changeset 0 af10295192d8
child 5 1422c6cd3f0c
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     1 // Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // Interface to IR-LAN
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 /**
    19  @file
    20  @internalComponent 
    21 */
    23 #if !defined(__IRLAN_H__)
    24 #define __IRLAN_H__
    26 #define _MKLOG
    27 //#define __TRACEWIN__
    29 #include <ir_sock.h>
    30 #include "IRLANDAT.H"
    32 #include <comms-infras/nifif.h>
    34 const TUint KIrlanMajorVersionNumber=1; //< Constant specifies Major version number.
    35 const TUint KIrlanMinorVersionNumber=0; //< Constant specifies Minor version number.
    36 const TUint KIrlanBuildVersionNumber=7; //< Constant specifies Build version number.
    38 class CInternalSocket;
    39 class CInternalNetDB;
    40 class CInternalHostResolver;
    41 class CIrlanControlEngine;
    43 /**
    44 @internalComponent
    45 */
    46 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CIrlanPktDrvFactory) : public CPktDrvFactory
    47 {
    48 public:
    49 	CIrlanPktDrvFactory();
    50 	virtual CPktDrvBase* NewDriverL(CLANLinkCommon* aParent);
    51   	virtual TVersion Version() const;
    52 };
    54 inline CIrlanPktDrvFactory::CIrlanPktDrvFactory()
    55 {
    56 }
    58 /**
    59 Specific packet drivers are implemented as separate DLLs.
    60 @internalComponent
    61 */
    62 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CIrlanPktDrv) : public CPktDrvBase
    63 {
    64 public: 
    65 	CIrlanPktDrv(CPktDrvFactory& aFactory);
    66 	virtual ~CIrlanPktDrv();
    67 	virtual void ConstructL(CLANLinkCommon* aParent);
    68 	virtual TInt TestSend(TDesC8& /*aBuffer*/){return KErrNone;};
    69 	virtual TInt StartInterface();
    70 	virtual TInt StopInterface();
    71 	virtual TInt ResetInterface();
    72 	virtual TInt SetRxMode(TRxMode AMode); 
    73 	virtual TInt GetRxMode() const;
    74 	virtual TInt AccessType();
    75 	virtual TInt ReleaseType();
    76 	virtual TInt SetInterfaceAddress(const THWAddr&);
    77 	virtual TUint8* GetInterfaceAddress()const;
    78 	virtual TInt GetMulticastList(const THWAddr* aAddr, TInt& n) const;
    79 	virtual TInt SetMulticastList(const THWAddr* aAddr, TInt n);
    80 	virtual TInt InterfacePowerUp();
    81 	virtual TInt InterfacePowerDown();
    82 	virtual TInt InterfaceSleep();
    83 	virtual TInt InterfaceResume();
    84 	virtual TInt Info(TNifIfInfo& aInfo, TInt aIndex) const; //< need to instantiate pure virtuals from CNifIfBase ETHER_802 
    85     virtual void FoundMACAddr();
    86 	virtual TInt Send(RMBufChain& aPdu);
    87 	virtual TInt Notification(enum TAgentToNifEventType aEvent, void* aInfo);
    88 	virtual TInt Control(TUint aLevel,TUint aName,TDes8& aOption, TAny* aSource=0);
    90 	// Other functions 
    91 	void LinkLayerUp();
    92 	void Process(RMBufChain& aPdu);
    93 private:
    94 	CIrlanPktDrv();
    96 private:
    97 	CEther802LLCBase* iMACLayer;
    98 	CIrlanControlEngine *iControl;
    99 };
   101 class CIrlanSender;
   102 class CIrlanReceiver;
   103 class CIrlanControlEngineTimers;
