// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Implementation file for transmitted handshake events - ClientHello,
// ClientKeyExchange, ClientCertificate, CertificateVerify, and Client Finished
// messages.
#include "tlshandshakeitem.h"
#include "handshaketransmitevents.h"
#include "recordprotocolevents.h"
#include "tlshandshake.h"
#include <tlstypedef_internal.h>
#include <ssl_internal.h>
iRecordComposer.SetUserData( NULL );
delete iHandshakeMessage;
iHandshakeMessage = NULL;
void CHandshakeTransmit::ComposeHandshakeHeader( TInt aHistoryUpdate, ETlsHandshakeMessage aHandshakeMessage, TDesC8& aDesComposeMsg )
* This method updates the State Machine's history, composes a header for the
* handshake message and sets the Record protocol content type.
iStateMachine->UpdateHistory( aHistoryUpdate );
HandshakeMessage()->ComposeHeader( aHandshakeMessage, aDesComposeMsg.Length() - KTlsHandshakeHeaderSize );
iRecordComposer.SetRecordType( ETlsHandshakeContentType );
Handshake().UpdateVerify( aDesComposeMsg );
// Set the protocol version in the Record to the negotiated protocol, set the
// data buffer in the Record composer to the data in the handshake message,
// set up the next asynchronous event.
iRecordComposer.SetUserData( &aDesComposeMsg );
* Destructor.
* Destructor.
delete iKeyExchBuf;
* Destructor.
delete iSignature;
* Destructor.
delete iFinishedMsg;
delete iShaHashPtr;
delete iMd5HashPtr;
CAsynchEvent* CClientHello::ProcessL( TRequestStatus& aStatus )
* This asynchronous method processes a ClientHello message. This message
* initiates Handshake negotiation.
* It creates a CClientHelloMsg object which contains the items needed for a ClientHello
* message. The CClientHelloMsg constructor initialises the object with some basic values.
* Other message items will need to be retrieved via the TLS Provider and will
* be used to complete construction of this object.
* The required items are a session id (if one currently exists), client random
* value, proposed protocol version, cipher suites and compression algorithm.
* @param aStatus TRequestStatus object
* @return CAsynchEvent* Pointer to the next asynchronous event to be processed
// Get a reference to CHandshake::iComposeMsg (TPtr8 descriptor). This
// pointer descriptor is used to access the CStateMachine::iFragment heap
// descriptor and contains the message to be transmitted.
TPtr8& ptrComposeMsg = Handshake().ComposeMsg();
switch ( iClientHelloStates )
case ETlsGetSessionInfo:
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CClientHello::ProcessL() - ETlsGetSessionInfo"));)
iClientHelloStates = ETlsGetCiphers;
__ASSERT_DEBUG( !iHandshakeMessage, TlsPanic(ETlsPanicHandshakeMsgAlreadyExists));
CTlsCryptoAttributes& cryptoAttributes = *iTlsProvider->Attributes();
// If this type is changed be very careful to check all the code which uses iHandshakeMessage...
iHandshakeMessage = new(ELeave)CClientHelloMsg;
// If this type is changed be very careful to check all the code which uses iHandshakeMessage...
iHandshakeMessage = new(ELeave)CClientHelloWithExtensionsMsg;
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("iHandshakeMessage %x - %x"), iHandshakeMessage, (TUint)iHandshakeMessage + sizeof( CClientHelloMsg ));)
Handshake().GetServerAddrInfo( cryptoAttributes.iSessionNameAndID.iServerName );
cryptoAttributes.iSessionNameAndID.iSessionId.Zero(); // Reset the length.
cryptoAttributes.iSessionNameAndID.iSessionId, aStatus);
case ETlsGetCiphers:
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CClientHello::ProcessL() - ETlsGetCiphers"));)
iClientHelloStates = ETlsComposeHello;
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iHandshakeMessage, TlsPanic(ETlsPanicNullHandshakeMsg) );
// Get the list of available ciphers the Provider.
iTlsProvider->CipherSuitesL(iCipherList, aStatus);
case ETlsComposeHello:
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CClientHello::ProcessL() - ETlsComposeHello"));)
iClientHelloStates = ETlsGetSessionInfo;
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iHandshakeMessage, TlsPanic(ETlsPanicNullHandshakeMsg));
CTlsCryptoAttributes &cryptoAttributes = *iTlsProvider->Attributes();
// Get and set the variable length (CVariableItem) parameters.
