Re-merge fix for bug 2611.
// Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// This contains CTestCase which is the base class for all the TestCase DLLs
@file TestUtils.cpp
// EPOC includes
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32err.h>
// Test system includes
#include "../inc/Log.h"
#include "../inc/TestUtils.h"
#include <f32file.h>
EXPORT_C CTestUtils * CTestUtils::NewL( CLog * aLogSystem)
Static constructor for CTestUtils.
@param aLogSystem A pointer to the test framework logging system.
CTestUtils * self = new(ELeave) CTestUtils;
self->Construct( aLogSystem);
return self;
void CTestUtils::Construct( CLog * aLogSystem)
Second phase constructor for CTestUtils.
@param aLogSystem A pointer to the test framework logging system.
iLogSystem = aLogSystem;
EXPORT_C void CTestUtils::RunUtils( const TDesC& aText )
External interface for run utils.
@param aText Text specifying the utility required and any parameters.
@note This traps any leaves that may occur in the Test utilities.
// now execute util inside a trap
TRAPD( r, RunUtilsL( aText ) )
if (r!= KErrNone)
iLogSystem->Log(_L("Warning test utils :%S left!"), &aText );
void CTestUtils::RunUtilsL( const TDesC& aText )
Run a test utility.
@param aText Text specifying the utility required and any parameters.
@note This method can leave.
// use Tlex to decode the cmd line
TLex lex(aText);
// start at the begining
TPtrC token=lex.NextToken();
// step over the keyword
// check which util required, then get any required parmeters
if ( token.FindF( _L("ChangeDir")) != KErrNotFound )
// get the parameter
else if ( token.FindF( _L("CopyFile")) != KErrNotFound )
// get the parameter
TPtrC file1=lex.NextToken();
TPtrC file2=lex.NextToken();
CopyFileL(file1, file2);
else if ( token.FindF( _L("MkDir")) != KErrNotFound )
// get the parameter
else if ( token.FindF( _L("delete")) != KErrNotFound )
// get the parameter
else if ( token.FindF( _L("makereadwrite")) != KErrNotFound )
// get the parameter
iLogSystem->Log( _L("Failed to decode run_utils command %S"), &aText );
void CTestUtils::ChangeDirL (const TDesC& aDirname)
Change current working directory.
This method can leave.
@param aDirname The name of the target directory.
@note This defaults to the C: drive.
iLogSystem->Log( _L("\'ChangeDir %S\' failed, functionality not supported in EKA2"), &aDirname);
_LIT(KChangeDirPanic, "ChangeDir");
User::Panic(KChangeDirPanic, KErrNotSupported);
void CTestUtils::MakedirL (const TDesC& aDirname)
Make new directory.
This method can leave.
@param aDirname The name of the new directory to be created.
@note This defaults to the C: drive.
// parse the filenames
TParse FullFileName;
TInt returnCode = FullFileName.Set( aDirname, &KDefault, NULL );
if ( returnCode != KErrNone )
TPtrC Errortxt = CLog::EpocErrorToText(returnCode);
iLogSystem->Log( _L("Failed decode full path name %S - %S"),
&Errortxt );
// create a fileserver
RFs FileSystem;
// connect to file server
if ( returnCode != KErrNone )
// now create the new directory
returnCode = FileSystem.MkDir( FullFileName.DriveAndPath() );
// check for errors
if (returnCode == KErrNone )
// display full (including path) file name
iLogSystem->Log( _L("made directory %S"), &FullFileName.FullName() );
TPtrC Errortxt = CLog::EpocErrorToText(returnCode);
iLogSystem->Log( _L("error %S making dir %S"),
&FullFileName.FullName() );
void CTestUtils::CopyFileL (const TDesC& anOld,const TDesC& aNew)
Copy a file
This method can leave.
@param anOld The source name of file to be copied.
@param aNew The target name of file to be copied.
@note This defaults to the C: drive.
iLogSystem->Log( _L("copy file from %S to %S"), &anOld, &aNew );
// create a fileserver
RFs FileSystem;
// connect to file server
TInt returnCode=FileSystem.Connect();
// create a file manager
CFileMan * FileMan = CFileMan::NewL( FileSystem );
if (returnCode != KErrNone )
// error opening FileManager
iLogSystem->Log( _L("error opening file manager"));
// parse the filenames
TParse Source;
returnCode = Source.Set( anOld, &KRelated, NULL );
if ( returnCode != KErrNone )
TPtrC Errortxt = CLog::EpocErrorToText(returnCode);
iLogSystem->Log( _L("Failed to parse %S - %S"),
&Errortxt );
// parse the filenames
TParse Target;
returnCode = Target.Set( aNew, &KRelated, NULL );
if ( returnCode != KErrNone )
TPtrC Errortxt = CLog::EpocErrorToText(returnCode);
iLogSystem->Log( _L("Failed to parse %S - %S"),
&Errortxt );
// do the copy
CFileMan::EOverWrite );
if ( returnCode != KErrNone )
TPtrC CopyErrortxt = CLog::EpocErrorToText(returnCode);
iLogSystem->Log( _L("Failed to copy %S to %S - %S"),
&CopyErrortxt );
iLogSystem->Log( _L("Copied file from %S to %S"),
&Target.FullName() );
// close the file system
delete FileMan;
void CTestUtils::DeleteFileL (const TDesC& aFile)
Delete a file
This method can leave.
@param aFile Name of file to be deleted.
@note This defaults to the C: drive.
// parse the filenames
TParse FullFileName;
TInt returnCode = FullFileName.Set( aFile, &KDefault, NULL );
if ( returnCode != KErrNone )
TPtrC Errortxt = CLog::EpocErrorToText(returnCode);
iLogSystem->Log( _L("Failed decode full path name %S - %S"),
&Errortxt );
// create a fileserver
RFs FileSystem;
// connect to file server
if ( returnCode != KErrNone )
iLogSystem->Log( _L("error connecting to FileSystem") );
// now do the delete
returnCode = FileSystem.Delete(FullFileName.FullName());
// check for errors
if (returnCode == KErrNone )
// display full (including path) file name
iLogSystem->Log( _L("deleted %S"), &FullFileName.FullName() );
TPtrC Errortxt = CLog::EpocErrorToText(returnCode);
iLogSystem->Log( _L("error %S deleting %S"),
&FullFileName.FullName() );
void CTestUtils::MakeReadWriteL (const TDesC& aFile)
Enable a file for read and write.
This method can leave.
@param aFile Name of file.
@note This defaults to the C: drive.
// parse the filenames
TParse FullFileName;
TInt returnCode = FullFileName.Set( aFile, &KDefault, NULL );
if ( returnCode != KErrNone )
TPtrC Errortxt = CLog::EpocErrorToText(returnCode);
iLogSystem->Log( _L("Failed decode full path name %S - %S"),
&Errortxt );
// create a fileserver
RFs FileSystem;
// connect to file server
if ( returnCode != KErrNone )
iLogSystem->Log( _L("error connecting to FileSystem") );
// now do the delete
returnCode = FileSystem.SetAtt(FullFileName.FullName(),0, KEntryAttReadOnly );
// check for errors
if (returnCode == KErrNone )
// display full (including path) file name
iLogSystem->Log( _L("Made %S RW"), &FullFileName.FullName() );
TPtrC Errortxt = CLog::EpocErrorToText(returnCode);
iLogSystem->Log( _L("error %S making %S RW"),
&FullFileName.FullName() );