changeset 37 052078dda061
equal deleted inserted replaced
18:39bb7c3571e9 37:052078dda061
     1 // Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include <comms-infras/nifif.h>
    17 #include <esockmessages.h>
    18 #include <nifman.h>
    19 #include "shimcpr.h"
    20 #include "shimconnsettings.h"
    21 #include "es_prot.h"
    22 #include "shimnifmansconn.h"
    23 #include "ss_glob.h"
    24 #include "connectionSelectorShim.h"
    26 using namespace ESock;
    28 //PREQ399_REMOVE
    30 #include <networking/umtsgprs_subconnprovfactory.h>
    31 #endif
    35 CConnectionProviderShim* CConnectionProviderShim::NewL(CConnectionProviderFactoryBase& aFactory)
    36 	{
    37 	CConnectionProviderShim* self = new (ELeave) CConnectionProviderShim(aFactory);
    38 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    39 	self->ConstructL();
    40 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    41 	return self;
    42 	}
    44 void CConnectionProviderShim::ConstructL()
    45 	{
    46 	__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tConstructL"), this));
    47 	// Do nothing, atleast for now;	
    48 	}
    50 CConnectionProviderShim::~CConnectionProviderShim()
    51 	{
    52 	delete iConnectionSettings;
    54 	// As soon as the provider has a valid iProvider pointer the ownership has passed to this provider
    55    	delete iProvider;
    57 	iSelectors.Close();
    58 	iConnections.Close();
    59 	iNifManSubConnections.Close();
    60 	__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\t~CConnectionProviderShim"), this));
    61 	}
    63 void CConnectionProviderShim::AddRefL(CConnectionSelectorShim* aSelector)
    64 	{
    65 	TInt index = iSelectors.Find(aSelector);
    66 	if (-1 == index)
    67 		{
    68 		__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tAddRef(aSelector %x) adding selector"), this, aSelector));	
    69 		iSelectors.AppendL(aSelector);
    70 		}
    71 	else
    72 		{
    73 		__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tAddRef(aSelector %x) selector already known"), this, aSelector));	
    74 		}
    75 	}
    78 void CConnectionProviderShim::ReleaseRef(CConnectionSelectorShim* aSelector)
    79 	{	
    80 	TInt index = iSelectors.Find(aSelector);
    81 	if (-1 != index)
    82 		{		
    83 		iSelectors[index]->SetProviderNull();
    84 		iSelectors.Remove(index);
    85 		__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tReleaseRef(aSelector %x) removng selector"), this, aSelector));
    86 		}
    87 	else
    88 		{
    89 		__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tReleaseRef(aSelector %x) selector not known"), this, aSelector));
    90 		}
    92 	if (ShouldIDeleteNow())
    93 		{
    94 		DeleteMeNow();
    95 		}
    96 	}
    98 // CConnectionProviderBase virtuals
    99 TBool CConnectionProviderShim::ShouldIDeleteNow()
   100 	{		
   101 	TInt selectors = iSelectors.Count();
   102 	if (0 == selectors && !iHasAnyControlClientJoined)
   103 		{
   104 		return ETrue;
   105 		}
   107 	return EFalse;	
   108 	}
   110 void CConnectionProviderShim::DoStartL(Meta::SMetaData& aParams, const RMessagePtr2* aMessage)
   111 	{
   112 #ifdef _DEBUG
   113 	Meta::STypeId tid = aParams.GetTypeId();
   114 	ASSERT( tid.iUid == TUid::Uid( KESockMessagesImplementationUid ) && tid.iType == EESockMessageConnStart);
   115 #endif
   117 	CConnStart& p = static_cast<CConnStart&>(aParams);
   118 	if ( p.ConnPrefs() )
   119 		{
   120 		__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tDoStartL() with prefs"), this));
   121 		iProvider->StartL(p.StartType(), *p.ConnPrefs(), aMessage);
   122 		}
