changeset 46 73696f712f10
parent 29 c0a997472b1c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/networkcontrol/ipscpr/src/ipscpr.cpp	Thu Jul 22 16:48:06 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,2006 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Implementation file for the IP SubConnection Provider and its basic version.
+ @file ipscpr.cpp
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include <e32test.h>
+#include <ecom/ecom.h>
+#include <implementationproxy.h>
+#include <es_prot.h>
+#include <cs_subconevents.h>
+#include <cs_subconparams.h>
+#include "ipscpr.h"
+#include "ipscprlog.h"
+#include "sblpextn.h"
+#include <ip_subconparams.h>
+#include "pfqos_stream.h"
+#include "ipscprlog.h"
+#include <ip_subconparams.h>
+#include "qos_msg.h"
+#include "pfqoslib.h"
+#include <networking/qoserr.h>
+#include <networking/imsextn.h>
+#include <networking/sblpextn.h>
+#include <networking/umtsextn.h>
+#include <networking/umtsapi.h>
+#include <networking/sblpapi.h>
+// need to ensure the original TUid of the factory class is used for implementions in this component
+#undef KSubConIPParamsUid
+Data required for instantiating ECOM Plugin
+const TImplementationProxy ImplementationTable[] =
+	{
+	IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY(KSubConnectionProviderImplementationUid, CIpSubConnectionProviderFactory::NewL),
+	IMPLEMENTATION_PROXY_ENTRY(KSubConIPParamsUid, CSubConIPExtensionParamsFactory::NewL)
+	};
+ECOM Implementation Factory
+EXPORT_C const TImplementationProxy* ImplementationGroupProxy(TInt& aTableCount)
+    {
+    aTableCount = sizeof(ImplementationTable) / sizeof(TImplementationProxy);
+    return ImplementationTable;
+    }
+Plugin Implementation
+CIpSubConnectionProviderFactory* CIpSubConnectionProviderFactory::NewL(TAny* aConstructionParameters)
+Constructs a IP Connection Provider Factory
+@param aConstructionParameters construction data passed by ECOM
+@return pointer to a constructed factory
+	{
+	CIpSubConnectionProviderFactory* ptr = new (ELeave) CIpSubConnectionProviderFactory(KIPConnectionProviderFactoryId, *(reinterpret_cast<CSubConnectionFactoryContainer*>(aConstructionParameters)));
+	return ptr;
+	}
+CIpSubConnectionProviderFactory::CIpSubConnectionProviderFactory(TUint aFactoryId, CSubConnectionFactoryContainer& aParentContainer)
+	: CSubConnectionProviderFactoryBase(aFactoryId, aParentContainer)
+IP SubConnection Provider Factory Constructor
+@param aFactoryId ECOM Implementation Id
+@param aParentContainer Object Owner
+	{
+	}
+IP SubConnection Provider Factory Destructor
+	{
+	}
+CSubConnectionProviderBase* CIpSubConnectionProviderFactory::DoCreateProviderL(CConnectionProviderBase& aConnProvider, RSubConnection::TSubConnType aType)
+Factory Function that either creates a new SubConnection Provider or attaches
+to the default Provider.  The type of creation can be either RSubConnection::ECreateNew
+or RSubConnection::EAttachToDefault.
+Use of other types will cause the factory to leave with KErrNotSupported.
+@param aConnProvider Associated Connection Provider
+@param aType Type of SubConnection Provider Creation.
+	{
+	CSubConnectionProviderBase* p = NULL;
+	switch (aType)
+		{
+		case RSubConnection::EAttachToDefault:
+			p = new(ELeave)CDefaultSubConnectionProvider(*this, aConnProvider, aType);
+			break;
+		case RSubConnection::ECreateNew:
+            // The Basic IPSCPR, itself, by definition, doesn't support secondary contexts.
+            // Ideally it should defer to the transport layer provider as for primary contexts...
+            //        
+			User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+			break;
+		case RSubConnection::ECreateNew:
+			p = CIpSubConnectionProvider::NewL(*this, aConnProvider);
+			break;
+#endif // BASIC_IPSCPR
+		case RSubConnection::ECreateNew:
+			p = CIpSubConnectionProvider::NewL(*this, aConnProvider);
+			break;
+		case RSubConnection::EAttachToDefault:
+			p = new(ELeave)CDefaultSubConnectionProvider(*this, aConnProvider);
+			break;
+		default:
+			{
+			User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+			}
+		};
+	return p;
+	}
+Provider Implementation
+CIpSubConnectionProvider* CIpSubConnectionProvider::NewL(CIpSubConnectionProviderFactory& aFactory, CConnectionProviderBase& aConnProvider)
+Construct a new IP SubConnection Provider Object
+@param aFactory factory that create this object
+@param aConnProvider Connection Provider associated with this object
+	{
+	CIpSubConnectionProvider* ptr = new (ELeave) CIpSubConnectionProvider(aFactory, aConnProvider);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(ptr);
+    ptr->ConstructL();
+    CleanupStack::Pop();
+	return ptr;
+	}
+CIpSubConnectionProvider::CIpSubConnectionProvider(CIpSubConnectionProviderFactory& aFactory, CConnectionProviderBase& aConnProvider)
+	: CEmptySubConnectionProvider(aFactory, aConnProvider)
+	, iChannelId(-1)
+	, iPrtExtensions(_FOFF(CExtensionBase,iLink))
+	, iParametersSet(EFalse)
+IP SubConnection Provider Constructor
+@param aFactory factory that create this object
+@param aConnProvider Connection Provider associated with this object
+	{
+		__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("CIpSubConnectionProvider [this=%08x]:\tCIpSubConnectionProvider() [MConnectionDataClient=%08x]"),
+		   this, (MConnectionDataClient*)this));
+	}
+IP SubConnection Provider Destructor
+	{
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("CIpSubConnectionProvider::Destruct [%08x]"), this));
+	if( iChannelId >= 0 ) // Only send a Close if have opened a channel
+		{
+		TRAPD(ret,SendCloseL());
+		if( ret != KErrNone )
+			{
+			__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("SendCloseL left with error: %d"), ret));
+			}
+		}
+	if( iWriter )
+		{
+		iWriter->Cancel();
+		delete iWriter;
+		iWriter = NULL;
+		}
+	if( iReader )
+		{
+		iReader->Cancel();
+		delete iReader;
+		iReader = NULL;
+		}
+	delete iPrtParameters;
+	delete iAsyncWriter;
+	ResetPrtExtensions();
+	iSocket.Close();
+	}
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::ConstructL()
+IP SubConnection Provider Second Phase Constructor
+	{
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("CIpSubConnectionProvider::Construct [%08x]"), this));
+	// Open a connection to the QoS PRT
+    _LIT(KDescPfqos, "pfqos");
+    // If we couldn't open pipe to QoS framework then it is not supported
+    TInt ret = iSocket.Open(KDescPfqos);
+    if(ret == KErrNotFound)
+    {
+    	User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+    }
+    else if (ret != KErrNone)
+    {
+    	User::Leave(ret);
+    }
+    User::LeaveIfError(iSocket.Open(KDescPfqos));
+    iUid = RProcess().Type();
+	iReader = CQoSMsgReader::NewL(this,	 iSocket);
+	iWriter = CQoSMsgWriter::NewL(this, iSocket);
+	iAsyncWriter = CAsyncWriter::NewL(iWriter);
+	/** Create the CQoSParameters to hold the Qos
+	* and Extension Parameters. The values will initially
+	be set to default
+	*/
+	iPrtParameters = new (ELeave) CQoSParameters;
+	// Set Default Uplink Parameters
+	iPrtParameters->SetUpLinkMaximumBurstSize(3000);  // for TokenBucketSizeUplink
+	iPrtParameters->SetUpLinkMaximumPacketSize(1500);	// for MaxPacketSizeUplink
+	iPrtParameters->SetUplinkBandwidth(1500);	// for TokenRateUplink
+	iPrtParameters->SetUpLinkAveragePacketSize(1500); // for MinimumPolicedUnitUplink
+	iPrtParameters->SetUpLinkPriority(KQoSLowestPriority); // for PriorityUplink
+	iPrtParameters->SetUpLinkDelay(0); // for DelayUplink
+	// Set Default Downlink parameters
+	iPrtParameters->SetDownLinkMaximumBurstSize(3000); // for TokenBucketSizeDownlink
+	iPrtParameters->SetDownLinkMaximumPacketSize(1500); // for MaxPacketSizeDownlink
+	iPrtParameters->SetDownlinkBandwidth(1500); // for TokenRateDownlink
+	iPrtParameters->SetDownLinkAveragePacketSize(1500); // for MinimumPolicedUnitDownlink
+	iPrtParameters->SetDownLinkPriority(KQoSLowestPriority); // for PriorityDownlonk
+	iPrtParameters->SetDownLinkDelay(0); // for DelayDownlink
+	iPrtParameters->SetAdaptMode(EFalse);
+//	iPrtParameters->SetHeaderMode(???);
+//	User::LeaveIfError(iPrtParameters->SetName(name));
+	}
+TAny* CIpSubConnectionProvider::FetchInterfaceInstanceL(CSubConnectionProviderBase& /*aProvider*/, const STypeId& aTid)
+	{
+	return (aTid == STypeId::CreateSTypeId(KConnectionClientExtUid,EConnectionEnumerateClients)) ? static_cast<MConnectionEnumerateClients*>(this) : NULL;
+	}
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::DoDataClientJoiningL(MSubConnectionDataClient& aDataClient)
+Function called by Connection Provider when a socket is to be added to a QoS Flow
+@param aDataClient Data Client to add to the QoS Channel
+	{
