changeset 0 af10295192d8
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/linklayerprotocols/pppnif/SPPP/PPPCCP.CPP	Tue Jan 26 15:23:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1016 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "PPPLOG.H"
+#include <in_sock.h>
+#include "PPPCCP.H"
+#include "PPP_VER.H"
+#include "CCPINI.H"
+#include <commsdattypeinfov1_1.h>
+#include "PPPConfig.h"
+#if defined(__VC32__) && (_MSC_VER < 1300)
+ #define PMF(x) x
+ #define PMF(x) &x
+// PPP for ESock
+// warning C4355: 'this' : used in base member initializer list
+#pragma warning (disable:4355)
+CPppCcp::CPppCcp(CPppLcp* aLcp)
+	:   CBase(), MPppFsm(aLcp, EPppPhaseNetwork, KPppIdCcp),
+	iRecvr(this, PMF(CPppCcp::Recv), PMF(CPppCcp::SendFlowOn), aLcp, EPppPhaseNetwork, KPppIdCcp, 
+		PMF(MPppRecvr::FrameError), PMF(MPppRecvr::KillProtocol))
+	{
+	}
+#pragma warning (default:4355)
+void	CPppCcp::RemoveRegistration()
+	{
+	Deregister();
+	iRecvr.Deregister();
+	}
+	{
+	CObjectCon* con;
+	TInt i;
+	Deregister();
+	iRecvr.Deregister();
+	delete iSendCallBack;
+  	delete iIniFilePtr;
+	//
+	// OK Spin around removing all the Compressor Config information
+	//
+	CPppCompConfig* CompressorData;
+	TSglQueIter<CPppCompConfig> Iterator(iCompressorConfig);
+	Iterator.SetToFirst();
+	CompressorData = Iterator++;
+	while(CompressorData)
+	{
+		delete CompressorData;
+		CompressorData = Iterator++;
+	}
+	if (iCompressor)
+		{
+		iPppLcp->PppNewCompressor(NULL);
+		iCompressor->Close();
+		iCompressor = NULL;
+		}
+	if (iDeCompressor)
+		{
+		iPppLcp->PppNewDeCompressor(NULL);
+		iDeCompressor->Close();
+		iDeCompressor = NULL;
+		}
+	//
+	// Delete all the Containers
+	//
+	if(iCompressorCon)
+		{
+		con = iCompressorCon;
+		for(i=0 ; i<con->Count() ; ++i)
+			CNifFactory::ControlledDelete((*con)[i]);
+			iCompressorCon = NULL;
+		}
+	if(iDeCompressorCon)
+		{
+		con = iDeCompressorCon;
+		for(i=0 ; i<con->Count() ; ++i)
+			CNifFactory::ControlledDelete((*con)[i]);
+		iDeCompressorCon = NULL;
+		}
+	iSendQ.Free();
+	if (!iRequestWorkList.IsEmpty())
+		{
+		iRequestWorkList.Free();
+		}
+	}
+CPppCcp* CPppCcp::NewL(CPppLcp* aLcp)
+	{
+	CPppCcp* ccp = new (ELeave) CPppCcp(aLcp);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(ccp);
+	ccp->ConstructL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop();
+	return ccp;
+	}
+void CPppCcp::FsmTerminationPhaseComplete()
+	{
+	}
+void CPppCcp::RemoteCompressorHasReset()
+	{
+	//
+	// Increment the Reset Id
+	//
+	iResetId++;
+	iResetId %= 256;
+	}
+void CPppCcp::ConstructL()
+// Construct the Link Protocol Object
+// This method now reads the number of compressor and its information
+// incrementally. Replaces ini file code.
