changeset 63 425d8f4f7fa5
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/linklayerprotocols/tundriver/te_tundriver/src/te_TcpSslTestEngine.cpp	Wed Sep 15 00:18:51 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+ * te_TcpSslTestEngine.cpp
+ *
+ *  Created on: Jan 28, 2010
+ *      Author: GUNAGI
+ */
+#include "te_TcpSslTestEngine.h"
+#include <commdbconnpref.h>
+// Send buffer size
+const TInt KSendBufferSize = 512;
+// Receive buffer size
+const TInt KReceiveBufferSize = 256;
+// Maximum number of connection attempts
+const TInt KMaxAttempts = 200;
+// KYes Size
+const TInt KYesSize = 3;
+// KMessage Size
+const TInt KMessageSize = 35;
+// KNullDesC Size
+const TInt KNullDesCSize = 0;
+// Key header
+const TInt KeyHeader = 0x400;
+//const TInt KeyHeader = 0x04;
+// Delay
+const TInt KDelay = 100000;
+_LIT(KInputFile, "C:\\t_secdlg_in.dat");
+_LIT(KOutputFile, "C:\\t_secdlg_out.dat");
+_LIT(KMessage, "Passphrase of the imported key file");
+//_LIT(KMessage, "1234");
+// HTTP messages
+_LIT8(KSimpleGet, "GET ");
+_LIT8(KNewLine, "\r\n"); 
+_LIT8(KHeader, "Connection: close\r\nUser-Agent: SSL_TEST\r\nAccept-Encoding:\r\nAccept: */*");
+// Progress messages
+_LIT(KConnnectedMessage, "\nConnecting to %S:%d%S\n");
+_LIT(KSecureConnnectingMessage, "\nMaking secure connection");
+_LIT(KGettingPageMessage, "\nRequesting web page");
+_LIT(KReceivingMessage,"\nReceiving server response");
+_LIT(KCipherSuiteInUseMessage,"\nCipher suite in use: %S");
+_LIT(KProtocolMessage, "\nProtocol used in connection: %S");
+_LIT(KReceivedMessage,"\nReceived server response\n");
+_LIT(KCompleteMessage,"\nTransaction complete: bytes recieved %d");
+_LIT(KFileErrorMessage,"\nError in writing data to file");
+_LIT(KCancelledMessage,"\nConnection closed");
+_LIT(KFailSocketMessage,"\nFailed to open socket: %d");
+// State reporting messages
+_LIT( KStateErrESocketConnected1, "\nError in state connecting socket: %d\n" );
+_LIT( KStateErrESocketConnected, "\nError in state ESocketConnected: %d\n" );
+_LIT( KStateErrESettingCiphers, "\nError in state ESettingCiphers: %d\n" );
+_LIT( KStateErrSecureConnected, "\nError in state ESecureConnected: %d\n" );
+_LIT( KStateErrGetRequestSent, "\nError in state EGetRequestSent: %d\n" );
+_LIT( KStateErrEDataReceived, "\nError in state EDataReceived: %d\n" );
+// Panic code
+_LIT( KTcpSslEnginePanic, "TCPSSL-ENGINE");
+// CTcpSslTestEngine
+CTcpSslTestEngine* CTcpSslTestEngine::NewL()
+    {
+    CTcpSslTestEngine* self = new(ELeave) CTcpSslTestEngine;
+    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+    self->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop();        
+    return self;
+    }
+// Constructor should also call the parent constructor to set the priority
+// of the active object.
