP(error, customCommands.GetSupportedSinkSampleRatesL(supportedSampleRates));
if (error != KErrNotSupported)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("GetSupportedSinkSampleRatesL left with error %d but expected is KErrNotSupported"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("GetSupportedSinkSampleRatesL returned %d entries"), supportedSampleRates.Count());
RArray<TUint> supportedBitRates;
// we expect this to be Not Supported
TRAP(error, customCommands.GetSupportedSinkBitRatesL(supportedBitRates));
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("GetSupportedSinkBitRatesL left, error %d"), error);
if(error != KErrNotSupported)
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("GetSupportedSinkBitRatesL returned %d entries"), supportedBitRates.Count());
RArray<TUint> supportedNumChannels;
TRAP(error, customCommands.GetSupportedSinkNumChannelsL(supportedNumChannels));
if (error != KErrNotSupported)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("GetSupportedSinkNumChannelsL left with error %d but expected is KErrNotSupported"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("GetSupportedSinkNumChannelsL returned %d entries"), supportedNumChannels.Count());
TUint bitRate = 1000; // 1 Khz
error = customCommands.SetSinkBitRate(bitRate);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("SetSinkBitRate returned %d"), error);
if (error && error != KErrNotSupported)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("SetSinkBitRate failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
TUint sampleRate = 5;
error = customCommands.SetSinkSampleRate(sampleRate);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("SetSinkSampleRate returned %d"), error);
if (error && error != KErrNotSupported)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("SetSinkSampleRate failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
TUint numChannels = 1;
error = customCommands.SetSinkNumChannels(numChannels);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("SetSinkNumChannels returned %d"), error);
if (error && error != KErrNotSupported)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("SetSinkNumChannels failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// EPass if we got here
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0119
// Get supported source/sink video types
// REQ: none
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0119* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0119::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0119* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0119;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0119");
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0119::DoTestStepL( void )
// NB this is implemented purely for code coverage purposes
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get supported source/sink audio/video types"));
// GetSupportedSinkAudioTypes no longer in base class
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("GetSupportedSinkAudioTypes no longer in video controller base class"));
// GetSupportedSinkVideoTypes no longer in base class
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("GetSupportedSinkVideoTypes no longer in video controller base class"));
// GetSupportedSourceAudioTypes no longer supported
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("GetSupportedSourceAudioTypes no longer supported"));
// GetSupportedSourceVideoTypes no longer supported
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("GetSupportedSourceVideoTypes no longer supported"));
// EPass if we got here
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0120
// Call display window related methods for video play controller
// REQ: none
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0120* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0120::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0120* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0120;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0120");
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0120::DoTestStepL( void )
// NB this is implemented purely for code coverage purposes
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Call display window related methods for video play controller"));
TInt error = KErrNone;
RMMFVideoPlayControllerCustomCommands playCustomCommands(iController);
TRect r(0,0,0,0);
error = playCustomCommands.SetDisplayWindow(r, r);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("SetDisplayWindow returned %d"), error);
if (error)
if(error != KErrNotSupported)
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
RRegion rg;
error = playCustomCommands.UpdateDisplayRegion(rg);
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("UpdateDisplayRegion returned %d"), error);
if (error)
if(error != KErrNotSupported)
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// EPass if we got here
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0121
// Prime (prepare data flow)
// REQ172.5.5.5
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0121* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0121::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0121* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0121;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0121");
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0121::DoTestStepL()
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Prime a controller"));
TInt error = KErrNone;
TVerdict result = EPass;
error = iController.Prime();
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Prime failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// [ wait for and process the return event from the Custom audio controller ]
TMMFEvent primeEvent( KPrimeTestId, KErrNone);
result = SearchForEvent( primeEvent );
if( result == EFail )
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Custom audio controller did not return a prime event"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// EPass if we got here
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0122
// Play
// REQ172.5.5.6
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0122* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0122::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0122* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0122;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0122");
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0122::DoTestStepL()
// Play a controller. Must be primed first
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Play a controller"));
TInt error = KErrNone;
TVerdict result = EPass;
error = iController.Prime();
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Prime failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// [ wait for and process the return event from the Custom audio controller ]
TMMFEvent primeEvent( KPrimeTestId, KErrNone);
result = SearchForEvent( primeEvent );
if( result == EFail )
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Custom audio controller did not return a prime event"));
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
error = iController.Play();
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Play failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// wait for an event from the Custom audio controller
TMMFEvent playEvent( KPlayTestId, KErrNone);
