--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/linklayerprotocols/pppnif/SPPP/PPPOPT.CPP Tue Jan 26 15:23:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,709 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "PPPBASE.H"
+// Options are based on aligned MBuf Chains.
+// Steps are taken to guarantee that the first 128 bytes
+// of an option are held in the first MBuf
+ {
+ }
+RPppOption::RPppOption(RMBufChain& aChain)
+// Note: this empties the original chain
+ {
+ Assign(aChain);
+ Align(KMBufSmallSize);
+ }
+void RPppOption::SetL(TUint8 aType, const TAny* aPtr, TInt aLen)
+ {
+ aLen += 2;
+ if (aLen>MaxLength())
+ {
+ Free();
+ AllocL(aLen);
+ }
+ else
+ SetLength(aLen);
+ First()->Put(aType, 0);
+ First()->Put((TUint8)aLen, 1);
+ if (aLen>0)
+ CopyIn(TPtrC8((TUint8*)aPtr, aLen-2), 2);
+ }
+void RPppOption::SetValueLength(TInt aLen)
+ {
+ aLen += 2;
+ ASSERT(aLen<=KMBufSmallSize);
+ First()->Put((TUint8)aLen, 1);
+ First()->SetLength(aLen);
+ }
+TUint8 RPppOption::OptType() const
+ {
+ return First()->Get(0);
+ }
+void RPppOption::SetType(const TUint8 aType)
+ {
+ TUint8* Ptr;
+ Ptr = First()->Ptr();
+ *Ptr = aType;
+ }
+TInt RPppOption::ValueLength() const
+ {
+ return First()->Get(1)-2;
+ }
+TUint8* RPppOption::ValuePtr()
+ {
+ return First()->Ptr()+2;
+ }
+const TUint8* RPppOption::ValuePtr() const
+ {
+ return First()->Ptr()+2;
+ }
+Re-aligns the underlying storage in an MBuf chain
+droppng any MBufs that are no longer needed
+DOES NOT preserve data.
+TInt RPppOption::SetLength(TInt aLength)
+ {
+ RMBuf* p = NULL;
+ RMBuf* m = First();
+ while (m!=NULL && aLength>0)
+ {
+ TInt n = m->Size();
+ aLength -= n;
+ m->SetData(0, n);
+ if (aLength<0)
+ m->AdjustEnd(aLength);
+ p = m;
+ m = m->Next();
+ }
+ if (m!=NULL && p!=NULL)
+ {
+ p->Unlink();
+ m->Free();
+ }
+ if (aLength>0)
+ return KErrGeneral;
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+Return the size of underlying storage in an MBuf chain
+TInt RPppOption::MaxLength() const
+ {
+ TInt len = 0;
+ const RMBuf* m = First();
+ while (m!=NULL)
+ {
+ len += m->Size();
+ m = m->Next();
+ }
+ return len;
+ }
+void RPppOptionList::SetL(RMBufChain& aPacket, TInt aLength)
+ {
+ CleanupStack::PushL(*this);
+ CleanupStack::PushL(aPacket);
+ if (aLength==0)
+ aLength = aPacket.Length();
+ RMBufChain tmp;
+ while (aLength>=2)
+ {
+ aPacket.Align(2);
+ TInt len = aPacket.First()->Get(1);
+ // Carlson97 (p.41) suggests that option length of 0 or 1
+ // should be treated as 2 for the sake of verifying
+ // the packet integrity when doing the length checks:
+ //
+ // "If, however, and option has an improper Len field for that
+ // type of option, but all of the lengths otherwise add up correctly, then
+ // the option should, according to the RFC 1661, be included in a Configure Nak message
+ // with the Len field changed to the proper length. (Dealing with a Len field set to 00 or 01 is a grey
+ // area in the standard. I recommend treating this as as though it had been 02 for the sake of verifying
+ // the packet integrity when doing the length checks; if these checks succeed, a Configure Nak should be
+ // returned with the correct Len field for those options. ...)"
