changeset 75 c1029e558ef5
parent 67 bb2423252ea3
child 76 27c54f8619d4
--- a/linklayerprotocols/tundriver/src/tundriverbinder.cpp	Wed Sep 15 13:53:10 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,729 +0,0 @@
-*   Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-*   All rights reserved.
-*   This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-*   under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-*   which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-*   at the URL "".
-*   Initial Contributors:
-*   Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-*   Contributors:
-*   Description:
-*   Ipv4 and Ipv6 Binder configuration source file.
- @file tundriverbinder.cpp
- @internalTechnology
- */
-#include <e32std.h>
-#include <eui_addr.h>
-#include <ip4_hdr.h>
-#include <udp_hdr.h>
-#include <in_chk.h>
-#include <in_iface.h>
-#include <comms-infras/nifif.h>
-#include <in_sock.h>
-#include <flow.h>
-#include "tundriverbinder.h"
-#include "tundriverprovision.h"
-using namespace ESock;
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-// CTunDriverBinder //
-CTunDriverBinder::CTunDriverBinder(CTunDriverSubConnectionFlow& aTunDriverSubConnectionFlow) : iTunDriverSubConnectionFlow(aTunDriverSubConnectionFlow)
-* Default constructor for Binder Base Class.
-        {
-        }
-MLowerDataSender* CTunDriverBinder::Bind(MUpperDataReceiver& /*aUpperReceiver*/, MUpperControl& /*aUpperControl*/)
-* Virtual Function, Implementation is binder specific (IPv4 or IPv6)
-* If This Bind function is called, then there is an error in binding.
-* @param Not used here
-* @return NULL.
-    {
-    return NULL;
-    }
-void CTunDriverBinder::Unbind(MUpperDataReceiver& /*aUpperReceiver*/, MUpperControl& /*aUpperControl*/)
-* Virtual Function, Implementation is binder specific (IPv4 or IPv6)
-* @param Not used here
-    {
-    }
-void CTunDriverBinder::SetPort(TUint aPort)
-* CTunDriverBinder::SetPort is used to set port common for Ip4Binder and Ip6Binder
-* @param aPort
-* @return
-    {
-    iPort = aPort;
-    }
-TUint CTunDriverBinder::GetPort()
-* CTunDriverBinder::GetPort is used to obtain port common for Ip4Binder and Ip6Binder
-* @param Not used here
-* @return iPort
-    {
-    return iPort;
-    }
-TBool CTunDriverBinder::MatchesUpperControl(ESock::MUpperControl* /*aUpperControl*/) const
-* Virtual Function, Implementation is binder specific (IPv4 or IPv6)
-* If This MatchesUpperControl function is called, then there is an error in binding.
-* @param Not used here
-* @return EFalse.
-    {
-    return EFalse;
-    }
-CTunDriverBinder4* CTunDriverBinder4::NewL(CTunDriverSubConnectionFlow& aTunDriverSubConnectionFlow)
-* CTunDriverBinder4::NewL
-* This function is invoked by the flow. This CTunDriverBinder4 is IPv4 specific.
-* @param CTunDriverSubConnectionFlow
-* @return CTunDriverSubConnectionFlow.
-    {
-    CTunDriverBinder4* self = new (ELeave)CTunDriverBinder4(aTunDriverSubConnectionFlow);
-    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
-    self->ConstructL();
-    CleanupStack::Pop(self);
-    return self;
-    }
-void CTunDriverBinder4::ConstructL()
-* CTunDriverBinder4::ConstructL is the second-phase constructor.
-* This function is invoked by NewL.
-* This function initializes the asynchronous callback functions for sending and receiving packets.
-* @param 
-* @return.
-    {
-    TCallBack scb(SendCallBack, this);
-    iSendCallBack = new(ELeave) CAsyncCallBack(scb, EPriorityNormal);
-    TCallBack rcb(RecvCallBack, this);
-    iRecvCallBack = new(ELeave) CAsyncCallBack(rcb, EPriorityNormal);
-    }
-CTunDriverBinder4::CTunDriverBinder4(CTunDriverSubConnectionFlow& aTunDriverSubConnectionFlow) : CTunDriverBinder(aTunDriverSubConnectionFlow),iTunDriverSubConnectionFlow(aTunDriverSubConnectionFlow)
-* CTunDriverBinder4::CTunDriverBinder4 is the default constructor.