result = SearchForEvent( playEvent );
if( result == EFail )
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Custom audio controller did not return a play event"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// verify that clip is playing : get the position a couple of times
// NB the clip must be at least 1 second long for this to work
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds clipPos1, clipPos2, clipPos3;
error = iController.GetPosition(clipPos1);
error += iController.GetPosition(clipPos2);
error += iController.GetPosition(clipPos3);
// NB it's cumulative so don't give return value
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error : GetPosition failed"));
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
INFO_PRINTF4(_L("Clip positions : %ld %ld %ld"), I64LOW(clipPos1.Int64()), I64LOW(clipPos2.Int64()), I64LOW(clipPos3.Int64()));
if((clipPos1 == clipPos2) && (clipPos2 == clipPos3))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error : clip position not changing"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// EPass if we got here
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0123
// Stop
// REQ172.5.5.7
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0123* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0123::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0123* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0123;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0123");
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0123::DoTestStepL()
// Stop a controller. Must be playing first
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Stop a controller"));
TInt error = KErrNone;
TVerdict result = EPass;
error = iController.Prime();
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Prime failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// [ wait for and process the return event from the Custom audio controller ]
TMMFEvent primeEvent( KPrimeTestId, KErrNone);
result = SearchForEvent( primeEvent );
if( result == EFail )
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Custom audio controller did not return a prime event"));
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
error = iController.Play();
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Play failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// get an event from the controller
TMMFEvent playEvent( KPlayTestId, KErrNone);
result = SearchForEvent( playEvent );
if( result == EFail )
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Custom audio controller did not return a play event"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// verify that clip is playing : get the position a couple of times
// NB the clip must be at least 1.5 seconds long for this to work
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds clipPos1, clipPos2, clipPos3;
error = iController.GetPosition(clipPos1);
error += iController.GetPosition(clipPos2);
error += iController.GetPosition(clipPos3);
// NB it's cumulative so don't give return value
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error : GetPosition failed"));
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
INFO_PRINTF4(_L("Clip positions : %ld %ld %ld"), I64LOW(clipPos1.Int64()), I64LOW(clipPos2.Int64()), I64LOW(clipPos3.Int64()));
if((clipPos1 == clipPos2) && (clipPos2 == clipPos3))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error : clip position not changing"));
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// now stop the clip. verify that the position is 0 and not changing.
error = iController.Stop();
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Stop failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// verify that clip is stopped : get the position a couple of times
// NB we have to re-prime it first for this to work. If it is still playing,
// the prime will fail
error = iController.Prime();
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Prime failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
error = iController.GetPosition(clipPos1);
error += iController.GetPosition(clipPos2);
error += iController.GetPosition(clipPos3);
// NB it's cumulative so don't give return value
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error : GetPosition failed"));
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
INFO_PRINTF4(_L("Clip positions : %ld %ld %ld"), I64LOW(clipPos1.Int64()), I64LOW(clipPos2.Int64()), I64LOW(clipPos3.Int64()));
if((clipPos1 != clipPos2) && (clipPos2 != clipPos3))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error : clip position still changing"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
if(clipPos3.Int64() != 0)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error : clip position not at start"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// EPass if we got here
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0124
// Pause
// REQ172.5.5.8
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0124* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0124::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0124* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0124;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0124");
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0124::DoTestStepL()
// Pause a controller. Must be playing first
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Pause a controller"));
TInt error = KErrNone;
TVerdict result = EPass;
error = iController.Prime();
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Prime failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// [ wait for and process the return event from the Custom audio controller ]
TMMFEvent primeEvent( KPrimeTestId, KErrNone);
result = SearchForEvent( primeEvent );
if( result == EFail )
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Custom audio controller did not return a prime event"));
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
error = iController.Play();
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Play failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// get an event from the Custom audio controller
TMMFEvent playEvent( KPlayTestId, KErrNone);
result = SearchForEvent( playEvent );
if( result == EFail )
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Custom audio controller did not return a play event"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// verify that clip is playing : get the position a couple of times
// NB the clip must be at least 1 second long for this to work
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds clipPos1, clipPos2, clipPos3;
error = iController.GetPosition(clipPos1);
error += iController.GetPosition(clipPos2);
error += iController.GetPosition(clipPos3);
// NB it's cumulative so don't give return value
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error : GetPosition failed"));
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
INFO_PRINTF4(_L("Clip positions : %ld %ld %ld"), I64LOW(clipPos1.Int64()), I64LOW(clipPos2.Int64()), I64LOW(clipPos3.Int64()));
if((clipPos1 == clipPos2) || (clipPos2 == clipPos3))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error : clip position not changing"));
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// now pause the clip. verify that the position is not 0 and not changing.