+	{
+	Register();
+	iRecvr.Register();
+	TCallBack scb(SendCallBack, this);	
+	iSendCallBack = new(ELeave) CAsyncCallBack(scb, KCcpSendPriority);
+	// Initialise CCP Finite State Machine
+	FsmConstructL();
+	// Initialise a queue 
+	iCompressorConfig.SetOffset(_FOFF(CPppCompConfig,link));
+  	iIniFilePtr = CPppIniData::NewL();
+	// Initialise CObject containers
+	iCompressorCon = (iPppLcp->ContainerForDlls())->CreateL();
+	iDeCompressorCon = (iPppLcp->ContainerForDlls())->CreateL();
+	//
+	// Be warned this code was written expecting the ini file only to be used
+	// for compressor configuration, it's not generic
+	//
+	CPppCompConfig* CompressorData;
+	TBool			Loop;
+	TUint			numberOfTurns=0;
+	do 
+		{
+		Loop = FALSE;
+		numberOfTurns++;
+		CompressorData = CPppCompConfig::NewL();
+		//coverity[leave_without_push]
+		//Function ReadCompressorInfo is not leaveable, hence no need to push the object CompressorData into cleanup stack
+		if (iIniFilePtr->ReadCompressorInfo(CompressorData, numberOfTurns))
+			{
+			//
+			// Check there is a dll of this name
+			//
+			//coverity[leave_without_push]
+			//Function ReadCompressorInfo is not leaveable, hence no need to push the object CompressorData into cleanup stack
+			if (iPppLcp->DoesDllExist(CompressorData->Name()))
+				{
+				iCompressorConfig.AddLast(*CompressorData);
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				delete CompressorData;
+				}
+			Loop = TRUE;
+			}
+		}
+	while (Loop);
+	delete CompressorData;
+	FsmOpen();
+	}
+void CPppCcp::SendResetRequestL()
+// Create and Send a Reset Request
+	{
+	const TUint		pktLen = 4;
+	RMBufPacket		pkt;
+	RMBufPktInfo*	info = NULL;
+	pkt.AllocL(pktLen);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(pkt);
+	info = pkt.NewInfoL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop();
+	info->iLength = pktLen;	
+	// Construct packet header
+	TUint8* ptr = pkt.First()->Ptr();
+	*ptr++ = KPppCcpResetReq;
+	*ptr++ = iResetId;
+	BigEndian::Put16(ptr, (TUint16)pktLen);
+	// Send it
+	pkt.Pack();
+	SendFrame(pkt);
+	}
+void CPppCcp::Info(TNifIfInfo& aInfo) const
+	{
+	FillInInfo(aInfo);
+	}
+void CPppCcp::FillInInfo(TNifIfInfo& aInfo)
+	{
+	aInfo.iVersion = TVersion(KPPPMajorVersionNumber, KPPPMinorVersionNumber, KPPPBuildVersionNumber);
+	aInfo.iFlags = KNifIfIsBase | KNifIfUsesNotify | KNifIfCreatedByLink;
+   _LIT(KCcp, "ccp");
+	aInfo.iName = KCcp;
+	aInfo.iProtocolSupported=KPppIdEsock;
+	}
+TInt CPppCcp::State()
+	{
+	if (FsmIsThisLayerOpen())
+        return (iUpperFlowOn) ? EIfUp : EIfBusy;
+	else
+		return EIfDown;
+	}
+void CPppCcp::SendFlowOn()
+	{ 
+	LOG( iPppLcp->iLogger->Printf(_L("CCP Flow On iUpperFlowOn=%d\n"), iUpperFlowOn); )	
+	iLowerFlowOn = ETrue;
+	if (!iSendQ.IsEmpty())
+		iSendCallBack->CallBack();
+	}
+TInt CPppCcp::SendCallBack(TAny* aCProtocol)
+	{
+	((CPppCcp*)aCProtocol)->DoSend();
+	return 0;
+	}
+void CPppCcp::DoSend()
+	{
+	if (FsmIsThisLayerOpen())
+		{
+		RMBufPacket pkt;
+		while (iSendQ.Remove(pkt))
+			{
+			RMBufPktInfo*info = pkt.Unpack();
+			TPppAddr addr;
+			info->iDstAddr = addr;
+			pkt.Pack();
+			if (iRecvr.SendFrame(pkt)<=0)
+				{
+				LOG( iPppLcp->iLogger->Printf(_L("CCP Flow Off\n")); )	
+				iLowerFlowOn = EFalse;
+				break;
+				}
+			}
+		if (iLowerFlowOn&&!iUpperFlowOn)
+			iUpperFlowOn = ETrue;
+		}
+	}
+TInt CPppCcp::Send(RMBufChain& aPacket, TAny*)
+	{
+	iSendQ.Append(aPacket);
+	iSendCallBack->CallBack();
+	if (!FsmIsThisLayerOpen() || !iLowerFlowOn)
+		iUpperFlowOn = EFalse;
+	return iUpperFlowOn;
+	}
+// NCP Upcalls from FSM
+TInt CPppCcp::FsmLayerStarted()
+// Open the layer below.  Nothing to do here as this won't be worth running without an NCP!