-* This function is invoked by NewL.
-* This function initializes localaddress to
-* @param 
-* @return.
-        {
-        __FLOG_OPEN(KNif, KBinder4);
-        iLocalAddress = KInetAddrNone;
-        __FLOG_3(_L8("CTunDriverBinder4 %08x:\tCTunDriverBinder4(CTunDriverSubConnectionFlow& %08x): iLocalAddress %08x"), this, &aTunDriverSubConnectionFlow, iLocalAddress.Address());
-        }
-* CTunDriverBinder4::CTunDriverBinder4 is the default destructor.
-* This function frees the RMBufPkt queues and 
-* deletes the asynchrounous call back pointers initialized at the time of construction.
-* @param 
-* @return.
-    {
-    __FLOG_1(_L8("CTunDriverBinder4 %08x:\t~CTunDriverBinder4()"), this);
-    iRecvQ.Free();
-    iSendQ.Free();
-    delete iRecvCallBack;
-    delete iSendCallBack;
-    }
-MLowerDataSender* CTunDriverBinder4::Bind(MUpperDataReceiver& aUpperReceiver, MUpperControl& aUpperControl)
-* CTunDriverBinder4::Bind Binds upper CommsFramwork Protocol to this CommsFramwork Protocol.
-* @param aUpperReceiver A pointer to Upper layer Receive class
-* @param aUpperControl A pointer to Upper layer control class
-* @return this.
-    {
-    __FLOG_3(_L8("CTunDriverBinder4 %08x:\tBind(aUpperReceiver %08x, aUpperControl %08x)"), this, &aUpperReceiver, &aUpperControl);
-    iUpperReceiver = &aUpperReceiver;
-    iUpperControl = &aUpperControl;
-    return this;
-    }
-void CTunDriverBinder4::Unbind(MUpperDataReceiver& /*aUpperReceiver*/, MUpperControl& /*aUpperControl*/)
-* CTunDriverBinder4::UnBind UnBinds the assocication of CommsFramwork Protocol from this CommsFramwork Protocol.
-* @param aUpperReceiver A pointer to Upper layer Receive class
-* @param aUpperControl A pointer to Upper layer control class
-* @return.
-    {
-    __FLOG_1(_L8("CTunDriverBinder4 %08x:\tUnbind()"), this);
-    iUpperReceiver = NULL;
-    iUpperControl = NULL;
-    }
-void CTunDriverBinder4::StartSending()
-* CTunDriverBinder4::StartSending is signaled to the upperlayer that Binder is ready to send packets.
-* This function will be called only once when the interface is started.
-* @param 
-* @return.
-    {
-    __FLOG_1(_L8("CTunDriverBinder4 %08x:\tBinderReady()"), this);
-    iUpperControl->StartSending();
-    }
-TBool CTunDriverBinder4::MatchesUpperControl(ESock::MUpperControl* aUpperControl) const
-* CTunDriverBinder4::MatchesUpperControl returns whether this binder is associated with the
-* MUpperControl object passed as argument.
-* This function will be called while Unbinding the flow.
-* @param aUpperControl upper layer to match against
-* @return ETrue on a match else EFalse.
-    {
-    return (aUpperControl == iUpperControl);
-    }
-MLowerDataSender::TSendResult CTunDriverBinder4::Send(RMBufChain& aData)
-* CTunDriverBinder4::Send places the stack packet in SendQueue and breaks the call.
-* Then asynchrounous callback function is invoked.
-* @param aData MBuf chain containing data to send
-* @return ESendAccepted.
-    {
-    iSendQ.Append(aData);
-    iSendCallBack->CallBack();
-    return ESendAccepted;
-    }
-TInt CTunDriverBinder4::GetConfig(TBinderConfig& aConfig)
-* CTunDriverBinder4::GetConfig populates the interface IPv4 configuration information.