error = iController.Pause();
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Pause failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// [ wait for and process the return event from the Custom audio controller ]
TMMFEvent pauseEvent( KPauseTestId, KErrNone);
result = SearchForEvent( pauseEvent );
if( result == EFail )
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Custom audio controller did not return a pause event"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// verify that clip is paused : get the position a couple of times
error = iController.GetPosition(clipPos1);
error += iController.GetPosition(clipPos2);
error += iController.GetPosition(clipPos3);
// NB it's cumulative so don't give return value
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error : GetPosition failed"));
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
INFO_PRINTF4(_L("Clip positions : %ld %ld %ld"), I64LOW(clipPos1.Int64()), I64LOW(clipPos2.Int64()), I64LOW(clipPos3.Int64()));
if((clipPos1 != clipPos2) || (clipPos2 != clipPos3))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error : clip position still changing"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
if(clipPos2.Int64() == 0)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error : clip position is zero"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// EPass if we got here
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0125
// Assign priority to controller
// REQ172.5.5.9
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0125* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0125::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0125* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0125;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0125");
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0125::DoTestStepL()
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Assign priority to controller"));
TInt error = KErrNone;
// set priorities - 1 higher than 2
iSettings.iPriority = 10;
error = iController1.SetPrioritySettings(iSettings);
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("controller1 SetPrioritySettings failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
iSettings.iPriority = -10;
error = iController2.SetPrioritySettings(iSettings);
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("controller2 SetPrioritySettings failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// prime them
error = iController1.Prime();
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("controller1 prime failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
error = iController2.Prime();
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("controller2 prime failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// at last we are ready to do the test...
// play both controllers. give the first time to start before playing the second.
// we should get an error.
error = iController1.Play();
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("iController1 play failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// wait a while, to give it chance to play
const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 KPlayPosition32 = 500000L;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Waiting %d mcs..."), KPlayPosition32.Int());
error = iController2.Play();
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("iController2 play failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// search for a KErrInUse from anywhere on controller 2
// this is from Audio Policy
TMMFEvent inUseEvent( KMMFEventCategoryPlaybackComplete, KErrInUse );
TVerdict result;
result = SearchForEvent( inUseEvent, 2 );
if( result == EFail )
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Audio Policy did not return a KErrInUse event"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Audio Policy returned a KErrInUse event"));
// check that the position on controller1 is actually changing
// and that the position on controller2 isn't
// NB this may fail - if iController2 is actually stopped. in that case
// we just have to check that GetPosition returns an error
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds clipPos1a, clipPos1b, clipPos1c;
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds clipPos2a, clipPos2b, clipPos2c;
error = iController1.GetPosition(clipPos1a);
TInt ctrl2Error=KErrNone;
ctrl2Error = iController2.GetPosition(clipPos2a);
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Controller 2 GetPosition returned an Error"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
error += iController1.GetPosition(clipPos1b);
ctrl2Error = iController2.GetPosition(clipPos2b);
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Controller 2 GetPosition returned an Error"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
error += iController1.GetPosition(clipPos1c);
ctrl2Error = iController2.GetPosition(clipPos2c);
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Controller 2 GetPosition returned an Error"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// NB it's cumulative so don't give return value
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error : GetPosition failed"));
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
INFO_PRINTF4(_L("Clip positions 1 : %d %d %d"), I64LOW(clipPos1a.Int64()), I64LOW(clipPos1b.Int64()), I64LOW(clipPos1c.Int64()));
INFO_PRINTF4(_L("Clip positions 2 : %d %d %d"), I64LOW(clipPos2a.Int64()), I64LOW(clipPos2b.Int64()), I64LOW(clipPos2c.Int64()));
if((clipPos1a == clipPos1b) || (clipPos1b == clipPos1c))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error : clip position 1 not changing"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
if(clipPos2a != clipPos2b || clipPos2b != clipPos2c)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Controller 2 position changed"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// ok - now do the same the other way up - set controller 2 priority higher than
// controller 1
iSettings.iPriority = -10;
error = iController1.SetPrioritySettings(iSettings);
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("controller1 SetPrioritySettings failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
iSettings.iPriority = 10;
error = iController2.SetPrioritySettings(iSettings);
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("controller2 SetPrioritySettings failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// prime them
error = iController1.Prime();
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("controller1 prime failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
error = iController2.Prime();
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("controller2 prime failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// play both controllers. give the first time to start before playing the second.
