--- a/devsoundextensions/globalaudiosettings/BWINS/GlobalAudioSettings.def Mon Aug 23 19:17:14 2010 +0100
+++ b/devsoundextensions/globalaudiosettings/BWINS/GlobalAudioSettings.def Mon Aug 23 19:38:13 2010 +0100
@@ -1,19 +1,24 @@
- ??1CGlobalAudioSettings@@UAE@XZ @ 1 NONAME ; CGlobalAudioSettings::~CGlobalAudioSettings(void)
- ??1CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl@@UAE@XZ @ 2 NONAME ; CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::~CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl(void)
- ?IsMessageTonesEnabled@CGlobalAudioSettings@@QAEHXZ @ 3 NONAME ; int CGlobalAudioSettings::IsMessageTonesEnabled(void)
- ?IsMessageTonesEnabled@CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl@@QAEHXZ @ 4 NONAME ; int CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::IsMessageTonesEnabled(void)
- ?IsSilentProfileEnabled@CGlobalAudioSettings@@QAEHXZ @ 5 NONAME ; int CGlobalAudioSettings::IsSilentProfileEnabled(void)
- ?IsSilentProfileEnabled@CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl@@QAEHXZ @ 6 NONAME ; int CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::IsSilentProfileEnabled(void)
- ?IsWarningTonesEnabled@CGlobalAudioSettings@@QAEHXZ @ 7 NONAME ; int CGlobalAudioSettings::IsWarningTonesEnabled(void)
- ?IsWarningTonesEnabled@CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl@@QAEHXZ @ 8 NONAME ; int CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::IsWarningTonesEnabled(void)
- ?NewL@CGlobalAudioSettings@@SAPAV1@AAVMAudioSettingsObserver@@@Z @ 9 NONAME ; class CGlobalAudioSettings * CGlobalAudioSettings::NewL(class MAudioSettingsObserver &)
- ?NewL@CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl@@SAPAV1@AAVCGlobalAudioSettings@@AAVMAudioSettingsObserver@@@Z @ 10 NONAME ; class CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl * CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::NewL(class CGlobalAudioSettings &, class MAudioSettingsObserver &)
- ?IsPublicSilenceEnabled@CGlobalAudioSettings@@QAEHXZ @ 11 NONAME ; int CGlobalAudioSettings::IsPublicSilenceEnabled(void)
- ?IsPublicSilenceEnabled@CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl@@QAEHXZ @ 12 NONAME ; int CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::IsPublicSilenceEnabled(void)
- ?IsVibraEnabled@CGlobalAudioSettings@@QAEHXZ @ 13 NONAME ; int CGlobalAudioSettings::IsVibraEnabled(void)
- ?IsVibraEnabled@CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl@@QAEHXZ @ 14 NONAME ; int CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::IsVibraEnabled(void)
- ?GetAudioClientsList@CGlobalAudioSettings@@QAEHW4TAudioClientListType@1@AAV?$RArray@VTProcessId@@@@@Z @ 15 NONAME ; int CGlobalAudioSettings::GetAudioClientsList(enum CGlobalAudioSettings::TAudioClientListType, class RArray<class TProcessId> &)
- ?RegisterAudioClientsListObserver@CGlobalAudioSettings@@QAEHAAVMAudioClientsListObserver@@@Z @ 16 NONAME ; int CGlobalAudioSettings::RegisterAudioClientsListObserver(class MAudioClientsListObserver &)
- ?UnregisterAudioClientsListObserver@CGlobalAudioSettings@@QAEHAAVMAudioClientsListObserver@@@Z @ 17 NONAME ; int CGlobalAudioSettings::UnregisterAudioClientsListObserver(class MAudioClientsListObserver &)
+ ?IsRingingAlertTone1Enabled@CGlobalAudioSettings@@QAEHXZ @ 1 NONAME ; int CGlobalAudioSettings::IsRingingAlertTone1Enabled(void)
+ ?RingingAlertTone1@CGlobalAudioSettings@@QAEAAVTDesC16@@XZ @ 2 NONAME ; class TDesC16 & CGlobalAudioSettings::RingingAlertTone1(void)
+ ?IsVideoCallAlertToneEnabled@CGlobalAudioSettings@@QAEHXZ @ 3 NONAME ; int CGlobalAudioSettings::IsVideoCallAlertToneEnabled(void)
+ ?IsEmailAlertToneEnabled@CGlobalAudioSettings@@QAEHXZ @ 4 NONAME ; int CGlobalAudioSettings::IsEmailAlertToneEnabled(void)
+ ?UnregisterAudioClientsListObserver@CGlobalAudioSettings@@QAEHAAVMAudioClientsListObserver@@@Z @ 5 NONAME ; int CGlobalAudioSettings::UnregisterAudioClientsListObserver(class MAudioClientsListObserver &)
+ ?IsMessageAlertToneEnabled@CGlobalAudioSettings@@QAEHXZ @ 6 NONAME ; int CGlobalAudioSettings::IsMessageAlertToneEnabled(void)
+ ?IsRingingAlertTone2Enabled@CGlobalAudioSettings@@QAEHXZ @ 7 NONAME ; int CGlobalAudioSettings::IsRingingAlertTone2Enabled(void)
+ ?IsWarningTonesEnabled@CGlobalAudioSettings@@QAEHXZ @ 8 NONAME ; int CGlobalAudioSettings::IsWarningTonesEnabled(void)
+ ??1CGlobalAudioSettings@@UAE@XZ @ 9 NONAME ; CGlobalAudioSettings::~CGlobalAudioSettings(void)
+ ?IsPublicSilenceEnabled@CGlobalAudioSettings@@QAEHXZ @ 10 NONAME ; int CGlobalAudioSettings::IsPublicSilenceEnabled(void)
+ ?RingingAlertTone2@CGlobalAudioSettings@@QAEAAVTDesC16@@XZ @ 11 NONAME ; class TDesC16 & CGlobalAudioSettings::RingingAlertTone2(void)
+ ?NewL@CGlobalAudioSettings@@SAPAV1@AAVMAudioSettingsObserver@@@Z @ 12 NONAME ; class CGlobalAudioSettings * CGlobalAudioSettings::NewL(class MAudioSettingsObserver &)
+ ?IsSilentProfileEnabled@CGlobalAudioSettings@@QAEHXZ @ 13 NONAME ; int CGlobalAudioSettings::IsSilentProfileEnabled(void)
+ ?GetAudioClientsList@CGlobalAudioSettings@@QAEHW4TAudioClientListType@1@AAV?$RArray@VTProcessId@@@@@Z @ 14 NONAME ; int CGlobalAudioSettings::GetAudioClientsList(enum CGlobalAudioSettings::TAudioClientListType, class RArray<class TProcessId> &)
+ ?IsMessageTonesEnabled@CGlobalAudioSettings@@QAEHXZ @ 15 NONAME ; int CGlobalAudioSettings::IsMessageTonesEnabled(void)
+ ?RingingType@CGlobalAudioSettings@@QAE?AW4TGASRingingType@1@XZ @ 16 NONAME ; enum CGlobalAudioSettings::TGASRingingType CGlobalAudioSettings::RingingType(void)
+ ?VideoCallAlertTone@CGlobalAudioSettings@@QAEAAVTDesC16@@XZ @ 17 NONAME ; class TDesC16 & CGlobalAudioSettings::VideoCallAlertTone(void)
+ ?RegisterAudioClientsListObserver@CGlobalAudioSettings@@QAEHAAVMAudioClientsListObserver@@@Z @ 18 NONAME ; int CGlobalAudioSettings::RegisterAudioClientsListObserver(class MAudioClientsListObserver &)
+ ?IsVibraEnabled@CGlobalAudioSettings@@QAEHXZ @ 19 NONAME ; int CGlobalAudioSettings::IsVibraEnabled(void)
+ ?KeyPadToneVolume@CGlobalAudioSettings@@QAE?AW4TGASKeypadVolume@1@XZ @ 20 NONAME ; enum CGlobalAudioSettings::TGASKeypadVolume CGlobalAudioSettings::KeyPadToneVolume(void)
+ ?MessageAlertTone@CGlobalAudioSettings@@QAEAAVTDesC16@@XZ @ 21 NONAME ; class TDesC16 & CGlobalAudioSettings::MessageAlertTone(void)
+ ?EmailAlertTone@CGlobalAudioSettings@@QAEAAVTDesC16@@XZ @ 22 NONAME ; class TDesC16 & CGlobalAudioSettings::EmailAlertTone(void)
--- a/devsoundextensions/globalaudiosettings/EABI/GlobalAudioSettings.def Mon Aug 23 19:17:14 2010 +0100
+++ b/devsoundextensions/globalaudiosettings/EABI/GlobalAudioSettings.def Mon Aug 23 19:38:13 2010 +0100
@@ -1,37 +1,30 @@
- _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettings14IsVibraEnabledEv @ 1 NONAME
- _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettings21IsMessageTonesEnabledEv @ 2 NONAME
- _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettings21IsWarningTonesEnabledEv @ 3 NONAME
- _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettings22IsPublicSilenceEnabledEv @ 4 NONAME
- _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettings22IsSilentProfileEnabledEv @ 5 NONAME
- _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettings4NewLER22MAudioSettingsObserver @ 6 NONAME
- _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettingsD0Ev @ 7 NONAME
- _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettingsD1Ev @ 8 NONAME
- _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettingsD2Ev @ 9 NONAME
- _ZN24CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl14IsVibraEnabledEv @ 10 NONAME
- _ZN24CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl21IsMessageTonesEnabledEv @ 11 NONAME
- _ZN24CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl21IsWarningTonesEnabledEv @ 12 NONAME
- _ZN24CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl22IsPublicSilenceEnabledEv @ 13 NONAME
- _ZN24CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl22IsSilentProfileEnabledEv @ 14 NONAME
- _ZN24CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl4NewLER20CGlobalAudioSettingsR22MAudioSettingsObserver @ 15 NONAME
- _ZN24CGlobalAudioSettingsImplD0Ev @ 16 NONAME
- _ZN24CGlobalAudioSettingsImplD1Ev @ 17 NONAME
- _ZN24CGlobalAudioSettingsImplD2Ev @ 18 NONAME
- _ZTI16CVibraObserverAO @ 19 NONAME ; #<TI>#
- _ZTI20CGlobalAudioSettings @ 20 NONAME ; #<TI>#
- _ZTI23CWarningTonesObserverAO @ 21 NONAME ; #<TI>#
- _ZTI24CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl @ 22 NONAME ; #<TI>#
- _ZTI24CSilentProfileObserverAO @ 23 NONAME ; #<TI>#
