changeset 0 af10295192d8
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/networksecurity/tlsprovider/inc/tlsprovtokeninterfaces.h	Tue Jan 26 15:23:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,468 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+ @file 
+ @publishedPartner
+ @released
+#include <tlstypedef.h>
+#include <hash.h>
+#include <ct.h>
+#include <tlsprovtokeninterfaces_internal.h>
+// forward declarations 
+class CCTCertInfo;
+class CCTKeyInfo;
+/**@ingroup tlsprovider */
+class MTLSTokenProvider : public MCTTokenInterface
+This an interface to a cryptographic token that is capable to provide services 
+for TLS/SSL protocols. 
+	{
+ public:
+	virtual const TDesC& Label() = 0;
+	/**
+	Provides information about session associated with given server 
+	indicated by aServerName argument. If a session has previously been established 
+	to that server and remains held in the cache of the token and is resumable then 
+	on completion, the aOutputSessionData will contain that session id, cipher 
+	suite and protocol version information. 
+	The aAcceptableCipherSuites and aAcceptableProtVersions parameters allow to impose
+	additional conditions on the retrieved session. That is if any of them is non-empty
+	then returned aOutputSessionData.iSessionId will be non trivial only when 
+	the cipher suite and/or protocol version of cached session match some 
+	cipher suite/protocol version included in the lists passed in the arguments.
+	If no resumable session to the server is cached or cached sessions don't satisfy 
+	conditions imposed by a caller, aOutputSessionData.iSessionId will be zero length. 
+	@released
+	@param aServerName the name of the server the TLS protocol is intending to connect to
+	@param aAcceptableProtVersions	a list of protocol versions, can be empty
+	@param aOutputSessionData session data retrieved from the cache 
+	@param aStatus asynchronous request status set on the completion 
+	@see CTLSProvider::GetSession
+	*/
+	virtual void GetSession(
+		const TTLSServerAddr& aServerName,
+		RArray<TTLSProtocolVersion>& aAcceptableProtVersions,
+		TTLSSessionData& aOutputSessionData, 
+		TRequestStatus& aStatus) = 0;
+	/**
+	Clears a session identified by aServerName and aSession.iId from associated token's
+	cache.
+	The operation may fail if session cached in the token is in use. 
+	@released
+	@param aServerName the name of the server the TLS protocol tried to connect to
+	@param aSession the session identifier object relating to the server 
+					indicated in the first parameter
+	@param aResult a result of the operation: ETrue if cache cleared, EFalse if not
+	@param aStatus asynchronous request status set on the completion 
+	*/
+	virtual void ClearSessionCache(
+		const TTLSServerAddr& aServerName, 
+		TTLSSessionId& aSession, 
+		TBool& aResult, 
+		TRequestStatus& aStatus) = 0;
+	/** 
+	Retrieves list of protocol versions, key exchange algorithms and signature algorithms
+	supported by the token.
+	@released
+	@param aProtocols a list of supported protocol versions is returned in 
+						this parameter
+	@param aKeyExchAlgs a list of supported key exchange algorithms is returned in 
+						this parameter
+	@param aSigAlgs a list of supported signature algorithms is returned in 
+						this parameter
+	@param aStatus asynchronous request status set on the completion 
+	*/
+	virtual void CryptoCapabilities( 
+		RArray<TTLSProtocolVersion>& aProtocols,
+		RArray<TTLSKeyExchangeAlgorithm>& aKeyExchAlgs,
+		RArray<TTLSSignatureAlgorithm>& aSigAlgs,
+		TRequestStatus& aStatus) = 0;
+	/**
+	Cancels corresponding asynchronous request.
+	@released
+	*/
+	virtual void CancelGetSession() = 0;
+	/**
+	Cancels corresponding asynchronous request.
+	@released
+	*/
+	virtual void CancelCryptoCapabilities() = 0;
+	/**
+	Cancels corresponding asynchronous request.
+	@released
+	*/
+	virtual void CancelClearSessionCache() = 0;
+	};
+class MTLSSession : public MCTTokenInterface
+This is an interface to a cryptographic token for the cryptographic services 
+required by the TLS/SSL protocols. 