   105 /**
   106 Main Irlan control object.  State machine implemented with as an active object.
   107 @internalComponent
   108 */
   109 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CIrlanControlEngine) : public CActive , public MResolverNotify , public MSocketNotify
   110 {
   111 public:
   112 	friend class CIrlanSender;
   113 	friend class CIrlanReceiver;
   114 private:
   115 enum TIrlanState
   116 	{
   117 	E_Idle,E_PassiveIdle,E_Query,E_Conn,E_Info,E_Media,E_FilterConfig,E_FilterOperation,
   118 	E_FilterBroadcast,E_Open,E_Wait,E_Arb,E_Data,E_Close,E_Sync,
   119 	};
   120 enum TIrlanMode
   121 	{
   122 	EAccessPoint,EPeerToPeer,EHosted,
   123 	};
   124 public:
   125 	static CIrlanControlEngine *NewL(CIrlanPktDrv* aPktDrv);
   126 	~CIrlanControlEngine();
   127 	void RunL();
   128 	void StartL();
   129 	void DoCancel();
   130 	// Notifier functions for internal sockets to call.
   131 	void NewData(TUint aCount);
   132 	void CanSend();
   133 	TInt Send(RMBufChain& aPdu, TAny* aSource=0);
   134 	void ConnectComplete();
   135 	void ConnectComplete(const TDesC8& aConnectData);
   136     void ConnectComplete(CServProviderBase& aSSP);
   137 	void ConnectComplete(CServProviderBase& aSSP,const TDesC8& aConnectData);
   138 	void CanClose(TDelete aDelete=EDelete);
   139 	void CanClose(const TDesC8& aDisconnectData,TDelete aDelete=EDelete);
   140 	void Error(TInt anError,TUint anOperationMask=EErrorAllOperations);
   141 	void Disconnect(void);
   142 	void Disconnect(TDesC8& aDisconnectData);
   143 	void IoctlComplete(TDesC8 *aBuf);
   144 	void NoBearer(const TDesC8& aConnectionParams);
   145 	void Bearer(const TDesC8& aConnectionInfo);
   146 	// Notifier functions for internal host resolver/netDB to call. 
   147 	void QueryComplete(TInt aError);
   148 	// Other public functions 
   149 	TUint8* GetInterfaceAddress();
   150 	//	static TInt SendCallBack(TAny* aSource);
   151 	static TInt IrlanControlEngineTimerExpired(TAny *aIrlan);
   152 private:
   153 	CIrlanControlEngine();
   154 	void ConstructL(CIrlanPktDrv* aNotify);
   155 	void ActivateStateMachine(TInt aStat=KErrNone);
   156 	// IrLAN state machine asynchronous actions: 
   157 	TInt AttemptingDiscoveryL();
   158 	TInt PassiveIdleTransitionL();
   159 	TInt QueryRemoteIASL();
   160 	TInt ConnectToProviderL();
   161 	void ParseControlCommand();
   163 	TInt GetInfoCmd();
   164 	TInt GetInfoReply();
   165 	void ParseInfoReply();
   166 	TInt GetMediaCmd();
   167 	TInt GetMediaReply();
   168 	TInt ParseMediaReply(); 
   169 	TInt OpenDataCmd();
   170 	void ParseOpenDataReply();
   171 	TInt GetDirectedFilterConfigCmd();
   172 	void ParseDirectedFilterConfigReply();
   173 	TInt SetDirectedFilterOperationCmd();
   174 	void ParseDirectedFilterOperationReply();
   175 	TInt SetBroadcastFilterOperationCmd();
   176 	void ParseBroadcastFilterOperationReply();
   177 	TInt ConnectToDataChannelL();
   178 	void SendIrlanControlFrame(RMBufChain& aPdu);
   179 	void SendIrlanResponseFrame(RMBufChain& aPdu);
   180 	void QueueWaitForControlCommand();
   181 	void QueueWaitForControlResponse();
   182 	void ProcessReceivedPacketL();
   184 	// Private utility functions 
   185 	CIrlanParameter* LookUpParameter(const TDesC8& aName);
   186 	void HandleErrorL();
   187 	TInt DoIASQuery(const TDesC8& aClassName,
   188 	  const TDesC8& aAttributeName,TUint aRemDevAddr);
   189 	TInt DoControlConnect();