+ //
+ // This targets cases where the option fields have correct length, but the option Len value is incorrect.
+ // That is, the packet can be correctly parsed.
+ // Setting option len to 2 may result in either overruning the packet length during parsing,
+ // or in parsing the packet incorrectly (incorrect option ID, values, etc). Both cases are checked for later.
+ if (len < 2)
+ len = 2;
+ if (len > aLength) // The option extends beyond the end of the packet.
+ User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+ aPacket.SplitL(len, tmp);
+ Append(aPacket);
+ aPacket.Assign(tmp);
+ aLength -= len;
+ }
+ // If there is anything left over, then the list and packet
+ // are discarded as we probably have a truncated option.
+ if (aLength>0)
+ User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
+ CleanupStack::Pop(2);
+ }
+TBool RPppOptionList::IsSubsetOf(RPppOptionList& aList)
+Check if the current option list is a subset of the OptionsList presented (aList).
+All the options in the current list must be contained and must be in the same order as the options in aList
+All the option arguments must also be identical
+@param aList option list to compare against.
+@return ETrue if option lists match, else EFalse
+ {
+ TMBufPktQIter iter1(*this);
+ TMBufPktQIter iter2(aList);
+ RPppOption opt1;
+ RPppOption opt2;
+ opt1 = iter1++;
+ opt2 = iter2++;
+ while (!opt1.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ if (opt2.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ if (opt1.OptType() == opt2.OptType())
+ {
+ if (opt1.ValueLength() == opt2.ValueLength() &&
+ Mem::Compare(opt1.ValuePtr(), opt1.ValueLength(), opt2.ValuePtr(), opt2.ValueLength()) == 0) //Arguments are the same
+ {
+ opt1 = iter1++; //We can move on to the next option aList is incremented later
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return EFalse; //option arguemts are different therefore comparison fails
+ }
+ //if the option types are different then we move on to the next option in aList
+ }
+ opt2 = iter2++;
+ }
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+TBool RPppOptionList::EqualTo(RPppOptionList& aList)
+Check if the current option list exactly matches that of the option list specified as argument.
+The options in each list must have the same type in the same order and have the same value.
+If one option list has extra options at the end, then this also counts as a mismatch.
+Note that aList should really be a const, but this would require propagation of the constness
+to several related classes.
+@param aList option list to compare against.
+@return ETrue if option lists match, else EFalse
+ {
+ TMBufPktQIter iter1(*this);
+ TMBufPktQIter iter2(aList);
+ RPppOption opt1;
+ RPppOption opt2;
+ opt1 = iter1++;
+ opt2 = iter2++;
+ while (!opt1.IsEmpty() && !opt2.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ if (opt1.OptType() != opt2.OptType() || opt1.ValueLength() != opt2.ValueLength() ||
+ Mem::Compare(opt1.ValuePtr(), opt1.ValueLength(), opt2.ValuePtr(), opt2.ValueLength()) != 0)
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ opt1 = iter1++;
+ opt2 = iter2++;
+ }
+ // finally, check for the case where one option list has extra options
+ return (opt1.IsEmpty() && opt2.IsEmpty());
+ }
+Build an MBuf chain by copying the underlying packet queue,
+leaving space on the front for a protocol header.
