changeset 0 af10295192d8
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tcpiputils/dnd/src/llmnrconf.cpp	Tue Jan 26 15:23:49 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+// llmnrconf.cpp - LLMNR (linklocal multicast name resolver) configuration
+// file parser module
+#include <f32file.h>	// RFs
+#include <in_sock.h>	// TInetAddr
+#include <es_ini.h>
+#include "dnd_ini.h"
+#include "engine.h"
+#include "llmnrresponder.h"	// this
+#include "inet6log.h"
+CLlmnrConf::CLlmnrConf(CDndEngine &aControl)
+: iControl(aControl)
+	{
+	}
+	{
+	delete iHostList;
+	}
+void CLlmnrConf::ConstructL()
+	{
+	iLlmnrEntries = iControl.GetIniValue(DND_INI_LLMNR, LLMNR_INI_ENTRIES, 0, 0, KLlmnrMaxEnabled);
+	iNotifyTime = iControl.GetIniValue(DND_INI_LLMNR, LLMNR_INI_NOTIFYTIME, KLlmnrIni_NotifyTime, 1, KMaxTInt);
+	iRescans = iControl.GetIniValue(DND_INI_LLMNR, LLMNR_INI_RESCANS, KLlmnrIni_Rescans, 1, 255);
+	iTTL = iControl.GetIniValue(DND_INI_LLMNR, LLMNR_INI_TTL, KLlmnrIni_Ttl, 1, KMaxTInt);
+	}
+void CLlmnrConf::GetHostNamesL()
+	{
+	delete iHostList;
+	iHostList = NULL;
+	// Aways allocate the array "skeleton" to keep things simple.
+	iHostList = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<THostNameEntry>(iLlmnrEntries < 1 ? 1 : iLlmnrEntries);
+	for (TUint i = 1; i <= iLlmnrEntries; ++i)
+		{
+		THostNameEntry entry;
+		// Borrow he iName field of the entry
+		entry.iName = LLMNR_INI_ENTRY;
+		entry.iName.AppendNum(i);
+		TPtrC entrystr;
+		if(!iControl.FindVar(DND_INI_LLMNR, entry.iName, entrystr))
+			{
+			// This log message should probably be logged in release also
+			LOG(Log::Printf(_L("DND LMNR: %S is missing [%S] %S%d\r\n"), &DND_INI_DATA, &DND_INI_LLMNR, &LLMNR_INI_ENTRY, (TInt)i));
+			continue;
+			}
+		TLex wordLex(entrystr);
+		// Get hostname
+		wordLex.Mark();
+		while (!wordLex.Eos() && wordLex.Peek() != ',')
+			wordLex.Inc();
+		TInt err = 0;
+		for (;;)
+			{
+			const TInt N = wordLex.MarkedToken().Length();
+			if (N <= 0 || N > entry.iName.MaxLength())
+				{
+				err = 1;
+				break;	// invalid hostname (either not given or too long)
+				}
+			entry.iName = wordLex.MarkedToken();
+			// By default, entry is valid for ...
+			entry.iVersion = EIPany;		// ...both IPv4 and IPv6
+			entry.iIfName.SetLength(0);		// ...any interface
+			if(wordLex.Eos())
+				break;
+			// Get interface name
+			wordLex.Inc();
+			if(wordLex.Peek() != ',') // not ",," after hostname
+				{
+				wordLex.Mark();
+				while (!wordLex.Eos() && wordLex.Peek() != ',')
+					wordLex.Inc();
+				if (wordLex.MarkedToken().Length() > entry.iIfName.MaxLength())
+					{
+					err = 2;
+					break;
+					}
+				entry.iIfName = wordLex.MarkedToken();
+				}
+			if(wordLex.Eos())
+				break;
+			// Get ip-version
+			wordLex.Inc();
+			if(wordLex.Eos()) // Eos after ','
+				break;
+			TInt n;
+			if((wordLex.Val(n) != KErrNone) || (n != 0 && n != 4 && n != 6))
+				err = 1;
+			else
+				entry.iVersion = (TIpVer)n;
+			break;
+			}
+		if (err)
+			{
+			LOG(Log::Printf(_L("DND LMNR: %S has invalid [%S] %S%d= %S [ignored]\r\n"), &DND_INI_DATA, &DND_INI_LLMNR, &LLMNR_INI_ENTRY, (TInt)i, &entrystr));
+			}
+		else
+			iHostList->AppendL(entry);
+		}
+	}