- _ZTI25CMessagingTonesObserverAO @ 24 NONAME ; #<TI>#
- _ZTV16CVibraObserverAO @ 25 NONAME ; #<VT>#
- _ZTV20CGlobalAudioSettings @ 26 NONAME ; #<VT>#
- _ZTV23CWarningTonesObserverAO @ 27 NONAME ; #<VT>#
- _ZTV24CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl @ 28 NONAME ; #<VT>#
- _ZTV24CSilentProfileObserverAO @ 29 NONAME ; #<VT>#
- _ZTV25CMessagingTonesObserverAO @ 30 NONAME ; #<VT>#
- _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettings19GetAudioClientsListENS_20TAudioClientListTypeER6RArrayI10TProcessIdE @ 31 NONAME
- _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettings32RegisterAudioClientsListObserverER25MAudioClientsListObserver @ 32 NONAME
- _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettings34UnregisterAudioClientsListObserverER25MAudioClientsListObserver @ 33 NONAME
- _ZTI26CAudioClientsListManagerAO @ 34 NONAME ; #<TI>#
- _ZTV26CAudioClientsListManagerAO @ 35 NONAME ; #<VT>#
+ _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettings11RingingTypeEv @ 1 NONAME
+ _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettings14EmailAlertToneEv @ 2 NONAME
+ _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettings14IsVibraEnabledEv @ 3 NONAME
+ _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettings16KeyPadToneVolumeEv @ 4 NONAME
+ _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettings16MessageAlertToneEv @ 5 NONAME
+ _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettings17RingingAlertTone1Ev @ 6 NONAME
+ _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettings17RingingAlertTone2Ev @ 7 NONAME
+ _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettings18VideoCallAlertToneEv @ 8 NONAME
+ _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettings19GetAudioClientsListENS_20TAudioClientListTypeER6RArrayI10TProcessIdE @ 9 NONAME
+ _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettings21IsMessageTonesEnabledEv @ 10 NONAME
+ _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettings21IsWarningTonesEnabledEv @ 11 NONAME
+ _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettings22IsPublicSilenceEnabledEv @ 12 NONAME
+ _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettings22IsSilentProfileEnabledEv @ 13 NONAME
+ _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettings23IsEmailAlertToneEnabledEv @ 14 NONAME
+ _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettings25IsMessageAlertToneEnabledEv @ 15 NONAME
+ _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettings26IsRingingAlertTone1EnabledEv @ 16 NONAME
+ _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettings26IsRingingAlertTone2EnabledEv @ 17 NONAME
+ _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettings27IsVideoCallAlertToneEnabledEv @ 18 NONAME
+ _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettings32RegisterAudioClientsListObserverER25MAudioClientsListObserver @ 19 NONAME
+ _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettings34UnregisterAudioClientsListObserverER25MAudioClientsListObserver @ 20 NONAME
+ _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettings4NewLER22MAudioSettingsObserver @ 21 NONAME
+ _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettingsD0Ev @ 22 NONAME
+ _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettingsD1Ev @ 23 NONAME
+ _ZN20CGlobalAudioSettingsD2Ev @ 24 NONAME
+ _ZTI20CGlobalAudioSettings @ 25 NONAME
+ _ZTI26CAudioClientsListManagerAO @ 26 NONAME
+ _ZTV20CGlobalAudioSettings @ 27 NONAME
+ _ZTV26CAudioClientsListManagerAO @ 28 NONAME
--- a/devsoundextensions/globalaudiosettings/inc/GlobalAudioSettingsData.h Mon Aug 23 19:17:14 2010 +0100
+++ b/devsoundextensions/globalaudiosettings/inc/GlobalAudioSettingsData.h Mon Aug 23 19:38:13 2010 +0100
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#include <e32std.h>
+#include <GlobalAudioSettings.h>
@@ -40,7 +41,8 @@
* Constructor.
TGlobalAudioSettings() : iWarningTones(EFalse),iMessageTones(EFalse),iSilentProfile(EFalse),
- iVibra(EFalse),iPublicSilence(EFalse)
+ iVibra(EFalse),iPublicSilence(EFalse),iMessageToneName(NULL),iEmailToneName(NULL),iRingingType(CGlobalAudioSettings::EGASRingingTypeRinging),iVideoCallToneName(NULL),
+ iRingingTone1Name(NULL),iRingingTone2Name(NULL),iKeyPadVolume(CGlobalAudioSettings::EGASKeypadVolumeOff)
TBool iWarningTones;
@@ -48,6 +50,13 @@
TBool iSilentProfile;
TBool iVibra;
TBool iPublicSilence;
+ HBufC *iMessageToneName;
+ HBufC *iEmailToneName;
+ CGlobalAudioSettings::TGASRingingType iRingingType;
+ HBufC *iVideoCallToneName;
+ HBufC *iRingingTone1Name;
+ HBufC *iRingingTone2Name;
+ CGlobalAudioSettings::TGASKeypadVolume iKeyPadVolume;
#endif // GlobalAudioSETTINGSDATA_H
--- a/devsoundextensions/globalaudiosettings/inc/GlobalAudioSettingsImpl.h Mon Aug 23 19:17:14 2010 +0100
+++ b/devsoundextensions/globalaudiosettings/inc/GlobalAudioSettingsImpl.h Mon Aug 23 19:38:13 2010 +0100
@@ -29,13 +29,19 @@
#include <MAudioClientsListObserver.h>
class MAudioSettingsObserver;
-//class CGlobalAudioSettings;
+class CGlobalAudioSettings;
class CWarningTonesObserverAO;
class CMessagingTonesObserverAO;
class CSilentProfileObserverAO;
class CVibraObserverAO;
class CAudioClientsListManagerAO;
+class CMessageToneObserverAO;
+class CEmailToneObserverAO;
+class CRingingTypeObserverAO;
+class CVideoCallToneObserverAO;
+class CRingingTone1ObserverAO;
+class CRingingTone2ObserverAO;
+class CKeypadToneObserverAO;
* Defines functions that client uses to set phone profile settings.
@@ -43,14 +49,14 @@
* @lib GlobalAudioSettings.lib
* @since Series 60 3.2
-class CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl: public CBase
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl): public CBase
* function for creating the GlobalAudioSettingsImpl
- IMPORT_C static CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl* NewL(
+ static CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl* NewL(
CGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettings,
MAudioSettingsObserver& aAudioSettingsObserver);
@@ -64,35 +70,187 @@
* @since Series 60 3.2
* @return TBool aEnable. ETrue if warning tones are enabled else EFalse.
- IMPORT_C TBool IsWarningTonesEnabled();
+ TBool IsWarningTonesEnabled();
* Returns message tones status.
* @since Series 60 3.2
* @return TBool aEnable. ETrue if message tones are enabled else EFalse.
- IMPORT_C TBool IsMessageTonesEnabled();
+ TBool IsMessageTonesEnabled();
* Returns silent profile status.
* @since Series 60 3.2
* @return TBool aEnable. ETrue if current profile is silent profile else EFalse.
- IMPORT_C TBool IsSilentProfileEnabled();
+ TBool IsSilentProfileEnabled();
* Returns vibra is enabled or not in the current profile status.
* @since Series 60 3.2
* @return TBool aEnable. ETrue if current profile vibra active else EFalse.
- IMPORT_C TBool IsVibraEnabled();
+ TBool IsVibraEnabled();
* Returns PublicSilence is enabled or not status.
* @since Series 60 3.2
* @return TBool aEnable. ETrue if PublicSilence active else EFalse.
- IMPORT_C TBool IsPublicSilenceEnabled();
+ TBool IsPublicSilenceEnabled();
+ /**
+ * Returns Message Alert Tone
+ *
+ *
+ * The filename selected as the message alert tone in the
+ * current profile.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @return TDesC& aMessageAlertToneName. z:\\resource\\No_Sound.wav is returned if sound is off,else selected filename
+ * is returned
+ */
+ TDesC& MessageAlertTone();
+ /**
+ * Returns Email Alert Tone status
+ *
+ *
+ * The filename selected as the email alert tone in the
+ * current profile
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @return TBool aEnable. ETrue if current profile message tone is on else EFalse.
+ */
+ TBool IsMessageAlertToneEnabled();
+ /**
+ * Returns Email Alert Tone
+ *
+ *
+ * The filename selected as the email alert tone in the
+ * current profile
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @return TDesC& aEmailAlertToneName. z:\\resource\\No_Sound.wav is returned if sound is off,else selected filename
+ * is returned
+ */
+ TDesC& EmailAlertTone();
+ /**
+ * Returns Email Alert Tone status
+ *
+ *
+ * The filename selected as the email alert tone in the
+ * current profile
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @return TBool aEnable. ETrue if current profile email alert tone is on else EFalse.
+ */
+ TBool IsEmailAlertToneEnabled();
+ /**
+ * Returns the RingingType
+ *
+ *
+ * Ringing type set in the current profile
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @return TGASRingingType aRingingType.
