// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#ifndef __MNGCHUNKS_H__
#define __MNGCHUNKS_H__
/** @file
@internalTechnology */
#include "MngPanic.h"
#include "MngReadStream.h"
#include "Crc32.h"
class CMngObject;
class MInputStream;
#define MNGSIGNATURE "\212MNG\r\n\032\n"
static const TInt KMngSignatureSize=sizeof(MNGSIGNATURE)-1;
typedef TBuf8<KMngSignatureSize> TMngSignature;
#define FOUR_BYTE_2INT32(d,c,b,a) (TInt32)( (((TUint8)a)<<24) | (((TUint8)b)<<16) | (((TUint8)c)<<8) | ((TUint8)d) )
const TInt KMngInfinity=0x7fffffff;
const TInt32 KMendChunkId=FOUR_BYTE_2INT32('M','E','N','D');
const TInt32 KMhdrChunkId=FOUR_BYTE_2INT32('M','H','D','R');
const TInt32 KDefiChunkId=FOUR_BYTE_2INT32('D','E','F','I');
const TInt32 KTermChunkId=FOUR_BYTE_2INT32('T','E','R','M');
const TInt32 KBackChunkId=FOUR_BYTE_2INT32('B','A','C','K');
const TInt32 KMagnChunkId=FOUR_BYTE_2INT32('M','A','G','N');
const TInt32 KFramChunkId=FOUR_BYTE_2INT32('F','R','A','M');
const TInt32 KLoopChunkId=FOUR_BYTE_2INT32('L','O','O','P');
const TInt32 KEndlChunkId=FOUR_BYTE_2INT32('E','N','D','L');
// Unsupported chunks for MNG-LC
const TInt32 KPastChunkId=FOUR_BYTE_2INT32('P','A','S','T');
const TInt32 KBasiChunkId=FOUR_BYTE_2INT32('B','A','S','I');
const TInt32 KMoveChunkId=FOUR_BYTE_2INT32('M','O','V','E');
const TInt32 KGamaChunkId=FOUR_BYTE_2INT32('g','A','M','A');
// PNG Chunk Codes //
const TInt32 KIhdrChunkId=FOUR_BYTE_2INT32('I','H','D','R');
const TInt32 KIendChunkId=FOUR_BYTE_2INT32('I','E','N','D');
const TInt32 KIdatChunkId=FOUR_BYTE_2INT32('I','D','A','T');
const TInt32 KPlteChunkId=FOUR_BYTE_2INT32('P','L','T','E');
const TInt32 KTrnsChunkId=FOUR_BYTE_2INT32('t','R','N','S');
const TInt32 KBkgdChunkId=FOUR_BYTE_2INT32('b','K','G','D');
const TInt32 KPhysChunkId=FOUR_BYTE_2INT32('p','H','Y','s');
typedef TBuf8<79> TMngObjectName;
enum TMngTerminationAction
enum TMngBackroundMandatory
EMngTermBgColorAndImgAdvisory=0, // Background color is advisory. Applications can use it if they choose to.
EMngTermBgColorMandatoryImgAdvisory=1, // Background color is mandatory. Applications must use it
EMngTermBgColorAdvisoryImgMandatory=2, // is not used in MNG-LC
EMngTermBgColorAndImgMandatory=3, // is not used in MNG-LC
enum TMngMagnificationMethod
EMngMagnNoMagnification=0, // No magnification
EMngMagnPixelReplication=1, // Pixel replication of color and alpha samples.
EMngMagnLinearInterpolation=2, // Magnified intervals with linear interpolation of color and alpha samples.
EMngMagnAlphaAndColorReplication=3,// Magnified intervals with replication of color and alpha samples from the closest pixel.
EMngMagnLinearColorAplhaReplication=4, // Magnified intervals with linear interpolation of color samples and replication of alpha samples from the closest pixel.
EMngMagnLinearAlphaClosestColor=5, // Magnified intervals with linear interpolation of alpha samples and replication of color samples from the closest pixel.
enum TMngFramingMode
Do not change framing mode.
EMngFramDoNotChangeMode=0, // 0
1: No background layer is generated, except for one
ahead of the very first foreground layer in the
datastream. The interframe delay is associated
with each foreground layer in the subframe.
EMngFramNoBgLayerExcpt1stFgLayer=1, // 1
2: No background layer is generated, except for one
ahead of the very first image in the datastream.
The interframe delay is associated only with the
final layer in the subframe. A zero interframe
delay is associated with the other layers in the
EMngFramNoBgLayerExcpt1stImage=2, // 2
3: A background layer is generated ahead of each
foreground layer. The interframe delay is
associated with each foreground layer, and a zero
delay is associated with each background layer.
EMngFramBgLayerForEachFgLayer=3, // 3
4: The background layer is generated only ahead of
the first foreground layer in the subframe. The
interframe delay is associated only with the final
foreground layer in the subframe. A zero
interframe delay is associated with the background
layers, except when there is no foreground layer
in the subframe, in which case the interframe delay
is associated with the sole background layer.
