--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/linklayerprotocols/pppnif/SVJCOMP/VJCOMP.CPP Tue Jan 26 15:23:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,922 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "VJ.H"
+#include "VJLOG.H"
+#include <networking/in_std.h>
+#include <in_sock.h>
+ {
+ }
+void CVJCompressor::ConstructL(CVJCompFactory* aFactory, TUint aMaxSlot, TBool aCompressConnId)
+Construct the CVJCompressor object.
+@param aFactory Factory that created this object
+@param aMaxSlot Value of the highest VJ connection number to be sent
+@param aCompressConnId Whether to compress the connection number
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aMaxSlot >= KMinVjSlot && aMaxSlot <= KMaxVjSlot, User::Panic(_L("VJ Panic"), 0));
+ iMaxVJSlots = aMaxSlot+1;
+ iLastTxConn = aMaxSlot+1; // Initialize with an invalid slot number
+ iTxStates = new (ELeave) TVJCompHdr[iMaxVJSlots];
+ iTxStates[0].SetNextPtr(&iTxStates[aMaxSlot]);
+ iTxStates[0].SetConnectionNumber(0);
+ iLastTxHdr = &iTxStates[0];
+ TUint i;
+ for (i=aMaxSlot; i>0; i--)
+ {
+ iTxStates[i].SetNextPtr(&iTxStates[i-1]);
+ iTxStates[i].SetConnectionNumber(i);
+ }
+ iCompressConnId = aCompressConnId;
+ iFactory = aFactory;
+ iFactory->Open();
+ }
+ {
+ delete [] iTxStates;
+ if (iFactory)
+ {
+ iFactory->Close();
+ }
+ }
+ThdrIP* CVJCompressor::GetIPHeader(RMBufChain &aChain)
+Get the IP Header even though there is a buffer of Info on the front.
+This is used in VJ, to avoid the awful hack in the main receive path.
+PRR 20-11-97
+@param aChain MBuf chain containing packet
+@return IP header
+ {
+ RMBuf* Temp = aChain.Remove();
+ TUint n = aChain.Align(KInetMaxHeaderSize);
+ ThdrIP* IPHeader = (n<KIPMinHeaderSize) ? NULL : (ThdrIP*)aChain.First()->Ptr();
+ aChain.Prepend(Temp);
+ return IPHeader;
+ }
+void CVJCompressor::EncodeDelta(TUint8** aVJCompHeader, TInt16 aValue)
+Encodes a delta value in VJ compressed format.
+@param aVJCompHeader Pointer to pointer into VJ header buffer to store encoded value;
+ returns with pointer incremented one past end of value
+@param aValue Value to store
+ {
+ if ((TUint16)aValue >= 256 || aValue == 0)
+ {
+ *(*aVJCompHeader) = 0;
+ (*aVJCompHeader)++;
+ BigEndian::Put16(*aVJCompHeader, aValue);
+ (*aVJCompHeader) += 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *(*aVJCompHeader) = (TUint8)aValue;
+ (*aVJCompHeader)++;
+ }
+ }
+TBool CVJCompressor::SendAsRawIP( ThdrIP* aIPHeader,
+ ThdrTCP* aTCPHeader )
+Determines if the packet must bypass VJ compression altogether.
+This happens with fragmented IP packets and certain TCP flags.
+@param aIPHeader First IP packet header
+@param aTCPHeader TCP header
+@return Whether the packet must be sent raw
+ {
+ TBool RetCode = ETrue;
+ if (!aIPHeader->NetGetFragment())
+ {
+ //
+ // Frame isn't fragmented, so make sure that no flags are set
+ // which would prevent us from compressing the packet.
+ //
+ TUint Flags = aTCPHeader->VJGetFlags();
+ RetCode = (Flags & (KTcpFIN | KTcpSYN | KTcpRST | KTcpACK)) != KTcpACK;
+ }
+ return RetCode;
+ }
+TBool CVJCompressor::SuitableForVJCompression(ThdrIP* aIPHeader,
+ ThdrTCP* aTCPHeader,
+ TUint* aConnection,
+ ThdrIP* aRetrievedIPHdr,
+ ThdrTCP* aRetrievedTCPHdr)
+Sees if a packet header is stored in the VJ connection cache.