+ */
+ CGlobalAudioSettings::TGASRingingType RingingType();
+ /**
+ * Returns Videocall Alert Tone
+ *
+ *
+ * The filename selected as the video call alert tone in the
+ * current profile
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @return TDesC& aVideoCallAlertToneName. z:\\resource\\No_Sound.wav is returned if sound is off,else selected filename
+ * is returned
+ */
+ TDesC& VideoCallAlertTone();
+ /**
+ * Returns Videocall Alert Tone status
+ *
+ *
+ * The filename selected as the video call alert tone in the
+ * current profile
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @return TBool aEnable. ETrue if current profile videocall alert tone is on else EFalse.
+ */
+ TBool IsVideoCallAlertToneEnabled();
+ /**
+ * Returns Ringing Alert Tone
+ *
+ *
+ * The filename selected as the ringing alert tone in the
+ * current profile
+ *
+ *
+ * @return TDesC& aRingingAlertTone1Name. z:\\resource\\No_Sound.wav is returned if sound is off,else selected filename
+ * is returned
+ *
+ */
+ TDesC& RingingAlertTone1();
+ /**
+ * Returns Ringing Alert Tone1 status
+ *
+ *
+ * The filename selected as the ringing alert tone in the
+ * current profile
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @return TBool aEnable. ETrue if current profile ringing alert tone is on else EFalse.
+ */
+ TBool IsRingingAlertTone1Enabled();
+ /**
+ * Returns Ringing Alert Tone 2
+ *
+ *
+ * The filename selected as the ringing alert tone in the
+ * current profile for the alternate line
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @return TDesC& aRingingAlertTone2Name. z:\\resource\\No_Sound.wav is returned if sound is off,else selected filename
+ * is returned
+ */
+ TDesC& RingingAlertTone2();
+ /**
+ * Returns Ringing Alert Tone 2
+ *
+ *
+ * The filename selected as the ringing alert tone in the
+ * current profile for the alternate line
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @return TBool aEnable. ETrue if current profile ringing alert tone of alternate line is on else EFalse.
+ */
+ TBool IsRingingAlertTone2Enabled();
+ /**
+ * Returns Ringing Keypad Volume
+ *
+ *
+ * The key tone volume selected in the
+ * current profile
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @return TGASKeypadVolume aKeypadToneVolume.returns EGASKeypadVolumeOff sound is off,else selected volume level
+ * is returned
+ */
+ CGlobalAudioSettings::TGASKeypadVolume KeyPadToneVolume();
* Registers audio clients list observer.
@@ -170,10 +328,19 @@
CAudioClientsListManagerAO* iPausedClientsListManagerAO;
// List of Audio Clients List Observer objects
RPointerArray<MAudioClientsListObserver> iAudioClientsListObserverArray;
+ CMessageToneObserverAO* iMessageToneObserverAO;
+ CEmailToneObserverAO* iEmailToneObserverAO;
+ CRingingTypeObserverAO* iRingingTypeObserverAO;
+ CVideoCallToneObserverAO* iVideoCallObserverAO;
+ CRingingTone1ObserverAO* iRingingTone1ObserverAO;
+ CRingingTone2ObserverAO* iRingingTone2ObserverAO;
+ CKeypadToneObserverAO* iKeypadToneObserverAO;
-class CWarningTonesObserverAO : public CActive
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CWarningTonesObserverAO) : public CActive
// Ist Phase constr and Destr
@@ -201,7 +368,7 @@
TGlobalAudioSettings& iGlobalAudioSettingsData;
-class CMessagingTonesObserverAO : public CActive
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CMessagingTonesObserverAO) : public CActive
// Ist Phase constr and Destr
@@ -229,7 +396,7 @@
TGlobalAudioSettings& iGlobalAudioSettingsData;
-class CSilentProfileObserverAO : public CActive
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS( CSilentProfileObserverAO) : public CActive
// Ist Phase constr and Destr
@@ -257,7 +424,7 @@
TGlobalAudioSettings& iGlobalAudioSettingsData;
-class CVibraObserverAO : public CActive
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CVibraObserverAO) : public CActive
// Ist Phase constr and Destr
@@ -285,6 +452,202 @@
TGlobalAudioSettings& iGlobalAudioSettingsData;
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CRingingTypeObserverAO) : public CActive
+ {
+ // Ist Phase constr and Destr
+ static CRingingTypeObserverAO* NewL(CGlobalAudioSettings &aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettingsData);
+ ~CRingingTypeObserverAO();
+ void Subscribe();
+ // From CActive
+ void RunL();
+ void DoCancel();
+ TInt RunError(TInt aError);
+ // Constr and IInd phase constr
+ CRingingTypeObserverAO(CGlobalAudioSettings &aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettingsData);
+ void ConstructL();
+ CGlobalAudioSettings& iGlobalAudioSettings;
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& iAudioSettingsObserver;
+ RProperty iRingingTypeProperty;
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& iGlobalAudioSettingsData;
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CMessageToneObserverAO) : public CActive
+ {
+ // Ist Phase constr and Destr
+ static CMessageToneObserverAO* NewL(CGlobalAudioSettings &aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettingsData);
+ ~CMessageToneObserverAO();
+ void Subscribe();
+ // From CActive
+ void RunL();
+ void DoCancel();
+ TInt RunError(TInt aError);
+ // Constr and IInd phase constr
+ CMessageToneObserverAO(CGlobalAudioSettings &aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettingsData);
+ void ConstructL();
+ CGlobalAudioSettings& iGlobalAudioSettings;
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& iAudioSettingsObserver;
+ RProperty iMessageToneNameProperty;
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& iGlobalAudioSettingsData;
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CEmailToneObserverAO) : public CActive
+ {
+ // Ist Phase constr and Destr
+ static CEmailToneObserverAO* NewL(CGlobalAudioSettings &aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettingsData);
+ ~CEmailToneObserverAO();
+ void Subscribe();
+ // From CActive
+ void RunL();
+ void DoCancel();
+ TInt RunError(TInt aError);
+ // Constr and IInd phase constr
+ CEmailToneObserverAO(CGlobalAudioSettings &aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettingsData);
+ void ConstructL();
+ CGlobalAudioSettings& iGlobalAudioSettings;
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& iAudioSettingsObserver;
+ RProperty iEmailToneNameProperty;
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& iGlobalAudioSettingsData;
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CVideoCallToneObserverAO) : public CActive
+ {
+ // Ist Phase constr and Destr
+ static CVideoCallToneObserverAO* NewL(CGlobalAudioSettings &aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettingsData);
+ ~CVideoCallToneObserverAO();
+ void Subscribe();
+ // From CActive
+ void RunL();
+ void DoCancel();
+ TInt RunError(TInt aError);
+ // Constr and IInd phase constr
+ CVideoCallToneObserverAO(CGlobalAudioSettings &aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettingsData);
+ void ConstructL();
+ CGlobalAudioSettings& iGlobalAudioSettings;
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& iAudioSettingsObserver;
+ RProperty iVideoCallToneNameProperty;
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& iGlobalAudioSettingsData;
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CRingingTone1ObserverAO) : public CActive
+ {
+ // Ist Phase constr and Destr
+ static CRingingTone1ObserverAO* NewL(CGlobalAudioSettings &aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettingsData);
+ ~CRingingTone1ObserverAO();
+ void Subscribe();
+ // From CActive
+ void RunL();
+ void DoCancel();
+ TInt RunError(TInt aError);
+ // Constr and IInd phase constr
+ CRingingTone1ObserverAO(CGlobalAudioSettings &aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettingsData);
+ void ConstructL();
+ CGlobalAudioSettings& iGlobalAudioSettings;
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& iAudioSettingsObserver;
+ RProperty iRingingTone1NameProperty;
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& iGlobalAudioSettingsData;
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CRingingTone2ObserverAO) : public CActive
+ {
+ // Ist Phase constr and Destr
+ static CRingingTone2ObserverAO* NewL(CGlobalAudioSettings &aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettingsData);
+ ~CRingingTone2ObserverAO();
+ void Subscribe();
+ // From CActive
+ void RunL();
+ void DoCancel();
+ TInt RunError(TInt aError);
+ // Constr and IInd phase constr
+ CRingingTone2ObserverAO(CGlobalAudioSettings &aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettingsData);
+ void ConstructL();
+ CGlobalAudioSettings& iGlobalAudioSettings;
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& iAudioSettingsObserver;
+ RProperty iRingingTone2NameProperty;
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& iGlobalAudioSettingsData;
+ };
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CKeypadToneObserverAO) : public CActive
+ {
+ // Ist Phase constr and Destr
+ static CKeypadToneObserverAO* NewL(CGlobalAudioSettings &aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettingsData);
+ ~CKeypadToneObserverAO();
+ void Subscribe();
+ // From CActive
+ void RunL();
+ void DoCancel();
+ TInt RunError(TInt aError);
+ // Constr and IInd phase constr
+ CKeypadToneObserverAO(CGlobalAudioSettings &aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettingsData);
+ void ConstructL();
+ CGlobalAudioSettings& iGlobalAudioSettings;
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& iAudioSettingsObserver;
+ RProperty iKeypadToneVolumeProperty;
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& iGlobalAudioSettingsData;
+ };
// End of file
--- a/devsoundextensions/globalaudiosettings/src/GlobalAudioSettings.cpp Mon Aug 23 19:17:14 2010 +0100
+++ b/devsoundextensions/globalaudiosettings/src/GlobalAudioSettings.cpp Mon Aug 23 19:38:13 2010 +0100
@@ -116,6 +116,55 @@
return (iBody->IsPublicSilenceEnabled());
+EXPORT_C TDesC& CGlobalAudioSettings::MessageAlertTone()
+ {
+ return (iBody->MessageAlertTone());