-* This function is invoked by the upperlayer
-* @param aConfig structure.
-* @return KErrNone if IPv4 binderconfiguration exists.
-* @return KErrNotSupported otherwise. 
-    {
-    TBinderConfig4* config = TBinderConfig::Cast<TBinderConfig4>(aConfig);
-    if(config == NULL)
-        {
-        return KErrNotSupported;
-        }
-    const TTunDriverIp4Provision* ip4Provision = Flow()->Ip4Provision();
-    // Setup config
-    iLocalAddress = ip4Provision->LocalAddr();
-    config->iInfo.iFeatures = KIfCanBroadcast | KIfCanMulticast;
-    config->iInfo.iMtu = KMTU;
-    config->iInfo.iRMtu = KMTU;
-    config->iInfo.iSpeedMetric = KSpeedMetric;
-    config->iFamily = KAfInet;
-    __FLOG_2(_L8("CTunDriverBinder4 %08x:\tGetConfig(): iLocalAddress %08x"), this, iLocalAddress.Address());
-    config->iAddress.SetAddress(iLocalAddress.Address());
-    TInetAddr address = ip4Provision->DefGateway();
-    config->iDefGate.SetAddress(address.Address());
-    // primary DNS, just make same as default gateway
-    address = ip4Provision->PrimaryDns();
-    config->iNameSer1.SetAddress(address.Address());
-    // secondary DNS
-    address = ip4Provision->SecondaryDns();
-    config->iNameSer2.SetAddress(address.Address());
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-TInt CTunDriverBinder::Control(TUint aLevel, TUint aName, TDes8& aOption)
-* CTunDriverBinder::Control is to check wether the packet is intended for tundriver or not.
-* Called from the upperlayer to identify the special control functionality.
-* Also the sets the port number.
-* @param aLevel
-* @param aName
-* @param aOption
-* @return KErrNone if packet is intended for Ipv4 tundriver.
-* @return KErrNotSupported otherwise. 
-    {
-    __FLOG_3(_L("CTunDriverBinder %08x:\tControl(aLevel %x, aName %x)"), this, aLevel, aName);
-    if((aLevel == KSolInetIp) && (aName == KSoTunnelPort))
-        {
-        TInetAddr& localAddress = *(TInetAddr*) aOption.Ptr();
-        SetPort(localAddress.Port());
-        return KErrNone;
-        }
-    return KErrNotSupported;
-    }
-TInt CTunDriverBinder4::GetName(TDes& aName)
-* CTunDriverBinder4::GetName is to retreive the Binder4 Name.
-* Called from the upperlayer. aName is filled with Binder4 Name. 
-* @param aName
-* @return KErrNone if packet is intended for Ipv4 tundriver.
-* @return KErrNotSupported otherwise. 
-    {
-    aName.Format(_L("TunDriver4[0x%08x]"), this);
-    __FLOG_2(_L("CTunDriverBinder4 %08x:\tGetName(): %S"), this, &aName);
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-TInt CTunDriverBinder4::RecvCallBack(TAny* aCProtocol)
-* CTunDriverBinder4::RecvCallBack is asynchronous callback function to send the packets to IP Layer.
-* Will be invoked whenever there is a packet in the RMBufPkt Receive Buffer.
-* @param aCProtocol contains the this object.
-* @return KErrNone 
-    {
-    ((CTunDriverBinder4*)aCProtocol)->DoProcess();
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-TInt CTunDriverBinder4::SendCallBack(TAny* aCProtocol)
-* CTunDriverBinder4::SendCallBack is asynchronous callback function to send the packets to IP Layer.
-* Will be invoked whenever there is a packet in the RMBufPkt Send Buffer.
-* DoSend will process the packets if required and place the packet in the RMBufPkt Receive Queue 
-* @param aCProtocol contains the this object.
-* @return KErrNone 
-    {
-    ((CTunDriverBinder4*)aCProtocol)->DoSend();
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-void CTunDriverBinder4::DoSend()
-* CTunDriverBinder4::DoSend will retreive the packet from RMBufPkt Send Buffer.