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("CIpSubConnectionProvider [this=%08x]:\tDoDataClientJoiningL() [iDataClients.Count=%d] [aDataClient=%08x]"), this, iDataClients.Count(), &aDataClient));
+	// Can only join to a channel once it has been successfully routed
+	// Can only open/create/join the channel once the connection has been established
+	const TSockAddr* srcAddr = NULL;
+	const TSockAddr* dstAddr = NULL;
+	const TDesC8* connInfo;
+	if(aDataClient.ReadAddressInformation(srcAddr, dstAddr, connInfo) == KErrNone)
+		{
+		if( srcAddr == NULL || srcAddr->Family() == KAFUnspec )
+			{
+			__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Source Address not defined")));
+			User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
+			}
+		if( dstAddr == NULL || dstAddr->Family() == KAFUnspec )
+			{
+			__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Destination Address not defined")));
+			User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
+			}
+		if( connInfo == NULL )
+			{
+			__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Connection Information not defined")));
+			User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
+			}
+		TConnectionInfoBuf* connInfoBuf = (TConnectionInfoBuf*)connInfo->Ptr();
+		TUint32 iapId = (*connInfoBuf)().iIapId;
+		if( iChannelId >= 0 )
+			{
+			SendJoinL((TInetAddr)*srcAddr, (TInetAddr)*dstAddr, iapId, aDataClient.ProtocolId());
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			SendCreateL((TInetAddr)*srcAddr, (TInetAddr)*dstAddr, iapId, aDataClient.ProtocolId());
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::DoDataClientLeaving(MSubConnectionDataClient& aDataClient)
+Function called by Connection Provider when a socket is to be removed from a QoS Flow
+@param aDataClient Data Client to remove from the QoS Channel
+	{
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("CIpSubConnectionProvider [this=%08x]:\tDoDataClientLeaving() [iDataClients.Count=%d] [aDataClient=%08x]"), this, iDataClients.Count(), &aDataClient));
+	// Can only leave on a routed conection that has been successfully
+	// attached to a QoS Channel.  Otherwise we cannot leave
+	const TSockAddr* srcAddr = NULL;
+	const TSockAddr* dstAddr = NULL;
+	const TDesC8* connInfo;
+	TInt err = aDataClient.ReadAddressInformation(srcAddr, dstAddr, connInfo);
+	if( err != KErrNone )
+		{
+		__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Unable to read Address Information")));
+		return;
+		}
+	if( srcAddr == NULL || srcAddr->Family() == KAFUnspec )
+		{
+		__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Source Address not defined")));
+		return;
+		}
+	if( dstAddr == NULL || dstAddr->Family() == KAFUnspec )
+		{
+		__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Destination Address not defined")));
+		return;
+		}
+	if( connInfo == NULL )
+		{
+		__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Connection Information not defined")));
+		return;
+		}
+	TConnectionInfoBuf* connInfoBuf = (TConnectionInfoBuf*)connInfo->Ptr();
+	TUint32 iapId = (*connInfoBuf)().iIapId;
+	if( iChannelId >= 0 )
+		{
+		TRAPD(ret, SendLeaveL((TInetAddr)*srcAddr, (TInetAddr)*dstAddr, iapId, aDataClient.ProtocolId()));
+		if (ret != KErrNone)
+			{
+			__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("SendLeaveL left with err=%d"), ret));
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Attempted to leave on an unconnected channel")));
+		}
+	}
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::DoSourceAddressUpdate(MSubConnectionDataClient& /*aDataClient*/, const TSockAddr& /*aSource*/)
+Function called by Connection Provider when the source address on a data client is set
+@param aDataClient Data Client affected
+@param aSource Source Address
+	{
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("CIpSubConnectionProvider::DoSourceAddressUpdate [%08x]"), this));
+	// Not Interested in either souce or destination updates; wait until connected
+	}
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::DoDestinationAddressUpdate(MSubConnectionDataClient& /*aDataClient*/, const TSockAddr& /*aDestination*/)
+Function called by Connection Provider when the destination address on a data client is set
+@param aDataClient Data Client affected
+@param aDestination Destination Address
+	{
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("CIpSubConnectionProvider::DoDestinationAddressUpdate [%08x]"), this));
+	// Not Interested in either souce or destination updates; wait until connected
+	}
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::DoDataClientRouted(MSubConnectionDataClient& aDataClient, const TSockAddr& aSource, const TSockAddr& aDestination, const TDesC8& aConnectionInfo)
+Function called by Connection Provider when the connection has been established
+@param aDataClient Data Client affected
+@param aSource Source Address
+@param aDestination Destination Address
+@param aConnectionInfo Connection Data
+	{
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("CIpSubConnectionProvider::DoDestinationAddressUpdate [%08x]"), this));
+	TConnectionInfoBuf* connInfo = (TConnectionInfoBuf*)aConnectionInfo.Ptr();
+	TUint32 iapId = (*connInfo)().iIapId;
+  	if( aSource.Family() != KAFUnspec && aDestination.Family() != KAFUnspec)
+		{
+		// If already have a open channel add this socket.  o/w create a new channel
+		if( iChannelId >= 0 )
+			{
+			TRAPD(ret,SendJoinL((TInetAddr)aSource, (TInetAddr)aDestination, iapId, aDataClient.ProtocolId()));
+			if( ret != KErrNone )
+				{
+				__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("SendJoinL left with error: %d"), ret));
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			TRAPD(ret,SendCreateL((TInetAddr)aSource, (TInetAddr)aDestination, iapId, aDataClient.ProtocolId()));
+			if( ret != KErrNone )
+				{
+				__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("SendCreateL left with error: %d"), ret));
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Data Client Routed contains invalid source or dest address")));
+		}
+	}
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::DoParametersAboutToBeSetL(CSubConParameterBundle& aParameterBundle)
+Function called by the Connection Provider before the QoS Parameters are set by the client
+@param aParameterBundle Container holding pending QoS Parameters
+	{
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("CIpSubConnectionProvider::DoParametersAboutToBeSetL [%08x]"), this));
+	iParameterRelease = KParameterRelInvalid;
+	ConvertParametersFromESockL( aParameterBundle );
+	iParametersSet = ETrue;
+  	if(iChannelId >= 0)
+		{
+		SendSetQoSL();
+		}
+	}
+TInt CIpSubConnectionProvider::DoControl(TUint /*aOptionLevel*/, TUint /*aOptionName*/, TDes8& /*aOption*/)
+@param aOptionLevel
+@param aOptionName
+@param aOption
+	{
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("CIpSubConnectionProvider::DoControl [%08x]"), this));
+	return KErrNotSupported;
+	}
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::DoStartL()
+	{
+	}
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::DoStop()
+	{
+	}
+CSubConnectionProviderBase* CIpSubConnectionProvider::DoNextLayer()
+	{
+	return NULL;
+	}
+CConnDataTransfer& CIpSubConnectionProvider::DoDataTransferL()
+	{
+	User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+	//unreachable code
+	return iNextLayer->DataTransferL();
+//	return *((CConnDataTransfer*)this);
+	}
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::ConnectionGoingDown(CConnectionProviderBase& /*aConnProvider*/)
+	{
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("CIpSubConnectionProvider::ConnectionGoingDown [%08x]"), this));
+	iConnectionProvider = NULL;
+	DeleteMeNow();
+	}
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::Notify(TNotify /*aNotifyType*/,  CConnectionProviderBase* /*aConnProvider*/, TInt /*aError*/, const CConNotificationEvent* /*aConNotificationEvent*/)
+	{
+	}
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::AttachToNext(CSubConnectionProviderBase* /*aSubConnProvider*/)
+	{
+	}
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::SendOpenExistingL(const TInetAddr &aSrcAddr, const TInetAddr &aDstAddr, TUint32 aIapId, TUint32 aProtocolId)
+Sends a Message to QoS PRT to open a QoS Channel
+@param aSrcAddr Source Address
+@param aDstAddr Destination Address
+@param aIapId IAP Id
+@param aProtocolId Protocol Id
+    {
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Sending PRT Msg: EPfqosOpenExistingChannel")));
+    CQoSMsg* msg = CQoSMsg::NewL(EPfqosOpenExistingChannel);
+    msg->AddConnInfo(aProtocolId, iUid, aIapId);
+    msg->AddSrcAddr(aSrcAddr);
+    msg->AddDstAddr(aDstAddr);
+    msg->AddChannel(0);
+    iWriter->Send(msg);
+    }
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::SendCreateL(const TInetAddr &aSrcAddr, const TInetAddr &aDstAddr, TUint32 aIapId, TUint32 aProtocolId)
