author William Roberts <>
Sun, 14 Mar 2010 13:15:53 +0000
changeset 9 7e9ef0db0a3d
parent 0 af10295192d8
permissions -rw-r--r--
Automatic merge from PDK_3.0.h

(object Petal
    version    	46
    _written   	"Rose 7.7.0204.3001"
    charSet    	0)

(object Design "Logical View"
    is_unit    	TRUE
    is_loaded  	TRUE
    attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
	(object Attribute
	    tool       	"Java"
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	    value      	"Internal Editor")
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	    value      	FALSE)
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	    value      	"")
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	    tool       	"Java"
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	    value      	"")
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	    tool       	"Java"
	    name       	"UserDefineTagApply1"
	    value      	"")
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	    tool       	"Java"
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	    value      	"")
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	    tool       	"Java"
	    name       	"UserDefineTagText2"
	    value      	"")
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	    tool       	"Java"
	    name       	"UserDefineTagApply2"
	    value      	"")
	(object Attribute
	    tool       	"Java"
	    name       	"UserDefineTagName3"
	    value      	"")
	(object Attribute
	    tool       	"Java"
	    name       	"UserDefineTagText3"
	    value      	"")
	(object Attribute
	    tool       	"Java"
	    name       	"UserDefineTagApply3"
	    value      	""))
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    defaults   	(object defaults
	rightMargin 	0.250000
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	showMessageNum 	3
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	notation   	"Unified")
    root_usecase_package 	(object Class_Category "Use Case View"
	quid       	"40CEF8B80157"
	exportControl 	"Public"
	global     	TRUE
	logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list)
	logical_presentations 	(list unit_reference_list
	    (object UseCaseDiagram "Main"
		quid       	"40CEF8C0030B"
		title      	"Main"
		zoom       	100
		max_height 	28350
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		items      	(list diagram_item_list))))
    root_category 	(object Class_Category "Logical View"
	quid       	"40CEF8B80156"
	exportControl 	"Public"
	global     	TRUE
	subsystem  	"Component View"
	quidu      	"40CEF8B80158"
	logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
	    (object Class "Secpol6"
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	    (object Class "Tcpip6"
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	    (object Class "pfkey"
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	    (object Class_Category "VC++ Reverse Engineered"
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		exportControl 	"Public"
		logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
		    (object Class_Category "IPSECPOL"
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			exportControl 	"Public"
			logical_models 	(list unit_reference_list
			    (object Class "CPolicySpec"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
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				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF93800B8"
					supplier   	"CBase"))
				operations 	(list Operations
				    (object Operation "NewL"
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					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF938012F"
| if present, the TSecurityAssocSpec will
| only have constant reference to this!
					stereotype 	"static"
					result     	"IMPORT_C CPolicySpec*"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "Construct"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF9380131"
					result     	"IMPORT_C void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "NewL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
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					stereotype 	"static"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aName"
						quid       	"40CEF9380137"
						type       	"TDesC&"))
					result     	"IMPORT_C CPolicySpec*"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "ConstructL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF9380138"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aName"
						quid       	"40CEF9380139"
						type       	"TDesC&"))
					result     	"IMPORT_C void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "NewL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF938013A"
					stereotype 	"static"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aPolSpec"
						quid       	"40CEF938013C"
						type       	"CPolicySpec*"
						quidu      	"40CEF938006D"))
					result     	"IMPORT_C CPolicySpec*"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "ConstructL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF9380145"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aPolSpec"
						quid       	"40CEF9380146"
						type       	"CPolicySpec*"
						quidu      	"40CEF938006D"))
					result     	"IMPORT_C void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "~CPolicySpec"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF9380147"
					result     	"IMPORT_C"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "CPolicySpec"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF9380154"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "CSecpolBundleItem"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF9380164"
| CSecpolBundleItem
				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF9380165"
					supplier   	"CBase"))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "TSecpolBundle"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF9380183"
				documentation 	"typedef class TSglQue<CSecpolBundleItem> TSecpolBundleX;"
				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF938026D"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TSglQue<CSecpolBundleItem>"
					quidu      	"40CEF9380184"))
				operations 	(list Operations
				    (object Operation "TSecpolBundle"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	TRUE))
					quid       	"40CEF938027D"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Instantiated_Class "TSglQue<CSecpolBundleItem>"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"Generate"
					value      	FALSE))
				quid       	"40CEF9380184"
				used_nodes 	(list uses_relationship_list
				    (object Uses_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF9380193"
					supplier   	"TSglQue"))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "TSecpolBundleIter"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"ImplementationType"
					value      	"typedef class TSglQueIter<CSecpolBundleItem> TSecpolBundleIter;")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF938027E"
				stereotype 	"typedef"
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "CSAList"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	"")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"LastAppliedTemplate"
					value      	"C:\\Program Files\\Rational\\Rose\\vc\\templates")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"Generate"
					value      	TRUE))
				quid       	"40CEF938029C"
|typedef CArrayFixFlat<CPolicySpec *> CSAList;
| CSAList
				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF93802AD"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CArrayFixFlat<CPolicySpec*>"
					quidu      	"40CEF938029D"))
				operations 	(list Operations
				    (object Operation "NewL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93802AE"
					stereotype 	"static"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aGranularity"
						quid       	"40CEF93802B0"
						type       	"TInt"))
					result     	"IMPORT_C CSAList*"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "Construct"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93802B1"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aGranularity"
						quid       	"40CEF93802B2"
						type       	"TInt"))
					result     	"IMPORT_C void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "NewL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93802B3"
					stereotype 	"static"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aSAList"
						quid       	"40CEF93802BD"
						type       	"CSAList*"
						quidu      	"40CEF938029C"))