+	{
+ public:
+ 	/**
+	The enumeration used by PHash method in order to identify the type of operation
+	to be performed.
+	@released
+	*/
+	enum TPHashOp { 
+		/**
+		Key block generation.
+		*/
+		EKeyBlockOp, 
+		/**
+		Calculations for Server Finished message.
+		*/
+		EServerFinishedOp, 
+		/**
+		Calculations for Client Finished message.
+		*/
+		EClientFinishedOp,
+		/**
+		Calculations for CertificateVerify message
+		*/
+		ECertificateVerifyOp };
+	virtual const TDesC& Label() = 0;
+	/**
+	Initialisation method. Should allocate memory for internally stored 
+	information about the session. The concrete implementation of MTLSSession 
+	abstract class should hold information about session identifier, cipher suite 
+	and a protocol version. This information is provided in the arguments of this method.
+	It is supposed that the information will be stored in class' member variables 
+	(which implies that the method doesn't need to talk to asynchronous device and
+	that's why the method is synchronous).
+	@released
+	@param aSessionNameAndID a server name and session identifier
+	@param aCipherSuite a cipher suite selected for the session
+	@param aCompressionMethod a compression method identifier
+	@param aVersion a TLS/SSL protocol version number
+	@param aResume ETrue if caller wants to resume cached session, EFalse otherwise
+	@leave KTLSBadProtocolVersion if the protocol version passed in the parameter 
+									is not supported by the token 
+	@leave KTLSBadCipherSuite if the cipher suite passed in the parameter is not supported 
+								by the token 
+	@leave KTLSErrNotCached if resumption of session is attempted but appropriate entry 
+							missing in the cache
+	@leave KTLSErrCacheEntryInUse if resumption of session is attempted but appropriate 
+									entry is set to non resumable
+	@leave KErrNoMemory if it not able to allocate memory for the object's members
+	*/
+	virtual void InitL(
+		const TTLSSessionNameAndID& aSessionNameAndID, 
+		const TTLSCipherSuite& aCipherSuite,
+		const TTLSCompressionMethod& aCompressionMethod,
+		const TTLSProtocolVersion& aVersion,
+		TBool aResume ) = 0;
+	/** 
+	Used to retrieve client certificate information from cache. 
+	@released
+	@param aCertInfo returned client certificate information, set to NULL if 
+					no certificate information is cached
+	@param aStatus asynchronous request status set on the completion 
+	*/
+	virtual void ClientCertificate(
+				CCTCertInfo*& aCertInfo,
+				TRequestStatus& aStatus) = 0; 
+	/**
+	Used to retrieve server certificate from a session cache. The certificates may not be available 
+	if the token has no capability of storing server certificates. 
+	@released
+	@param aEncodedServerCert encoded server certificate retrieved from cache, 
+								NULL if server certificate isn't stored in cache
+	@param aStatus asynchronous request status set on the completion 
+	*/
+	virtual void ServerCertificate(
+						HBufC8*& aEncodedServerCert,
+						TRequestStatus& aStatus ) = 0;
+	/**
+	Provides the contents of ClientKeyExchange message to TLS/SSL protocol. That is,
+	pre-master secret encrypted with server RSA public key in case of RSA key exchange method 
+	or DH public value in case of Diffie-Hellman ephemeral key exchange method. 
+	When the method completes, a pre-master secret is generated (so the implementation 
+	of this method for WIM should use either WIM-KeyTransport or WIM-KeyAgreement primitive) 
+	and a master secret is generated as well (which implies that also WIM-DeriveMasterSecret 
+	primitive in WIM implementation should have been called). 
+	When the method completes the session can be already stored in the token's cache. 
+	However mustn't be set to resumable until MTLSSession::ConnectionEstablished method is called.
+	It is recommended to apply the following policy of managing the cache: if there is no memory 
+	for new entry in the cache the memory should be released by removing the oldest 
+	unused session.
+	It is probably reasonable to lock the WIM for the duration of this method but it is left as 
+	an internal decision of WIM supplier to do so.
