// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// tcp.h - TCP protocol for IPv6/IPv4
// TCP protocol class declarations for IPv6/IPv4.
@file tcp.h
#ifndef __TCP_H__
#define __TCP_H__
#include "in_trans.h"
#include <ip6_hdr.h>
#include <tcp_hdr.h>
#include <in_chk.h>
#include "frag.h"
#include "inet6log.h"
#include <in6_opt.h>
#include <in_sock.h>
// Define the following macro here. Do NOT use macro statement in mmp file to define this.
// The macro will be used in source files to confirm the right modifed header file is used.
// Using macro statement in mmp file disables the trick.
#include <FjVariantTimer.h>
// Constants affecting protocol performance
const TUint KOneSecondUs = 1000000; //< Help for converting longer times to microseconds
const TUint KTcpMaximumWindow = 0x3fffffff; //< Maximum receive window size
const TUint KTcpMinimumWindow = 1024; //< Minimum receive window size
const TUint KTcpDefaultRcvWnd = 48 * 1024; //< Default receive window size
const TUint KTcpDefaultSndWnd = 16 * 1024; //< Default send window size
const TUint KTcpDefaultMSS = 65535; //< By default, MSS is not limited by user
const TUint KTcpStandardMSS = 536; //< Internet standard MSS
const TUint KTcpMinimumMSS = 64; //< Minimum acceptable MSS.
const TUint KTcpMaxTransmit = 2; //< Transmit at most this many segments at one time.
const TUint KTcpMinRTO = 1000000; //< us (1s)
const TUint KTcpMaxRTO = 60000000; //< us (60s)
const TUint KTcpInitialRTO = 3000000; //< us (3s)
const TUint KTcpSrttSmooth = 8; //< alpha = 1/8
const TUint KTcpMdevSmooth = 4; //< beta = 1/4
const TUint KTcpRTO_K = 4; //< RTO = SRTT = 4 * RTTVAR
const TUint KTcpAckDelay = 200000; //< us (200ms)
const TUint KTcpMsl2Delay = 60000000; //< us (2x30s)
const TUint KTcpSynRetries = 5; //< Maximum retransmit attempts during connect.
const TUint KTcpMaxRetries1 = 3; //< Maximum retransmit attempts before MTU reduction.
const TUint KTcpMaxRetries2 = 12; //< Maximum retransmit attempts during transmission.
const TUint KTcpReordering = 3; //< Worst case packet reordering in network.
const TUint KTcpInitialCwnd = 2; //< Initial congestion window
const TUint KTcpLtxWindow = 2; //< Limited transmit window (2 segments)
const TUint KTcpNumKeepAlives = 8; //< Number of keepalive probes before quitting.
const TUint KTcpKeepAliveRxmt = 75; //< Interval for retransmitted keepalives (seconds).
const TUint KTcpKeepAliveIntv = 2 * 3600; //< Default interval between keepalives (seconds => 2 h).
const TUint KTcpKeepAliveTH = 30; //< Minimum time between triggered KeepAlives (seconds)
const TInt KTcpFinPersistency = 3; //< Default for tcp_fin_persistency.
const TInt KTcpMaxLingerTime = 1800; //< Max Linger Timeout in seconds (= 30 min).
const TUint KTcpDefaultRcvMaxWnd = 0x40000; // TCP Receive Max window = 262144
// Maximum number of remembered urgent pointers. If the number of
// separate pending urgent bytes exceeds this number the urgent
// data bytes will start appearing in the received data (as if
// inlined).