// we should get an error.
error = iController1.Play();
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("iController1 play failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// wait a while, to give it chance to play
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Waiting %d mcs..."), KPlayPosition32.Int());
error = iController2.Play();
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("iController2 play failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// *** Test Changed - originally searched for a KErrAccessDenied
// from anywhere on controller 1
// BUT since controller 1 is already playing, this isn't appropriate
// Instead we search for a KErrCancel event from controller 1;
// this should be passed through the Custom Audio Controller and arrive
// with uid KMMFEventCategoryPlaybackComplete
// Search for the event caused by playing the higher priority controller
inUseEvent.iEventType = KMMFEventCategoryPlaybackComplete;
result = SearchForEvent( inUseEvent, 1 );
if( result == EFail )
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Audio Policy did not return a KErrInUse event"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Audio Policy returned a KErrInUse event"));
// check that the position on controller2 is actually changing
// and that the position on controller1 isn't
TInt ctrlError1=KErrNone;
ctrlError1 = iController1.GetPosition(clipPos1a);
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Controller 1 GetPosition returned an Error"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
error = iController2.GetPosition(clipPos2a);
ctrlError1 = iController1.GetPosition(clipPos1b);
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Controller 1 GetPosition returned an Error"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
error += iController2.GetPosition(clipPos2b);
ctrlError1 = iController1.GetPosition(clipPos1c);
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Controller 1 GetPosition returned an Error"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
error += iController2.GetPosition(clipPos2c);
// NB it's cumulative so don't give return value
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error : GetPosition failed"));
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
INFO_PRINTF4(_L("Clip positions 1 : %d %d %d"), I64LOW(clipPos1a.Int64()), I64LOW(clipPos1b.Int64()), I64LOW(clipPos1c.Int64()));
INFO_PRINTF4(_L("Clip positions 2 : %d %d %d"), I64LOW(clipPos2a.Int64()), I64LOW(clipPos2b.Int64()), I64LOW(clipPos2c.Int64()));
if((clipPos2a == clipPos2b) || (clipPos2b == clipPos2c))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error : clip position 2 not changing"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
if(clipPos1a != clipPos1b || clipPos1b != clipPos1c)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Controller 1 position changed"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0128
// Get position
// REQ172.5.5.10
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0128* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0128::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0128* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0128;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0128");
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0128::DoTestStepL()
// Get position
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Position"));
TInt error = KErrNone;
TVerdict result = EPass;
// 1. before playing, verify that GetPosition returns start
// 2. set to known position, verify that GetPosition returns correct position
// 3. set to start, play for N seconds, check position is approx as expected
error = iController.Prime();
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Prime failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// [ wait for and process the return event from the Custom audio controller ]
TMMFEvent primeEvent( KPrimeTestId, KErrNone);
result = SearchForEvent( primeEvent );
if( result == EFail )
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Custom audio controller did not return a prime event"));
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// 1. verify that clip is at position 0
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds clipPos;
error = iController.GetPosition(clipPos);
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error : GetPosition failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Clip position : %ld"), I64LOW(clipPos.Int64()));
if(clipPos.Int64() != 0)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error : clip position not at start"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// 2. set position and verify that clip is there
// NB allow for resolution of the controller itself
const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds KPlayPosition(2000000);
const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds KPlayPositionPlusError(3000000);
const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds KPlayPositionMinusError(1000000); // allow +/1 sec
const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 KPlayPosition32 = 2000000L; // for User::After
error = iController.SetPosition(KPlayPosition);
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("SetPosition failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
error = iController.GetPosition(clipPos);
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error : GetPosition failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Clip position : %ld Expected : %ld"), I64LOW(clipPos.Int64()), I64LOW(KPlayPosition.Int64()));
if( (clipPos < (KPlayPositionMinusError)) || (clipPos > (KPlayPositionPlusError)) )
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error : clip position not set correctly"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// 3. set position to start, play clip for a time span, and verify that its position is approx. correct
const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds KStartPosition(0);
error = iController.SetPosition(KStartPosition);
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("SetPosition failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
error = iController.GetPosition(clipPos);
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error : GetPosition failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Clip position : %ld"), I64LOW(clipPos.Int64()));
