// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "shimnifmansconn.h"
#include "shimdatatransfer.h"
#include "es_prot.h" //CConnectionProvdBase alias NIFMAN
CConnDataTransferShim::CConnDataTransferShim(CNifManSubConnectionShim& aSubConnectionProviderShim) :
TInt CConnDataTransferShim::DoDataTransferred(TUint& aUplinkVolume, TUint& aDownlinkVolume)
// Find out the amount of data transferred from the connection provider
TInt ret = iSubConnectionProviderShim.Provider().DataTransferred(iSubConnectionProviderShim.Id(), aUplinkVolume, aDownlinkVolume);
// Let the subinterface know in case any subconnections have outstanding data notification requests that might be completed by this
NotifyDataTransferred(aUplinkVolume, aDownlinkVolume);
// And return the results to the connection
TInt CConnDataTransferShim::DoDataTransferredCancel()
// do nothing
return KErrNone;
TInt CConnDataTransferShim::DoDataSentNotificationRequest(TUint aRequestedGranularity, TUint aRequestedNotificationVolume)
TInt requiredGranularity;
if(aRequestedGranularity == 0) // absolute mode
// Start by finding out how much data has been sent, then calculate granularity
TUint uplinkDataVolume;
TUint dummyDataVolume;
DoDataTransferred( uplinkDataVolume, dummyDataVolume);
requiredGranularity = aRequestedNotificationVolume - uplinkDataVolume;
if(requiredGranularity < 0) // we've already achieved this so notify immediately
// possible optimisation: pass reference to caller in here and
// only notify them if this condition is met
// essentially we don't know what the granularity was here
for(TInt i=0; i < iClients.Count(); i++)
iClients[i]->NotifyDataSent(uplinkDataVolume, 0);
else // relative mode
requiredGranularity = aRequestedGranularity;
return CalculateNewUplinkGranularity(requiredGranularity);
TInt CConnDataTransferShim::DoDataSentNotificationCancel()
// Do nothing. Not worth trying to adjust granularity array.
return KErrNone;
TInt CConnDataTransferShim::DoDataReceivedNotificationRequest(TUint aRequestedGranularity, TUint aRequestedNotificationVolume)
TInt requiredGranularity;
if(aRequestedGranularity == 0) // absolute mode
// Start by finding out how much data has been sent, then calculate granularity
TUint dummyDataVolume;
TUint downlinkDataVolume;
DoDataTransferred( dummyDataVolume, downlinkDataVolume);
requiredGranularity = aRequestedNotificationVolume - downlinkDataVolume;
if(requiredGranularity < 0) // we've already achieved this so notify immediately
// possible optimisation: pass reference to caller in here
// and only notify them if this condition is met
// essentially we don't know what the granularity was here
for(TInt i=0; i < iClients.Count(); i++)
iClients[i]->NotifyDataReceived(downlinkDataVolume, 0);
else // relative mode
requiredGranularity = aRequestedGranularity;
return CalculateNewDownlinkGranularity(requiredGranularity);
TInt CConnDataTransferShim::DoDataReceivedNotificationCancel()
// Do nothing. Not worth trying to adjust granularity array.
return KErrNone;
TInt CConnDataTransferShim::NotifyDataTransferred(TUint aUplinkVolume, TUint aDownlinkVolume)
Called as a side-effect of someone calling DataTransferredRequest(), to allow any absolute volume notifications that may be outstanding to be completed if the required amount of data has been sent/received
@param aUplinkVolume The total volume of data sent on this subconnection
@param aDownlinkVolume The total volume of data received on this subconnection
@return KErrNone, or one of the system-wide error codes
__CFLOG_VAR((KShimScprTag, KShimScprDataTag, _L8("CConnDataTransferShim[id: %d]: New data transferred notification (uplink: %d, downlink: %d)"),
iSubConnectionProviderShim.Id(), aUplinkVolume, aDownlinkVolume));
for(TInt i=0; i < iClients.Count(); i++)
iClients[i]->NotifyDataTransferred(aUplinkVolume, aDownlinkVolume);
return KErrNone;
TInt CConnDataTransferShim::NotifyDataSent(TUint aUplinkVolume)
Notification from connection provider via CInterface that the requested granularity for data sent has been met or exceeded
@note The granularity system is not perfect, as it may be the case that we get notifications for more than "granularity" quantity of data.