+	@released
+	@pre object should have been initialised by call to InitL
+	@post master secret is generated
+	@param aMasterSecretInput input needed for master secret generation (client and server
+								random values)
+	@param aClientHelloVersion protocol version number sent in client hello message
+	@param aEncodedServerCert server certificate in encoded format (as received from the server)
+	@param aKeyParams structure with server public key parameters retrieved from ServerKeyExchange 
+						message, the type flag of the TTLSPublicKeyParams structure should indicate appropriate
+						key exchange algorithm to use; the parameter should be set to NULL if 
+						is irrelevant for selected cipher suite
+	@param aClientKeyExch buffer with key exchange message contents (output parameter)
+	@param aStatus asynchronous request status set on the completion 
+	*/
+	virtual void ClientKeyExchange(
+						const TTLSMasterSecretInput& aMasterSecretInput,
+						const TTLSProtocolVersion& aClientHelloVersion,
+						const TDes8& aEncodedServerCert, 
+						const CTLSPublicKeyParams* aKeyParams, 
+						HBufC8*& aClientKeyExch, 
+						TRequestStatus& aStatus ) = 0;
+	/**
+	Used to generate the key material for security parameters used during bulk data 
+	encryption/decryption (server and client: keys, MAC secrets, IVs). The method is also
+	to be used to calculate Finish Check. In case of TLS the calculations are done by TLS PRF 
+	which uses master secret, label and input string to generate hash. 
+	In case of SSL the calculations should be performed using algorithms specified in SSL3.0 
+	specification. 
+	The type of operation to be performed is indicated by an aOperation argument of type: 
+	enum {EKeyBlockOp, EServerFinishedOp, EClientFinishedOp, ECertificateVerifyOp} TPHashOp. 
+	This enumerated type is defined  within scope of MTLSSession class. 
+	In case of keys generation, an aInputData parameter should be: 
+		TLS case:
+			"key expansion" + server_random + client_random,
+		SSL case:
+			server_random + client_random.
+	In case of Finish Check calculation aInputData should be: 
+		TLS case:
+			"client finished" + MD5(handshake_messages) + SHA-1(handshake_messages),
+			"server finished" + MD5(handshake_messages) + SHA-1(handshake_messages),
+		SSL case:
+			handshake_msgs + Sender.server,
+			handshake_msgs + Sender.client
+	(where Sender is defined as: enum { client(0x434C4E54), server(0x53525652) } Sender; - compare 
+	with specification for SSL3.0).
+	Apart from the above cases the method should be used in SSL case for generation of hash 
+	for client's CertificateVerify message (the calculations require use of master secret). 
+	In the latter case aInputData parameter should be:
+		handshake_msgs.
+	@released
+	@pre master secret should have been generated before (by call to ClientKeyExchange)
+	@param aInputData the data which is to be used as a seed for computations 
+					(master secret is concatenated with aInputData),
+	@param aOutput the result of the operation - key block (to be partitioned to required security 
+					parameters) or finish check (depending on the input) or certificte verify check
+	@param aOperation this argument indicates a type of operation that the method should perform
+	@param aStatus asynchronous request status set on the completion 
+	*/
+	virtual void PHash(
+		const TDesC8& aInputData, 
+		HBufC8*& aOutput, 
+		const TPHashOp& aOperation, 
+		TRequestStatus& aStatus) = 0;
+	/**
+	Used to generate Finished check or Certificate Verify check in SSL case. 
+	Thus the type of operation to be performed is indicated by an aOperation argument 
+	(of type TPHashOp) can be either:
+	EServerFinishedOp or EClientFinishedOp or ECertificateVerifyOp.
+	The method takes pointers to MD5 and SHA hashing objects updated before
+	the call (but not finalized) with:
+		handshake_msgs + Sender.server
+		or
+		handshake_msgs + Sender.client
+	(in case of Finished check),
+		or:
+		handshake_msgs
+	(in case of Certificate Verify check).
+	@released
+	@param aMd5Digest the pointer to MD5 hashing object updated with appropriate input
+	@param aShaDigest the pointer to SHA hashing object updated with appropriate input
+	@param aOutput the result of the operation - cleint or server finish check 
+					(depending on the input) 
+	@param aOperation this argument indicates a type of operation that the method should perform
+	@param aStatus asynchronous request status set on the completion 
+	*/
+	virtual void PHash(
+		CMessageDigest* aMd5Digest, 
+		CMessageDigest* aShaDigest,
+		HBufC8*& aOutput, 
+		const TPHashOp& aOperation,
+		TRequestStatus& aStatus ) = 0;
+	/**
+	Used to sign given input with client private key. The private key comes matches the public key 
+	from client certificate selected for authentication.