// Discussion: We use a fairly light-weight method of removing
// out-of-band data from the data stream that involves no extra
// copying. BSD does it the hard way but still sometimes leaves
// droppings in the data stream. So, why bother? Increasing the
// number below reduces the probability of an out-of-band character
// appearing in the data stream. The cost is 4*n bytes state
// variable space. -ML
const TInt KTcpUpMax = 5;
typedef TInet6Checksum<TInet6HeaderTCP> TTcpPacket;
* TCP timer
class CTcpTimer : public DCM::CVariantTimer
class CTcpTimer : public CTimer
CTcpTimer(TCallBack& aCallBack, TInt aPriority = KInet6DefaultPriority)
: DCM::CVariantTimer(aPriority), iCallBack(aCallBack.iFunction, aCallBack.iPtr)
CTcpTimer(TCallBack& aCallBack, TInt aPriority = KInet6DefaultPriority)
: CTimer(aPriority), iCallBack(aCallBack.iFunction, aCallBack.iPtr)
{ CActiveScheduler::Add(this); }
virtual void RunL() { iCallBack.CallBack(); }
virtual void InitL() { ConstructL(); }
void Start(TUint aMicroSeconds)
if (!IsActive())
void Restart(TUint aMicroSeconds)
if (IsActive())
TCallBack iCallBack;
* TCP reassembly queue
class RMBufTcpFrag : public RMBufFrag
TUint Offset();
TUint FragmentLength();
void Join(RMBufChain& aChain);
typedef RMBufFragQ<RMBufTcpFrag> RMBufTcpFragQ;
* TCP Protocol
class CProtocolTCP6 : public CProtocolInet6Transport
CProtocolTCP6& operator=(const CProtocolTCP6&);
virtual ~CProtocolTCP6();
virtual CServProviderBase *NewSAPL(TUint aProtocol);
virtual void InitL(TDesC& aTag);
virtual void StartL();
virtual void Identify(TServerProtocolDesc *) const;
//virtual TInt GetOption(TUint level,TUint name,TDes8 &option,CProtocolBase* aSourceProtocol=NULL);
//virtual TInt SetOption(TUint level, TUint aName,const TDesC8 &option,CProtocolBase* aSourceProtocol=NULL);
virtual TInt Send(RMBufChain& aPDU,CProtocolBase* aSourceProtocol=NULL);
virtual void Process(RMBufChain& aPacket, CProtocolBase *aSourceProtocol = NULL);
static void Describe(TServerProtocolDesc&);
TUint32 RandomSequence();
TInt SendControlSegment(RFlowContext *aFlow,
const TSockAddr& aSrcAddr, const TSockAddr& aDstAddr,
TUint8 aFlags, TTcpSeqNum aSeq, TTcpSeqNum aAck,
TUint32 aWnd = 0, TUint32 aUP = 0);
// TCP Configuration Parameters
TUint MSS() const { return iMSS; }
TUint RecvBuf() const { return iRecvBuf; }
TUint SendBuf() const { return iSendBuf; }
TUint MinRTO() const { return iMinRTO; }
TUint MaxRTO() const { return iMaxRTO; }
TUint InitialRTO() const { return iInitialRTO; }
TUint SrttSmooth() const { return iSrttSmooth; }
TUint MdevSmooth() const { return iMdevSmooth; }
TUint RTO_K() const { return iRTO_K; }
TUint RTO_G() const { return iRTO_G; }
TUint ClockGranularity() const { return iClockGranularity; }
TUint AckDelay() const { return iAckDelay; }
TUint Msl2Delay() const { return iMsl2Delay; }
TUint SynRetries() const { return iSynRetries; }
TUint Retries1() const { return iRetries1; }
TUint Retries2() const { return iRetries2; }
TUint ProbeStyle() const { return iProbeStyle; }
TUint InitialCwnd() const { return iInitialCwnd; }
TUint LtxWindow() const { return iLtxWindow; }
TUint RFC2414() const { return iRFC2414; }
TUint Reordering() const { return iReordering; }