+@param aIPHeader IP packet header
+@param aTCPHeader TCP header
+@param aConnection Returns the matching VJ connection number
+@param aRetrievedIPHdr Returns the cached IP packet header
+@param aRetrievedTCPHdr Returns the cached TCP packet header
+@return Whether the packet matches one in the cache
+ {
+ TBool RetCode = EFalse;
+ if (GetStoredTxHeader( aConnection,
+ aIPHeader,
+ aTCPHeader,
+ aRetrievedIPHdr,
+ aRetrievedTCPHdr))
+ {
+ //
+ // OK we found a stored header with the right
+ // addresses; is the header compressible?
+ //
+ RetCode = IsIPCompressible(aIPHeader, aRetrievedIPHdr) &&
+ IsTCPCompressible(aTCPHeader, aRetrievedTCPHdr);
+ }
+ return RetCode;
+ }
+TBool CVJCompressor::IsIPCompressible(ThdrIP* aIPHeader, ThdrIP* aRetrievedHdr)
+Compares two IP headers to see if the seldom-changing fields match.
+@param aIPHeader First IP packet header
+@param aRetrievedHdr Second IP packet header
+@return Whether the headers match
+ {
+ TBool RetCode = EFalse;
+ //
+ // Ensure that the following match
+ // Word 0
+ // Protocol Version,
+ // Header Length,
+ // Type Of Service,
+ // Word 3
+ // Fragment stuff
+ // Word 4
+ // Time to live,
+ // Protocol,
+ // If appropriate
+ // IP Options
+ //
+ if ((aIPHeader->Word0() == aRetrievedHdr->Word0()) &&
+ (aIPHeader->Word3() == aRetrievedHdr->Word3()) &&
+ (aIPHeader->Word4() == aRetrievedHdr->Word4()))
+ {
+ //
+ // Well those are fine now check the IP Options if there are any
+ //
+ const TUint Length = aIPHeader->NetGetHdrLen() - KIPMinHeaderSize;
+ TUint8* Options = aIPHeader->GetOptions();
+ const TUint StoredLength = aRetrievedHdr->NetGetHdrLen() - KIPMinHeaderSize;
+ TUint8* StoredOptions = aRetrievedHdr->GetOptions();
+ if (Length == StoredLength)
+ {
+ if (Length == 0 || !Mem::Compare(Options, Length, StoredOptions, StoredLength))
+ {
+ RetCode = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return RetCode;
+ }
+TBool CVJCompressor::IsTCPCompressible(ThdrTCP* aHeader, ThdrTCP* aRetrievedHdr)
+Compares two TCP headers to see if the options, ECN & reserved bits match.
+Everything else in the TCP header is handled specially by the
+VJ compression algorithm.
+@param aHeader First TCP header
+@param aRetrievedHdr Second TCP header
+@return Whether the headers match
+ {
+ TBool RetCode = EFalse;
+ //
+ // Ensure that the ECN and TCP reserved bits match
+ //
+ if ((aHeader->VJGetReserved() == aRetrievedHdr->VJGetReserved()) &&
+ ((aHeader->VJGetFlags() & KTcpECN) == (aRetrievedHdr->VJGetFlags() & KTcpECN)) &&
+ //
+ // Ensure that the header lengths match, if they do then
+ // check that the options match
+ //
+ (aHeader->NetGetHdrLen() == aRetrievedHdr->NetGetHdrLen()))
+ {
+ //
+ // Now compare the TCP Options
+ //
+ const TUint Length = aHeader->NetGetHdrLen() - KTCPHeaderSize;
+ TUint8* Options = GetTCPOpts(aHeader);
+ const TUint StoredLength = aRetrievedHdr->NetGetHdrLen() - KTCPHeaderSize;
+ TUint8* StoredOptions = GetTCPOpts(aRetrievedHdr);
+ if (Length == StoredLength)
+ {
+ // This comparison will inevitably fail if a RFC 1323
+ // TCP timestamp option is found, causing VJ compression to be
+ // effectively disabled.
