author hgs
Wed, 25 Aug 2010 09:23:03 +0530
changeset 55 5eca823bbf17
parent 0 af10295192d8
permissions -rw-r--r--

// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// record.cpp - the queries and replies from the server
// This file contains the implementations for the CDndRecord and TDndRecordList objects. 

#include "record.h"
#include "node.h"
#include <networking/dnd_err.h>
#include "inet6log.h"
#include "engine.h"


const TInt CDndRecord::iOffset = _FOFF(CDndRecord, iDlink);
const TInt CDndRecord::iOffsetLRU = _FOFF(CDndRecord, iLRU);

// Default constructor
CDndRecord::CDndRecord(TDndRecordLRU &aLRU, CDndNode &aOwner, const EDnsQType aType, const EDnsQClass aClass)
 : iOwner(aOwner), iList(aLRU), iType(aType), iClass(aClass), iErrorCode(KErrNotFound)
	// Maintain LRU list state
	iList.iCount += 1;

	// Maintain LRU list state
	iLRU.Deque();	// All records are always in LRU
	iList.iCount -= 1;

// CndRecord::Unlock
// *****************
//	Unlocks the record (decrement reference count).
//	When the reference count reaches ZERO, and if record has no TTL set or
//	has expired, the record is removed.
//	If iHasTTL == 0, then RR has been created, but no query results
//	have been received. If the querier quits before any answers become
//	available, there is no point in keeping the empty record in cache.
//	If iExpired == 1, then RR has been detected as expired, but could
//	not be released due to being locked.
// @param aWorker	Unlocking instance
void CDndRecord::Unlock(const void *aWorker)
	ASSERT(iLocks > 0);
	// Cancel "being worked on" state, if this unlocking
	// instance had registered as working on request.
	if (iWorker == aWorker)
		iWorker = NULL;

	if (--iLocks == 0)
		ASSERT(iWorker == NULL);
		// The last user exited. If the record has no data (initial state)
		// or has been marked as expired, then delete the record.
		if (iHasTTL == 0 || iExpired == 1)

// CndRecord::AssignWork
// *********************
// Assign a "worker" to record, if not already present.
// The caller (= aWorker) wants to start the DNS querying process for
// this record.
// @return
//	@li ETrue, if worker has been assigned (and queries can be started)
//	@li EFalse, if some other worker has already been assigned (no queries need to be started)
TBool CDndRecord::AssignWork(const void *aWorker)
	ASSERT(iLocks > 0);
	if (iWorker == NULL)
		iWorker = aWorker;
		return ETrue;
	// Return also true, if this same worker is already
	// assigned, and otherwise false (= someone else is working on this).
	return iWorker == aWorker;

// CDndRecord::HitLRU
// ******************
//	Moves the record to first position in the LRU list.
void CDndRecord::HitLRU()
	// Maintain LRU list state

// CDndRecord::Delete
// ******************
void CDndRecord::Delete()

// CDndRecord::Expiretime
// **********************
// @returns	a reference to expiration time of this record
const TTime &CDndRecord::ExpireTime() const
	return iTTL;

// CDndRecord::Invalidate
// **********************
// "Invalid record" is just a record that contains no actual
// data (yet). It is the initial state of the newly created
// records.
void CDndRecord::Invalidate()
#ifdef _LOG
	if (iErrorCode != KErrNotFound)
		TBuf<KDnsMaxName> name;
		Reply().GetName(sizeof(TInet6HeaderDNS), name);
		Log::Printf(_L("%S: QType: %d, QClass: %d [%d] Invalidated\r\n"), &name, iType, iClass, (TInt)(Header().ID()));
	delete iReply.iBuf;
	iReply.iBuf = NULL;
	iHasTTL = 0;
	iErrorCode = KErrNotFound;

// CDndRecord::FillErrorCode
// *************************
// @param	aErrorCode	then new error code for the record
// @param	aTTL
//		the "Time To Live" time for the record in seconds. This
//		converted into real expiration time by adding it into
//		current time.
void CDndRecord::FillErrorCode(const TInt aErrorCode, const TUint aTTL)
	if (aErrorCode == KErrNotFound)
		// Transfer the TTL to absolute time.
		const TTimeIntervalSeconds interval = aTTL;
		iTTL += interval;
		iErrorCode = aErrorCode;
		iHasTTL = 1;