TUint MaxBurst() const { return iMaxBurst; }
TUint TimeStamps() const { return iTimeStamps; }
TUint Sack() const { return iSack; }
TUint LocalTimeWait() const { return iLocalTimeWait; }
TUint StrictNagle() const { return iStrictNagle; }
TUint PushAck() const { return iPushAck; }
TUint FRTO() const { return iFRTO; }
TUint DSack() const { return iSack && iDSack; }
TUint KeepAliveIntv() const { return iKeepAliveIntv; }
TUint KeepAliveRxmt() const { return iKeepAliveRxmt; }
TUint NumKeepAlives() const { return iNumKeepAlives; }
TUint DstCache() const { return iDstCache; }
TUint Ecn() const { return iEcn; }
TUint FinPersistency() const { return iFinPersistency; }
TUint SpuriousRtoResponse() const { return iSpuriousRtoResponse; }
TInt WinScale() { return iWinScale; }
TInt AlignOpt() const { return iAlignOpt; }
//Function to set and get receive window
void SetRecvWin(TUint aRecvWin) { iRecvBuf = aRecvWin;}
TUint GetRecvWinSize() { return iRecvBuf; }
TUint RecvMaxWnd() { return iTcpMaxRecvWin;}
#ifdef _LOG
static void LogPacket(char aDir, RMBufChain& aPacket, RMBufPktInfo *info = 0, TInt aOffset = 0);
TUint iMSS;
TUint iRecvBuf;
TUint iSendBuf;
TUint iMinRTO;
TUint iMaxRTO;
TUint iInitialRTO;
TUint iSrttSmooth;
TUint iMdevSmooth;
TUint iRTO_G;
TUint iRTO_K;
TUint iMaxBurst;
TUint iAckDelay;
TUint iSynRetries;
TUint iRetries1;
TUint iRetries2;
TUint iProbeStyle;
TUint iClockGranularity;
TUint iMsl2Delay;
TUint iInitialCwnd;
TUint iLtxWindow;
TUint iReordering;
TUint iKeepAliveIntv;
TUint iKeepAliveRxmt;
TUint iNumKeepAlives;
TUint iFinPersistency;
TInt8 iWinScale; //< value of "tcp_winscale" option: -1 ... 7
// Flags
TUint iTimeStamps:1;
TUint iSack:1;
TUint iLocalTimeWait:1;
TUint iStrictNagle:1;
TUint iRFC2414:1;
TUint iPushAck:1;
TUint iFRTO:1;
TUint iDSack:1;
TUint iDstCache:1;
TUint iAlignOpt:1; //< Set if TCP options should be aligned using NOP option.
// Ecn has 3 reasonable settings: 0 = disable, 1 = enable with ECT(1), 2 = enable with ECT(0).
// Old specification used only ECT(0), so there may be routers out there that only understand
// ECT(0) but not ECT(1).
TUint iEcn:2;
// 8 possible values should be enough for spurious response alternatives.
TUint iSpuriousRtoResponse:3;
TUint32 iRandomIncrement;
RMBufAllocator iBufAllocator;
TUint iTcpMaxRecvWin;
* TCP Socket Provider.
class CProviderTCP6 : public CProviderInet6Transport
friend class CProtocolTCP6;
CProviderTCP6(CProtocolInet6Base* aProtocol);
virtual ~CProviderTCP6();
virtual void InitL();
virtual void Start();
virtual TInt GetOption(TUint level,TUint name,TDes8 &anOption) const;
virtual void Ioctl(TUint level,TUint name,TDes8* anOption);
virtual void CancelIoctl(TUint aLevel, TUint aName);
virtual TInt SetOption(TUint level,TUint name, const TDesC8 &anOption);
virtual TInt SetRemName(TSockAddr &aAddr);
virtual void Shutdown(TCloseType option);
virtual void ActiveOpen();
virtual TInt PassiveOpen(TUint aQueSize);
virtual void ErrorExpire(TInt aError);
virtual void CanSend();
// PRTv1.0 send and receive methods
virtual TUint Write(const TDesC8 &aDesc,TUint options, TSockAddr* aAddr=NULL);
virtual void GetData(TDes8 &aDesc,TUint options,TSockAddr *aAddr=NULL);