+ if (StoredLength == 0 || !Mem::Compare(Options, Length, StoredOptions, StoredLength))
+ {
+ RetCode = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return RetCode;
+ }
+TBool CVJCompressor::CompressUrgentPtr(TUint8** aVJPtr, TUint8* aChanges, ThdrTCP* aTCPHeader, ThdrTCP* aRetrievedTCPHdr)
+Compresses the TCP Urgent pointer field.
+@param aVJPtr Pointer to the pointer within the VJ header to be modified;
+returns pointing one past the last header location used
+@param aChanges The VJ change mask to be updated
+@param aTCPHeader TCP header
+@param aRetrievedTCPHdr Cached TCP header from which to make a delta for aTCPHeader
+@return ETrue if the field was compressed
+ {
+ TBool RetCode = ETrue;
+ TUint Flags = aTCPHeader->VJGetFlags();
+ if (Flags & KTcpURG)
+ {
+ (*aChanges) |= KVjCompMaskUrgent;
+ TUint16 UrgPtr = aTCPHeader->NetGetUrgPtr();
+ EncodeDelta(aVJPtr, UrgPtr);
+ }
+ else if (aTCPHeader->NetGetUrgPtr() != aRetrievedTCPHdr->NetGetUrgPtr())
+ {
+ //
+ // They can change the Urgent Ptr without setting the flag but
+ // it's not recommended, just send uncompressed frame
+ //
+ RetCode = EFalse;
+ }
+ return RetCode;
+ }
+TBool CVJCompressor::CompressWindow(TUint8** aVJPtr, TUint8* aChanges, ThdrTCP* aTCPHeader, ThdrTCP* aRetrievedTCPHdr)
+Compresses the TCP Window field.
+@param aVJPtr Pointer to the pointer within the VJ header to be modified;
+returns pointing one past the last header location used
+@param aChanges The VJ change mask to be updated
+@param aTCPHeader TCP header
+@param aRetrievedTCPHdr Cached TCP header from which to make a delta for aTCPHeader
+@return ETrue if the field was compressed
+ {
+ TBool RetCode = ETrue;
+ TInt16 DeltaWindow = (TUint16)(aTCPHeader->NetGetWindow() - aRetrievedTCPHdr->NetGetWindow());
+ if (DeltaWindow)
+ {
+ LOG(_LIT(string1,"\nWindow Delta");)
+ LOG(Log::Write(string1);)
+ LOG(_LIT(string2,"%d\n");)
+ LOG(Log::Printf(string2,DeltaWindow);)
+ *aChanges |= KVjCompMaskWindow;
+ EncodeDelta(aVJPtr, DeltaWindow);
+ }
+ return RetCode;
+ }
+TBool CVJCompressor::CompressAck(TUint8** aVJPtr, TUint8* aChanges, ThdrTCP* aTCPHeader, ThdrTCP* aRetrievedTCPHdr)
+Compresses the TCP Acknowledgement Number field.
+@param aVJPtr Pointer to the pointer within the VJ header to be modified;
+returns pointing one past the last header location used
+@param aChanges The VJ change mask to be updated
+@param aTCPHeader TCP header
+@param aRetrievedTCPHdr Cached TCP header from which to make a delta for aTCPHeader
+@return ETrue if the field was compressed
+ {
+ TBool RetCode = ETrue;
+ TInt32 DeltaAck = aTCPHeader->NetGetAckNum() - aRetrievedTCPHdr->NetGetAckNum();
+ if (DeltaAck)
+ {
+ if (IsDeltaCompressible(DeltaAck))
+ {
+ EncodeDelta(aVJPtr, (TInt16)DeltaAck);
+ *aChanges |= KVjCompMaskAck;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Can't compress this large a difference
+ RetCode = EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ return RetCode;
+ }
+TBool CVJCompressor::CompressSeq(TUint8** aVJPtr, TUint8* aChanges, ThdrTCP* aTCPHeader, ThdrTCP* aRetrievedTCPHdr)
+Compresses the TCP Sequence Number field.
