changeset 0 af10295192d8
child 31 7f8dc48d5d3a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/networkcontrol/iptransportlayer/src/ipcprups_states.cpp	Tue Jan 26 15:23:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// IP Connection Provider UPS state definitions.
+ @file
+ @internalComponent
+#include "IPCpr.h"
+#include "ipcprups_states.h"
+#include "../../../../commsfw/datacommsserver/esockserver/inc/ss_internal_activities.h"
+#include <comms-infras/ss_nodemessages_factory.h>
+#include <comms-infras/upsmessages.h>
+using namespace Messages;
+using namespace ESock;
+using namespace IpCprActivities;
+_LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_C1(KIpCprStartSecurityPolicy, ECapabilityNetworkServices);
+// UPS Support
+void IpCprStates::TCheckCapabilitiesForUps::DoL()
+Transition base class used to implement UPS checking for scenarios where the UPS parameters need to be
+populated in the UPS Access Point Config structure (e.g. TNoBearer).  This Base class is intended to provide
+generic functionality, with the pure virtual GetPlatSecResultAndDestinationL() performing the Platform Security
+check against the specific capability and filling in any specific destination address.
+This transition is intended to be derived from and not used in its own right, hence there is no
+need for a corresponding DEFINE_SMELEMENT_NAMESPACE() statement (in fact, putting one in causes
+a compiler error due to the pure virtual).
+    {
+	const Meta::SMetaData* const extension = 
+		iContext.Node().AccessPointConfig().FindExtension(STypeId::CreateSTypeId(CUPSAccessPointConfigExt::EUPSAccessPointConfigUid, CUPSAccessPointConfigExt::ETypeId));
+    // Check if UPS is enabled or not by checking for the presence or absence of the
+    // UPS Access Point Config (APC) structure.
+	if (extension)
+		{
+		// UPS is enabled - fill in the APC structure
+		CUPSAccessPointConfigExt* const upsExt = const_cast<CUPSAccessPointConfigExt*> (static_cast<const CUPSAccessPointConfigExt*>(extension));
+		upsExt->SetPolicyCheckResult(KErrCompletion);
+		}
+    }
+DEFINE_SMELEMENT(IpCprStates::TCheckStartCapabilities, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, IpCprStates::TContext)
+void IpCprStates::TCheckStartCapabilities::GetPlatSecResultAndDestinationL(MPlatsecApiExt& aPlatSecApi, TInt& aPlatSecResult, TUpsDestinationAddrType& aDestinationType, TDes8& aDestination)
+Transition (derived from IpCprStates::TCheckCapabilitiesForUps) to implement UPS functionality for an RConnection::Start().
+	{
+	aPlatSecResult = aPlatSecApi.CheckPolicy(KIpCprStartSecurityPolicy);
+	aDestination = KNullDesC8();
+	aDestinationType = ETNone;
+	}
+TInt IpCprStates::CheckAttachPolicy(const MPlatsecApiExt& aPlatSecApi)
+Common function for checking attach capability.
+	{
+    return aPlatSecApi.CheckPolicy(KIpCprStartSecurityPolicy);	// Same as Start policy
+	}
+IpCpr Attach capability check transition
+DEFINE_SMELEMENT(IpCprStates::TCheckAttachCapabilities, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, IpCprStates::TContext)
+void IpCprStates::TCheckAttachCapabilities::DoL()
+    {
+    const MPlatsecApiExt* const platsec = reinterpret_cast<const MPlatsecApiExt*>(address_cast<TNodeId>(iContext.iSender).Node().FetchNodeInterfaceL(MPlatsecApiExt::KInterfaceId));
+	User::LeaveIfError(CheckAttachPolicy(*platsec));
+    }
+DEFINE_SMELEMENT(IpCprStates::TNoTagOrUpsQueryOrAttachCapabilityQuery, NetStateMachine::MStateFork, IpCprStates::TContext)
+TInt IpCprStates::TNoTagOrUpsQueryOrAttachCapabilityQuery::TransitionTag()
+This state fork is IPCPR specific because it enables UPS checking on an RConnection::Attach() by virtue of examining the activity id
+carried in the TCtrlClientJoinRequest.
+	{	
+	ASSERT(iContext.iMessage.IsMessage<TCFControlClient::TJoinRequest>() || iContext.iMessage.IsMessage<TCFFactory::TPeerFoundOrCreated>());
+	// If TCtrlClientJoinRequest has been received, check if it was from an RConnection::Attach().
+	//
+	// NOTE: This check against activity id is not ideal, as it places a dependency on any upper layers
+	// to have a particular activity id originating the TCtrlClientJoinRequest.
+	//
+	TCFClientType::TFlags clientFlags = (TCFClientType::TFlags) 0;
+	if(iContext.iMessage.IsMessage<TCFControlClient::TJoinRequest>())
+		{
+		TCFControlClient::TJoinRequest& message =
+			message_cast<TCFControlClient::TJoinRequest>(iContext.iMessage);
+		clientFlags = static_cast<TCFClientType::TFlags>(message.iClientType.Flags());
+		}
+	if (clientFlags & TCFClientType::EAttach)
+		{
+		// An RConnection::Attach() is taking place, so check if UPS has been enabled (by checking for the
+		// presence of the UPS Access Point Config extension) and return the result.