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool CGlobalAudioSettings::IsMessageAlertToneEnabled()
+ {
+ return (iBody->IsMessageAlertToneEnabled());
+ }
+EXPORT_C TDesC& CGlobalAudioSettings::EmailAlertTone()
+ {
+ return (iBody->EmailAlertTone());
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool CGlobalAudioSettings::IsEmailAlertToneEnabled()
+ {
+ return (iBody->IsEmailAlertToneEnabled());
+ }
+EXPORT_C CGlobalAudioSettings::TGASRingingType CGlobalAudioSettings::RingingType()
+ {
+ return (iBody->RingingType());
+ }
+EXPORT_C TDesC& CGlobalAudioSettings::VideoCallAlertTone()
+ {
+ return (iBody->VideoCallAlertTone());
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool CGlobalAudioSettings::IsVideoCallAlertToneEnabled()
+ {
+ return (iBody->IsVideoCallAlertToneEnabled());
+ }
+EXPORT_C TDesC& CGlobalAudioSettings::RingingAlertTone1()
+ {
+ return (iBody->RingingAlertTone1());
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool CGlobalAudioSettings::IsRingingAlertTone1Enabled()
+ {
+ return (iBody->IsRingingAlertTone1Enabled());
+ }
+EXPORT_C TDesC& CGlobalAudioSettings::RingingAlertTone2()
+ {
+ return (iBody->RingingAlertTone2());
+ }
+EXPORT_C TBool CGlobalAudioSettings::IsRingingAlertTone2Enabled()
+ {
+ return (iBody->IsRingingAlertTone2Enabled());
+ }
+EXPORT_C CGlobalAudioSettings::TGASKeypadVolume CGlobalAudioSettings::KeyPadToneVolume()
+ {
+ return (iBody->KeyPadToneVolume());
+ }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGlobalAudioSettings::RegisterAudioClientsListObserver
--- a/devsoundextensions/globalaudiosettings/src/GlobalAudioSettingsImpl.cpp Mon Aug 23 19:17:14 2010 +0100
+++ b/devsoundextensions/globalaudiosettings/src/GlobalAudioSettingsImpl.cpp Mon Aug 23 19:38:13 2010 +0100
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
#endif // _DEBUG
+const TInt KMaxLength=256;
+_LIT( KNoSound, "z:\\resource\\No_Sound.wav" );
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -51,7 +53,7 @@
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl* CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::NewL(
+CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl* CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::NewL(
CGlobalAudioSettings &aGlobalAudioSettings,
MAudioSettingsObserver& aAudioSettingsObserver)
@@ -93,7 +95,50 @@
+ iRingingTypeObserverAO = CRingingTypeObserverAO::NewL(
+ iGlobalAudioSettings,
+ iAudioSettingsObserver,
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData);
+ iRingingTypeObserverAO->Subscribe();
+ iMessageToneObserverAO = CMessageToneObserverAO::NewL(
+ iGlobalAudioSettings,
+ iAudioSettingsObserver,
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData);
+ iMessageToneObserverAO->Subscribe();
+ iEmailToneObserverAO = CEmailToneObserverAO::NewL(
+ iGlobalAudioSettings,
+ iAudioSettingsObserver,
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData);
+ iEmailToneObserverAO->Subscribe();
+ iVideoCallObserverAO = CVideoCallToneObserverAO::NewL(
+ iGlobalAudioSettings,
+ iAudioSettingsObserver,
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData);
+ iVideoCallObserverAO->Subscribe();
+ iRingingTone1ObserverAO = CRingingTone1ObserverAO::NewL(
+ iGlobalAudioSettings,
+ iAudioSettingsObserver,
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData);
+ iRingingTone1ObserverAO->Subscribe();
+ iRingingTone2ObserverAO = CRingingTone2ObserverAO::NewL(
+ iGlobalAudioSettings,
+ iAudioSettingsObserver,
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData);
+ iRingingTone2ObserverAO->Subscribe();
+ iKeypadToneObserverAO = CKeypadToneObserverAO::NewL(
+ iGlobalAudioSettings,
+ iAudioSettingsObserver,
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData);
+ iKeypadToneObserverAO->Subscribe();
RProperty publicSilenceProperty;
User::LeaveIfError(publicSilenceProperty.Attach(KGASPSUidGlobalAudioSettings, KGASPublicSilence));
@@ -105,12 +150,19 @@
// Destructor
-EXPORT_C CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::~CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl()
delete iWarningTonesObserverAO;
delete iMessagingTonesObserverAO;
delete iSilentProfileObserverAO;
delete iVibraObserverAO;
+ delete iRingingTypeObserverAO;
+ delete iMessageToneObserverAO;
+ delete iEmailToneObserverAO;
+ delete iVideoCallObserverAO;
+ delete iRingingTone1ObserverAO;
+ delete iRingingTone2ObserverAO;
+ delete iKeypadToneObserverAO;
delete iCAudioClientsListManagerAO;
delete iPausedClientsListManagerAO;
@@ -121,7 +173,7 @@
// Static function for creating an instance of the EnvironmentalReverb object.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::IsWarningTonesEnabled()
+ TBool CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::IsWarningTonesEnabled()
@@ -134,7 +186,7 @@
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::IsMessageTonesEnabled()
+TBool CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::IsMessageTonesEnabled()
@@ -147,7 +199,7 @@
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::IsSilentProfileEnabled()
+TBool CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::IsSilentProfileEnabled()
@@ -160,7 +212,7 @@
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::IsVibraEnabled()
+ TBool CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::IsVibraEnabled()
@@ -173,7 +225,7 @@
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-EXPORT_C TBool CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::IsPublicSilenceEnabled()
+TBool CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::IsPublicSilenceEnabled()
@@ -181,6 +233,85 @@
+TDesC& CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::MessageAlertTone()
+ {
+ return *iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iMessageToneName;
+ }
+TBool CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::IsMessageAlertToneEnabled()
+ {
+ if(iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iMessageToneName->CompareF(KNoSound)==0)
+ return EFalse;
+ else
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ TDesC& CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::EmailAlertTone()
+ {
+ return *iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iEmailToneName;
+ }
+ TBool CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::IsEmailAlertToneEnabled()
+ {
+ if(iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iEmailToneName->CompareF(KNoSound)==0)
+ return EFalse;
+ else
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ CGlobalAudioSettings::TGASRingingType CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::RingingType()
+ {
+ CGlobalAudioSettings::TGASRingingType type;
+ type= ( CGlobalAudioSettings::TGASRingingType)iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iRingingType;
+ return type;
+ }
+ TDesC& CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::VideoCallAlertTone()
+ {
+ return *iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iVideoCallToneName;
+ }
+ TBool CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::IsVideoCallAlertToneEnabled()
+ {
+ if(iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iVideoCallToneName->CompareF(KNoSound)==0)
+ return EFalse;
+ else
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ TDesC& CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::RingingAlertTone1()
+ {
+ return *iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iRingingTone1Name;
+ }
+ TBool CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::IsRingingAlertTone1Enabled()
+ {
+ if(iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iRingingTone1Name->CompareF(KNoSound)==0)
+ return EFalse;
+ else
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ TDesC& CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::RingingAlertTone2()
+ {
+ return *iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iRingingTone2Name;
+ }
+ TBool CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::IsRingingAlertTone2Enabled()
+ {
+ if(iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iRingingTone2Name->CompareF(KNoSound)==0)
+ return EFalse;
+ else
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ CGlobalAudioSettings::TGASKeypadVolume CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::KeyPadToneVolume()
+ {
+ return (CGlobalAudioSettings::TGASKeypadVolume)iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iKeyPadVolume;
+ }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CGlobalAudioSettingsImpl::RegisterAudioClientsListObserver
@@ -319,7 +450,8 @@
status = iWarningTonesProperty.Get(iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iWarningTones);
if(status == KErrNone)
- iAudioSettingsObserver.SettingsChanged(iGlobalAudioSettings, MAudioSettingsObserver::KWarningTones );
+ MAudioSettingsObserver::TGASEventId id=MAudioSettingsObserver::EGASWarningTones;
+ iAudioSettingsObserver.SettingsChanged(iGlobalAudioSettings, id);
@@ -402,7 +534,8 @@
status = iMessagingTonesProperty.Get(iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iMessageTones);
if(status == KErrNone)
- iAudioSettingsObserver.SettingsChanged(iGlobalAudioSettings, MAudioSettingsObserver::KMessageTones);
+ MAudioSettingsObserver::TGASEventId id=MAudioSettingsObserver::EGASMessageTones;
+ iAudioSettingsObserver.SettingsChanged(iGlobalAudioSettings, id);
@@ -485,7 +618,8 @@
status = iSilentProfileProperty.Get(iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iSilentProfile);
if(status == KErrNone)
- iAudioSettingsObserver.SettingsChanged(iGlobalAudioSettings, MAudioSettingsObserver::KSilentProfile);
+ MAudioSettingsObserver::TGASEventId id=MAudioSettingsObserver::EGASSilentProfile;
+ iAudioSettingsObserver.SettingsChanged(iGlobalAudioSettings, id);
@@ -569,7 +703,8 @@
status = iVibraProperty.Get(iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iVibra);
if( status == KErrNone)
- iAudioSettingsObserver.SettingsChanged(iGlobalAudioSettings, MAudioSettingsObserver::KVibra);
+ MAudioSettingsObserver::TGASEventId id=MAudioSettingsObserver::EGASVibra;
+ iAudioSettingsObserver.SettingsChanged(iGlobalAudioSettings,id);