+@param aVJPtr Pointer to the pointer within the VJ header to be modified;
+returns pointing one past the last header location used
+@param aChanges The VJ change mask to be updated
+@param aTCPHeader TCP header
+@param aRetrievedTCPHdr Cached TCP header from which to make a delta for aTCPHeader
+@return ETrue if the field was compressed
+ {
+ TBool RetCode = ETrue;
+ TInt32 DeltaSeq = aTCPHeader->NetGetSeqNum() - aRetrievedTCPHdr->NetGetSeqNum();
+ if (DeltaSeq)
+ {
+ if (IsDeltaCompressible(DeltaSeq))
+ {
+ EncodeDelta(aVJPtr, (TInt16)(DeltaSeq));
+ *aChanges |= KVjCompMaskSeq;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Can't compress this large a difference
+ RetCode = EFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ return RetCode;
+ }
+TBool CVJCompressor::CompressSpecialCases(TUint8** aVJPtr,
+ TUint8* const aVJInitialDeltaPtr,
+ TUint8* aChanges,
+ ThdrTCP* aTCPHeader,
+ ThdrTCP* aRetrievedTCPHdr,
+ ThdrIP* aIPHeader,
+ ThdrIP* aRetrievedIPHdr)
+Compresses special case TCP/IP packets.
+See RFC 1144 sec. 3.2.3
+@pre aChanges must reflect the compressed header except for the
+KVjCompMaskPush and KVjCompMaskIp bits which must be clear.
+@param aVJPtr Pointer to the pointer within the VJ header to be modified;
+returns pointing one past the last header location used
+@param aVJInitialDeltaPtr Beginning of the compressed VJ header
+@param aChanges The VJ change mask to be updated
+@param aTCPHeader TCP header
+@param aRetrievedTCPHdr Cached TCP header from which to make a delta for aTCPHeader
+@param aIPHeader IP header
+@param aRetrievedIPHdr Cached IP header from which to make a delta for aIPHeader
+@return ETrue if the packet can be compressed
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(!(*aChanges & (KVjCompMaskIp | KVjCompMaskPush)), User::Panic(_L("VJ Panic"), 0));
+ TBool RetCode = ETrue;
+ TUint DeltaSeq = aTCPHeader->NetGetSeqNum() - aRetrievedTCPHdr->NetGetSeqNum();
+ TUint DeltaAck = aTCPHeader->NetGetAckNum() - aRetrievedTCPHdr->NetGetAckNum();
+ switch (*aChanges)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ // No change from the last packet; this frame may be a retransmission.
+ // See RFC 1144 §4.2
+ if (((aIPHeader->NetGetLength() - aIPHeader->NetGetHdrLen()) == aTCPHeader->NetGetHdrLen()) ||
+ ((aRetrievedIPHdr->NetGetLength() - aRetrievedIPHdr->NetGetHdrLen()) != aRetrievedTCPHdr->NetGetHdrLen()))
+ {
+ //
+ // The frame has been sent compressed and was probably missed at the other
+ // end, so send it uncompressed.