if(clipPos != KStartPosition)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error : clip position not at start"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
error = iController.Play();
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Play failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
TMMFEvent playEvent( KPlayTestId, KErrNone);
result = SearchForEvent( playEvent );
if( result == EFail )
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Custom audio controller did not return a play event"));
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds clipPosStart;
error = iController.GetPosition(clipPosStart);
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error : GetPosition failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Clip position : %ld"), I64LOW(clipPosStart.Int64()));
// wait, then get pos again
error = iController.GetPosition(clipPos);
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error : GetPosition failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds clipPosPlayedFor = clipPos;
clipPosPlayedFor = clipPosPlayedFor.Int64() - clipPosStart.Int64();
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds clipPosExpected = KPlayPosition;
clipPosExpected = clipPosExpected.Int64() + clipPosStart.Int64();
INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Clip position : %ld Expected : %ld"), I64LOW(clipPos.Int64()), I64LOW(clipPosExpected.Int64()));
if( (clipPosPlayedFor < (KPlayPositionMinusError)) || (clipPosPlayedFor > (KPlayPositionPlusError)) )
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error : clip position not correct"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// EPass if we got here
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0129
// Set position
// REQ172.5.5.11
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0129* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0129::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0129* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0129;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0129");
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0129::DoTestStepL()
// Set position
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Set Position"));
TInt error = KErrNone;
TVerdict result = EPass;
// set to known position, verify that GetPosition returns correct position
error = iController.Prime();
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Prime failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// [ wait for and process the return event from the Custom audio controller ]
TMMFEvent primeEvent( KPrimeTestId, KErrNone);
result = SearchForEvent( primeEvent );
if( result == EFail )
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Custom audio controller did not return a prime event"));
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
// 2. set position and verify that clip is there
// NB allow for resolution of the controller itself
const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds KPlayPosition(2000000);
const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds KPlayPositionPlusError(2500000);
const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds KPlayPositionMinusError(1500000); // allow +/-0.5 sec
error = iController.SetPosition(KPlayPosition);
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("SetPosition failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds clipPos;
error = iController.GetPosition(clipPos);
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error : GetPosition failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Clip position : %ld Expected : %ld"), I64LOW(clipPos.Int64()), I64LOW(KPlayPosition.Int64()));
if( (clipPos < (KPlayPositionMinusError)) || (clipPos > (KPlayPositionPlusError)) )
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error : clip position not set correctly"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// EPass if we got here
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0131
// Reset controller
// REQ172.5.5.12
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0131* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0131::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0131* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0131;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0131");
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0131::DoTestStepL()
TInt error = KErrNone;
// reset the controller; verify that source and sink are no longer present, and that
// it is not primed.
error = iController.Reset();
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error : Reset failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// try and play : we should get an error KErrNotReady
error = iController.Play();
if(error != KErrNotReady)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error : play returned unexpected code %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Attempt to play controller failed with KErrNotReady"));
// try and remove data source : we should get an error KErrNotFound
TMMFMessageDestination& sourceHandle = *iSourceHandlePtr;
error = iController.RemoveDataSource(sourceHandle);
if(error != KErrNotFound)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error : remove data source returned unexpected code %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Attempt to remove data source failed with KErrNotFound"));
// try and remove data sink : we should get an error KErrNotFound
TMMFMessageDestination& sinkHandle = *iSinkHandlePtr;
error = iController.RemoveDataSink(sinkHandle);
if(error != KErrNotFound)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error : remove data sink returned unexpected code %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Attempt to remove data sink failed with KErrNotFound"));
// EPass if we got here
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0132
// Close controller
// REQ172.5.5.12
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0132* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0132::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0132* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0132;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0132");
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0132::DoTestStepL()
// Reset
TInt error = KErrNone;
// close the controller; verify that source and sink are no longer present, and that
// it is not primed.