					result     	"IMPORT_C CSAList*"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "ConstructL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93802BE"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aSAList"
						quid       	"40CEF93802BF"
						type       	"CSAList*"
						quidu      	"40CEF938029C"))
					result     	"IMPORT_C void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "CSAList"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93802C0"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aGranularity"
						quid       	"40CEF93802C1"
						type       	"TInt"))
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "CSAList"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93802C2"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aSAList"
						quid       	"40CEF93802C3"
						type       	"CSAList*"
						quidu      	"40CEF938029C"))
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Instantiated_Class "CArrayFixFlat<CPolicySpec*>"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"Generate"
					value      	FALSE))
				quid       	"40CEF938029D"
				used_nodes 	(list uses_relationship_list
				    (object Uses_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF93802AC"
					supplier   	"CArrayFixFlat"))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "TSAPairNode"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93802CB"
				stereotype 	"struct"
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "CSAPairList"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93802FA"
| CSAPairList: Translation table used when copying a policy
				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF938030A"
					supplier   	"CBase"))
				operations 	(list Operations
				    (object Operation "~CSAPairList"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF938030B"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "AddL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF938030C"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aOldSA"
						quid       	"40CEF938030D"
						type       	"CPolicySpec*"
						quidu      	"40CEF938006D")
					    (object Parameter "aNewSA"
						quid       	"40CEF938030E"
						type       	"CPolicySpec*"
						quidu      	"40CEF938006D"))
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "Translate"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF938030F"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aOldSA"
						quid       	"40CEF9380310"
						type       	"CPolicySpec*"
						quidu      	"40CEF938006D"))
					result     	"CPolicySpec*"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0
					quidu      	"40CEF938006D"))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "CSelectorList"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF9380329"
|typedef CArrayFixFlat<CPolicySelector *> CSelectorList;
				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF938033B"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CArrayFixFlat<CPolicySelector*>"
					quidu      	"40CEF9380339"))
				operations 	(list Operations
				    (object Operation "CSelectorList"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF938035A"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aGranularity"
						quid       	"40CEF938035B"
						type       	"TInt"))
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "CSelectorList"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF938035C"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "CPolicySelector"
						quid       	"40CEF938035D"
						type       	"CSelectorList*"
						quidu      	"40CEF9380329")
					    (object Parameter "aTable"
						quid       	"40CEF938035E"
						type       	"CSAPairList*"
						quidu      	"40CEF93802FA"))
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Instantiated_Class "CArrayFixFlat<CPolicySelector*>"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"Generate"
					value      	FALSE))
				quid       	"40CEF9380339"
				used_nodes 	(list uses_relationship_list
				    (object Uses_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF938033A"
					supplier   	"CArrayFixFlat"))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "CPolicySelector"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93803A6"
				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF93803B6"
					supplier   	"CBase"))
				operations 	(list Operations
				    (object Operation "Match"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93803B7"
					stereotype 	"const"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aSrc"
						quid       	"40CEF93803B9"
						type       	"const TInetAddr&"
						const      	TRUE)
					    (object Parameter "aDst"
						quid       	"40CEF93803BA"
						type       	"const TInetAddr&"
						const      	TRUE)
					    (object Parameter "aProtocol"
						quid       	"40CEF93803BB"
						type       	"TInt")
					    (object Parameter "aIcmpType"
						quid       	"40CEF93803BC"
						type       	"TInt")
					    (object Parameter "aIcmpCode"
						quid       	"40CEF93803BD"
						type       	"TInt"))
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "UseSA"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93803D5"
					documentation 	"Checks if this policy is using this SA"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aSA"
						quid       	"40CEF93803D6"
						type       	"CPolicySpec*"
						quidu      	"40CEF938006D")
					    (object Parameter "tunnel"
						quid       	"40CEF93803D7"
						type       	"TInetAddr*"
						initv      	"NULL"))
					result     	"IMPORT_C TBool"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "FindBundleL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93803D8"
					documentation 	"Return a Copy of the aIndex element of the SA bundle"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aIndex"
						quid       	"40CEF93803D9"
						type       	"TInt"))
					result     	"CSecpolBundleItem*"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0
					quidu      	"40CEF9380164"))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Instantiated_Class "TBuf<20>"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"Generate"
					value      	FALSE))
				quid       	"40CEF939004D"
				used_nodes 	(list uses_relationship_list
				    (object Uses_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF939004E"
					supplier   	"TBuf"))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "CSecurityPolicy"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF9390089"
| CSecurityPolicy
				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF939008A"
					supplier   	"CBase"))
				operations 	(list Operations
				    (object Operation "CSecurityPolicy"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF9390099"
					documentation 	"CSecurityPolicy(const TDesC8 &aPolicy);"
					result     	"IMPORT_C"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "ConstructL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF939009A"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aSecPol"
						quid       	"40CEF939009B"
						type       	"CSecurityPolicy*"
						quidu      	"40CEF9390089"))
					result     	"IMPORT_C void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "ConstructL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF939009C"
					result     	"IMPORT_C void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "~CSecurityPolicy"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF939009D"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "FindBundle"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF939009E"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aDirection"
						quid       	"40CEF939009F"
						type       	"TUint")
					    (object Parameter "aSrc"
						quid       	"40CEF93900A8"
						type       	"const TInetAddr&"
						const      	TRUE)
					    (object Parameter "aDst"
						quid       	"40CEF93900A9"
						type       	"const TInetAddr&"
						const      	TRUE)
					    (object Parameter "aProtocol"
						quid       	"40CEF93900AA"
						type       	"TInt")
					    (object Parameter "aIcmpType"
						quid       	"40CEF93900AB"
						type       	"TInt")
					    (object Parameter "aIcmpCode"
						quid       	"40CEF93900AC"
						type       	"TInt"))
					result     	"TSecpolBundle*"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0
					quidu      	"40CEF9380183")
				    (object Operation "Add"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	TRUE))
					quid       	"40CEF93900AD"
| The following methods are really intended to be used only
| by the Policy parser, not for generic consumption!
