changeset 57 abbed5a4b42a
parent 53 7e41d162e158
child 58 8d540f55e491
--- a/tcpiputils/dhcp/src/DHCPIP4StateMachine.cpp	Thu Aug 19 11:25:30 2010 +0300
+++ b/tcpiputils/dhcp/src/DHCPIP4StateMachine.cpp	Tue Aug 31 16:45:15 2010 +0300
@@ -82,13 +82,7 @@
 	__CFLOG_VAR((KLogSubSysDHCP, KLogCode, _L8("CDHCPIP4StateMachine::ConstructL")));
-	if (iConfig)
-	    {
-		// Parse dhcp.ini for additional options to be requested with server
-		// and append the option codes to the parameter request list
-        TRAP_IGNORE(AppendMultipleExtraOptionsParamL());
-	    }
   	iDhcpMessage = new(ELeave)CDHCPMessageHeaderIP4(iFragment);
 	iMessageSender = new(ELeave)CMessageSender(this,iSocket,&iTaskStartedAt,KAfInet);
@@ -482,9 +476,7 @@
-	// From tb92 and later, including iSavedExtraParameters for FinishL()
-	// as SYMBIAN_NETWORKING_DHCP_MSG_HEADERS is expected to be always ON
-	DhcpMessage()->FinishL(iClientId,&iSavedExtraParameters);
+	DhcpMessage()->FinishL(iClientId);
@@ -1514,24 +1506,10 @@
 	__CFLOG_VAR((KLogSubSysDHCP, KLogCode, _L8("CDHCPIP4StateMachine::ConfigureInterfaceL - KSoNoSourceAddressSelect")));
 	User::LeaveIfError(iSocket.SetOpt(KSoNoSourceAddressSelect, KSolInetIp, 0));
-	// Using the new structure derived from TSoInet6InterfaceInfo
-	// to be able to set domain search list for the interface
-	TSoInetInterfaceInfoExtnDnsSuffix interfaceInfo;
+	TSoInet6InterfaceInfo interfaceInfo;
 	CDHCPMessageHeaderIP4* v4Msg = DhcpMessage();
-	// Read the optiond data buffer for option 119 and decrypt it
-    HBufC8* domainSearchBuf(NULL);
-    v4Msg->iOptions.CopyDomainSearchL(domainSearchBuf);
-    if (domainSearchBuf)
-    	{
-		// Perform decryption only if option data has been returned by dhcp server
-        SplitDomainSearchBufferL(domainSearchBuf);
-        delete domainSearchBuf;
-        domainSearchBuf = NULL;
-    	}
 	if (!IsUsingStaticAddress())
@@ -1603,24 +1581,8 @@
 	interfaceInfo.iDoState = ETrue;
 	interfaceInfo.iDoAnycast = EFalse;
 	interfaceInfo.iDoProxy = EFalse;
-	// Depending on number of domain suffix(es) received from the DHCP server,
-	// we have to call CDHCPStateMachine::ConfigureInterfaceL multiple times
-	TUint suffixCount = iSuffixList.Count();
-	if (suffixCount > 0)
-	    interfaceInfo.iDomainSuffix.Copy(iSuffixList[0]);
-	// If there is no domain suffix available for updating the interface,
-	// we end up calling ConfigureInterfaceL once
 	CDHCPStateMachine::ConfigureInterfaceL( interfaceInfo );
-	// Repeat ConfigureInterface call for each domain suffix returned from the server	
-	for (TUint index = 1; index < suffixCount; index++)
-	    {
-	    interfaceInfo.iDomainSuffix.Copy(iSuffixList[index]);
-        CDHCPStateMachine::ConfigureInterfaceL( interfaceInfo );
-	    }
 void CDHCPIP4StateMachine::CreateFqdnUpdateRequestL()
@@ -1913,175 +1875,4 @@
 	return EFalse;
-  * @name AppendMultipleExtraOptionsParam
-  *			Parses dhcp.ini for extra dhcp options and adds them to
-  *  			the dhcp server's parameter request list
-  *
-  * @internalTechnology
-  */
-void CDHCPIP4StateMachine::AppendMultipleExtraOptionsParamL()
-    {
-    TBuf8<KOpCodeOutOfBounds> iniValue;
-    User::LeaveIfError(IniRead(KDhcpExtraOptions, iniValue));
-    TLex8 iniLex(iniValue);
-    TChar ch;
-    while((ch = iniLex.Get()) != 0)
-        {
-        TUint8 opCode(ch);
-        TPtr8 opCodePtr(&opCode,1,1);
-        if (!iSavedExtraParameters.Length())
-            {
-            iSavedExtraParameters.CreateL(opCodePtr);
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            iSavedExtraParameters.ReAllocL(iSavedExtraParameters.Length()+opCodePtr.Length());
-            iSavedExtraParameters.Append(opCodePtr);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-  * @name SplitDomainSearchBufferL
-  *			Decrypt dhcp server option data response for option code 119
-  *			and retrieve the domain search list for configuring the interface
-  *
-  * @internalTechnology
-  */
-void CDHCPIP4StateMachine::SplitDomainSearchBufferL(HBufC8* aDomainSearchBuf)
-    {
-	typedef TBuf8<KMaxDomainSuffixLength> THostName8;
-	const TInt KMaxDomainSearchBufferLength = 4096;
-	// Retrieve the total length of the option data content
-    TPtr8 ptr(aDomainSearchBuf->Des());
-    TInt totalLength = 0;
-    totalLength = aDomainSearchBuf->Length();
-	// Create a buffer of a length capable 
-	// to hold domain search list from the option data
-    TLex8 primaryLex;
-    RBuf8 suffixList;
