changeset 0 af10295192d8
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:af10295192d8
     1 // Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // DHCPv6 Message wrapper header file
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 /**
    19  @file
    20 */
    22 #ifndef DHCPIP6MSG_H
    23 #define DHCPIP6MSG_H
    25 #include "DHCPMsg.h"
    26 #include "DHCPIP6_Std.h"
    28 #include "DomainNameDecoder.h"
    30 //!!!!BEWARE all message handling so far (except message receiver) expects there's a buffer long enough
    31 //to hold whatever necessary.
    32 //We should be able to compute the length of needed buffer beforehand based on the message structure
    34 _LIT( KDhcpv6, "DHCPv6" );
    36 class TInetAddr;
    37 class TDhcpRnd;
    39 namespace DHCPv6
    40 {
    42 enum TMessageType
    43 /**
    44   * DHCPv6::TMessageType
    45   *
    46   * The message type constants for the DHCPv6
    47   * message type option for inclusion in DHCPv6
    48   * messages.
    49   *
    50   * @internalTechnology
    51   */
    52 	{
    53 	ESolicit = 0x01,		   // request
    54 	EAdvertise,		   		// reply
    55 	ERequest,				   // request
    56 	EConfirm,				   // request
    57 	ERenew,					   // request
    58 	ERebind,		   		   // request
    59 	EReply,			         // reply
    60 	ERelease,					// request
    61 	EDecline,					// request
    62 	EReconfigure,				// reply
    63 	EInformationRequest,		// request
    64 //	ERelayForw,	   			// not supported
    65 //	ERelayRepl 		   		// not supported
    66    EUnknown = 0xFAFA
    67 	};
    69 /**
    70  * DHCPv6::TStatusCodes
    71  * A Status Code option may appear in the options field of a DHCP
    72  * message and/or in the options field of another option.  If the Status
    73  * Code option does not appear in a message in which the option could
    74  * appear, the status of the message is assumed to be Success.
    75 */
    76 enum TStatusCodes
    77    {
    78 	//RFC status codes
    79    ESuccess        = 0, //Success.
    80    EUnspecFail     = 1, //Failure, reason unspecified; this
    81                         //status code is sent by either a client
    82                         //or a server to indicate a failure
    83                         //not explicitly specified in this
    84                         //document.
    85    ENoAddrsAvail   = 2, //Server has no addresses available to assign to
    86                         //the IA(s).
    87    ENoBinding      = 3, //Client record (binding) unavailable.
    88    ENotOnLink      = 4, //The prefix for the address is not appropriate for
    89                         //the link to which the client is attached.
    90    EUseMulticast   = 5, //Sent by a server to a client to force the
    91                         //client to send messages to the server.
    92                         //using the All_DHCP_Relay_Agents_and_Servers
    93                         //address.
    94 	//internal component status codes
    95 	EMarkForRelease = 128,
    96 	EMarkForDecline = 129,
    97 	EMarkToRequest	 = 130,
    98 	EStatusUnknown	 = 0xFF, //highest possible status code
   100    };
   101 /**
   102   * DHCPv6 negotiation constants (the time values are in seconds)
   103   *
   104   * @internalTechnology
   105   */
   106 const TInt  KSolMaxDelay   = 1;   //sec   Max delay of first Solicit
   107 const TInt  KSolTimeout    = 1;   //sec   Initial Solicit timeout
   108 const TInt  KSolMaxRt      = 120; //secs  Max Solicit timeout value
   109 const TInt  KReqTimeout    = 1;   //sec   Initial Request timeout
   110 const TInt  KReqMaxRt      = 30;  //secs  Max Request timeout value
   111 const TInt  KReqMaxRc      = 10;  //     Max Request retry attempts
   112 const TInt  KCnfMaxDelay   = 1;   //sec   Max delay of first Confirm