// Cipher suites
TDes8& desCipherSuites = iTlsProvider->Attributes()->iProposedCiphers;
if ( desCipherSuites.Length() == 0 )
// The user has not already setup the ciphersuite list via CSecureSocket::SetAvailableCipherSuites
// so we set it to all the ciphersuites which are supported and configured.
for ( TInt loop = 0; loop < iCipherList.Count(); ++loop )
const TTLSCipherSuite &cipherSuite = iCipherList[loop];
desCipherSuites.Append( cipherSuite.iHiByte );
desCipherSuites.Append( cipherSuite.iLoByte );
// Get the Compression and session id
// Compute and set the length of the Variable length items.
const TDesC8& desCompression = iRecordComposer.SupportedCompression();
TDes8& desSessionId = iTlsProvider->Attributes()->iSessionNameAndID.iSessionId;
CClientHelloMsg* pHelloMsg = (CClientHelloMsg*)iHandshakeMessage;
pHelloMsg->iCipherSuite.Header().SetInitialValue( desCipherSuites.Length() );
pHelloMsg->iCompression.Header().SetInitialValue( desCompression.Length() );
pHelloMsg->iSessionId.Header().SetInitialValue( desSessionId.Length() );
CClientServerNameExtension *serverNameExtension = 0;
CClientHelloWithExtensionsMsg* pHelloExtMsg = static_cast<CClientHelloWithExtensionsMsg*>(pHelloMsg);
serverNameExtension = CClientServerNameExtension::NewLC();
TInt serverNameCount = cryptoAttributes.iServerNames->Count();
for(TInt i=0; i<serverNameCount; ++i)
const TPtrC8 &serverName = (*cryptoAttributes.iServerNames)[i];
CClientServerNameEntry *serverNameEntry = CClientServerNameEntry::NewLC(serverName.Length());
// Compute the length of the Client Hello message and allocate an
// appropriate-sized buffer.
HBufC8* pFragment = iStateMachine->ReAllocL( pHelloMsg->iRecord.CalcTotalInitialiseLength() );
ptrComposeMsg.Set( pFragment->Des() );
// Initialise each item's pointer to point to the start of its part of
// the buffer and set each items' value.
pHelloMsg->iRecord.InitialiseL( ptrComposeMsg );
pHelloMsg->iCipherSuite.SetBody( desCipherSuites );
pHelloMsg->iCompression.SetBody( desCompression );
pHelloMsg->iSessionId.SetBody( desSessionId );
iBody.Set( pHelloMsg->iVersion.GetBodyDes() );
iBody[0] = iTlsProvider->Attributes()->iProposedProtocol.iMajor;
iBody[1] = iTlsProvider->Attributes()->iProposedProtocol.iMinor;
// Generate random directly into message buffer and set the value in the
// Provider also.
iBody.Set( pHelloMsg->iRandom.GetBodyDes() );
iTlsProvider->GenerateRandom( iBody );
iTlsProvider->Attributes()->iMasterSecretInput.iClientRandom = iBody;
// Set type field
serverNameExtension->SetBigEndian( CExtensionNode::KExtServerName );
TInt serverNameCount = cryptoAttributes.iServerNames->Count();
for(TInt i=0; i<serverNameCount; ++i)
// Get server name
const TPtrC8 &serverName = (*cryptoAttributes.iServerNames)[i];
// Create the server name entry
CClientServerNameEntry *entry = serverNameExtension->Node(i);
// Set type to DNS
entry->SetBigEndian( CClientServerNameEntry::KExtServerNameTypeDns );
TPtr8 serverNameDes(0,0);
serverNameDes.Set( entry->iName.GetBodyDes() );
serverNameDes = serverName;
// Create handshake header, update the history, and set the record protocol
// content type. Hard-coded start using SSL3.0 framing to support TLS->SSL fall
// back. Set the Record composer's data buffer to the handshake message and set
// up the next asynchronous event.
