Bug 3673 - Seeking via grabbing the Music Player progress bar does not work.
// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include <e32base.h>
class MImageConvExtension;
class MImageConvOperation;
class MImageConvScaler;
class MImageConvStreamedDecode;
class MImageConvStreamedEncode;
class TFrameLayout;
class CImageFrame;
class CFrameImageData;
Image Conversion Library extensions. When applied together there is an implicit order for operations:
1. Crop or clip.
2. Scale
3. Rotate / mirror over axis.
Operation extension for Image Conversion Library. Allows rotation and mirror over axis.
class TImageConvOperation
friend class CImageDecoder;
friend class CImageEncoder;
Operations or transforms on an image.
enum TOperation
/** Rotate source 90 degrees clockwise.
ERotation90DegreesClockwise = 0x01,
/** Rotate source 180 degrees clockwise.
ERotation180DegreesClockwise = 0x02,
/** Rotate source 270 degrees clockwise.
ERotation270DegreesClockwise = 0x04,
/** Mirror source about the horizontal axis.
EMirrorHorizontalAxis = 0x08,
/** Mirror source about the vertical axis.
EMirrorVerticalAxis = 0x10
Get the codec plugin's capabilities.
@return Bitmask combination of TOperation. Bit is set if decoder plugin supports the operation.
IMPORT_C TUint Capabilities() const;
Set up an operation be applied to the source. May be called more than once
to set up a stack of operations, but it is not possible to add more than one
operation in a single call.
The operations are applied to the image in the same order as they are added.
@param aOperation The operation to add to the current stack of operations.
@leave if more than one TOperation enum is passed for each individual call
IMPORT_C void AddOperationL(TOperation aOperation);
Remove all operations previously set.
IMPORT_C void ClearOperationStack();
IMPORT_C TImageConvOperation();
void SetExtension(MImageConvExtension* aExtension);
MImageConvOperation* iExtension;
TInt iReserved; // future proof
Represents scaling capabilities of the code plugin.
class TScalerCaps
IMPORT_C TScalerCaps();
@param aMaxUpscaleLimit Maximum upscaling possible.
@param aMaxDownscaleLimit Maximum downscaling possible.
@param aPreserveAspectRatioIsNeeded ETrue if only support preservation of aspect ratio.
IMPORT_C TScalerCaps(TInt aMaxUpscaleLimit,TInt aMaxDownscaleLimit,TBool aPreserveAspectRatioIsNeeded);
Maximum upscaling possible.
@return value >= 1 : 1 means cannot upscale, 2 means twice original size
IMPORT_C TInt MaxUpscaleLimit() const;
Maximum downscaling possible.
@return value <= -1 : -1 means cannot downscale, -2 means half original size
IMPORT_C TInt MaxDownscaleLimit() const;
Type of scaling which is supported.
@return ETrue if can only do 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 etc downscale (limit depends on iMaxDownscaleLimit)
2, 4, 8 etc upscale (limit depends on iMaxUpscaleLimit)
EFalse if can do arbitrary scaling between iMaxDownscaleLimit and iMaxUpscaleLimit
IMPORT_C TBool PowerOfTwoScalingOnly() const;
Returns ETrue if the codec must preserve aspect ratio during scaling.
@return ETrue if scaling is only possible if preservation of aspect ratio is requested.
EFalse if scaling without preserving aspect ratio is possible.
IMPORT_C TBool MustPreserveAspectRatio() const;
Compatibility - internal use only
IMPORT_C TUint Size() const;
Compatibility - internal use only
IMPORT_C TUint Version() const;
TInt iMaxUpscaleLimit; // >= 1 : 2 means twice original size
TBool iMustPreserveAspectRatio; // If ETrue then can only do scaling whilst preserving aspect ratio
TInt iMaxDownscaleLimit; // <= -1 : -2 means 1/2 original size
TBool iPowerOfTwoScalingOnly;
TUint iSizeVersion; // bits 31 to 8 size, 7 to 0 contain version
TInt iReserved; // future proof
Scaling extension for Image Conversion Library. Supports both arbitrary or 'power of two' 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 scaling
class TImageConvScaler
friend class CImageDecoder;
Quality used during scaling.
enum TScalerQuality
EMinimumQuality, // = 0
Get the codec plugin's capabilities.
@param aCaps Returns scaling capabilities of the codec plugin.
IMPORT_C void GetCapabilities(TScalerCaps& aCaps) const;
Request scaling to the desired size using the quality specified and specifying if the aspect ratio is to
be preserved.
Ensure that CImageDecoder::GetDestinationSize is used to obtain the size of destination bitmap passed
to CImageDecoder::Convert if scaling is set up by calling this method.