-* Process the packets if required and puts the packet back in Receive Buffer.
-* Will be invoked by CTunDriverBinder4::SendCallback
-* @param 
-* @return  
-    {
-    RMBufPacket send;
-    RMBufPacket recv;
-    while (iSendQ.Remove(send))
-        {
-        TunnelProcessing(send,recv);
-        iRecvQ.Append(recv);
-        iRecvCallBack->CallBack();
-        send.Free();
-        }
-    }
-void CTunDriverBinder4::DoProcess()
-* CTunDriverBinder4::DoProcess will retreive the packet from RMBufPkt Receive Buffer.
-* send the packet to IP Layer for processing the packet.
-* Will be invoked by CTunDriverBinder4::ReceiveCallback
-* @param 
-* @return  
-    {
-    RMBufPacket packet;
-    while (iRecvQ.Remove(packet))
-        {
-        iUpperReceiver->Process(packet);
-        }
-    }
-void CTunDriverBinder4::TunnelProcessing(RMBufPacket& aPacket, RMBufPacket& aRecv )
-* CTunDriverBinder4::TunnelProcessing will encapsulate with IPv4 Header if the packet is to be tunneled.
-* IP Number and port number will be configure by TUN Client.
-* If the IPPacket contains TOS Option set with 192, Packet is encapsulated else packet will be send as is.
-* Will be invoked by CTunDriverBinder4::DoSend
-* @param aPacket contains the raw packet.
-* @param aRecv will contain the payload and the encapsulated IPv4 Header.
-* @return  
-    {
-    TInt  ret;
-    TUint origPktLen;
-    TInet6HeaderIP4* lip4 = (TInet6HeaderIP4*) aPacket.First()->Next()->Ptr();
-    TInt outerHdrLen = TInet6HeaderIP4::MinHeaderLength()
-                       + TInet6HeaderUDP::MinHeaderLength();
-    if((lip4->TOS() & KTUNDriverTos) == KTUNDriverTos)
-        {
-        RMBufChain outerHdr;
-        aRecv.Assign(aPacket);
-        RMBufPktInfo *info = aRecv.Unpack();
-        aRecv.SetInfo(info);
-        origPktLen = aRecv.Length();
-        TRAP(ret, outerHdr.AllocL(outerHdrLen));
-        if (ret != KErrNone)
-            {
-            RDebug::Printf("\nVirtual tunnel nif: tunnel processing: Error in Allocating the outer IP header.");
-            aRecv.Free();
-            }
-        aRecv.Prepend(outerHdr);
-        info->iLength += outerHdrLen;
-        TInet6Checksum<TInet6HeaderUDP> outerUdp(aRecv, 20);
-        if (outerUdp.iHdr == NULL)
-            {
-            RDebug::Printf("\nVirtual tunnel nif: tunnel processing: Error in Allocating the outer UDP header.");
-            aRecv.Free();
-            }
-        outerUdp.iHdr->SetSrcPort(GetPort());
-        outerUdp.iHdr->SetDstPort(GetPort());
-        outerUdp.iHdr->SetLength(origPktLen + TInet6HeaderUDP::MinHeaderLength());
-        outerUdp.iHdr->SetChecksum(0);       // Compute checksum
-        TInet6Checksum<TInet6HeaderIP4> outerIP(aRecv);
-        outerIP.iHdr->Init();
-        outerIP.iHdr->SetHeaderLength(TInet6HeaderIP4::MinHeaderLength());
-        outerIP.iHdr->SetTotalLength(origPktLen + outerHdrLen);
-        outerIP.iHdr->SetTOS(1);
-        outerIP.iHdr->SetProtocol(KProtocolInetUdp);
-        outerIP.iHdr->SetSrcAddr(iLocalAddress.Address()) ;
-        outerIP.iHdr->SetDstAddr(iLocalAddress.Address());
-        outerIP.ComputeChecksum();
-        aRecv.Pack();
-        }
-    }
-CTunDriverBinder6* CTunDriverBinder6::NewL(CTunDriverSubConnectionFlow& aTunDriverSubConnectionFlow)
-* CTunDriverBinder6::NewL
-* This function is invoked by the flow. This CTunDriverBinder4 is IPv4 specific.