+ //
+ LOG(_LIT(string1,"Missed frame");)
+ LOG(Log::Write(string1);)
+ RetCode = EFalse;
+ }
+ break;
+ case KVjCompMaskSpecialD:
+ case KVjCompMaskSpecialI:
+ // Can't send SWU and SWAU, so send Uncompressed
+ RetCode = EFalse;
+ break;
+ case KVjCompMaskSeq | KVjCompMaskAck:
+ if (DeltaAck == DeltaSeq)
+ {
+ if (DeltaSeq == (aRetrievedIPHdr->NetGetLength() - aRetrievedIPHdr->NetGetHdrLen() - aRetrievedTCPHdr->NetGetHdrLen()))
+ {
+ // Terminal traffic
+ *aChanges = KVjCompMaskSpecialI;
+ *aVJPtr = aVJInitialDeltaPtr; // Reset back to just after CSum
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case KVjCompMaskSeq:
+ if (DeltaSeq == (aRetrievedIPHdr->NetGetLength() - aRetrievedIPHdr->NetGetHdrLen() - aRetrievedTCPHdr->NetGetHdrLen()))
+ {
+ // Data Xfer e.g. FTP
+ *aChanges = KVjCompMaskSpecialD;
+ *aVJPtr = aVJInitialDeltaPtr; // Reset back to just after CSum
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ // Not a special case
+ break;
+ }
+ return RetCode;
+ }
+TBool CVJCompressor::CompressIPId(TUint8** aVJPtr, TUint8* aChanges, ThdrIP* aIPHeader, ThdrIP* aRetrievedIPHdr)
+Compresses the IP Packet ID field.
+@param aVJPtr Pointer to the pointer within the VJ header to be modified;
+returns pointing one past the last header location used
+@param aChanges The VJ change mask to be updated
+@param aIPHeader IP header
+@param aRetrievedIPHdr Cached IP header from which to make a delta for aIPHeader
+@return ETrue
+ {
+ TInt16 DeltaIPId = (TInt16) ((TInt)aIPHeader->NetGetId() - (TInt)aRetrievedIPHdr->NetGetId());
+ if (DeltaIPId != 1)
+ {
+ EncodeDelta(aVJPtr, DeltaIPId);
+ *aChanges |= KVjCompMaskIp;
+ }
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+TBool CVJCompressor::CompressPush(TUint8* aChanges, ThdrTCP* aTCPHeader)
+Compresses the TCP Push flag.
+@param aChanges The VJ change mask to be updated
+@param aTCPHeader TCP header
+@return ETrue
+ {
+ TUint Flags = aTCPHeader->VJGetFlags();
+ if (Flags & KTcpPSH )
+ {
+ *aChanges |= KVjCompMaskPush;
+ }
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+TBool CVJCompressor::IsSameConnAsLast(TUint* aCompressedHdrLen, TUint aConnection)
+Determines whether the given VJ connection number is the same as that of the
+last compressed packet sent and returns the size of the compressed header.
+@param aCompressedHdrLen Returns the length of the compressed header
+@param aConnection VJ connection number
+@return Whether this is the same connection number as the last one
+ {
+ TBool RetCode;
+ if ((aConnection != iLastTxConn) || (iCompressConnId == EFalse))
+ {
+ RetCode = EFalse;
+ *aCompressedHdrLen = 4; // Changes, Connection, CSum
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ RetCode = ETrue;
+ *aCompressedHdrLen = 3; // Changes, CSum
+ }
+ return RetCode;
+ }
+void CVJCompressor::SetFirstFewBytes(TUint8* aChanges, TBool aNewConnection, TUint8** aVJHeader, ThdrTCP* aTCPHeader, TUint aConnection)
+Sets the change mask, connection number (if necessary) and TCP checksum bytes
+in the VJ compressed header.
+@param aChanges The VJ change mask to be copied and potentially modified
+@param aNewConnection Whether this is a new connection, requiring the number in the header
+@param aVJHeader Pointer to the pointer to the VJ header to be modified
+@param aTCPHeader TCP header
+@param aConnection VJ connection number
+ {
+ TUint8* ChecksumPtr;
+ //
+ // Be warned this value is NOT stored in native byte order;
+ // the sixteen bit value is just loaded from the frame -- it's NOT
+ // byte swapped
+ //
+ TUint16 Checksum = (TUint16)aTCPHeader->NetGetChecksum();
+ LOG(_LIT(logString1,"Checksum is %x");)
+ LOG(Log::Printf(logString1,Checksum);)
+ if (aNewConnection)
+ {
+ (*aVJHeader)[1] = (TUint8)aConnection;
+ ChecksumPtr = (*aVJHeader)+2;
+ LittleEndian::Put16(ChecksumPtr,Checksum);
+ *aChanges |= KVjCompMaskConn;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ChecksumPtr = (*aVJHeader)+1;
+ LittleEndian::Put16(ChecksumPtr,Checksum);
+ }
+ *(*aVJHeader) = *aChanges;
+ }
+void CVJCompressor::CopyInNewTxHeader(RMBufChain& aPacket, TUint8* aCompressedHdr, TUint aOldHeaderLength, TUint aNewHeaderLength )
+Copies the compressed header into the packet.