   123 	else
   124 		{
   125 		__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tDoStartL() without prefs"), this));
   126 		iProvider->StartL(p.StartType(), aMessage);
   127 		}
   128 	}
   130 void CConnectionProviderShim::DoDataClientJoiningL(MConnectionDataClient& aDataClient)
   131 	{
   132 	(void)aDataClient;
   133 	__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tDoDataClientJoiningL(aDataClient %x) [iDataClients.Count()=%d]"), this, &aDataClient, iDataClients.Count()));
   134 	}
   136 void CConnectionProviderShim::DoDataClientLeaving(MConnectionDataClient& aDataClient)
   137 	{
   138 	(void)aDataClient;
   139 	__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tDoDataClientLeaving(aDataClient %x) [iDataClients.Count()=%d]"), this, &aDataClient, iDataClients.Count()));
   140 	}
   142 void CConnectionProviderShim::DoControlClientJoiningL(MConnectionControlClient& aControlClient)
   143 	{
   144 	(void)aControlClient;
   145 	__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tDoControlClientJoiningL(aControlClient %x) [iControlClients.Count()=%d]"), this, &aControlClient, iControlClients.Count()));
   146 	}
   148 void CConnectionProviderShim::DoControlClientLeaving(MConnectionControlClient& aControlClient)
   149 	{
   150 	(void)aControlClient;
   151 	__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tDoControlClientLeaving(aControlClient %x) [iControlClients.Count()=%d]"), this, &aControlClient, iControlClients.Count()));
   152 	}
   154 TInt CConnectionProviderShim::DoStop(TInt aError, const RMessagePtr2* aMessage)
   155 	{
   157 	// when RConn::Stop() happens, that means one is releasing the connection, so the IAP associated with
   158 	// the Lock should go away. The code below will set the status of IAP locked to false, so that any further
   159 	// Start can lock it 			
   160 	iFactoryShim->SetIAPLockStatus(EFalse,-1);
   161 #endif // SYMBIAN_NETWORKING_UMTSR5			
   162 	return iProvider->Stop( aError, aMessage );
   163 	}
   165 void CConnectionProviderShim::DoProgressL(Meta::SMetaData& aParams) const
   166 	{
   167 #ifdef _DEBUG
   168 	Meta::STypeId tid = aParams.GetTypeId();
   169 #endif
   170 	ASSERT( tid.iUid == TUid::Uid( KESockMessagesImplementationUid ) && tid.iType == EESockMessageCommsNifBuffer);
   171 	TMetaNifProgressBuf& p = static_cast<TMetaNifProgressBuf&>(aParams);
   172 	iProvider->ProgressL( p.iNifProgressBuf );
   173 	}
   175 void CConnectionProviderShim::DoLastProgressError(Meta::SMetaData& aBuffer)
   176 	{
   177 #ifdef _DEBUG
   178 	Meta::STypeId tid = aBuffer.GetTypeId();
   179 #endif
   180 	ASSERT( tid.iUid == TUid::Uid( KESockMessagesImplementationUid ) && tid.iType == EESockMessageCommsNifBuffer);
   181 	TMetaNifProgressBuf& p = static_cast<TMetaNifProgressBuf&>(aBuffer);
   182 	iProvider->LastProgressError( p.iNifProgressBuf );
   183 	}
   185 void CConnectionProviderShim::DoRequestServiceChangeNotificationL()
   186 	{
   187 	iProvider->RequestServiceChangeNotificationL();
   188 	}
   190 void CConnectionProviderShim::DoCancelServiceChangeNotification()
   191 	{
   192 	iProvider->CancelServiceChangeNotification();
   193 	}
   195 void CConnectionProviderShim::DoControlL(TUint aOptionLevel, TUint aOptionName, Meta::SMetaData& aOption, const RMessagePtr2* aMessage)
   196 	{
   197 #ifdef _DEBUG
   198 	Meta::STypeId tid = aOption.GetTypeId();
   199 #endif
   200 	ASSERT( tid.iUid == TUid::Uid( KESockMessagesImplementationUid ) && tid.iType == EESockMessageCommsDes8);
   201 	::TMetaDes8& p = static_cast< ::TMetaDes8& >(aOption);
   202 	ASSERT(p.iDes);