ComposeHandshakeHeader( ETlsClientHelloSent, ETlsClientHelloMsg, ptrComposeMsg );
CRecordComposer& recordComposer = iRecordComposer; //'this' will be deleted
if ( !recordComposer.TlsVersion() )
// Always default to the newest version, if the server doesn't
// support it we will get an SSL3.0 server hello and we will
// rollback to that
recordComposer.SetVersion( &KTLS1_0 );
recordComposer.SetVersion( &iTlsProvider->Attributes()->iProposedProtocol );
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CClientHello message"));)
#ifdef _DEBUG
LOG(iHandshakeMessage->iRecord.Dump( KSSLLogDir,KSSLLogFileName);)
recordComposer.SetNext( Handshake().InitiateReceiveL() );
// !'this' is now deleted !
return recordComposer.ProcessL( aStatus );
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CClientHello::ProcessL() - Default case statement - ERROR"));)
__ASSERT_ALWAYS( EFalse, TlsPanic(ETlsPanicInvalidProcessState));
return this;
CAsynchEvent* CClientKeyExch::ProcessL( TRequestStatus& aStatus )
* This method processes a Client Key exchange message. The content of the message is
* passed to the Protocol via the TLS Provider API.
* For the RSA key exchange algorithm, this message will consist of an encrypted premaster secret.
* For the DH key exchange algorithm, it will consist of the DH parameters.
* For the PSK key exchange algorithm, it will consist of the PSK identity.
* For the DHE_PSK Key Exchange Algorithm it will consist of the PSK identity followed
* by the ClientDiffieHellmanPublic params.
* For the RSA_PSK Key Exchange Algorithm it will consist of the PSK identity followed
* by the EncryptedPreMasterSecret.
* @param aStatus TRequestStatus object
* @return CAsynchEvent* Pointer to the next event to be processed
// Get a pointer to the handshake message buffer and get the Key exchange algorithm.
TPtr8& ptrComposeMsg = Handshake().ComposeMsg();
switch ( iClientKeyExcStates )
case ETlsGetKeyExchangeMsg:
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CClientKeyExch::ProcessL() - ETlsGetKeyExchangeMsg"));)
const CTlsCryptoAttributes *cryptoAttributes = iTlsProvider->Attributes();
case EPsk:
case EDhePsk:
case ERsaPsk:
// Server asked for a ciphersuite with a PSK key exchange algorithm, but PSK is not configured.
// This can happen if the client forces the ciphersuite, without configuring the PSK callback info.
return 0;
// Callback is set so call it
delete cryptoAttributes->iPublicKeyParams->iValue4; // Make sure we do not leak a PSK identity
cryptoAttributes->iPublicKeyParams->iValue4 = 0;
delete cryptoAttributes->iPublicKeyParams->iValue5; // Make sure we do not leak a PSK value
cryptoAttributes->iPublicKeyParams->iValue5 = 0;
if((cryptoAttributes->iPublicKeyParams->iValue4==0) || (cryptoAttributes->iPublicKeyParams->iValue5==0))
iClientKeyExcStates = ETlsComposeKeyExchange;
iTlsProvider->TlsSessionPtr()->ClientKeyExchange( iKeyExchBuf, aStatus);
case ETlsComposeKeyExchange:
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CClientKeyExch::ProcessL() - ETlsComposeKeyExchange"));)
iClientKeyExcStates = ETlsGetKeyExchangeMsg;
TTLSKeyExchangeAlgorithm keyExcAlg = iTlsProvider->Attributes()->iCurrentCipherSuite.CipherDetails()->iKeyExAlg;
__ASSERT_DEBUG( !iHandshakeMessage, TlsPanic(ETlsPanicHandshakeMsgAlreadyExists));
iBody.Set( iKeyExchBuf->Des() ); // Get a TPtr to the message contents
CClientKeyExchMsg* pKeyExchMsg = NULL; //to make compiler happy
if ( keyExcAlg == ERsa )
if ( iTlsProvider->Attributes()->iNegotiatedProtocol.iMinor )
iHandshakeMessage = pKeyExchMsg = new(ELeave)CRsaClientKeyExchMsg31( iBody.Length() );
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("iHandshakeMessage %x - %x"), iHandshakeMessage, (TUint)iHandshakeMessage + sizeof( CRsaClientKeyExchMsg31 ));)