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aSpec"
						quid       	"40CEF93900AE"
						type       	"CPolicySpec*"
						quidu      	"40CEF938006D"))
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "Add"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	TRUE))
					quid       	"40CEF93900AF"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aSelector"
						quid       	"40CEF93900B8"
						type       	"CPolicySelector*"
						quidu      	"40CEF93803A6"))
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "FindSpec"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93900B9"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aName"
						quid       	"40CEF93900BA"
						type       	"const TDesC8&"
						const      	TRUE))
					result     	"IMPORT_C CPolicySpec*"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "SAList"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	TRUE))
					quid       	"40CEF93900BB"
|    inline TAlgorithmMap *FindAlg(TAlgorithmClass aClass, TInt anAlg)
|        {return iAlgorithms->Lookup(aClass, anAlg);}
|    inline TAlgorithmMap *FindAlg(const TDesC8 &aLib, const TDesC8 &anAlg)
|        {return iAlgorithms->Lookup(aLib, anAlg);}
|    inline TAlgorithmMap *NewAlg(const TDesC8 &aLib, const TDesC8 &anAlg)
|        {iAlgorithms->AddL(EAlgorithmClass_Cipher, 0, 0, aLib, anAlg);
|        return iAlgorithms->Lookup(aLib, anAlg);}
|    inline CAlgorithmList *AlgList()
|        {return iAlgorithms;}
					result     	"CSAList*"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0
					quidu      	"40CEF938029C")
				    (object Operation "SetSAList"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	TRUE))
					quid       	"40CEF93900BC"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aSAList"
						quid       	"40CEF93900BD"
						type       	"CSAList*"
						quidu      	"40CEF938029C"))
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "SelectorList"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	TRUE))
					quid       	"40CEF93900BE"
					result     	"CSelectorList*"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0
					quidu      	"40CEF9380329")
				    (object Operation "SetSelectorList"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	TRUE))
					quid       	"40CEF93900C8"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aSelList"
						quid       	"40CEF93900C9"
						type       	"CSelectorList*"
						quidu      	"40CEF9380329"))
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "CreateTranslationTableL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93900CA"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aOldSAList"
						quid       	"40CEF93900CB"
						type       	"CSAList*"
						quidu      	"40CEF938029C")
					    (object Parameter "aNewSAList"
						quid       	"40CEF93900CC"
						type       	"CSAList*"
						quidu      	"40CEF938029C"))
					result     	"CSAPairList*"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0
					quidu      	"40CEF93802FA"))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "CIPSecPolicyManagerServer"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	"")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"LastAppliedTemplate"
					value      	"C:\\Program Files\\Rational\\Rose\\vc\\templates")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"Generate"
					value      	TRUE))
				quid       	"40CEF93900E7"
				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF93900F6"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CServer2"
					quidu      	"418203800250"))
				used_nodes 	(list uses_relationship_list
				    (object Uses_Relationship
					quid       	"4182048B0356"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CSecpolReader"
					quidu      	"40CEF93D00E7")
				    (object Uses_Relationship
					quid       	"418205390170"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CIPSecPolicyManagerSession"
					quidu      	"40CEF93A0270"
					supplier_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1..*")
					client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1"))
				    (object Uses_Relationship
					quid       	"41820806006C"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CIPSecPolicyManagerHandler"
					quidu      	"40CEF93C02CB"
					supplier_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")
					client_cardinality 	(value cardinality "1")))
				operations 	(list Operations
				    (object Operation "NewSessionL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF9390107"
					stereotype 	"const"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aVersion"
						quid       	"40CEF9390109"
						type       	"const TVersion&"
						const      	TRUE)
					    (object Parameter ""
						quid       	"40CEF939010A"
						type       	"const RMessage2&"
						const      	TRUE))
					result     	"CSession2*"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "RunError"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF939010B"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aError"
						quid       	"40CEF939010C"
						type       	"TInt"))
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "StopIPSecPolicyManagerServer"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF9390116"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter ""
						quid       	"40CEF9390117"
						type       	"void"))
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "uint8_t"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"ImplementationType"
					value      	"typedef unsigned char uint8_t;")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF9390125"
				stereotype 	"typedef"
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "uint16_t"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"ImplementationType"
					value      	"typedef unsigned short uint16_t;")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF9390127"
				stereotype 	"typedef"
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "uint32_t"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"ImplementationType"
					value      	"typedef unsigned int uint32_t;")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF9390136"
				stereotype 	"typedef"
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "uint64_t"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"ImplementationType"
					value      	"typedef TInt64 uint64_t;    // Incorrect, but gets allocation right!")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF9390145"
				stereotype 	"typedef"
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "sadb_msg"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF9390164"
				documentation 	"** Base Message Header Format"
				stereotype 	"struct"
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "sadb_ext"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93901C2"
				documentation 	"** Additional Message Fields"
				stereotype 	"struct"
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "sadb_sa"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93901F0"
				documentation 	"** Association Extension"
				stereotype 	"struct"
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "sadb_lifetime"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF939025E"
				documentation 	"** Lifetime Extension"
				stereotype 	"struct"
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "sadb_address"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93902AC"
				documentation 	"** Address Extension"
				stereotype 	"struct"
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "sadb_key"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93902EA"
				documentation 	"** Key Extension"
				stereotype 	"struct"
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "sadb_ident"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF9390329"
				documentation 	"** Identity Extension"
				stereotype 	"struct"
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "sadb_sens"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF9390377"
				documentation 	"** Sensitivity extension"
				stereotype 	"struct"
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "sadb_prop"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93903D5"
| Followed by
|        uint64_t sadb_sens_sens_bitmap[sens_len];
|        uint64_t sadb_sens_integ_bitmap[integ_len];
|** Proposal Extension
				stereotype 	"struct"
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "sadb_comb"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93A004B"
				documentation 	"** Proposal combination"
				stereotype 	"struct"
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "sadb_supported"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93A00F6"
				documentation 	"** Supported Algorithms Extension"
				stereotype 	"struct"
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "sadb_alg"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93A0125"
				documentation 	" * Supported algorithm descriptor"
				stereotype 	"struct"
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "sadb_spirange"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93A0173"
				documentation 	"** SPI Range Extension"
				stereotype 	"struct"
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "TAlgorithmName"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"ImplementationType"
					value      	"typedef TBuf8<0x20> TAlgorithmName;")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93A01A2"
|	TAlgorithmDesc (and related types)
|		A description of available algorithm
				stereotype 	"typedef"
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "TAlgorithmClass"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"ImplementationType"
					value      	(value Text 
|typedef enum
|	{
|	EAlgorithmClass_Digest,	// Message Digest algorithm
|	EAlgorithmClass_Cipher,	// Symmetric Cipher algorithm
|	//
|	// New types are possible by adding the symbol here
|	// and defining the corresponding abstract class
|	// (similar to COwnMessageDigest and CSymmetricCipher)
|	//
|	} TAlgorithmClass;
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93A01A4"
				stereotype 	"typedef"
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "TAlgorithmDesc"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93A01B3"
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "COwnMessageDigest"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93A01F0"
|	COwnMessageDigest
|		Base Message Digest (abstract) class
				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF93A01F1"
					supplier   	"CBase"))
				operations 	(list Operations
				    (object Operation "Init"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93A01F2"
					stereotype 	"abstract"
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "Update"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93A0201"
					stereotype 	"abstract"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aMessage"
						quid       	"40CEF93A0203"
						type       	"const TDesC8&"
						const      	TRUE))
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "Final"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93A0204"
					stereotype 	"abstract"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aDigest"
						quid       	"40CEF93A0206"
						type       	"TDes8&"))
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "~COwnMessageDigest"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	TRUE))
					quid       	"40CEF93A0207"
					stereotype 	"virtual"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "CSymmetricCipher"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93A0210"
|	CSymmetricCipher
|		Base Symmetric Cipher (abstract) class
				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF93A0211"
					supplier   	"CBase"))
				operations 	(list Operations
				    (object Operation "Setkey"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93A0212"
					stereotype 	"abstract"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aKey"
						quid       	"40CEF93A021F"
						type       	"const TDesC8&"
						const      	TRUE))
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "InitL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93A0220"
					stereotype 	"abstract"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "anIV"
						quid       	"40CEF93A0222"
						type       	"const TDesC8&"
						const      	TRUE)
					    (object Parameter "aMode"
						quid       	"40CEF93A0223"
						type       	"TAction"
						quidu      	"40CEF93A023F"))
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "Update"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93A0224"
| ALL OutBuf's given to Update must exist up to Finish
| call (or at least as long as at least blocksize octets
| have been given to Update after it).