+: CActive(0), iSndBuffer(0,0), iRcvBuffer(0,0)
+            {
+            }
+    {
+    // Cancel any outstanding request- this cleans up
+    // resources created during a connection
+    //Cancel(); 
+    ConnectionClosed();
+    // Clean up engine's permanent resources
+    delete (void*)iSndBuffer.Ptr();
+    delete (void*)iRcvBuffer.Ptr();
+    iTimer.Close();
+    iSocketServ.Close();
+    }
+void CTcpSslTestEngine::ConstructL()
+    {
+    iSndBuffer.Set((TUint8*)User::AllocL(KSendBufferSize),0,KSendBufferSize);
+    iRcvBuffer.Set((TUint8*)User::AllocL(KReceiveBufferSize),0,KReceiveBufferSize);
+    // Connect the socket server
+    User::LeaveIfError( iSocketServ.Connect()); 
+    // Create a local timer
+    User::LeaveIfError( iTimer.CreateLocal());
+    // Set initial state
+    iRunState = ESocketConnected;
+    iInUse = EFalse;
+    CActiveScheduler::Add( this );
+    }
+void CTcpSslTestEngine::ConnectL(const TConnectSettings& aConnectSettings)
+    {
+    iConnectSettings = &aConnectSettings;
+    // Set initial values for flags & buffers
+    iSuccess = ETrue;
+    iInUse = ETrue;
+    iRunState = ESocketConnected;
+    iSndBuffer.SetLength( 0 );
+    iRcvBuffer.SetLength( 0 );
+    iTotalBytesRead = 0;
+    TRequestStatus status;
+    RConnection rCon;
+    TInt ret = rCon.Open(iSocketServ);
+    iConsole->Printf(_L("Connection open with = %d\n"), ret);
+    TCommDbConnPref commDbPref;
+    commDbPref.SetIapId(12);
+    commDbPref.SetBearerSet(KCommDbBearerVirtual);
+    commDbPref.SetDialogPreference(ECommDbDialogPrefDoNotPrompt);
+    rCon.Start(commDbPref, status);
+    User::WaitForRequest(status);
+    // Interpret server address
+    if (iInetAddr.Input(iConnectSettings->iAddress) != KErrNone)
+        // Success if already in dotted-decimal format
+        {
+        // Connect to a host resolver (for DNS resolution) - happens sychronously
+        //User::LeaveIfError( iHostResolver.Open( iSocketServ, KAfInet, KProtocolInetTcp, rCon ));
+        // Try to resolve symbolic name
+        //TNameEntry nameEntry;
+        //User::LeaveIfError (iHostResolver.GetByName( iConnectSettings->iAddress, nameEntry ));
+        //TSockAddr sockAddr = nameEntry().iAddr;
+        //iInetAddr = iInetAddr.Cast( sockAddr );
+        //iHostResolver.Close();
+        }
+    // Store other connection parameters
+    iInetAddr.SetPort( iConnectSettings->iPortNum );
+    /*   RSocketServ SockServ;
+     SockServ.Connect();
+     TInt err(0);
+     TInt ret = rCon.Open(SockServ);
+     iConsole->Printf(_L("Connection open with = %d\n"), ret);*/
+    // Open a TCP socket
+    ret = iSocket.Open( iSocketServ, KAfInet, KSockStream, KProtocolInetTcp, rCon );
+    if(ret != KErrNone)
+        {
+        iConsole->Printf(KStateErrESocketConnected1, ret);  
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        User::LeaveIfError(ret);
+        }
+    // Connect to the server, asynchronously
+    iSocket.Connect( iInetAddr, iStatus );  
+    SetActive();
+    CActiveScheduler::Start();
+    // Print status
+    iConsole->Printf(KConnnectedMessage, 
+            &iConnectSettings->iAddress, 
+            iConnectSettings->iPortNum, 
+            &iConnectSettings->iPage ); 
+    }
+void CTcpSslTestEngine::SetConsole( CConsoleBase& aConsole )
+    {
+    iConsole = &aConsole;
+    }
+void CTcpSslTestEngine::SetOutputFile( RFile& aOutputFile )
+    {
+    iOutputFile = &aOutputFile;
+    }
+void CTcpSslTestEngine::Initialize()
+    {
+    }
+TBool CTcpSslTestEngine::InUse()
+    {
+    return iInUse;
+    }
+void CTcpSslTestEngine::RunL()
+    {
+    //The Test App that uses the tls module should check the status prior to continuing.
+    //Detailed error checking need to be added in the Test App.
+    if (iStatus.Int() != KErrNone ) 
+        {
+        switch ( iStatus.Int() )
+            {
+            case KErrCouldNotConnect:
+                {
+                _LIT( errmsg, "Failed to connect. error code : %d" );
+                iConsole->Printf(errmsg, iStatus.Int());
+                //User::Panic(KTcpSslEnginePanic,iStatus.Int());
+                break;
+                }
+            default:
+                {
+                iRunState =  EConnectionClosed;
+                _LIT( errmsg, "Error encountered. error code : %d" );
+                iConsole->Printf(errmsg, iStatus.Int());
+                break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    switch ( iRunState )
+        {
+        case ESocketConnected:
+            MakePageRequestL();
+            break;
+        case EGetRequestSent:
+            GetServerResponseL();
+            break;
+        case EDataReceived:
+            ReadServerResponseL();
+            break;
+        case EConnectionClosed:
+            ConnectionClosed();
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+        } // end switch
+    }
+TInt CTcpSslTestEngine::RunError( TInt aError )
+    {
