changeset 0 af10295192d8
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/networkcontrol/iptransportlayer/src/netmcprups_activities.cpp	Tue Jan 26 15:23:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "netmcprups.h"
+#include "netmcpractivities.h"
+#include "netmcprups_activities.h"
+#include <comms-infras/upsprstates.h>
+#include <comms-infras/upsmessages.h>
+using namespace Messages;
+using namespace MeshMachine;
+using namespace ESock;
+using namespace NetStateMachine;
+using namespace UpsMCprActivities;
+using namespace NetMCprActivities;
+using namespace NetMCprUpsActivities;
+namespace NetMCprPolicyCheckRequestActivity
+Process TPolicyCheckRequest messages.
+Issue a UPS authorisation request towards the NetUps and send back a TPolicyCheckResponse message
+with the result.  This activity assumes that Networking usage of UPS has not been "short-circuited" off
+(the originator should not have sent the TPolicyCheckRequest in the first place if so).
+DEFINE_CUSTOM_NODEACTIVITY(ECFActivityPolicyCheckRequest, NetMCprPolicyCheckRequest, UpsMessage::TPolicyCheckRequest, CUpsAuthorisationActivity::NewL)
+	FIRST_NODEACTIVITY_ENTRY(UpsStates::TAwaitingPolicyCheckRequest, CUpsAuthorisationActivityBase::TNoTagOrCompletion)
+	NODEACTIVITY_ENTRY(KNoTag, CUpsAuthorisationActivityBase::TIssueRequestToNetUps, CUpsAuthorisationActivityBase::TAwaitingPolicyCheckResponseOrCancel, TNoTag)
+	LAST_NODEACTIVITY_ENTRY(KNoTag, CUpsAuthorisationActivityBase::TForwardPolicyCheckResponseToOriginators)
+	LAST_NODEACTIVITY_ENTRY(CUpsAuthorisationActivityBase::KUpsCompletionTag, CUpsAuthorisationActivityBase::TForwardCompletionPolicyCheckResponseToOriginators)
+	LAST_NODEACTIVITY_ENTRY(KErrorTag, TDoNothing)	// the activity error member has already been set in CUpsAuthorisationActivityBase::TNoTagOrError
+namespace NetMCprUpsNoBearerActivity
+Process TNoBearer messages.
+Issue a UPS authorisation request towards the NetUps and, if successful, continue with the core NoBearer
+activity (MCprNoBearer).
+This activity (NetMCprNoBearer) implements UPS authorisation for the NoBearer activity.  NetMCprNoBearer
+performs the UPS authorisation and, if authorisation is successful, invokes the existing MCprNoBearer
+activity to continue with the NoBearer process.  In effect, NetMCprNoBearer is "layered over"
+the MCprNoBearer activity:
+Originator ("west") <---> NetMCprNoBearer <---> MCprNoBearer <---> Control Provider ("east")
+- Originator:		Send TNoBearer
+- NetMCprNoBearer:	Accept TNoBearer from originator (i.e. not sent from self)
+- NetMCprNoBearer:	Issue a UPS authorisation request to NetUps.
+- NetMCprNoBearer:	Accept a TPolicyCheckResponse message from self (generated when the NetUps request succeeds)
+- NetMCprNoBearer:	Post a TNoBearer message to self (destined for MCprNoBearer)
+- MCprNoBearer:		Accept TNoBearer message
+- MCprNoBearer:		Send TBindTo back to NetMCprNoBearer
+- NetMCprNoBearer:	Accept TBindTo
+- NetMCprNoBearer:	Send TBindTo to originator
+- Originator:		Send TBindToComplete
+- NetMCprNoBearer:	Accept TBindToComplete from originator
+- NetMCprNoBearer:	Send TBindToComplete to MCprNoBearer
+- NetMCprNoBearer:	Ends
+Cancellation policy: incoming TCancel messages cause cancellation of any outstanding UPS request.
+Once we have passed the UPS request phase, then TCancel messages set the activity error and
+are consumed.  Rationale is that UPS requests can take an indefinate time to process, so must
+be cancellable.  Consuming TCancel after UPS authorisation is just retaining the existing behaviour of
+original NoBearer activity.
+DEFINE_CUSTOM_NODEACTIVITY(ECFActivityUpsNoBearer, NetMCprUpsNoBearer, TCFControlProvider::TNoBearer, CUpsNoBearer::NewL)
+	// TNoTagOrInvokeUps checks whether Networking use of UPS has been "short-circuited" off or not.