+	{
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+void CPppCcp::FsmLayerFinished(TInt /*aReason*/)
+// Close the layer below.  CCP should not close the link if it terminates, so there is nothing
+// to do here.
+	{}
+void CPppCcp::FsmLayerUp()
+// Hmm the link is back up.
+	{
+	SendFlowOn();
+	return;
+	}
+void CPppCcp::FsmLayerDown(TInt aReason)
+// Hmmm the link has gone down 
+	{
+	if(aReason==KErrNone)
+		return;
+	//
+	// Make a note of which compressor we were using
+	//
+	}
+void CPppCcp::FsmFillinConfigRequestL(RPppOptionList& aRequestList)
+// Fillin Config Request to be sent
+	{
+	if ((iSoftwareCompressionOn = iPppLcp->GetLcpConfig()->GetEnableSwComp()) == TRUE)
+		{
+		TSglQueIter<CPppCompConfig> Iterator(iCompressorConfig);
+		Iterator.SetToFirst();
+		//
+		// This is the initial Config Request.
+		// We then just want to fill in the 1:st option from the ini-file
+		//
+		AddToRequestListL(aRequestList,Iterator);
+		//
+		// Add _all_ supported to a temporary working list
+		//
+		if (!iRequestWorkList.IsEmpty())
+		iRequestWorkList.Free();	
+		Iterator.SetToFirst();
+		do 
+			{
+			AddToRequestListL(iRequestWorkList,Iterator);
+			}
+		while(Iterator);
+		}
+	}
+void CPppCcp::AddToRequestListL(RPppOptionList& aRequestList, TSglQueIter<CPppCompConfig>& aIterator)
+	{
+	CPppCompConfig* Data = aIterator++;
+	if (Data)
+		{
+		//
+		// Add this option to the list
+		//
+		if (Data->OptionsLength())
+			{
+			TPtrC8 Temp = Data->Options();
+			aRequestList.CreateAndAddL(Data->ID(), Temp);
+			}
+		else
+			{
+			//
+			// No options
+			//
+			aRequestList.CreateAndAddL(Data->ID());
+			}
+		}
+	}
+void CPppCcp::FsmCheckConfigRequest(RPppOptionList& aRequestList, RPppOptionList& aAckList, RPppOptionList& aNakList, RPppOptionList& aRejList)
+// Check options in a recvd config request
+	{
+	// Check that software compression is turned on.
+	// This may not occur as LCP also reads the database
+	// and sends a Protocol Reject for CCP in this case
+	if(!iSoftwareCompressionOn)
+		{
+		// Reject all options
+		aRequestList.RemoveOptions(aRejList);
+		return;
+		}
+	RPppOption requestedOption;
+	CPppCompConfig* nakOption = NULL;
+	CPppCompConfig* supportedOption = NULL;
+	TSglQueIter<CPppCompConfig> supportedOptionsIter(iCompressorConfig);
+	// This loop control variable ensures that after we have successfully matched
+	// an algorithm we don't keep searching through supportedOptionsIter
+	TBool optionMatched = EFalse;
+	// If we have matched the option to an algorithm that we support, do we support the 
+	// parameters of the algorithm in the request?
+	TBool paramsMatched = EFalse;
+	// Used as a ptr to the parameters of requestedOption during param match
+	TPtrC8 requestedParams;
+	// An acknowledgement should only contain one algorithm - the one that we want to accept.
+	// Whilst processing, add only the first algorithm that we can acknowledge to aAckList.
+	// Successive algorithms that are found to be acceptable are added to the reject list.
+	TBool ackListFull = EFalse;
+	//
+	// Process all options in the config-request
+	//
+	while (aRequestList.Remove(requestedOption))
+		{
+		// Search supported compressor data for a match
+		supportedOptionsIter.SetToFirst();
+		optionMatched = EFalse;
+		nakOption = NULL;
+		do
+			{
+			supportedOption = supportedOptionsIter++;
+			if (!supportedOption)
+				continue;
+			// Is this algorithm supported?
+			if (supportedOption->ID() == requestedOption.OptType())
+				{
+				// Found an algorithm match - now match the parameters.