// returns no error
// try and prime : we should get an error KErrNotReady
error = iController.Prime();
if(error != KErrNotReady)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error : prime returned unexpected code %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Attempt to prime controller failed with KErrNotReady"));
// try and play : we should get an error KErrNotReady
error = iController.Play();
if(error != KErrNotReady)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error : play returned unexpected code %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Attempt to play controller failed with KErrNotReady"));
// try and remove data source : we should get an error KErrNotReady
TMMFMessageDestination& sourceHandle = *iSourceHandlePtr;
error = iController.RemoveDataSource(sourceHandle);
if(error != KErrNotReady)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error : remove data source returned unexpected code %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Attempt to remove data source failed with KErrNotReady"));
// try and remove data sink : we should get an error KErrNotReady
TMMFMessageDestination& sinkHandle = *iSinkHandlePtr;
error = iController.RemoveDataSink(sinkHandle);
if(error != KErrNotReady)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Error : remove data sink returned unexpected code %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Attempt to remove data sink failed with KErrNotReady"));
// EPass if we got here
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0141
// Event notification
// REQ172.5.5.13
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0141* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0141::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0141* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0141;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0141");
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0141::DoTestStepL()
// NB : if event search is disabled, we can't run this test - but unlike other
// tests which can pass without SearchForEvent being called, this one can't.
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("SearchForEvent disabled, we can't run this test"));
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Receive Events"));
TInt error = KErrNone;
TVerdict result = EPass;
error = iController.Prime();
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Prime failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// SearchForEvent() calls ReceiveEvents() and waits until the event is received
// or times out.
TMMFEvent primeEvent( KPrimeTestId, KErrNone);
result = SearchForEvent( primeEvent );
if( result != EPass )
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Event request did not find the event"));
return iTestStepResult = result;
// we pass if we receive the event
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Event request succeeded"));
// EPass if we got here
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0142
// Cancel event notification
// REQ172.5.5.13
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0142* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0142::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0142* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0142;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0142");
// SearchForEventWithCancel() is a modified version of SearchForEvent() which
// calls ReceiveEvents() but then calls CancelReceiveEvents() before waiting for the request.
// It will return EPass if, and only if, the request times out.
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0142::SearchForEventWithCancel( TMMFEvent& aEvent )
TVerdict result = EPass;
TRequestStatus timerStatus;
TRequestStatus eventStatus;
RTimer myTimer;
TInt err = myTimer.CreateLocal();
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Error : could not create local timer in SearchForEventWithCancel"));
return EFail;
// NOTE. This test is somewhat spurious - we cannot call ReceiveEvents() without getting
// an event back even if we call ReceiveEvents() straight afterwards.
// Therefore we don't call ReceiveEvents() here. Instead we call
// CancelEvents() straight away, and set eventStatus to KRequestPending to ensure we get
// a timeout from the 'request'.
// This is still a valid test as long as we precede it in DoTestStepL() with a call to
// SearchForEvent() to show that the event mechanism is working.
TMMFEventPckg receivedEvent;
// event values for audio controller testing
const TInt KDelay = 1000000;
const TInt KMaxRetries = 1;
// for KMaxRetries attempt to find the event
for( TInt retries = 0; retries < KMaxRetries; retries++ )
eventStatus = KRequestPending;
// now cancel receive events before we have a chance to receive any!
// start breakout timer to escape
myTimer.After( timerStatus, KDelay );
// wait for an event to mature
User::WaitForRequest( eventStatus, timerStatus );
// fail if we get an event. pass if we timeout
if( IsTimeOut( eventStatus ))
if( IsSoughtEvent( aEvent, receivedEvent ) )
// set status to FAIL since we have found the event
return EFail;
// we've received an event other than the one expected.
// we aren't expecting to receive events at all, so this too is a fail
return EFail;
return result;
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0142::DoTestStepL()
// NB : if event search is disabled, we can't run this test - but unlike other
// tests which can pass without SearchForEvent being called, this one can't.
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("SearchForEvent disabled, we can't run this test"));
return iTestStepResult = EInconclusive;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Cancel receive events"));
TInt error = KErrNone;
TVerdict result = EPass;
error = iController.Prime();
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Prime failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// Get an event first, to ensure that the mechanism is working.
TMMFEvent primeEvent( KPrimeTestId, KErrNone);
result = SearchForEvent( primeEvent );
if( result != EPass )
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("First event request timed out"));
return iTestStepResult = result;
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("First event request succeeded"));
// SearchForEventWithCancel() is an override which doesn't actually get an event at all.
