--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tcpiputils/dhcp/src/DHCPIP6IA.cpp Tue Jan 26 15:23:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// Implements the DHCPIP6 Identity Association classes
+ @file DHCPIP6IA.cpp
+ @internalTechnology
+#include "DHCPIP6IA.h"
+#include "DHCP_Std.h"
+#include "DHCPServer.h"
+#include <comms-infras/metatypearray.h>
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+#include <e32property.h>
+using namespace DHCPv6;
+COptionNode* CDHCPOptionIA_TA::NewL()
+ {
+ return new(ELeave)CDHCPOptionIA_TA();
+ }
+COptionNode* CDHCPOptionIA_NA::NewL()
+ {
+ return new(ELeave)CDHCPOptionIA_NA();
+ }
+ {
+ iNext = NULL; //prevent the base from deleting its members
+ }
+TInt CDHCPOptionIAAddress::GetAddressOptionL( TPtr8& aPtr, SIPAddressInfo& aAddressInfo )
+ {
+ if ( aPtr.Length() <= KOptionHeaderLength ||
+ TBigEndian::GetValue( aPtr.Ptr() + KOptionCodeOffset, KOptionCodeLen ) != EIaAddr )
+ {
+ return KErrNotFound;
+ }
+ ParseL( aPtr );
+ aPtr.Set( GetBodyDes() );
+ iRecord.ParseL( aPtr );
+ // Must ensure IP6 address is word aligned! So declare it locally
+ TIp6Addr ip6addr;
+ Mem::Copy(&ip6addr,iAddress.GetBodyPtr(),KIp6AddressLength);
+ aAddressInfo.iAddress.SetAddress( ip6addr );
+ aAddressInfo.iPreferredLifeTime = iPreferredLifeTime.GetBigEndian();
+ aAddressInfo.iValidLifeTime = iValidLifeTime.GetBigEndian();
+ CDHCPOptionStatusCode* pStatus = static_cast<CDHCPOptionStatusCode*>(GetOptions().FindOption( EStatusCode ));
+ aAddressInfo.iStatusCode = pStatus ? pStatus->GetStatusCode() : ESuccess;
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TInt CDHCPOptionIAAddress::AddAddressOptionL( TPtr8& aPtr, SIPAddressInfo& aAddressInfo, TStatusCodes aStatusCodeToSend )
+ {
+ InitialiseL(aPtr);
+ CDHCPOptionStatusCode* option = NULL;
+ if(aStatusCodeToSend != EStatusUnknown)
+ {
+ option = static_cast<CDHCPOptionStatusCode*>(iOptions.AddNodeL(EStatusCode, KDHCPOptionStatusCodeLength));
+ }
+ iRecord.InitialiseL(aPtr);
+ Header().SetInitialValue(KDHCPOptionIAAddressWithStatusCodeLength - KOptionHeaderLength);
+ SetLength();
+ SetOpCode(static_cast<TUint>(EIaAddr));
+ TIp6Addr* ip6addr = reinterpret_cast<TIp6Addr*>(iAddress.GetBodyPtr() );
+ //-- carefully copy one object to another. See function description
+ ObjectByteCopy(ip6addr, &aAddressInfo.iAddress.Ip6Address());
+ iPreferredLifeTime.SetBigEndian( aAddressInfo.iPreferredLifeTime );
+ iValidLifeTime.SetBigEndian( aAddressInfo.iValidLifeTime );
+ if(option)
+ {
+ option->SetOpCode(static_cast<TUint>(EStatusCode));
+ option->SetStatusCode(aStatusCodeToSend);
+ }
+ return KErrNone;
+ }
+TPtr8 CDHCPOptionIA_TA::GetOptionsDes() const
+ {
+ TPtr8 ptr(GetBodyDes());
+ TInt len = ptr.Length() - KDHCPOptionIA_NATInitLength;
+ return TPtr8( const_cast<TUint8*>(ptr.Ptr()) + KDHCPOptionIA_IAIDLength, len, len );
+ }
+TPtr8 CDHCPOptionIA_NA::GetOptionsDes() const
+ {
+ TPtr8 ptr(GetBodyDes());
+ TInt len = ptr.Length() - KDHCPOptionIA_NATInitLength;
+ return TPtr8( const_cast<TUint8*>(ptr.Ptr()) + KDHCPOptionIA_NATInitLength, len, len );
+ }
+START_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE( SIdentityAssociationConfigInfo, KDHCPv6Persinstence, 0 )
+ REGISTER_ATTRIBUTE( SIdentityAssociationConfigInfo, iIAID, TMetaNumber )
+ REGISTER_ATTRIBUTE( SIdentityAssociationConfigInfo, iAddressInfo, TMetaArray<SIPAddressInfo> )
+void SIdentityAssociationConfigInfo::Reset()
+ {
+ TDhcpRnd rnd;
+ iIAID = rnd.Rnd( KDHCPv6IA_NANumberSpaceMin, KDHCPv6IA_NANumberSpaceMax );
+ iAddressInfo.Reset();
+ }
+void SIdentityAssociationConfigInfo::SetAddressStatus( TInt aIndex, TStatusCodes aStatusCode )
+ {
+ if ( aIndex == KAddrIndexAll )
+ {
+ TInt count = iAddressInfo.Count();
+ for(TInt addrInfoIdx=0;addrInfoIdx<count;addrInfoIdx++)
+ {