+Sends a Message to QoS PRT to create a QoS Channel
+@param aSrcAddr Source Address
+@param aDstAddr Destination Address
+@param aIapId IAP Id
+@param aProtocolId Protocol Id
+    {
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Sending PRT Msg: EPfqosCreateChannel")));
+    CQoSMsg* msg = CQoSMsg::NewL(EPfqosCreateChannel);
+    msg->AddConnInfo(aProtocolId, iUid, aIapId);
+    msg->AddSrcAddr(aSrcAddr);
+    msg->AddDstAddr(aDstAddr);
+    msg->AddChannel(0);
+    TQoSParameters qosParams;
+    ConvertCQoSIntoTQoSParamsL(qosParams);
+	msg->AddQoSParameters(qosParams);
+    msg->AddExtensionPolicy(iPrtExtensions);
+	//Now we need to write to the qos.prt asynchronously. This becuase the TCP/IP stack in CIp6Flow::Connect() calls Bearer() before RefreshFlow()
+    iAsyncWriter->Send(msg);
+    }
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::SendCloseL()
+Sends a Message to QoS PRT to close a QoS Channel
+	{
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Sending PRT Msg: EPfqosDeleteChannel")));
+    CQoSMsg* msg = CQoSMsg::NewL(EPfqosDeleteChannel);
+    msg->AddChannel(iChannelId);
+    iWriter->Send(msg);
+	}
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::SendJoinL(const TInetAddr &aSrcAddr, const TInetAddr &aDstAddr, TUint32 aIapId, TUint32 aProtocolId)
+Sends a Message to QoS PRT to add a socket to a QoS Channel
+@param aSrcAddr Source Address
+@param aDstAddr Destination Address
+@param aIapId IAP Id
+@param aProtocolId Protocol Id
+    {
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Sending PRT Msg: EPfqosJoin")));
+    CQoSMsg* msg = CQoSMsg::NewL(EPfqosJoin);
+    msg->AddConnInfo(aProtocolId, iUid, aIapId);
+    msg->AddSrcAddr(aSrcAddr);
+    msg->AddDstAddr(aDstAddr);
+    msg->AddChannel(iChannelId);
+    iWriter->Send(msg);
+    }
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::SendLeaveL(const TInetAddr &aSrcAddr, const TInetAddr &aDstAddr, TUint32 aIapId, TUint32 aProtocolId)
+Sends a Message to QoS PRT to remove a socket from a QoS Channel
+@param aSrcAddr Source Address
+@param aDstAddr Destination Address
+@param aIapId IAP Id
+@param aProtocolId Protocol Id
+    {
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Sending PRT Msg: EPfqosLeave")));
+    CQoSMsg* msg = CQoSMsg::NewL(EPfqosLeave);
+    msg->AddConnInfo(aProtocolId, iUid, aIapId);
+    msg->AddSrcAddr(aSrcAddr);
+    msg->AddDstAddr(aDstAddr);
+    msg->AddChannel(iChannelId);
+    iWriter->Send(msg);
+    }
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::SendSetQoSL()
+Sends Message to QoS PRT to update the parameters for a QoS Channel
+    {
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Sending PRT Msg: EPfqosConfigChannel")));
+    CQoSMsg* msg = CQoSMsg::NewL(EPfqosConfigChannel);
+    msg->AddChannel(iChannelId);
+    TQoSParameters qosParams;
+    ConvertCQoSIntoTQoSParamsL(qosParams);
+    msg->AddQoSParameters(qosParams);
+    msg->AddExtensionPolicy(iPrtExtensions);
+    iWriter->Send(msg);
+    }
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::ProcessPRTMsg(TPfqosMessage& aMsg)
+Process Messages sent from the PRT to the SubConnection Provider
+Messages are either replies or events
+@param aMsg the message from the PRT
+	{
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("CIpSubConnectionProvider::ProcessPRTMsg [%08x]"), this));
+    if( aMsg.iBase.iMsg == NULL )
+    	{
+		__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Received malformed message from PRT")));
+    	}
+    else
+    	{
+		__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Received PRT Msg: %d"), aMsg.iBase.iMsg->pfqos_msg_type));
+	    switch(aMsg.iBase.iMsg->pfqos_msg_type)
+			{
+		case EPfqosEvent:
+			{
+			TRAPD(ret, ProcessPRTEventL(aMsg) );
+			if( ret != KErrNone )
+				{
+				__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("ProcessPRTEventL left with error: %d"), ret));
+				}
+			}
+			break;
+		case EPfqosUpdate:
+		case EPfqosDelete:
+		case EPfqosAdd:
+		case EPfqosGet:
+		case EPfqosReject:
+		case EPfqosDump:
+		case EPfqosConfigure:
+		case EPfqosJoin:
+		case EPfqosLeave:
+		case EPfqosCreateChannel:
+		case EPfqosOpenExistingChannel:
+		case EPfqosDeleteChannel:
+		case EPfqosConfigChannel:
+		case EPfqosLoadFile:
+		case EPfqosUnloadFile:
+			{
+			TRAPD(ret, ProcessPRTReplyL(aMsg) );
+			if( ret != KErrNone )
+				{
+				__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("ProcessPRTReplyL left with error: %d"), ret));
+				}
+			}
+		    break;
+		default:
+			__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Received Unknown PRT Msg: %d"), aMsg.iBase.iMsg->pfqos_msg_type));
+		    break;
+			}
+    	}
+	}
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::ProcessPRTEventL(TPfqosMessage& aMsg)
+Process Events sent from the PRT to the SubConnection Provider
+@param aMsg the message from the PRT
+	{
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("CIpSubConnectionProvider::ProcessPRTEventL [%08x]"), this));
+	// Only interested in Channel Events
+    if (aMsg.iEvent.iExt == NULL || aMsg.iFlowSpec.iExt == NULL || aMsg.iChannel.iExt == NULL)
+    	{
+		__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Received malformed event message from PRT")));
+    	return;
+    	}
+	MSubConnectionDataClient* client = NULL;
+	TInt ret = DetermineClient(aMsg, client);
+	if( ret != KErrNone || client == NULL )
+		{
+		__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Could not determine DataClient from message.  Error=%d"), ret));
+		}
+	switch (aMsg.iEvent.iExt->event_type)
+		{
+	case KPfqosEventFailure:
+		{
+		EQoSOk,
+    EQoSPolicyExists = -5119,       //< -5119 Policy exists in database
+    EQoSNoModules,					//< -5118 No QoS modules available
+    EQoSInterface,			        //< -5117 Flows are using different interfaces
+	EQoSModules,					//< -5116 Flows use different QoS modules
+	EQoSModuleLoadFailed,			//< -5115 Loading of QoS module failed
+	EQoSMessageCorrupt,				//< -5114 Pfqos message corrupted
+	EQoSJoinFailure,				//< -5113 Join to QoS channel failed
+	EQoSLeaveFailure,				//< -5112 Leave from QoS channel failed
+	EQoSNoInterface,				//< -5111 Network interface deleted
+	EQoSChannelDeleted,				//< -5110 QoS channel deleted
+	EQoSDowngradeForced				//< -5109 QoS parameters downgraded by administrative policy
+		CSubConNotificationEvent* event = NULL;
+		__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Received PRT Event: KPfqosEventFailure.  Error=%d"),aMsg.iBase.iMsg->pfqos_msg_errno));
+#if defined(QOS_ERROR_REPORTING) //Awaiting code delivery for qos and guqos to support this functionality 		
+		switch(aMsg.iBase.iMsg->pfqos_msg_errno)
+			{
+				case EQoSJoinFailure:
+					if( client )
+						{
+						__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Join failed Event")));
+						client->JoinFailed(*this,aMsg.iBase.iMsg->pfqos_msg_errno);
+						}
+					break;
+				case EQoSLeaveFailure:
+					if( client )
+						{
+						__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Leave failed Event")));
+						//We don't particularly care that it failed - just pretend that it was successful
+						client->LeaveComplete(*this);
+						}
+					break;
+				case EQoSNoInterface:
+				case EQoSChannelDeleted:
+					{
+					CSubConGenEventSubConDown* scde = CSubConGenEventSubConDown::NewL();
+					scde->SetError(aMsg.iBase.iMsg->pfqos_msg_errno);
+					event = scde;
+					iChannelId = -1;	
+					break;
+					}
+				case EQoSDowngradeForced:
+					{
+					event = CSubConGenEventParamsChanged::NewL();
+					break;
+					}
+				case EQoSChannelFailed:
+					if( client )
+						{
+						__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Join failed Event")));
+						client->JoinFailed(*this,aMsg.iBase.iMsg->pfqos_msg_errno);
+						}
+					// no break here we want to continue into the next case statement;
+				case EQoSParamsRejected:
+					{
+					CSubConGenEventParamsRejected* scde = CSubConGenEventParamsRejected::NewL();
+					scde->SetError(aMsg.iBase.iMsg->pfqos_msg_errno);
+					scde->SetFamilyId(KSubConQoSFamily);
+					event = scde;
+					break;	
+					}
+				default:
+					__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Unknown event sent ")));			
+			};
+			if( client )
+				{
+				__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Join failed Event")));
+				client->JoinFailed(*this,aMsg.iBase.iMsg->pfqos_msg_errno);
+				CSubConGenEventParamsRejected* scde = CSubConGenEventParamsRejected::NewL();
+				/**
+				There can be two set of parameters that are sent to QOS either as KSubConQoSFamily
+				or as KSubConAuthorisationFamily. Here we should differentiate, the QOS is rejected 
+				because of which parameter family. 