// PRTv1.5 send and receive methods
virtual TInt Write(RMBufChain& aData, TUint aOptions, TSockAddr* anAddr=NULL);
virtual TInt GetData(RMBufChain& aData, TUint aLength, TUint aOptions, TSockAddr* anAddr=NULL);
// Parent socket methods
TInt CreateChild(CProviderTCP6*& aSAP);
void DetachChild(CProviderTCP6* aSAP);
TInt CompleteChildConnect(CProviderTCP6* aSAP);
inline void SetChildDeleted(TBool aDeleted);
virtual void Process(RMBufChain& aPacket, CProtocolBase *aSourceProtocol = NULL);
CProtocolTCP6* Protocol() const { return (CProtocolTCP6*)iProtocol; }
virtual void IcmpError(TInt aError, TUint aOperationMask, TInt aType, TInt aCode,
const TInetAddr& aSrcAddr, const TInetAddr& aDstAddr, const TInetAddr& aErrAddr);
inline void LingerTimeout();
virtual TInt CheckPolicy(const TSecurityPolicy& aPolicy, const char *aDiagnostic);
RMBufAllocator iBufAllocator;
// Connection state
enum TTcpStateEnum
ETcpInitial = 0x0001,
ETcpListen = 0x0002,
ETcpSynSent = 0x0004,
ETcpSynReceived = 0x0008,
ETcpEstablished = 0x0010,
ETcpFinWait1 = 0x0020,
ETcpFinWait2 = 0x0040,
ETcpCloseWait = 0x0080,
ETcpClosing = 0x0100,
ETcpLastAck = 0x0200,
ETcpTimeWait = 0x0400,
ETcpClosed = 0x0800,
ETcpConnect = 0x1000
} iState;
//. Send Window Management
// SND.UNA - send unacknowledged
// SND.NXT - send next
// SND.WND - send window
// SND.UP - send urgent pointer
// SND.WL1 - segment sequence number used for last window update
// SND.WL2 - segment acknowledgment number used for last window update
// ISS - initial send sequence number
struct TTcpSendSequence
TTcpSeqNum UNA;
TTcpSeqNum NXT;
TTcpSeqNum WL1;
TTcpSeqNum WL2;
TTcpSeqNum UP;
TUint32 WND;
} iSND;
// Receive Window Management
// RCV.NXT - receive next
// RCV.WND - receive window
// RCV.UP - receive urgent pointer
// IRS - initial receive sequence number
struct TTcpRecvSequence
TTcpSeqNum NXT;
//TTcpSeqNum UP;
TUint32 WND;
} iRCV;
TTcpSeqNum iFinSeq;
// Window updates
TUint32 iFreeWindow;
TUint32 iAdvertisedWindow;
// Retransmission control
TTcpSeqNum iLastAck;
TTcpSeqNum iTransmitSeq;
TTcpSeqNum iRecoverSeq;
TTcpSeqNum iSendHigh;
TUint iDupAcks;
TUint iLastWnd;
// Queue management
RMBufAsyncPktQ iSendQ;
RMBufAsyncPktQ iRecvQ;
RMBufTcpFragQ iFragQ;
RMBufSockQ iSockOutQ;
RMBufSockQ iSockInQ;
TUint iSockOutQLen;
TUint iSockInQLen;
TUint iSockOutBufSize;
TUint iSockInBufSize;
TUint iNewData;
TUint iPending;
//Window size for startup case
TUint32 iTcpMaxRecvWin;
//New window set by the bearer in case of window shrink
TUint32 iNewTcpWindow;
//Size of buffer read by the application from the TCP receive buffer
//but is not transparent while advertising a new TCP window to the sender.
TUint32 iHiddenFreeWindow;
// Size of Window Shrink
TUint32 iShrinkedWindowSize;
// Window size set by user. This will override the default values for the bearers
TBool iWindowSetByUser;
// Maximum Segment Sizes
TUint iMSS; //< Maximum set by user
TUint iSMSS; //< Send MSS
TUint iRMSS; //< Receive MSS
// Asynchronous events
CAsyncCallBack *iTransmitter;
CTcpTimer *iDelayAckTimer;
CTcpTimer *iRetransTimer;
CTcpTimer *iLingerTimer;
// RTT timing
TTime iStartTime; //< Time at the beginning of connection.