+ iAddressInfo[addrInfoIdx].iStatusCode = aStatusCode;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iAddressInfo[aIndex].iStatusCode = aStatusCode;
+ }
+ }
+TInt SIdentityAssociationConfigInfo::AddressInfo( TInt aIndex, TStatusCodes aStatusCode ) const
+ {
+ TInt count = iAddressInfo.Count();
+ for(TInt addrInfoIdx=aIndex;addrInfoIdx<count;addrInfoIdx++)
+ {
+ if ( (iAddressInfo[addrInfoIdx].iStatusCode & EStatusUnknown) == aStatusCode )
+ {
+ return addrInfoIdx + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return KErrNotFound;
+ }
+TInt SIdentityAssociationConfigInfo::AddAddressesL( CDHCPOptionIA& aDHCPOptionIA, TMessageType aMessageType )
+ {
+ TInt addrInfoIdx = 0;
+ TStatusCodes statusCode = EStatusUnknown;
+ TStatusCodes statusCodeToSend = EStatusUnknown;
+ TInt remove = 0;
+ switch(aMessageType)
+ {
+ case ESolicit:
+ break;
+ case ERequest:
+ statusCode = EMarkToRequest;
+ break;
+ case EConfirm:
+ case ERenew:
+ case ERebind:
+ statusCode = ESuccess;
+ statusCodeToSend = ESuccess;
+ break;
+ case ERelease:
+ statusCode = EMarkForRelease;
+ statusCodeToSend = ESuccess;
+ remove = 1;
+ break;
+ case EDecline:
+ statusCode = EMarkForDecline;
+ statusCodeToSend = ENoBinding;
+ remove = 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ //make a room for address options
+ TInt len = aDHCPOptionIA.GetLength();
+ TInt newlen = len + (KDHCPOptionIAAddressWithStatusCodeLength * iAddressInfo.Count());
+ //see DhcpIP6Msg.h comment !!!!BEWARE as to how the msg buffer allocation is handled
+ //so far
+ CDHCPOptionIAAddress* optionIaAddress = CDHCPOptionIAAddress::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL( optionIaAddress );
+ TPtr8 ptr( aDHCPOptionIA.GetBodyPtr(), len, newlen );
+ ptr.SetLength( len );
+ while ( (addrInfoIdx = AddressInfo( addrInfoIdx, statusCode )) != KErrNotFound )
+ {
+ SIPAddressInfo& addressInfo = iAddressInfo[addrInfoIdx - 1];
+ optionIaAddress->AddAddressOptionL( ptr, addressInfo, statusCodeToSend );
+ if ( remove )
+ {
+ iAddressInfo.Remove( --addrInfoIdx );
+ }
+ }
+ //write the IA option len into the msg buffer
+ aDHCPOptionIA.Header().SetInitialValue( ptr.Length() );
+ aDHCPOptionIA.SetLength();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ return ptr.Length() - len; //return te length of what we've just put in (address options)
+ }
+void SIdentityAssociationConfigInfo::ExtractAddressesL( CDHCPOptionIA& aDHCPOptionIA, TUint32 aRebindTimeSpan )
+ {
+ CDHCPOptionIAAddress* optionIaAddress = CDHCPOptionIAAddress::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL( optionIaAddress );
+ TPtr8 ptr( aDHCPOptionIA.GetOptionsDes() );
+ SIPAddressInfo addressInfoNew;
+ while (optionIaAddress->GetAddressOptionL( ptr, addressInfoNew ) == KErrNone)
+ {
+ iAddressInfo.AppendL( addressInfoNew );
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
+ //check validity and remove what's not needed
+ for(TInt addrInfoIdx=0;addrInfoIdx<iAddressInfo.Count();addrInfoIdx++)
+ {
+ SIPAddressInfo& addressInfo = iAddressInfo[addrInfoIdx];
+/*the RFC3315 doesn't explicitly say this but since it says:
+[At time T2(our aRebindTimeSpan) for an IA the client initiates a Rebind/Reply message exchange
+with any available server. The message exchange is terminated when the valid lifetimes of all
+the addresses assigned to the IA expire]
+the following check seems like a good idea*/
+ if ( addressInfo.iPreferredLifeTime > addressInfo.iValidLifeTime ||
+ aRebindTimeSpan > addressInfo.iValidLifeTime ||
+ addressInfo.iStatusCode != ESuccess )
+ {
+ addressInfo.iStatusCode = EMarkForDecline;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+START_ATTRIBUTE_TABLE( SIdentityAssociationConfigInfoNA, KDHCPv6Persinstence, 0 )
+ REGISTER_ATTRIBUTE( SIdentityAssociationConfigInfoNA, iT1, TMetaNumber )