@@ -590,4 +725,691 @@
return KErrNone;
+// CRingingTypeObserverAO //
+ CGlobalAudioSettings &aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettingsData)
+ iGlobalAudioSettings(aGlobalAudioSettings),
+ iAudioSettingsObserver(aAudioSettingsObserver),
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData(aGlobalAudioSettingsData)
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+ }
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ iRingingTypeProperty.Close();
+ }
+CRingingTypeObserverAO* CRingingTypeObserverAO::NewL(
+ CGlobalAudioSettings &aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettingsData)
+ {
+ CRingingTypeObserverAO* self = new (ELeave) CRingingTypeObserverAO(
+ aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ aGlobalAudioSettingsData);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return self;
+ }
+void CRingingTypeObserverAO::ConstructL()
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(iRingingTypeProperty.Attach(KGASPSUidGlobalAudioSettings, KGASRingingType));
+ TInt value=KErrNone;
+ User::LeaveIfError(iRingingTypeProperty.Get(value));
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iRingingType=(CGlobalAudioSettings::TGASRingingType)value;
+ }
+void CRingingTypeObserverAO::Subscribe()
+ {
+ if (!IsActive())
+ {
+ SetActive();
+ iRingingTypeProperty.Subscribe(iStatus);
+ }
+ }
+void CRingingTypeObserverAO::RunL()
+ {
+ TInt status(iStatus.Int());
+ RDebug::Print(_L(" CRingingTypeObserverAO::RunL:iStatus[%d]"), status);
+#endif // PRINT_MESSAGE
+ if ( status == KErrNone )
+ {
+ Subscribe();
+ TInt value=KErrNone;
+ status=(iRingingTypeProperty.Get(value));
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iRingingType=(CGlobalAudioSettings::TGASRingingType)value;
+ if( status == KErrNone)
+ {
+ MAudioSettingsObserver::TGASEventId id=MAudioSettingsObserver::EGASRingingType;
+ iAudioSettingsObserver.SettingsChanged(iGlobalAudioSettings, id);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L(" CRingingTypeObserverAO::RunL:Property.Get Error[%d]"), status);
+ }
+#endif // PRINT_MESSAGE
+ }
+ }
+void CRingingTypeObserverAO::DoCancel()
+ {
+ iRingingTypeProperty.Cancel();
+ }
+TInt CRingingTypeObserverAO::RunError(TInt /*aError*/)
+ {
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// CMessageToneObserverAO //
+ CGlobalAudioSettings &aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettingsData)
+ iGlobalAudioSettings(aGlobalAudioSettings),
+ iAudioSettingsObserver(aAudioSettingsObserver),
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData(aGlobalAudioSettingsData)
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+ }
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ iMessageToneNameProperty.Close();
+ if( iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iMessageToneName)
+ {
+ delete iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iMessageToneName;
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iMessageToneName=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+CMessageToneObserverAO* CMessageToneObserverAO::NewL(
+ CGlobalAudioSettings &aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettingsData)
+ {
+ CMessageToneObserverAO* self = new (ELeave) CMessageToneObserverAO(
+ aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ aGlobalAudioSettingsData);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return self;
+ }
+void CMessageToneObserverAO::ConstructL()
+ {
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iMessageToneName=HBufC::NewL(KMaxLength);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iMessageToneNameProperty.Attach(KGASPSUidGlobalAudioSettings, KGASMessageToneName));
+ TPtr16 ptr=iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iMessageToneName->Des();
+ User::LeaveIfError(iMessageToneNameProperty.Get(ptr));
+ }
+void CMessageToneObserverAO::Subscribe()
+ {
+ if (!IsActive())
+ {
+ SetActive();
+ iMessageToneNameProperty.Subscribe(iStatus);
+ }
+ }
+void CMessageToneObserverAO::RunL()
+ {
+ TInt status(iStatus.Int());
+ RDebug::Print(_L(" CMessageToneObserverAO::RunL:iStatus[%d]"), status);
+#endif // PRINT_MESSAGE
+ if ( status == KErrNone )
+ {
+ Subscribe();
+ delete iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iMessageToneName;
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iMessageToneName=NULL;
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iMessageToneName=HBufC::NewL(KMaxLength);
+ TPtr16 ptr=iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iMessageToneName->Des();
+ status = iMessageToneNameProperty.Get(ptr);
+ if( status == KErrNone)
+ {
+ MAudioSettingsObserver::TGASEventId id=MAudioSettingsObserver::EGASMessageToneName;
+ iAudioSettingsObserver.SettingsChanged(iGlobalAudioSettings, id);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L(" CMessageToneObserverAO::RunL:Property.Get Error[%d]"), status);
+ }
+#endif // PRINT_MESSAGE
+ }
+ }
+void CMessageToneObserverAO::DoCancel()
+ {
+ iMessageToneNameProperty.Cancel();
+ }
+TInt CMessageToneObserverAO::RunError(TInt /*aError*/)
+ {
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// CEmailToneObserverAO //
+ CGlobalAudioSettings &aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettingsData)
+ iGlobalAudioSettings(aGlobalAudioSettings),
+ iAudioSettingsObserver(aAudioSettingsObserver),
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData(aGlobalAudioSettingsData)
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+ }
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ iEmailToneNameProperty.Close();
+ if(iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iEmailToneName)
+ {
+ delete iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iEmailToneName;
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iEmailToneName=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+CEmailToneObserverAO* CEmailToneObserverAO::NewL(
+ CGlobalAudioSettings &aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettingsData)
+ {
+ CEmailToneObserverAO* self = new (ELeave) CEmailToneObserverAO(
+ aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ aGlobalAudioSettingsData);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return self;
+ }
+void CEmailToneObserverAO::ConstructL()
+ {
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iEmailToneName=HBufC::NewL(KMaxLength);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iEmailToneNameProperty.Attach(KGASPSUidGlobalAudioSettings, KGASEmailToneName));
+ TPtr16 ptr=iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iEmailToneName->Des();
+ User::LeaveIfError(iEmailToneNameProperty.Get(ptr));
+ }
+void CEmailToneObserverAO::Subscribe()
+ {
+ if (!IsActive())
+ {
+ SetActive();
+ iEmailToneNameProperty.Subscribe(iStatus);
+ }
+ }
+void CEmailToneObserverAO::RunL()
+ {
+ TInt status(iStatus.Int());
+ RDebug::Print(_L(" CEmailToneObserverAO::RunL:iStatus[%d]"), status);
+#endif // PRINT_MESSAGE
+ if ( status == KErrNone )
+ {
+ Subscribe();
+ delete iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iEmailToneName;
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iEmailToneName=NULL;
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iEmailToneName=HBufC::NewL(KMaxLength);
+ TPtr16 ptr=iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iEmailToneName->Des();
+ status = iEmailToneNameProperty.Get(ptr);
+ if( status == KErrNone)
+ {
+ MAudioSettingsObserver::TGASEventId id=MAudioSettingsObserver::EGASEmailToneName;
+ iAudioSettingsObserver.SettingsChanged(iGlobalAudioSettings, id);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L(" CEmailToneObserverAO::RunL:Property.Get Error[%d]"), status);
+ }
+#endif // PRINT_MESSAGE
+ }
+ }
+void CEmailToneObserverAO::DoCancel()
+ {
+ iEmailToneNameProperty.Cancel();
+ }
+TInt CEmailToneObserverAO::RunError(TInt /*aError*/)
+ {
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// CVideoCallToneObserverAO //
+ CGlobalAudioSettings &aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettingsData)
+ iGlobalAudioSettings(aGlobalAudioSettings),
+ iAudioSettingsObserver(aAudioSettingsObserver),
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData(aGlobalAudioSettingsData)
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+ }
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ iVideoCallToneNameProperty.Close();
+ if( iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iVideoCallToneName)
+ {
+ delete iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iVideoCallToneName;
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iVideoCallToneName=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+CVideoCallToneObserverAO* CVideoCallToneObserverAO::NewL(
+ CGlobalAudioSettings &aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettingsData)
+ {
+ CVideoCallToneObserverAO* self = new (ELeave) CVideoCallToneObserverAO(
+ aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ aGlobalAudioSettingsData);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return self;
+ }
+void CVideoCallToneObserverAO::ConstructL()
+ {
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iVideoCallToneName=HBufC::NewL(KMaxLength);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iVideoCallToneNameProperty.Attach(KGASPSUidGlobalAudioSettings, KGASVideoCallToneName));
+ TPtr16 ptr=iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iVideoCallToneName->Des();
+ User::LeaveIfError(iVideoCallToneNameProperty.Get(ptr));
+ }
+void CVideoCallToneObserverAO::Subscribe()
+ {
+ if (!IsActive())
+ {
+ SetActive();
+ iVideoCallToneNameProperty.Subscribe(iStatus);
+ }
+ }
+void CVideoCallToneObserverAO::RunL()
+ {
+ TInt status(iStatus.Int());
+ RDebug::Print(_L(" CVideocallToneObserverAO::RunL:iStatus[%d]"), status);
+#endif // PRINT_MESSAGE
+ if ( status == KErrNone )
+ {
+ Subscribe();
+ delete iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iVideoCallToneName;
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iVideoCallToneName=NULL;