+		return UpsDisabled(iContext) ? IpCprStates::KAttachCapabilityQuery : IpCprStates::KUpsQuery;
+		}
+	return MeshMachine::KNoTag;
+	}
+DEFINE_SMELEMENT(IpCprStates::TNoTagOrUpsDisabledOrUpsEnabled, NetStateMachine::MStateFork, IpCprStates::TContext)
+TInt IpCprStates::TNoTagOrUpsDisabledOrUpsEnabled::TransitionTag()
+	{
+	if (UpsDisabled(iContext))
+		{
+		return IpCprStates::KUpsDisabled;
+		}
+	else
+		{
+	    RNodeInterface* client = iContext.Node().FindClient(iContext.iSender);
+		if ((client) // need to handle scenario when client is zero.
+			&& (client->Type() & TCFClientType::EData))
+				{
+				return MeshMachine::KNoTag; // come from data client, so no plat sec checking required
+				}		
+		return IpCprStates::KUpsEnabled; // come from control client, so plat sec checking required
+		} 
+	}
+DEFINE_SMELEMENT(IpCprStates::TPostDisabledPolicyCheckResponseToOriginators, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, IpCprStates::TContext)
+void IpCprStates::TPostDisabledPolicyCheckResponseToOriginators::DoL()
+	{
+	iContext.iNodeActivity->PostToOriginators(UpsMessage::TPolicyCheckResponse(GetPlatsecResultL(iContext)));
+	}
+DEFINE_SMELEMENT(IpCprStates::TPopulatePolicyCheckRequest, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, IpCprStates::TContext)
+void IpCprStates::TPopulatePolicyCheckRequest::DoL()
+	{
+	UpsMessage::TPolicyCheckRequest& msg = message_cast<UpsMessage::TPolicyCheckRequest>(iContext.iMessage);
+	msg.iParams.iPlatSecResult = GetPlatsecResultL(iContext);
+    RNodeInterface* client = iContext.Node().FindClient(iContext.iSender);
+	if ((client)
+		&& (client->Type() & TCFClientType::ECtrl))
+		{
+		RIPCprControlClientNodeInterface* ctrlClient = static_cast<RIPCprControlClientNodeInterface*>(client);
+		ctrlClient->iPolicyCheckRequestIssued=ETrue;
+		ctrlClient->iProcessId = msg.iParams.iProcessId;
+		ctrlClient->iThreadId  = msg.iParams.iThreadId;
+		}
+	}
+DEFINE_SMELEMENT(IpCprStates::TSendUpsStatusChange, NetStateMachine::MStateTransition, IpCprStates::TContext)
+void IpCprStates::TSendUpsStatusChange::DoL()
+	{
+	RNodeInterface* client = iContext.Node().FindClient(iContext.iSender);
+	if ((client)
+		&& (client->Type() & TCFClientType::ECtrl))
+		{
+		RIPCprControlClientNodeInterface* ctrlClient = static_cast<RIPCprControlClientNodeInterface*>(client);
+		if (ctrlClient->iPolicyCheckRequestIssued)
+			{
+			TUPSStatusChangeParams params(ctrlClient->iProcessId, ctrlClient->iThreadId, client->RecipientId());
+			UpsMessage::TUPSStatusChange statusChangeMsg(params);
+			RNodeInterface* controlProvider = iContext.Node().ControlProvider();
+			ASSERT(controlProvider);
+			controlProvider->PostMessage(iContext.Node().Id(), statusChangeMsg);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+TBool IpCprStates::UpsDisabled(TContext& aContext)
+	{
+	const Meta::SMetaData* const extension = 
+		aContext.Node().AccessPointConfig().FindExtension(STypeId::CreateSTypeId(CUPSAccessPointConfigExt::EUPSAccessPointConfigUid, CUPSAccessPointConfigExt::ETypeId));
+	return extension == NULL;
+	}
+MPlatsecApiExt* IpCprStates::GetPlatsecApiExt(TContext& aContext)
+	{
+	MPlatsecApiExt* const platsec = reinterpret_cast<MPlatsecApiExt*>(address_cast<TNodeId>(aContext.iSender).Node().FetchNodeInterfaceL(MPlatsecApiExt::KInterfaceId));
+	ASSERT(platsec);
+	return platsec;
+	}
+TInt IpCprStates::GetPlatsecResult(TContext& aContext)
+	{
+	return GetPlatsecApiExt(aContext)->CheckPolicy(KIpCprStartSecurityPolicy);
+	}
+TInt IpCprStates::GetPlatsecResultL(TContext& aContext)
+	{
+	TInt result = GetPlatsecResult(aContext);
+	if (result != KErrNone && result != KErrPermissionDenied && result != KErrCompletion)
+		{
+		User::Leave(result);
+		}
+	return result;
+	}