-    suffixList.CreateL(KMaxDomainSearchBufferLength);
-	// To overcome specific limitations of TLex
-	// Converting all '0's to '@'s in the option data buffer
-    TInt offset = 0;
-    THostName8 tmpBuf;
-    while((offset = ptr.Locate(0)) != KErrNotFound) 
-        {
-        tmpBuf.Append(ptr.MidTPtr(0, offset));
-        tmpBuf.Append('@');
-        if (ptr.Length() > (offset +1))
-            ptr.Set(ptr.MidTPtr((offset+1)));
-        else
-            ptr.SetLength(0);
-        }
-    ptr.Set(tmpBuf.MidTPtr(0));
-    primaryLex.Assign(ptr.Ptr());
-	// Creating temporary objects for parsing the buffer
-    THostName8 domainName;
-    domainName.SetLength(0);
-    TInt noOfDomainNames = 0;
-    TChar ch;
-    /* Start of decryption algorithm implementation for the option data buffer
-	 * Synopsis 
-	 * 		Option data contains domain suffixes seaparated by either a '@' or a two-octet compression pointer i.e. C004 (hex)
-	 *		which points to offset 4 in the complete aggregated block of Domain Search Option data
-	 *		where another validly encoded domain name can be found to complete the name
-	 *		Each sub-domain in a domain name is defined by a digit representing number of characters following this digit
-	 */
-    for (TInt i=0; i<totalLength; i++)
-        {
-        ch = primaryLex.Peek();
-        if (ch == 64) // if the character is a '@'
-            {
-			// Marks end of a domain name in the list
-			// add the domainName constructed to a array and initialise it for next domain name parsing
-			// Inc a counter to keep track of number of domain names retrieved
-			// Maintain a continous list of the domain name as well for lookup during use of compression pointer
-            suffixList.Append(ch);
-            TBuf<KMaxDomainSuffixLength> domainName16;
-            domainName16.Copy(domainName);
-            iSuffixList.AppendL(domainName16);
-            domainName.FillZ();
-            domainName.SetLength(0);
-            primaryLex.Inc();
-            noOfDomainNames++;
-            }
-        else if (ch < 48) // if the character is a digit
-            {
-			// Marks '.' completing a sub-domain and defines the length
-			// of the next sub-domain in the option data buffer
-            if (domainName.Length() != 0)
-                {
-                suffixList.Append('.');
-                domainName.Append('.');
-                }
-            TInt domainPartLength(ch);
-            suffixList.Append(ptr.Mid(i+1,ch));
-            domainName.Append(ptr.Mid(i+1,ch));
-            TInt inc = (TInt)ch + 1;
-            i+=(TInt)ch;
-            primaryLex.Inc(inc);
-            }
-        else if (ch == 192) // if the character is a hex 0xC0
-            {
-			// Marks start of compression pointer
-			// Looks up to the suffixList buffer created earlier that holds
-			// the domain names read until now in contigous sequence
-			// for extracting the remainder of the sub-domains to complete the domain name
-            if (domainName.Length() != 0)
-                {
-                suffixList.Append('.');
-                domainName.Append('.');
-                }
-            i++;
-            primaryLex.Inc();
-            ch = primaryLex.Peek();
-            TInt refOffset(ch), actOffset=0;
-            THostName compressedDomain;
-            TPtr8 tmpPtr(suffixList.MidTPtr(0));
-            TLex8 tmpLex(tmpPtr);
-            TInt ind=0;
-            for (; ind < tmpPtr.Length() && actOffset < refOffset; ind++)
-                {
-                TChar ch1 = tmpLex.Peek();
-                if (ch1 != 46 && ch1 != 64)
-                    actOffset++;
-                tmpLex.Inc();
-                }
-            tmpPtr.Set(tmpPtr.MidTPtr(ind-1));
-            tmpPtr.Set(tmpPtr.MidTPtr(0,tmpPtr.Locate('@')));
-            suffixList.Append(tmpPtr);
-            domainName.Append(tmpPtr);
-            suffixList.Append('@');
-            TBuf<KMaxDomainSuffixLength> domainName16;
-            domainName16.Copy(domainName);
-            iSuffixList.AppendL(domainName16);
-            domainName.FillZ();
-            domainName.SetLength(0);
-            primaryLex.Inc();
-            noOfDomainNames++;
-            }
-        else
-        	{
-			// Marks completion of the option data buffer
-			// Free up memory allocated on the heap
-	        suffixList.Close();
-            return;
-        	}
-        }
-	// End of decryption algorithm implementation for the option data buffer
-    }