+				At present there is no indication comes from the lower layer why the QOS has failed, and in 
+				all the case the member *aMsg.iBase.iMsg->pfqos_msg_type* will return *EPfQoSReject*.
+				At the time of writing this code any differentiation method was not available to differentiate
+				between events. i.e whether the event is SBLP or UMTS events. So this has not been done.
+				This needs to be done when the TPfqosMessage will have the differentiation
+				*/
+				scde->SetError(aMsg.iBase.iMsg->pfqos_msg_errno);
+				scde->SetFamilyId(KSubConQoSFamily);
+				event = scde;
+				}			
+		// Setting QoS Parameters Failed
+		/**
+		There can be two set of parameters that are sent to QOS either as KSubConQoSFamily
+		or as KSubConAuthorisationFamily. Here we should differentiate, the QOS is rejected
+		because of which parameter family.
+		At present there is no indication comes from the lower layer why the QOS has failed, and in
+		all the case the member *aMsg.iBase.iMsg->pfqos_msg_type* will return *EPfQoSReject*.
+		At the time of writing this code any differentiation method was not available to differentiate
+		between events. i.e whether the event is SBLP or UMTS events. So this has not been done.
+		This needs to be done when the TPfqosMessage will have the differentiation
+		*/
+		if (event)
+			{
+			NotifyClientEvent(*event);
+			delete event;
+			}
+		}
+	    break;
+	case KPfqosEventConfirm:
+		{
+		__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Received PRT Event: KPfqosEventConfirm")));
+		// Setting QoS Parameters OK
+		CSubConGenEventParamsGranted* event = CSubConGenEventParamsGranted::NewL();
+		ConvertParametersFromQOSL(aMsg, event);
+		NotifyClientEvent(*event);
+		delete event;
+		if( client != NULL )
+			{
+			client->JoinComplete(*this);
+			}
+		}
+	    break;
+	case KPfqosEventAdapt:
+		{
+		__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Received PRT Event: KPfqosEventAdapt")));
+		// Available QoS Changed
+		CSubConGenEventParamsChanged* event = CSubConGenEventParamsChanged::NewL();
+		event->SetError(aMsg.iBase.iMsg->pfqos_msg_errno);
+		ConvertParametersFromQOSL(aMsg, event);
+		NotifyClientEvent(*event);
+		delete event;
+		}
+	    break;
+	case KPfqosEventJoin:
+		{
+		__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Received PRT Event: KPfqosEventJoin")));
+		if (aMsg.iBase.iMsg->pfqos_msg_errno)
+		   {
+		   ProcessPRTError( aMsg, aMsg.iBase.iMsg->pfqos_msg_errno );
+		   return;
+		   }
+		CSubConGenEventDataClientJoined* event = CSubConGenEventDataClientJoined::NewL();
+		if( client )
+			{
+			const TSockAddr* SrcAddr = NULL;
+			const TSockAddr* DstAddr = NULL;
+			const TDesC8* connInfo;
+			client->ReadAddressInformation(SrcAddr, DstAddr, connInfo);  // return can be would have errored above
+			TConnectionInfoBuf* connInfoBuf = (TConnectionInfoBuf*)connInfo->Ptr();
+			TUint32 iapId = (*connInfoBuf)().iIapId;
+			event->SetSourceAddress( *SrcAddr );
+			event->SetDestAddress( *DstAddr );
+			event->SetIap( iapId );
+			client->JoinComplete(*this);
+			}
+		NotifyClientEvent(*event);
+		delete event;
+		}
+	    break;
+	case KPfqosEventLeave:
+		{
+		__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Received PRT Event: KPfqosEventLeave")));
+		CSubConGenEventDataClientLeft* event = CSubConGenEventDataClientLeft::NewL();
+		if( client )
+			{
+			const TSockAddr* SrcAddr = NULL;
+			const TSockAddr* DstAddr = NULL;
+			const TDesC8* connInfo;
+			client->ReadAddressInformation(SrcAddr, DstAddr, connInfo);  // return can be would have errored above
+			TConnectionInfoBuf* connInfoBuf = (TConnectionInfoBuf*)connInfo->Ptr();
+			TUint32 iapId = (*connInfoBuf)().iIapId;
+			event->SetSourceAddress( *SrcAddr );
+			event->SetDestAddress( *DstAddr );
+			event->SetIap( iapId );
+			}
+		NotifyClientEvent(*event);
+		delete event;
+		if( client != NULL )
+			{
+			client->LeaveComplete(*this);
+			}
+		}
+	    break;
+	default:
+		__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Received PRT Event: Unknown - %d"), aMsg.iEvent.iExt->event_type));
+	    break;
+		}
+	}
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::ProcessPRTReplyL(TPfqosMessage& aMsg)
+Process Replies sent from the PRT to the SubConnection Provider
+@param aMsg the message from the PRT
+	{
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("CIpSubConnectionProvider::ProcessPRTReplyL [%08x]"), this));
+	if( aMsg.iChannel.iExt == NULL )
+		{
+		__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Received malformed reply message from PRT")));
+		}
+	else if( aMsg.iBase.iMsg->pfqos_msg_errno != KErrNone )
+    	{
+    	ProcessPRTError( aMsg, aMsg.iBase.iMsg->pfqos_msg_errno );
+    	}
+	else
+    	{
+		__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Received PRT Reply: %d"), aMsg.iBase.iMsg->pfqos_msg_type));
+		MSubConnectionDataClient* client = NULL;
+		TInt ret = DetermineClient(aMsg, client);
+		if( ret != KErrNone || client == NULL )
+			{
+			__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Could not determine DataClient from message.  Error=%d"),ret));
+			}
+		switch (aMsg.iBase.iMsg->pfqos_msg_type)
+			{
+		case EPfqosOpenExistingChannel:
+			iChannelId = aMsg.iChannel.iExt->channel_id;
+			__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Processing Reply for message: EPfqosOpenExistingChannel")));
+			break;
+		case EPfqosCreateChannel:
+			iChannelId = aMsg.iChannel.iExt->channel_id;
+			__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Processing Reply for message: EPfqosCreateChannel")));
+			//Now you will expect to complete the join here. This will not work becuase
+			//qos.prt send a reply before finishing the join down to the nif level
+			//we will have to delay the response until the event is received
+			break;
+		case EPfqosJoin:
+			__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Processing Reply for message: EPfqosJoin")));
+			//Now you will expect to complete the join here. This will not work becuase
+			//qos.prt send a reply before finishing the join down to the nif level
+			//we will have to delay the response until the event is received
+			break;
+		case EPfqosLeave:
+			__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Processing Reply for message: EPfqosLeave")));
+			break;
+		case EPfqosConfigChannel:
+			{
+			__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Processing Reply for message: EPfqosConfigChannel")));
+			}
+			break;
+		case EPfqosDeleteChannel:
+			iChannelId = -1;
+			__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Processing Reply for message: EPfqosDeleteChannel")));
+			break;
+		default:
+			__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Ignoring Reply for unknown message: %d"), aMsg.iBase.iMsg->pfqos_msg_type));
+			break;
+			}
+    	}
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Provider=0x%x Channel=%d"), this, iChannelId));
+	}
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::ProcessPRTError(TInt aMsgType, TInt __IPCPRLOG(aError))
+Process Errors that occur in communicating between the PRT and the
+SubConnection Provider
+@param aMsgType the type of message that encountered the error
+@param aError the error ththas occurred
+	{
+	switch (aMsgType)
+		{
+	case EPfqosOpenExistingChannel:
+		__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Received PRT Error %d on EPfqosOpenExistingChannel"), aError));
+		break;
+	case EPfqosCreateChannel:
+		__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Received PRT Error %d on EPfqosCreateChannel"), aError));
+		break;
+	case EPfqosDeleteChannel:
+		__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Received PRT Error %d on EPfqosDeleteChannel"), aError));
+		break;
+	case EPfqosJoin:
+		__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Received PRT Error %d on EPfqosJoin"), aError));
+		break;
+	case EPfqosLeave:
+		__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Received PRT Error %d on EPfqosLeave"), aError));
+		break;
+	case EPfqosConfigChannel:
+		__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Received PRT Error %d on EPfqosConfigChannel"), aError));
+		break;
+   case  EPfqosEvent:
+		__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Received PRT Error %d on EPfqosEvent"), aError));
+		break;
+	default:
+		__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Received PRT Error %d on Unknown Message"), aError));
+		break;
+		}
+	}
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::ProcessPRTError(TPfqosMessage& aMsg, TInt aError)
+Process Errors that occur in communicating between the PRT and the
+SubConnection Provider
+@param aMsg the message from the PRT
+@param aError the error ththas occurred
+	{
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("CIpSubConnectionProvider::ProcessPRTError [%08x]"), this));
+	if( aError != KErrNone)
+		{
+		TInt msgType = aMsg.iBase.iMsg->pfqos_msg_type;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+		ProcessPRTError(msgType, aError);
+		MSubConnectionDataClient* client = NULL;
+		TInt ret = DetermineClient(aMsg, client);
+		if( ret != KErrNone || client == NULL )
+			{
+			__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Could not determine DataClient from message.  Error=%d"),ret));
+			}
+		if( msgType == EPfqosJoin ||
+		    msgType == EPfqosOpenExistingChannel ||
+		    msgType == EPfqosCreateChannel ||
+		    (msgType == EPfqosEvent && aMsg.iBase.iMsg->pfqos_msg_errno == EQoSJoinFailure))
+			{
+			if( client )
+				{
+				client->JoinFailed(*this,aError);
+				}
+			}
+		else if( msgType == EPfqosConfigChannel )
+			{
+			//This will send an error only if ECom successfuly constructs the event object
+			CSubConGenEventParamsRejected* event = NULL;
+			TRAP_IGNORE(event = CSubConGenEventParamsRejected::NewL());
+			if (event)
+				{
+				/**
+				comments give in case of *KPfqosEventFailure* in function *ProcessPRTEventL*
+				will also applicable here
+				*/
+				if (aMsg.iBase.iMsg->pfqos_msg_errno == RPacketContext::EEtelPcktPolicyControlRejectionCode)
+					{
+					event->SetFamilyId(KSubConAuthorisationFamily);
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					event->SetFamilyId(KSubConQoSFamily);
+					}
+				event->SetError(aError);
+				NotifyClientEvent(*event);
+				delete event;
+				}
+			}
+		else if( msgType == EPfqosLeave ||
+		   (msgType == EPfqosEvent && aMsg.iBase.iMsg->pfqos_msg_errno == EQoSLeaveFailure))
+			{
+			// Not Interested in whether the leave was successful.  Inform client regardless
+			if( client != NULL )
+				{
+				client->LeaveComplete(*this);
+				}
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			if( client )
+				{
+				client->SubConnectionError(*this, MSubConnectionDataClient::ESubConnection, aError);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+TInt CIpSubConnectionProvider::DetermineClient(const TPfqosMessage& aMsg, MSubConnectionDataClient*& aDataClient)
+Determines which Data Client a message from the QoS PRT is for based upon source and destination
+address; and Protocol Id.