					stereotype 	"abstract"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "anOutBuf"
						quid       	"40CEF93A0226"
						type       	"TDes8&")
					    (object Parameter "anInBuf"
						quid       	"40CEF93A0227"
						type       	"const TDesC8&"
						const      	TRUE))
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "Finish"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93A0228"
| Calling Finish is optional, it is needed if the total
| bytes is not multiple of the blocksize, or if one wants
| to get the final IV.
					stereotype 	"abstract"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "anIV"
						quid       	"40CEF93A0230"
						type       	"TDes8&"))
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "~CSymmetricCipher"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	TRUE))
					quid       	"40CEF93A0231"
					stereotype 	"virtual"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++"
				nestedClasses 	(list nestedClasses
				    (object Class "TAction"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"AppliedPattern"
						value      	"none")
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
						value      	""))
					quid       	"40CEF93A023F"
					stereotype 	"enum"
					module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
					quidu      	"40CEF91D0220")))
			    (object Class "CProtocolCrypto"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93A0241"
|	CProtocolCrypto
|		The algorithm manager (abstract) class
				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF93A024E"
					supplier   	"CProtocolBase"))
				operations 	(list Operations
				    (object Operation "AlgorithmList"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93A024F"
					stereotype 	"abstract"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aList"
						quid       	"40CEF93A0251"
						type       	"TAlgorithmDesc* &"))
					result     	"TUint"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "SymmetricCipher"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93A0252"
					stereotype 	"abstract"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "anAlg"
						quid       	"40CEF93A0254"
						type       	"TUint"))
					result     	"CSymmetricCipher*"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0
					quidu      	"40CEF93A0210")
				    (object Operation "MessageDigest"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93A0255"
					stereotype 	"abstract"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "anAlg"
						quid       	"40CEF93A025F"
						type       	"TUint"))
					result     	"COwnMessageDigest*"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0
					quidu      	"40CEF93A01F0")
				    (object Operation "~CProtocolCrypto"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	TRUE))
					quid       	"40CEF93A0260"
					stereotype 	"virtual"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Protected"
					uid        	0))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "Starter"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93A0262"
				used_nodes 	(list uses_relationship_list
				    (object Uses_Relationship
					quid       	"4182036702BE"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CIPSecPolicyManagerServer"
					quidu      	"40CEF93900E7"))
				operations 	(list Operations
				    (object Operation "CreateAndStartServerL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93A0263"
					stereotype 	"static"
					result     	"CServer2*"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "ServerName"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93A026E"
					stereotype 	"static"
					result     	"TPtrC"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "CIPSecPolicyManagerSession"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93A0270"
				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF93A027D"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CSession2"
					quidu      	"41823E210019"))
				operations 	(list Operations
				    (object Operation "ServiceL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93A0283"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aMessage"
						quid       	"40CEF93A0284"
						type       	"const RMessage2&"
						const      	TRUE))
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "TPolicyMessages"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93A02AC"
				stereotype 	"enum"
				class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
				    (object ClassAttribute "EIpsecPolicyLoadPolicy"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"0"))
					quid       	"40CEF93A02AE")
				    (object ClassAttribute "EIpsecPolicyCancelLoad"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"1"))
					quid       	"40CEF93A02EA")
				    (object ClassAttribute "EIpsecPolicyActivatePolicy"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"2"))
					quid       	"40CEF93A02EB")
				    (object ClassAttribute "EIpsecPolicyCancelActivate"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"3"))
					quid       	"40CEF93A02EC")
				    (object ClassAttribute "EIpsecPolicyGetLastConflictInfo"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"4"))
					quid       	"40CEF93A02ED")
				    (object ClassAttribute "EIpsecPolicyUnloadPolicy"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"5"))
					quid       	"40CEF93A02FA")
				    (object ClassAttribute "EIpsecPolicyCancelUnload"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"6"))
					quid       	"40CEF93A02FB")
				    (object ClassAttribute "EIpsecPolicyMatchSelector"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"7"))
					quid       	"40CEF93A02FC")
				    (object ClassAttribute "EIpsecPolicyCancelMatch"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"8"))
					quid       	"40CEF93A030A")
				    (object ClassAttribute "EIpsecPolicyReadPolicyCount"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"9"))
					quid       	"40CEF93A030B")
				    (object ClassAttribute "EIpsecPolicyReadPolicy"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"10"))
					quid       	"40CEF93A030C")
				    (object ClassAttribute "EIpsecPolicyCancelRead"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"11"))
					quid       	"40CEF93A030D")
				    (object ClassAttribute "EIpsecPolicyCancelSelector"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"12"))
					quid       	"40CEF93A0319")
				    (object ClassAttribute "EIpsecPolicyCancelAll"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"13"))
					quid       	"40CEF93A031A")
				    (object ClassAttribute "EIpsecPolicyGetSpecsForSelector"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"14"))
					quid       	"40CEF93A031B")
				    (object ClassAttribute "EIpsecPolicyAddPolicy"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"15"))
					quid       	"40CEF93A0329")
				    (object ClassAttribute "EIpsecPolicyGetPolicy"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"16"))
					quid       	"40CEF93A032A")
				    (object ClassAttribute "EIpsecPolicyGetPolicyCount"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"17"))
					quid       	"40CEF93A032B")
				    (object ClassAttribute "EIpsecPolicyGetPolicyIds"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"18"))
					quid       	"40CEF93A0339")
				    (object ClassAttribute "EIpsecPolicyGetPolicyHandles"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"19"))
					quid       	"40CEF93A033A")
				    (object ClassAttribute "EIpsecPolicyGetSelectorCount"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"20"))
					quid       	"40CEF93A033B")
				    (object ClassAttribute "EIpsecPolicyGetSASpec"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"21"))
					quid       	"40CEF93A033C")
				    (object ClassAttribute "EIpsecPolicyAddSASpec"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"22"))
					quid       	"40CEF93A0348")
				    (object ClassAttribute "EIpsecPolicyDeleteSASpec"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"23"))
					quid       	"40CEF93A0349")
				    (object ClassAttribute "EIpsecPolicyGetSelector"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"24"))
					quid       	"40CEF93A034A")
				    (object ClassAttribute "EIpsecPolicyAddSelector"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"25"))
					quid       	"40CEF93A0358")
				    (object ClassAttribute "EIpsecPolicyDeleteSelector"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"26"))
					quid       	"40CEF93A0359")
				    (object ClassAttribute "EIpsecPolicyUnloadAllPolicies"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"27"))
					quid       	"40CEF93A035A")
				    (object ClassAttribute "EIpsecPolicyDebugNotificationRequest"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"28"))
					quid       	"40CEF93A035B")
				    (object ClassAttribute "EIpsecPolicyGetDebugInfo"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"29"))
					quid       	"40CEF93A0367")
				    (object ClassAttribute "EIpsecPolicyCancelDebug"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"30"))
					quid       	"40CEF93A0368"))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "TServerStart"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93A0377"
				operations 	(list Operations
				    (object Operation "TServerStart"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93A0387"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aStatus"
						quid       	"40CEF93A0388"
						type       	"TRequestStatus&"))
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "AsCommand"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93A0389"
					stereotype 	"const"
					result     	"TPtrC"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "TServerStart"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93A038B"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "GetCommand"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93A038C"
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "SignalL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93A038D"
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "TLifetimeAllocations"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"ImplementationType"
					value      	"typedef uint32_t TLifetimeAllocations;")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93A03A0"
| Mapping of low level types in pfkeyv2.h into more semantic names
| (This is to avoid a need to look many places in case pfkeyv2 changes)
				stereotype 	"typedef"
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "TLifetimeBytes"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"ImplementationType"
					value      	"typedef TInt64 TLifetimeBytes;")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93A03A7"
				stereotype 	"typedef"
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "TIdentity"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93A03C5"
				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF93A03C6"
					supplier   	"TPtr8"))
				operations 	(list Operations
				    (object Operation "TIdentity"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	TRUE))
					quid       	"40CEF93A03C7"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "TLifetime"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93A03E4"
				documentation 	" TLifetime, a help structure"
				operations 	(list Operations
				    (object Operation "TLifetime"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93A03E5"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aLifetime"
						quid       	"40CEF93A03E6"
						type       	"const struct sadb_lifetime&"
						const      	TRUE))
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "Freeze"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93A03E7"
					stereotype 	"static"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aTime"
						quid       	"40CEF93A03E9"
						type       	"TTime&")
					    (object Parameter "aNow"
						quid       	"40CEF93A03EA"
						type       	"const TTime&"
						const      	TRUE))
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "TLifetime"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B000C"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "TSecurityAssocSpec"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93B004B"
|	TSecurityAssocSpec
|	Specify what is required from the SA that can be used
|	for the outbound packet. If no matching SA is found, an
|	acquire message is generated, and these values specify
|	the requested values for the SA.
