networksecurity/tls/test/codenomicon/TLS test wrapper/TestWrapper.cpp
changeset 14 b33c3d136b7e
parent 1 a579325b79dd
child 18 39bb7c3571e9
--- a/networksecurity/tls/test/codenomicon/TLS test wrapper/TestWrapper.cpp	Tue Feb 02 01:27:53 2010 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,940 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-// All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-// Contributors:
-// Description:
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <direct.h>
-using namespace std;
-STARTUPINFO startupInfo;
-STARTUPINFO startupInfoTls;
-const char* CodenomiconPath = "C:/Program Files/Codenomicon/tlsc-31/testtool/tlsc-31.jar";
-const char* TestToolWrapperPath = "D:\\TlsTestWrapper\\";
-int ReadConfigurations(const string& fileName, string& configSettings);
-int GetPlatformAndBuild(const string& fileName, string& platform, string& build);
-int RunTlsTestTool(const string& config, const string& jarPath);
-int RunEpocTlsTest(const string& platform, const string& build);
-int ParseLog(const string& fileDir, string& reportName);
-int GetLogDirectory(const string& configFileName, string& logDir);
-void ConvertPath(string& path);
-int GetPlatformAndBuild(const string& fileName, string& platform, string& build);
-void GetEpocDrive(string& drive);
-void RemoveSpacesAround(string& inString);
-int EpocPreTestConfig(const string& drive, const string& platform, const string& build);
-int EpocPostTestConfig(const string& drive, const string& platform, const string& build);
-void WaitForEpocTest();
-/* this function is used to read the configuration settings from the config file
-   for Codenomicon TLS Client test tool
-   its parameters are:
-   1) fileName(in): this contains the name of the config file
-   2) configSettings(out): on return, this contains the configuration settings
-int ReadConfigurations(const string& fileName, string& configSettings)
-    {
-    ifstream configFile(fileName.c_str());
-    if(configFile.is_open())
-        { 
-        string configLine;
-        // go to the codenomicon params section
-        getline(configFile,configLine);
-        while(configLine.find("[params]", 0) == string::npos)
-            {
-            getline(configFile,configLine);
-            if(configFile.eof())
-                {
-                cout<<"\ncould not find [params] section in config file"<<endl;
-                return -1;
-                }
-            }
-        // reached the params section, now read the configuration settings
-        while(!configFile.eof())
-            {
-            getline(configFile, configLine);
-            if(!configLine.empty())
-                {
-                // chop off any blank spaces before the config options
-                while(configLine[0] == ' ')
-                    {
-                    configLine.erase(0, 1);
-                    }
-                // add to config string only if the line is not a comment
-                if(configLine[0] != '/' && configLine[1] != '/')
-                    {
-                    // codenomicon expects each config setting to be preceeded with --
-                    configSettings = configSettings + " --" + configLine;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        configFile.close();
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        cout << "Unable to open config file: "<< fileName;
-        return -1;
-        }
-    }
-/* this function is used to remove spaces before as well as after a word
-   its parameter is:
-   1) inString (in/out): this contains the input string and on return is contains
-      the string without any spaces before or after the word
-void RemoveSpacesAround(string& inString)
-    {
-    int i = 0;
-    while(inString[i] == ' ')
-        {
-        inString.erase(i, 1);
-        ++i;
-        }
-    i = inString.length();
-    while(inString[i] == ' ')
-        {
-        inString.erase(i, 1);
-        --i;
-        }
-    }
-/* this function is used to read the platform and build from the config file for
-   which the test has to be run
-   its parameters are:
-   1) fileName(in): this contains the name of the config file
-   2) platform(out): on return, this contains the platform
-   3) build(out): on return, this contains the build
-int GetPlatformAndBuild(const string& fileName, string& platform, string& build)
-    {
-    ifstream configFile(fileName.c_str());
-    if(!configFile.is_open())
-        {
-        cout<<"Failed to open config file: "<<fileName<<endl;
-        return -1;
-        }
-    string configLine;
-    bool foundPlatform = false;
-    bool foundBuild = false;
-    int posPlatform = -1;
-    int posBuild = -1;
-    // read the platform and build section from the file in a single pass
-    while(!configFile.eof())
-        {
-        getline(configFile,configLine);
-        posPlatform = configLine.find("[platform]", 0);
-        if(posPlatform != string::npos)
-            {
-            // found platform section, its value is after the [platform], i.e. 10 positions after it
-            platform = configLine.substr(posPlatform + 10, configLine.length());
-            RemoveSpacesAround(platform);
-            foundPlatform = true;
-            if(foundBuild)
-                {
-                configFile.close();
-                return 0;
-                }
-            }
-        posBuild = configLine.find("[build]", 0);
-        if(posBuild != string::npos)
-            {
-            // found the build section, its value is after the [build], i.e. 7 positions after it
-            build = configLine.substr(posBuild + 7, configLine.length());
-            RemoveSpacesAround(build);
-            foundBuild = true;
-            if(foundPlatform)
-                {
-                configFile.close();
-                return 0;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // could not find either platform or build or both
-        if(!foundPlatform)
-            {
-            cout<<"\nCould not find Platform section"<<endl;
-            }
-        if(!foundBuild)
-            {
-            cout<<"Could not find Build section"<<endl;
-            }
-        configFile.close();
-        return -1;
-    }
-/* this function runs the TLS test tool i.e. Codenomicon.