@param aDesiredSize Proposed size of the scaled image. Note that this may not necessarily be the size
returned by a subsequent call to CImageDecoder::GetDestinationSize and is dependant upon the operations
(such as scaling, cropping and rotation) requested and also the capabilities of the plugin (which can be
queried using TImageConvScaler::GetCapabilities).
Example: If a plugin is only capable of power of two scaling, with an original image size of 600x400,
then calling this SetScalingL function with a desired size of 500x300 will result in a subsequent call to
CImageDecoder::GetDestinationSize returning a size of 300x200 (that is, a scaling coefficient of -2).
@param aQuality Desired quality of the image. Allows codec to lower quality targets to
improve performance.
@param aLockAspectRatio Set to ETrue if the aspect ratio of the original image is to be preserved.
@leave KErrNotSupported if an invalid size is passed.
@leave KErrNotSupported if aLockAspectRatio is EFalse and codec only supports preservation of aspect ratio.
@see CImageDecoder::Convert
@see CImageDecoder::GetDestinationSize
@see TImageConvScaler::GetCapabilities
IMPORT_C void SetScalingL(const TSize& aDesiredSize, TImageConvScaler::TScalerQuality aQuality, TBool aLockAspectRatio);
Define the scaling to be applied to the image according to the given coefficient at the requested quality.
Ensure that CImageDecoder::GetDestinationSize is used to obtain the size of destination bitmap to be passed
to CImageDecoder::Convert.
@param aScalingCoeff Scale to apply to the source. 2 means twice the original size, -2 half the size.
Do not confuse this with ReductionFactor where 2 indicates 1/2 size.
@param aScalingQuality Desired quality of the image. Allows codec to lower quality targets to
improve performance.
@leave KErrNotSupported if codec cannot perform the requested scale.
@see CImageDecoder::Convert
IMPORT_C void SetScalingL(TInt aScalingCoeff, TImageConvScaler::TScalerQuality aScalingQuality);
IMPORT_C TImageConvScaler();
void SetExtension(MImageConvExtension* aExtension);
MImageConvScaler* iExtension;
TInt iReserved; // future proof
'Block' streaming extension capabilities.
class TDecodeStreamCaps
/** Navigation possibilities within stream.
enum TNavigation
/** Blocks are returned from first to last */
ENavigationSequentialForward = 0x01,
/** Blocks are returned in a random order but moving only from first to last e.g. 1, 5, 18...*/
ENavigationRandomForward = 0x02,
/** Blocks are returned in a random order but moving only from last to first e.g. 18, 5, 1...*/
ENavigationRandomBackwards = 0x04,
/** Blocks are returned randomly e.g. 18, 5, 20, ...*/
ENavigationRandom = 0x08,
/** Blocks are returned from last to first */
ENavigationSequentialBackwards = 0x10
IMPORT_C TDecodeStreamCaps();
@param aMaxBlocksPerRequest Maximum number of blocks that can be returned from the stream to client in a
single request.
@param aMinBlockSizeInPixels Minimum size in pixels of a block returned from the stream to the client in
a single request.
@param aOptimalBlocksPerRequest Optimum number of blocks returned from the stream to the client in
a single request to get maximum performance benefit.
@param aStreamSizeInBlocks Number of blocks of size MinBlockSizeInPixels() in the stream.
@param aNavigation Navigation capabilities.
IMPORT_C TDecodeStreamCaps(TInt aMaxBlocksPerRequest, const TSize& aMinBlockSizeInPixels,
TInt aOptimalBlocksPerRequest, TInt aStreamSizeInBlocks,
TDecodeStreamCaps::TNavigation aNavigation);
The maximum number of blocks that can be returned from the stream to client in a
single request.
@return Maximum number of blocks that can be returned from the stream to client in a
single request.
IMPORT_C TInt MaxBlocksPerRequest() const;
The Minimum size in pixels of a block returned from the stream to the client in
a single request.
@return Minimum size in pixels of a block returned from the stream to the client in
a single request. Sequence numbers and StreamSizeInBlocks() refer to this size of block.
IMPORT_C const TSize& MinBlockSizeInPixels() const;
Optimum number of blocks returned from the stream to the client in
a single request to get maximum performance benefit.
@return Optimum number of blocks returned from the stream to the client in
a single request to get maximum performance benefit.
This can be used to determine the optimum value of the number of blocks of min block size per request.
IMPORT_C TInt OptimalBlocksPerRequest() const;
Number of blocks of size MinBlockSizeInPixels() in the stream.
@return Number of blocks of size MinBlockSizeInPixels() in the stream.
IMPORT_C TInt StreamSizeInBlocks() const;
Navigation capabilities.
@return Navigation capabilities.