-* @param CTunDriverSubConnectionFlow
-* @return CTunDriverSubConnectionFlow.
-    {
-    CTunDriverBinder6* self = new (ELeave)CTunDriverBinder6(aTunDriverSubConnectionFlow);
-    CleanupStack::PushL(self);
-    self->ConstructL();
-    CleanupStack::Pop(self);
-    return self;
-    }
-void CTunDriverBinder6::ConstructL()
-* CTunDriverBinder4::ConstructL is the second-phase constructor.
-* This function is invoked by NewL.
-* This function initializes the asynchronous callback functions for sending and receiving packets.
-* @param 
-* @return.
-    {
-    TCallBack scb(SendCallBack, this);
-    iSendCallBack = new(ELeave) CAsyncCallBack(scb, EPriorityNormal);
-    TCallBack rcb(RecvCallBack, this);
-    iRecvCallBack = new(ELeave) CAsyncCallBack(rcb, EPriorityNormal);
-    }
-CTunDriverBinder6::CTunDriverBinder6(CTunDriverSubConnectionFlow& aTunDriverSubConnectionFlow) : CTunDriverBinder(aTunDriverSubConnectionFlow),iTunDriverSubConnectionFlow(aTunDriverSubConnectionFlow)
-* CTunDriverBinder4::CTunDriverBinder4 is the default constructor.
-* This function is invoked by NewL.
-* This function initializes localaddress to
-* @param 
-* @return.
-    {
-    __FLOG_OPEN(KNif, KBinder6);
-    iLocalAddress.SetAddress(KInet6AddrNone);
-    __FLOG_3(_L8("CTunDriverBinder6 %08x:\tCTunDriverBinder6(CTunDriverSubConnectionFlow& %08x): iLocalAddress %08x"), this, &aTunDriverSubConnectionFlow, iLocalAddress.Address());
-    }
-* CTunDriverBinder4::CTunDriverBinder4 is the default destructor.
-* This function frees the RMBufPkt queues and 
-* deletes the asynchrounous call back pointers initialized at the time of construction.
-* @param 
-* @return.
-    {
-    __FLOG_1(_L8("CTunDriverBinder6 %08x:\t~CTunDriverBinder6()"), this);
-    iRecvQ.Free();
-    iSendQ.Free();
-    delete iRecvCallBack;
-    delete iSendCallBack;
-    }
-MLowerDataSender* CTunDriverBinder6::Bind(MUpperDataReceiver& aUpperReceiver, MUpperControl& aUpperControl)
-* CTunDriverBinder4::Bind Binds upper CommsFramwork Protocol to this CommsFramwork Protocol.
-* @param aUpperReceiver A pointer to Upper layer Receive class
-* @param aUpperControl A pointer to Upper layer control class
-* @return this.
-    {
-    __FLOG_3(_L8("CTunDriverBinder6 %08x:\tBind(aUpperReceiver %08x, aUpperControl %08x)"), this, &aUpperReceiver, &aUpperControl);
-    iUpperReceiver = &aUpperReceiver;
-    iUpperControl = &aUpperControl;
-    return this;
-    }
-void CTunDriverBinder6::Unbind(MUpperDataReceiver& /*aUpperReceiver*/, MUpperControl& /*aUpperControl*/)
-* CTunDriverBinder4::UnBind UnBinds the assocication of CommsFramwork Protocol from this CommsFramwork Protocol.
-* @param aUpperReceiver A pointer to Upper layer Receive class
-* @param aUpperControl A pointer to Upper layer control class
-* @return.
-    {
-    __FLOG_1(_L8("CTunDriverBinder6 %08x:\tUnbind()"), this);
-    iUpperReceiver = NULL;
-    iUpperControl = NULL;
-    }
-void CTunDriverBinder6::StartSending()
-* CTunDriverBinder4::StartSending is signaled to the upperlayer that Binder is ready to send packets.
-* This function will be called only once when the interface is started.
-* @param 
-* @return.