   113 const TInt  KCnfTimeout    = 1;   //sec   Initial Confirm timeout
   114 const TInt  KCnfMaxRt      = 4;   //secs  Max Confirm timeout
   115 const TInt  KCnfMaxRd      = 10;  //secs  Max Confirm duration
   116 const TInt  KRenTimeout    = 10;  //secs  Initial Renew timeout
   117 const TInt  KRenMaxRt      = 600; //secs  Max Renew timeout value
   118 const TInt  KRebTimeout    = 10;  //secs  Initial Rebind timeout
   119 const TInt  KRebMaxRt      = 600; //secs  Max Rebind timeout value
   120 const TInt  KInfMaxDelay   = 1;   //sec   Max delay of first Information-request
   121 const TInt  KInfTimeout    = 1;   //sec   Initial Information-request timeout
   122 const TInt  KInfMaxRt      = 120; //secs  Max Information-request timeout value
   123 const TInt  KRelTimeout    = 1;   //sec   Initial Release timeout
   124 const TInt  KRelMaxRc      = 5;   //    MAX Release attempts
   125 const TInt  KDecTimeout    = 1;   //sec   Initial Decline timeout
   126 const TInt  KDecMaxRc      = 5;   //    Max Decline attempts
   127 const TInt  KRecTimeout    = 2;   //secs  Initial Reconfigure timeout
   128 const TInt  KRecMaxRc      = 8;   //    Max Reconfigure attempts
   129 const TInt  KHopCountLimit = 32;  //     Max hop count in a Relay-forward message
   131 /******DHCP extension template []->optional - the code dependent******
   132        0                   1                   2                   3
   133        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   134       +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
   135       |          option-code          |           option-len          |
   136       +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
   137       |                          option-data                          |
   138       |                      (option-len octets)                      |
   139       +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
   141       option-code   An unsigned integer identifying the specific option
   142                     type carried in this option.
   144       option-len    An unsigned integer giving the length of the
   145                     option-data field in this option in octets.
   147       option-data   The data for the option; the format of this data
   148                     depends on the definition of the option.
   149                     +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-++-+-+-+-+-+-++-+-+-+-+-+
   150                     | fixed part      | variable part (option list)   |
   151                     +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-++-+-+-+-+-+-++-+-+-+-+-+
   152 *********************************************************************/
   153 enum TOptionCodes
   154 /**
   155   * DHCPv6::TOptionCodes
   156   *
   157   * The constant values for each supported
   158   * option type.
   159   *
   160   * @internalTechnology
   161   */
   162 	{
   163 	EClientId = 1,          //Client DUID
   164 	EServerId = 2,          //Server DUID
   165 	EIaNa = 3,              //Identity Association for Non-temporary Addresses 
   166 	EIaTa = 4,              //Identity Association for Temporary Addresses
   167 	EIaAddr = 5,            //IPv6 addresses associated with an IA_NA(EIaNa) or an IA_TA(EIaTa)
   168 	EOro = 6,               //Option Request - identify a list of options in a message
   169 	EPreference = 7,
   170    EElapsedTime = 8,
   171    ERelayMsg   = 9,        //for relay agents only
   172 	EAuthentication = 11,
   173 	EUnicast = 12,          //server sends to indicate the client is allowed to unicast messages
   174 	EStatusCode = 13,
   175 	ERapidCommit = 14,
   176 	EUserClass = 15,
   177 	EVendorClass = 16,
   178 	EVendorOpts = 17,
   179 	EInterfaceId = 18,      //for relay agents only
   180 	EReconfMsg = 19,
   181    EReconfAccept = 20,
   182    ESipServerD = 21,       //SIP Server Domain Name List