iHandshakeMessage = pKeyExchMsg = new(ELeave)CRsaClientKeyExchMsg30( iBody.Length() );
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("iHandshakeMessage %x - %x"), iHandshakeMessage, (TUint)iHandshakeMessage + sizeof( CRsaClientKeyExchMsg30 ));)
else if ( keyExcAlg == EDHE )
iHandshakeMessage = pKeyExchMsg = new(ELeave)CDhExplicitClientKeyExchMsg( iBody.Length() );
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("iHandshakeMessage %x - %x"), iHandshakeMessage, (TUint)iHandshakeMessage + sizeof( CDhExplicitClientKeyExchMsg ));)
else if (keyExcAlg == EPsk)
iHandshakeMessage = pKeyExchMsg = new(ELeave)CPskClientKeyExchMsg( iBody.Length() );
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("iHandshakeMessage %x - %x"), iHandshakeMessage, (TUint)iHandshakeMessage + sizeof( CPskClientKeyExchMsg ));)
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CClientKeyExch::ProcessL() - Unsupported key exchange"));)
// Allocate memory in the state machine's buffer for the message
HBufC8* pFragment = iStateMachine->ReAllocL( pKeyExchMsg->iRecord.CalcTotalInitialiseLength() );
ptrComposeMsg.Set( pFragment->Des() );
// Initialise the item's pointer to point to the start of its part of
// the buffer and set its value.
pKeyExchMsg->iRecord.InitialiseL( ptrComposeMsg );
pKeyExchMsg->SetKeyExchnage( iBody );
// Create handshake header, update the handshake messages hash and history, set the
// record protocol content type
ComposeHandshakeHeader( ETlsClientKeyExchSent, ETlsClientKeyExchMsg, ptrComposeMsg );
#ifdef _DEBUG
LOG(iHandshakeMessage->iRecord.Dump( KSSLLogDir,KSSLLogFileName);)
CRecordComposer& recordComposer = iRecordComposer; //'this' will be deleted
recordComposer.SetNext( Handshake().InitiateTransmitL() );
return recordComposer.ProcessL( aStatus );
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CClientKeyExch::ProcessL() - Default case statement - ERROR"));)
__ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, TlsPanic(ETlsPanicInvalidProcessState));
} // switch
return this;
CAsynchEvent* CClientCertificate::ProcessL( TRequestStatus& aStatus )
* This asynchronous method processes a Client certificate message.
* This message is only sent if a Server certificate has been received (always true for
* this implementation as only authenticated servers are supported) and if a Certificate
* Request has been received by the Server.
* @param aStatus TRequestStatus object
* @return CAsynchEvent* Pointer to the next event to be processed
TPtr8& ptrComposeMsg = Handshake().ComposeMsg();
switch ( iClientCertStates )
case ETlsGetCertInfo:
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CClientCertificate::ProcessL() - ETlsGetCertInfo"));)
iClientCertStates = ETlsComposeClientCert;
__ASSERT_DEBUG( !iHandshakeMessage, TlsPanic(ETlsPanicHandshakeMsgAlreadyExists));
iHandshakeMessage = new(ELeave)CCertificateMsg;
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("iHandshakeMessage %x - %x"), iHandshakeMessage, (TUint)iHandshakeMessage + sizeof( CCertificateMsg ));)
if( iTlsProvider->TlsSessionPtr() == NULL )
iTlsProvider->TlsSessionPtr()->ClientCertificate( &iCertArray, aStatus );
case ETlsComposeClientCert:
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CClientCertificate::ProcessL() - ETlsGetCertInfo"));)
iClientCertStates = ETlsGetCertInfo;
// Compose Client certificate message - Allocate memory in the state machine's
// buffer for the message; initialise the record object and set its value.
CCertificateMsg* pClientCertMsg = (CCertificateMsg*)iHandshakeMessage;
// If the Client Certificate message is NULL, there is no need to send a Certificate
// Verify message. A certificate message will be sent with an empty body.