+@param aPacket MBuf chain containing packet
+@param aCompressedHdr VJ compressed header
+@param aOldHeaderLength Length of the current TCP/IP header in aPacket
+@param aNewHeaderLength Length of VJ compressed header
+ {
+ //
+ // Remove the first info buffer thing
+ //
+ RMBuf* Temp = aPacket.Remove();
+ //
+ // Trim the Packet length to take into account the new header
+ //
+ aPacket.TrimStart(aOldHeaderLength-aNewHeaderLength);
+ TPtrC8 TempDesc(aCompressedHdr, aNewHeaderLength);
+ aPacket.CopyIn(TempDesc, 0);
+ aPacket.Prepend(Temp);
+ }
+void CVJCompressor::DecrementPacketLen( RMBufChain& aPacket, TUint SizeDecrease )
+There is a header prepended to the frame, one element is the length
+which has now changed, so change it
+@param aPacket MBuf chain containing packet
+@param SizeDecrease Amount by which to reduce the length metadata
+ {
+ RMBufPktInfo* info = RMBufPacketBase::PeekInfoInChain(aPacket);
+ info->iLength -= SizeDecrease;
+ }
+TBool CVJCompressor::CompressFrame(RMBufChain& aPacket,
+ ThdrIP* aIPHeader,
+ ThdrTCP* aTCPHeader,
+ TUint aConnection,
+ ThdrIP* aRetrievedIPHdr,
+ ThdrTCP* aRetrievedTCPHdr)
+Compresses a TCP/IP header if possible.
+@param aPacket MBuf chain containing packet
+@param aIPHeader IP header
+@param aTCPHeader TCP header
+@param aConnection VJ connection number
+@param aRetrievedIPHdr Cached IP packet header
+@param aRetrievedTCPHdr Cached TCP packet header
+@return Whether the header was compressed
+ {
+ TBool RetCode=EFalse;
+ TUint8 Changes=0;
+ TUint8 VJHeader[16]; // The VJ Header without changes, checksum and connection Number
+ TUint CompressedHdrLen;
+ //
+ // Is Connection ID Compression turned on?