TMMFEvent primeEvent2( KPrimeTestId, KErrNone);
result = SearchForEventWithCancel( primeEvent2 );
if( result != EPass )
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Second event request did NOT timeout"));
return iTestStepResult = result;
// we pass if we don't receive an event
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Second event request timed out"));
// EPass if we got here
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0143
// Custom commands (synchronous)
// REQ172.5.5.14
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0143* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0143::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0143* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0143;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0143");
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0143::DoTestStepL()
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Custom Command (sync)"));
TInt error = KErrNone;
TUid uid = {KTSIMmfControllerUid};
TMMFMessageDestination handleInfo(uid);
TMMFMessageDestinationPckg messageDest(handleInfo);
// call CustomCommandSync
error = iController.CustomCommandSync(messageDest, KDummyFunc1, KNullDesC8, KNullDesC8);
if(error == KDummyFunc1Return)
error = KErrNone;
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("CustomCommandSync KDummyFunc1 returned unexpected value %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("CustomCommandSync KDummyFunc1 returned expected value %d"), KDummyFunc1Return);
// now call the log - to test CustomCommandSync with aDataFrom
_LIT8(KExpectedResult, "DummyFunc1 Called");
TBuf8<KTextBufLen> memFunctionText;
error = iController.CustomCommandSync(messageDest, KLogFunction, KNullDesC8, KNullDesC8, memFunctionText);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("CustomCommandSync failed with error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
TBuf<KTextBufLen> memFunctionText16;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Log : %S"), &memFunctionText16);
if (memFunctionText != KExpectedResult)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Return value did not match expected"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// this is simply to ensure that all variations of ReadDataNFromClient*() are called
// SetControllerMode() in TSI_MmfController does this.
error = iController.CustomCommandSync(messageDest, KModeFunction, KNullDesC8, KNullDesC8, memFunctionText);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("CustomCommandSync failed with error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// now call the log - to test CustomCommandSync with aDataFrom
_LIT8(KExpectedResultModePass, "SetControllerMode completed successfully");
error = iController.CustomCommandSync(messageDest, KLogFunction, KNullDesC8, KNullDesC8, memFunctionText);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("CustomCommandSync failed with error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Log : %S"), &memFunctionText16);
if (memFunctionText != KExpectedResultModePass)
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0144
// Custom commands (asynchronous)
// REQ172.5.5.1
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0144* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0144::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0144* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0144;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0144");
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0144::DoTestStepL()
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Custom Command (async)"));
TInt error = KErrNone;
TUid uid = {KTSIMmfControllerUid};
TMMFMessageDestination handleInfo(uid);
TMMFMessageDestinationPckg messageDest(handleInfo);
// call CustomCommandAsync
const TInt KGuardTimerValue = 5000000; // give it 5 sec timeout
RTimer guardTimer;
TRequestStatus timerStatus;
TRequestStatus controllerStatus;
iController.CustomCommandAsync(messageDest, KDummyFunc1, KNullDesC8, KNullDesC8, controllerStatus);
guardTimer.After(timerStatus, KGuardTimerValue);
User::WaitForRequest(controllerStatus, timerStatus);
if(controllerStatus == KRequestPending)
// request timed out
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("CustomCommandAsync : request timed out"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
error = controllerStatus.Int();
if(error == KDummyFunc1Return)
error = KErrNone;
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("CustomCommandAsync KDummyFunc1 returned unexpected value %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("CustomCommandAsync KDummyFunc1 returned expected value %d"), KDummyFunc1Return);
// now call the log - to test CustomCommandAsync with aDataFrom
_LIT8(KExpectedResult, "DummyFunc1 Called");
TBuf8<KTextBufLen> memFunctionText;
iController.CustomCommandAsync(messageDest, KLogFunction, KNullDesC8, KNullDesC8,
memFunctionText, controllerStatus);
guardTimer.After(timerStatus, KGuardTimerValue);
User::WaitForRequest(controllerStatus, timerStatus);
if(controllerStatus == KRequestPending)
// request timed out
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("CustomCommandAsync : request timed out"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
error = controllerStatus.Int();
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("CustomCommandAsync failed with error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
TBuf<KTextBufLen> memFunctionText16;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Log : %S"), &memFunctionText16);
if (memFunctionText != KExpectedResult)
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Return value did not match expected"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0151
// Get duration
// (no REQ)
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0151* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0151::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0151* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0151;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0151");