+	FIRST_NODEACTIVITY_ENTRY(NetMCprStates::TAwaitingNoBearerNotFromSelf, CUpsNoBearer::TNoTagOrInvokeUps)
+	NODEACTIVITY_ENTRY(CUpsNoBearer::KInvokeUps, CUpsAuthorisationActivityBase::TIssueRequestToNetUps, CUpsAuthorisationActivityBase::TAwaitingPolicyCheckResponseOrCancel, CUpsAuthorisationActivityBase::TNoTagOrError)
+	NODEACTIVITY_ENTRY(KNoTag, NetMCprStates::TSendNoBearerToSelf, CoreNetStates::TAwaitingBindToOrCancel, TNoTag)
+	// @TODO 1116 check this out 
+	NODEACTIVITY_ENTRY(KNoTag, CUpsNoBearer::TForwardBindToToOriginators, NetMCprStates::TAwaitingBindToCompleteOrCancel, TNoTag)
+	NODEACTIVITY_ENTRY(KNoTag, CUpsNoBearer::TForwardBindToCompleteToSelf, MeshMachine::TAwaitingMessageState<TCFControlProvider::TBearer>, TNoTag)
+	LAST_NODEACTIVITY_ENTRY(KNoTag, CUpsNoBearer::TForwardBearerToOriginators) 
+	LAST_NODEACTIVITY_ENTRY(KErrorTag, TDoNothing)	// the activity error member has already been set in CUpsAuthorisationActivityBase::TNoTagOrError
+// Connection Status Notification
+namespace NetMCprMonitorProviderStatusActivity
+DEFINE_NODEACTIVITY(ECFActivityUpsProviderStatus, NetMCprUpsProviderStatusChange, TCFControlProvider::TDataClientStatusChange)
+	NODEACTIVITY_ENTRY(KNoTag, NetMCprUpsStates::TUpsProcessProviderStatusChange, CoreNetStates::TAwaitingDataClientStatusChange, TNoTag)
+// Handles a notification that an IPCPR control client which originated a UPS request has left the IPCPR 
+namespace NetMCprUpsStatusChangeActivity
+DEFINE_NODEACTIVITY(ECFActivityUpsStatusChange, NetMCprUpsStatusChange, UpsMessage::TUPSStatusChange)
+	NODEACTIVITY_ENTRY(KNoTag, NetMCprUpsStates::TProcessUpsStatusChange, NetMCprStates::TAwaitingUPSStatusChange, TNoTag)
+// Support for UPS
+// CUpsAuthorisationActivity
+MeshMachine::CNodeActivityBase* CUpsAuthorisationActivity::NewL(const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity& aActivitySig, MeshMachine::AMMNodeBase& aNode)
+	{
+	TUint c = GetNextActivityCountL(aActivitySig, aNode);
+	return new (ELeave) CUpsAuthorisationActivity(aActivitySig, aNode, c);
+	}
+CUpsAuthorisationActivity::CUpsAuthorisationActivity(const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity& aActivitySig, MeshMachine::AMMNodeBase& aNode, TUint aNextActivityCount)
+  : CUpsAuthorisationActivityBase(aActivitySig, aNode, aNextActivityCount)
+	{
+	}
+TInt CUpsAuthorisationActivity::GetUpsDestinationString(TUpsDestinationAddrType aDestinationType, const TUpsDestinationAddr& aDestination, TDes& aOutputString)
+Form and return the UPS destination address string to be sent to the NetUps on each request.
+	{
+	const TInt KMinOutputAddressLen = 55; 	// enough for IPv6 address with 32-bit decimal scope: "xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx%nnnnnnnnnn"
+	// Validate that the TUpsDestinationAddr is a TInetAddr.
+	if (aDestinationType == ETSockAddress && aDestination.MaxLength() >= KMaxSockAddrSize && aOutputString.MaxLength() >= KMinOutputAddressLen)
+		{
+		const TSockAddr* addr = static_cast<const TSockAddr*>(&aDestination);
+		TInetAddr inAddr(*addr);
+		inAddr.Output(aOutputString);
+		}
+	else
+		{
+		aOutputString = KNullDesC();
+		}
+	return KErrNone;
+	}
+const TDesC& CUpsAuthorisationActivity::GetUpsAccessPointNameL()
+	{
+	CUpsNetworkMetaConnectionProvider& node = static_cast<CUpsNetworkMetaConnectionProvider&>(iNode);
+	return node.ApName();
+	}
+NetUps::CNetUps* CUpsAuthorisationActivity::GetNetUpsL(TInt32 aServiceId)
+	{
+	// WINSCW will not compile the variable definition "NetUps::CNetUps* netUps;" in this function,
+	// despite accepting "NetUps::CNetUps*" above as the return value for the function.  ARMv5 has
+	// no problems.  Workaround by importing NetUps namespace.
+	using namespace NetUps;
+	CUpsNetworkMetaConnectionProvider& node = static_cast<CUpsNetworkMetaConnectionProvider&>(iNode);
+	CNetUps* netUps = node.NetUps();
+	if (netUps == NULL)
+		{
+		netUps = NetUps::CNetUps::NewL(aServiceId);
+		node.SetNetUps(netUps);
+		}
+	return netUps;
+	}
+void CUpsAuthorisationActivity::PerformPolicyCheckResponseActions(NetUps::TNetUpsDecision aNetUpsDecision, const Messages::TNodeId& aCommsId)
+	{	
+	using namespace NetUps;
+	if ((aNetUpsDecision == EYes || aNetUpsDecision == ESessionYes))
+		{
+		CUpsNetworkMetaConnectionProvider& node = static_cast<CUpsNetworkMetaConnectionProvider&>(iNode);
+		node.IncrementUpsClientHandle(aCommsId);
+		node.SetProviderStatusDown(EFalse);
+		}
+	}
+void CUpsAuthorisationActivity::PerformPolicyCheckRequestActionsL(const Messages::TNodeId& aCommsId)
+	{
+	/**
+	Cache the node id which represents the UPS Client:
+	  For implicit sockets the MCPRs Node is used to represent the client.