   183    ESipServerA = 22,        //SIP Servers IPv6 Address List
   184    //the options 23/24 are just in  Solicit, Advertise, Request, Renew, Rebind, Information-Request, and Reply
   185    EDNSServers = 23,       
   186    EDomainList = 24,       //Domain Search List option
   187    EOptionAny = 0xFAFA
   188    //prefix delegation
   189    //otion lifetime
   190 	};
   192 enum TReconfigureTypes
   193     {
   194     EReconfigureRenew  = 5,
   195     EReconfigureInformRequest = 11
   196     };
   198 const TInt KDHCPHeaderLength = 4;
   199 const TInt KXidLength = 3;
   200 const TInt KXidOffset = 1;
   201 const TInt KOptionHeaderLength = 4;
   202 const TInt K32bitNumberOctets = 4;
   203 const TInt KOptionLengthOffset = 2;
   204 const TInt KOptionCodeOffset = 0;
   205 const TInt KOptionCodeLen = 2;
   206 const TInt KElapsedTimeOptionLen = 2;
   207 const TInt KOptionLengthLen = 2;
   209 const TInt KDuidTypeLen         = 2;
   210 const TInt KDuidLLTypeCode      = 3;
   211 const TInt KDuidHardwareTypeLen = 2;
   212 const TInt KDuidEthMacAddrSize	= 6;
   214 template <typename LAYOUT>
   215 class TOptionHeader : public TValue< LAYOUT >
   216 	{
   217 public:
   218 	TOptionHeader(TInt aValueLength) :
   219 		TValue<LAYOUT>(aValueLength)
   220 		{
   221 		};
   223 	TInt GetValue(const TUint8* aPtr8) const;
   224 	void SetValue(TUint8* aPtr8, TInt aValue) const;
   225 	};
   227 template <typename LAYOUT>
   228 TInt TOptionHeader<LAYOUT>::GetValue(const TUint8* aPtr8) const
   229 	{
   230    __ASSERT_DEBUG( this->iValueLength == KOptionHeaderLength, User::Panic( KDhcpv6, KErrBadDescriptor ) );
   231 	return LAYOUT::GetValue(aPtr8 + KOptionLengthOffset, this->iValueLength - KOptionLengthOffset);
   232 	}
   234 template <typename LAYOUT>
   235 void TOptionHeader<LAYOUT>::SetValue(TUint8* aPtr8, TInt aValue) const
   236 	{
   237    __ASSERT_DEBUG( this->iValueLength == KOptionHeaderLength, User::Panic( KDhcpv6, KErrBadDescriptor ) );
   238 	LAYOUT::SetValue(aPtr8 + KOptionLengthOffset, this->iValueLength - KOptionLengthOffset, aValue);
   239 	}
   241 template <class TLAYOUT>
   242 class COption : public CItem<TOptionHeader<TLAYOUT> >
   243 	{
   244 public:
   245 	COption(CItemBase* aNext) :
   246 		CItem<TOptionHeader<TLAYOUT> >(aNext, KOptionHeaderLength)
   247 		{
   248 		}
   250 	TUint OpCode() const
   251 		{
   252       return TLAYOUT::GetValue( this->CItemBase::iPtr8, KOptionCodeLen );
   253 		}
   254 	void SetOpCode(TUint aOpCode)
   255 		{
   256       TLAYOUT::SetValue( this->CItemBase::iPtr8, KOptionCodeLen, aOpCode );
   257 		}
   258 	};
   260 class COptionNode : public COption<TBigEndian>
   261 /**
   262   * represents one DHCPv6 option in a message
   263   * 
   264   *
   265   * @internalTechnology
   266   */
   267 	{
   268 	friend class COptionList;
   270 public:
   272 #ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
   273 	virtual void Dump(const TDesC& aTag, const TDesC& aFile);
   274 #endif
   276    static COptionNode* NewL();
   278 public:
   279   	TRecord iRecord;
   281 protected:
   282 	COptionNode( CItemBase* aNext );
   283 	virtual ~COptionNode();
   284    };
   287 inline COptionNode::COptionNode( CItemBase* aNext ) :
   288 	COption<TBigEndian>(aNext),
   289    iRecord( NULL )
   290 	{
   291 	iRecord.iFirst = this; //to get rid of too cautious warning C4355 (assignment of uncompleted this)
   292 	}
   294 class COptionList : public CListItem
   295 	{
   296 public:
   297 	COptionList(CItemBase* aNext);
   299 	COptionNode* AddNodeL(TOptionCodes aOpCode, TInt aInitialLength);
   300 	COptionNode* FindOption(TUint aOpCode) const;
   301 	COptionNode* FindOption(TUint aOpCode, TInt& aPos) const;
   303 	virtual void ParseL(TPtr8& aDes8);
   305    //get 32bit value (offset == aIndex * 4bytes)
