changeset 0 af10295192d8
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/linklayerprotocols/pppnif/INC/ncpip.h	Tue Jan 26 15:23:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// ncpip4.H
+ @file
+ @internalComponent 
+#if !defined(__NCPIP4_H__)
+#define __NCPIP4_H__
+#include <in_iface.h>
+#include <comms-infras/ss_protflow.h>
+#include <comms-infras/commsdebugutility.h>
+#include <comms-infras/es_protbinder.h>
+#include <networking/ppplcp.h>
+#include <networking/pppbase.h>
+const TUint KPppIpIfaceFeatures =
+//		KIfIsLoopback |
+		KIfIsPointToPoint |
+//		KIfCanBroadcast |
+//		KIfCanMulticast	|
+//		KIfCanSetMTU |
+//		KIfHasHardwareAddr |
+//		KIfCanSetHardwareAddr |
+		0;
+const TUint KIpcpSendPriority = 10;
+//const TUint KPppIdIp = 0x0021;	// MOVED TO VJ.H
+const TUint KPppIdIpcp = 0x8021;
+const TUint KPppIdCompressed = 0x00fd;
+const TUint KPppIdHeadComp = 0x004f;
+const TUint KPppIdHeadCompCp = 0x804f;
+const TUint8 KPppIpcpOptIpAddresses = 1;
+const TUint8 KPppIpcpOptIpCompressionProtocol = 2;
+const TUint8 KPppIpcpOptIpAddress = 3;
+const TUint8 KPppIpcpOptPrimaryDnsAddress = 129;
+const TUint8 KPppIpcpOptSecondaryDnsAddress = 131;
+// NetBios
+const TUint8 KPppIpcpOptPrimaryNbnsAddress = 130;
+const TUint8 KPppIpcpOptSecondaryNbnsAddress = 132;
+const TUint KSlashChar='\\';
+class MIpcpIpRecvr : public MPppRecvr
+	{
+	MIpcpIpRecvr(CPppLcp* aLcp);
+	virtual TBool RecvFrame(RMBufChain& aPacket);
+	virtual void  FrameError();
+	virtual void  KillProtocol();
+	};
+class MIpcpTcpVjCompRecvr : public MPppRecvr
+	{
+	MIpcpTcpVjCompRecvr(CPppLcp* aLcp);
+	virtual TBool RecvFrame(RMBufChain& aPacket);
+	virtual void  FrameError();
+	virtual void  KillProtocol();
+	};
+class MIpcpTcpVjUncompRecvr : public MPppRecvr
+	{
+	MIpcpTcpVjUncompRecvr(CPppLcp* aLcp);
+	virtual TBool RecvFrame(RMBufChain& aPacket);
+	virtual void  FrameError();
+	virtual void  KillProtocol();
+	};
+class CVJCompressorIf;
+class CVJDeCompressorIf;
+class CPppLcp;
+class CPppNifSubConnectionFlow;
+NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CPppBinderIp4) : public CBase, public MPppFsm,
+								   public ESock::MLowerDataSender, public ESock::MLowerControl
+Implements IPCP and support for IP datagrams (RFC 1332)
+	{
+   	static CPppBinderIp4* NewL(CPppLcp* aLcp);
+	~CPppBinderIp4();
+    //-=========================================================
+    // MLowerDataSender methods
+    //-=========================================================
+	virtual ESock::MLowerDataSender::TSendResult Send(RMBufChain& aPdu);
+    //-=========================================================
+	// MLowerControl methods
+    //-=========================================================
+	virtual TInt GetName(TDes& aName);
+	virtual TInt BlockFlow(ESock::MLowerControl::TBlockOption /*aOption*/);
+    virtual TInt GetConfig(TBinderConfig& aConfig);
+    virtual TInt Control(TUint aLevel, TUint aName, TDes8& aOption);
+    //-=========================================================
+    // Callthrough from MFlowBinderControl instance
+    //-=========================================================