   203 	iProvider->ControlL(aOptionLevel, aOptionName, *((TDes8*)(p.iDes)), aMessage);
   204 	}
   206 TInt CConnectionProviderShim::DoAllSubConnectionNotificationEnable()
   207 	{
   208 	return iProvider->AllSubConnectionNotificationEnable();
   209 	}
   211 TInt CConnectionProviderShim::DoCancelAllSubConnectionNotification()
   212 	{
   213 	return iProvider->CancelAllSubConnectionNotification();
   214 	}
   216 void CConnectionProviderShim::DoSendIoctlMessageL(const RMessage2& aMessage)
   217 	{
   218 	iProvider->SendIoctlMessageL(aMessage);
   219 	}
   221 void CConnectionProviderShim::DoSendCancelIoctl()
   222 	{
   223    	iProvider->SendCancelIoctl();	
   224 	}
   226 TInt CConnectionProviderShim::DoEnumerateSubConnectionsL(TUint& aCount)
   227 	{
   228 	return iProvider->EnumerateSubConnections(aCount);
   229 	}
   231 TUint CConnectionProviderShim::DoEnumerateClientsL(HBufC8*& /*aClientInfoBuffer*/, TEnumClients /*aClientType*/)
   232 	{
   233 	return 0;
   234 	}
   236 CConnectionSettings& CConnectionProviderShim::DoSettingsAccessL()
   237 	{
   238 	ASSERT(iProvider);
   239 	if (iConnectionSettings == NULL)
   240     	{
   241     	iConnectionSettings = new (ELeave)CConnectionSettingsShim(*iProvider);	    
   242     	}
   243 	return *iConnectionSettings;
   244 	}
   246 void CConnectionProviderShim::ConnectionJoiningL( const CConnection& aConnection )
   247 	{
   248 	if (iConnections.Find(&aConnection) < 0)
   249 		{
   250 		iConnections.AppendL(&aConnection);
   251 		}
   252 	TInt count = iNifManSubConnections.Count();
   253 	for ( TInt n = 0; n < count; n++ )
   254 		{//here we exactly know what we are dealing with hence the cast
   255 		CNifManSubConnectionShim* c = static_cast<CNifManSubConnectionShim*>(iNifManSubConnections[n]);
   256 		MSubInterfaceShim* subint = static_cast<MSubInterfaceShim*>(c);
   257 		subint->ConnectionJoiningL(aConnection);
   258 		}
   259 	}
   261 void CConnectionProviderShim::ConnectionLeaving( const CConnection& aConnection )
   262 	{
   263 	TInt count = iNifManSubConnections.Count();
   264 	for ( TInt n = 0; n < count; n++ )
   265 		{//here we exactly know what we are dealing with hence the cast
   266 		CNifManSubConnectionShim* c = static_cast<CNifManSubConnectionShim*>(iNifManSubConnections[n]);
   267 		MSubInterfaceShim* subint = static_cast<MSubInterfaceShim*>(c);
   268 		subint->ConnectionLeaving(aConnection);
   269 		}
   270 	TInt n = iConnections.Find(&aConnection);
   271 	if (n >= 0)
   272 		{
   273 		iConnections.Remove(n);
   274 		}
   275 	}
   277 void CConnectionProviderShim::DoConnectionControlActivityL( TControlActivity aControlActivity, const Meta::SMetaData* aData, const RMessagePtr2* aMessage )
   278 	{
   279 	switch (aControlActivity)
   280 		{
   281 		case EAttachNormal:
   282 		case EAttachMonitor:
   283 			iProvider->AttachToConnectionL(iConnectionInfo.Right(KConnInfoPart), aControlActivity == EAttachMonitor, aMessage);
   284 			if ( aData == NULL )
   285 				{
   286 				break;
   287 				}
   288 			aControlActivity = EConnJoin; //and fall through
   289 		case EConnJoin:
   290 			if ( !aData || !aData->IsTypeOf( STypeId::CreateSTypeId(KShimCommsUid, Meta::KNetMetaTypeAny) ) )
   291 				{
   292 				User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   293 				}
   294 			ConnectionJoiningL(static_cast<const TShimConnectionInfo*>(aData)->iConnection);
   295 			break;
   296 		case EConnLeave:
   297 			if ( !aData || !aData->IsTypeOf( STypeId::CreateSTypeId(KShimCommsUid, Meta::KNetMetaTypeAny) ) )
   298 				{
   299 				User::Leave(KErrArgument);
   300 				}
   301 			ConnectionLeaving(static_cast<const TShimConnectionInfo*>(aData)->iConnection);