+    // Panic prevents looping
+    __ASSERT_ALWAYS(iRunState != EConnectionClosed, 
+            User::Panic(KTcpSslEnginePanic,0));
+    // do a switch on the state to get the right err message
+    switch (iRunState)
+        {
+        case ESocketConnected:
+            iConsole->Printf(KStateErrESocketConnected, aError );
+            break;
+        case ESettingCiphers:
+            iConsole->Printf(KStateErrESettingCiphers, aError );
+            break;
+        case ESecureConnected:
+            iConsole->Printf(KStateErrSecureConnected, aError);
+            break;
+        case EGetRequestSent:
+            iConsole->Printf(KStateErrGetRequestSent, aError);
+            break;
+        case EDataReceived:
+            iConsole->Printf(KStateErrEDataReceived, aError);
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+        }
+    iRunState = EConnectionClosed;
+    iSuccess = EFalse;
+    iTimer.After( iStatus, KDelay );
+    SetActive();
+    return KErrNone;
+    }
+void CTcpSslTestEngine::DoCancel()
+    {
+    iConsole->Printf(KCancelledMessage);
+    ConnectionClosed();
+    }
+void CTcpSslTestEngine::MakePageRequestL()
+    {
+    // if connection failed, reconnect
+    if(iStatus.Int() != KErrNone)
+        {
+        if(++iCounter >= KMaxAttempts)
+            {
+            User::Leave(iStatus.Int());
+            }
+        iRunState = ESocketConnected;
+        iSocket.CancelAll();
+        iSocket.Close();
+        RConnection rCon;
+        TInt ret = rCon.Open(iSocketServ);
+        iConsole->Printf(_L("Connection open with = %d\n"), ret);
+        TRequestStatus status;
+        TCommDbConnPref commDbPref;
+        commDbPref.SetIapId(12);
+        commDbPref.SetBearerSet(KCommDbBearerVirtual);
+        commDbPref.SetDialogPreference(ECommDbDialogPrefDoNotPrompt);
+        rCon.Start(commDbPref, status);
+        User::WaitForRequest(status);
+        // Open a TCP socket
+        ret = iSocket.Open( iSocketServ, KAfInet, KSockStream, KProtocolInetTcp, rCon );
+        while(KErrNone != ret)
+            {       
+            iConsole->Printf(KFailSocketMessage, ret);          
+            ret = iSocket.Open( iSocketServ, KAfInet, KSockStream, KProtocolInetTcp, rCon );
+            }
+        // Connect to the server, asynchronously
+        iSocket.Connect( iInetAddr, iStatus );  
+        SetActive();
+        // Print status
+        iConsole->Printf(KConnnectedMessage, 
+                &iConnectSettings->iAddress, 
+                iConnectSettings->iPortNum, 
+                &iConnectSettings->iPage ); 
+        return;
+        }
+    iCounter = 0;
+    iConsole->Printf(KGettingPageMessage);
+    // Create a GET request 
+    _LIT8(KUrl1, "https://");
+    _LIT8(KUrl2, ":443/index.html HTTP/1.0\r\n");
+    iSndBuffer+=KSimpleGet;
+    iSndBuffer+=KUrl1;
+    iSndBuffer+=hostIpAddress;
+    iSndBuffer+=KUrl2;
+    iSndBuffer+=KNewLine;   
+    iSndBuffer+=KHeader;
+    // Send the request
+    iRunState = EGetRequestSent;
+    iSocket.Send( iSndBuffer, NULL, iStatus, iBytesSent );
+    SetActive();
+    }
+void CTcpSslTestEngine::GetServerResponseL()       
+    {
+    // The get request has been sent, can now try and receive the data
+    User::LeaveIfError(iStatus.Int());
+    iConsole->Printf(KReceivingMessage);
+    // Read asynchonously-returns when buffer full
+    iRunState = EDataReceived;
+    iSocket.RecvOneOrMore( iRcvBuffer, NULL, iStatus );
+    SetActive();
+    }
+void CTcpSslTestEngine::ReadServerResponseL()
+    {
+    // Any error other than KErrEof means the test is a failure
+    if (iStatus!=KErrEof) User::LeaveIfError(iStatus.Int());
+    iConsole->Printf(KReceivedMessage);
+    TBuf<512> temp;
+    temp.Copy(iRcvBuffer);
+    iConsole->Printf(temp);
+    // Put the received data in the output file & reset the receive buffer
+    iTotalBytesRead += iRcvBuffer.Length();
+    // Case 1: error is KErrEof (message complete) or no data received, so stop
+    if ( ( iStatus==KErrEof ) || ( iRcvBuffer.Length() == 0 ) )
+        {
+        iConsole->Printf(KCompleteMessage, iTotalBytesRead);
+        // Close the socket neatly
+        iRunState = EConnectionClosed;
+        iTimer.After( iStatus, KDelay );
+        SetActive();
+        return; 
+        }
+    // Case 2: there's more data to get from the server
+    iRcvBuffer.SetLength( 0 );
+    iRunState = EDataReceived;
+    iSocket.RecvOneOrMore( iRcvBuffer, NULL, iStatus );
+    SetActive(); 
+    }
+void CTcpSslTestEngine::ConnectionClosed()
+    {
+    if (!iInUse) return;
+    // Clean up
+    //iHostResolver.Close();
+    iSocket.CancelAll();
+    iSocket.Close();
+    // Close the output file
+    //iOutputFile->Close();
+    // Wait here for an unload of the ssl.dll to make sure that a session is not
+    // reconnected next time. 
+    User::After( KDelay );
+    iInUse = EFalse;
+    SetActive();
+    CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+    }