Full random access to the stream if Navigation() returns
ENavigationSequentialForward | ENavigationRandomForward | ENavigationRandomBackwards
IMPORT_C TDecodeStreamCaps::TNavigation Navigation() const;
Compatibility - internal use only
IMPORT_C TUint Size() const;
Compatibility - internal use only
IMPORT_C TUint Version() const;
TInt iMaxBlocksPerRequest;
TSize iMinBlockSizeInPixels;
TInt iOptimalBlocksPerRequest;
TInt iStreamSizeInBlocks;
TNavigation iNavigation;
TUint iSizeVersion; // bits 31 to 8 size, 7 to 0 contain version
TInt iReserved; // future proof
'Block' streaming extension for Image Conversion Library decoder.
class TImageConvStreamedDecode
friend class CImageDecoder;
Returns a list of supported formats and the optimal format to be used. @see imageframeconst.h
for a list of format uids.
@param aFormats Returns an array of format uids
@param aOptimalFormat The 'best' uid to use.
IMPORT_C void GetSupportedFormatsL(RArray<TUid>& aFormats, TUid& aOptimalFormat) const;
Returns the capabilities of the codec plugin for a specific format and for a specific frame.
@param aFormat The format.
@param aFrameNumber frame to stream
@param aCaps The capabilities for the format given.
IMPORT_C void GetCapabilities(TUid aFormat, TInt aFrameNumber, TDecodeStreamCaps& aCaps) const;
Get the size of the memory buffer to hold the returned data.
@param aFormat the required format
@param aBlockSizeInPixels returns the size in pixels of the block returned from the stream when aNumBlocks of minimum block size are requested.
@param aNumBlocks the number of blocks of size TDecodeStreamCaps::MinBlockSizeInPixels() to be returned by one request
@return The memory buffer size in bytes to hold the requested blocks. System wide error if for example
the format is not supported.
IMPORT_C TInt GetBufferSize(TUid aFormat, TSize& aBlockSizeInPixels, TInt aNumBlocks) const;
Initialise the stream.
@param aFormat the format to use
@param aFrameNumber frame to stream
@param aNavigation indication to stream of the way that the stream will be navigated. Allows
codec to optimise it's behaviour.
@leave System wide error if for example the format is not supported.
@note must call InitFrameL before GetBlocks or GetNextBlocks. Failure to do so completes request with
IMPORT_C void InitFrameL(TUid aFormat, TInt aFrameNumber, TDecodeStreamCaps::TNavigation aNavigation);
Start asynchronous call to return random blocks from the stream
@param aStatus request status
@param aFrame An image frame wrapper a memory buffer to hold the returned block(s) of
pixel data. This can be 'uninitialised' or given specific format which must match that
specified in the InitFrameL call.
@param aSeqPosition block number starting at top left 0 ... TDecodeStreamCaps::StreamSizeInBlocks()
@param aNumBlocksToGet number of blocks requested
@param aNumBlocksRead number of blocks which will be returned when the request completes
@note use CImageDecoder::Cancel() to cancel this request.
IMPORT_C void GetBlocks(TRequestStatus& aStatus, CImageFrame& aFrame, TInt aSeqPosition, TInt aNumBlocksToGet, TInt& aNumBlocksRead);
Start asynchronous call to return blocks sequentially from the stream. Blocks are returned
from the first block until the last in the stream.
@param aStatus request status
@param aFrame An image frame wrapper a memory buffer to hold the returned block(s) of
pixel data. This can be 'uninitialised' or given specific format which must match that
specified in the InitFrameL call.
@param aNumBlocksToGet number of blocks requested
@param aNumBlocksRead number of blocks which will be returned when the request completes
@note use CImageDecoder::Cancel() to cancel this request.
IMPORT_C void GetNextBlocks(TRequestStatus& aStatus, CImageFrame& aFrame, TInt aNumBlocksToGet, TInt& aNumBlocksRead, TBool& aHaveMoreBlocks);
IMPORT_C TImageConvStreamedDecode();
void SetExtension(MImageConvExtension* aExtension);
MImageConvStreamedDecode* iExtension;
TInt iReserved; // future proof
'Block' streaming extension for Image Conversion Library encoder.
'Block' streaming extension for Image Conversion Library encoder.
class TEncodeStreamCaps
/** Navigation possibilities within the stream.
enum TNavigation
/** Blocks can be returned from first to last */
ENavigationSequentialForward = 0x01,
/** Blocks can be returned in a random order but moving only from first to last e.g. 1, 5, 18...*/
ENavigationRandomForward = 0x02,
/** Blocks can be returned in a random order but moving only from last to first e.g. 1, 5, 18...*/
ENavigationRandomBackwards = 0x04
IMPORT_C TEncodeStreamCaps();
@param aMaxBlocksPerRequest Maximum number of blocks that can be sent from the stream to client in a
single request.