   302 			break;
   303 		case ESetUsageProfile:
   304 			{
   305 			ASSERT(aData);
   306 	#ifdef _DEBUG
   307 			Meta::STypeId tid = aData->GetTypeId();
   308 	#endif
   309 			ASSERT( tid.iUid == TUid::Uid( KESockMessagesImplementationUid ) && tid.iType == EESockMessageCommsDes8);
   310 			const ::TMetaDes8* p = static_cast<const ::TMetaDes8*>(aData);
   311 			ASSERT(p->iDes);
   312 			const TUint* profile = reinterpret_cast<const TUint*>(p->iDes->Ptr());
   313 			if (iUsageProfile != *profile)
   314 				{
   315 				__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tSetting usage profile %x -> %x"),
   316 						this, iUsageProfile & 0xff, *profile & 0xff));
   317 				iUsageProfile = *profile;
   318 				iProvider->SetUsageProfile(*profile);
   319 				}
   320 			break;
   321 			}
   322 		};
   323 	}
   325 CNifManSubConnectionShim* CConnectionProviderShim::FindSubConnection( TSubConnectionUniqueId aId )
   326 	{
   327 	CNifManSubConnectionShim* client = NULL;
   328 	TInt count = iNifManSubConnections.Count();
   329 	for ( TInt n = 0; n < count; n++ )
   330 		{//here we exactly know what we are dealing with hence the cast
   331 		CNifManSubConnectionShim* c = static_cast<CNifManSubConnectionShim*>(iNifManSubConnections[n]);
   332 		MSubInterfaceShim* subint = static_cast<MSubInterfaceShim*>(c);
   333 		if (subint->Id() == aId )
   334 			{
   335 			client = c;
   336 			break;
   337 			}
   338 		}
   339 	return client;
   340 	}
   342 // Define methods from the interface specified by MConnectionNotify
   343 void CConnectionProviderShim::ProgressNotification(TInt aStage, TInt aError)
   344 	{
   345 	__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tProgressNotification(%d, %d)"), this, aStage, aError));
   347 	TInt max = iControlClients.Count();
   348 	for (TInt n = max - 1 ; n >= 0 ; n--)
   349 		{
   350 		MConnectionControlClient* client = iControlClients[n];
   351 		client->ProgressNotification(aStage, aError);
   352 		//check whether the client dissapeared or not
   353 		if ( n < iControlClients.Count() && client == iControlClients[n] )
   354 			{
   355 			if (aStage == KLinkLayerOpen)
   356 				{
   357 				iControlClients[n]->LayerUp(aError);
   358 				}
   359 			else if (aError != KErrNone)
   360 				{
   361 				iControlClients[n]->ConnectionError(aStage, aError);
   362 				}
   363 			}
   364 		}
   365 	if (aStage == KConnectionUninitialised && !iIsAlreadyUninitialised /* Guard against receiving KConnectionUninitialised multiple times*/)
   366 		{						
   367 		iIsAlreadyUninitialised = ETrue;
   368 		TInt selectors = iSelectors.Count();
   369 		for (TInt i = 0; i < selectors; ++i)
   370 			{
   371 			iSelectors[i]->SetProviderNull();
   372 			}		
   373 		DeleteMeNow();		
   374 		}
   375 	}
   377 void CConnectionProviderShim::LinkLayerOpen(TInt /*aError*/)
   378 /**
   379 Notification from the connection provider - ignored.
   381 */
   382 	{	
   383 	}
   385 void CConnectionProviderShim::LinkLayerClosed(TInt /*aError*/)
   386 /**
   387 Notification from the connection provider - not currently used.
   389 */
   390 	{
   391 	User::Invariant();
   392 	}
   394 void CConnectionProviderShim::SelectionComplete(TInt aError, const TDesC8& /*aSelectionInfo*/)
   395 	{//obsolete call selection done by factories this could happen only on Attach
   396 	__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tSelectionComplete(%d)"), this, aError));
   397 	ProgressNotification(KFinishedSelection, aError);
   398 	}
   400 void CConnectionProviderShim::ConnectionError(TInt /*aError*/)