-   its parameters are:
-   1) config(in): the configuration options for the Codenomicon tool
-   2) jarPath(in): the path of the Codenomicon jar file
-int RunTlsTestTool(const string& config, const string& jarPath)
-    {
-    string command = "java -Xmx128M -jar " + jarPath + config;
-    //cout<<endl<<command<<endl;
-    //return system(command.c_str());
-    ZeroMemory(&startupInfoTls, sizeof(startupInfoTls));
-    startupInfoTls.cb = sizeof(startupInfoTls);
-    ZeroMemory(&processInfoTls, sizeof(processInfoTls));
-  //  string tlsTestProgram = driveLetter +":/epoc32/RELEASE/"+ platform +"/"+ build +"/TlsClientTest";
-    //cout<<"\ntls test program path: "<<tlsTestProgram<<endl;
-    cout<<"Launching Codenomicon TLS test tool"<<endl;
-    // create a separate process for Codenomicon TLS test tool
-    if(!CreateProcess( NULL,   // no module name (use command line)
-        (char*)command.c_str(),  // Codenomicon TLS test tool
-        NULL,             // process handle not inheritable
-        NULL,             // thread handle not inheritable
-        FALSE,            // set handle inheritance to FALSE
-        0,                // no creation flags
-        NULL,             // use parent's environment block
-        NULL,             // use parent's starting directory
-        &startupInfoTls,     // pointer to STARTUPINFO structure
-        &processInfoTls)     // pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION structure
-      )
-        {
-        int ret = GetLastError();
-        cout<<"CreateProcess for Codenomicon TLS test tool failed: "<<ret<<endl;
-        return ret;
-        }
-    return 0;
-    }
-/* this function parses the log file and prepares a report file
-   its parameters are:
-   1) logDir (in): the logging directory
-   2) reportName (out): name of the report file
-int ParseLog(const string& logDir, string& reportName)
-    {
-    int totalError = 0; // keeps track of the total number of errors
-    int length = logDir.length();
-    string summaryFileName; // stores the name of the summary file generated by Codenomicon
-    if(logDir[length-1] == '/')
-        {
-        summaryFileName = logDir + "summary.txt";
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        summaryFileName = logDir + "/summary.txt";
-        }
-    string logFileName; // stores the name of log file generated by Codenomicon
-    if(logDir[length-1] == '/')
-        {
-        logFileName = logDir + "main.log";
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        logFileName = logDir + "/main.log";
-        }
-    // create a report file in the log directory
-    string report = logDir + reportName;
-    ofstream outFile(report.c_str());
-    if(!outFile.is_open())
-        {
-        cout << "Unable to create report file";
-        return -1;
-        }
-    // open the summary file and copy its contents to the report file
-    // also find out the total number of tests run
-    int totalTests = 0;
-    ifstream summaryFile(summaryFileName.c_str());
-    if(summaryFile.is_open())
-        {
-        string summaryLine;
-        while(!summaryFile.eof())
-            {
-            getline(summaryFile, summaryLine);
-            // check if the line has total number of tests
-            if(summaryLine.find("Test cases", 0) != string::npos)
-                {
-                // found the line, now get the number from the string
-                // the number is in the end of the line and it has spaces before it
-                int len = summaryLine.length();
-                int i = len;
-                while(summaryLine[i--] != ' ')
-                    { }
-                string totalTestsString = summaryLine.substr(i, summaryLine.length());
-                totalTests = atoi(totalTestsString.c_str());
-                }
-            }
-        summaryFile.close();
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        cout << "Unable to open summary file generated by Codenomicon";
-        outFile.close();
-        return -1;
-        }
-    // open the log file