TInt certCount = iCertArray.Count();
if (certCount != 0)
Handshake().SetCertificateVerifyReqd( ETrue );
for(TInt i=0; i<certCount; i++)
pClientCertMsg->iCertificateList.AddNodeL( iCertArray[i]->Length() );
HBufC8* pFragment = iStateMachine->ReAllocL( pClientCertMsg->iRecord.CalcTotalInitialiseLength() );
ptrComposeMsg.Set( pFragment->Des() );
pClientCertMsg->iRecord.InitialiseL( ptrComposeMsg );
if(certCount != 0)
CListNode* currentNode = pClientCertMsg->iCertificateList.First();
for(TInt i=0; i<certCount; i++)
TPtrC8 cert = iCertArray[i]->Des();
currentNode = currentNode->Next();
// Create handshake header, update the history, and set the record protocol,
// content type, Update the handshake messages hash
ComposeHandshakeHeader( ETlsClientCertificateSent, ETlsClientCertificateMsg, ptrComposeMsg );
CRecordComposer& recordComposer = iRecordComposer; //'this' will be deleted
#ifdef _DEBUG
LOG(iHandshakeMessage->iRecord.Dump( KSSLLogDir,KSSLLogFileName);)
recordComposer.SetNext( Handshake().NextTxEvent() );
return recordComposer.ProcessL( aStatus );
// This should never happen
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CClientCertificate::ProcessL() - 'Default' statement - unknown state"));)
__ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, TlsPanic(ETlsPanicInvalidProcessState));
} // switch
return this;
CAsynchEvent* CCertificateVerify::ProcessL( TRequestStatus& aStatus )
* This asynchronous method processes a Certificate Verify message.
* The message is computed differently for the SSL3.0 and TLS1.0 protocols. However,
* the input passed to the Provider is the same and the differences are handled in the
* Security components.
* This message is sent only if the Client certificate is NOT NULL and if the Client
* Certificate has signing capability. This is always true for this implementation as
* static/fixed DH is NOT supported.
* @param aStatus TRequestStatus object
* @return CAsynchEvent* Pointer to the next event to be processed
TPtr8& ptrComposeMsg = Handshake().ComposeMsg();
TAlgorithmId& signatureAlg = Handshake().SignatureAlg();
CSHA1* sha1HashPtr = Handshake().SHA1Verify();
CMD5* md5HashPtr = Handshake().MD5Verify();
switch ( iCertVerifyStates )
case ETlsGetSignature:
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CCertificateVerify::ProcessL() - ETlsGetSignature"));)
iCertVerifyStates = ETlsComposeCertVerify;
__ASSERT_DEBUG( !iHandshakeMessage, TlsPanic(ETlsPanicHandshakeMsgAlreadyExists));
if ( signatureAlg == ERSA)
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CCertificateVerify::ProcessL - RSA signature"));)
iHandshakeMessage = new(ELeave)CRsaCertificateVerifyMsg;
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("iHandshakeMessage %x - %x"), iHandshakeMessage, (TUint)iHandshakeMessage + sizeof( CRsaCertificateVerifyMsg ));)
// signatureLength = KTlsMd5Length + KTlsShaLength;
else if ( signatureAlg == EDSA )
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CCertificateVerify::ProcessL - DSA signature"));)
iHandshakeMessage = new(ELeave)CDsaCertificateVerifyMsg;
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("iHandshakeMessage %x - %x"), iHandshakeMessage, (TUint)iHandshakeMessage + sizeof( CDsaCertificateVerifyMsg ));)
// signatureLength = KTlsShaLength;
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CCertificateVerify::ProcessL() - Unsupported signing algorithm"));)
// Allocate a buffer of the right size for the signature and call the Provider.
__ASSERT_DEBUG( !iSignature, TlsPanic(ETlsPanicSignatureAlreadyExists) );
//iSignature = HBufC8::NewL( signatureLength ); signature allocated by token
//LOG(Log::Printf(_L("iSignature %x - %x"), iSignature, iSignature + signatureLength + sizeof( HBufC8 ));)
iTlsProvider->TlsSessionPtr()->CertificateVerifySignatureL( md5HashPtr, sha1HashPtr, iSignature, aStatus );
case ETlsComposeCertVerify:
// Compose Certificate Verify message - Allocate memory in the state
// machine's buffer for the message; initialise the record object and set
// its value.