   306 	TUint32 GetL( TInt aIndex, TUint aOpCode ) const;
   308 protected:
   309    static COptionNode* CreateNodeL( TUint aOpCode );
   310 	};
   312 inline COptionList::COptionList(CItemBase* aNext) : 
   313 	CListItem(aNext, 0)
   314 	{
   315 	}
   317 inline COptionNode* COptionList::FindOption(TUint aOpCode) const
   318 /**
   319   * Find the location of an option in the message and return a pointer to it
   320   *
   321   * @internalTechnology
   322   */
   323 	{
   324 	TInt dummy = 0;
   325 	return FindOption(aOpCode,dummy);
   326 	}
   328 class CDHCPOptionAny : public COptionNode
   329 /**
   330   * Class parsing any DHCP option that has a structure given by a subclass and
   331   * followed by unspecified trailing option data (member iOptionData)
   332   *
   333   * @internalTechnology
   334   */
   335 	{
   337 public:
   338 	CDHCPOptionAny(CItemBase* aNext) :
   339       COptionNode( aNext )
   340       {
   341       }
   343    static COptionNode* NewL();
   345 #if 0
   346 public:
   347 	virtual void ParseL( TPtr8& aDes8 );
   349 public:
   350 	TPtr8 OptionData();
   352 protected:
   353 	TUint8* iPtrOptionData;
   354 	TInt iLenOptionData;
   355 #endif
   356 	};
   358 /**
   359   * This DNS Recursive Name Server option(option 23) returns the Recursive DNS server addresses
   360   * Ref: RFC 3646
   361   * @internalTechnology
   362   */
   363 class CDHCPOptionDNSServers : public COptionNode
   364 	{
   365 public:
   366 	CDHCPOptionDNSServers() :
   367       COptionNode(NULL)
   368       {
   369       }
   371 	virtual void ParseL( TPtr8& aDes8 );
   373 	TBool GetDomainNameServer( TInt aIndex, TInetAddr& addr );
   374 	};
   377 /**
   378   * This option returns the SIP server addresses
   379   *
   380   * @internalTechnology
   381   */
   382 class CDHCPOptionSipServerAddrs : public COptionNode
   383 	{
   384 public:
   385 	CDHCPOptionSipServerAddrs() :
   386       COptionNode(NULL)
   387       {
   388       }
   390 	virtual void ParseL(TPtr8& aDes8);
   392 	TBool GetSipServerAddr(TInt aIndex, TInetAddr& addr);
   393 	};
   395 /**
   396   * This option returns the SIP server domain names
   397   *
   398   * @internalTechnology
   399   */
   400 class CDHCPOptionSipServerDomains : public COptionNode
   401 	{
   402 public:
   403 	CDHCPOptionSipServerDomains() :
   404       COptionNode(NULL)
   405       {
   406       }
   408 	virtual void ParseL(TPtr8& aDes8);
   410 	TBool GetSipServerDomains(TInt aIndex, THostName& aName);
   411 	};
   413 /**
   414   * This Domain Search List option(option 24) returns the Domain names while doing
   415   * name resolution
   416   * Ref: RFC 3646
   417   * @internalTechnology
   418   */
   419 class CDHCPOptionDomainSearchList  : public COptionNode
   420 	{
   421 public:
   422 	CDHCPOptionDomainSearchList() :
   423       COptionNode(NULL)
   424       {
   425       }
   427 	virtual void ParseL(TPtr8& aDes8);
   429 	TBool GetDomainSearchList(TInt aIndex, THostName& aName);
   430 	};
   434 const TInt KDHCPOptionStatusCodeLength = 2; //bytes
   436 class CDHCPOptionStatusCode : public CDHCPOptionAny
   437 /**
   438   * This option returns a status indication related to the DHCP message
   439   * or option in which it appears.
   440   *
   441   * @internalTechnology
   442   */
   443 	{
   445 public:
   446     CDHCPOptionStatusCode() : CDHCPOptionAny(NULL) 
   447         {
   448         }
   450     COptionNode* NewL();
   452 public:
   453 	TUint32 GetStatusCode() const;
   454 	void SetStatusCode( TUint32 aStatusCode );
   455 	};
   457 const TInt KDHCPOptionRequestLen = 12;
   459 class CDHCPOptionRequestOption : public COptionNode
   460 /**
   461   * This option returns a status indication related to the DHCP message
   462   * or option in which it appears.