+@param aMsg QoS PRT Response Message
+@param aDataClient Output Variable as Data Client that matches reponse.
+@return KErrNone on finding the required client.  Client passed back as argument.
+	{
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("CIpSubConnectionProvider::DetermineClient [%08x]"), this));
+	aDataClient = NULL;
+	const TInetAddr* msgSrcAddr = aMsg.iSrcAddr.iAddr;
+	const TInetAddr* msgDstAddr = aMsg.iDstAddr.iAddr;
+	if( msgSrcAddr == NULL || msgDstAddr == NULL || aMsg.iSelector.iExt == NULL )
+		{
+		__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Received malformed message from PRT")););
+    	}
+    else
+		{
+		TUint32 msgProtocol = aMsg.iSelector.iExt->protocol;
+			THostName srcName;
+			msgSrcAddr->OutputWithScope(srcName);
+			THostName dstName;
+			msgDstAddr->OutputWithScope(dstName);
+		    IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Msg SAddr[%S][%d] DAddr[%S][%d] Prot[%d]"), &srcName, msgSrcAddr->Port(), &dstName, msgDstAddr->Port(), msgProtocol);
+	    );
+		// Compare message parameters with those from each client finding the one required
+		TInt numClients = iDataClients.Count();
+		for( TInt index=0; index<numClients; index++ )
+			{
+			MSubConnectionDataClient* client = iDataClients[index];
+			if( client != NULL )
+				{
+				const TSockAddr* cliSrcAddr = NULL;
+				const TSockAddr* cliDstAddr = NULL;
+				const TDesC8* connInfo;
+				TInt err = client->ReadAddressInformation(cliSrcAddr, cliDstAddr, connInfo);
+				if( err != KErrNone )
+					{
+					__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Unable to read Address Information")));
+					continue;
+					}
+				if( cliSrcAddr != NULL && cliDstAddr != NULL && connInfo != NULL )
+					{
+					TUint32 cliProtocol = client->ProtocolId();
+					TInetAddr srcInetAddr(*cliSrcAddr);
+					TInetAddr dstInetAddr(*cliDstAddr);
+					if (dstInetAddr.Family() == KAfInet)
+						{
+						dstInetAddr.ConvertToV4Mapped();
+						}
+					__IPCPRLOG(
+						srcInetAddr.OutputWithScope(srcName);
+						dstInetAddr.OutputWithScope(dstName);
+			    		IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Cli SAddr[%S][%d] DAddr[%S][%d] Prot[%d]"), &srcName, srcInetAddr.Port(), &dstName, dstInetAddr.Port(), cliProtocol);
+			    	);
+					if( (msgSrcAddr->Port() == srcInetAddr.Port() &&
+					    (msgDstAddr->CmpAddr(dstInetAddr) && msgDstAddr->Port() == dstInetAddr.Port())) &&
+						msgProtocol == cliProtocol )
+						{
+						// Have our required client
+						__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Client Matched [%08x]"), client));
+						aDataClient = client;
+						break;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+    	}
+	if( aDataClient != NULL )
+		{
+		__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Client Found")));
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Client Not Found!")));
+		}
+	return aDataClient != NULL ? KErrNone : KErrNotFound;
+	}
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::MapGenericParamsFromESockToPRTL(const CSubConQosGenericParamSet& generic) const
+Mapping function to map the generic parameters from the ESock to QoS PRT equivalent
+@param Generic Input structure contains the generic parameters
+	{
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("CIpSubConnectionProvider::MapGenericParamsFromESockToPRTL")));
+	/**
+	Get and Set Uplink Parameters
+	*/
+	iPrtParameters->SetUpLinkMaximumBurstSize(generic.GetUpLinkMaximumBurstSize());
+	iPrtParameters->SetUpLinkMaximumPacketSize(generic.GetUpLinkMaximumPacketSize());
+	iPrtParameters->SetUplinkBandwidth(generic.GetUplinkBandwidth());
+	iPrtParameters->SetUpLinkAveragePacketSize(generic.GetUpLinkAveragePacketSize());
+	iPrtParameters->SetUpLinkPriority(generic.GetUpLinkPriority());
+	iPrtParameters->SetUpLinkDelay(generic.GetUpLinkDelay());
+	/**
+	Get and Set Downlink Parameters
+	*/
+	iPrtParameters->SetDownLinkMaximumBurstSize(generic.GetDownLinkMaximumBurstSize());
+	iPrtParameters->SetDownLinkMaximumPacketSize(generic.GetDownLinkMaximumPacketSize());
+	iPrtParameters->SetDownlinkBandwidth(generic.GetDownlinkBandwidth());
+	iPrtParameters->SetDownLinkAveragePacketSize(generic.GetDownLinkAveragePacketSize());
+	iPrtParameters->SetDownLinkPriority(generic.GetDownLinkPriority());
+	iPrtParameters->SetDownLinkDelay(generic.GetDownLinkDelay());
+	/**
+	Get and Set rest of the Parameters
+	*/
+	iPrtParameters->SetHeaderMode(generic.GetHeaderMode());
+	TName name = generic.GetName();
+	iPrtParameters->SetName(name);
+	}
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::MapGenericParamsFromPRTToESockL(CSubConQosGenericParamSet& generic) const
+Map generic parameters from QoS PRT to the ESock Equivalents
+@param params input structure that contains the QoS PRT generic parameters
+	{
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("CIpSubConnectionProvider::MapGenericParamsFromPRTToESockL")));
+	/**
+	Get and Set Uplink Parameters
+	*/
+	generic.SetUpLinkMaximumBurstSize(iPrtParameters->GetUpLinkMaximumBurstSize());
+	generic.SetUpLinkMaximumPacketSize(iPrtParameters->GetUpLinkMaximumPacketSize());
+	generic.SetUplinkBandwidth(iPrtParameters->GetUplinkBandwidth());
+	generic.SetUpLinkAveragePacketSize(iPrtParameters->GetUpLinkAveragePacketSize());
+	generic.SetUpLinkPriority(iPrtParameters->GetUpLinkPriority());
+	generic.SetUpLinkDelay(iPrtParameters->GetUpLinkDelay());
+	/**
+	Get and Set Downlink Parameters
+	*/
+	generic.SetDownLinkMaximumBurstSize(iPrtParameters->GetDownLinkMaximumBurstSize());
+	generic.SetDownLinkMaximumPacketSize(iPrtParameters->GetDownLinkMaximumPacketSize());
+	generic.SetDownlinkBandwidth(iPrtParameters->GetDownlinkBandwidth());
+	generic.SetDownLinkAveragePacketSize(iPrtParameters->GetDownLinkAveragePacketSize());
+	generic.SetDownLinkPriority(iPrtParameters->GetDownLinkPriority());
+	generic.SetDownLinkDelay(iPrtParameters->GetDownLinkDelay());
+	/**
+	Get and Set rest of the Parameters
+	*/
+	generic.SetHeaderMode(iPrtParameters->GetHeaderMode());
+	TName name = iPrtParameters->GetName();
+	generic.SetName(name);
+	}
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::ConvertTQoSIntoCQoSParamsL(const TQoSParameters& aParameters)
+This function will copy the aParameters into the class CQoSParameters
+using member access functions
+@param aParameters input parameters that needs to be copied
+	{
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("CIpSubConnectionProvider::ConvertTQoSIntoCQoSParamsL")));
+	/**
+	Get and Set Uplink Parameters
+	*/
+	iPrtParameters->SetUplinkBandwidth(aParameters.GetUplinkBandwidth());
+	iPrtParameters->SetUpLinkMaximumBurstSize(aParameters.GetUpLinkMaximumBurstSize());
+	iPrtParameters->SetUpLinkMaximumPacketSize(aParameters.GetUpLinkMaximumPacketSize());
+	iPrtParameters->SetUpLinkAveragePacketSize(aParameters.GetUpLinkAveragePacketSize());
+	iPrtParameters->SetUpLinkDelay(aParameters.GetUpLinkDelay());
+	iPrtParameters->SetUpLinkPriority(aParameters.GetUpLinkPriority());
+	/**
+	Get and Set Downlink Parameters
+	*/
+	iPrtParameters->SetDownlinkBandwidth(aParameters.GetDownlinkBandwidth());
+	iPrtParameters->SetDownLinkMaximumBurstSize(aParameters.GetDownLinkMaximumBurstSize());
+	iPrtParameters->SetDownLinkMaximumPacketSize(aParameters.GetDownLinkMaximumPacketSize());
+	iPrtParameters->SetDownLinkAveragePacketSize(aParameters.GetDownLinkAveragePacketSize());
+	iPrtParameters->SetDownLinkDelay(aParameters.GetDownLinkDelay());
+	iPrtParameters->SetDownLinkPriority(aParameters.GetDownLinkPriority());
+	iPrtParameters->SetAdaptMode(aParameters.AdaptMode());
+	iPrtParameters->SetHeaderMode(aParameters.GetHeaderMode());
+	const TName name = aParameters.GetName();
+	iPrtParameters->SetName(name);
+	}
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::ConvertCQoSIntoTQoSParamsL(TQoSParameters& aParameters) const
+This function will copy the iParameters (CQoSParameters) into aParameters
+using member access functions