-    ifstream logFile(logFileName.c_str());
-    string line;
-    string nextLine;
-    if(!logFile.is_open())
-        {
-        cout << "Unable to open log file";
-        outFile.close();
-        return -1;
-        }
-    //outFile<<"List of test cases failed"<<endl<<"========================="<<endl;
-    while(!logFile.eof())
-        {
-        getline (logFile,line);
-        if((!line.empty()) && ((line.find("ERROR", 0) != string::npos) || (line.find("error", 0) != string::npos)))
-            {
-     /*       if(line.find("ERROR Expected", 0) == string::npos)       */
-                {
-                // read next line and check if it contains the string "Test case #"
-                getline(logFile,nextLine);
-                if((!nextLine.empty()) && (nextLine.find("Test case #", 0) != string::npos))
-                    {
-                    totalError++;
-                    // write line and nextLine to report
-                    //outFile<<line<<endl<<nextLine<<endl;
-                    }
-                else
-                    {
-                    // get the next line as sometimes a line is in between for events and octets
-                    getline(logFile, nextLine);
-                    if((!nextLine.empty()) && (nextLine.find("Test case #", 0) != string::npos))
-                        {
-                        totalError++;
-                        // write line and nextLine to report
-                        //outFile<<line<<endl<<nextLine<<endl;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    outFile<<totalTests-totalError<<endl; // print total no of tests passed
-    outFile<<totalError<<endl;            // print total no of tests failed
-    logFile.close();
-    outFile.close();
-    return 0;
-    }
-/* this function gets the log directory by reading the config file
-   its parameters are:
-   1) configFileName (in): the name of the config file
-   2) logDir (out): on return contains the logging directory
-int GetLogDirectory(const string& configFileName, string& logDir)
-    {
-    ifstream configFile(configFileName.c_str());
-    string configLine;
-    if(configFile.is_open())
-        {
-        while(!configFile.eof())
-            {
-            getline(configFile,configLine);
-            if(!configLine.empty())
-                {
-                unsigned int i = configLine.find("log-dir", 0);
-                if(i != string::npos)
-                     {
-                     // found line containing log-dir, extract log directory
-                     logDir = configLine;
-                     // erase from first char of the line to the end of "log-dir"
-                     logDir.erase(0, i+7);
-                     // chop off any blank spaces before log directory name
-                     while(logDir[0] == ' ')
-                         {
-                         logDir.erase(0, 1);
-                         }
-                     }
-                }
-            }
-        configFile.close();
-        }
-        else
-        {
-        cout << "Unable to open file";
-        return -1;
-        }
-    }
-/* this function converts backward slashes "\" to forward slashes "/" .
-   this is needed to prevent interpretation of backward slashes as format
-   specifiers.
-   its parameter is:
-   1) path (in/out): on calling, it contains the path possibly containing backward
-      slashes. on returning, it has path containing no backward slashes
-void ConvertPath(string& path)
-    {
-    for(int i = 0; i<path.length(); i++)
-        {
-        if(path[i] == '\\')
-            {
-            path[i] = '/';
-            }
-        }
-    }
-/* this function gets the epoc drive
-    its parameters are:
-    1) driveLetter (out): on return contains the epoc drive
-void GetEpocDrive(string& driveLetter)
-    {
-    // get the current drive
-    char currentDrive = _getdrive();
-    currentDrive = currentDrive + 'A' -1;
-    driveLetter = "C";
-    driveLetter[0] = currentDrive;
-    }
-/*  this function launches the epoc side TLS test.