-    {
-    __FLOG_1(_L8("CTunDriverBinder6 %08x:\tBinderReady()"), this);
-    iUpperControl->StartSending();
-    }
-TBool CTunDriverBinder6::MatchesUpperControl(ESock::MUpperControl* aUpperControl) const
-* CTunDriverBinder4::MatchesUpperControl returns whether this binder is associated with the
-* MUpperControl object passed as argument.
-* This function will be called while Unbinding the flow.
-* @param aUpperControl upper layer to match against
-* @return ETrue on a match else EFalse.
-    {
-    return (aUpperControl == iUpperControl);
-    }
-MLowerDataSender::TSendResult CTunDriverBinder6::Send(RMBufChain& aData)
-* CTunDriverBinder4::Send places the stack packet in SendQueue and breaks the call.
-* Then asynchrounous callback function is invoked.
-* @param aData MBuf chain containing data to send
-* @return ESendAccepted.
-    {
-    iSendQ.Append(aData);
-    iSendCallBack->CallBack();
-    return ESendAccepted;
-    }
-TInt CTunDriverBinder6::GetConfig(TBinderConfig& aConfig)
-* CTunDriverBinder4::GetConfig populates the interface IPv4 configuration information.
-* This function is invoked by the upperlayer
-* @param aConfig structure.
-* @return KErrNone if IPv4 binderconfiguration exists.
-* @return KErrNotSupported otherwise. 
-    {
-    TBinderConfig6* config = TBinderConfig::Cast<TBinderConfig6>(aConfig);
-    if(config == NULL)
-        {
-        return KErrNotSupported;
-        }
-    const TTunDriverIp6Provision* ip6Provision = Flow()->Ip6Provision();
-    // Setup config
-    iLocalAddress = ip6Provision->LocalAddr();
-    config->iInfo.iFeatures = KIfCanBroadcast | KIfCanMulticast;
-    config->iInfo.iMtu = KMTU;
-    config->iInfo.iRMtu = KMTU;
-    config->iInfo.iSpeedMetric = KSpeedMetric;
-    config->iFamily = KAfInet6;
-    __FLOG_2(_L8("CTunDriverBinder6 %08x:\tGetConfig(): iLocalAddress %08x"), this, iLocalAddress.Address());
-    // primary DNS, just make same as default gateway
-    TInetAddr address = ip6Provision->PrimaryDns();
-    config->iNameSer1 = address;
-    // secondary DNS
-    address = ip6Provision->SecondaryDns();
-    config->iNameSer2 = address;
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-TInt CTunDriverBinder6::GetName(TDes& aName)
-* CTunDriverBinder4::GetName is to retreive the Binder4 Name.
-* Called from the upperlayer. aName is filled with Binder4 Name. 
-* @param aName
-* @return KErrNone if packet is intended for Ipv4 tundriver.
-* @return KErrNotSupported otherwise. 
-    {
-    aName.Format(_L("TunDriver6[0x%08x]"), this);
-    __FLOG_2(_L("CTunDriverBinder6 %08x:\tGetName(): %S"), this, &aName);
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-TInt CTunDriverBinder6::RecvCallBack(TAny* aCProtocol)
-* CTunDriverBinder4::RecvCallBack is asynchronous callback function to send the packets to IP Layer.
-* Will be invoked whenever there is a packet in the RMBufPkt Receive Buffer.
-* @param aCProtocol contains the this object.
-* @return KErrNone 
-    {
-    ((CTunDriverBinder6*)aCProtocol)->DoProcess();
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-TInt CTunDriverBinder6::SendCallBack(TAny* aCProtocol)
-* CTunDriverBinder4::SendCallBack is asynchronous callback function to send the packets to IP Layer.
-* Will be invoked whenever there is a packet in the RMBufPkt Send Buffer.
-* DoSend will process the packets if required and place the packet in the RMBufPkt Receive Queue 
-* @param aCProtocol contains the this object.
-* @return KErrNone 
-    {
-    ((CTunDriverBinder6*)aCProtocol)->DoSend();
-    return KErrNone;
-    }
-void CTunDriverBinder6::DoSend()
-* CTunDriverBinder4::DoSend will retreive the packet from RMBufPkt Send Buffer.