+ //
+ TBool NewConnection = !IsSameConnAsLast(&CompressedHdrLen, aConnection);
+ TUint8* VJPtr = VJHeader + CompressedHdrLen;
+ TUint8* StartVJDeltaPtr = VJPtr;
+ if (!CompressUrgentPtr(&VJPtr, &Changes, aTCPHeader, aRetrievedTCPHdr))
+ {
+ return RetCode;
+ }
+ if (!CompressWindow(&VJPtr, &Changes, aTCPHeader, aRetrievedTCPHdr))
+ {
+ return RetCode;
+ }
+ if (!CompressAck(&VJPtr, &Changes, aTCPHeader, aRetrievedTCPHdr))
+ {
+ return RetCode;
+ }
+ if (!CompressSeq(&VJPtr, &Changes, aTCPHeader, aRetrievedTCPHdr))
+ {
+ return RetCode;
+ }
+ if (!CompressSpecialCases(&VJPtr, StartVJDeltaPtr, &Changes, aTCPHeader, aRetrievedTCPHdr, aIPHeader, aRetrievedIPHdr))
+ {
+ return RetCode;
+ }
+ if (!CompressIPId(&VJPtr, &Changes, aIPHeader, aRetrievedIPHdr))
+ {
+ return RetCode;
+ }
+ if (!CompressPush(&Changes, aTCPHeader))
+ {
+ return RetCode;
+ }
+ RetCode = ETrue;
+ CompressedHdrLen += (VJPtr - StartVJDeltaPtr);
+ VJPtr = VJHeader;
+ SetFirstFewBytes(&Changes, NewConnection, &VJPtr, aTCPHeader, aConnection);
+ //
+ // We now have a compressed header,
+ // Save the uncompressed header and
+ // replace the IP header on the outgoing packet
+ //
+ iLastTxConn = aConnection;
+ CopyTxHeader(aIPHeader, aConnection);
+ TUint OriginalHdrLen = aIPHeader->NetGetHdrLen() + aTCPHeader->NetGetHdrLen();
+ CopyInNewTxHeader(aPacket, VJHeader, OriginalHdrLen, CompressedHdrLen);
+ DecrementPacketLen( aPacket, (OriginalHdrLen - CompressedHdrLen));
+ return RetCode;
+ }
+void CVJCompressor::ConvertFrameToUncompVJ(ThdrIP* aIPHeader, TUint aConnection)
+The frame is to be sent as an Uncompressed VJ frame, so set the
+connection number in place of the protocol type, and save the header.
+@param aIPHeader TCP/IP header
+@param aConnection VJ connection number
+ {
+ CopyTxHeader(aIPHeader, aConnection);
+ aIPHeader->NetSetProtocol(aConnection);
+ iLastTxConn = aConnection;
+ }
+TInt CVJCompressor::VJCompressFrame(RMBufChain& aPacket)
+Takes a packet and transforms it for sending.
+It may end up VJ compressed, VJ uncompressed or untouched.
+@param aPacket MBuf chain containing packet
+@return PPP protocol type for the converted packet
+ {
+ ThdrIP* IPHeader;
+ ThdrTCP* TCPHeader;
+ ThdrIP StoredIPHdr;
+ ThdrTCP StoredTCPHdr;
+ TUint ConnectionNumber;
+ IPHeader = GetIPHeader(aPacket);
+ if (IPHeader->NetGetProtocol() == KProtocolInetTcp)
+ {
+ TCPHeader = ThdrTCP::NetPtr(IPHeader);
+ if (!SendAsRawIP(IPHeader, TCPHeader))
+ {
+ if (SuitableForVJCompression( IPHeader, TCPHeader, &ConnectionNumber, &StoredIPHdr, &StoredTCPHdr))
+ {
+ //
+ // Better Compress it then
+ //
+ if (CompressFrame(aPacket, IPHeader, TCPHeader, ConnectionNumber, &StoredIPHdr, &StoredTCPHdr))
+ {
+ return KPppIdVjCompTcp;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Change the frame to VJ Uncompressed type
+ //
+ ConvertFrameToUncompVJ(IPHeader, ConnectionNumber);
+ return KPppIdVjUncompTcp;
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // Send normal IP frame
+ //
+ //
+ return KPppIdIp;
+ }
+void CVJCompressor::CopyTxHeader( ThdrIP* aIPHeader, TUint aConnection)
+Copies the given TCP/IP header into the storage slot for the given
+connection number.
+@param aIPHeader TCP/IP header
+@param aConnection VJ connection number
+ {
+ __ASSERT_DEBUG(aConnection < iMaxVJSlots, User::Panic(_L("VJ Panic"), 0));
+ iTxStates[aConnection].StoreTCPIPHeader(aIPHeader);
+ }
+TBool CVJCompressor::IPAddressesMatch(ThdrIP* aIPHeader, ThdrIP* aNotherIPHdr)
+Compares the addresses in two IP headers.