TUint32 iTimeStamp; //< Last time stamp taken
TTcpSeqNum iTimingSeq;
TUint32 iTsRecent;
// RTO calculation
TUint32 iRTO;
TUint32 iSRTT;
TUint32 iMDEV;
TUint iBackoff;
// Delay spike detection
TUint32 iLastTimeout; //< Timestamp of last RTO
// Keep-Alive triggering
TUint32 iLastTriggeredKeepAlive; //< Last triggered keep-alive
// Congestion control
TUint32 iCwnd;
TUint32 iLwnd;
TUint32 iSsthresh;
TTcpSeqNum iQuenchSeq; //< Store right window edge at source quench
TTcpSeqNum iPartialSeq;
// TCP options
TTcpOptions iOptions;
// Server socket state
TUint iListenQueueSize; //< Listen queue size.
TUint iConnectCount; //< Number active connect attempts;
CProviderTCP6 *iParent; //< Parent socket
CProviderTCP6 **iListenQueue; //< Array holding pointers to child sockets
TBool iChildDeleted; //< Flag for notifying parent that a child was deleted by SocketServer
// Urgent data handling
TTcpSeqNum iUpArray[KTcpUpMax];
TInt iUpIndex;
TInt iUpCount;
// Large peek offset
TInt iCopyOutOffset;
// SACK book keeping
SequenceBlockQueue iSacked;
// FACK book keeping
TUint32 iRetranData;
// Needed state information for F-RTO/DCLOR retransmission
TUint32 iFRTOsent; //< True, if rto was sent and no acks have yet arrived
TTcpSeqNum iRealSendHigh; //< iSendHigh is not real with SACK
// -1=linger disabled, >=0 linger enabled with given time in seconds.
TInt iLinger;
// Window scaling factor for the send window, advertised by the other end.
TUint8 iSndWscale:4;
// Window scaling factor for receive window, based on ini settings.
TUint8 iRcvWscale:4;
TUint iRetryAck; // to keep count of the ACKs that inform missing segments
// Flags
struct TTcpFlags
// Additional TCP state
TUint32 iStarted:1; //< Protocol has been started
TUint32 iFastRetransMode:1; //< We're in fast retransmit mode
TUint32 iTransmitPending:1; //< We have segments waiting for flow
TUint32 iRetransmitPending:1; //< We have a retransmission waiting for flow
TUint32 iPeerHasReneged:1; //< The peer has reneged and might do it again.
TUint32 iTiming:1; //< We're timing a segment round trip
TUint32 iCloseNotified:1; //< Application has been notified of received FIN.
TUint32 iUrgentMode:1; //< Application is in urgent mode.
TUint32 iNextIsUrgent:1; //< Next Write() call contains urgent data.
TUint32 iFinReceived:1; //< We have received a FIN from the peer
TUint32 iDataSentIoctl:1; //< KIoctlTcpNotifyDataSent ioctl is active
TUint32 iCompleteRecv:1; //< Force RSocket::Recv() to complete (urgent data ahead)
TUint32 iNotifyUrgent:1; //< Notify application of urgent data.
TUint32 iDoPMTUD:1; //< Do path MTU discovery?
TUint32 iHaveKeepAlive:1; //< Keep-Alive option is set.
TUint32 iHaveTriggeredKeepAlive:1; //< Triggered Keep-Alive option is set.
TUint32 iEcnHaveCongestion:1; //< ECN receiver has got CE bit, but not yet CWR.
TUint32 iEcnSendCWR:1; //< ECN sender has got ECE. Next seg should have CWR set.
TUint32 iKeepInterfaceUp:1; //< Storage for KeepInterfaceUp during connection establishment.
// Enabled TCP options
TUint32 iUseTimeStamps:1; //< We're using timestamps for timing round trips
TUint32 iSackOk:1; //< We're using selective acknowledgements
TUint32 iOobInline:1; //< Send out-of-band data inline.
