changeset 0 af10295192d8
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/networkprotocols/tcpipv4v6prt/inc/iface.h	Tue Jan 26 15:23:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// iface.h - IPv6/IPv4 interface and route manager
+ @internalComponent
+#ifndef __IFACE_H__
+#define __IFACE_H__
+// The preprocessor symbol: ARP
+// ----------------------------
+// Add code for doing IPv4 Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) on
+// IPv4 interfaces that specify "NeedNd". (also needed in ip6.cpp)
+#undef ARP
+#define ARP	1		// include IPv4 ARP code always for now.
+//RFC 5006 definitions
+#define RDNSSMINLEN 24 // Minimum Length is 3 for a single Address i.e (8 * 3 = 24 Octets)
+#include <e32base.h>
+#include <ip6_hook.h>
+#include <in_bind.h>
+#include <icmp6_hdr.h>
+// The special returns from StartSending and Error calls are
+//	The generic rules are as follows:
+//		returns > 0,	ready to send data out (was not possible previously)
+//		returns = 0,	no further action required
+//		returns < 0,	interface is down
+const TInt KIfaceTransition_UP		= 2;	// Interface changed from PENDING/DOWN to READY
+const TInt KIfaceTransition_READY	= 1;	// Interface changed from HOLD to READY
+const TInt KIfaceTransition_NONE	= 0;	// No change in the interface state (only PENDING, READY or HOLD)
+const TInt KIfaceTransition_DOWN	= KErrNotReady;	// (never compare return value against this directly!), only for < 0.
+class TIcmpTypeCode
+	/**
+	* A help class to package both IPv4 and IPv6 ICMP type and code.
+	*
+	* This is just a parameter to MNetworkServiceExtension::IcmpWrap method.
+	*/
+	{
+	TIcmpTypeCode(TUint8 a4type, TUint8 a4code, TUint8 a6type, TUint8 a6code)
+		: i4type(a4type), i4code(a4code), i6type(a6type), i6code(a6code) {}
+	const TUint8 i4type;
+	const TUint8 i4code;
+	const TUint8 i6type;
+	const TUint8 i6code;
+	};
+//	MNetworkServiceExtension
+//	************************
+//	Extends the MNetworkService with additional private methods
+//	which are only used betwen the interface manager and IP
+//	protocol instance.
+class CNifIfBase;
+class MNetworkServiceExtension : public MNetworkService
+	{
+	// InterfaceAtteched is called just after the CNifIfBase pointer has
+	// been stored into the internal interface manager instance (CIp6Interface),
+	// aIf->Open() has been called.
+	virtual void InterfaceAttached(const TDesC &aName, CNifIfBase *aIf) = 0;
+	// InterfaceDetached is called just before the CNifIfBase pointer is going
+	// going to be removed from the internal interface managere instance
+	// (CIp6Interface) and before the aIf->Close() is being called.
+	virtual void InterfaceDetached(const TDesC &aName, CNifIfBase *aIf) = 0;
+	// Wrap a packet into ICMP error reply
+	virtual void IcmpWrap(RMBufChain &aPacket, const TIcmpTypeCode aIcmp, const TUint32 aParameter = 0, const TInt aMC = 0) = 0;
+	// Fragment packet to specificied MTU
+	virtual TBool Fragment(RMBufSendPacket &aPacket, RMBufSendInfo &aInfo, TInt aMtu, RMBufPktQ &aFragments) = 0;
+	};
+//	CIfManager
+//	**********
+class MNifIfUser;
+class MFlowManager;
+class CFlowContext;
+class RTimeout;
+class CIfManager : public CBase, public MInterfaceManager
+	{
+	friend class CProtocolFamilyInet6;
+	//
+	// Construct and destruct (only used by the INET6 Family object)
+	//
+	static CIfManager *NewL();
+	virtual ~CIfManager() {}
+	virtual CFlowContext *NewFlowL(const void *aOwner, MFlowManager *aManager, TUint aProtocol) = 0;
+	virtual CFlowContext *NewFlowL(const void *aOwner, MFlowManager *aManager, CFlowContext &aFlow) = 0;
+	virtual TInt SetChanged() const = 0;
+	//
+	//
+	virtual TInt StartSending(CNifIfBase *aIface) = 0;
+	virtual TInt Error(TInt aError, CNifIfBase *aIface) = 0;
+	//
+	// Protocol registering (iNifUsers list)
+	//
+	virtual MNifIfUser *Register(MNetworkServiceExtension *aService) = 0;	// Makes protocol visible to interfaces
+	virtual void Unregister(MNetworkServiceExtension *aService) = 0;		// Removes protocol (called from protocol destructor)
+	//
+	//  IcmpError() is only intended to be used from the
+	//	IcmpError() method of the IP protocol instance. The
+	//	packet in the aHead is in "unpacked" state, and it
+	//	begins with the returned IP header.
+	//	Returns
+	//	> 0,if packet has been released (not a normal
+	//		situation, as this would prevent it reaching
+	//		the upper layers)
+	//	= 0,if ICMP noted and can be passed to the
+	//		appropriate upper layer protocol
+	//	> 0,NOT USED CURRENTLY! (treat as = 0)
+	//	The first reason for this method is to get the
+	//	path MTU mechanism implemented.