|	src, proxy
|		if no tunnel, proxy=INADDR_ANY, src=IP src
|		if tunnel, proxy=IP src, src=current host
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "TAlgorithmMap"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93B00D7"
				operations 	(list Operations
				    (object Operation "TAlgorithmMap"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B00E7"
					result     	"IMPORT_C"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "TAlgorithmMap"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B00E8"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aClass"
						quid       	"40CEF93B00E9"
						type       	"TAlgorithmClass"
						quidu      	"40CEF93A01A4")
					    (object Parameter "anId"
						quid       	"40CEF93B00EA"
						type       	"TInt")
					    (object Parameter "aBits"
						quid       	"40CEF93B00EB"
						type       	"TInt")
					    (object Parameter "aDefaultLen"
						quid       	"40CEF93B00EC"
						type       	"TInt")
					    (object Parameter "aMinLen"
						quid       	"40CEF93B00ED"
						type       	"TInt")
					    (object Parameter "aMaxLen"
						quid       	"40CEF93B00EE"
						type       	"TInt")
					    (object Parameter "aLibrary"
						quid       	"40CEF93B00F6"
						type       	"const TDesC8&"
						const      	TRUE)
					    (object Parameter "aAlgorithm"
						quid       	"40CEF93B00F7"
						type       	"const TDesC8&"
						const      	TRUE))
					result     	"IMPORT_C"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Instantiated_Class "TBuf8<0x20>"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"Generate"
					value      	FALSE))
				quid       	"40CEF93B0125"
				used_nodes 	(list uses_relationship_list
				    (object Uses_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF93B0126"
					supplier   	"TBuf8"))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "CAlgorithmList"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93B0145"
				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF93B0165"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CArrayFixFlat<TAlgorithmMap>"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B0154"))
				operations 	(list Operations
				    (object Operation "CAlgorithmList"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B0166"
					result     	"IMPORT_C"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "AddL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B0167"
					documentation 	"Adds an Algorithm to the list"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aMap"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0168"
						type       	"TAlgorithmMap*"
						quidu      	"40CEF93B00D7"))
					result     	"IMPORT_C void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "AddL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B0169"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aClass"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0173"
						type       	"TAlgorithmClass"
						quidu      	"40CEF93A01A4")
					    (object Parameter "anId"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0174"
						type       	"TInt")
					    (object Parameter "aBits"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0175"
						type       	"TInt")
					    (object Parameter "aDefaultLen"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0176"
						type       	"TInt")
					    (object Parameter "aMinLen"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0177"
						type       	"TInt")
					    (object Parameter "aMaxLen"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0178"
						type       	"TInt")
					    (object Parameter "aLibrary"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0179"
						type       	"const TDesC8&"
						const      	TRUE)
					    (object Parameter "anAlg"
						quid       	"40CEF93B017A"
						type       	"const TDesC8&"
						const      	TRUE))
					result     	"IMPORT_C void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "Lookup"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B017B"
					documentation 	" Find TAlgorithmMap by IPSEC algorithm number"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aClass"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0183"
						type       	"TAlgorithmClass"
						quidu      	"40CEF93A01A4")
					    (object Parameter "anAlg"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0184"
						type       	"TInt"))
					result     	"IMPORT_C TAlgorithmMap*"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "IndexLookup"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B0185"
					documentation 	"Find the aNum-th algorithm of class aClass"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aClass"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0186"
						type       	"TAlgorithmClass"
						quidu      	"40CEF93A01A4")
					    (object Parameter "aNum"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0187"
						type       	"TInt"))
					result     	"IMPORT_C TAlgorithmMap*"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "Remove"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B0188"
					documentation 	"Removes the aNum-th algorithm of class aClass. If not found does nothing"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aClass"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0189"
						type       	"TAlgorithmClass"
						quidu      	"40CEF93A01A4")
					    (object Parameter "aNum"
						quid       	"40CEF93B018A"
						type       	"TInt"))
					result     	"IMPORT_C void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "Lookup"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B0193"
| Find TAlgorithmMap by symbolic algorithm name (and optionally restricted
| to a specific library).