EMngFramBgLayerFor1stFgLayer=4, // 4
enum TMngFramChangeNextFrameOption
EMngFramDoNotChange =0, // 0 - Do not change
EMngFramChangeUpcomingSubFrameOnly =1, // 1 - Yes, for the upcoming subframe only.
EMngFramChangeAndResetDefault =2, // 2 - Yes, also reset default.
enum TMngFramChangeTimeoutAndTermination
EMngFramDoNotChangeTimeout=0, // 0 - Do not change
EMngFramUpcomingFrmDeterministic=1, // 1 - Deterministic, for the upcoming subframe only.
EMngFramDeterministicAndResetDef=2, // 2 - Deterministic, also reset default.
EMngFramUpcomingFrmDecoderDiscretion=3, // 3 - Decoder-discretion, for the upcoming subframe only.
EMngFramDecoderDiscretionAndResetDef=4, // 4 - Decoder-discretion, also reset default.
EMngFramUpcomingFrmUserDiscretion=5, // 5 - User-discretion, for the upcoming subframe only.
EMngFramUserDiscretionAndResetDef=6, // 6 - User-discretion, also reset default.
EMngFramUpcomingFrameExtSignal=7, // 7 - External-signal, for the upcoming subframe only.
EMngFramExtSignalAndResetDef=8, // 8 - External-signal, also reset default.
union TChunkId
inline static TChunkId FromPtr(const TText8* aPtr);
inline TBool operator==(const TInt aRight) const;
inline TBool operator==(const TDesC8& aRight) const;
inline TBool operator!=(const TInt aRight) const;
TInt32 iChunkIdInt;
TText8 iChunkIdChr[4];
class TMNGChunkHeader
inline static TInt RequiredData();
void ReadL(MInputStream& aInputStream);
TInt32 iLength;
TChunkId iChunkId;
class TChunkCrc
inline TChunkCrc();
inline operator const TInt32&() const;
TInt32 iCrc;
class TMngChunk
typedef CMngObject* (*TObjectFactoryFuncL)(TMngChunk*&);
inline explicit TMngChunk(const TMNGChunkHeader& aHeader);
virtual void ReadL(MInputStream& aInputStream)=0;
virtual TObjectFactoryFuncL MngObjectFactoryFunc() const;
inline TInt RequiredData() const;
void ReadNameL(MInputStream& aInputStream,TMngObjectName& aName, TInt aMaxDataSize);
void ReadAndCheckCrcL(MInputStream& aInputStream);
TChunkCrc iCalculatedCrc;
TMNGChunkHeader iHeader;
class TMngRawChunk: public TMngChunk
static TMngRawChunk* CreateL(const TMNGChunkHeader& aHeader);
void ReadL(MInputStream& aInputStream);
TObjectFactoryFuncL MngObjectFactoryFunc() const;
const TUint8* Data() const;
inline explicit TMngRawChunk(const TMNGChunkHeader& aHeader);
TUint32 iAlignWord[1];
TUint8 iBite[1];
class TUnknownChunk: public TMngChunk
inline explicit TUnknownChunk(const TMNGChunkHeader& aHeader);
void ReadL(MInputStream& aInputStream);
class TMhdrChunk: public TMngChunk
inline explicit TMhdrChunk(const TMNGChunkHeader& aHeader);
void ReadL(MInputStream& aInputStream);
TInt32 iFrameWidth;
TInt32 iFrameHeight;
TInt32 iTicksPerSecond;
TInt32 iNominalLayerCount;
TInt32 iNominalFrameCount;
TInt32 iNominalPlayTime;
TUint iProfileValidity:1;
TUint iSimpleMngFeaturesPresence:1;
TUint iComplexMngFeaturesPresence:1;
TUint iInternalTransparencyPresence:1;
TUint iJngPresence:1;
TUint iDeltaPngPresence:1;
TUint iBkgAndSemiTransparencyValidity:1;
TUint iBkgTransparencyPresence:1;
TUint iSemiTransparencyPresence:1;
TUint iStoredObjectBuffersPresence:1;
TUint iReservedBits:6;
TUint iPrivateBits:15;
TUint iZeroBit:1;
The DEFI chunk sets the default set of object attributes (object-id, do-not-show flag,
concrete-flag, location, and clipping boundaries) for any subsequent images that are defined with
IHDR-IEND, or JHDR-IEND datastreams.
class TDefiChunk: public TMngChunk
inline explicit TDefiChunk(const TMNGChunkHeader& aHeader);
void ReadL(MInputStream& aInputStream);
TMngChunk::TObjectFactoryFuncL MngObjectFactoryFunc() const;
TInt iObjectId; // must be 0 for MNG-LC
TBool iDoNotShow; // The object is not visible if it is ETrue
TBool iConcrete; // MNG-LC decoders can ignore this flag.
TInt32 iXLocation; // The X-location and Y-location fields can be omitted as a pair.
TInt32 iYLocation; // The Y-location and Y-location fields can be omitted as a pair.
TInt32 iLeftClippingBoundary; // Left clipping boundary. The left-cb, right-cb, top-cb, and bottom-cb fields can be omitted as a group.