+@param aParameters output parameters that iParameters will be copied into
+	{
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("CIpSubConnectionProvider::ConvertCQoSIntoTQoSParamsL")));
+	/**
+	Get and Set Uplink Parameters
+	*/
+	aParameters.SetUplinkBandwidth(iPrtParameters->GetUplinkBandwidth());
+	aParameters.SetUpLinkMaximumBurstSize(iPrtParameters->GetUpLinkMaximumBurstSize());
+	aParameters.SetUpLinkMaximumPacketSize(iPrtParameters->GetUpLinkMaximumPacketSize());
+	aParameters.SetUpLinkAveragePacketSize(iPrtParameters->GetUpLinkAveragePacketSize());
+	aParameters.SetUpLinkDelay(iPrtParameters->GetUpLinkDelay());
+	aParameters.SetUpLinkPriority(iPrtParameters->GetUpLinkPriority());
+	/**
+	Get and Set Downlink Parameters
+	*/
+	aParameters.SetDownlinkBandwidth(iPrtParameters->GetDownlinkBandwidth());
+	aParameters.SetDownLinkMaximumBurstSize(iPrtParameters->GetDownLinkMaximumBurstSize());
+	aParameters.SetDownLinkMaximumPacketSize(iPrtParameters->GetDownLinkMaximumPacketSize());
+	aParameters.SetDownLinkAveragePacketSize(iPrtParameters->GetDownLinkAveragePacketSize());
+	aParameters.SetDownLinkDelay(iPrtParameters->GetDownLinkDelay());
+	aParameters.SetDownLinkPriority(iPrtParameters->GetDownLinkPriority());
+	aParameters.SetAdaptMode(iPrtParameters->AdaptMode());
+	aParameters.SetHeaderMode(iPrtParameters->GetHeaderMode());
+	const TName name = iPrtParameters->GetName();
+	aParameters.SetName(name);
+	}
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::MapExtensionParamsFromESockToPRTL(const CSubConQosIPLinkR99ParamSet& extension, TUmtsQoSParameters& params)
+Map extension parameters from QoS PRT to the ESock Equivalents
+@param extension input structure that contains the ESock extension parameters
+@param params structure updated to contains the equivalent QoS PRT extension parameters
+	{
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("MapExtensionParamsFromESockToPRTL")));
+	RPacketQoS::TTrafficClass trafficClass = extension.GetTrafficClass();
+	User::LeaveIfError(params.SetTrafficClass((TUmtsTrafficClass)trafficClass));
+	RPacketQoS::TDeliveryOrder deliveryOrder = extension.GetDeliveryOrder();
+	User::LeaveIfError(params.SetDeliveryOrder((TUmtsDeliveryOrder)deliveryOrder));
+	RPacketQoS::TErroneousSDUDelivery sduDelivery = extension.GetErroneousSDUDelivery();
+	User::LeaveIfError(params.SetDeliveryOfErroneusSdu((TUmtsErroneousSDUDelivery)sduDelivery));
+	RPacketQoS::TBitErrorRatio bitErrorRate = extension.GetResidualBitErrorRatio();
+	User::LeaveIfError(params.SetResidualBer((TUmtsBitErrorRatio)bitErrorRate));
+	RPacketQoS::TSDUErrorRatio sduErrorRatio = extension.GetSDUErrorRatio();
+	User::LeaveIfError(params.SetErrorRatio((TUmtsSDUErrorRatio)sduErrorRatio));
+	RPacketQoS::TTrafficHandlingPriority trafficHandlingPriority = extension.GetTrafficHandlingPriority();
+	User::LeaveIfError(params.SetPriority((TUmtsTrafficHandlingPriority)trafficHandlingPriority));
+	TInt transferDelay = extension.GetTransferDelay();
+	User::LeaveIfError(params.SetTransferDelay(transferDelay));
+	TInt maxSduSize = extension.GetMaxSduSize();
+	User::LeaveIfError(params.SetMaxSduSize(maxSduSize));
+	TInt maxBitRateUp = extension.GetMaxBitrateUplink();
+	User::LeaveIfError(params.SetMaxBitrateUplink(maxBitRateUp));
+	TInt maxBitRateDown = extension.GetMaxBitrateDownlink();
+	User::LeaveIfError(params.SetMaxBitrateDownlink(maxBitRateDown));
+	TInt guaBitRateUp = extension.GetGuaBitrateUplink();
+	User::LeaveIfError(params.SetGuaranteedBitrateUplink(guaBitRateUp));
+	TInt guaBitRateDown = extension.GetGuaBitrateDownlink();
+	User::LeaveIfError(params.SetGuaranteedBitrateDownlink(guaBitRateDown));
+    iParameterRelease = KParameterRel4Rel99;
+	}
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::MapExtensionParamsFromESockToPRTL(const CSubConSBLPR5ExtensionParamSet& extension, CSblpParameters& params) const
+	{
+	TAuthToken authToken = extension.GetMAT();
+	params.SetMAT(authToken);
+	/**
+	Get Flow Identifires And store that into the RArray of Flow Ids
+	of SBLP Paramters
+	*/
+	RArray<CSblpParameters::TFlowIdentifier> arrFlowIds;
+	CleanupClosePushL(arrFlowIds);
+	TInt nrOfFlows = extension.GetNumberOfFlowIds();
+	for ( TInt i = 0; i < nrOfFlows; i ++ )
+	{
+	    const TFlowId & Fid = extension.GetFlowIdAt(i);
+		CSblpParameters::TFlowIdentifier FlowId;
+		FlowId.iMediaComponentNumber = Fid.GetMediaComponentNumber();
+		FlowId.iIPFlowNumber = Fid.GetIPFlowNumber();
+		arrFlowIds.AppendL(FlowId);
+	}
+	params.SetFlowIds(arrFlowIds);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(&arrFlowIds);
+	arrFlowIds.Close();
+	}
+void MapExtensionParamsFromPRTToESockL(TUmtsQoSParameters& params, CSubConQosIPLinkR99ParamSet& extension)
+Map extension parameters from ESock to the QoS PRT Equivalents
+@param params input structure that contains the QoS PRT extension parameters
+@param extension structure updated to contain the ESock equivalent extension parameters
+	{
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("MapExtensionParamsFromPRTToESockL")));
+	TUmtsTrafficClass trafficClass = params.TrafficClass();
+	extension.SetTrafficClass((RPacketQoS::TTrafficClass) trafficClass);
+	TUmtsDeliveryOrder deliveryOrder = params.DeliveryOrder();
+	extension.SetDeliveryOrder((RPacketQoS::TDeliveryOrder) deliveryOrder);
+	TUmtsErroneousSDUDelivery deliveryOfErroneusSdu = params.DeliveryOfErroneusSdu();
+	extension.SetErroneousSDUDelivery((RPacketQoS::TErroneousSDUDelivery) deliveryOfErroneusSdu);
+	TUmtsBitErrorRatio residualBer = params.ResidualBer();
+	extension.SetResidualBitErrorRatio((RPacketQoS::TBitErrorRatio) residualBer);
+	TUmtsSDUErrorRatio errorRatio = params.ErrorRatio();
+	extension.SetSDUErrorRatio((RPacketQoS::TSDUErrorRatio) errorRatio);
+	TUmtsTrafficHandlingPriority priority = params.Priority();
+	extension.SetTrafficHandlingPriority((RPacketQoS::TTrafficHandlingPriority) priority);
+	TInt transferDelay = params.TransferDelay();
+	extension.SetTransferDelay(transferDelay);
+	TInt maxSduSize = params.MaxSduSize();
+	extension.SetMaxSduSize(maxSduSize);
+	TInt maxBitrateUplink = params.MaxBitrateUplink();
+	extension.SetMaxBitrateUplink(maxBitrateUplink);
+	TInt maxBitrateDownlink = params.MaxBitrateDownlink();
+	extension.SetMaxBitrateDownlink(maxBitrateDownlink);
+	TInt guaBitrateUplink = params.GuaranteedBitrateUplink();
+	extension.SetGuaBitrateUplink(guaBitrateUplink);
+	TInt guaBitrateDownlink = params.GuaranteedBitrateDownlink();
+	extension.SetGuaBitrateDownlink(guaBitrateDownlink);
+	}
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::MapExtensionParamsFromESockToPRTL(const CSubConQosR5ParamSet& aExtension, TUmtsR5QoSParameters& aParams)
+Map extension parameters from QoS PRT to the ESock Equivalents
+@param extension input structure that contains the ESock extension parameters
+@param params structure updated to contains the equivalent QoS PRT extension parameters
+	{
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("MapExtensionParamsFromESockToPRTL")));				
+	MapExtensionParamsFromESockToPRTL(static_cast<const CSubConQosIPLinkR99ParamSet&>(aExtension), static_cast<TUmtsQoSParameters&>(aParams));
+	TBool signallingIndicator = aExtension.GetSignallingIndicator();
+	User::LeaveIfError(aParams.SetSignallingIndicator(signallingIndicator));
+	RPacketQoS::TSourceStatisticsDescriptor sourceStatisticsDescriptor = aExtension.GetSourceStatisticsDescriptor();
+	User::LeaveIfError(aParams.SetSourceStatisticsDescriptor(reinterpret_cast<TUmtsSourceStatisticsDescriptor&>(sourceStatisticsDescriptor)));
+    iParameterRelease = KParameterRel5;
+	}
+void MapExtensionParamsFromPRTToESockL(TUmtsR5QoSParameters& aParams, CSubConQosR5ParamSet& aExtension)
+Map extension parameters from ESock to the QoS PRT Equivalents
+@param params input structure that contains the QoS PRT extension parameters
+@param extension structure updated to contain the ESock equivalent extension parameters
+	{
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("MapExtensionParamsFromPRTToESockL")));