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aLibrary"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0194"
						type       	"const TDesC8&"
						const      	TRUE)
					    (object Parameter "anAlg"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0195"
						type       	"const TDesC8&"
						const      	TRUE))
					result     	"IMPORT_C TAlgorithmMap*"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Instantiated_Class "CArrayFixFlat<TAlgorithmMap>"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"Generate"
					value      	FALSE))
				quid       	"40CEF93B0154"
				used_nodes 	(list uses_relationship_list
				    (object Uses_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF93B0164"
					supplier   	"CArrayFixFlat"))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "token_type"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"ImplementationType"
					value      	(value Text 
|typedef enum
|    token_string,
|    token_equal,
|    token_comma,
|    token_brace_left,
|    token_brace_right,
|    token_par_left,
|    token_par_right,
|    token_error,
|    token_eof
|    } token_type;
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93B0196"
				stereotype 	"typedef"
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "TPolicyParser"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93B01D1"
				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF93B01E1"
					supplier   	"TLex"))
				operations 	(list Operations
				    (object Operation "ParseL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B01E4"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aPieceData"
						quid       	"40CEF93B01E5"
						type       	"CIpSecurityPiece*"))
					result     	"IMPORT_C TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "Write"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B01E6"
					stereotype 	"static"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aSp"
						quid       	"40CEF93B01F1"
						type       	"CSecurityPolicy*"
						quidu      	"40CEF9390089")
					    (object Parameter "aPolBfr"
						quid       	"40CEF93B01F2"
						type       	"HBufC8* &")
					    (object Parameter "aSortingOrder"
						quid       	"40CEF93B01F3"
						type       	"TBool"
						initv      	"EFalse"))
					result     	"IMPORT_C TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "BufferAppend"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B01F4"
					stereotype 	"static"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aPolBfr"
						quid       	"40CEF93B01F6"
						type       	"HBufC8* &")
					    (object Parameter "aText"
						quid       	"40CEF93B01F7"
						type       	"const TDesC8&"
						const      	TRUE))
					result     	"IMPORT_C TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "WriteSAs"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B01F8"
					stereotype 	"static"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aSAList"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0200"
						type       	"CSAList*"
						quidu      	"40CEF938029C")
					    (object Parameter "aPolBfr"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0201"
						type       	"HBufC8* &"))
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "TextSA"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B0202"
					stereotype 	"static"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aSA"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0204"
						type       	"CPolicySpec*"
						quidu      	"40CEF938006D")
					    (object Parameter "aBuf"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0205"
						type       	"TDes8&"))
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "WriteSelectors"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B0206"
					stereotype 	"static"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aSelList"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0210"
						type       	"CSelectorList*"
						quidu      	"40CEF9380329")
					    (object Parameter "aPolBfr"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0211"
						type       	"HBufC8* &")
					    (object Parameter "aSortingOrder"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0212"
						type       	"TBool"
						initv      	"EFalse"))
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "WriteSelectorsInSortingOrder"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B0213"
					stereotype 	"static"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aSelList"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0215"
						type       	"CSelectorList*"
						quidu      	"40CEF9380329")
					    (object Parameter "aPolBfr"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0216"
						type       	"HBufC8* &")
					    (object Parameter "aSortingOrder"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0217"
						type       	"TBool"
						initv      	"ETrue"))
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "TextSel"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B0218"
					stereotype 	"static"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aSel"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0220"
						type       	"CPolicySelector*"
						quidu      	"40CEF93803A6")
					    (object Parameter "aBuf"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0221"
						type       	"TDes8&")
					    (object Parameter "aSortingOrder"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0222"
						type       	"TBool"
						initv      	"EFalse"))
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "parse_ip_addr_and_mask"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B0223"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "addr"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0224"
						type       	"TInetAddr&")
					    (object Parameter "mask"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0225"
						type       	"TInetAddr&"))
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "parse_sa_spec_listL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B022F"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aBundle"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0230"
						type       	"TSecpolBundle&"
						quidu      	"40CEF9380183")
					    (object Parameter "aSp"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0231"
						type       	"CSecurityPolicy*"
						quidu      	"40CEF9390089"))
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "parse_sa_spec_paramsL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B0232"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aSpec"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0233"
						type       	"CPolicySpec&"
						quidu      	"40CEF938006D"))
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "parse_conn2saL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B0234"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aSp"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0235"
						type       	"CSecurityPolicy*"
						quidu      	"40CEF9390089"))
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "parse_sa_specL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B023F"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aSp"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0240"
						type       	"CSecurityPolicy*"
						quidu      	"40CEF9390089"))
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "NextToken"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B0241"
					result     	"token_type"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0
					quidu      	"40CEF93B0196")
				    (object Operation "SkipSpaceAndMark"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B0242"
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "Error"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B0243"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aFmt"
						quid       	"40CEF93B024E"
						type       	"TRefByValue<const TDesC>")
					    (object Parameter ""
						quid       	"40CEF93B024F"
						type       	"..."))
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0))
				class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
				    (object ClassAttribute "iLine"
					quid       	"40CEF93B0250"
					type       	"int"
					exportControl 	"Public"))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Instantiated_Class "TBuf<200>"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"Generate"
					value      	FALSE))
				quid       	"40CEF93B0251"
				used_nodes 	(list uses_relationship_list
				    (object Uses_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF93B025E"
					supplier   	"TBuf"))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "CKeysData"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93B028D"
				documentation 	"Could be a struct but CBase initializa everything to 0, so is better"
				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF93B028E"
					supplier   	"CBase"))
				operations 	(list Operations
				    (object Operation "CKeysData"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B028F"
					result     	"IMPORT_C"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "CKeysData"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B029C"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aKey"
						quid       	"40CEF93B029D"
						type       	"CKeysData*"
						quidu      	"40CEF93B028D"))
					result     	"IMPORT_C"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Instantiated_Class "TBuf8<256>"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"Generate"
					value      	FALSE))
				quid       	"40CEF93B02E0"
				used_nodes 	(list uses_relationship_list
				    (object Uses_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF93B02E1"
					supplier   	"TBuf8"))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "CKeysDataArray"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93B030A"
				documentation 	"typedef CArrayFixFlat<TKeysData *> CKeysDataArray;"
				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF93B032B"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CArrayFixFlat<CKeysData*>"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B0329"))
				operations 	(list Operations
				    (object Operation "NewL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B032C"
					stereotype 	"static"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aGranularity"
						quid       	"40CEF93B032E"
						type       	"TInt"))
					result     	"IMPORT_C CKeysDataArray*"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "Construct"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B032F"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aGranularity"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0339"
						type       	"TInt"))
					result     	"IMPORT_C void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "NewL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B033A"
					stereotype 	"static"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aData"
						quid       	"40CEF93B033C"
						type       	"CKeysDataArray*"
						quidu      	"40CEF93B030A"))
					result     	"IMPORT_C CKeysDataArray*"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "ConstructL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B033D"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aData"
