changeset 0 af10295192d8
child 53 7e41d162e158
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:af10295192d8
     1 // Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // engine.cpp - name resolver core engine
    15 //
    17 #include "dnd.hrh"
    18 #include "engine.h"
    19 #include "listener.h"
    20 #include "dnd_ini.h"
    21 #include "inet6log.h"
    22 #include <es_ini.h>
    23 #include <timeout.h>
    24 #include "in6_version.h"
    26 //
    28 MDemonEngine *MDemonEngine::NewL(MDemonMain &aMain)
    29 	/**
    30 	* Create the instance of CDndEngine.
    31 	* There can only be one of these.
    32 	* @param aMain The DLL/EXE "main" interface
    33 	* @return The Engine interface
    34 	*/
    35 	{
    36 	return new (ELeave) CDndEngine(aMain);
    37 	}
    39 //
    40 CDndEngine::~CDndEngine()
    41 	{
    42 	//
    43 	// Ordering is important... Do not close iSS before
    44 	// all sockets associated with it have been closed!
    45 	//
    46 	iHostsFile.Close();
    48 	delete iListener;
    49 	delete iConfig;
    50 	delete iTimer;
    52 	iSocket.Close();
    53 	iFS.Close();
    54 	iSS.Close();
    55 	}
    58 TInt CDndEngine::GetIniValue(const TDesC &aSection, const TDesC &aName, TInt aDefault, TInt aMin, TInt aMax)
    59 	/**
    60 	* Read an integer value from the INI file.
    61 	*
    62 	* The INI is a text file (currently named by #DND_INI_DATA).
    63 	* The used sections are [resolver] and [llmnr]
    64 	*
    65 	* @param aSection The INI section name
    66 	* @param aName The INI variable name
    67 	* @param aDefault The value returned if variable name not found or is out of range
    68 	* @param aMin The min of the accepted range
    69 	* @param aMax The max of the accepted range
    70 	*/
    71 	{
    72 	LOG(_LIT(KFormat, "\t[%S] %S = %d"));
    73 	LOG(_LIT(KFormatInv, "\t[%S] %S = %d is invalid"));
    75 	TInt value;
    76 	if (!FindVar(aSection, aName, value))
    77 		value = aDefault;
    78 	else if (value < aMin || value > aMax)
    79 		{
    80 		LOG(Log::Printf(KFormatInv, &aSection, &aName, value));
    81 		value = aDefault;
    82 		}
    83 	LOG(Log::Printf(KFormat, &aSection, &aName, value));
    84 	return value;
    85 	}
    87 void CDndEngine::GetIniAddress(const TDesC &aSection, const TDesC &aName, const TDesC &aDefault, TIp6Addr &aAddr)
    88 	/**
    89 	* Read an address value from the INI file.
    90 	*
    91 	* The INI is a text file (currently named by #DND_INI_DATA).
    92 	* The currently used sections are [resolver] and [llmnr].
    93 	*
    94 	* The default is used if INI file does not specify address or the specified
    95 	* address is not syntactically correct. If the default is also bad, the
    96 	* aAddr will be unspecified.
    97 	*
    98 	* @param aSection The INI section name
    99 	* @param aName The INI variable name
   100 	* @param aDefault The default value for the variable (string format)
   101 	* @retval aAddr The address
   102 	*/
   103 	{
   104 	TInetAddr addr;
   105 	TPtrC str;
   107 	if (!FindVar(aSection, aName, str))
   108 		str.Set(aDefault);
   109 	const TInt value = addr.Input(str);
   110 	// If the parameter is bad, then use the aDefault, but show the
   111 	// parameter value and result. (If aDefault is bad, Input is done
   112 	// twice to it, both fail and address will be unspecified.)
   113 	if (value != KErrNone)
   114 		(void)addr.Input(aDefault);
   116 	if (addr.Family() != KAfInet6)
   117 		addr.ConvertToV4Mapped();
   118 	aAddr = addr.Ip6Address();
   119 	LOG(_LIT(KFormatAddr, "\t[%S] %S = %S [err=%d]"));
   120 	LOG(Log::Printf(KFormatAddr, &aSection, &aName, &str, value));
   121 	}
   123 void CDndEngine::ConstructL()
   124 	/**
   125 	* Construct the engine.