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0151::DoTestStepL()
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Duration"));
TInt error = KErrNone;
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds duration;
error = iController.GetDuration(duration);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("GetDuration failed with error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Clip duration: %d"), I64LOW(duration.Int64()));
// we just happen to know that this clip is 5.33 seconds long
// currently assuming resolution 1/100 of a sec, rounding up
const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds expectedDuration(5330000);
const TInt expectedDurationMilliSeconds = 533;
TInt64 duration64 = duration.Int64();
TInt64 durationMod;
I64DIVMOD(duration64, 10000, durationMod);
if (durationMod >= 5000)
if(duration64 != expectedDurationMilliSeconds)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("Expected duration was %d"), I64LOW(expectedDuration.Int64()));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
return iTestStepResult = EPass;
// ---------------------------
// RTestMmfCtlfrmI0152
// Get metadata entries
// (no REQ)
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0152* RTestMmfCtlfrmI0152::NewL()
RTestMmfCtlfrmI0152* self = new(ELeave) RTestMmfCtlfrmI0152;
return self;
iTestStepName = _L("MM-MMF-CTLFRM-I-0152");
TVerdict RTestMmfCtlfrmI0152::DoTestStepL()
INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Get Metadata Entries"));
TInt error = KErrNone;
// expected values from our test controller
const TInt KExpectedNumberOfMetaDataEntries = 4;
// NB : these are 8-bit strings
_LIT(KExpectedMetaDataEntryName1, "AudioLevel");
_LIT(KExpectedMetaDataEntryValue1, "HIGH");
_LIT(KExpectedMetaDataEntryName2, "AudioQuality");
_LIT(KExpectedMetaDataEntryValue2, "LOW");
TInt numEntries;
error = iController.GetNumberOfMetaDataEntries(numEntries);
if (error)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("GetNumberOfMetaDataEntries failed, error %d"), error);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Number of metadata entries : %d"), numEntries);
if (numEntries != KExpectedNumberOfMetaDataEntries)
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("GetNumberOfMetaDataEntries returned unexpected value %d"), numEntries);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
CMMFMetaDataEntry* metaEntry1 = NULL;
TRAPD(err1, metaEntry1 = iController.GetMetaDataEntryL(1))
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("GetMetaDataEntryL left with error %d"), err1);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
TPtrC entry1Name = metaEntry1->Name();
TPtrC entry1Value = metaEntry1->Value();
INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Metadata entry 1 = %S:%S"), &entry1Name, &entry1Value);
if((entry1Name != KExpectedMetaDataEntryName1) || (entry1Value != KExpectedMetaDataEntryValue1))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Metadata entries did not match expected"));
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
CMMFMetaDataEntry* metaEntry2 = NULL;
TRAPD(err2, metaEntry2 = iController.GetMetaDataEntryL(2))
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("GetMetaDataEntryL left with error %d"), err2);
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
TPtrC entry2Name = metaEntry2->Name();
TPtrC entry2Value = metaEntry2->Value();
INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Metadata entry 2 = %S:%S"), &entry2Name, &entry2Value);
if((entry2Name != KExpectedMetaDataEntryName2) || (entry2Value != KExpectedMetaDataEntryValue2))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Metadata entries did not match expected"));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); // metaEntry2, metaEntry1
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// test the copy constructor
CMMFMetaDataEntry* metaEntry3 = CMMFMetaDataEntry::NewL(*metaEntry2);
TPtrC entry3Name = metaEntry3->Name();
TPtrC entry3Value = metaEntry3->Value();
INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Copy-constructed metadata entry = %S:%S"), &entry3Name, &entry3Value);
if((entry3Name != KExpectedMetaDataEntryName2) || (entry3Value != KExpectedMetaDataEntryValue2))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Copy-constructed metadata entries did not match expected"));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); // metaEntry3, metaEntry2, metaEntry1
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
// test setters
TRAPD(err3, metaEntry3->SetNameL(KExpectedMetaDataEntryName1));
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("SetNameL left with error %d"), err3);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); // metaEntry3, metaEntry2, metaEntry1
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
TRAP(err3, metaEntry3->SetValueL(KExpectedMetaDataEntryValue1));
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("SetValueL left with error %d"), err3);
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); // metaEntry3, metaEntry2, metaEntry1
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
TPtrC entry3NewName = metaEntry3->Name();
TPtrC entry3NewValue = metaEntry3->Value();
INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Copy-constructed metadata entry now = %S:%S"), &entry3NewName, &entry3NewValue);
if((entry3NewName != KExpectedMetaDataEntryName1) || (entry3NewValue != KExpectedMetaDataEntryValue1))
ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Copy-constructed metadata entries did not match after Set()"));
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); // metaEntry3, metaEntry2, metaEntry1
return iTestStepResult = EFail;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); // metaEntry3, metaEntry2, metaEntry1
return iTestStepResult = EPass;