@param aUplinkVolume The total volume of data sent so far on this subconnection
@return KErrNone, or one of the system-wide error codes
__CFLOG_VAR((KShimScprTag, KShimScprDataTag, _L8("CConnDataTransferShim[id: %d]: New data sent notification (uplink: %d)"),
iSubConnectionProviderShim.Id(), aUplinkVolume));
// Pass notification up to all subconnections, including the current granularity setting in case they are in relative notification mode
for(TInt i=0; i < iClients.Count(); i++)
iClients[i]->NotifyDataSent(aUplinkVolume, iCurrentUplinkGranularity);
// Set the new granularity required of the interface
return SetNextUplinkGranularity();
TInt CConnDataTransferShim::NotifyDataReceived(TUint aDownlinkVolume)
Notification from connection provider via CInterface that the requested granularity for data received has been met or exceeded
@param aDownlinkVolume The total volume of data received so far on this subconnection
@return KErrNone, or one of the system-wide error codes
__CFLOG_VAR((KShimScprTag, KShimScprDataTag, _L8("CConnDataTransferShim[id: %d]: New data received notification (downlink: %d)"), iSubConnectionProviderShim.Id(), aDownlinkVolume));
// Pass notification up to all subconnections, including the current granularity setting in case they are in relative notification mode
for(TInt i=0; i < iClients.Count(); i++)
iClients[i]->NotifyDataReceived(aDownlinkVolume, iCurrentDownlinkGranularity);
// Set the new granularity required of the interface
return SetNextDownlinkGranularity();
TInt CConnDataTransferShim::CalculateNewUplinkGranularity(TUint aRequestedGranularity)
Calculate the required granularity to satisfy client requests
This function calculates the delta between client requests and stores it in an array.
@param aRequestedGranularity The new requested granularity
@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes
@todo Quantise requests to granularity of 1K
TInt ret = KErrNone;
TInt requestedGranularity = static_cast<TInt>(aRequestedGranularity);
//@todo In the future, this method could be rewritten to expand the maximum
//granularity from 2GB to 4GB. Probably not necessary...
if(requestedGranularity < 0) // check that the cast didn't produce an invalid result
__CFLOG_VAR((KShimScprTag, KShimScprDataTag, _L8("CConnDataTransferShim[id: %d]: ERROR - calculating new uplink granularity - overflow when casting integer"),
__CFLOG_VAR((KShimScprTag, KShimScprDataTag, _L8("CConnDataTransferShim[id: %d]: Calculating new uplink granularity..."),
TUint newGranularity = 0;
ret = CalculateNewGranularity(requestedGranularity, iCurrentUplinkGranularity, iUplinkGranularities, newGranularity);
if (ret == KErrNone && newGranularity)
ret = SetUplinkGranularity(newGranularity);
TInt CConnDataTransferShim::CalculateNewDownlinkGranularity(TUint aRequestedGranularity)
Calculate the required granularity to satisfy client requests
This function calculates the delta between client requests and stores it in an array.
@param aRequestedGranularity The new requested granularity
@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes
@todo Quantise requests to granularity of 1K
TInt ret;
TInt requestedGranularity = static_cast<TInt>(aRequestedGranularity);
//@todo In the future, this method could be rewritten to expand the maximum
// granularity from 2GB to 4GB. Probably not necessary...
if(requestedGranularity < 0) // check that the cast didn't produce an invalid result
__CFLOG_VAR((KShimScprTag, KShimScprDataTag, _L8("CConnDataTransferShim[id: %d]: ERROR - calculating new downlink granularity - overflow when casting integer"),
__CFLOG_VAR((KShimScprTag, KShimScprDataTag, _L8("ESock: CConnDataTransferShim[id: %d]: Calculating new downlink granularity..."),
TUint newGranularity = 0;
ret = CalculateNewGranularity(requestedGranularity, iCurrentDownlinkGranularity, iDownlinkGranularities, newGranularity);
if (ret == KErrNone && newGranularity)
ret = SetDownlinkGranularity(newGranularity);
TInt CConnDataTransferShim::CalculateNewGranularity(TInt aRequestedGranularity, TUint aCurrentGranularity, RArray<TUint>& aGranularities, TUint& aNewCurrentGranularity)
Given a new granularity, calculate new values for the Current granularity and granularity array.
Helper function used for processing new uplink and downlink granularities.
@param aRequestedGranularity new granularity (in).
@param aCurrentGranularity current granularity in the lower provider (in).
@param aGranularities ordered array of delta granularities which will become the current granularity
after the latter has expired (in/out).
@param aNewCurrentGranularity new value of current granularity to be set in lower provider (out).
@return KErrNone or a system wide error code.
TInt ret = KErrNone;
TInt i = 0;
TInt count = aGranularities.Count(); // granularities in the array
// The reason we have the three way if statement below is because we have to deal with
// the fact that there is a "current" granularity (set in the lower provider), and
// an array of delta granularities which will become the current granularity in turn:
// +---+ +---+---+---+
// | | | | | |...
// +---+ +---+---+---+
// 0 1 2
// Current Array
// The complexity comes when a new granularity needs to be notionally inserted either before the
// current granularity or between the current granularity and the first entry in the array.
if (count == 0 && aCurrentGranularity == 0)
// Empty granularity array and no current granularity.