-    its parameters are:
-    1) drive (in): the epoc drive
-    2) platform (in): the platform for which the test will be run (e.g. WINSCW)
-    3) build (in): the build for which the test will be run (e.g. UDEB)
-int RunEpocTlsTest(const string& driveLetter, const string& platform, const string& build)
-    {
-    ZeroMemory(&startupInfo, sizeof(startupInfo));
-    startupInfo.cb = sizeof(startupInfo);
-    ZeroMemory(&processInfo, sizeof(processInfo));
-    string tlsTestProgram = driveLetter +":/epoc32/RELEASE/"+ platform +"/"+ build +"/TlsClientTest";
-    //before we launch the TLS test program we have to configure Epoc
-    cout<<"\nConfiguring Epoc for TLS test program"<<endl;
-    int ret = EpocPreTestConfig(driveLetter, platform, build);
-    if(ret != 0)
-        {
-        return ret;
-        }
-    cout<<"Launching epoc client side test"<<endl;
-    // create a separate process for epoc test
-    if(!CreateProcess( NULL,   // no module name (use command line)
-        (char*)tlsTestProgram.c_str(),  // epoc TLS client test
-        NULL,             // process handle not inheritable
-        NULL,             // thread handle not inheritable
-        FALSE,            // set handle inheritance to FALSE
-        0,                // no creation flags
-        NULL,             // use parent's environment block
-        NULL,             // use parent's starting directory
-        &startupInfo,     // pointer to STARTUPINFO structure
-        &processInfo)     // pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION structure
-      )
-        {
-        int ret = GetLastError();
-        cout<<"CreateProcess failed: "<<ret<<endl;
-        cout<<"Tried to execute: "<<tlsTestProgram<<endl;
-        // restore the original settings for epoc
-        ret = EpocPostTestConfig(driveLetter, platform, build);
-        if(ret != 0)
-            {
-            cout<<"Failed to restore original commsDat settings: "<<ret<<endl;
-            }
-        return ret;
-        }
-    return 0;
-    }
-/*  this function configures Epoc for running the TLS test. this involves backing
-    up the current commsDat and configuring the commsDat for loopback using WinTAP
-    its parameters are:
-    1) drive (in): the drive on which epoc is mapped
-    2) platform (in): the platform (e.g. WINSCW)
-    3) build (in): the build (e.g. UDEB)
-int EpocPreTestConfig(const string& drive, const string& platform, const string& build)
-    {
-    string testToolPath = TestToolWrapperPath;
-    // create a directory for backup
-    string backupDir = "mkdir "+ testToolPath + "backup";
-    int ret = system(backupDir.c_str());
-    // make backup of existing epoc.ini and secdlg.dll
-    string backupEpoc = "copy /Y " + drive + ":\\epoc32\\data\\epoc.ini " + testToolPath + "backup\\epoc.ini";
-    ret = system(backupEpoc.c_str());
-  /*  if(ret != 0)
-        {
-        cout<<"failed to copy epoc.ini: "<<endl<<backupEpoc<<endl<<" failed"<<endl;
-        return ret;
-        }
-    */
-    string backupSec = "copy /Y " + drive + ":\\epoc32\\release\\" + platform + "\\" + build + "\\secdlg.dll " + testToolPath + "backup\\secdlg.dll";
-    ret = system(backupSec.c_str());
-  /*  if(ret != 0)
-        {
-        cout<<"failed to copy secdlg.dll: "<<endl<<backupSec<<endl<<" failed"<<endl;
-        return ret;
-        } */
-    // delete secdlg.dll from epoc drive
-    string deletesecdlg = "del " + drive + ":\\epoc32\\release\\" + platform + "\\" + build + "\\secdlg.dll ";
-    ret = system(deletesecdlg.c_str());
- /*   if(ret != 0)
-        {
-        cout<<"failed to delete secdlg.dll: "<<endl<<deletesecdlg<<endl<<" failed"<<endl;
-        return ret;
-        }
-   */
-    // copy the epoc_shell.ini, wintapstaticnogateway.xml, ethertap.pdd and tsecdlg.dll to epoc
-    string copyShellIni = "copy /Y " + testToolPath + "epoc_shell.ini " + drive + ":\\epoc32\\data\\epoc.ini";
-    ret = system(copyShellIni.c_str());
-    if(ret != 0)
-        {