TInt32 iRightClippingBoundary; // Right clipping boundary. The left-cb, right-cb, top-cb, and bottom-cb fields can be omitted as a group.
TInt32 iTopClippingBoundary; // Top clipping boundary. The left-cb, right-cb, top-cb, and bottom-cb fields can be omitted as a group.
TInt32 iBottomClippingBoundary;// Bottom clipping boundary. The left-cb, right-cb, top-cb, and bottom-cb fields can be omitted as a group.
The TERM chunk suggests how the end of the MNG datastream should be handled, when a MEND chunk
is found. It contains either a single byte or ten bytes.
class TTermChunk: public TMngChunk
inline explicit TTermChunk(const TMNGChunkHeader& aHeader);
void ReadL(MInputStream& aInputStream);
TMngTerminationAction iTerminationAction;
TMngTerminationAction iPostIterationAction;
TInt32 iDelay; // delay in ticks
TInt32 iIterationMax; // Infinity is represented by 0x7fffffff.
The BACK chunk suggests or mandates a background color, image, or both against which transparent,
clipped, or less-than-full-frame images can be displayed. This information will be used whenever the application
subsequently needs to insert a background layer, unless another BACK chunk provides new background
information before that happens.
The BACK chunk contains 6, 7, 9, or 10 bytes.
If any field is omitted, all subsequent fields must also be omitted.
class TBackChunk: public TMngChunk
inline explicit TBackChunk(const TMNGChunkHeader& aHeader);
void ReadL(MInputStream& aInputStream);
TObjectFactoryFuncL MngObjectFactoryFunc() const;
TUint16 iRedBackground;
TUint16 iGreenBackground;
TUint16 iBlueBackground;
TMngBackroundMandatory iBgMandatory;
This chunk provides mandatory magnification factors for existing
objects and/or for subsequent embedded
images whose object id is 0.
The chunk contains 0 to 18 bytes. If any field is omitted,
all subsequent fields must also be omitted.
class TMagnChunk: public TMngChunk
inline explicit TMagnChunk(const TMNGChunkHeader& aHeader);
void ReadL(MInputStream& aInputStream);
TObjectFactoryFuncL MngObjectFactoryFunc() const;
TUint16 iFirstMagnifiedObjId;// If omitted, any previous MAGN chunk is nullified. MUST be 0 for MNG-LC??
TUint16 iLastMagnifiedObjId;// If omitted, last object-id = first object-id.
TMngMagnificationMethod iXMagnMethod;
TUint16 iXMagnFactor; // X magnification factor, range 1-65535. If omitted, MX=1. Ignored if X-method is 0 and assumed to be 1.
TUint16 iYMagnFactor; // Y magnification factor. If omitted, MY=MX.
TUint16 iLeftXMagnFactor; // Left X magnification factor. If omitted, ML=MX.
TUint16 iRightXMagnFactor; // Right X magnification factor. If omitted, MR=MX.
TUint16 iTopYMagnFactor; // Top Y magnification factor. If omitted, MT=MY. Ignored if Y-method is 0 and assumed to be 1.
TUint16 iBottomYMagnFactor; //Bottom Y magnification factor. If omitted, MB=MY.
TMngMagnificationMethod iYMagnMethod;
The FRAM chunk provides information that a decoder needs for generating frames and interframe delays.
The FRAM parameters govern how the decoder is to behave when it encounters a FRAM chunk, or an
embedded image. The FRAM chunk also delimits subframes.
If bit 1 of the MHDR simplicity profile is 0 and bit 0 is 1, the FRAM chunk must not be present.
class TFramChunk: public TMngChunk
inline explicit TFramChunk(const TMNGChunkHeader& aHeader);
void ReadL(MInputStream& aInputStream);
virtual TObjectFactoryFuncL MngObjectFactoryFunc() const;
TMngFramingMode iFramingMode; //
TMngFramChangeNextFrameOption iChangeInterFrmDelay;
TMngFramChangeTimeoutAndTermination iChangeTimeoutAndTerm;
TMngFramChangeNextFrameOption iChangeClippingBoundaries;
TMngFramChangeNextFrameOption iChangeSyncIdList;
TInt32 iInterframeDelay;
TInt32 iDelay;
TBool iAddLayerClipping;
TInt32 iLeftLayerClippingB;
TInt32 iRightLayerClippingB;
TInt32 iTopLayerClippingB;
TInt32 iBottomLayerClippingB;
TInt32 iFirstSyncId;
class TLoopChunk: public TMngChunk
inline explicit TLoopChunk(const TMNGChunkHeader& aHeader);
void ReadL(MInputStream& aInputStream);
TMngChunk::TObjectFactoryFuncL MngObjectFactoryFunc() const;
TInt iNestLevel;
TInt32 iIterationCount;
TInt iTerminationCondition;
class TEndlChunk: public TMngChunk
inline explicit TEndlChunk(const TMNGChunkHeader& aHeader);
void ReadL(MInputStream& aInputStream);
TMngChunk::TObjectFactoryFuncL MngObjectFactoryFunc() const;
TInt iNestLevel;
#include "MngChunks.inl"
#endif // ndef __MNGCHUNKS_H__