   190 	TInt DoDataConnect();
   192 	// printing routines 
   193 	void PrintState();
   194 	void PrintIASResults();
   195 	void PrintIASError(TInt aError);
   196 	void PrintResultCode(TIrlanQueryResult aResult);
   197 private:
   198 	CIrlanPktDrv* iNotify;
   199 	TUint8 iHWAddr[9];
   201 	HBufC8* iRecvBuffer;
   202 	TUint iRecvBufLength;
   203 	TPtr8 iRecvBufPtr;
   205 	CIrlanControlEngineTimers *iTimers;
   206 	TInt iDiscoveryAttempts;
   207 	TIrlanMode iAccessType;
   208 	TBool iAwaitingResponse;
   209 	TInt iAwaitingCommand;
   210 	TIrlanState iState;
   211 	CIrlanPktDrv *iPktDrv;
   212 	TUint iDiscoveredDevice;
   213 	CIrlanSender* iSender;
   214 	CIrlanReceiver* iReceiver;
   215 	TProtocolDesc iProtInfo;
   216 	CProtocolBase *iProtocol;
   217 	CInternalHostResolver *iHostResolver;
   218 	/** discovery log */
   219 	TNameEntry iLog;		
   221 	CInternalNetDB *iNetDatabase;
   222 	TIASQuery iQuery;
   223 	TIASResponse iResults;
   224 	// listening 
   225 	CInternalSocket *iListenSock;
   226 	CInternalSocket *iAcceptControlSock;
   228 	// sending 
   229 	CInternalSocket *iControlSock;
   230 	CInternalSocket *iDataSock;
   231 	TRequestStatus iSendStat;
   232 	TRequestStatus iRecvStat;
   233 	TUint iOpenRetries;
   234 	TInt iIrlanControlPortNum;
   235 	TInt iIrlanDataPortNum;
   236 	TDblQue<CIrlanParameter> iIrlanParameterList;
   237 	RMBufPktQ iDataSendQ;
   238 };
   240 /**
   241 @internalComponent
   242 */
   243 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CIrlanSender) : public CActive
   244 {
   245 public:
   246 	static CIrlanSender* NewL(CIrlanControlEngine* aParent,CInternalSocket* aSock);
   247 	~CIrlanSender();
   248 	void QueueSend(RMBufChain& aPdu);
   249 	void KickSender();
   250 	virtual void RunL();
   251 	virtual void DoCancel();
   252 private:
   253 	CIrlanSender();
   254 	void InitL(CIrlanControlEngine* aParent,CInternalSocket* aSock);
   255 	void SeeIfPacketToSend();
   256 private:
   257 	CIrlanControlEngine* iParent;
   258 	CInternalSocket* iDataSock;
   259 };
   261 /**
   262 @internalComponent
   263 */
   264 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CIrlanReceiver) : public CActive
   265 {
   266 public:
   267 	static CIrlanReceiver* NewL(CIrlanControlEngine* aParent,CInternalSocket* aSock);
   268 	~CIrlanReceiver();
   269 	void QueueRead();
   270 	virtual void RunL();
   271 	virtual void DoCancel();
   272 private:
   273 	CIrlanReceiver();
   274 	void InitL(CIrlanControlEngine* aParent,CInternalSocket* aSock);
   275 private:
   276 	CIrlanControlEngine* iParent;
   277 	CInternalSocket* iDataSock;
   278 };
   280 /**
   281 @internalComponent
   282 */
   283 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CIrlanControlEngineTimers) : public CBase
   284 {
   285 public:
   286 	friend class CIrlanControlEngine;
   287 	virtual ~CIrlanControlEngineTimers();
   288 	static CIrlanControlEngineTimers *NewL(CIrlanControlEngine *aIrlan);
   289 	void StartIrlanControlEngineTimer(TCallBack aCallBack,TInt aTimeout);
   290 	void StopIrlanControlEngineTimer();
   291 	void DoIrlanControlEngineTimerExpired();
   292 private:
   293 	CIrlanControlEngineTimers(CIrlanControlEngine *aIrlan);
   294 private:
   295 	CIrlanControlEngine *iIrlanControlEngine;
   296 	TDeltaTimerEntry iIrlanControlEngineTimer;
   297 	TDeltaTimerEntry *iIrlanControlEngineTimerH;
   298 };
   300 #endif