-        cout<<"failed to copy epoc.ini: "<<endl<<copyShellIni<<endl<<" failed"<<endl;
-        return ret;
-        }
-    string copyXml = "copy /Y " + testToolPath + "wintapstaticnogateway.xml " + drive + ":\\epoc32\\" + platform + "\\c";
-    ret = system(copyXml.c_str());
-    if(ret != 0)
-        {
-        cout<<"failed to copy wintapstaticnogateway.xml: "<<endl<<copyXml<<endl<<" failed"<<endl;
-        return ret;
-        }
-    string copyPdd = "copy /Y " + testToolPath + "ethertap.pdd " + drive + ":\\epoc32\\release\\" + platform + "\\udeb";
-    ret = system(copyPdd.c_str());
-    if(ret != 0)
-        {
-        cout<<"failed to copy ethertap.pdd: "<<endl<<copyPdd<<endl<<" failed"<<endl;
-        return ret;
-        }
-    string copyDll = "copy /Y " + testToolPath + "tsecdlg.dll " + drive + ":\\epoc32\\release\\" + platform + "\\udeb";
-    ret = system(copyDll.c_str());
-    if(ret != 0)
-        {
-        cout<<"failed to copy tsecdlg.dll: "<<endl<<copyDll<<endl<<" failed"<<endl;
-        return ret;
-        }
-    // launch 'ceddump' to retrieve the current commsDat configuration
-    string cedDump = drive + ":/epoc32/release/" + platform + "/" + build + "/ceddump";
-    ret = system(cedDump.c_str());
-    if(ret != 0)
-        {
-        cout<<"failed to launch ceddump: "<<endl<<cedDump<<endl<<"failed"<<endl;
-        return ret;
-        }
-    // delete the old backup file, if it exists
-    string delBackup = "del " + drive + ":\\epoc32\\" + platform + "\\c\\tlsbackup.cfg";
-    cout<<"\ntrying to delete old backup file: tlsbackup.cfg"<<endl;
-    ret = system(delBackup.c_str());
-    if(ret != 0)
-        {}
-    // make a backup of current commsDat configuration
-    string backup = "rename " + drive + ":\\epoc32\\" + platform + "\\c\\cedout.cfg tlsbackup.cfg";
-    ret = system(backup.c_str());
-    if(ret != 0)
-        {
-        cout<<"failed to save current commsDat: "<<endl<<backup<<endl<<"failed"<<endl;
-        return ret;
-        }
-    // set up commsDat for loopback using WinTAP
-    string winTap = drive + ":\\epoc32\\release\\" + platform + "\\" + build + "\\ced c:\\WinTapStaticNoGateway.xml";
-    ret = system(winTap.c_str());
-    if(ret != 0)
-        {
-        cout<<"failed commsDat setup for WinTap: "<<endl<<winTap<<endl<<"failed"<<endl;
-        return ret;
-        }
-    // copy epoc.ini so that the techview boots up in GUI mode - the test runs only in GUI mode
-    string copyIni = "copy /Y " + testToolPath + "epoc.ini " + drive + ":\\epoc32\\data\\epoc.ini";
-    ret = system(copyIni.c_str());
-    if(ret != 0)
-        {
-        cout<<"failed to copy epoc.ini: "<<endl<<copyIni<<endl<<" failed"<<endl;
-        return ret;
-        }
-    return 0;
-    }
-/* this function restores the commsDat setup to the original settings (i.e. to that
-   of before running TLS test
-    its parameters are:
-    1) drive (in): the drive on which epoc is mapped
-    2) platform (in): the platform (e.g. WINSCW)
-    3) build (in): the build (e.g. UDEB)
-int EpocPostTestConfig(const string& drive, const string& platform, const string& build)
-    {
-    string testToolPath = TestToolWrapperPath;
-    string copyShellIni = "copy /Y " + testToolPath + "epoc_shell.ini " + drive + ":\\epoc32\\data\\epoc.ini";
-    int ret = system(copyShellIni.c_str());
-    if(ret != 0)
-        {
-        cout<<"failed to copy epoc.ini: "<<endl<<copyShellIni<<endl<<" failed"<<endl;
-        return ret;
-        }
-    // restore previous commsDat setup
-    string prevSetting = drive + ":\\epoc32\\release\\" + platform + "\\" + build + "\\ced c:\\tlsbackup.cfg";
-    ret = system(prevSetting.c_str());
-    if(ret != 0)
-        {
-        cout<<"failed to restore previous commsDat setup: "<<endl<<prevSetting<<endl<<"failed"<<endl;
-        return ret;
-        }
-    // rename the backup file to original
-    string backup = "rename " + drive + ":\\epoc32\\" + platform + "\\c\\tlsbackup.cfg cedout.cfg";
-    ret = system(backup.c_str());