TUint32 iNoDelay:1; //< Disable Nagle.
TUint32 iCork:1; //< Send only full-sized segments.
TUint32 iEcn:1; //< We're using Explicit Congestion Notification.
} iFlags;
// Private implementation methods
inline TInt Min(TInt a, TInt b) const;
inline TUint MinUU(TUint a, TUint b) const;
inline TInt MinUS(TUint a, TInt b) const;
inline TInt MinSU(TInt a, TUint b) const;
inline TInt Max(TInt a, TInt b) const;
void Stop();
void FreeQueues();
void Close();
inline void EnterState(TTcpStateEnum aState);
inline TBool InState(TUint aStateSet) const;
TInt SendSegment(TUint8 aFlags, TTcpSeqNum aSeq, TUint32 aLen = 0);
TInt SendDataSegment(TTcpSeqNum aSeq, TBool aNagleOverride = EFalse);
inline TInt SendSegment(TUint8 aFlags);
inline void SendDelayACK();
inline TInt SendReset(TTcpSeqNum aSequence, const TSockAddr& aDstAddr, const TSockAddr& aSrcAddr);
inline TInt SendReset(TTcpSeqNum aSequence);
inline TInt SendResetNoSync(TTcpSeqNum aAckSequence, const TSockAddr& aDstAddr, const TSockAddr& aSrcAddr);
inline TInt SendResetNoSync(TTcpSeqNum aAckSequence);
inline void SchedTransmit();
inline void SchedRetransmit();
inline void ReSchedRetransmit();
inline void CancelTransmit();
inline void CancelRetransmit();
inline void CancelDelayACK();
inline TUint32 TimeStamp();
inline TUint32 PathMSS();
inline TUint32 EffectiveMSS();
inline TUint32 LinkRMSS();
inline TInt SockInQOffset(TTcpSeqNum aSeq) const;
inline TTcpSeqNum UrgentHigh() const;
inline TInt UrgentOffset() const;
inline TInt UrgentOffset(TInt aIndex) const;
inline TInt SockInQLen() const;
inline TBool CanForwardTransmit();
inline void SetEcn(TInt aFlag);
inline TBool IsLandAttack(RMBufRecvInfo *aInfo);
void RememberUrgentPointer(TTcpSeqNum aUp);
void ForgetUrgentPointer();
TInt GetUrgent(TInt& aChar, TUint aOptions);
void Transmit();
void ClearRTT();
void UpdateRTO(TUint32 aRTT);
void ResetRTO();
void ResetCwnd(TUint aSMSS);
void SchedMsl2Wait();
void ProcessSegments();
void SendSegments(TBool aNagleOverride = EFalse);
void RetransmitTimeout();
void RetransmitSegments();
void ClearSYNSettings();
* Reduce congestion window. The following events may cause this: 1. ICMP Source Quench,
* 2. notification from link layer, 3. ECN congestion echo. The method ensures that congestion
* window is not reduced more frequently than once in RTT.
* @return ETrue if cwnd was reduced, EFalse if it was not.
TBool SourceQuench();
void SendSYN();
void CompleteIoctl(TInt aError);
void Detach();
void Expire();
void ReadDestinationCache();
void StoreDestinationCache();
void DetachIfDead();
void DetachFromInterface();
* Check the size of receive buffers and determine if window scaling is needed
* on our part.
* @return The scale factor that would be required due to buffer size settings.