+	  For explicit connections, the node id of the CConnection which corresponds
+	   with the client RConnection is used to represent the client.
+	This method is called prior to the MCPR posting a PolicyCheckRequest to the NetUps.   
+	*/
+	using namespace NetUps;
+	CUpsNetworkMetaConnectionProvider& node = static_cast<CUpsNetworkMetaConnectionProvider&>(iNode);
+	node.AddUpsClientCommsIdL(aCommsId);
+	if (aCommsId != node.Id())
+		{
+		node.SetUpsControlClientPresent();
+		}
+	}
+// CUpsNoBearer
+MeshMachine::CNodeActivityBase* CUpsNoBearer::NewL(const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity& aActivitySig, MeshMachine::AMMNodeBase& aNode)
+	{
+	TUint c = GetNextActivityCountL(aActivitySig, aNode);
+	return new (ELeave) CUpsNoBearer(aActivitySig, aNode, c);
+	}
+CUpsNoBearer::CUpsNoBearer(const MeshMachine::TNodeActivity& aActivitySig, MeshMachine::AMMNodeBase& aNode, TUint aNextActivityCount)
+  : CUpsAuthorisationActivity(aActivitySig, aNode, aNextActivityCount)
+	{
+	}
+// Transitions
+DEFINE_NETMCPR_TRANSITION(CUpsNoBearer, TForwardBindToToOriginators)
+void CUpsNoBearer::TForwardBindToToOriginators::DoL()
+Forward a TBindTo received from the core MCprNoBearer activity on to our originators.
+    {
+	NetMCprUpsActivities::CUpsNoBearer* const activity = static_cast<NetMCprUpsActivities::CUpsNoBearer*>(iContext.Activity());
+	// store the activity id to which we need to send the subsequent TBindToComplete
+	const TNodeCtxId& sender = address_cast<const TNodeCtxId>(iContext.iSender);
+  	activity->SetBindToOriginatorActivityId(sender.NodeCtx());
+	// Send TBindTo to originators.  PostToOriginators() will use current activity id and node id
+	// as sender address, so we can re-use the current message without re-constructing a clone.
+	// TODO why did this not work? activity->PostToOriginators(iContext.iMessage);
+	activity->PostRequestTo(
+				address_cast<Messages::TNodeId>(activity->FirstOriginator().RecipientId()),
+				iContext.iMessage);
+    }
+DEFINE_NETMCPR_TRANSITION(CUpsNoBearer, TForwardBearerToOriginators)
+void CUpsNoBearer::TForwardBearerToOriginators::DoL()
+Forward a TBearer received from the core MCprNoBearer activity on to our originators.
+    {
+  	NetMCprUpsActivities::CUpsNoBearer* const activity = static_cast<NetMCprUpsActivities::CUpsNoBearer*>(iContext.Activity());
+	// Send TBearer to originators.  PostToOriginators() will use current activity id and node id
+	// as sender address, so we can re-use the current message without re-constructing a clone.
+	activity->PostToOriginators(iContext.iMessage);
+    activity->SetPostedTo(TNodeId::NullId());
+    }
+DEFINE_NETMCPR_TRANSITION(CUpsNoBearer, TForwardBindToCompleteToSelf)
+void CUpsNoBearer::TForwardBindToCompleteToSelf::DoL()
+Forward a TBindToComplete from our originators on to the core MCprNoBearer activity.
+    {
+	const TNodeId& self = iContext.Node().Id();
+	iContext.Activity()->PostRequestTo(self, iContext.iMessage);
+    }
+// State Forks
+TInt CUpsNoBearer::TNoTagOrInvokeUps::TransitionTag()
+Determine whether Networking usage of UPS functionality is "short-circuited" off or not.
+@TODO PREQ1116 - should this be in coreMCpr ?
+	{
+	const CUpsNetworkMetaConnectionProvider& node = iContext.Node();
+	TInt tag = KNoTag;	
+	if (!node.UpsDisabled())		// Note: UpsDisabled() is an optimisation - result of FindExtension() could also be used.
+		{
+		const Meta::SMetaData* const extension = 
+			iContext.Node().AccessPointConfig().FindExtension(STypeId::CreateSTypeId(CUPSAccessPointConfigExt::EUPSAccessPointConfigUid, CUPSAccessPointConfigExt::ETypeId));
+		if (extension)
+			{
+			const CUPSAccessPointConfigExt* const upsExt = static_cast<const CUPSAccessPointConfigExt*>(extension);
+			// KErrCompletion is a special error code which indicates that we should not perform
+			// any UPS checking, as this will be performed by a higher layer.
+			if  (upsExt->GetPolicyCheckResult() != KErrCompletion)
+				{
+				tag = CUpsNoBearer::KInvokeUps;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	return tag;
+	}