Re-merge fix for bug 2611.
// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
@file Log.cpp
// EPOC includes
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32cons.h>
// Test system includes
#include "../inc/Log.h"
EXPORT_C CLog * CLog::NewL( CConsoleBase * console )
Epoc style constuctor
@param console A pointer to the current console object.
@return A new CLog object.
CLog * self = new(ELeave) CLog;
self->Construct( console );
return self;
EXPORT_C void CLog::Construct( CConsoleBase * console )
Epoc style 2nd phase constructor.
Initialise the Utils.
@param console A pointer to the current console object.
@return A new CLog object.
// the log system needs the current console
// for the console log display
iConsole = console;
iSeverity = ESevrAll;
//Do we need to put information about source file & #line?
//Default is yes.
iPutSrcInfo = ETrue;
iHtmlLogMode = ETrue ;
EXPORT_C CLog::~CLog()
EXPORT_C void CLog::OpenLogFileL(const TFileName &aScriptFileName)
Open the test log file.
@param aScriptFileName The script file name which is used to generate the log file name.
// get the full pathname default drive name and extension
TParse ScriptFileName;
// combine C:\\xx.htm and the whole parameter supplied
TInt returnCode = ScriptFileName.Set( aScriptFileName, &Kdefault, NULL );
// overright extension if supplied with .htm
returnCode = ScriptFileName.Set( ScriptFileName.Name(), &Kdefault, NULL );
if (returnCode != KErrNone )
// connect to the server
TInt ret = iFileLogger.Connect();
if (ret == KErrNone )
// create the log file in fixed directory c:\logs\Testresults
iFileLogger.CreateLog(_L("C:\\Logs\\TestResults"), ScriptFileName.NameAndExt());
EXPORT_C void CLog::Log( TRefByValue<const TDesC16> format, ... )
Display the log data on the console.
If there is a log file open write to it.
@param format "printf" format string
VA_LIST aList;
VA_START( aList, format );
TIntegrationTestLog16Overflow iOverflow16;
// decode formated data for display on console
LineBuf.AppendFormatList( format, aList, &iOverflow16 );
// write to the console
iConsole->Printf(_L("%S\n"),&LineBuf );
// write to log file
VA_END( aList );
EXPORT_C void CLog::SetPutSrcInfo( TBool aPutSrcInfo )
Enable or disable souve information in the log file.
@param aPutSrcInfo The error code.
EXPORT_C void CLog::Log( TInt aSeverity, TRefByValue<const TDesC16> format, ... )
Display the log data on the console.
If there is a log file open write to it.
@param aSeverity severity level
@param format "printf" format string
VA_LIST aList;
VA_START( aList, format );
if( aSeverity & Severity())
Log( format, aList);
VA_END( aList );
EXPORT_C void CLog::Log( TRefByValue<const TDesC16> format, VA_LIST aList )
Display the log data on the console
If there is a log file open write to it.
@param format "printf" format string.
@param aList Variable length argument list.
// decode formated data for display on console
TIntegrationTestLog16Overflow iOverflow16;
LineBuf.AppendFormatList( format, aList, &iOverflow16 );
// write to log file
// write to the console
iConsole->Printf(_L("%S\n"),&LineBuf );
EXPORT_C void CLog::LogExtra(const TText8* aFile, TInt aLine, TInt aSeverity,
TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt, VA_LIST aList)
Display the log data on the console
if there is a log file open write to it
@param aFile source file name.
@param aLine line number.
@param aSeverity severity level.
@param aFmt "printf" format string.
@param aList List of printf params.
@note should be used for macros only
if( aSeverity & Severity())
TIntegrationTestLog16Overflow iOverflow16;
// decode formated data for display on console
LineBuf.AppendFormatList( aFmt, aList, &iOverflow16 );
// write to the console
iConsole->Printf(_L("%S\n"),&LineBuf );
//Do we need to put information about source file & #line?
{ // Braces used to scope lifetime of TBuf objects
TPtrC8 fileName8(aFile);
TBuf<128> fileName;
TParse printFileName ;
fileName.Copy(fileName8); //TText8->TBuf16
//We don't need full file name.
printFileName.Set(fileName, NULL, NULL) ;
fileName.Copy(printFileName.NameAndExt()) ;
// write to log file
iFileLogger.WriteFormat(_L("%S\t%d\t%S\n"),&fileName, aLine, &LineBuf);
// write to log file
EXPORT_C void CLog::LogExtra(const TText8* aFile, TInt aLine, TInt aSeverity,
TRefByValue<const TDesC> aFmt,...)
Display the log data on the console
if there is a log file open write to it.
@param aFile source file name
@param aLine line number
@param aSeverity severity level
@param aFmt "printf" format string
@note should be used for macros only
VA_LIST aList;
VA_START( aList, aFmt );
LogExtra(aFile, aLine, aSeverity, aFmt, aList);
VA_END( aList );
EXPORT_C void CLog::LogResult( TVerdict ver, TRefByValue<const TDesC16> format, ... )
Display highlighted results on the console.
If there is a log file open write to it.
@param ver The test result.
