* Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Header file containing classes for received Handshake protocol messages.
* Note that the Hello Request message, though a Handshake protocol message,
* is handled separately.
@file HandshakeReceiveEvents.h
#include "tlsevent.h"
#include "tlshandshakeitem.h"
#include "tlsconnection.h"
#include <tlstypedef.h>
class CHandshakeHeader;
class CRecordParser;
class CHandshake;
class CStateMachine;
class CTLSProvider;
class CTLSSession;
class CHandshakeReceive : public CTlsEvent
* @class This abstract class describes received SSL3.0 and TLS1.0 Handshake protocol
* messages (event classes). It owns the received message.
CHandshakeReceive( CTLSProvider& aTlsProvider, CStateMachine& aStateMachine, CRecordParser& aRecordParser );
CHandshake& Handshake(); //MUST NOT be called from CHelloRequest since that
//is processed from CRecvAppData state machine
virtual TBool AcceptMessage( const TUint8 aHandshakeType ) const = 0; // Determines object to accept a Handshake message.
static TInt RxOffset();
CHandshakeHeader* iHandshakeMessage; // Currently processed incoming message
CRecordParser& iRecordParser;
TSglQueLink iRxlink; // Link object (singly linked list of received messages)
inline CHandshakeReceive::CHandshakeReceive( CTLSProvider& aTlsProvider, CStateMachine& aStateMachine, CRecordParser& aRecordParser ) :
CTlsEvent( &aTlsProvider, &aStateMachine ),
iRecordParser( aRecordParser )
inline CHandshake& CHandshakeReceive::Handshake()
return (CHandshake&) *iStateMachine;
inline TInt CHandshakeReceive::RxOffset()
return _FOFF(CHandshakeReceive, iRxlink);
class CHandshakeParser : public CTlsEvent
* @class This class collects a full handshake message and picks the next event
* class (from its list of allowed ones) to process the message.
CHandshakeParser( CStateMachine& aStateMachine, CRecordParser& aRecordParser );
virtual CAsynchEvent* ProcessL( TRequestStatus& aStatus );
virtual TBool AcceptRecord( TInt aRecordType ) const;
TPtr8 Message();
void SetMessageAsUserDataL( TInt aWaitingFor );
void DestroyRxList();
void AddToList( CHandshakeReceive& aRxMsgItem);
CHandshake& Handshake();
TInt ParseHeaderL(); // Sets iNextEvent to a proper message parser
CTlsEvent* LookUpEventL( const TUint8 aHandshakeType );
CAsynchEvent* ProcessNextL( TRequestStatus& aStatus );
TSglQue<CHandshakeReceive> iMessageList; // List of expected Handshake protocol messages to receive
TSglQueIter<CHandshakeReceive> iRxListIter; // List iterator
CRecordParser& iRecordParser;
HBufC8* iMessage; // Received handshake message
TPtr8 iMessagePtr; // Pointer to the buffer returned by the Handshake Parser.
TInt iWaitingFor; // Number of bytes to read
TUint8 iMessageType; //received message type
class CServerHello : public CHandshakeReceive
* @class This class represents a Server Hello message (received by the protocol).
CServerHello( CTLSProvider& aTlsProvider, CStateMachine& aStateMachine, CRecordParser& aRecordParser );
virtual TBool AcceptMessage( const TUint8 aHandshakeType ) const;
virtual CAsynchEvent* ProcessL( TRequestStatus& aStatus );
TBool iCipherListRead; //for re-negotiation only due to a very bad TLS provider
RArray<TTLSCipherSuite> iCipherList; //---------""------------------------
class CCertificateReq : public CHandshakeReceive
* @class This class represents a Certificate Request message (received by the protocol).
CCertificateReq( CTLSProvider& aTlsProvider, CStateMachine& aStateMachine, CRecordParser& iRecordParser );
virtual TBool AcceptMessage( const TUint8 aHandshakeType ) const;
virtual CAsynchEvent* ProcessL( TRequestStatus& aStatus );
class CServerCertificate : public CHandshakeReceive
* @class This class represents a Server Certificate message (received by the protocol).