+	@released
+	@pre master secret should have been generated before (by call to ClientKeyExchange)
+	@param aInput message to be signed
+	@param aSignature signature of aInput (output paramter) 
+	@param aCertInfo structure containing information about certificate selected for
+					client authentication
+	@param aKeyInfo structure containing information about private key matching public key from 
+					client certificate, this key is used for signing
+	@param aStatus asynchronous request status set on the completion 
+	*/
+	virtual void ComputeDigitalSignature(
+		const TDesC8& aInput, 
+		HBufC8*& aSignature, 
+		CCTCertInfo& aCertInfo,
+		CCTKeyInfo& aKeyInfo,
+		TRequestStatus& aStatus) = 0;
+	/**
+	Called when handshake is finished. Used to inform the token whether handshake
+	was successful or not. If yes, the session data will be stored in the cache and 
+	marked as resumable. 
+	Otherwise the session should be removed from the cache.
+	Additional parameters tell whether Server and Client authentication was successful.
+	This information is added to the cache.
+	@released
+	@pre object should have been initialised (by call to InitL) and master secret generated
+		(by call to ClientKeyExchange) before call to this method
+	@post session is cached in case of successful handshake 
+	@param aSuccessful ETrue if handshake successfully completed, EFalse otherwise
+	@param aServerAuthenticated ETrue if Server authenticated, EFalse otherwise
+	@param aClientAuthenticated ETrue if Client authenticated, EFalse otherwise
+	@param aStatus asynchronous request status set on the completion 
+	*/
+	virtual void ConnectionEstablished( TBool aSuccessful,
+										TBool aServerAuthenticated,
+										TBool aClientAuthenticated,
+										TRequestStatus& aStatus ) = 0;
+	/** 
+	Cancels corresponding asynchronous request.
+	@released
+	*/
+	virtual void CancelClientCertificate() = 0;
+	/**
+	Cancels corresponding asynchronous request.
+	@released
+	*/
+	virtual void CancelServerCertificate() = 0;
+	/**
+	Cancels corresponding asynchronous request.
+	@released
+	*/
+	virtual void CancelClientKeyExchange() = 0;
+	/**
+	Cancels corresponding asynchronous request.
+	@released
+	*/
+	virtual void CancelPHash() = 0;
+	/**
+	Cancels corresponding asynchronous request.
+	@released
+	*/
+	virtual void CancelComputeDigitalSignature() = 0;
+	/**
+	Cancels corresponding asynchronous request.
+	@released
+	*/
+	virtual void CancelConnectionEstablished() = 0;
+	/**
+	This synchronous method provides the EAP string that is derived or 
+	computed from master secret key, "client key encryption" string (or any
+	string from client), client and server hello random values. The EAP
+	string returned would be of 128 + 64 bytes length. 
+	@pre object should have been initialised (by call to InitL) and master 
+		 secret generated (by call to ClientKeyExchange) before call to this method
+	@post session is cached in case of successful handshake 
+	@param aLabel			   Contains the string "client key encryption".
+	@param aMasterSecretInput  The structure containing "Client and Server Random" binary data.
+	@param aKeyingMaterial     Contains the EAP 128 + 64 bytes string.
+	*/
+	virtual TInt KeyDerivation(
+		const TDesC8& aLabel, 
+		const TTLSMasterSecretInput& aMasterSecretInput, 
+		TDes8& aKeyingMaterial);
+	};
+#ifdef _BullseyeCoverage
+#pragma suppress_warnings on
+#pragma BullseyeCoverage save off
+inline TInt MTLSSession::KeyDerivation(	
+		const TDesC8& /*aLabel*/, 
+		const TTLSMasterSecretInput& /*aMasterSecretInput*/, 
+		TDes8& /*aKeyingMaterial*/)
+	{
+	return KErrNotSupported;
+	}
+#ifdef _BullseyeCoverage
+#pragma BullseyeCoverage restore
+#pragma suppress_warnings off
+/** @} */