@param format A printf style format string.
VA_LIST aList;
VA_START( aList, format );
TIntegrationTestLog16Overflow iOverflow16;
// decode formated data for display on console
LineBuf.AppendFormatList( format, aList, &iOverflow16 );
// write to the console
iConsole->Printf(_L("%S\n"),&LineBuf );
// write to log file
if( iHtmlLogMode)
switch( ver)
case EPass:
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("<font size=4 color=00AF00>%S</font>\n"),&LineBuf );
case EFail:
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("<font size=4 color=FF0000>%S</font>\n"),&LineBuf );
case EInconclusive:
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("<font size=4 color=0000FF>%S</font>\n"),&LineBuf );
case ETestSuiteError:
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("<font size=4 color=0000FF>%S</font>\n"),&LineBuf );
case EAbort:
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("<font size=4 color=0000FF>%S</font>\n"),&LineBuf );
ERR_PRINTF2(_L("%S\n"),&LineBuf );
VA_END( aList );
EXPORT_C TPtrC CLog::EpocErrorToText(TInt aError)
Convert a SymbianOS error code to text.
@param aError The error code.
@return Text describing the error code.
switch (aError)
case KErrNone:
return _L("KErrNone");
case KErrNotFound:
return _L("KErrNotFound");
case KErrGeneral:
return _L("KErrGeneral");
case KErrCancel:
return _L("KErrCancel");
case KErrNoMemory:
return _L("KErrNoMemory");
case KErrNotSupported:
return _L("KErrNotSupported");
case KErrArgument:
return _L("KErrArgument");
case KErrTotalLossOfPrecision:
return _L("KErrTotalLossOfPrecision");
case KErrBadHandle:
return _L("KErrBadHandle");
case KErrOverflow:
return _L("KErrOverflow");
case KErrUnderflow:
return _L("KErrUnderflow");
case KErrAlreadyExists:
return _L("KErrAlreadyExists");
case KErrPathNotFound:
return _L("KErrPathNotFound");
case KErrDied:
return _L("KErrDied");
case KErrInUse:
return _L("KErrInUse");
case KErrServerTerminated:
return _L("KErrServerTerminated");
case KErrServerBusy:
return _L("KErrServerBusy");
case KErrCompletion:
return _L("KErrCompletion");
case KErrNotReady:
return _L("KErrNotReady");
case KErrUnknown:
return _L("KErrUnknown");
case KErrCorrupt:
return _L("KErrCorrupt");
case KErrAccessDenied:
return _L("KErrAccessDenied");
case KErrLocked:
return _L("KErrLocked");
case KErrWrite:
return _L("KErrWrite");
case KErrDisMounted:
return _L("KErrDisMounted");
case KErrEof:
return _L("KErrEof");
case KErrDiskFull:
return _L("KErrDiskFull");
case KErrBadDriver:
return _L("KErrBadDriver");
case KErrBadName:
return _L("KErrBadName");
case KErrCommsLineFail:
return _L("KErrCommsLineFail");
case KErrCommsFrame:
return _L("KErrCommsFrame");
case KErrCommsOverrun:
return _L("KErrCommsOverrun");
case KErrCommsParity:
return _L("KErrCommsParity");
case KErrTimedOut:
return _L("KErrTimedOut");
case KErrCouldNotConnect:
return _L("KErrCouldNotConnect");
case KErrCouldNotDisconnect:
return _L("KErrCouldNotDisconnect");
case KErrDisconnected:
return _L("KErrDisconnected");
case KErrBadLibraryEntryPoint:
return _L("KErrBadLibraryEntryPoint");
case KErrBadDescriptor:
return _L("KErrBadDescriptor");
case KErrAbort:
return _L("KErrAbort");
case KErrTooBig:
return _L("KErrTooBig");
return _L("Unknown");
EXPORT_C const TText* CLog::TestResultText( enum TVerdict aTestVerdict )
Turn a test verdict into text.
@param aTestVerdict The test result.
@return Text describing the current verdict.
switch ( aTestVerdict )
case EPass:
return _S("PASS");
case EFail:
return _S("FAIL");
case EInconclusive:
return _S("INCONCLUSIVE");
case ETestSuiteError:
return _S("TEST_SUITE_ERROR");
case EAbort:
return _S("ABORT");
return _S("What");
EXPORT_C void CLog::LogBlankLine( TInt number )
Add a number of blank lines.
@param number The number of blank lines to add to the Log.
for (TInt i =0; i< number; i++)
Log(_L(" "));
EXPORT_C void CLog::CloseLogFile()
Close the log file.
// add the htm end
// close flogger
void TIntegrationTestLog16Overflow::Overflow(TDes16& /*aDes*/)
This function is called if the format text overflows the internal buffer.
User::Panic(_L("Log output buffer overflow"),1);
EXPORT_C void CLog::SetSeverity( TInt aSeverity )
Set the current severity level.
@param aSeverity The new severity level.
iSeverity = aSeverity;
EXPORT_C TInt CLog::Severity()
Get the current severity level.
@return The current severity level.
return iSeverity;