// - set current granularity to the requested granularity (no entries needed in array)
aNewCurrentGranularity = aRequestedGranularity;
if (aRequestedGranularity < aCurrentGranularity)
// Requested granularity is less than current granularity. The requested granularity
// needs to be notionally inserted before the current granularity.
// add a new entry into the beginning of the array that contains the delta between the requested
// granularity and current granularity. This new entry represents the "old" current granularity.
ret = aGranularities.Insert(aCurrentGranularity - aRequestedGranularity, 0);
if (ret == KErrNone)
// the requested granularity becomes the new current granularity
aNewCurrentGranularity = aRequestedGranularity;
if (aRequestedGranularity > aCurrentGranularity)
// Requested granularity is greater than current granularity. The requested granularity
// needs to be inserted into the array at the appropriate place. The current granularity
// remains unchanged.
// Take into account the current granularity by subtracting it from requested granularity
aRequestedGranularity -= aCurrentGranularity;
// Find correct insertion position. Each entry visited in the array will subtract from the
// requested granularity, leaving the latter as being delta based.
for(i=0; i < count ; i++)
aRequestedGranularity -= aGranularities[i];
if (aRequestedGranularity <= 0)
if (aRequestedGranularity < 0)
// Insertion position found within the array - held in "i".
aRequestedGranularity += aGranularities[i];
ret = aGranularities.Insert(aRequestedGranularity, i);
if (ret == KErrNone)
// Adjust the next granularity in the array by the Requested granularity
// that we've just inserted. "i+1" because of the Insert() above.
aGranularities[i+1] -= aRequestedGranularity;
if (aRequestedGranularity > 0)
// Reached end of the array while searching - insert requested granularity at the end.
ret = aGranularities.Append(aRequestedGranularity);
// aRequestedGranularity == 0 is a no-op case (setting zero granularity).
// (aRequestedGranularity == iCurrentUplinkGranularity) is a no-op case (setting the same
// granularity as current value).
return (ret);
TInt CConnDataTransferShim::SetUplinkGranularity(TUint aRequestedGranularity)
Set data sent notification granularity in lower provider.
@param aRequestedGranularity granularity to set. If zero, cancel data sent notifications.
@return KErrNone or a system wide error code.
iCurrentUplinkGranularity = aRequestedGranularity;
if (iCurrentUplinkGranularity)
return iSubConnectionProviderShim.Provider().SetDataSentNotificationGranularity(iSubConnectionProviderShim.Id(), iCurrentUplinkGranularity);
return iSubConnectionProviderShim.Provider().DataSentNotificationCancel(iSubConnectionProviderShim.Id());
TInt CConnDataTransferShim::SetNextUplinkGranularity()
Get the next uplink granularity from the array, and send it to the connection provider
@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes
__CFLOG_VAR((KShimScprTag, KShimScprDataTag, _L8("CConnDataTransferShim[id: %d]: setting new uplink granularity (%d)"),
iSubConnectionProviderShim.Id(), iCurrentUplinkGranularity));
// Read the next granularity from the array
TUint granularity = iUplinkGranularities[0];
// Remove the value read
return SetUplinkGranularity(granularity);
__CFLOG_VAR((KShimScprTag, KShimScprDataTag, _L8("CConnDataTransferShim[id: %d]: cancelling data sent notifications - no values remaining in granularity array"),
return SetUplinkGranularity(0); // cancel notifications
TInt CConnDataTransferShim::SetDownlinkGranularity(TUint aRequestedGranularity)
Set data received notification granularity in lower provider.
@param aRequestedGranularity granularity to set. If zero, cancel data received notifications.
@return KErrNone or a system wide error code.
iCurrentDownlinkGranularity = aRequestedGranularity;
if (iCurrentDownlinkGranularity)
return iSubConnectionProviderShim.Provider().SetDataReceivedNotificationGranularity(iSubConnectionProviderShim.Id(), iCurrentDownlinkGranularity);
return iSubConnectionProviderShim.Provider().DataReceivedNotificationCancel(iSubConnectionProviderShim.Id());
TInt CConnDataTransferShim::SetNextDownlinkGranularity()
Get the next downlink granularity from the array, and send it to the connection provider
@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the system-wide error codes
__CFLOG_VAR((KShimScprTag, KShimScprDataTag, _L8("CConnDataTransferShim[id: %d]: setting new downlink granularity (%d)"),
iSubConnectionProviderShim.Id(), iCurrentDownlinkGranularity));
// Read the next granularity from the array
TUint granularity = iDownlinkGranularities[0];
// Remove the value read
return SetDownlinkGranularity(granularity);
__CFLOG_VAR((KShimScprTag, KShimScprDataTag, _L8("ESock: CConnDataTransferShim[id: %d]: cancelling data received notifications - no values remaining in granularity array"),
return SetDownlinkGranularity(0); // cancel notifications