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iVideoCallToneName=HBufC::NewL(KMaxLength);
+ TPtr16 ptr=iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iVideoCallToneName->Des();
+ status = iVideoCallToneNameProperty.Get(ptr);
+ if( status == KErrNone)
+ {
+ MAudioSettingsObserver::TGASEventId id=MAudioSettingsObserver::EGASVideoCallToneName;
+ iAudioSettingsObserver.SettingsChanged(iGlobalAudioSettings, id);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L(" CVideoCallToneObserverAO::RunL:Property.Get Error[%d]"), status);
+ }
+#endif // PRINT_MESSAGE
+ }
+ }
+void CVideoCallToneObserverAO::DoCancel()
+ {
+ iVideoCallToneNameProperty.Cancel();
+ }
+TInt CVideoCallToneObserverAO::RunError(TInt /*aError*/)
+ {
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// CRingingToneObserverAO //
+ CGlobalAudioSettings &aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettingsData)
+ iGlobalAudioSettings(aGlobalAudioSettings),
+ iAudioSettingsObserver(aAudioSettingsObserver),
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData(aGlobalAudioSettingsData)
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+ }
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ iRingingTone1NameProperty.Close();
+ if( iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iRingingTone1Name)
+ {
+ delete iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iRingingTone1Name;
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iRingingTone1Name=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+CRingingTone1ObserverAO* CRingingTone1ObserverAO::NewL(
+ CGlobalAudioSettings &aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettingsData)
+ {
+ CRingingTone1ObserverAO* self = new (ELeave) CRingingTone1ObserverAO(
+ aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ aGlobalAudioSettingsData);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return self;
+ }
+void CRingingTone1ObserverAO::ConstructL()
+ {
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iRingingTone1Name=HBufC::NewL(KMaxLength);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iRingingTone1NameProperty.Attach(KGASPSUidGlobalAudioSettings, KGASRingingTone1Name));
+ TPtr16 ptr=iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iRingingTone1Name->Des();
+ User::LeaveIfError(iRingingTone1NameProperty.Get(ptr));
+ }
+void CRingingTone1ObserverAO::Subscribe()
+ {
+ if (!IsActive())
+ {
+ SetActive();
+ iRingingTone1NameProperty.Subscribe(iStatus);
+ }
+ }
+void CRingingTone1ObserverAO::RunL()
+ {
+ TInt status(iStatus.Int());
+ RDebug::Print(_L(" CRingingTone1ObserverAO::RunL:iStatus[%d]"), status);
+#endif // PRINT_MESSAGE
+ if ( status == KErrNone )
+ {
+ Subscribe();
+ delete iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iRingingTone1Name;
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iRingingTone1Name=NULL;
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iRingingTone1Name=HBufC::NewL(KMaxLength);
+ TPtr16 ptr=iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iRingingTone1Name->Des();
+ status = iRingingTone1NameProperty.Get(ptr);
+ if( status == KErrNone)
+ {
+ MAudioSettingsObserver::TGASEventId id=MAudioSettingsObserver::EGASRingingTone1Name;
+ iAudioSettingsObserver.SettingsChanged(iGlobalAudioSettings, id);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L(" CRingingToneObserverAO::RunL:Property.Get Error[%d]"), status);
+ }
+#endif // PRINT_MESSAGE
+ }
+ }
+void CRingingTone1ObserverAO::DoCancel()
+ {
+ iRingingTone1NameProperty.Cancel();
+ }
+TInt CRingingTone1ObserverAO::RunError(TInt /*aError*/)
+ {
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// CRingingToneObserverAO //
+ CGlobalAudioSettings &aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettingsData)
+ iGlobalAudioSettings(aGlobalAudioSettings),
+ iAudioSettingsObserver(aAudioSettingsObserver),
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData(aGlobalAudioSettingsData)
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+ }
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ iRingingTone2NameProperty.Close();
+ if(iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iRingingTone2Name)
+ {
+ delete iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iRingingTone2Name;
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iRingingTone2Name=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+CRingingTone2ObserverAO* CRingingTone2ObserverAO::NewL(
+ CGlobalAudioSettings &aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettingsData)
+ {
+ CRingingTone2ObserverAO* self = new (ELeave) CRingingTone2ObserverAO(
+ aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ aGlobalAudioSettingsData);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return self;
+ }
+void CRingingTone2ObserverAO::ConstructL()
+ {
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iRingingTone2Name=HBufC::NewL(KMaxLength);
+ User::LeaveIfError(iRingingTone2NameProperty.Attach(KGASPSUidGlobalAudioSettings, KGASRingingTone2Name));
+ TPtr16 ptr=iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iRingingTone2Name->Des();
+ User::LeaveIfError(iRingingTone2NameProperty.Get(ptr));
+ }
+void CRingingTone2ObserverAO::Subscribe()
+ {
+ if (!IsActive())
+ {
+ SetActive();
+ iRingingTone2NameProperty.Subscribe(iStatus);
+ }
+ }
+void CRingingTone2ObserverAO::RunL()
+ {
+ TInt status(iStatus.Int());
+ RDebug::Print(_L(" CRingingTone2ObserverAO::RunL:iStatus[%d]"), status);
+#endif // PRINT_MESSAGE
+ if ( status == KErrNone )
+ {
+ Subscribe();
+ delete iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iRingingTone2Name;
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iRingingTone2Name=NULL;
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iRingingTone2Name=HBufC::NewL(KMaxLength);
+ TPtr16 ptr=iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iRingingTone2Name->Des();
+ status = iRingingTone2NameProperty.Get(ptr);
+ if( status == KErrNone)
+ {
+ MAudioSettingsObserver::TGASEventId id=MAudioSettingsObserver::EGASRingingTone2Name;
+ iAudioSettingsObserver.SettingsChanged(iGlobalAudioSettings, id);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L(" CRingingToneObserverAO::RunL:Property.Get Error[%d]"), status);
+ }
+#endif // PRINT_MESSAGE
+ }
+ }
+void CRingingTone2ObserverAO::DoCancel()
+ {
+ iRingingTone2NameProperty.Cancel();
+ }
+TInt CRingingTone2ObserverAO::RunError(TInt /*aError*/)
+ {
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+// CKeypadToneObserverAO //
+ CGlobalAudioSettings &aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettingsData)
+ iGlobalAudioSettings(aGlobalAudioSettings),
+ iAudioSettingsObserver(aAudioSettingsObserver),
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData(aGlobalAudioSettingsData)
+ {
+ CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
+ }
+ {
+ Cancel();
+ iKeypadToneVolumeProperty.Close();
+ }
+CKeypadToneObserverAO* CKeypadToneObserverAO::NewL(
+ CGlobalAudioSettings &aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ MAudioSettingsObserver& aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ TGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettingsData)
+ {
+ CKeypadToneObserverAO* self = new (ELeave) CKeypadToneObserverAO(
+ aGlobalAudioSettings,
+ aAudioSettingsObserver,
+ aGlobalAudioSettingsData);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+ self->ConstructL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return self;
+ }
+void CKeypadToneObserverAO::ConstructL()
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError(iKeypadToneVolumeProperty.Attach(KGASPSUidGlobalAudioSettings, KGASKeypadToneVolume));
+ TInt value=KErrNone;
+ User::LeaveIfError(iKeypadToneVolumeProperty.Get(value));
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iKeyPadVolume=(CGlobalAudioSettings::TGASKeypadVolume)value;
+ }
+void CKeypadToneObserverAO::Subscribe()
+ {
+ if (!IsActive())
+ {
+ SetActive();
+ iKeypadToneVolumeProperty.Subscribe(iStatus);
+ }
+ }
+void CKeypadToneObserverAO::RunL()
+ {
+ TInt status(iStatus.Int());
+ RDebug::Print(_L(" CKeypadToneObserverAO::RunL:iStatus[%d]"), status);
+#endif // PRINT_MESSAGE
+ if ( status == KErrNone )
+ {
+ Subscribe();
+ TInt value=KErrNone;
+ status=iKeypadToneVolumeProperty.Get(value);
+ iGlobalAudioSettingsData.iKeyPadVolume=(CGlobalAudioSettings::TGASKeypadVolume)value;
+ if( status == KErrNone)
+ {
+ MAudioSettingsObserver::TGASEventId id=MAudioSettingsObserver::EGASKeyPadVolume;
+ iAudioSettingsObserver.SettingsChanged(iGlobalAudioSettings, id);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RDebug::Print(_L(" CKeypadToneObserverAO::RunL:Property.Get Error[%d]"), status);
+ }
+#endif // PRINT_MESSAGE
+ }
+ }
+void CKeypadToneObserverAO::DoCancel()
+ {
+ iKeypadToneVolumeProperty.Cancel();
+ }
+TInt CKeypadToneObserverAO::RunError(TInt /*aError*/)
+ {
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
//End of file
--- a/mm_plat/global_audio_settings_api/inc/GlobalAudioSettings.h Mon Aug 23 19:17:14 2010 +0100
+++ b/mm_plat/global_audio_settings_api/inc/GlobalAudioSettings.h Mon Aug 23 19:38:13 2010 +0100
@@ -44,6 +44,36 @@
+ enum TGASRingingType
+ {
+ /** The tone is played in a loop.
+ */
+ EGASRingingTypeRinging = 0,
+ /**
+ * The tone is played in a loop. On the 1st round, the volume is gradually
+ * increment from the lowest level to the set level.
+ */
+ EGASRingingTypeAscending = 1,
+ /** The tone is played only once.
+ */
+ EGASRingingTypeRingingOnce = 2,
+ /**
+ * The phone only beeps once instead of playing the tone if one has been set.
+ */
+ EGASRingingTypeBeepOnce = 3,
+ /** The phone is silent.
+ */
+ EGASRingingTypeSilent = 4
+ };
+ enum TGASKeypadVolume
+ {
+ EGASKeypadVolumeOff = 0,
+ EGASKeypadVolumeLevel1 = 1,
+ EGASKeypadVolumeLevel2 = 2,
+ EGASKeypadVolumeLevel3 = 3
+ };
* function for creating the GlobalAudioSettings
@@ -114,6 +144,167 @@
IMPORT_C TBool IsPublicSilenceEnabled();
+ * Returns Message Alert Tone
+ *
+ *
+ * The filename selected as the message alert tone in the
+ * current profile.