+				paramsMatched = EFalse;
+				requestedParams.Set(requestedOption.ValuePtr(), requestedOption.ValueLength());
+				if (supportedOption->Options() == requestedParams)
+					paramsMatched = ETrue;
+				// Do the algorithm parameters match the ones that we use?
+				if(paramsMatched)
+					{
+					// The parameters matched so add this option to the ack list,
+					// or if we already have an option that we want to Ack, reject this option
+					if (!ackListFull)
+						{
+						aAckList.Append(requestedOption);
+						ackListFull = ETrue;
+						}
+					else
+						aRejList.Append(requestedOption);
+					// return program flow to the outer while loop
+					// because we don't need to continue searching
+					optionMatched = ETrue;
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					// This algorithm is a potential nak, so keep a pointer to it.
+					// It cannot be added to the nak list yet, because
+					// there may be a better match later on in the iterator.
+					// However, we only want to keep a pointer to the first potential
+					// NAK that we find - to preserve the priority implied by the order 
+					// of compressors in the ini file.
+					if (nakOption==NULL)
+						nakOption = supportedOption;
+					}
+				}
+			} while (supportedOptionsIter && !optionMatched);
+		// Finished searching through supported compressor config
+		if (!optionMatched)
+			{
+			// Decide whether to Nak or Reject
+			if (nakOption==NULL)
+				{
+				// Reject this algorithm as it is not recognised
+				aRejList.Append(requestedOption);
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				// Nak this algorithm as it is recognised, but the parameters are not supported
+				// Modify requestedOption to contain the params from nakOption and add requestedOption to aNakList
+				TRAPD(ret, requestedOption.SetL(requestedOption.OptType(), (nakOption->Options()).Ptr(), nakOption->OptionsLength()));
+				if (ret == KErrNone)
+					{
+					aNakList.Append(requestedOption);
+					}
+				else
+					{
+					// Could not modify the RPppOption - probably not enough memory
+					// Rejecting this option may not be appropriate, but it is probably better than sending a Nak with
+					// the same parameters as the received request - this would result in an endless loop
+					LOG( iPppLcp->iLogger->Printf(_L("Could not construct the Config-Nak (error %d) - Rejecting this option instead"), ret); )
+					aRejList.Append(requestedOption);					
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	// Finished processing the options in the request
+	return;
+	}
+void CPppCcp::FrameError()
+	{
+	return;
+	}
+void CPppCcp::KillProtocol()
+	{
+	/*
+	*	OK now this protocol has been rejected
+	*	so throw away all frames received by it.
+	*/
+	iDead = ETrue;
+	SetState(EPppFsmClosed);
+    return;
+	}
+void CPppCcp::FsmApplyConfigRequest(RPppOptionList& aRequestList)
+// Apply options in a recvd config request (that was ACK'd)
+	{
+	TMBufPktQIter iter(aRequestList);
+	TSglQueIter<CPppCompConfig> Iterator(iCompressorConfig);
+	CPppCompConfig* Data = 0;
+	// Used as a ptr to the parameters of requestedOption during param match
+	TPtrC8 requestedParams;
+	RPppOption opt;
+	TBool compressorFound = false ;
+	while (opt = iter++, !opt.IsEmpty())
+		{
+		Iterator.SetToFirst();
+		//
+		// Is the option type one we support
+		//
+		do 
+			{
+			Data = Iterator++;
+			if (Data)
+				{
+				//
+				// Add this option to the list
+				//
+				if ( Data->ID()== opt.OptType() )
+					{
+					// Can we match the parameters
+					requestedParams.Set(opt.ValuePtr(), opt.ValueLength());
+					if (Data->Options() == requestedParams)
+						{
+						compressorFound = true ;
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+						LOG(iPppLcp->iLogger->Printf(_L("Attempting to load Compressor DLL\n"));)
+						switch (opt.OptType())
+							{
+							case 0x11:
+								LOG(iPppLcp->iLogger->Printf(_L("STAC LZS compression requested\n"));)
+								LOG(iPppLcp->iLogger->Printf(_L("STAC LZS parameters = 0x%04x 0x%02x\n"),
+								                   ((requestedParams[0]<<8) | requestedParams[1]), requestedParams[2]);)
+								break ;
+							case 0x12:
+								LOG(iPppLcp->iLogger->Printf(_L("M$ PPC/PPE compression requested\n"));)
+								LOG(iPppLcp->iLogger->Printf(_L("M$ PPC/PPE parameters = 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02x 0x%02xr\n"),
+								                      requestedParams[0], requestedParams[1],
+													  requestedParams[2], requestedParams[3]);)
+								break ;
+							default:
+								LOG(iPppLcp->iLogger->Printf(_L("Unsupported compression algorithm!\n"));)
+								break ;
+							}
+#endif // _DEBUG
+						//
+						// Now we load the compressor based on the file name
+						//
+						if (iCompressor != NULL)
+							{
+							iPppLcp->PppNewCompressor(NULL);
+							iCompressor->Close();
+							iCompressor = NULL;
+							}
+						TRAPD( Ret, iCompressor = LoadCompressorL(*Data, iPppLcp->MaxTransferSize() ));
+						if (Ret == KErrNone)
+							{
+							iPppLcp->PppNewCompressor(iCompressor);
+							LOG(iPppLcp->iLogger->Write(_L("Compressor DLL loaded OK\n"));)
+							}
+						else
+							{
+							//
+							// Can't load the Dll, only reason I can think off 
+							// is not enough memory, so time to close down.