TUint8 NeedWindowScale();
void SpuriousTimeout(TUint aAcked);
inline void StoreKeepInterfaceUp();
// small methods for keep-alive option
void KeepAliveTimeout(); //< Keep-Alive related timeout has expired.
void ResetKeepAlives(); //< Resetting keep-alive probe timer when connection becomes idle
inline TBool CanFireKeepAlives() //< ETrue when keep-alive probe timer can be activated
{ return iSND.NXT == iSND.UNA && iSND.WND > 0 && iFlags.iHaveKeepAlive; }
inline TBool CanTriggerKeepAlive(); //< ETrue if TCP should send triggered keep-alive
TInt Send(TDualBufPtr& aBuf, TInt aLength, TUint aOptions);
TInt Recv(TDualBufPtr& aBuf, TInt aLength, TUint aOptions);
static TInt SenderCallBack(TAny* aProviderTCP);
static TInt ReceiverCallBack(TAny* aProviderTCP);
static TInt DelayAckCallBack(TAny* aProviderTCP);
static TInt TransmitterCallBack(TAny* aProviderTCP);
static TInt RetransmitterCallBack(TAny* aProviderTCP);
static TInt LingerTimerCallBack(TAny* aProviderTCP);
#ifdef _LOG
const TText *TcpState(TUint aState = ~0L);
// Private implementation methods
inline TInt CProviderTCP6::Min(TInt a, TInt b) const { return (a < b) ? a : b; }
inline TUint CProviderTCP6::MinUU(TUint a, TUint b) const { return (a < b) ? a : b; }
inline TInt CProviderTCP6::MinUS(TUint a, TInt b) const
if(a > KMaxTInt16)
return b;
return Min(TInt(a), b);
inline TInt CProviderTCP6::MinSU(TInt a, TUint b) const
if(b > KMaxTInt16)
return a;
return Min(a, TInt(b));
inline TInt CProviderTCP6::Max(TInt a, TInt b) const { return (a > b) ? a : b; }
inline void CProviderTCP6::EnterState(TTcpStateEnum aState)
LOG(if (aState != iState)
Log::Printf(_L("\ttcp SAP[%u] EnterState(): %s --> %s"),
(TInt)this, TcpState(), TcpState(aState)));
iState = aState;
inline TBool CProviderTCP6::InState(TUint aStateSet) const
return (aStateSet & iState) != 0;
inline TInt CProviderTCP6::SendSegment(TUint8 aFlags)
return SendSegment(aFlags, iSND.NXT, 0);
inline void CProviderTCP6::SendDelayACK()
inline TInt CProviderTCP6::SendReset(TTcpSeqNum aSequence, const TSockAddr& aDstAddr, const TSockAddr& aSrcAddr)
return Protocol()->SendControlSegment(iFlow.Status() == EFlow_READY ? &iFlow : NULL,
aDstAddr, aSrcAddr,
KTcpCtlRST, aSequence, 0);
inline TInt CProviderTCP6::SendReset(TTcpSeqNum aSequence)
return SendReset(aSequence, iFlow.FlowContext()->RemoteAddr(), iFlow.FlowContext()->LocalAddr());
inline TInt CProviderTCP6::SendResetNoSync(TTcpSeqNum aAckSequence, const TSockAddr& aDstAddr, const TSockAddr& aSrcAddr)
return Protocol()->SendControlSegment(iFlow.Status() == EFlow_READY ? &iFlow : NULL,
aDstAddr, aSrcAddr,
KTcpCtlRST|KTcpCtlACK, 0, aAckSequence);
inline TInt CProviderTCP6::SendResetNoSync(TTcpSeqNum aAckSequence)
return SendResetNoSync(aAckSequence, iFlow.FlowContext()->RemoteAddr(), iFlow.FlowContext()->LocalAddr());
inline void CProviderTCP6::SchedTransmit()
inline void CProviderTCP6::SchedRetransmit()
inline void CProviderTCP6::ReSchedRetransmit()
inline void CProviderTCP6::CancelTransmit()
iFlags.iTransmitPending = EFalse;
inline void CProviderTCP6::CancelRetransmit()
iFlags.iRetransmitPending = EFalse;
inline void CProviderTCP6::CancelDelayACK()
inline TUint32 CProviderTCP6::TimeStamp()
TTime now;
#ifdef I64LOW
return I64LOW(now.Int64());
return (TUint32)now.Int64().GetTInt();
* Return maximum segment size allowed by transmission path. Following tradition,
* the value represents the maximum number of data bytes that can be passed in
* a TCP segment with no option headers.
inline TUint32 CProviderTCP6::PathMSS()
ASSERT(iFlow.FlowContext() != 0);
return Min(iMSS, iFlow.FlowContext()->PathMtu() - iFlow.FlowContext()->HeaderSize() - KTcpMinHeaderLength);
* Return effective send MSS. Returns the maximum number of data bytes that can
* be passed in a TCP segment. Checks both path MTU and MSS advertised by the receiver.