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CCertificateVerify::ProcessL() - ETlsComposeCertVerify"));)
iCertVerifyStates = ETlsGetSignature;
TPtrC8 sigDes = iSignature->Des();
CCertificateVerifyMsg* pCertVerifyMsg = static_cast<CCertificateVerifyMsg*>(iHandshakeMessage);
pCertVerifyMsg->SetSignatureLength( sigDes );
HBufC8* pFragment = iStateMachine->ReAllocL( pCertVerifyMsg->iRecord.CalcTotalInitialiseLength() );
ptrComposeMsg.Set( pFragment->Des() );
pCertVerifyMsg->iRecord.InitialiseL( ptrComposeMsg );
pCertVerifyMsg->SetSignature( sigDes );
// Create handshake header, update the history, and set the record protocol,
// content type, Update the handshake messages hash
ComposeHandshakeHeader( ETlsCertificateVerifySent, ETlsCertificateVerifyMsg, ptrComposeMsg );
#ifdef _DEBUG
LOG(iHandshakeMessage->iRecord.Dump( KSSLLogDir,KSSLLogFileName);)
iRecordComposer.SetNext( Handshake().NextTxEvent() );
return iRecordComposer.ProcessL( aStatus );
} // case ETlsComposeCertVerify
{ // This should never happen
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CCertificateVerify::ProcessL() - 'Default' statement - unknown state"));)
__ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, TlsPanic(ETlsPanicInvalidProcessState));
}// switch
return this;
CAsynchEvent* CSendFinished::ProcessL( TRequestStatus& aStatus )
* This asynchronous method processes a transmitted Finished message.
* The input to the Finished message is the same for both SSL3.0 and TLS1.0. However
* the calculations for the end result (and thus the output) are different.
* @param aStatus TRequestStatus object
* @return CAsynchEvent* Pointer to the next event to be processed
switch( iFinishedStates)
case ETlsGetFinishedMsg:
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CSendFinished::ProcessL() - ETlsGetFinishedMsg"));)
iFinishedStates = ETlsComposeFinished;
__ASSERT_DEBUG( !iHandshakeMessage, TlsPanic(ETlsPanicHandshakeMsgAlreadyExists));
// Send the information to the Provider to calculate the message body
iShaHashPtr = static_cast<CSHA1*>( Handshake().SHA1Verify()->CopyL() );
iMd5HashPtr = static_cast<CMD5*>( Handshake().MD5Verify()->CopyL() );
iTlsProvider->TlsSessionPtr()->ClientFinishedMsgL( iMd5HashPtr, iShaHashPtr, iFinishedMsg, aStatus);
case ETlsComposeFinished:
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CSendFinished::ProcessL() - ETlsComposeFinished"));)
iFinishedStates = ETlsGetFinishedMsg;
TPtr8& ptrComposeMsg = Handshake().ComposeMsg();
iBody.Set( iFinishedMsg->Des() ); // Get a TPtr to the message contents
__ASSERT_DEBUG( !iHandshakeMessage, TlsPanic(ETlsPanicHandshakeMsgAlreadyExists));
iHandshakeMessage = new(ELeave)CFinishedMsg( iBody.Length() );
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("iHandshakeMessage %x - %x"), iHandshakeMessage, (TUint)iHandshakeMessage + sizeof( CFinishedMsg ));)
CFinishedMsg* pFinishedMsg = (CFinishedMsg*)iHandshakeMessage;
HBufC8* pFragment = iStateMachine->ReAllocL( pFinishedMsg->iRecord.CalcTotalInitialiseLength() );
ptrComposeMsg.Set( pFragment->Des() );
pFinishedMsg->iRecord.InitialiseL( ptrComposeMsg );
pFinishedMsg->iFinishedData.SetBody ( iBody );
// Create handshake header, update the history, and set the record protocol,
// content type, Update the handshake messages hash
ComposeHandshakeHeader( ETlsFinishedSent, ETlsFinishedMsg, ptrComposeMsg );
#ifdef _DEBUG
LOG(iHandshakeMessage->iRecord.Dump( KSSLLogDir,KSSLLogFileName);)
// Set up next event.
CRecordComposer& recordComposer = iRecordComposer; //'this' will be deleted
recordComposer.SetNext( Handshake().InitiateReceiveL() );
return recordComposer.ProcessL( aStatus );
{ // This should never happen
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CSendFinished::ProcessL() - 'Default' statement - unknown state"));)
__ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, TlsPanic(ETlsPanicInvalidProcessState) );
} // switch
return this;