// CDndRecord::FillData
// ********************
// Store the reply into record and compute the TTL for the record
// from the TTL's of contained RR's (which match the query). If the
// reply has no matching RR's, then the KDndDefaultTTL is used.
// The record is marked as "valid" with error code KErrNone.
// @param	aReply
//		contains the reply for the query represented by this record
// @param	aAnswerOffset
//		indication the starting position of the answer section in the
//		reply.
// @param	aServer
//		id of the server from which reply comes (note that for the Multicast DNS, this
//		id identifies the multicast group, and replies from different hosts are tagged
//		with the same id).
// @param	aErrorCode
//		The error code
// @param	aTTL
//		The default time to live, if RR's don't specify otherwise.
void CDndRecord::FillData(const TMsgBuf &aReply, const TInt aAnswerOffset, const TUint32 aServer, TInt aErrorCode, TUint aTTL)
	TUint32 max_ttl = KDndMaxTTL;

	if (aErrorCode == KErrNone)
		// Compute TTL of the record from the minimum TTL
		// of the RR's that match exactly the iQType and iQClass
		TDndRR rr(aReply);
		TInt next = 0;
		TInt answerCount = ((TInet6HeaderDNS *)(aReply.Ptr()))->ANCOUNT();
		for (;;++next)
			const TInt ret = rr.FindRR(aAnswerOffset, answerCount, iType, iClass, next);

			if (ret == KErrDndCache)
				// The reply is corrupt, do not store into cache, do
				// not modify the currently cached value, if any exists.
			if (ret < 0)
				break;	// No more rr's
			if (EDnsQClass(rr.iClass) != iClass || EDnsQType(rr.iType) != iType)
				break;	// No more matching RR's (FindRR returns first all matching ones)
			if (max_ttl > rr.iTTL)
				max_ttl = rr.iTTL;
		if (next == 0)
			// No RR's that matched the query or there was no anser RR's.
			// Use the supplied default TTL.
			max_ttl = aTTL;
		max_ttl = aTTL;	// Just use the default for any error codes.

	delete iReply.iBuf;
	iReply.iBuf = HBufC8::New(aReply.Length());
	if (iReply.iBuf)
		TPtr8 buf = iReply.iBuf->Des();
		buf = aReply;
		iReply.iOffset = aAnswerOffset;
		iServer = aServer;
		FillErrorCode(aErrorCode, max_ttl);
		// This is internal memory allocation problem,
		// use just default TTL
		FillErrorCode(KErrNoMemory, KDndDefaultTTL);

#ifdef _LOG
// CDndRecord::Print
// *****************
// (This method is currently only used in DEBUG compile)
// @param aControl	provides the actual "output device"
void CDndRecord::Print(CDndEngine &aControl, TBool aIdnEnabled) const
void CDndRecord::Print(CDndEngine &aControl) const
	TInt err;
	TBuf<KDnsMaxName> buf;
	if (iErrorCode == KErrNotFound)
		aControl.ShowText(_L("Invalid Record."));
		Reply().GetName(sizeof(TInet6HeaderDNS), buf, aIdnEnabled);
		Reply().GetName(sizeof(TInet6HeaderDNS), buf);

	const TInt answerCount = Header().ANCOUNT();

	aControl.ShowTextf(_L("%S: QType: %d, QClass: %d, Err: %d [%d %d/%d/%d AA=%d TC=%d RA=%d RCODE=%d]"),
		iType, iClass, iErrorCode,
		answerCount, (TInt)Header().NSCOUNT(), (TInt)Header().ARCOUNT(),
		(TInt)(Header().AA() != 0),
		(TInt)(Header().TC() != 0),
		(TInt)(Header().RA() != 0),

	TRAP(err, iTTL.FormatL(buf, _L(" | Expires: %F%D.%M.%Y %H:%T:%S")));

	TDndRR rr(TMsgBuf::Cast(*iReply.iBuf));
	rr.iIdnEnabled = aIdnEnabled;
	TInt next = 0;
	for (;;++next)
		if (rr.FindRR(iReply.iOffset, answerCount, iType, iClass, next) < 0)
			break;	// No more rr's