+    MLowerDataSender* BindL(ESock::MUpperDataReceiver& aUpperReceiver, ESock::MUpperControl& aControl);
+    void UnBind(ESock::MUpperDataReceiver& aUpperReceiver, ESock::MUpperControl& aControl);
+	//
+	TBool MatchesUpperControl(const ESock::MUpperControl* aUpperControl) const;
+	void SendFlowOn();
+    void Error(TInt aError);
+	TInt Notification(TAgentToNifEventType aEvent);
+	//
+	void RecvIp(RMBufChain& aPacket);
+	void RecvVjCompTcp(RMBufChain& aPacket);
+	void RecvVjUncompTcp(RMBufChain& aPacket);
+	void IpFrameError();
+	void VjCompTcpFrameError();
+	void VjUncompTcpFrameError();
+	void IpKillProtocol();
+	void VjCompTcpKillProtocol();
+	void VjUncompTcpKillProtocol();
+	//
+	// PPP FSM Upcalls
+	virtual TInt FsmLayerStarted();
+	virtual void FsmLayerFinished(TInt aReason=KErrNone);
+	virtual void FsmLayerUp();
+	virtual void FsmLayerDown(TInt aReason=KErrNone);
+	virtual void FsmFillinConfigRequestL(RPppOptionList& aRequestList);
+	virtual void FsmCheckConfigRequest(RPppOptionList& aRequestList, RPppOptionList& aAckList, RPppOptionList& aNakList, RPppOptionList& aRejList);
+	virtual void FsmApplyConfigRequest(RPppOptionList& aRequestList);
+	virtual void FsmRecvConfigAck(RPppOptionList& aReplyList);
+	virtual void FsmRecvConfigNak(RPppOptionList& aReplyList, RPppOptionList& aReqList);
+	virtual void FsmRecvConfigReject(RPppOptionList& aReplyList, RPppOptionList& aReqList);
+	virtual void FsmTerminationPhaseComplete();
+	virtual TBool FsmRecvUnknownCode(TUint8 aCode, TUint8 aId, TInt aLength, RMBufChain& aPacket);
+	virtual void KillProtocol();
+   	void  ConstructL();
+   	CPppBinderIp4(CPppLcp* aLcp);
+	MLowerDataSender::TSendResult SendProtFrame(RMBufChain& aPacket, TUint aProtocol);
+	static TInt SendCallBack(TAny* aCProtocol);
+	void DoSend();
+	CVJCompressorIf*	LoadVJCompressorL();
+	CVJDeCompressorIf*	LoadVJDeCompressorL();
+	inline CPppLcp* Flow();
+	//
+    CPppLcp* iPppNifSubConnectionFlow;
+	ESock::MUpperDataReceiver* iUpperReceiver;
+    ESock::MUpperControl* iUpperControl;
+    TBool iAuthenticated;
+	RMBufPktQ iSendQ;
+	CAsyncCallBack* iSendCallBack;
+	TInterfaceName iIfName;
+	//
+	ESock::MLowerDataSender::TSendResult iLowerFlowOn;
+	ESock::MLowerDataSender::TSendResult iUpperFlowOn;
+	//
+	TPppExtraRecvr<CPppBinderIp4> iIpRecvr;
+	TPppExtraRecvr<CPppBinderIp4> iVjCompTcpRecvr;
+	TPppExtraRecvr<CPppBinderIp4> iVjUncompTcpRecvr;
+	// Negotiated information
+	TUint32 iPrimaryDns;
+	TUint32 iSecondaryDns;
+	/** Held in case of a future NetBios protocol */
+	TUint32 iPrimaryNbns;
+	/** Held in case of a future NetBios protocol */
+	TUint32 iSecondaryNbns;
+	TUint32 iRemoteAddr;
+	TUint32 iLocalAddr;
+	TUint32 iNetworkMask;
+	CVJDeCompressorIf*	iVJDecompressor;
+	CVJCompressorIf*	iVJCompressor;
+	CObjectCon*			iVJCompressorCon;
+	CObjectCon*			iVJDeCompressorCon;
+	/** ETrue if the user enabled VJ compression */
+	TBool				iVJCompressionOn;
+	TUint				iMaxVJSlots;
+	TBool				iCompressConnId;
+	};
+// Inline functions
+CPppLcp* CPppBinderIp4::Flow()
+	{
+	return iPppNifSubConnectionFlow;
+	}
+#endif // __PPPBINDERIP4_H__