   401 /**
   402 Notification from the connection provider - not currently used.
   404 */
   405 	{
   406 	User::Invariant();
   407 	}
   409 void CConnectionProviderShim::ProgressNotification(TSubConnectionUniqueId aSubConnectionUniqueId, TInt aStage, TInt aError)
   410 	{
   411 	MSubInterfaceShim* subint = static_cast<MSubInterfaceShim*>(FindSubConnection(aSubConnectionUniqueId));
   412 	if (subint)
   413 		{//here we exactly know what we are dealing with hence the cast
   414 		subint->ProgressNotification(aStage, aError, KNullDesC8);
   415 		}
   416 	else
   417 		{
   418 		__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tProgressNotification(subConnectionId %d, %d, %d) subconnection ID lookup error occured"),
   419 					 this, aSubConnectionUniqueId, aStage, aError));
   420 		}
   421 	}
   423 void CConnectionProviderShim::ServiceChangeNotification(TUint32 aId, const TDesC& aType)
   424 	{
   425 	TInt max = iControlClients.Count();
   426 	for (TInt i = max - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--)
   427 		{
   428 		iControlClients[i]->ServiceChangeNotification(aId, aType);
   429 		}
   430 	}
   432 void CConnectionProviderShim::InterfaceStateChangeNotification(TDesC8& /*aInfo*/)
   433 	{//served through factories
   434 	ASSERT( NULL );
   435 	}
   437 void CConnectionProviderShim::NotifyDataSent(TSubConnectionUniqueId aSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint aUplinkVolume)
   438 	{//here we exactly know what we are dealing with hence the cast
   439 	MSubInterfaceShim* subint = static_cast<MSubInterfaceShim*>(FindSubConnection(aSubConnectionUniqueId));
   440 	if (subint)
   441 		{
   442 		subint->NotifyDataSent(aUplinkVolume,0);
   443 		}
   444 	else
   445 		{
   446 		__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tNotifyDataSent(subConnectionId %d, aUplinkVolume %d) subconnection ID lookup error %d occured"),
   447 					 this, aSubConnectionUniqueId, aUplinkVolume, KErrNotFound));
   448 		}
   449 	}
   451 void CConnectionProviderShim::NotifyDataReceived(TSubConnectionUniqueId aSubConnectionUniqueId, TUint aDownlinkVolume)
   452 	{//here we exactly know what we are dealing with hence the cast
   453 	MSubInterfaceShim* subint = static_cast<MSubInterfaceShim*>(FindSubConnection(aSubConnectionUniqueId));
   454 	if (subint)
   455 		{
   456 		subint->NotifyDataReceived(aDownlinkVolume,0);
   457 		}
   458 	else
   459 		{
   460 		__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tNotifyDataReceived(SubConnectionId %d, aDownLinkVolume %d); subconnection ID lookup error %d occured"),
   461 					 this, aSubConnectionUniqueId, aDownlinkVolume, KErrNotFound));
   462 		}
   463 	}
   465 void CConnectionProviderShim::SubConnectionEvent(const TSubConnectionEvent& aSubConnectionEvent)
   466 /**
   467 Upcall from connection provider indicating that a subconnection event has occured
   469 @param aSubConnectionEvent The event that occured
   470 @note Even if the not client is listening for subconnection events, we still need them to manage the array of subconnections by listening for started and stopped events on each subconnection
   471 @note Events are not handled on a per-subconnection basis - all events are distributed to anyone who uses the AllSubConnectionNotification() method, so no subconnection/subinterface involvement is necessary
   472 */
   473 	{
   474 	TSubConnectionEventType eventType(aSubConnectionEvent.iEventType);
   475 	TInt ret = KErrNone;
   477 	TSockManData* sockManData = SockManGlobals::Get();
   478 	ASSERT(sockManData != NULL);
   480 	CNifManSubConnectionShim* c = NULL;
   481 	switch(eventType)
   482 		{
   483 		case ESubConnectionOpened:
   484 		    {			
   485 			__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tSubConnectionEvent() ESubConnectionOpened"), this));
   486 			c = FindSubConnection(aSubConnectionEvent.iSubConnectionUniqueId);
   487 			if (c == NULL)
   488 				{
   489 				// no instance yet for particular Id, create one
   490 				TRAP(ret,c = new (ELeave)CNifManSubConnectionShim(*this));
   491 				if(ret!=KErrNone)	// nothing we can do here, no point in throwing error back to event source - nothing they can do about it
   492 					{
   493 					// Array integrity will be broken here - may cause errors later with events on this subconnection if we recover
   494 					__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tERROR: Subconnection opened event; could not create CSubInterface - possible OOM condition - subconnection ID %d, error %d - subinterface array integrity failure"),
   495 							    this, aSubConnectionEvent.iSubConnectionUniqueId, ret));
   496 					break;
   497 					}