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @return TDesC& aMessageAlertToneName. z:\\resource\\No_Sound.wav is returned if sound is off,else selected filename
+ * is returned
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TDesC& MessageAlertTone();
+ /**
+ * Returns Email Alert Tone status
+ *
+ *
+ * The filename selected as the email alert tone in the
+ * current profile
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @return TBool aEnable. ETrue if current profile message tone is on else EFalse.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TBool IsMessageAlertToneEnabled();
+ /**
+ * Returns Email Alert Tone
+ *
+ *
+ * The filename selected as the email alert tone in the
+ * current profile
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @return TDesC& aEmailAlertToneName. z:\\resource\\No_Sound.wav is returned if sound is off,else selected filename
+ * is returned
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TDesC& EmailAlertTone();
+ /**
+ * Returns Email Alert Tone status
+ *
+ *
+ * The filename selected as the email alert tone in the
+ * current profile
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @return TBool aEnable. ETrue if current profile email alert tone is on else EFalse.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TBool IsEmailAlertToneEnabled();
+ /**
+ * Returns the RingingType
+ *
+ *
+ * Ringing type set in the current profile
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @return TGASRingingType aRingingType.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TGASRingingType RingingType();
+ /**
+ * Returns Videocall Alert Tone
+ *
+ *
+ * The filename selected as the video call alert tone in the
+ * current profile
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @return TDesC& aVideoCallAlertToneName. z:\\resource\\No_Sound.wav is returned if sound is off,else selected filename
+ * is returned
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TDesC& VideoCallAlertTone();
+ /**
+ * Returns Videocall Alert Tone status
+ *
+ *
+ * The filename selected as the video call alert tone in the
+ * current profile
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @return TBool aEnable. ETrue if current profile videocall alert tone is on else EFalse.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TBool IsVideoCallAlertToneEnabled();
+ /**
+ * Returns Ringing Alert Tone
+ *
+ *
+ * The filename selected as the ringing alert tone in the
+ * current profile
+ *
+ *
+ * @return TDesC& aRingingAlertTone1Name. z:\\resource\\No_Sound.wav is returned if sound is off,else selected filename
+ * is returned
+ *
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TDesC& RingingAlertTone1();
+ /**
+ * Returns Ringing Alert Tone1 status
+ *
+ *
+ * The filename selected as the ringing alert tone in the
+ * current profile
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @return TBool aEnable. ETrue if current profile ringing alert tone is on else EFalse.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TBool IsRingingAlertTone1Enabled();
+ /**
+ * Returns Ringing Alert Tone 2
+ *
+ *
+ * The filename selected as the ringing alert tone in the
+ * current profile for the alternate line
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @return TDesC& aRingingAlertTone2Name. z:\\resource\\No_Sound.wav is returned if sound is off,else selected filename
+ * is returned
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TDesC& RingingAlertTone2();
+ /**
+ * Returns Ringing Alert Tone 2
+ *
+ *
+ * The filename selected as the ringing alert tone in the
+ * current profile for the alternate line
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @return TBool aEnable. ETrue if current profile ringing alert tone of alternate line is on else EFalse.
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TBool IsRingingAlertTone2Enabled();
+ /**
+ * Returns Ringing Keypad Volume
+ *
+ *
+ * The key tone volume selected in the
+ * current profile
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * @return TGASKeypadVolume aKeypadToneVolume.returns EGASKeypadVolumeOff sound is off,else selected volume level
+ * is returned
+ */
+ IMPORT_C TGASKeypadVolume KeyPadToneVolume();
+ /**
* Registers audio clients list observer.
* When registered successfully, the observer will start receiveing
--- a/mm_plat/global_audio_settings_api/inc/MGlobalAudioSettingsObserver.h Mon Aug 23 19:17:14 2010 +0100
+++ b/mm_plat/global_audio_settings_api/inc/MGlobalAudioSettingsObserver.h Mon Aug 23 19:38:13 2010 +0100
@@ -41,10 +41,20 @@
class MAudioSettingsObserver
- static const TUint KWarningTones = 1;
- static const TUint KMessageTones = 2;
- static const TUint KSilentProfile = 3;
- static const TUint KVibra = 4;
+ enum TGASEventId
+ {
+ EGASWarningTones,
+ EGASMessageTones,
+ EGASSilentProfile,
+ EGASVibra,
+ EGASMessageToneName,
+ EGASEmailToneName,
+ EGASRingingType,
+ EGASVideoCallToneName,
+ EGASRingingTone1Name,
+ EGASRingingTone2Name,
+ EGASKeyPadVolume
+ };
@@ -55,7 +65,7 @@
* which invoked the callback.
* @param aSetting Specific id of the audio setting that changed.
- virtual void SettingsChanged(CGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettings, TUint aSetting) = 0;
+ virtual void SettingsChanged(CGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettings, TGASEventId aSetting) = 0;
--- a/mm_plat/global_audio_settings_api/tsrc/Conf/GlobalASTestClass.cfg Mon Aug 23 19:17:14 2010 +0100
+++ b/mm_plat/global_audio_settings_api/tsrc/Conf/GlobalASTestClass.cfg Mon Aug 23 19:38:13 2010 +0100
@@ -8,6 +8,18 @@
GAS IsSilentProfileEnabled
GAS IsVibraEnabled
GAS IsPublicSilenceEnabled
+GAS RingingType
+GAS GetMessageToneName
+GAS IsMessageAlertToneEnabled
+GAS GetEmailToneName
+GAS IsEmailAlertToneEnabled
+GAS GetVideoCallToneName
+GAS IsVideoCallAlertToneEnabled
+GAS GetRingingTone1Name
+GAS IsRingingAlertTone1Enabled
+GAS GetRingingTone2Name
+GAS IsRingingAlertTone2Enabled
+GAS GetKeypadToneVolume
GAS GetAudioClientsList
GAS GetPausedClientsList
GAS UnregisterAudioClientsListObserver
--- a/mm_plat/global_audio_settings_api/tsrc/GlobalASTestClass/inc/GlobalASTestClass.h Mon Aug 23 19:17:14 2010 +0100
+++ b/mm_plat/global_audio_settings_api/tsrc/GlobalASTestClass/inc/GlobalASTestClass.h Mon Aug 23 19:38:13 2010 +0100
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
// From MAudioSettingsObserver
- void SettingsChanged(CGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettings, TUint aSetting);
+ void SettingsChanged(CGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettings, MAudioSettingsObserver::TGASEventId aSetting);
// From MAudioClientsListObserver
void Event( const CGlobalAudioSettings& aGlobalAudioSettings, TUint aEvent );
@@ -120,6 +120,18 @@
TInt UnregisterAudioClientsListObserver( CStifItemParser& aItem );
TInt GetAudioClientsList( CStifItemParser& aItem );
TInt GetPausedClientsList( CStifItemParser& aItem );
+ TInt GetRingingType( CStifItemParser& aItem );
+ TInt MessageAlertTone( CStifItemParser& aItem );
+ TInt IsMessageAlertToneEnabled( CStifItemParser& aItem );
+ TInt EmailAlertTone( CStifItemParser& aItem );
+ TInt IsEmailAlertToneEnabled( CStifItemParser& aItem );
+ TInt VideoCallAlertTone( CStifItemParser& aItem );
+ TInt IsVideoCallAlertToneEnabled( CStifItemParser& aItem );
+ TInt RingingAlertTone1( CStifItemParser& aItem );
+ TInt IsRingingAlertTone1Enabled( CStifItemParser& aItem );
+ TInt RingingAlertTone2( CStifItemParser& aItem );
+ TInt IsRingingAlertTone2Enabled( CStifItemParser& aItem );
+ TInt KeypadAlertTone( CStifItemParser& aItem );
private: // Data
--- a/mm_plat/global_audio_settings_api/tsrc/GlobalASTestClass/src/GlobalASTestClassBlocks.cpp Mon Aug 23 19:17:14 2010 +0100
+++ b/mm_plat/global_audio_settings_api/tsrc/GlobalASTestClass/src/GlobalASTestClassBlocks.cpp Mon Aug 23 19:38:13 2010 +0100
@@ -66,7 +66,20 @@
ENTRY( "RegisterAudioClientsListObserver", CGlobalASTestClass::RegisterAudioClientsListObserver ),
ENTRY( "UnregisterAudioClientsListObserver", CGlobalASTestClass::UnregisterAudioClientsListObserver ),
ENTRY( "GetAudioClientsList", CGlobalASTestClass::GetAudioClientsList ),
- ENTRY( "GetPausedClientsList", CGlobalASTestClass::GetPausedClientsList )
+ ENTRY( "GetPausedClientsList", CGlobalASTestClass::GetPausedClientsList ),
+ ENTRY( "RingingType", CGlobalASTestClass::GetRingingType ),
+ ENTRY( "GetMessageToneName", CGlobalASTestClass::MessageAlertTone ),
+ ENTRY( "IsMessageAlertToneEnabled", CGlobalASTestClass::IsMessageAlertToneEnabled ),
+ ENTRY( "GetEmailToneName", CGlobalASTestClass::EmailAlertTone ),