-    if(ret != 0)
-        {
-        cout<<"failed to restore backup file: "<<endl<<backup<<endl<<"failed"<<endl;
-        return ret;
-        }
-    // restore original epoc.ini and secdlg.dll
-    string backupEpoc = "copy /Y " + testToolPath + "backup\\epoc.ini " + drive + ":\\epoc32\\data\\epoc.ini " ;
-    ret = system(backupEpoc.c_str());
-    if(ret != 0)
-        {
-        cout<<"failed to copy epoc.ini: "<<endl<<backupEpoc<<endl<<" failed"<<endl;
-        return ret;
-        }
-    string backupSec = "copy /Y " + testToolPath + "backup\\secdlg.dll " + drive + ":\\epoc32\\release\\" + platform + "\\" + build + "\\secdlg.dll " ;
-    ret = system(backupSec.c_str());
-    if(ret != 0)
-        {
-        cout<<"failed to copy secdlg.dll: "<<endl<<backupSec<<endl<<" failed"<<endl;
-        return ret;
-        }
-    // delete tsecdlg.dll from epoc drive
-    string deletesecdlg = "del " + drive + ":\\epoc32\\release\\" + platform + "\\" + build + "\\tsecdlg.dll ";
-    ret = system(deletesecdlg.c_str());
-    if(ret != 0)
-        {
-        cout<<"failed to delete tsecdlg.dll: "<<endl<<deletesecdlg<<endl<<" failed"<<endl;
-        return ret;
-        }
-    return 0;
-    }
-/*  this function waits for Epoc TLS client test to finish
-void WaitForEpocTest()
-    {
-    DWORD dwExitCode;
-    GetExitCodeProcess(processInfo.hProcess, &dwExitCode);
-    while(dwExitCode == STILL_ACTIVE)
-        {
-        cout<<".";
-        GetExitCodeProcess(processInfo.hProcess, &dwExitCode);
-        Sleep(1000);
-        }
-    }
-bool ProcessRunning(HANDLE handle)
-    {
-    DWORD dwExitCode;
-    GetExitCodeProcess(handle, &dwExitCode);
-    if(dwExitCode == STILL_ACTIVE)
-        {
-        return true;
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        return false;
-        }
-    }
-int PingEpoc()
-    {
-    int ret = system("ping -n 1 -w 20000");
-    return ret;
-    }
-/* this program takes one argument:
-   1) config file in text format
-int main(int argc, char* argv[])
-    {
-    if(argc != 2)
-        {
-        cout << argv[0]
-             << "  [config file] "<<endl;
-        return -1;
-        }
-    string fileName = argv[1];
-    string configSettings = " --no-gui ";
-    int ret = ReadConfigurations(fileName, configSettings);
-    if(ret != 0)
-        {
-        return ret;
-        }
-    string drive;
-    string platform;
-    string build;
-    GetEpocDrive(drive);
-    ret = GetPlatformAndBuild(fileName, platform, build);
-    if(ret != 0)
-        {
-        return ret;
-        }
-    // kill the previously running tlsclienttest program, if any
- //   cout<<"zzz before killing"<<endl;
- //   ret = system("TASKKILL /F /IM tlsclienttest.exe /T");
-  //  cout<<"zzz after killing1: "<<ret<<endl;
- //   ret = system("TASKKILL /F /IM java.exe /T");
-  //  cout<<"zzz after killing2: "<<ret<<endl;
-    // run epoc side TLS test client
-    ret = RunEpocTlsTest(drive, platform, build);
-    if(ret != 0)
-        {
-        cout<<"Exiting program"<<endl;
-        return ret;
-        }
-    string jarPath = CodenomiconPath;
-    jarPath += "\"";
-    string quotedJarPath = "\"" + jarPath;
-    // run Codenomicon TLS Client test tool
-    cout<<"Launching Codenomicon TLS Client test tool"<<endl;
-    ret = RunTlsTestTool(configSettings, quotedJarPath);
-    if(ret != 0)
-        {
-        return ret;
-        }
-    // now Epoc TLS Client test should be executed till Codenomicon tool is running
-/*    while(TlsTestToolRunning())
-        {
-        WaitForEpocTest();
-        // check if the Codenomicon test tool is still running
-        if(TlsTestToolRunning())
-            {
-            // Codenomicon test tool still running, run epoc side TLS test client again
-            ret = RunEpocTlsTest(drive, platform, build);
-            if(ret != 0)
-                {
-                cout<<"Exiting program"<<endl;
-                return ret;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-  */