   126 	*
   127 	* Open file and socket server sessions, read configuration parameters
   128 	* from [resolver] and [lmnr] sections, create the timeout
   129 	* manager (MTimeoutManager) and listener (CDndListener) instances.
   130 	*/
   131 	{
   132 	LOG(Log::Printf(_L("--- DND starting, version: [%S] ---"), &KInet6Version));
   133 	//
   134 	// Start Socket Reader activity
   135 	//
   136 	CheckResultL(_L("Active Scheduler"), CActiveScheduler::Current() == NULL);
   137 	CheckResultL(_L("Connect to File server"), iFS.Connect());
   138 	CheckResultL(_L("Connect to Socket server"), iSS.Connect());
   139 	CheckResultL(_L("Opening socket for Get/SetOpt"), iSocket.Open(iSS,  KAfInet, KSockDatagram, KProtocolInetUdp));
   140 	// The utility socket should be pretty much "invisible", so disable some things...
   141 	(void)iSocket.SetOpt(KSoUserSocket, KSolInetIp, 0);
   142 	(void)iSocket.SetOpt(KSoKeepInterfaceUp, KSolInetIp, 0);
   143 	// Failing to open hosts file is not a fatal error.
   144 	(void)CheckResult(_L("Opening hosts file"), iHostsFile.Open());
   146 	//
   147 	// Setup Configuration Parameters
   148 	//
   149 	iParams.iRetries = GetIniValue(DND_INI_RESOLVER, DND_INI_RETRIES, KDndIni_Retries, 1, 255);
   150 	iParams.iMinTime = GetIniValue(DND_INI_RESOLVER, DND_INI_MINTIME, KDndIni_MinTime, 1, KMaxTInt);
   151 	iParams.iMaxTime = GetIniValue(DND_INI_RESOLVER, DND_INI_MAXTIME, KDndIni_MaxTime, 1, KMaxTInt);
   152 	iParams.iSetupTime = GetIniValue(DND_INI_RESOLVER, DND_INI_SETUPTIME, KDndIni_SetupTime, 1, KMaxTInt);
   153 	iParams.iSetupPoll = GetIniValue(DND_INI_RESOLVER, DND_INI_SETUPPOLL, KDndIni_SetupPoll, 1, KMaxTInt);
   154 	iParams.iSprayMode = GetIniValue(DND_INI_RESOLVER, DND_INI_SPRAYMODE);
   155 	iParams.iSkipNotFound = GetIniValue(DND_INI_RESOLVER, DND_INI_SKIPNOTFOUND);
   156 	iParams.iQueryHack = GetIniValue(DND_INI_RESOLVER, DND_INI_QUERYHACK);
   157 	iParams.iFlushOnConfig = GetIniValue(DND_INI_RESOLVER, DND_INI_FLUSHONCONFIG);
   158 	iParams.iQueryOrder = GetIniValue(DND_INI_RESOLVER, DND_INI_QUERYORDER, KDndIni_QueryOrder, 0, 5);
   159 #ifdef _LOG
   160 		{
   161 		if (iParams.iQueryOrder & KQueryOrder_OneQuery)
   162 			{
   163 			_LIT(a, "A");
   164 			_LIT(aaaa, "AAAA");
   165 			Log::Printf(_L("\t\t= (only %S)"),
   166 				(iParams.iQueryOrder & KQueryOrder_PreferA) ? &a : &aaaa);
   167 			}
   168 		else
   169 			{
   170 			_LIT(sequentially, "sequentially");
   171 			_LIT(parallel, "in parallel");
   172 			_LIT(aaaa_a, "AAAA, A");
   173 			_LIT(a_aaaa, "A, AAAA");
   174 			Log::Printf(_L("\t\t= (%S %S)"),
   175 				(iParams.iQueryOrder & KQueryOrder_PreferA) ? &a_aaaa : &aaaa_a,