   498 				ret = iNifManSubConnections.Append(c);
   499 				if (ret != KErrNone)
   500 					{
   501 						__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tERROR: could not append CNifManSubConnectionShim to the list - subconnection ID %d, error %d - subinterface array integrity failure"),
   502 							    this, aSubConnectionEvent.iSubConnectionUniqueId, ret));
   503 						c->DeleteAsync();
   504 						break;
   505 					}
   506 				}
   507 			MSubInterfaceShim* subint = static_cast<MSubInterfaceShim*>(c);
   508 			subint->SetSubConnectionUniqueId(aSubConnectionEvent.iSubConnectionUniqueId);
   510 			TInt count = iConnections.Count();
   511 			for (TInt i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
   512 				{
   513 				TRAP(ret,c->ConnectionJoiningL(*iConnections[i]));
   514 				if(ret!=KErrNone)	// nothing we can do here, no point in throwing error back to event source - nothing they can do about it
   515 					{
   516 					// Array integrity will be broken here - may cause errors later with events on this subconnection if we recover
   517 					__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tERROR: connection joining subconnection opened event; - possible OOM condition - subconnection ID %d, error %d - subinterface array integrity failure"),
   518 								 this, aSubConnectionEvent.iSubConnectionUniqueId, ret));
   519 					break;
   520 					}
   521 				}
   522 		    }
   523 			break;
   525 		case ESubConnectionClosed:
   526 			__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tSubConnectionEvent() ESubConnectionClosed"), this));
   527 			c = FindSubConnection(aSubConnectionEvent.iSubConnectionUniqueId);
   528 			if(!c)		// then there was an error (probably that we couldn't find the object in the array) - write error to log - not much else we can do
   529 				{
   530 				__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tERROR: Subconnection closed event; could not find subconnection ID %d, lookup error %d occured"),
   531 						    this, aSubConnectionEvent.iSubConnectionUniqueId, KErrNotFound));
   532 				}
   533 			else
   534 				{
   535 				iDeleteAsynchOnly = ETrue;
   536 				TInt n = iNifManSubConnections.Find(c);
   537 				if (n >= 0)
   538 					{
   539 					iNifManSubConnections.Remove(n);
   540 					}
   541 				c->DeleteAsync();
   542 				}
   543 			break;
   545 		default:
   546 			// do nothing; we only care about open and close events
   547 			break;
   548 		}	
   550 	// Rebroadcast all events to all attached control clients
   551 	TInt max = iControlClients.Count();
   552 	for (TInt i = max - 1; i >= 0 ; i--)
   553 		{
   554 		iControlClients[i]->SubConnectionEvent(NULL, aSubConnectionEvent);
   555 		}
   557 	CheckDeleteThis();
   559 	}
   561 CConnectionProvdBase* CConnectionProviderShim::GetNifSession()
   562     {
   563     return iProvider;
   564     }
   566 void CConnectionProviderShim::InitialiseL(CConnectionProvdBase* aStarterSession)
   567 	{
   568 	ASSERT(aStarterSession);
   569 	//
   570 	//can't set the provider twice
   571 	//
   572 	ASSERT(iProvider == NULL);	
   573 	iProvider = Nif::NewConnectionL(this, 0);	
   574 	__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tInitialiseL(aStarterSession %x) iProvider %x"), this, aStarterSession, iProvider));
   575 	//
   576 	// After creating the new nif session (iProvider) we also need to transfer the connection attempt count
   577 	// from the old nif session (aStarterSession) to the new one, since it was the one that initially 
   578 	// started the interface and connection attempt count was incremented in StartL of nif session
   579 	//
   580 	TPckg<TInt> connectionAttempt(-1);
   581 	aStarterSession->ControlL(KCOLProvider, KNifSessionGetConnectionAttempt, connectionAttempt, NULL);
   582 	ASSERT(connectionAttempt() != -1);			
   583 	iProvider->ControlL(KCOLProvider, KNifSessionSetConnectionAttempt, connectionAttempt, NULL);
   584 	//
   585 	// Finally, call ConnectionControlActivityL to ensure that the provider is attached to the connection
   586 	// and progress notifications from the provider end up in the connection object too
   587 	//		
   588 	DoConnectionControlActivityL(EAttachNormal, NULL, NULL);
   590 //PREQ399_REMOVE
   592 	_LIT(KIfNameField, "IfName");
   593 	TBuf<KCommsDbSvrMaxFieldLength> nifname;
   594 	iProvider->GetDes16SettingL(KIfNameField(), nifname);
   595     if (nifname.CompareF (KSpudName) == 0)
   596         {
   597         iSubConnectionType = KUmtsGprsSubConnectionProviderFactoryId;
   598         }
   600 	iHasAnyControlClientJoined = ETrue;
   601     }
   603 void CConnectionProviderShim::SetBlockProgressesL(CConnectionProvdBase* aStarterSession)