+ ENTRY( "IsEmailAlertToneEnabled", CGlobalASTestClass::IsEmailAlertToneEnabled ),
+ ENTRY( "GetVideoCallToneName", CGlobalASTestClass::VideoCallAlertTone ),
+ ENTRY( "IsVideoCallAlertToneEnabled", CGlobalASTestClass::IsVideoCallAlertToneEnabled ),
+ ENTRY( "GetRingingTone1Name", CGlobalASTestClass::RingingAlertTone1 ),
+ ENTRY( "IsRingingAlertTone1Enabled", CGlobalASTestClass::IsRingingAlertTone1Enabled ),
+ ENTRY( "GetRingingTone2Name", CGlobalASTestClass::RingingAlertTone2 ),
+ ENTRY( "IsRingingAlertTone2Enabled", CGlobalASTestClass::IsRingingAlertTone2Enabled ),
+ ENTRY( "GetKeypadToneVolume", CGlobalASTestClass::KeypadAlertTone )
const TInt count = sizeof( KFunctions ) /
@@ -336,14 +349,202 @@
-void CGlobalASTestClass::SettingsChanged(CGlobalAudioSettings& /*aGlobalAudioSettings*/, TUint /*aSetting*/)
+void CGlobalASTestClass::SettingsChanged(CGlobalAudioSettings& /*aGlobalAudioSettings*/, MAudioSettingsObserver::TGASEventId aSetting)
- iLog->Log(_L("CGlobalASTestClass:SettingsChanged"));
+ RDebug::Printf("settings changed %d",aSetting);
+ // CActiveScheduler::Stop();
void CGlobalASTestClass::Event( const CGlobalAudioSettings& /*aGlobalAudioSettings*/, TUint aEvent )
iLog->Log(_L("CGlobalASTestClass From MAudioClientsListObserver[%d]"), aEvent);
+TInt CGlobalASTestClass::GetRingingType(CStifItemParser& /*aItem*/ )
+ {
+ RDebug::Printf("CGlobalASTestClass::GetRingingType");
+ TInt status(KErrNone);
+ if(iPhoneProfileSettings)
+ {
+ TInt type= iPhoneProfileSettings->RingingType();
+ RDebug::Printf("ringing type is %d",type);
+ }
+ else
+ status=KErrNotFound;
+ return status;
+ }
+TInt CGlobalASTestClass::MessageAlertTone(CStifItemParser& /*aItem*/)
+ {
+ RDebug::Printf("CGlobalASTestClass::MessageAlertTone");
+ TInt status(KErrNone);
+ if(iPhoneProfileSettings)
+ {
+ // TFileName filename=iPhoneProfileSettings->MessageAlertTone();
+ // RDebug::Print(_L("filename %S"),&filename);
+ TFileName filename=iPhoneProfileSettings->MessageAlertTone();
+ RDebug::Print(_L("enable:%S"),&filename);
+ }
+ else
+ status=KErrNotFound;
+ return status;
+ }
+TInt CGlobalASTestClass::IsMessageAlertToneEnabled(CStifItemParser& /*aItem*/)
+ {
+ RDebug::Printf("CGlobalASTestClass::MessageAlertTone");
+ TInt status(KErrNone);
+ if(iPhoneProfileSettings)
+ {
+ // TFileName filename=iPhoneProfileSettings->MessageAlertTone();
+ // RDebug::Print(_L("filename %S"),&filename);
+ TBool enable=iPhoneProfileSettings->IsMessageAlertToneEnabled();
+ RDebug::Print(_L("enable:%d"),enable);
+ }
+ else
+ status=KErrNotFound;
+ return status;
+ }
+TInt CGlobalASTestClass::EmailAlertTone(CStifItemParser& /*aItem*/)
+ {
+ RDebug::Printf("CGlobalASTestClass::MessageAlertTone");
+ TInt status(KErrNone);
+ if(iPhoneProfileSettings)
+ {
+ TFileName filename=iPhoneProfileSettings->EmailAlertTone();
+ RDebug::Print(_L("enable:%S"),&filename);
+ }
+ else
+ status=KErrNotFound;
+ return status;
+ }
+TInt CGlobalASTestClass::IsEmailAlertToneEnabled(CStifItemParser& /*aItem*/)
+ {
+ RDebug::Printf("CGlobalASTestClass::MessageAlertTone");
+ TInt status(KErrNone);
+ if(iPhoneProfileSettings)
+ {
+ // TFileName filename=iPhoneProfileSettings->MessageAlertTone();
+ // RDebug::Print(_L("filename %S"),&filename);
+ TBool enable=iPhoneProfileSettings->IsEmailAlertToneEnabled();
+ RDebug::Print(_L("enable:%d"),enable);
+ }
+ else
+ status=KErrNotFound;
+ return status;
+ }
+TInt CGlobalASTestClass::VideoCallAlertTone(CStifItemParser& /*aItem*/)
+ {
+ RDebug::Printf("CGlobalASTestClass::MessageAlertTone");
+ TInt status(KErrNone);
+ if(iPhoneProfileSettings)
+ {
+ TFileName filename=iPhoneProfileSettings->VideoCallAlertTone();
+ RDebug::Print(_L("enable:%S"),&filename);
+ }
+ else
+ status=KErrNotFound;
+ return status;
+ }
+TInt CGlobalASTestClass::IsVideoCallAlertToneEnabled(CStifItemParser& /*aItem*/)
+ {
+ RDebug::Printf("CGlobalASTestClass::MessageAlertTone");
+ TInt status(KErrNone);
+ if(iPhoneProfileSettings)
+ {
+ // TFileName filename=iPhoneProfileSettings->MessageAlertTone();
+ // RDebug::Print(_L("filename %S"),&filename);
+ TBool enable=iPhoneProfileSettings->IsVideoCallAlertToneEnabled();
+ RDebug::Print(_L("enable:%d"),enable);
+ }
+ else
+ status=KErrNotFound;
+ return status;
+ }
+TInt CGlobalASTestClass::RingingAlertTone1(CStifItemParser& /*aItem*/)
+ {
+ RDebug::Printf("CGlobalASTestClass::MessageAlertTone");
+ TInt status(KErrNone);
+ if(iPhoneProfileSettings)
+ {
+ TFileName filename=iPhoneProfileSettings->RingingAlertTone1();
+ RDebug::Print(_L("enable:%S"),&filename);
+ }
+ else
+ status=KErrNotFound;
+ return status;
+ }
+TInt CGlobalASTestClass::IsRingingAlertTone1Enabled(CStifItemParser& /*aItem*/)
+ {
+ RDebug::Printf("CGlobalASTestClass::MessageAlertTone");
+ TInt status(KErrNone);
+ if(iPhoneProfileSettings)
+ {
+ // TFileName filename=iPhoneProfileSettings->MessageAlertTone();
+ // RDebug::Print(_L("filename %S"),&filename);
+ TBool enable=iPhoneProfileSettings->IsRingingAlertTone1Enabled();
+ RDebug::Print(_L("enable:%d"),enable);
+ }
+ else
+ status=KErrNotFound;
+ return status;
+ }
+TInt CGlobalASTestClass::RingingAlertTone2(CStifItemParser& /*aItem*/)
+ {
+ RDebug::Printf("CGlobalASTestClass::MessageAlertTone");
+ TInt status(KErrNone);
+ if(iPhoneProfileSettings)
+ {
+ TFileName filename=iPhoneProfileSettings->RingingAlertTone2();
+ RDebug::Print(_L("enable:%S"),&filename);
+ }
+ else
+ status=KErrNotFound;
+ return status;
+ }
+TInt CGlobalASTestClass::IsRingingAlertTone2Enabled(CStifItemParser& /*aItem*/)
+ {
+ RDebug::Printf("CGlobalASTestClass::MessageAlertTone");
+ TInt status(KErrNone);
+ if(iPhoneProfileSettings)
+ {
+ // TFileName filename=iPhoneProfileSettings->MessageAlertTone();
+ // RDebug::Print(_L("filename %S"),&filename);
+ TBool enable=iPhoneProfileSettings->IsRingingAlertTone2Enabled();
+ RDebug::Print(_L("enable:%d"),enable);
+ }
+ else
+ status=KErrNotFound;
+ return status;
+ }
+TInt CGlobalASTestClass::KeypadAlertTone(CStifItemParser& /*aItem*/)
+ {
+ RDebug::Printf("CGlobalASTestClass::MessageAlertTone");
+ TInt status(KErrNone);
+ if(iPhoneProfileSettings)
+ {
+ TInt volume=iPhoneProfileSettings->KeyPadToneVolume();
+ RDebug::Print(_L("enable:%d"),volume);
+ }
+ else
+ status=KErrNotFound;
+ return status;
+ }
// End of File
--- a/mm_plat/global_audio_settings_definition_api/inc/GlobalAudioSettingsPSKeys.h Mon Aug 23 19:17:14 2010 +0100
+++ b/mm_plat/global_audio_settings_definition_api/inc/GlobalAudioSettingsPSKeys.h Mon Aug 23 19:38:13 2010 +0100
@@ -80,6 +80,78 @@
const TUint32 KGASPublicSilence = 0x00000005;
+* This key is required for the Global Audio Settings to determine the ringing type
+* selected
+* Possible text values:
+* z:\\resource\\No_Sound.wav = "Message tone is disabled".
+* filename of the tone selected= "Message tone is enabled".
+const TUint32 KGASRingingType=0x00000006;
+* This key is required for the Global Audio Settings to determine the message alert tone
+* selected
+* Possible text values:
+* z:\\resource\\No_Sound.wav = "Message tone is disabled".
+* filename of the tone selected= "Message tone is enabled".
+const TUint32 KGASMessageToneName=0x00000007;
+* This key is required for the Global Audio Settings to determine the email alert tone
+* selected
+* Possible text values:
+* z:\\resource\\No_Sound.wav = "Email alert tone is disabled".
+* filename of the tone selected= "Email alert tone is enabled".
+const TUint32 KGASEmailToneName=0x00000008;
+* This key is required for the Global Audio Settings to determine the video call tone
+* selected
+* Possible text values:
+* z:\\resource\\No_Sound.wav = "Video call tone is disabled".
+* filename of the tone selected= "Video call tone is enabled".
+const TUint32 KGASVideoCallToneName=0x00000009;
+* This key is required for the Global Audio Settings to determine the ringing tone
+* selected
+* Possible text values:
+* z:\\resource\\No_Sound.wav = "Ringing tone1 is disabled".
+* filename of the tone selected= "Ringing tone1 is enabled".
+const TUint32 KGASRingingTone1Name=0x0000000a;
+* This key is required for the Global Audio Settings to determine the ringing tone
+* for alternate line selected
+* Possible text values:
+* z:\\resource\\No_Sound.wav = "Ringing tone2 is disabled".
+* filename of the tone selected= "Ringing tone2 tone is enabled".
+const TUint32 KGASRingingTone2Name=0x0000000b;
+* This key is required for the Global Audio Settings to determine the keypad volume
+* selected
+* Possible text values:
+* EGASKeypadVolumeOff="No volume"
+* EGASKeypadVolumeLevel1 = "Volume level 1"
+* EGASKeypadVolumeLevel2 = "volume level 2"
+* EGASKeypadVolumeLevel3 = "volume level 3"
+const TUint32 KGASKeypadToneVolume=0x0000000c;
// End of file