+	MapExtensionParamsFromPRTToESockL(static_cast<TUmtsQoSParameters&>(aParams),static_cast<CSubConQosIPLinkR99ParamSet&>(aExtension));
+	TBool signallingprtIndicator = aParams.SignallingIndicator();
+	aExtension.SetSignallingIndicator(signallingprtIndicator);
+	TUmtsSourceStatisticsDescriptor sourceStatisticsprtDescriptor = aParams.SourceStatisticsDescriptor();
+	aExtension.SetSourceStatisticsDescriptor(reinterpret_cast<RPacketQoS::TSourceStatisticsDescriptor&>(sourceStatisticsprtDescriptor));
+	}
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::MapExtensionParamsFromESockToPRTL(const CSubConImsExtParamSet& aExtension, TImsParameter& aParams)
+Map extension parameters from QoS PRT to the ESock Equivalents
+@param extension input structure that contains the ESock extension parameters
+@param params structure updated to contains the equivalent QoS PRT extension parameters
+	{
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("MapExtensionParamsFromESockToPRTL")));
+	TBool IMSSignallingIndicator = aExtension.GetImsSignallingIndicator();
+	aParams.SetIMSSigallingIndicator(IMSSignallingIndicator);
+	}
+void MapExtensionParamsFromPRTToESockL(TImsParameter& aParams, CSubConImsExtParamSet& aExtension)
+Map extension parameters from ESock to the QoS PRT Equivalents
+@param params input structure that contains the QoS PRT extension parameters
+@param extension structure updated to contain the ESock equivalent extension parameters
+	{
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("MapExtensionParamsFromPRTToESockL")));
+	TBool IMSSignallingIndicator = aParams.GetIMSSigallingIndicator();
+	aExtension.SetImsSignallingIndicator(IMSSignallingIndicator);
+	}
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::ResetPrtExtensions()
+	{
+	TQoSExtensionQueueIter iter(iPrtExtensions);
+	CExtensionBase *ext;
+	ext = iter++;
+	while (ext)
+		{
+		delete ext;
+		ext = iter++;
+		}
+	iPrtExtensions.Reset();
+	}
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::ConvertParametersFromESockL(CSubConParameterBundle& aParameterBundle)
+Covert QoS Parameters sent from ESock to QoS PRT values and cache the values
+@param aParameterBundle the bundle that contains all of ESock's QoS Variables
+	{
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("CIpSubConnectionProvider::ConvertParametersFromESockL [%08x]"), this));
+    ResetPrtExtensions();
+	CSubConParameterFamily* family = aParameterBundle.FindFamily(KSubConQoSFamily);
+	if(family)
+		{
+		CUmtsQoSPolicy* policy = CUmtsQoSPolicy::NewL();
+		CleanupStack::PushL(policy);
+		TBool policySet = EFalse;
+		// Map Requested Generic Parameters from ESock to PRT Values
+		CSubConQosGenericParamSet* generic = (CSubConQosGenericParamSet*)family->GetGenericSet(CSubConParameterFamily::ERequested);
+		if(generic)
+			{
+			TRAPD(err, MapGenericParamsFromESockToPRTL(*generic));
+			if( err != KErrNone )
+				{
+				__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Failed to convert from ESock to PRT Generic Parameters (Requested) with Error: %d"),err));
+				}
+			}
+		// Map Requested UMTS Parameters from ESock to PRT values
+		CSubConQosIPLinkR99ParamSet* extension = (CSubConQosIPLinkR99ParamSet*)family->FindExtensionSet(
+				STypeId::CreateSTypeId(KSubConIPParamsUid,KSubConQosIPLinkR99ParamsType), CSubConParameterFamily::ERequested);
+		if(extension)
+			{
+			TUmtsQoSParameters params;
+			TRAPD(err, MapExtensionParamsFromESockToPRTL(*extension, params));
+			if( err != KErrNone )
+				{
+				__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Failed to convert from ESock to PRT Extension Parameters (Requested) with Error: %d"),err));
+				}
+			policy->SetQoSRequested(params);
+			policySet = ETrue;
+			}
+		// Map Minimum UMTS Parameters from ESock to PRT values
+		extension = (CSubConQosIPLinkR99ParamSet*)family->FindExtensionSet(
+				STypeId::CreateSTypeId(KSubConIPParamsUid,KSubConQosIPLinkR99ParamsType), CSubConParameterFamily::EAcceptable);
+		if(extension)
+			{
+			TUmtsQoSParameters params;
+			TRAPD(err, MapExtensionParamsFromESockToPRTL(*extension,params));
+			if( err != KErrNone )
+				{
+				__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Failed to convert from ESock to PRT Extension Parameters (Minimum) with Error: %d"),err));
+				}
+			policy->SetQoSMinimum(params);
+			policySet = ETrue;
+			}
+		if(policySet)
+			{
+			iPrtExtensions.AddFirst(*policy);
+			CleanupStack::Pop();
+			}
+		else
+			{
+		    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(policy);
+			}
+		CUmtsR5QoSPolicy* policyR5 = CUmtsR5QoSPolicy::NewL();
+		CleanupStack::PushL(policyR5);
+		TBool policySetR5 = EFalse;
+		// Map Requested UMTS Parameters from ESock to PRT values
+		CSubConQosR5ParamSet* extensionR5 = static_cast<CSubConQosR5ParamSet*>(family->FindExtensionSet(STypeId::CreateSTypeId(KSubConIPParamsUid,KSubConQosR5ParamsType), CSubConParameterFamily::ERequested));
+		if(extensionR5)
+			{
+			 TUmtsR5QoSParameters paramsR5;
+	         TRAPD(err, MapExtensionParamsFromESockToPRTL(*extensionR5, paramsR5));
+			 if( err != KErrNone )
+				{
+				__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Failed to convert from ESock to PRT Extension Parameters (Requested) with Error: %d"),err));
+				}
+			policyR5->SetQoSRequested(paramsR5);
+			policySetR5 = ETrue;
+			}
+		// Map Minimum UMTS Parameters from ESock to PRT values
+		extensionR5 = static_cast<CSubConQosR5ParamSet*>(family->FindExtensionSet(STypeId::CreateSTypeId(KSubConIPParamsUid,KSubConQosR5ParamsType), CSubConParameterFamily::EAcceptable));
+		if(extensionR5)
+			{
+			TUmtsR5QoSParameters paramsR5;
+			TRAPD(err, MapExtensionParamsFromESockToPRTL(*extensionR5,paramsR5));
+			if( err != KErrNone )
+				{
+				__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Failed to convert from ESock to PRT Extension Parameters (Minimum) with Error: %d"),err));
+				}
+			policyR5->SetQoSMinimum(paramsR5);
+			policySetR5 = ETrue;
+			}
+		if(policySetR5)
+			{
+			iPrtExtensions.AddFirst(*policyR5);
+			CleanupStack::Pop();
+			}
+		else
+			{
+		    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(policyR5);
+			}
+			CImsPolicy* policyIms = CImsPolicy ::NewL();
+			CleanupStack::PushL(policyIms);
+			TBool policySetIms = EFalse;
+			// Map Requested UMTS IMS Parameters from ESock to PRT values
+			CSubConImsExtParamSet* extensionIms = static_cast<CSubConImsExtParamSet*>(family->FindExtensionSet(STypeId::CreateSTypeId(KSubConIPParamsUid,KSubConImsExtParamsType), CSubConParameterFamily::ERequested));
+		if(extensionIms)
+			{
+			TImsParameter paramsIms;
+			TRAPD(err, MapExtensionParamsFromESockToPRTL(*extensionIms, paramsIms));
+			if( err != KErrNone )
+				{
+				__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Failed to convert from ESock to PRT Extension Parameters (Requested) with Error: %d"),err));
+				}
+			policyIms->SetImsParameter(paramsIms); 
+			policySetIms = ETrue;
+			}
+		if(policySetIms)
+			{
+			iPrtExtensions.AddFirst(*policyIms);
+			CleanupStack::Pop();
+			}
+		else
+			{
+		    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(policyIms);
+			}
+	}
+	// Convert SBLP set if present
+	// Check for the presence of the family in the bundle
+	CSubConParameterFamily* sblpFamily = aParameterBundle.FindFamily(KSubConAuthorisationFamily);
+	if (sblpFamily)
+		{
+		CSblpPolicy* policy = CSblpPolicy::NewL();
+		CleanupStack::PushL(policy);
+		TBool policySet = EFalse;
+		/**
+		Extract the generic and extension Parmaters of the Family. At present the generic
+		parameters will just contains a dummy , and will not be used. The code is commented
+		and can be enabled sometimes when any parameter varification at the code is required
+		*/
+		// CSubConAuthorisationGenericParamSet* generic = (CSubConAuthorisationGenericParamSet*)SblpFamily->GetGenericSet(CSubConParameterFamily::ERequested);
+		/**
+		There can be more than one extension set containing multiple MATs, as a requirement for the R6.