+TInt RPppOptionList::CopyL(RMBufChain& aPacket, TInt aHdrSize) const
+ {
+ __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aHdrSize<KMBufSmallSize, PppPanic(EPppPanic_PacketHeaderTooBig));
+ RMBufChain i;
+ // Get total length of chain needed
+ TInt pktlen, len = 0;
+ i = First();
+ while (!i.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ len += i.Length();
+ i = i.Next();
+ }
+ // Allocate the chain
+ pktlen = len+aHdrSize;
+ aPacket.AllocL(pktlen);
+ // Do the copy
+ TInt n, n1, n2;
+ TUint8* p1, * p2;
+ RMBuf* m1, * m2;
+ i = First();
+ m1 = i.First();
+ p1 = m1->Ptr();
+ n1 = m1->Length();
+ m2 = aPacket.First();
+ p2 = m2->Ptr();
+ n2 = m2->Length();
+ if (aHdrSize>0)
+ {
+ if (aHdrSize==KMBufSmallSize)
+ {
+ m2 = m2->Next();
+ p2 = m2->Ptr();
+ n2 = m2->Length();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ p2 += aHdrSize;
+ n2 -= aHdrSize;
+ }
+ }
+ while (len>0)
+ {
+ n = n1<n2 ? n1 : n2;
+ Mem::Copy(p2, p1, n);
+ if (n1 -= n, n1==0)
+ {
+ if (m1 = m1->Next(), m1==NULL)
+ {
+ i = i.Next();
+ m1 = i.First();
+ }
+ if (m1!=NULL)
+ {
+ p1 = m1->Ptr();
+ n1 = m1->Length();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ p1 += n;
+ if (n2 -= n, n2==0)
+ {
+ if (m2 = m2->Next(), m2!=NULL)
+ {
+ p2 = m2->Ptr();
+ n2 = m2->Length();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ p2 += n;
+ len -= n;
+ }
+ return pktlen;
+ }
+For each option in aReplaceList, delete the original in this list
+and replace it with the given one.
+TInt RPppOptionList::ReplaceOptions(RPppOptionList& aReplaceList)
+ {
+ RPppOption opt;
+ while (aReplaceList.Remove(opt))
+ {
+ TInt err;
+ if (err = ReplaceOption(opt), err!=KErrNone)
+ return err;
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+For each option in aRejectList, delete the original in this list
+TInt RPppOptionList::RemoveOptions(RPppOptionList& aRejectList)
+ {
+ RPppOption opt;
+ while (aRejectList.Remove(opt))
+ {
+ TInt err;
+ if (err = RemoveOption(opt), err!=KErrNone)
+ return err;
+ opt.Free();
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt RPppOptionList::ReplaceOption(RPppOption& aOption)
+ {
+ TMBufPktQIter iter(*this);
+ RPppOption opt;
+ while (opt = iter++, !opt.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ if (opt.OptType()==aOption.OptType())
+ {
+ opt.SetValueLength(aOption.ValueLength());
+ Mem::Copy(opt.ValuePtr(), aOption.ValuePtr(), aOption.ValueLength());
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ }
+ return KErrNotFound;
+ }
+TInt RPppOptionList::RemoveOption(RPppOption& aOption)
+ {
+ TMBufPktQIter iter(*this);
+ RPppOption opt;
+ while (opt = iter.Current(), !opt.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ if (opt.OptType()==aOption.OptType())
+ {
+ opt.Init();
+ iter.Remove(opt);
+ opt.Free();
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+ iter++;
+ }
+ return KErrNotFound;
+ }
+Calculate the FCS of an Option list
+Used for detecting non-convergence
+void RPppOptionList::Crc32(TPppFcs32& aFcs, TBool aInitFcs)
+ {
+ if (aInitFcs)
+ aFcs.Init();
+ RPppOption opt;
+ TMBufPktQIter iter(*this);
+ while (opt = iter++, !opt.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ RMBuf* m = opt.First();
+ while (m!=NULL)
+ {
+ aFcs.Calc(m->Ptr(), m->EndPtr());
+ m = m->Next();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+Creates an options packet from an options list
+@param aPacket Return value for the constructed packet
+@param aPppId Protocol (e.g. LCP, IPCP etc).
+@param aType Type field of packet (e.g. Config-Request etc).
+@param aId Id field of packet
+@param aCreateEmptyPacket Set to ETrue if an empty packet is required.
+@see RFC1661, 5.