* and subtracts the number of bytes taken up by TCP options.
* Finally, ensure that MSS is at most half of the socket output buffer size.
inline TUint32 CProviderTCP6::EffectiveMSS()
ASSERT(iFlow.FlowContext() != 0);
return Min(Max(Min(iSMSS, PathMSS()) - iOptions.Length(), KTcpMinimumMSS), iSockOutBufSize>>1);
* Return maximum segment that can be received through the current network interface.
* Following tradition, this method returns the maximum number of data bytes assuming
* the TCP header contains no optons.
inline TUint32 CProviderTCP6::LinkRMSS()
ASSERT(iFlow.FlowContext() != 0);
return Min(iMSS, iFlow.FlowContext()->InterfaceRMtu() -
iFlow.FlowContext()->HeaderSize() - KTcpMinHeaderLength);
* Return number of bytes in receive queue without out-of-band data.
inline TInt CProviderTCP6::SockInQLen() const
return iFlags.iOobInline ? iSockInQLen : iSockInQLen - iUpCount;
inline TInt CProviderTCP6::SockInQOffset(TTcpSeqNum aSeq) const
return aSeq - iRCV.NXT + iSockInQLen;
* Return sequence number of highest urgent pointer seen so far.
* Assumes iUpCount > 0.
inline TTcpSeqNum CProviderTCP6::UrgentHigh() const
return iUpArray[(iUpIndex + iUpCount - 1) % KTcpUpMax];
* Return offset to pending urgent data. A negative value means
* there is no pending urgent data.
inline TInt CProviderTCP6::UrgentOffset() const
return iUpCount ? SockInQOffset(UrgentHigh()) - 1 : -1;
* Return byte offset of the urgent pointer stored at given index.
inline TInt CProviderTCP6::UrgentOffset(TInt aIndex) const
return aIndex < iUpCount ? SockInQOffset(iUpArray[(iUpIndex + aIndex) % KTcpUpMax]) - 1 : KMaxTInt;
* Checks if sending new data is possible without being limited by application or
* sender or receiver window. This is used for checking whether F-RTO can be applied for sending
* new data instead of retransmitting after RTO.
* @return ETrue if some unsent data can be transmitted.
inline TBool CProviderTCP6::CanForwardTransmit()
return Min(iSND.WND, iSockOutQLen) > (iSND.NXT - iSND.UNA);
* Set the status of ECN for this SAP. Two things: set the SAP-specific status flag, and
* signal the flag to the IP layer (iface.cpp) by using flow options.
* @param aFlag 0 = disable ECN, 1 = enable ECN with ECT(1), 2 = enable ECN with ECT(0)
inline void CProviderTCP6::SetEcn(TInt aFlag)
TPckgBuf<TInt> ecnopt(aFlag);
iFlow.FlowContext()->SetOption(KSolInetIp, KSoIpEcn, ecnopt);
iFlags.iEcn = (aFlag != 0);
Stores the value of KeepInterfaceUp set for the current flow.
inline void CProviderTCP6::StoreKeepInterfaceUp()
TPckgBuf<TInt> ifup;
GetOption(KSolInetIp, KSoKeepInterfaceUp, ifup);
iFlags.iKeepInterfaceUp = (ifup() != 0) ? 1 : 0;
Returns ETrue, if source and destination have equal IP address and port.
inline TBool CProviderTCP6::IsLandAttack(RMBufRecvInfo *aInfo)
return TInetAddr::Cast(aInfo->iSrcAddr).CmpAddr(TInetAddr::Cast(aInfo->iDstAddr));