						quid       	"40CEF93B033E"
						type       	"CKeysDataArray*"
						quidu      	"40CEF93B030A"))
					result     	"IMPORT_C void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "~CKeysDataArray"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B033F"
					result     	"IMPORT_C"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "CopyL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B0340"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aData"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0348"
						type       	"CKeysDataArray*"
						quidu      	"40CEF93B030A"))
					result     	"IMPORT_C void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "Empty"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B0349"
					result     	"IMPORT_C void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "CKeysDataArray"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B034A"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aGranularity"
						quid       	"40CEF93B034B"
						type       	"TInt"))
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "CKeysDataArray"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B034C"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aData"
						quid       	"40CEF93B034D"
						type       	"CKeysDataArray*"
						quidu      	"40CEF93B030A"))
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Instantiated_Class "CArrayFixFlat<CKeysData*>"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"Generate"
					value      	FALSE))
				quid       	"40CEF93B0329"
				used_nodes 	(list uses_relationship_list
				    (object Uses_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF93B032A"
					supplier   	"CArrayFixFlat"))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "TKeyParser"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93B0377"
				documentation 	"KEYS Parser"
				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF93B0378"
					supplier   	"TLex"))
				operations 	(list Operations
				    (object Operation "TKeyParser"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B0379"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aStr"
						quid       	"40CEF93B037A"
						type       	"const TDesC&"
						const      	TRUE))
					result     	"IMPORT_C"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "ParseL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B037B"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aKeys"
						quid       	"40CEF93B037C"
						type       	"CKeysDataArray*"
						quidu      	"40CEF93B030A"))
					result     	"IMPORT_C TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "Write"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B0387"
					stereotype 	"static"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aKeys"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0389"
						type       	"CKeysDataArray*"
						quidu      	"40CEF93B030A")
					    (object Parameter "aFile"
						quid       	"40CEF93B038A"
						type       	"RFile&"))
					result     	"IMPORT_C TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "TextPFKey"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B038B"
					stereotype 	"static"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aKey"
						quid       	"40CEF93B038D"
						type       	"CKeysData*"
						quidu      	"40CEF93B028D")
					    (object Parameter "aElem"
						quid       	"40CEF93B038E"
						type       	"TDes8&"))
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "NextToken"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B038F"
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "DeHex"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B0396"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aStr"
						quid       	"40CEF93B0397"
						type       	"const TDesC&"
						const      	TRUE))
					result     	"TPtrC8"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "SkipSpaceAndMark"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B0398"
					result     	"int"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "HexVal"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B0399"
					stereotype 	"static"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aChar"
						quid       	"40CEF93B039B"
						type       	"TUint8"))
					result     	"TUint8"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "CIpSecurityPiece"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93B03D5"
|Multiple Security Info combined
				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF93B03E4"
					supplier   	"CBase"))
				operations 	(list Operations
				    (object Operation "CIpSecurityPiece"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	TRUE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B03E5"
					documentation 	"* Cause vtable & typeinfo to be exported"
					result     	"IMPORT_C"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "Info"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	TRUE))
					quid       	"40CEF93B03E8"
					result     	"HBufC*"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "SetInfoL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C000C"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aDes"
						quid       	"40CEF93C000D"
						type       	"const TDesC&"
						const      	TRUE))
					result     	"IMPORT_C void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "Policies"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	TRUE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C000E"
					result     	"CSecurityPolicy*"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0
					quidu      	"40CEF9390089")
				    (object Operation "SetPolicies"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	TRUE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C000F"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aPolicy"
						quid       	"40CEF93C0010"
						type       	"CSecurityPolicy*"
						quidu      	"40CEF9390089"))
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "Keys"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	TRUE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C0011"
					result     	"CKeysDataArray*"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0
					quidu      	"40CEF93B030A"))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "TIpSecParser"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93C006A"
|  class TSecParser
				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF93C006B"
					supplier   	"TLex"))
				operations 	(list Operations
				    (object Operation "ParseL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C006E"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aPiece_data"
						quid       	"40CEF93C006F"
						type       	"CIpSecurityPiece*"
						quidu      	"40CEF93B03D5"))
					result     	"IMPORT_C TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "ParseAndIgnoreIKEL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C007D"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aPiece_data"
						quid       	"40CEF93C007E"
						type       	"CIpSecurityPiece*"
						quidu      	"40CEF93B03D5"))
					result     	"IMPORT_C TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "CheckVersion"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C007F"
					result     	"TBool"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "ParseInfoL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C0080"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aPiece_data"
						quid       	"40CEF93C0089"
						type       	"CIpSecurityPiece*"
						quidu      	"40CEF93B03D5"))
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "ParsePoliciesL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C008A"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aPieceData"
						quid       	"40CEF93C008B"
						type       	"CIpSecurityPiece*"
						quidu      	"40CEF93B03D5"))
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "ParseKeysL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C008C"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aKeys"
						quid       	"40CEF93C008D"
						type       	"CKeysDataArray*"
						quidu      	"40CEF93B030A"))
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "NextTag"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C008E"
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "DoParseL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C0099"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aPiece_data"
						quid       	"40CEF93C009A"
						type       	"CIpSecurityPiece*"
						quidu      	"40CEF93B03D5")
					    (object Parameter "aIncludeIKE"
						quid       	"40CEF93C009B"
						type       	"TBool"))
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "direction"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93C00C8"
| Policy Manager Error Codes
|typedef enum
|    {
|    EOpenSocketError = -23001,
|    EBindSocketError,
|    EOpenAlgorithmsFileError,
|    EOpenPolicyFileError,
|    EPolicyFileError,
|    ESecpolSocketSetOptError,
|    EUnknownPolicyHandle,
|    EParsingError,
|    EWriteSocketError,
|    ESecpolReaderError,
|    ENoSelectorFound,
|    ENoMemory,
|    EInboundOutboundConflict,
|    ESelectorConflict,
|    ENoConflictInfoFound
|    };
| Direction codes
				stereotype 	"enum"
				class_attributes 	(list class_attribute_list
				    (object ClassAttribute "EInbound"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"0"))
					quid       	"40CEF93C00D7"
					initv      	"1")
				    (object ClassAttribute "EOutbound"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Ordinal"
						value      	"1"))
					quid       	"40CEF93C00D8"))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "TActivePolicyListEntry"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93C00E7"
| Active Policy list entry
				stereotype 	"struct"
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "CActivePolicyList"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"ImplementationType"
					value      	"typedef CArrayFixFlat<TActivePolicyListEntry*> CActivePolicyList;   ")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93C0116"
				stereotype 	"typedef"
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "CIPSecPolicyManagerHandler"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93C02CB"
				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF93C02DB"
					supplier   	"CBase"))
				operations 	(list Operations
				    (object Operation "ProcessLoadPolicyL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C02E1"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aMsg"
						quid       	"40CEF93C02EA"
						type       	"const RMessage2&"
						const      	TRUE)
					    (object Parameter "aIPSecPolicyManagerSession"
						quid       	"40CEF93C02EB"
						type       	"const CIPSecPolicyManagerSession*"
						const      	TRUE))
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "ProcessActivatePolicyL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C02EC"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aMsg"
						quid       	"40CEF93C02ED"
						type       	"const RMessage2&"
						const      	TRUE)