+		currently the APIs in CSubConParameterFamily is not able to extract multiple parameters. once this
+		is done, the code below must be changed to run on a loop on number of extensions
+		*/
+		// Map Requested UMTS Parameters from ESock to PRT values
+		CSubConSBLPR5ExtensionParamSet* extension = (CSubConSBLPR5ExtensionParamSet*)sblpFamily->FindExtensionSet(
+				STypeId::CreateSTypeId(KSubConIPParamsUid,KSubConnSBLPR5ExtensionParamsType), CSubConParameterFamily::ERequested);
+		if(extension)
+			{
+			CSblpParameters* params = new (ELeave)CSblpParameters;
+			CleanupStack::PushL(params);
+			TRAPD(err, MapExtensionParamsFromESockToPRTL(*extension,*params));
+			if( err != KErrNone )
+				{
+				__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("Failed to convert from ESock to PRT Extension Parameters (Requested) with Error: %d"),err));
+				}
+			policy->SetSblpParameters(*params); //does a bitwise copy therefore we must still delete params afterwards
+			policySet = ETrue;
+			CleanupStack::Pop(params);
+			delete params;
+			}
+		if( policySet )
+			{
+			iPrtExtensions.AddFirst(*policy);
+			CleanupStack::Pop();
+			}
+		else
+    		{
+		    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(policy);
+	    	}
+		}
+	}
+void CIpSubConnectionProvider::ConvertParametersFromQOSL(TPfqosMessage& aMsg, CSubConGenEventParamsGranted* aEvent)
+Convert parameters from a PRT response to ESock equivalents.  PRT parameters are cached
+@param aMsg QoS PRT Response Message
+@param aEvent ESock event to contain changed QoS Parameters
+	{
+	__IPCPRLOG(IpCprLog::Printf(_L("CIpSubConnectionProvider::ConvertParametersFromQOSL [%08x]"), this));
+	/** Changed as per usase of CQosParamaters instead of
+	TQoSParameter
+	*/
+    TQoSParameters qosParams;
+	aMsg.SetQoSParameters(qosParams);
+    // Copy qosParams into the iPrtParameters
+	ConvertTQoSIntoCQoSParamsL(qosParams);
+	aEvent->SetFamily(KSubConQoSFamily);
+	CSubConQosGenericParamSet* generic = CSubConQosGenericParamSet::NewL();
+	MapGenericParamsFromPRTToESockL(*generic);
+	aEvent->SetGenericSet(generic);
+    TSglQueIter<CPfqosPolicyData> iter(aMsg.iExtensions);
+	CPfqosPolicyData* data = NULL;
+	// for each pfqos extension that exists in aMsg
+	while ((data = iter++) != NULL)
+		{
+	    const TUint8 *p = data->Data().Ptr();
+	    TInt length = data->Data().Length();
+	    const struct pfqos_configure* pfqosExtConfig = reinterpret_cast<const struct pfqos_configure*>(p);
+	    if (length > (TInt)sizeof(pfqos_configure) &&
+		    pfqosExtConfig->pfqos_configure_len * 8 == length &&
+		    pfqosExtConfig->pfqos_ext_type == EPfqosExtExtension)
+	    	{
+	    	// pfqos_extension struct is located straight after pfqos_configure struct
+		    p += sizeof(struct pfqos_configure);
+		    const struct pfqos_extension* pfqosExtension = reinterpret_cast<const struct pfqos_extension*>(p);
+			TInt extType = pfqosExtension->pfqos_extension_type;
+			CExtensionBase* scPfqosExtension = NULL;
+			TQoSExtensionQueueIter iter2(iPrtExtensions);
+			// for each pfqos extension that has been configured in this subconnection
+			while ((scPfqosExtension = iter2++) != NULL)
+				{
+				if (scPfqosExtension->Type() == extType)
+					{
+					// the extension in the message matches an extension that is configured on the
+					// subconnection, now we can parse it
+					scPfqosExtension->ParseMessage(data->Data());
+                    CSubConExtensionParameterSet* extension = NULL;
+                    switch (extType)
+                        {
+						case KPfqosExtensionUmts:                   
+						    {
+							CUmtsQoSPolicy *policy = static_cast<CUmtsQoSPolicy*>(scPfqosExtension);
+							TNegotiatedUmtsQoSParameters grantedQoS;
+							policy->GetQoSNegotiated(grantedQoS);
+							extension = CSubConQosIPLinkR99ParamSet::NewL();
+                            CleanupStack::PushL(extension);
+							MapExtensionParamsFromPRTToESockL(grantedQoS,*static_cast<CSubConQosIPLinkR99ParamSet*>(extension));
+                            break;
+						    }
+                        case KPfqosR5ExtensionUmts:
+                            extension = MapFromUmtsR5ExtensionL(static_cast<CUmtsR5QoSPolicy*>(scPfqosExtension));
+                            CleanupStack::PushL(extension);
+                            break;
+                        case KPfqosExtensionIMS:
+                            extension = MapFromImsExtensionL(static_cast<CImsPolicy*>(scPfqosExtension));
+                            CleanupStack::PushL(extension);
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    if (extension)
+                        {
+                        // Need to add it to the cleanup stack so we don't lose the ptr
+                        // in the event that AddExtensionSetL leaves
+	                    aEvent->AddExtensionSetL(extension);
+	                    CleanupStack::Pop(extension);
+                        }
+					// Next extension from aMsg
+					break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+CSubConExtensionParameterSet* CIpSubConnectionProvider::MapFromUmtsR5ExtensionL (const CUmtsR5QoSPolicy* aPolicy)
+    {
+    ASSERT(aPolicy);
+	TNegotiatedUmtsR5QoSParameters grantedR5QoS;
+	aPolicy->GetQoSNegotiated(grantedR5QoS);
+	CSubConExtensionParameterSet* paramSet;
+    switch (iParameterRelease)
+        {
+        case KParameterRel5:
+    		paramSet = CSubConQosR5ParamSet::NewL();
+    		CleanupStack::PushL(paramSet);
+    		MapExtensionParamsFromPRTToESockL(static_cast<TUmtsR5QoSParameters&>(grantedR5QoS),
+    		    *static_cast<CSubConQosR5ParamSet*>(paramSet));
+    		CleanupStack::Pop(paramSet);
+            break;
+        case KParameterRel4Rel99:
+    		paramSet = CSubConQosR99ParamSet::NewL();
+    		CleanupStack::PushL(paramSet);
+    		MapExtensionParamsFromPRTToESockL(static_cast<TUmtsQoSParameters&>(grantedR5QoS),
+    		    *static_cast<CSubConQosR99ParamSet*>(paramSet));
+            CleanupStack::Pop(paramSet);
+            break;
+        default:
+            // Break in debug builds
+            ASSERT(EFalse);
+            return NULL;
+        }
+    return paramSet;
+    }
+CSubConExtensionParameterSet* CIpSubConnectionProvider::MapFromImsExtensionL (const CImsPolicy* aPolicy)
+    {
+    ASSERT(aPolicy);
+	TImsParameter grantedImsQoS; 
+	aPolicy->GetImsParameter(grantedImsQoS); 
+	CSubConImsExtParamSet* extensionIms = CSubConImsExtParamSet::NewL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(extensionIms);
+	MapExtensionParamsFromPRTToESockL(grantedImsQoS, *extensionIms);
+	CleanupStack::Pop(extensionIms);
+	return extensionIms;
+    }