// Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// @file pfqosparser.h
// Header file for PF_QOS PARSER
// @internalTechnology
// @released
#ifndef __PFQOSPARSER_H__
#define __PFQOSPARSER_H__
#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include <networking/pfqoslib.h>
/** @internalTechnology */
const TInt KBufSize = 2048;
* Base class for extension policy variables
* @internalTechnology
class TVariableBase
IMPORT_C virtual ~TVariableBase();
inline TInt Type() const;
inline const TDesC& Name() const;
TInt iType;
TName iName;
TDblQueLink iNext;
* Integer variable
* @internalTechnology
class TIntVariable : public TVariableBase
IMPORT_C TIntVariable(const TDesC& aName, TInt aValue);
inline void SetValue(TInt aValue);
inline TInt Value() const;
TInt iValue;
* Real variable
* @internalTechnology
class TRealVariable : public TVariableBase
IMPORT_C TRealVariable(const TDesC& aName, TReal aValue);
inline void SetValue(TReal aValue);
inline TReal Value() const;
TReal iValue;
* String variable
* @internalTechnology
class TStringVariable : public TVariableBase
IMPORT_C TStringVariable(const TDesC& aName, const TDesC& aValue);
inline void SetValue(TDesC& aValue);
inline const TDesC& Value() const;
TName iValue;
/** @internalTechnology */
typedef TDblQue<TVariableBase> TVariableQueue;
/** @internalTechnology */
typedef TDblQueIter<TVariableBase> TVariableQueueIter;
* Extension policy data
* @internalTechnology
class CExtension : public CBase
IMPORT_C static CExtension* NewL();
IMPORT_C static CExtension* NewL(const TDesC8& aData);
IMPORT_C ~CExtension();
IMPORT_C void SetName(const TDesC& aName);
* Adds the integer variable into the iVariables queue.
* Exception: SBLP variables (SblpMediaComponentNumber
* and SblpIPFlowNumber) are not checked for duplicates.
* Return KErrAlreadyExists if it already found this variable
* in the queue otherwise KErrNone
IMPORT_C TInt AddIntegerL(const TDesC& aName, TInt aValue);
* Adds the real variable into the iVariables queue.
* Exception: SBLP variables (SblpMediaComponentNumber
* and SblpIPFlowNumber) are not checked for duplicates.
* Return KErrAlreadyExists if it already found this variable
* in the queue otherwise KErrNone
IMPORT_C TInt AddRealL(const TDesC& aName, TReal aValue);
* Adds the string variable into the iVariables queue.
* Exception: SBLP variable (SblpMediaAuthorizationToken)
* is not checked for duplicates.
* Return KErrAlreadyExists if it already found this variable
* in the queue otherwise KErrNone
IMPORT_C TInt AddStringL(const TDesC& aName, const TDesC& aValue);
IMPORT_C TVariableBase* FindVariable(const TDesC& aName);
IMPORT_C TInt Copy(TDes8& aData);
IMPORT_C TInt CopyL(const TDesC8& aData);
IMPORT_C TInt CopyL(CExtension& aExtension);
IMPORT_C const TPtrC8 Data();
IMPORT_C TInt Length() const;
inline const TDesC& Name() const;
inline void SetType(TInt aType);
inline TInt Type() const;
inline TVariableQueue& Queue();
TDblQueLink iNext;
void ConstructL();
void InitL();
void SetIntValueL(TInt aValue, const TDesC& aName);
void SetReal32ValueL(TReal32 aValue, const TDesC& aName);
void SetStringValueL(const TDesC& aValue, const TDesC& aName);
void SetLengthL();
void Reset();
TInt iType;
TName iName;
TInt iPos;
CBufFlat* iBuf;
TVariableQueue iVariables;
* CSelectorBase
* @internalTechnology
class CSelectorBase : public CBase
IMPORT_C CSelectorBase(TUint aType);
IMPORT_C CSelectorBase(/*lint -e(1724) thinks this chould be 'const' */ CSelectorBase& aSel);
IMPORT_C CSelectorBase(TPfqosBase& aBase, TPfqosSelector& aSel,
TPfqosAddress& aSrc, TPfqosAddress& aDst, TUint aType);
IMPORT_C virtual ~CSelectorBase();
TUint16 iDstPortMax;
TInetAddr iDst; // including port selector, if port non-zero
TInetAddr iDstMask; // only address part used, as a mask
TUint16 iSrcPortMax;
TInetAddr iSrc; // including port selector, if port non-zero
TInetAddr iSrcMask; // only address part used, as a mask
TUint8 iProtocol; // used, if non-zero
TCheckedUid iUid; // Uid
TUint32 iIapId; // Internet Access Point Identifier
TUint16 iPolicyOptions;
TUint iPriority; // Priority of the policy (default,
// application, or override)
TUint iType; // Policy type
TName iName; // Policy name --experimental--
TUint iOwner; // Owner - reserved for QoS framework only!!