+	//
+	virtual TInt IcmpError(RMBufRecvPacket &aPacket, RMBufRecvInfo &aInfo) = 0;
+	virtual TInt IcmpHandler(RMBufRecvPacket &aPacket, RMBufRecvInfo &aInfo) = 0;
+#ifdef ARP
+	virtual TInt ArpHandler(RMBufRecvPacket &aPacket, RMBufRecvInfo &aInfo) = 0;
+	virtual TInt IsForMePacket(RMBufRecvInfo &aInfo) const = 0;
+	virtual void SetTimer(RTimeout &aHandle, TUint32 aDelay) = 0;
+	virtual TInt GetIniValue(const TDesC &aSection, const TDesC &aName, TInt aDefault = 0, TInt aMin = 0, TInt aMax = 1) = 0;
+	};
+static const TInt KLoopbackMcastMetric = 0xffff;
+    //< Metric set for multicast routes on loopback interface
+#ifdef _LOG
+// Internal help function for logging only
+//extern void PktLog(const TDesC &aFormat, const RMBufPktInfo &aInfo, const TDesC &aName);
+extern void PktLog(const TDesC &aFormat, const RMBufPktInfo &aInfo, TUint aIndex, const TDesC &aName);
+//RFC-5006 Changes
+typedef TUint32 TRdnssLifetime;
+class TRdnssOptionData
+//Class to read RDNSS option data from TInet6OptionICMP_DnsInformationV1
+    {
+    TRdnssLifetime iStoredRdnssLifeTime; // (life time + system time) at which iRDNSS address becomes invalid   
+    TInetAddr iRDNSSaddress;             //128 bit DNS address
+    };
+class TRdnssSortData
+//Class to Sort RDNSS Server List data
+    {
+    TRdnssLifetime iStoredRdnssLifeTime; // (life time + system time) at which iRDNSS address becomes invalid   
+    TInt iRdnssServerListIndex;          //index corresponds to iRdnssArrayList entries
+    };
+//Class to Manage RDNSS option data from TInet6OptionICMP_DnsInformationV1
+class CManageRdnssServerList: public CBase
+@ internalTechnology
+    {
+    static CManageRdnssServerList *NewL();
+    ~CManageRdnssServerList();
+    // Functions to Process RDNSS Option and Manage RDNSS server List
+    void RdnssProcessOptionData(TInet6OptionICMP_DnsInformationV1 aRdnssOption, TUint8 aNumRdnssAddr);
+    TBool RdnssParseOptionHdr(TInet6OptionICMP_DnsInformationV1 aRdnssOption, TUint8& aNumRdnssAddr );  
+    void RdnssServerListUpdate(TInet6OptionICMP_DnsInformationV1 aRdnssIcmpOption, TUint8 aNumRdnssAddr);
+    TBool RdnssServerListSync(TInetAddr& aNameSer1, TInetAddr& aNameSer2);
+    // Functions to syncrhonise NameServer Entries
+    void RdnssNameServerUpdate(TInetAddr& aNameSer, TUint8 aNameSerIndex);
+    void RdnssNameServerSync(TInt aRdnssIndex, TInetAddr& aNameSer1, TInetAddr& aNameSer2 ); 
+    void RdnssNameServerReset(TInetAddr& aNameSer, TInt& aDdnsflag);
+    //RArray Wrapper Functions
+    inline TInt CountRdnssEntry() {  return iRdnssArrayList.Count(); }
+    inline TInt CountRdnssLifetimeEntry() { return iRdnssLifetimeArrayList.Count(); }
+    TBool InsertRdnssEntryL(TRdnssOptionData& aRdnssEntry, TInt aIndex);    
+    void DeleteRdnssEntry(TInt aRdnssArrayIndex);
+    void DeleteRdnssLifetimeEntry(TInt aRdnssArrayIndex);
+    //Miscallaneous Utitility Functions
+    TRdnssOptionData& GetRdnssEntryRef(TInt aIndex);
+    TRdnssSortData& GetRdnssLifetimeEntryRef(TInt aIndex);
+    TBool RdnssEntryExists(const TIp6Addr& aRdnssAddr, TInt& aIndex);   
+    TInt& GetRdnssFlag();
+    void SetStoredLifeTime(TInt aIndex, TRdnssOptionData aRdnssData);    
+    void RdnssExpireLeastEntry(TRdnssOptionData aRdnssRcvData);
+    void RdnssServerListDelete();
+    void RdnssServerListSort();
+    void RdnssServerListCopyL();    
+    void PrintRdnssServerList(TUint8 aIndex);
+    void PrintRdnssLifetimeList(TUint8 aIndex);    
+    void RdnssLifetimeListDelete();
+    // Return the number of seconds between the given time (aStamp) and
+    // the time when interface was activated (iTimeStamp). aStamp must
+    // always be same of after iTimeStamp.      
+    TRdnssLifetime Elapsed(const TTime &aStamp) const;
+    TRdnssLifetime GetRemainingLifeTime(TInt aRdnssEntryindex);
+    TRdnssLifetime ElapsedLifeTime(TRdnssOptionData aRdnssEntry);
+    CManageRdnssServerList();
+    void ConstructL();                            // Two Phase construction
+    TTime iCurrentTimeStamp;                      // TimeStamp at which RDNSS data is stored
+    TInt  iRouterLifeTime;                        // Router lifetime
+    TInt  iRdnssFlag;                              // RDNSS Flag associated with Resolver repository1 and Repository2
+    RArray<TRdnssOptionData> iRdnssArrayList;     // RDNSS Server List [index 0 set to iNameserver1, index 1 set to iNameServer2]
+    RArray<TRdnssSortData>   iRdnssLifetimeArrayList;// RDNSS Dummy Server List for sorting Lifetime
+ };