   604 /**
   605 Ensure that the "blocked progress" status of aStarterSession is copied across to iProvider session.
   607 @param aStarterSession session from which to copy "blocked progress" status.
   608 */
   609 	{
   610 	TPckg<TBool> blockProgresses(EFalse);
   611 	aStarterSession->ControlL(KCOLProvider, KNifSessionGetBlockProgresses, blockProgresses, NULL);
   612 	iProvider->ControlL(KCOLProvider, KNifSessionSetBlockProgresses, blockProgresses, NULL);
   613 	}
   615 void CConnectionProviderShim::DoJoinNextLayerL(CConnectionProviderBase* aNextLayer)
   616 	{
   617 	(void)aNextLayer;
   618 	if ( !iProvider )
   619 		{
   620 		ASSERT( !aNextLayer );
   621 //		AddRef(); 	//The AddRef needs to be here since it follows the logic in the selector shim. 	
   622 		iProvider = Nif::NewConnectionL(this, 0);
   623 		__CFLOG_VAR((KShimCprTag, KShimCprSubTag, _L8("CConnectionProviderShim %08x:\tDoJoinNextLayerL(aNextLayer %x) iProvider %x"), this, aNextLayer, iProvider));
   624 		}
   625 	}
   627 CConnectionProviderBase* CConnectionProviderShim::DoNextLayer() const
   628     {
   629     //This is (by design) the last layer.
   630     return NULL;
   631     }
   634 TInt CConnectionProviderShim::DoCanDoSubConnection(RSubConnection::TSubConnType aSubConnType) const
   635 	{
   636 	(void)aSubConnType;
   638 	return iSubConnectionType;
   639 #else	
   640   	return 0;
   641 #endif
   643   	}
   645 /**
   646 Find particular CSubConnectionLinkShimClient object with the pointer to given aConnection
   648 @param aTypeId Id of CNifManSubConnectionShim
   649 @param aConnection aConnection pointer 
   650 @return CSubConnectionLinkShimClient* or NULL
   651 */
   652 CSubConnectionLinkShimClient* CConnectionProviderShim::QuerySubSessions(TInt32 aTypeId,const CConnection* aConnection)
   653 	{
   654 	 TInt count = iNifManSubConnections.Count();
   655 	 CNifManSubConnectionShim *nifManSubConnection;
   656 	 CSubConnectionLinkShimClient *linkShimClient = NULL;
   657 	 for (TInt i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
   658 	 	{
   659 		nifManSubConnection = iNifManSubConnections[i];
   660 		if (nifManSubConnection && nifManSubConnection->Id() == aTypeId)	
   661 			{
   662 			TInt n = 0;
   663 			do
   664 				{
   665 				 linkShimClient = nifManSubConnection->ShimClient(n++);			
   666 				}
   667 			while (linkShimClient && !linkShimClient->Match(*aConnection));
   668 			}
   669 	 	}
   671 	return linkShimClient;
   672 	}
   675 void CConnectionProviderShim::SetFactoryIfactory(CConnectionProviderFactoryShim *aFactoryShim)
   676 	{
   677 	iFactoryShim = aFactoryShim;	
   678 	}