-    HANDLE handles[2];
-    handles[0] = processInfo.hProcess;
-    handles[1] = processInfoTls.hProcess;
- /* Commented code starts-*/
-    // wait for any of the process to finish
-    WaitForMultipleObjects(2, handles, false, INFINITE);
-    // if epoc side TLS test finished and Codenomicon
-    // tool is still running, then terminate Codenomicon process
-    if(!ProcessRunning(processInfo.hProcess))
-        {
-        if(ProcessRunning(processInfoTls.hProcess))
-            {
-            // not a clean way, but have to terminate Codenomicon test tool
-            TerminateProcess(processInfoTls.hProcess, 1);
-            }
-        }
-    // if Codenomicon test tool is finished, then terminate the epoc side test
-    if(!ProcessRunning(processInfoTls.hProcess))
-        {
-        if(ProcessRunning(processInfo.hProcess))
-            {
-            // not a clean way, but we have to terminate epoc test
-            TerminateProcess(processInfo.hProcess, 1);
-            }
-        }
- /*   commented code ends*/
-    // change started ****************
-   // while(ProcessRunning(processInfo.hProcess) &&   ProcessRunning(processInfoTls.hProcess))
- /*  while(1)
-        {
-        // wait for any of the process to finish
-        WaitForMultipleObjects(2, handles, false, 20000);
-        // if epoc side TLS test finished and Codenomicon
-        // tool is still running, then terminate Codenomicon process
-        if(!ProcessRunning(processInfo.hProcess))
-            {
-            cout<<"\nepoc finished, terminating codenomicon"<<endl;
-            if(ProcessRunning(processInfoTls.hProcess))
-                {
-                // not a clean way, but have to terminate Codenomicon test tool
-                TerminateProcess(processInfoTls.hProcess, 1);
-                return 0;
-                }
-            }
-        // if Codenomicon test tool is finished, then terminate the epoc side test
-        if(!ProcessRunning(processInfoTls.hProcess))
-            {
-            cout<<"\ncodenomicon finished, terminating epoc"<<endl;
-            if(ProcessRunning(processInfo.hProcess))
-                {
-                // not a clean way, but we have to terminate epoc test
-                TerminateProcess(processInfo.hProcess, 1);
-                return 0;
-                }
-            }
-        // check if the epoc side TLS test has crashed
-        ret = PingEpoc();
-        if(ret != 0)
-            {
-            // epoc not responding, kill the processes and return
-            if(ProcessRunning(processInfoTls.hProcess))
-                {
-                TerminateProcess(processInfoTls.hProcess, 1);
-                }
-            if(ProcessRunning(processInfo.hProcess))
-                {
-                TerminateProcess(processInfo.hProcess, 1);
-                }
-            return ret;
-            }
-        }
-      */
-// change ends ****************
-    /* now that the test tool has executed, we need to get the results from the log file
-       but first we need the log directory for reading the log file
-    */
-  /*  string logDir;
-    ret = GetLogDirectory(fileName, logDir);
-    if(ret != 0)
-        {
-        cout<<"\nwaiting for Epoc TLS Client test to exit";
-        // wait for epoc tls test to finish
-        WaitForEpocTest();
-        // restore previous commsDat settings
-        ret = EpocPostTestConfig(drive, platform, build);
-        return ret;
-        }
-    */
-    // convert the backward slashes to forward slashes in the path
- //   ConvertPath(logDir);
-	// prepare a report from the log file
-  //  string outFile("report.txt");
-  //  ret = ParseLog(logDir, outFile);
-    // wait for epoc tls test to finish
- //   cout<<"\nwaiting for Epoc TLS Client test to exit";
- //   WaitForEpocTest();
-    // restore previous commsDat settings
-//    cout<<"\nrestoring previous commsDat settings"<<endl;
-    ret = EpocPostTestConfig(drive, platform, build);
-    return ret;
-    }