   176 				(iParams.iQueryOrder & KQueryOrder_Parallel) ? &parallel : &sequentially);
   177 			}
   178 		}
   179 #endif
   180 	iParams.iEDNS0 = GetIniValue(DND_INI_RESOLVER, DND_INI_EDNS0, KDndIni_EDNS0, KDnsMinHeader, 65000);
   182 #ifdef LLMNR_ENABLED
   183 	iParams.iLlmnrLlOnly = GetIniValue(DND_INI_LLMNR, LLMNR_INI_LLONLY, KLlmnrIni_LlOnly);
   184 	iParams.iLlmnrPort = GetIniValue(DND_INI_LLMNR, LLMNR_INI_PORT, KLlmnrIni_Port, 0, 65535);
   185 	iParams.iLlmnrRetries = GetIniValue(DND_INI_LLMNR, LLMNR_INI_RETRIES, KLlmnrIni_Retries, 1, 255);
   186 	iParams.iLlmnrMinTime = GetIniValue(DND_INI_LLMNR, LLMNR_INI_MINTIME, KLlmnrIni_MinTime, 0, KMaxTInt);
   187 	iParams.iLlmnrMaxTime = GetIniValue(DND_INI_LLMNR, LLMNR_INI_MAXTIME, KLlmnrIni_MaxTime, 1, KMaxTInt);
   188 	iParams.iLlmnrHoplimit = GetIniValue(DND_INI_LLMNR, LLMNR_INI_HOPLIMIT, KLlmnrIni_Hoplimit, -1, 255);
   190 	// Note: both addresses are stored as IPv6 (TIp6Addr)
   191 	GetIniAddress(DND_INI_LLMNR, LLMNR_INI_IPV4ADDR, KLlmnrIni_Ipv4Addr, iParams.iLlmnrIpv4);
   192 	GetIniAddress(DND_INI_LLMNR, LLMNR_INI_IPV6ADDR, KLlmnrIni_Ipv6Addr, iParams.iLlmnrIpv6);
   193 #endif
   195 	// Setup the timeout manager
   196 	iTimer = TimeoutFactory::NewL();
   197 	// Setup the "real" DNS resolver main
   198 	iListener = MDndListener::NewL(*this);
   199 	UnloadConfigurationFile();
   200 	}
   202 void CDndEngine::HandleCommandL(TInt aCommand)
   203 	{
   204 	switch(aCommand)
   205 		{
   206 		case EDndDump:
   207 			if (iListener)
   208 				iListener->HandleCommandL(aCommand);
   209 			else
   210 				iMain.Write(_L("Listener not active.\n"));
   211 			break;
   213 		default:
   214 			// No own commands, pass the buck to other modules
   215 			if (iListener)
   216 				iListener->HandleCommandL(aCommand);
   217 		}
   218 	}
   220 // CDndEngine::CheckResult
   221 // ***********************
   222 TInt CDndEngine::CheckResult(const TDesC &aText, TInt aResult)
   223 	/**
   224 	* If the result parameter is not KErrNone, output the
   225 	* error message (with error number).
   226 	*
   227 	* @param aText	message to be output in case of error
   228 	* @param aResult to be tested
   229 	* @return aResult
   230 	*/
   231 	{
   232 	_LIT(KFormat, "%S Error=%d");
   234 	if (aResult != KErrNone)
   235 		ShowTextf(KFormat, &aText, aResult);
   236 	return aResult;
   237 	}
   239 // CDndEngine::CheckResultL
   240 // ************************
   241 void CDndEngine::CheckResultL(const TDesC &aText, TInt aResult)
   242 	/**
   243 	* Output success or fail message, and Leave if the code is not
   244 	* KErrNone.