+ REGISTER_ATTRIBUTE( SIdentityAssociationConfigInfoNA, iT2, TMetaNumber )
+void SIdentityAssociationConfigInfoNA::ExtractIAOptionInfoL( CDHCPOptionIA_NA& aDHCPOptionIA )
+ {
+ iT1 = aDHCPOptionIA.GetT1();
+ iT2 = aDHCPOptionIA.GetT2();
+ ExtractAddressesL( aDHCPOptionIA, iT2 );
+ }
+void TInterfaceConfigInfo::AppendIAOptionsL(CDHCPMessageHeaderIP6& aMessage, TMessageType aMessageType)
+ {
+ CDHCPOptionIA_NA* pIA_NA = static_cast<CDHCPOptionIA_NA*>(aMessage.AddOptionL(EIaNa, KDHCPOptionIA_NATInitLength));
+ pIA_NA->SetIAID(iSIdentityAssociationConfigInfoNA.IaId());
+ // indicate no preference for T1 and T2
+ pIA_NA->SetT1(KIA_NoTimePreference);
+ pIA_NA->SetT2(KIA_NoTimePreference);
+ switch(aMessageType)
+ {
+ case ESolicit:
+ break;
+ case EConfirm:
+ case ERenew:
+ case ERebind:
+ pIA_NA->SetT1(iSIdentityAssociationConfigInfoNA.iT1);
+ pIA_NA->SetT2(iSIdentityAssociationConfigInfoNA.iT2);
+ //fall through
+ case ERequest:
+ case ERelease:
+ case EDecline:
+ {
+ TInt addrOptLen = iSIdentityAssociationConfigInfoNA.AddAddressesL(*pIA_NA,aMessageType);
+ TPtr8 msg = aMessage.Message().Des();
+ msg.SetLength( msg.Length() + addrOptLen);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
+ }
+ }
+void TInterfaceConfigInfo::ParseIAOptionsL(CDHCPMessageHeaderIP6& aMessage)
+ {
+ // Find an NA option
+ CDHCPOptionIA_NA* optionIa = static_cast<CDHCPOptionIA_NA*>(aMessage.GetOptions().FindOption(EIaNa));
+ if (!optionIa || optionIa->GetT1() > optionIa->GetT2())
+ {//nothing to do the fact that we don't have any address is picked up when the address is being
+ //congfigured
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( aMessage.GetMessageType() == EReply )
+ {
+ iSIdentityAssociationConfigInfoNA.ResetAddressInfos();
+ iSIdentityAssociationConfigInfoNA.ExtractIAOptionInfoL( *optionIa );
+ }
+ }
+void TInterfaceConfigInfo::CheckForUnicast( CDHCPMessageHeaderIP6& aMessage )
+ {
+ COptionNode* pNode = aMessage.GetOptions().FindOption(EUnicast);
+ if ( pNode )
+ {
+ iUseUnicast = ETrue;
+ // Must ensure IP6 address is word aligned! So declare it locally
+ TIp6Addr ip6addr;
+ Mem::Copy(&ip6addr,pNode->GetBodyPtr(),KIp6AddressLength);
+ iServerAddress.SetAddress( ip6addr );
+ }
+ }
+void TInterfaceConfigInfo::GetServerAddress( TInetAddr& aAddress ) // to send/receive data
+ {
+ __CFLOG_VAR((KLogSubSysDHCP, KLogCode, _L8("TInterfaceConfigInfo::GetServerAddress unicast %d"), iUseUnicast));
+ if ( iUseUnicast )
+ {
+ aAddress = iServerAddress;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aAddress.SetAddress( KDHCPv6RelayAgentsNServers );
+ }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ // Simulate initialisation, renewal or rebind failure by using the wrong port.
+ if( ( CDHCPServer::DebugFlags() & KDHCP_FailDiscover ) || ( CDHCPServer::DebugFlags() & KDHCP_FailRenew ) || ( CDHCPServer::DebugFlags() & KDHCP_FailRebind ) )
+ {
+ aAddress.SetPort(KDhcpv6WrongDestPort);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TInt destPort;
+ RProperty::Get(KMyPropertyCat, KMyPropertyDestPortv6, destPort);
+ aAddress.SetPort(destPort);
+ }
+ aAddress.SetPort(KDhcpv6DestPort);
+ }
+ * Creates one IAID for TA(SIdentityAssociationConfigInfoTA) and
+ * one for NA(SIdentityAssociationConfigInfoNA) in case they don't exist yet
+ * (restored after reboot, sleep,....)
+ *
+ * @see SIdentityAssociationConfigInfoTA, SIdentityAssociationConfigInfoNA
+ * @internalTechnology
+ */
+void DHCPv6::TInterfaceConfigInfo::Reset()
+ {
+ ResetUseUnicast();
+ //iSIdentityAssociationConfigInfoTA.iIAID = rnd.Rnd( KDHCPv6IA_TANumberSpaceMin, KDHCPv6IA_TANumberSpaceMax );
+ iSIdentityAssociationConfigInfoNA.Reset();
+ // Clear the DHCP server address now that we no longer have a lease.
+ iServerAddress.SetAddress( KInet6AddrNone );
+ }