+@see MPppFsm::NewPacket
+void RPppOptionList::CreatePacketL(RMBufPacket& aPacket, TUint aPppId, TUint8 aType, TUint8 aId, TBool aCreateEmptyPacket)
+ {
+ RMBufPktInfo* info=NULL;
+ TInt len;
+ CleanupStack::PushL(aPacket);
+ if (aCreateEmptyPacket)
+ {
+ // An empty packet contains just a header (Type (1) + Id (1) + Length (2))
+ len = 4;
+ aPacket.AllocL(len);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ len = CopyL(aPacket, 4);
+ }
+ info = aPacket.NewInfoL();
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ info->iLength = len;
+ TPppAddr::Cast(info->iDstAddr).SetProtocol(aPppId);
+ TUint8* ptr = aPacket.First()->Ptr();
+ *ptr++ = aType;
+ *ptr++ = aId;
+ BigEndian::Put16(ptr, (TUint16)len);
+ aPacket.Pack();
+ }
+void RPppOptionList::CreateAndAddL(TUint8 aType)
+ {
+ RPppOption opt;
+ opt.SetL(aType, NULL, 0);
+ Append(opt);
+ }
+void RPppOptionList::CreateAndAddL(TUint8 aType, TUint8 aValue)
+ {
+ RPppOption opt;
+ opt.SetL(aType, &aValue, sizeof(aValue));
+ Append(opt);
+ }
+void RPppOptionList::CreateAndAddL(TUint8 aType, TUint16 aValue)
+ {
+ RPppOption opt;
+ TUint8 swapped[2];
+ // swap the byte order if necessary
+ BigEndian::Put16(swapped, aValue);
+ opt.SetL(aType, swapped, sizeof(swapped));
+ Append(opt);
+ }
+void RPppOptionList::CreateAndAddL(TUint8 aType, TUint32 aValue)
+ {
+ RPppOption opt;
+ TUint8 swapped[4];
+ // swap the byte order if necessary
+ BigEndian::Put32(swapped, aValue);
+ opt.SetL(aType, swapped, sizeof(swapped));
+ Append(opt);
+ }
+void RPppOptionList::CreateAndAddL(TUint8 aType, const TUint8 * aBuf, TInt aLen )
+ {
+ RPppOption opt;
+ opt.SetL(aType, aBuf, aLen);
+ Append(opt);
+ }
+void RPppOptionList::CreateAndAddL(TUint8 aType, TPtrC8& aValue )
+ {
+ RPppOption opt;
+ opt.SetL(aType, aValue.Ptr(), aValue.Length());
+ Append(opt);
+ }
+ {
+ iExtOptHandlerList.SetOffset(_FOFF(MPppOptionHandler, iOptHandlerLink));
+ }
+void MPppOptionsExtender::ExtOptRegister(MPppOptionHandler* aHandler)
+ {
+ iExtOptHandlerList.AddLast(*aHandler);
+ }
+void MPppOptionsExtender::ExtOptDeregister(MPppOptionHandler* aHandler)
+ {
+ aHandler->iOptHandlerLink.Deque();
+ }
+void MPppOptionsExtender::ExtOptNegotiationStarted()
+ {
+ TDblQueIter<MPppOptionHandler> iter(iExtOptHandlerList);
+ MPppOptionHandler* handler;
+ while (handler = iter++, handler!=NULL)
+ handler->OptNegotiationStarted();
+ }
+void MPppOptionsExtender::ExtOptNegotiationAborted()
+ {
+ TDblQueIter<MPppOptionHandler> iter(iExtOptHandlerList);
+ MPppOptionHandler* handler;
+ while (handler = iter++, handler!=NULL)
+ handler->OptNegotiationAborted();
+ }
+void MPppOptionsExtender::ExtOptNegotiationComplete()
+ {
+ TDblQueIter<MPppOptionHandler> iter(iExtOptHandlerList);
+ MPppOptionHandler* handler;
+ while (handler = iter++, handler!=NULL)
+ handler->OptNegotiationComplete();
+ }
+void MPppOptionsExtender::ExtOptFillinConfigRequestL(RPppOptionList& aRequestList)
+ {
+ TDblQueIter<MPppOptionHandler> iter(iExtOptHandlerList);
+ MPppOptionHandler* handler;
+ while (handler = iter++, handler!=NULL)
+ handler->OptFillinConfigRequestL(aRequestList);
+ }
