* Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* SSL3.0 and TLS1.0 Handshake negotiation header file.
* This file describes the Handshake negotiation state machine.
@file TlsHandshake.h
#include <x509cert.h>
#include <comms-infras/statemachine.h>
#include "LOGFILE.H"
#include <tlstypedef.h>
// History of the Handshake negotiation (i.e. events that have occured).
enum ETlsHandshakeHistory {
ETlsHandshakeStart = 0, /** Start of handshake negotiation */
ETlsClientHelloSent = 0x0001, /** Client Hello has been sent */
ETlsServerHelloRecv = 0x0002, /** Server Hello has been received */
ETlsServerCertificateRecv = 0x0004, /** Server Certificate has been received */
ETlsServerKeyExchRecv = 0x0008, /** Server Key Exchange has been received */
ETlsCertificateReqRecv = 0x0010, /** Certificate Request has been received */
ETlsServerHelloDoneRecv = 0x0020, /** Server Hello Done has been received */
ETlsClientCertificateSent = 0x0040, /** Client Certificate has been sent */
ETlsClientKeyExchSent = 0x0080, /** Client Key Exchange has been sent */
ETlsCertificateVerifySent = 0x0100, /** Certificate Verify has been sent */
ETlsFinishedSent = 0x0200, /** Client Finished has been sent */
ETlsFinishedRecv = 0x0400, /** Server Finished has been received */
ETlsChangeCipherSent = 0x0800, /** Change CipherSpec has been sent */
ETlsChangeCipherRecv = 0x1000, /** Change CipherSpec has been received */
ETlsFullHandshake = 0x2000, /** Full Handshake negotiation */
ETlsAbbreviatedHandshake = 0x4000, /** Abbreviated handshake negotiation */
ETlsUsingPskKeyExchange = 0x8000 /** Using PSK for the key exchange */
const TInt8 KNullSessionId = 0; // Zero value session id.
class CTlsConnection;
class CTlsEvent;
class CSHA1;
class CMD5;
class CSendAlert;
class CTLSSession;
class CHandshake : public CStateMachine
* @class This class describes a state machine which handles SSL3.0/TLS1.0
* handshake negotiations.
static CHandshake* NewL( CTlsConnection& aTlsConnection );
void StartL( TRequestStatus* aClientStatus, MStateMachineNotify* aStateMachineNotify );
CTlsEvent* InitiateReceiveL();
CTlsEvent* InitiateTransmitL();
void UpdateVerify( TDesC8& aMessage );
CSHA1* SHA1Verify() const;
CMD5* MD5Verify() const;
CSendAlert* SendAlert() const;
TPtr8& ComposeMsg();
TBool SessionReUse() const;
CX509Certificate*& ServerCert();
TAlgorithmId& SignatureAlg();
void SetCertificateVerifyReqd( TBool aCertVerify );
TBool CertificateVerifyReqd() const;
void SetNegotiatedVersion( const TTLSProtocolVersion* aTlsVersion );
TSglQue<CTlsEvent>& TxMessageList();
void DestroyTxList();
void AddToList( CTlsEvent& aMsgItem);
void GetServerAddrInfo( TTLSServerAddr& serverInfo );
void ResetCryptoAttributes();
CTLSSession*& TlsSession();
CTlsEvent* NextTxEvent(); //fetches the next event from the Tx queue and shifts
//the queue iterator one element up
void Cancel(TInt aLastError);
CHandshake( CTlsConnection& aTlsConnection );
void ConstructL( CTlsConnection& aTlsConnection );
virtual void DoCancel();
CTlsConnection& iTlsConnection; // Reference to the TlsConnection object that's negotiating a handshake
CSHA1* iSHA1Verify; // SHA1 hash object, used to hash the handshake messages
CMD5* iMD5Verify; // MD5 hash object, used to hash the handshake messages
TSglQue<CTlsEvent> iTransmitList; // List of events (messages) to transmit
TSglQueIter<CTlsEvent> iTxListIter; // List iterator
CSendAlert* iSendAlert; // Pointer to a 'Send Alert' object
TPtr8 iComposeMsg; // Pointer to a state machine fragment passed to a record composer object
CX509Certificate* iServerCert; // Server certificate. Used to process ServerKeyExchange message
TAlgorithmId iSigAlg; // Signature algorithm. Used to process the CertificateVerify message.
TBool iCertVerify; // Boolean value indicating whether the CertificateVerify message should be sent.
// Inline methods
inline CHandshake::CHandshake(CTlsConnection& aTlsConnection) :
iTransmitList( CTlsEvent::TxOffset() ),
iTxListIter( iTransmitList ),
iComposeMsg(NULL, 0),
* Constructor.
* This method does the following:
* 1 - Initialise a reference to the secure connection object.
* 2 - Initialise iComposeMsg, the pointer descriptor used to access the data
* in the state machine's heap descriptor object, to NULL
* 3 - Set the history of the negotiation, iHistory to the start. This object
* keeps track of the negotiation and which messages have been sent or
received thus far.
iHistory = ETlsHandshakeStart;
inline CTlsEvent* CHandshake::NextTxEvent()
return iTxListIter++;
inline TPtr8& CHandshake::ComposeMsg()
* This method returns a pointer descriptor (to the state machine's data fragment)
return iComposeMsg;
inline CX509Certificate*& CHandshake::ServerCert()
* This method returns a reference to the Server's certificate
return iServerCert;
inline TAlgorithmId& CHandshake::SignatureAlg()
* This method returns a reference to the Key exchange algorithm.
return iSigAlg;
inline void CHandshake::SetCertificateVerifyReqd( TBool aCertVerify )
iCertVerify = aCertVerify;
inline TBool CHandshake::CertificateVerifyReqd() const
* This method returns a reference to a boolean which indicates whether the Certificate
* Verify message should be sent.
return iCertVerify;
inline CSendAlert* CHandshake::SendAlert() const
* This method returns a pointer to a 'Send Alert' object. It is used when the
* handshake state machine has to send an alert.
return iSendAlert;
inline CSHA1* CHandshake::SHA1Verify() const
* This method returns a pointer to a SHA1 object. This is used to calculate a
* SHA hash of messages.
return iSHA1Verify;
inline CMD5* CHandshake::MD5Verify() const
* This method returns a pointer to a MD5 object. This is used to calculate a
* MD5 hash of messages.
return iMD5Verify;
inline TSglQue<CTlsEvent>& CHandshake::TxMessageList()
* This method returns the list header (of the messages to be transmitted).
return iTransmitList;