+							//
+							LOG(iPppLcp->iLogger->Write(_L("Couldn't load Compressor DLL\n"));)
+							iPppLcp->Stop(Ret, MNifIfNotify::EDisconnect);
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if (compressorFound) 
+					break;
+			}
+		while(Iterator);
+		}
+	if (!compressorFound)
+		{
+		LOG(iPppLcp->iLogger->Write(_L("Couldn't match requested compression settings in ppp.ini\n"));)
+		}
+    return;
+	}
+void CPppCcp::FsmRecvConfigAck(RPppOptionList& aReplyList)
+// Recvd a Config Ack - apply the options
+	{
+	TSglQueIter<CPppCompConfig> Iterator(iCompressorConfig);
+	CPppCompConfig* Data = 0;
+	TMBufPktQIter iter(aReplyList);
+	RPppOption opt;
+	while (opt = iter++, !opt.IsEmpty())
+		{
+		Iterator.SetToFirst();
+		//
+		// Is the option type one we support
+		//
+		do 
+			{
+			Data = Iterator++;
+			if (Data)
+				{
+				//
+				// Add this option to the list
+				//
+				if ( Data->ID()== opt.OptType() )
+					{
+					LOG(iPppLcp->iLogger->Printf(_L("New DeCompressor\n"));)
+					//
+					// Dynamically load the DeCompressor
+					//
+					if (iDeCompressor != NULL)
+						{
+						iPppLcp->PppNewDeCompressor(NULL);
+						iDeCompressor->Close();
+						iDeCompressor = NULL;
+						}
+					TRAPD(	Ret, iDeCompressor = LoadDeCompressorL(*Data, 
+							iPppLcp->MaxTransferSize()));
+					if (Ret == KErrNone)
+						{
+						iPppLcp->PppNewDeCompressor(iDeCompressor);
+						}
+					else
+						{
+						//
+						// Can't load the Dll, only reason I can think off 
+						// is not enough memory, so time to close down.
+						//
+						iPppLcp->Stop(Ret, MNifIfNotify::EDisconnect);
+						}
+					break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		while (Iterator);
+		}
+	LOG(iPppLcp->iLogger->Write(_L("(Outgoing Compression On)\n"));)
+	return;
+	}
+void CPppCcp::FsmRecvConfigNak(RPppOptionList& /*aReplyList*/, RPppOptionList& aReqList)
+// Recvd a Config Nak - The associated original request is in aReqList
+	{
+	TMBufPktQIter iterReq(aReqList);
+	RPppOption optReq;
+	optReq = iterReq++;
+	TMBufPktQIter iterWork(iRequestWorkList);
+	RPppOption optWork;
+	//
+	// Find First option of the requested type and delete it from the iRequestWorkList
+	//
+	while (optWork = iterWork.Current(), !optWork.IsEmpty())
+		{
+		if(optWork.OptType()==optReq.OptType())
+			{
+			optWork.Init(); //??