@param aMinBlockSizeInPixels Minimum size in pixels of a block sent to the stream from the client in
a single request.
@param aOptimalBlocksPerRequest Optimum number of blocks sent to the stream from the client in
a single request to get maximum performance benefit.
@param aNavigation Navigation capabilities.
IMPORT_C TEncodeStreamCaps(TInt aMaxBlocksPerRequest, const TSize& aMinBlockSizeInPixels,
TInt aOptimalBlocksPerRequest,
TEncodeStreamCaps::TNavigation aNavigation);
Maximum number of blocks that can be sent from the stream to client in a
single request.
@return Maximum number of blocks that can be sent from the stream to client in a
single request.
IMPORT_C TInt MaxBlocksPerRequest() const;
Minimum size in pixels of a block sent to the stream from the client in
a single request.
@return Minimum size in pixels of a block sent to the stream from the client in
a single request.
IMPORT_C const TSize& MinBlockSizeInPixels() const;
Optimum number of blocks sent to the stream from the client in
a single request to get maximum performance benefit.
@return Optimum number of blocks sent to the stream from the client in
a single request to get maximum performance benefit.
IMPORT_C TInt OptimalBlocksPerRequest() const;
Navigation capabilities.
@return navigation capabilities.
Full random access to the stream if Navigation() returns
ENavigationSequentialForward | ENavigationRandomForward |ENavigationRandomBackwards
IMPORT_C TEncodeStreamCaps::TNavigation Navigation() const;
Compatibility - internal use only
IMPORT_C TUint Size() const;
Compatibility - internal use only
IMPORT_C TUint Version() const;
TInt iMaxBlocksPerRequest;
TSize iMinBlockSizeInPixels;
TInt iOptimalBlocksPerRequest;
TNavigation iNavigation;
TUint iSizeVersion; // bits 31 to 8 size, 7 to 0 contain version
TInt iReserved; // future proof
class TImageConvStreamedEncode
friend class CImageEncoder;
Returns a list of supported formats and the optimal format to be used. @see imageframeconst.h
for a list of format uids.
@param aFormats Returns an array of format uids
@param aOptimalFormat The 'best' uid to use.
IMPORT_C void GetSupportedFormatsL(RArray<TUid>& aFormats, TUid& aOptimalFormat) const;
Returns the capabilities of the codec plugin for a specific format.
@param aFormat The format.
@param aCaps The capabilities for the format given.
IMPORT_C void GetCapabilities(TUid aFormat, TEncodeStreamCaps& aCaps) const;
Initialise the stream.
@param aFormat the format to use
@param aFrameNumber frame to stream
@param aFrameSizeInPixels Size of this frame in pixels
@param aBlockSizeInPixels Size of block to be added / appended.
@param aNavigation indication to stream of the way that the stream will be navigated. Allows
codec to optimise it's behaviour.
@param aFrameImageData The frame image data (optional pass NULL if not required).
There are format-specific image data variants that are used by encoders to obtain image specific
data. This behaviour is invoked by specifying aFrameImageData. Otherwise, encoder specific defaults
are invoked. @see TJpegImageData
@leave System wide error if for example the format is not supported.
@note must call InitFrameL before AppendBlocks or AddBlocks. Failure to do so completes request with
@note can either specify format through aFormat or aImageFrameData. Conflicts cause a leave with KErrArgument.
IMPORT_C void InitFrameL(TUid aFormat, TInt aFrameNumber, const TSize& aFrameSizeInPixels, const TSize& aBlockSizeInPixels, TEncodeStreamCaps::TNavigation aNavigation, const CFrameImageData* aFrameImageData);
Append blocks to the stream.
@param aStatus request status
@param aBlocks wraps a memory buffer containing the pixel data to be added to the stream
@param aNumBlocksToAdd number of blocks of size TEncodeStreamCaps::MinBlockSizeInPixels to add to the stream
IMPORT_C void AppendBlocks(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const CImageFrame& aBlocks, TInt aNumBlocksToAdd);
Add blocks to the stream at a random position.
@param aStatus request status
@param aBlocks wraps a memory buffer containing the pixel data to be added to the stream
@param aSeqPosition position of block in stream starting at 0
IMPORT_C void AddBlocks(TRequestStatus& aStatus, const CImageFrame& aBlocks, const TInt& aSeqPosition);
Signal completion of writing the stream
@param aStatus request status
IMPORT_C void Complete(TRequestStatus& aStatus);
IMPORT_C TImageConvStreamedEncode();
void SetExtension(MImageConvExtension* aExtension);
MImageConvStreamedEncode* iExtension;
TInt iReserved; // future proof