   463   *
   464   * @internalTechnology
   465   */
   466 	{
   468 public:
   469 	CDHCPOptionRequestOption() :
   470 		COptionNode( NULL )
   471 		{
   472      	}
   474    static COptionNode* NewL();
   476 public:
   477 	void AppendRequestedOptions();
   479 	};
   481 /**********************DHCPv6 message header****************************
   482        0                   1                   2                   3
   483        0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   484       +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
   485       |    msg-type   |               transaction-id                  |
   486       +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
   487       |                                                               |
   488       .                            options                            .
   489       .                           (variable)                          .
   490       |                                                               |
   491       +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
   493       msg-type             Identifies the DHCP message type; the
   494                            available message types are listed in
   495                            section 5.3.
   497       transaction-id       The transaction ID for this message exchange.
   499       options              Options carried in this message; options are
   500                            described in section 22.
   501 **********************************************************************/
   502 class CDHCPMessageHeaderIP6 : public CDHCPMessageHeader
   503 	{	
   504 public:
   505 	CDHCPMessageHeaderIP6(HBufC8*& aMsg) :
   506 		CDHCPMessageHeader(&iOptions, KDHCPHeaderLength, aMsg),
   507 		iOptions(NULL)
   508 		{
   509 #ifdef _FLOG_ACTIVE
   510 		iOptions.iName = _L("Options");
   511 #endif
   512 	    }
   513 	~CDHCPMessageHeaderIP6();
   515 public:
   516 	TInt Parse(const TDhcpRnd& aXid, const TDesC8& aClientId, RBuf8& aServerId);
   517 	virtual void RemoveAllOptions();
   519 	DHCPv6::COptionNode* AddOptionL(DHCPv6::TOptionCodes aOpCode, TInt aLength);
   521 	void SetMessageType(TUint8 aMsgType);		
   522 	void SetXid(TUint32 aXid); 				// Transaction ID
   523 	TUint8 GetMessageType() const;
   524 	TUint32 GetXid() const; 				// Transaction ID
   525    DHCPv6::TStatusCodes GetStatusCode() const;  //returns status code for the message 
   526                                        //if no status option present it returns success
   528 	inline DHCPv6::COptionList& GetOptions() { return iOptions; };
   530 	void Close() //so as it could be put on the stack and on the cleanup stack
   531 		{
   532 		iOptions.RemoveAllNodes();
   533 		}
   535 protected:
   536 	DHCPv6::COptionList iOptions;
   538 	};
   540 inline DHCPv6::TStatusCodes CDHCPMessageHeaderIP6::GetStatusCode() const
   541    {//for the moment inline
   542    return DHCPv6::ESuccess;
   543    }
   545 inline void CDHCPMessageHeaderIP6::RemoveAllOptions()
   546 	{
   547 	iOptions.RemoveAllNodes();
   548 	}
   550 inline TUint8 CDHCPMessageHeaderIP6::GetMessageType() const
   551 /**
   552   * Retrieve message type
   553   *
   554   * @internalTechnology
   555   *
   556   */
   557 	{
   558 	return static_cast<TUint8>(*Ptr());
   559 	}
   561 inline void CDHCPMessageHeaderIP6::SetMessageType(TUint8 aMsgType)
   562 /**
   563   * Set Message Type
   564   *
   565   * @internalTechnology
   566   *
   567   */
   568 	{
   569    TUint8* ptr = Ptr();
   570    *ptr = aMsgType;
   571 	}
   573 inline void CDHCPMessageHeaderIP6::SetXid(TUint32 aXid)
   574 /**
   575   * Set Transaction ID in message
   576   *
   577   * @internalTechnology
   578   *
   579   */
   580 	{//set it as a big endian
   581     TBigEndian::SetValue( Ptr() + KXidOffset, KXidLength, aXid );
   582 	}
   584 inline TUint32 CDHCPMessageHeaderIP6::GetXid() const
   585 /**
   586   * Retrieve Transaction ID from message
   587   *
   588   * @internalTechnology
   589   *
   590   */
   591 	{//get as a big endian
   592    return TBigEndian::GetValue( Ptr() + KXidOffset, KXidLength );
   593 	}
   595 } //namespace DHCPv6
   596 #endif