CServerCertificate( CTLSProvider& aTlsProvider, CStateMachine& aStateMachine, CRecordParser& iRecordParser );
virtual TBool AcceptMessage( const TUint8 aHandshakeType ) const;
virtual CAsynchEvent* ProcessL( TRequestStatus& aStatus );
class CServerKeyExch : public CHandshakeReceive
* @class This class represents a Server Key exchange message (received by the protocol).
CServerKeyExch( CTLSProvider& aTlsProvider, CStateMachine& aStateMachine, CRecordParser& aRecordParser );
virtual TBool AcceptMessage( const TUint8 aHandshakeType ) const;
virtual CAsynchEvent* ProcessL( TRequestStatus& aStatus );
void CreateMessageL( TTLSKeyExchangeAlgorithm aKeyExchange, TAlgorithmId aSignAlgorithm );
class CServerHelloDone : public CHandshakeReceive
* @class This class represents a Server Hello Done message (received by the protocol).
CServerHelloDone( CTLSProvider& aTlsProvider, CStateMachine& aStateMachine, CRecordParser& aRecordParser );
virtual TBool AcceptMessage( const TUint8 aHandshakeType ) const;
virtual CAsynchEvent* ProcessL( TRequestStatus& aStatus );
class CRecvFinished : public CHandshakeReceive
* @class This class represents a Finished message from the server (received by the protocol).
CRecvFinished( CTLSProvider& aTlsProvider, CStateMachine& aStateMachine, CRecordParser& aRecordParser );
virtual TBool AcceptMessage( const TUint8 aHandshakeType ) const;
virtual CAsynchEvent* ProcessL( TRequestStatus& aStatus );
CSHA1* iShaPtr; // Copy of SHA1 hash object, used to hash the handshake messages
CMD5* iMd5Ptr; // Copy of MD5 hash object, used to hash the handshake messages
// Inline methods - CHandshakeParser
inline CHandshakeParser::CHandshakeParser( CStateMachine& aStateMachine, CRecordParser& aRecordParser ) :
CTlsEvent( NULL, &aStateMachine ),
iMessageList( CHandshakeReceive::RxOffset() ),
iRxListIter( iMessageList ),
iRecordParser( aRecordParser ),
iMessagePtr(NULL, 0),
iWaitingFor( KTlsHandshakeHeaderSize )
inline CHandshake& CHandshakeParser::Handshake()
* This method returns a reference to a Handshake negotiation state machine.
return (CHandshake&) *iStateMachine;
// Inline method - CServerHello
inline CServerHello::CServerHello( CTLSProvider& aTlsProvider, CStateMachine& aStateMachine, CRecordParser& aRecordParser ) :
CHandshakeReceive( aTlsProvider, aStateMachine, aRecordParser )
// Inline method - CCertificateReq
inline CCertificateReq::CCertificateReq( CTLSProvider& aTlsProvider, CStateMachine& aStateMachine, CRecordParser& aRecordParser ) :
CHandshakeReceive( aTlsProvider, aStateMachine, aRecordParser )
// Inline method - CServerCertificate
inline CServerCertificate::CServerCertificate( CTLSProvider& aTlsProvider, CStateMachine& aStateMachine, CRecordParser& aRecordParser ) :
CHandshakeReceive( aTlsProvider, aStateMachine, aRecordParser )
// Inline method - CServerKeyExch
inline CServerKeyExch::CServerKeyExch( CTLSProvider& aTlsProvider, CStateMachine& aStateMachine, CRecordParser& aRecordParser ) :
CHandshakeReceive( aTlsProvider, aStateMachine, aRecordParser )
// Inline method - CServerHelloDone
inline CServerHelloDone::CServerHelloDone( CTLSProvider& aTlsProvider, CStateMachine& aStateMachine, CRecordParser& aRecordParser ) :
CHandshakeReceive( aTlsProvider, aStateMachine, aRecordParser )
// Inline method - CRecvFinished
inline CRecvFinished::CRecvFinished( CTLSProvider& aTlsProvider, CStateMachine& aStateMachine, CRecordParser& aRecordParser ) :
CHandshakeReceive( aTlsProvider, aStateMachine, aRecordParser ),
iShaPtr( NULL ),
iMd5Ptr( NULL )