-* Process the packets if required and puts the packet back in Receive Buffer.
-* Will be invoked by CTunDriverBinder4::SendCallback
-* @param 
-* @return  
-    {
-    RMBufPacket send;
-    RMBufPacket recv;
-    while (iSendQ.Remove(send))
-        {
-        TunnelProcessing(send,recv);
-        iRecvQ.Append(recv);
-        iRecvCallBack->CallBack();
-        send.Free();
-        }
-    }
-void CTunDriverBinder6::DoProcess()
-* CTunDriverBinder4::DoProcess will retreive the packet from RMBufPkt Receive Buffer.
-* send the packet to IP Layer for processing the packet.
-* Will be invoked by CTunDriverBinder4::ReceiveCallback
-* @param 
-* @return  
-    {
-    RMBufPacket packet;
-    while (iRecvQ.Remove(packet))
-        {
-        iUpperReceiver->Process(packet);
-        }
-    }
-void CTunDriverBinder6::TunnelProcessing(RMBufPacket& aPacket, RMBufPacket& aRecv )
-* CTunDriverBinder4::TunnelProcessing will encapsulate with IPv4 Header if the packet is to be tunneled.
-* IP Number and port number will be configure by TUN Client.
-* If the IPPacket contains TOS Option set with 192, Packet is encapsulated else packet will be send as is.
-* Will be invoked by CTunDriverBinder4::DoSend
-* @param aPacket contains the raw packet.
-* @param aRecv will contain the payload and the encapsulated IPv4 Header.
-* @return  
-    {
-    TInt  ret;
-    TUint origPktLen;
-    TInet6HeaderIP* lip6 = (TInet6HeaderIP*) aPacket.First()->Next()->Ptr();
-    TInt outerHdrLen = TInet6HeaderIP4::MinHeaderLength()
-                       + TInet6HeaderUDP::MinHeaderLength();
-    if((lip6->HopLimit() & KTUNDriverTos) == KTUNDriverTos)        
-        {
-        RMBufChain outerHdr;
-        aRecv.Assign(aPacket);
-        RMBufPktInfo *info = aRecv.Unpack();
-        aRecv.SetInfo(info);
-        origPktLen = aRecv.Length();
-        TRAP(ret, outerHdr.AllocL(outerHdrLen));
-        if (ret != KErrNone)
-            {
-            RDebug::Printf("\nVirtual tunnel nif: tunnel processing: Error in Allocating the outer IP header.");
-            aRecv.Free();
-            }
-        TInet6HeaderIP *hdrBuf = (TInet6HeaderIP*) outerHdr.First()->Buffer();
-        aRecv.Prepend(outerHdr);
-        info->iLength += outerHdrLen;
-        TInet6Checksum<TInet6HeaderUDP> outerUdp(aRecv, 20);
-        if (outerUdp.iHdr == NULL)
-            {
-            RDebug::Printf("\nVirtual tunnel nif: tunnel processing: Error in Allocating the outer UDP header.");
-            aRecv.Free();
-            }
-        outerUdp.iHdr->SetSrcPort(GetPort());
-        outerUdp.iHdr->SetDstPort(GetPort());
-        outerUdp.iHdr->SetLength(origPktLen + TInet6HeaderUDP::MinHeaderLength());
-        outerUdp.iHdr->SetChecksum(0);
-        TInet6Checksum<TInet6HeaderIP> outerIP(aRecv);
-        outerIP.iHdr->Init();
-        outerIP.iHdr->SetHopLimit(1);
-        outerIP.iHdr->SetNextHeader(KProtocolInetUdp);
-        outerIP.iHdr->SetSrcAddr(iLocalAddress.Ip6Address());
-        outerIP.iHdr->SetDstAddr(iLocalAddress.Ip6Address());
-        aRecv.Pack();
-        }
-    }
-CTunDriverSubConnectionFlow* CTunDriverBinder6::Flow()
-    {
-    return &iTunDriverSubConnectionFlow;
-    }