+			iterWork.Remove(optWork);
+			optWork.Free();
+			break;
+			}
+		iterWork++;
+		}
+	//
+	// Add next option of the requested type, if it doesn't exist add a new optiontype
+	//
+	iterWork.SetToFirst();
+	TBool noOptions = EFalse;
+	while (optWork = iterWork++, !optWork.IsEmpty())
+		{
+		if(optWork.OptType()==optReq.OptType())
+			{
+			if (!aReqList.IsEmpty())
+				aReqList.Free();
+			//PG 09/11/2001
+			//Following needs to be changed to use ReplaceOptions so as not to create new memory
+			//The whole method needs to be rewritten
+			TRAPD(err,aReqList.CreateAndAddL(optWork.OptType(), optWork.ValuePtr(), optWork.ValueLength()));
+			__ASSERT_DEBUG(err == KErrNone,PppPanic(EPppPanic_PPPNoMemory));
+			if(err)
+				return;
+			noOptions = ETrue;
+			break;
+			}		
+		}
+	//
+	// No more options where found try to add next option in turn
+	//
+	if(noOptions == EFalse)
+		{
+		//
+		// Clear the List...
+		//
+		if (!aReqList.IsEmpty())
+			aReqList.Free();
+		//
+		// ...and put next option in the list that we support(taken from 
+		// the options left in the iRequestWorkList)
+		//
+		iterWork.SetToFirst();
+		if(optWork = iterWork++, !optWork.IsEmpty())
+			{
+			TRAPD(err,aReqList.CreateAndAddL(optWork.OptType(), optWork.ValuePtr(), optWork.ValueLength()));	
+			__ASSERT_DEBUG(err == KErrNone,PppPanic(EPppPanic_PPPNoMemory));
+			err = err; //remove remark in UREL
+			}	
+		}
+	}
+void CPppCcp::FsmRecvConfigReject(RPppOptionList& aReplyList, RPppOptionList& aReqList)
+// Recvd a Config Reject - The associated original request is in aReqList
+	{
+	// Remove the unsupported compressor(s) from the Temporary iRequestWorkList
+	//
+	TMBufPktQIter iter(aReplyList);
+	RPppOption opt;
+	while (opt = iter++, !opt.IsEmpty())
+		{
+		//
+		// Remove _all_ unsupported options
+		//
+		TInt error = KErrNone;
+		while(error == KErrNone)
+			{
+			error = iRequestWorkList.RemoveOption(opt);
+			}
+		}
+	//
+	// Clear the Request List (aReqList)...
+	//
+	if (!aReqList.IsEmpty())
+		aReqList.Free();
+	//
+	// ...and put next option in the list that we support(taken from 
+	// the options left in the iRequestWorkList)
+	//
+	TMBufPktQIter iterWork(iRequestWorkList);
+	RPppOption optWork;
+	if(optWork = iterWork++, !optWork.IsEmpty())
+		{
+		TRAPD(err,aReqList.CreateAndAddL(optWork.OptType(), optWork.ValuePtr(), optWork.ValueLength()));
+		__ASSERT_DEBUG(err==KErrNone,PppPanic(EPppPanic_PPPNoMemory));
+		err = err; //Remove remark in UREL
+		}
+	}
+void CPppCcp::SendResetAckL(TUint8 aId)
+	{
+	const TUint		pktLen = 4;
+	RMBufPacket		pkt;
+	RMBufPktInfo*	info = NULL;
+	pkt.AllocL(pktLen);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(pkt);
+	info = pkt.NewInfoL();
+	CleanupStack::Pop();
+	info->iLength = pktLen;
+	// Construct packet header
+	TUint8* ptr = pkt.First()->Ptr();
+	*ptr++ = KPppCcpResetAck;
+	*ptr++ = aId;
+	BigEndian::Put16(ptr, (TUint16)pktLen);
+	// Send it
+	pkt.Pack();
+	SendFrame(pkt);
+	//
+	// Not all compressors use the Ack, so I have a generic function
+	// to complete the Reset
+	//
+	RemoteCompressorHasReset();
+	}
+TBool CPppCcp::FsmRecvUnknownCode(TUint8 aCode, TUint8 aId, TInt /*aLength*/, RMBufChain& aPacket)
+// Recvd an unrecognised opcode - No we have two opcodes that no-one else is 
+// interested in 
+	{
+	TBool RetCode;
+	switch (aCode)
+		{
+		case KPppCcpResetReq:
+			{
+			//
+			// Tell the compressor about this, and send an ACK to the other end