		TInetAddr addr;
		rr.GetResponse(buf, addr);
		TBuf<50> tmp;
		aControl.ShowTextf(_L("   + RR: %S Type: %d, Class: %d, TTL: %d [%S]"), &buf, (int)rr.iType, (int)rr.iClass, (int)rr.iTTL,

TDndRecordLRU::TDndRecordLRU() : TDblQue<CDndRecord>(CDndRecord::iOffsetLRU)

// TDndRecordLRU::Cleanup
// **********************
//	Limit the number of records in the LRU to the
//	specified aMaxRecords. Deletes excess records
//	from the end of the list.
//	Locked records are not deleted and are left
//	in the list.
// @param	aMaxRecords
//		the maximum number of records that should be
//		on the list. This is "advisory", if there are
//		locked records, Cleanup may not be able to
//		comply fully with the request.
void TDndRecordLRU::Cleanup(const TUint aMaxRecords)
	LOG(Log::Printf(_L("LRU Cleanup(max=%d) records in cache=%d"), aMaxRecords, iCount));
	TUint locked = 0;
	while (locked < iCount && iCount > aMaxRecords)
		CDndRecord *const record = Last();
		if (record->IsLocked())
			// Oops... the last record is locked, cannot remove!
			// Shunt to first, and try next one...
			locked += 1;
			// A special kludge: if aMaxRecords == 0, all records really
			// should be deleted. Can't delete locked ones now, so just
			// mark them as 'expired', so that new queries don't use them.
			if (aMaxRecords == 0)
			// This Delete *WILL* decrease iCount!
	LOG(Log::Printf(_L("LRU Cleanup finished, records in cache=%d (at least %d locked)"), iCount, locked));

TDndRecordList::TDndRecordList() : TDblQue<CDndRecord>(CDndRecord::iOffset)

#ifdef _LOG
// TDndRecordList::Print
// *********************
// (This method is currently only used in DEBUG compile)
// @param aControl	provides the actual "output device"
void TDndRecordList::Print(CDndEngine &aControl) 
	if (IsEmpty())
		aControl.ShowText(_L("RecordList: Empty List"));
		aControl.ShowText(_L("RecordList: "));
		CDndRecord *record;
		TDblQueIter<CDndRecord> iter(*this);
		while((record = iter++) != NULL)
			record->Print(aControl); // by default the name shall be displayed in ASCII format. 

// TDndRecordList::Find
// ********************
// Locate a record of matching type and class.
// Search the record list for a matching type and class. If
// an expired record is found, empty and reuse it.
// Note: this does not release expired record with no users. Just
// let the normal LRU cleanup handle them.
// @param	aType of the record to be located
// @param	aClass of the record to be located
// @param	aReqTime of the query (current time or very close to it)
// @returns
//	@li	NULL, if no matching record exists
//	@li non-NULL record pointer, if a matching record exists
CDndRecord * TDndRecordList::Find(const EDnsQType aType, const EDnsQClass aClass, const TTime &aReqTime)
	if (IsEmpty())
		return NULL;
	CDndRecord *record;
	TDblQueIter<CDndRecord> iter(*this);
	while ((record = iter++) != NULL)
		if (record->iExpired == 0 && record->iType == aType && record->iClass == aClass)
			if (record->iHasTTL && record->ExpireTime() < aReqTime)
				// The record has expired,
				if (record->IsLocked())
					// The record is in use by someone, cannot reuse it.
					// Mark it as "expired", so that it will be automaticly
					// deleted when the last current user releases it.
					record->iExpired = 1;
					// A new duplicate RR will be created.
				// The record has expired, but nobody is using it for now.
				// Just reset to empty and use the existing RR.
	return record;

// TDndRecordList::Add
// *******************
// @param	aRecord to be insersted into list.
void TDndRecordList::Add(CDndRecord &aRecord)

// TDndRecordList::Delete
// **********************
//	@param	aRecord to be deleted (must be a member of this list)
void TDndRecordList::Delete(CDndRecord *aRecord)
	delete aRecord;