+@param aIPHeader First IP header
+@param aNotherIPHdr Second IP header
+@return Whether source and dest addresses in both headers are the same
+ {
+ return (aNotherIPHdr->GetSrcAddr() == aIPHeader->GetSrcAddr()) &&
+ (aNotherIPHdr->GetDstAddr() == aIPHeader->GetDstAddr());
+ }
+TBool CVJCompressor::TCPPortsMatch(ThdrTCP* aHeader, ThdrTCP* aNotherHdr)
+Compares the TCP port numbers TCP headers.
+@param aHeader First TCP header
+@param aNotherHdr Second TCP header
+@return Whether both source and dest ports in both headers are the same
+ {
+ return (aNotherHdr->NetGetSrcPort() == aHeader->NetGetSrcPort()) &&
+ (aNotherHdr->NetGetDstPort() == aHeader->NetGetDstPort());
+ }
+TBool CVJCompressor::GetStoredTxHeader(TUint* aConnection, ThdrIP* aIPHeader, ThdrTCP* aTCPHeader, ThdrIP* aRetrievedIPHdr, ThdrTCP* aRetrievedTCPHdr)
+Retrieves a packet header from the VJ connection cache.
+The packet must match on the IP source and destination address and on
+the TCP source and destination port numbers.
+@param aConnection Returns the matching VJ connection number
+@param aIPHeader IP packet header
+@param aTCPHeader TCP header
+@param aRetrievedIPHdr Returns the cached IP packet header
+@param aRetrievedTCPHdr Returns the cached TCP packet header
+@return Whether a matching packet was found in the cache
+ {
+ TBool RetCode = EFalse;
+ //
+ // The transmit buffer is maintained
+ // in a least recently used circular linked list.
+ // iLastTxHdr always points to the least recently used entry and
+ // iLastTxHdr->NextPtr() points to the most recently used.
+ //
+ //
+ // Make a special case of the common occurrence that the
+ // most recently used header is re-used (for speed).
+ //
+ TVJCompHdr* LastPtr = iLastTxHdr; // Pointer to the last element in the circular list
+ TVJCompHdr* Ptr = LastPtr->NextPtr();
+ Ptr->RetrieveTCPIPHeader(aRetrievedIPHdr, aRetrievedTCPHdr);
+ if ( Ptr->IsValid() &&
+ IPAddressesMatch(aIPHeader, aRetrievedIPHdr) &&
+ TCPPortsMatch(aTCPHeader, aRetrievedTCPHdr))
+ {
+ //
+ // We found a match without having to search the list
+ //
+ RetCode = ETrue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //
+ // Oh well, we have to play with linked lists
+ //
+ TVJCompHdr* PrevPtr;
+ do
+ {
+ PrevPtr = Ptr;
+ Ptr = Ptr->NextPtr();
+ //
+ // Don't bother comparing addresses and ports if the connection has
+ // never been used. It's tempting to break out of the search loop
+ // in that case (the remainder of the list is guaranteed to be empty
+ // because it's stored in MRU order), but ghdn PrevPtr wouldn't
+ // be correct.
+ //
+ if (Ptr->IsValid())
+ {
+ Ptr->RetrieveTCPIPHeader(aRetrievedIPHdr, aRetrievedTCPHdr);
+ if ( IPAddressesMatch(aIPHeader, aRetrievedIPHdr) &&
+ TCPPortsMatch(aTCPHeader, aRetrievedTCPHdr))
+ {
+ //
+ // We found it!!
+ //
+ RetCode = ETrue;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ while(Ptr != LastPtr);
+ if (RetCode && LastPtr != Ptr)
+ {
+ //
+ // Right, take the buffer we just found and move it to
+ // the start, with all the fiddling with pointers that
+ // implies.
+ //
+ PrevPtr->SetNextPtr(Ptr->NextPtr());
+ Ptr->SetNextPtr(LastPtr->NextPtr());
+ LastPtr->SetNextPtr(Ptr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //
+ // We didn't find it so use the current last frame.
+ //
+ iLastTxHdr = PrevPtr;
+ }
+ }
+ *aConnection = Ptr->ConnectionNumber();
+ return RetCode;
+ }