+			//
+ 			//PG none of the currrently existing compressors use the packet passed as parameter
+ 			// Following line caused a memory leak when the packet len is 0
+ 			// aPacket.TrimStart(4);
+			//
+			// Some compressors require a Reset ACK some don't
+			//
+			if (iCompressor)
+				{
+//				if (iCompressor->ResetCompressor(aLength-4, aPacket) == TRUE)
+				if (iCompressor->ResetCompressor(0, aPacket) == TRUE)
+					{
+					TRAPD(Ret,SendResetAckL(aId));
+					if (KErrNone!=Ret)
+						{
+						LOG( iPppLcp->iLogger->Printf(_L("ERROR:\tSendResetAck Failed\n")); )
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			RetCode = ETrue;
+			break;
+			}
+		case KPppCcpResetAck:
+			{
+//			aPacket.TrimStart(4);
+			if (aId == iResetId)
+				{
+//				iDeCompressor->ResetDecompressor(aLength-4, aPacket);
+				iDeCompressor->ResetDecompressor(0, aPacket);
+				RetCode = ETrue;
+				}
+			else
+				{
+				RetCode = EFalse;
+				}
+			break;
+			}
+		default:
+			{
+			RetCode = EFalse;
+			break;
+			}
+		}
+	return RetCode;
+	}
+void CPppCcp::Recv(RMBufChain& aPacket)
+	{
+	aPacket.Free();
+	return;
+	}
+CPppDeCompressor* CPppCcp::LoadDeCompressorL(	CPppCompConfig& aPPPCompConfig,
+												TInt aMaxFrameLength)
+	{
+	CPppCompFactory* Factory=NULL;
+	CPppDeCompressor*	DeCompressor;
+#ifdef _UNICODE
+	Factory = (CPppCompFactory*)FindPppFactoryL(aPPPCompConfig.Name(), TUid::Uid(KUidUnicodePppCompressionModule), *iDeCompressorCon);
+	Factory = (CPppCompFactory*)FindPppFactoryL(aPPPCompConfig.Name(), TUid::Uid(KUidPppCompressionModule), *iDeCompressorCon);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CNifFactory::Cleanup, Factory));
+	if(aPPPCompConfig.OptionsLength())
+		DeCompressor = Factory->NewPppDeCompressorL(this, aMaxFrameLength,&aPPPCompConfig.Options()[0]);
+	else
+		DeCompressor = Factory->NewPppDeCompressorL(this, aMaxFrameLength);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // Close extra reference on Factory
+	return DeCompressor;
+	}
+CPppCompressor* CPppCcp::LoadCompressorL( CPppCompConfig& aPPPCompConfig,
+												TInt aMaxFrameLength)
+	{
+	CPppCompFactory* Factory=NULL;
+	CPppCompressor*	Compressor;
+#ifdef _UNICODE										 
+	Factory = (CPppCompFactory*)FindPppFactoryL(aPPPCompConfig.Name(), TUid::Uid(KUidUnicodePppCompressionModule), *iCompressorCon);
+Factory = (CPppCompFactory*)FindPppFactoryL(aPPPCompConfig.Name(), TUid::Uid(KUidPppCompressionModule), *iCompressorCon);
+	CleanupStack::PushL(TCleanupItem(CNifFactory::Cleanup, Factory));
+	if(aPPPCompConfig.OptionsLength())
+		Compressor = Factory->NewPppCompressorL(this, aMaxFrameLength,&aPPPCompConfig.Options()[0]);
+	else
+		Compressor = Factory->NewPppCompressorL(this, aMaxFrameLength);
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // Close extra reference on Factory
+	return Compressor;
+	}
+void CPppCcp::ReConfigLink()
+// Called from compressor/decompressor to force send of Config Request which
+// "downs" CCP. CCP then comes "up" again when the server replies with Config Ack.
+// Has been tested using predictor.
+// Currently only required by Predictor decompressor - RFC 1978
+	{
+	FsmOpen();
+	}
+void CPppCcp::UnloadCompressor() 
+	if (iCompressor != NULL)
+		{
+		LOG( iPppLcp->iLogger->Printf(_L("Unloading PPP compressor\n")); )	
+		iPppLcp->PppNewCompressor(NULL);
+		iCompressor->Close();
+		iCompressor = NULL;
+		}