TDblQueLink iNext;
/** @internalTechnology */
typedef TDblQue<CExtension> TExtensionQueue;
/** @internalTechnology */
typedef TDblQueIter<CExtension> TExtensionQueueIter;
* Extension policy to be used by additional modules
* @internalTechnology
class CExtensionPolicy : public CSelectorBase
IMPORT_C CExtensionPolicy(TPfqosBase& aBase, TPfqosSelector& aSel,
TPfqosAddress& aSrc, TPfqosAddress& aDst, TInt aType);
IMPORT_C CExtensionPolicy();
IMPORT_C ~CExtensionPolicy();
inline TInt Type() const;
inline void SetType(TInt aType);
IMPORT_C void AddExtensionL(CExtension& aExtension);
IMPORT_C void AddExtensionL(const TDesC8& aExtension);
inline TExtensionQueue& Extensions();
TExtensionQueue iExtensions;
/** @internalTechnology */
enum TTokenType
/** @internalTechnology */
typedef TDblQue<CExtensionPolicy> TQoSPolicyQueue;
/** @internalTechnology */
typedef TDblQueIter<CExtensionPolicy> TQoSPolicyQueueIter;
* Parser for policy file
* @internalTechnology
class TPolicyParser : public TLex
IMPORT_C TPolicyParser(const TDesC &aPolicy);
IMPORT_C ~TPolicyParser();
IMPORT_C TInt ParseL();
inline TExtensionQueue& Extensions();
inline TQoSPolicyQueue& Policies();
TInt ParseIPAddrAndMask(TInetAddr& aAddr, TInetAddr& aMask);
TInt ParseExtensionSpecL();
TInt ParseExtensionParams(CExtension& aBuf);
TInt FindExtensionPolicy(CExtensionPolicy *aSel);
TInt ParsePolicyL(TInt aPolicyType);
TTokenType NextToken();
TTokenType GetStringValue();
void SkipSpaceAndMark();
// void Error(const TDesC &aFmt, ...);
void Error(TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt, ...);
void AddPolicy(CExtensionPolicy& aPolicy) { iPolicies.AddLast(aPolicy); }
TExtensionQueue iExtensions;
TQoSPolicyQueue iPolicies;
int iLine;
TBuf<200> iMsg;
TPtrC iToken;
/** @internalTechnology */
inline TExtensionQueue& TPolicyParser::Extensions()
{ return iExtensions; }
/** @internalTechnology */
inline TQoSPolicyQueue& TPolicyParser::Policies()
{ return iPolicies; }
// Inline methods
/** @internalTechnology */
inline TInt TVariableBase::Type() const
{ return iType; }
/** @internalTechnology */
inline const TDesC& TVariableBase::Name() const
{ return iName; }
/** @internalTechnology */
inline void TIntVariable::SetValue(TInt aValue)
{ iValue = aValue; }
/** @internalTechnology */
inline TInt TIntVariable::Value() const
{ return iValue; }
/** @internalTechnology */
inline void TRealVariable::SetValue(TReal aValue)
{ iValue = aValue; };
/** @internalTechnology */
inline TReal TRealVariable::Value() const
{ return iValue; };
/** @internalTechnology */
inline void TStringVariable::SetValue(TDesC& aValue)
{ if (iValue.MaxLength() >= aValue.Length()) iValue.Copy(aValue); };
/** @internalTechnology */
inline const TDesC& TStringVariable::Value() const
{ return iValue; }
/** @internalTechnology */
inline const TDesC& CExtension::Name() const
{ return iName; }
/** @internalTechnology */
inline void CExtension::SetType(TInt aType)
{ iType = aType; }
/** @internalTechnology */
inline TInt CExtension::Type() const
{ return iType; }
/** @internalTechnology */
inline TVariableQueue& CExtension::Queue()
{ return iVariables; }
/** @internalTechnology */
inline TInt CExtensionPolicy::Type() const
{ return iType; }
/** @internalTechnology */
inline void CExtensionPolicy::SetType(TInt aType)
{ iType = aType; }
/** @internalTechnology */
inline TExtensionQueue& CExtensionPolicy::Extensions()
{ return iExtensions; }