   245 	*
   246 	* @param aText	message to be output in case of error
   247 	* @param aResult to be tested
   248 	*/
   249 	{
   250 	if (CheckResult(aText, aResult) != KErrNone)
   251 		User::Leave(aResult);
   252 	}
   254 // CDndEngine::ShowText
   255 // ********************
   256 void CDndEngine::ShowText(const TDesC &aText)
   257 	/**
   258 	* Write a text message.
   259 	*
   260 	* @param aText	is the message
   261 	*/
   262 	{
   263 	iMain.Write(aText);
   264 	}
   266 // CDndEngine::ShowTextf
   267 // *********************
   268 void CDndEngine::ShowTextf(TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt, ...)
   269 	/**
   270 	* Write a message using format string.
   271 	*
   272 	* @param aFmt	is the format string
   273 	*/
   274 	{
   275 	//coverity[var_decl];
   276 	VA_LIST list;
   277 	VA_START(list,aFmt);
   278 	//coverity[uninit_use_in_call];
   279 	iMain.WriteList(aFmt, list);
   280 	}
   282 // CDndEngine::LoadConfigurationFile
   283 // *********************************
   284 TBool CDndEngine::LoadConfigurationFile()
   285 	/**
   286 	* Load the configuration file.
   287 	* Load the DND configuration file (INI file) into memory (iConfig),
   288 	* if not already loaded. Only try loading once, if attempt
   289 	* fails.
   290 	* The CDndEngine::FindVar functions call this implicitly. There is
   291 	* no need to call this explicitly.
   292 	*
   293 	* @return
   294 	* @li	TRUE, if configuration availabe (iConfig != NULL)
   295 	* @li	FALSE, if configuration file is not available
   296 	*/
   297 	{
   298 	if (iConfig)
   299 		return TRUE;	// Already loaded!
   300 	// if iConfigErr != 0 (KErrNone), then an attempt for
   301 	// loading configuration has been made and failed,
   302 	// assume it never will succeed and avoid further
   303 	// attemps on each FindVar...
   304 	if (iConfigErr)
   305 		return FALSE;
   306 	LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDndEngine::LoadConfigurationFile(): %S"), &DND_INI_DATA));
   307 	TRAP(iConfigErr, iConfig = CESockIniData::NewL(DND_INI_DATA));
   308 	return (iConfig != NULL);
   309 	}
   311 // CDndEngine::UnloadConfigurationFile
   312 // ***********************************
   313 void CDndEngine::UnloadConfigurationFile()
   314 	/**
   315 	* Free the configuration data.
   316 	* The configuration information (INI file in iConfig) can be unloaded, if it is
   317 	* assumed that no further need for configuration is required.
   318 	*/
   319 	{
   320 	delete iConfig;
   321 	iConfig = NULL;
   322 	iConfigErr = 0;
   323 	}
   325 //
   326 // Access to the configuration file
   327 TBool CDndEngine::FindVar(const TDesC &aSection, const TDesC &aVarName, TPtrC &aResult)
   328 	/**
   329 	* @param aSection	the section name in the configution
   330 	* @param aVarName	the variable name within section
   331 	* @retval aResult	variable value, if found
   332 	* @return
   333 	* @li TRUE, if variable found
   334 	* @li FALSE, if not found
   335 	*/
   336 	{
   337 	if (LoadConfigurationFile())
   338 		{
   339 		ASSERT(iConfig);	// <-- lint gag
   340 		return iConfig->FindVar(aSection, aVarName, aResult);
   341 		}
   342 	return FALSE;
   343 	}
   345 TBool CDndEngine::FindVar(const TDesC &aSection, const TDesC &aVarName, TInt &aResult)
   346 	/**
   347 	* @param aSection	the section name in the configution
   348 	* @param aVarName	the variable name within section
   349 	* @retval aResult	variable value, if found
   350 	* @return
   351 	* @li TRUE, if variable found
   352 	* @li FALSE, if not found
   353 	*/
   354 	{
   355 	if (LoadConfigurationFile())
   356 		{
   357 		ASSERT(iConfig);	// <-- lint gag
   358 		return iConfig->FindVar(aSection, aVarName, aResult);
   359 		}
   360 	return FALSE;
   361 	}