+void MPppOptionsExtender::ExtOptCheckConfigRequest(RPppOption& aOption, RPppOptionList &aAckList, RPppOptionList &aNakList, RPppOptionList &aRejList)
+ {
+ MPppOptionHandler* handler = ExtOptLookup(aOption.OptType());
+ TPppOptResponse res = (handler==NULL) ? EPppOptReject : handler->OptCheckConfigRequest(aOption);
+ switch (res)
+ {
+ case EPppOptAck:
+ aAckList.Append(aOption);
+ break;
+ case EPppOptNak:
+ aNakList.Append(aOption);
+ break;
+ case EPppOptReject:
+ aRejList.Append(aOption);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void MPppOptionsExtender::ExtOptApplyConfigRequest(RPppOption& aOption)
+ {
+ MPppOptionHandler* handler = ExtOptLookup(aOption.OptType());
+ if (handler!=NULL)
+ handler->OptApplyConfigRequest(aOption);
+ }
+void MPppOptionsExtender::ExtOptRecvConfigAck(RPppOption& aOption)
+ {
+ MPppOptionHandler* handler = ExtOptLookup(aOption.OptType());
+ if (handler!=NULL)
+ handler->OptRecvConfigAck(aOption);
+ }
+void MPppOptionsExtender::ExtOptRecvConfigNak(RPppOption& aOption, RPppOptionList& aReqList)
+ {
+ MPppOptionHandler* handler = ExtOptLookup(aOption.OptType());
+ if (handler!=NULL)
+ handler->OptRecvConfigNak(aOption, aReqList);
+ }
+void MPppOptionsExtender::ExtOptRecvConfigReject(RPppOption& aOption, RPppOptionList& aReqList)
+ {
+ MPppOptionHandler* handler = ExtOptLookup(aOption.OptType());
+ if (handler!=NULL)
+ handler->OptRecvConfigReject(aOption, aReqList);
+ }
+MPppOptionHandler* MPppOptionsExtender::ExtOptLookup(TUint8 aOptId)
+ {
+ TDblQueIter<MPppOptionHandler> iter(iExtOptHandlerList);
+ MPppOptionHandler* handler;
+ while (handler = iter++, handler!=NULL)
+ {
+ TInt i;
+ for (i=0; i<handler->iNumOptions; i++)
+ {
+ if (handler->iOptionList[i]==aOptId)
+ return handler;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ {
+ iNumOptions = 0;
+ iOptionList = NULL;
+ }
+void MPppOptionHandler::OptRegister(MPppOptionsExtender* aExtender, const TUint8* aOptList, TInt aNumOpts)
+ {
+ iNumOptions = aNumOpts;
+ iOptionList = aOptList;
+ aExtender->ExtOptRegister(this);
+ }
+// Default Implementations of option handler functions
+void MPppOptionHandler::OptNegotiationStarted()
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+void MPppOptionHandler::OptNegotiationAborted()
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+void MPppOptionHandler::OptNegotiationComplete()
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+void MPppOptionHandler::OptFillinConfigRequestL(RPppOptionList& /*aRequestList*/)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+TPppOptResponse MPppOptionHandler::OptCheckConfigRequest(RPppOption& /*aOption*/)
+ {
+ return EPppOptReject;
+ }
+void MPppOptionHandler::OptApplyConfigRequest(RPppOption& /*aOption*/)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+void MPppOptionHandler::OptRecvConfigAck(RPppOption& /*aOption*/)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+void MPppOptionHandler::OptRecvConfigNak(RPppOption& aOption, RPppOptionList& aReqList)
+ {
+ aReqList.ReplaceOption(aOption);
+ }
+void MPppOptionHandler::OptRecvConfigReject(RPppOption& aOption, RPppOptionList& aReqList)
+ {
+ aReqList.RemoveOption(aOption);
+ }