					    (object Parameter "aIPSecPolicyManagerSession"
						quid       	"40CEF93C02EE"
						type       	"const CIPSecPolicyManagerSession*"
						const      	TRUE))
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "ProcessUnloadPolicyL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C02EF"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aMsg"
						quid       	"40CEF93C02F0"
						type       	"const RMessage2&"
						const      	TRUE)
					    (object Parameter "aIPSecPolicyManagerSession"
						quid       	"40CEF93C02F1"
						type       	"const CIPSecPolicyManagerSession*"
						const      	TRUE))
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "GetIPSecSAInfoL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C02FA"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aMsg"
						quid       	"40CEF93C02FB"
						type       	"const RMessage2&"
						const      	TRUE)
					    (object Parameter "aIPSecPolicyManagerSession"
						quid       	"40CEF93C02FC"
						type       	"const CIPSecPolicyManagerSession*"
						const      	TRUE))
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "GetLastConflictInfoL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C02FD"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aMsg"
						quid       	"40CEF93C02FE"
						type       	"const RMessage2&"
						const      	TRUE)
					    (object Parameter "aIPSecPolicyManagerSession"
						quid       	"40CEF93C02FF"
						type       	"const CIPSecPolicyManagerSession*"
						const      	TRUE))
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "ErrorHandlingL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C0300"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aMainCode"
						quid       	"40CEF93C0301"
						type       	"TInt")
					    (object Parameter "aDetailCode"
						quid       	"40CEF93C030A"
						type       	"TInt"))
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "ReleaseResources"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C030B"
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "ParseCurrentPolicyL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C030C"
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "UpdateSelectorsAndTunnels"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C030D"
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "ConvertFromObjectsToStringWithSectionsL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C030E"
|        void    OpenPolicyFileForWrite();
|        void    OpenPolicyFileForRead();
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aFunction"
						quid       	"40CEF93C030F"
						type       	"TInt"))
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "ConvertFromObjectsToStringWithoutSectionsL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C0319"
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "StorePolicyToActiveListL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C031A"
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "ParseAllPolicyFilesL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C031B"
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "MakeUniqueSANamesL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C031C"
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "SortSelectors"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C031D"
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "ConvertFromObjectsToStringL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C031E"
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "SendAlgorithmsAndPolicyToIPSecL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C0329"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aSocket"
						quid       	"40CEF93C032A"
						type       	"const TDesC&"
						const      	TRUE))
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "SendNullFileToIPSecL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C032B"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aSocket"
						quid       	"40CEF93C032C"
						type       	"const TDesC&"
						const      	TRUE))
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "ReturnPolicyFileHandleL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C032D"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aMsg"
						quid       	"40CEF93C032E"
						type       	"const RMessage2&"
						const      	TRUE))
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "ApiCallCompleted"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C032F"
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "DeletePolicyFromList"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C0339"
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "SearchPolicyFromListAndActivate"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C033A"
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "WriteTunnelModeIkeNegotiationStringsL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C033B"
| In IPSecPolManUtil.cpp
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aPolBfr"
						quid       	"40CEF93C033C"
						type       	"HBufC8* &"))
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "BuildTunnelModeIkeString"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C033D"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aStringBuf"
						quid       	"40CEF93C033E"
						type       	"TDes8&")
					    (object Parameter "aDirection"
						quid       	"40CEF93C033F"
						type       	"TInt")
					    (object Parameter "aPort"
						quid       	"40CEF93C0348"
						type       	"TInt")
					    (object Parameter "aGwAddr"
						quid       	"40CEF93C0349"
						type       	"TInetAddr&"))
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "WriteTransportModeIkeNegotiationStrings"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C034A"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aPolBfr"
						quid       	"40CEF93C034B"
						type       	"HBufC8* &"))
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "BuildTransportModeIkeString"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C034C"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aStringBuf"
						quid       	"40CEF93C034D"
						type       	"TDes8&")
					    (object Parameter "aPort"
						quid       	"40CEF93C034E"
						type       	"TInt")
					    (object Parameter "aRemote"
						quid       	"40CEF93C034F"
						type       	"TInetAddr&")
					    (object Parameter "aRemoteMask"
						quid       	"40CEF93C0358"
						type       	"TInetAddr&"))
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "BuildDhcpProtocolString"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C0359"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aPolBfr"
						quid       	"40CEF93C035A"
						type       	"HBufC8* &"))
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "BuildComparisonWord"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C035B"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aSelList"
						quid       	"40CEF93C035C"
						type       	"CSelectorList*"
						quidu      	"40CEF9380329"))
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "SetSequenceNumbers"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C035D"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aSelList"
						quid       	"40CEF93C0367"
						type       	"CSelectorList*"
						quidu      	"40CEF9380329"))
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "CalculateMaskLength"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C0368"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aMask"
						quid       	"40CEF93C0369"
						type       	"TInetAddr&"))
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "MaskLength"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C036A"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aAddr"
						quid       	"40CEF93C036B"
						type       	"TUint32"))
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "MaskLength"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C036C"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aAddr"
						quid       	"40CEF93C036D"
						type       	"const TIp6Addr&"
						const      	TRUE))
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "DeleteExtraInboundOutboundSelectors"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C036E"
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "AddInboundOutboundSelectorPair"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C0377"
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "InboundOutboundSelectors"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C0378"
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "FindMatchingSelector"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C0379"
					result     	"CPolicySelector*"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0
					quidu      	"40CEF93803A6")
				    (object Operation "FillSAInfoObject"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C037A"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aPolicySelector"
						quid       	"40CEF93C0387"
						type       	"CPolicySelector*"
						quidu      	"40CEF93803A6"))
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "CheckInboundOutboundConflictsL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C0388"
| In IPSecPolManConflict.cpp
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "CheckSelectorConflictsL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C0389"
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "TakeNextActivePolicyL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C038A"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aIndex"
						quid       	"40CEF93C038B"
						type       	"TInt"))
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "CompareSelectorsL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C038C"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aPolicySelector"
						quid       	"40CEF93C038D"
						type       	"CPolicySelector*"
						quidu      	"40CEF93803A6"))
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "CompareSAParameters"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C0396"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aPolicySelectorNew"
						quid       	"40CEF93C0397"
						type       	"CPolicySelector*"
						quidu      	"40CEF93803A6")
					    (object Parameter "aPolicySelectorOld"
						quid       	"40CEF93C0398"
						type       	"CPolicySelector*"
						quidu      	"40CEF93803A6"))
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "CheckAddressOverlapping"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C0399"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aNet1IpAddress"
						quid       	"40CEF93C039A"
						type       	"TUint32")
					    (object Parameter "aNet1Mask"
						quid       	"40CEF93C039B"
						type       	"TUint32")
					    (object Parameter "aNet2IpAddress"
						quid       	"40CEF93C039C"
						type       	"TUint32")
					    (object Parameter "aNet2Mask"
						quid       	"40CEF93C039D"
						type       	"TUint32"))
					result     	"TBool"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "GetRangeHighAddress"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93C03A6"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aNetIpAddressHigh"
						quid       	"40CEF93C03A7"
						type       	"TUint32&")
					    (object Parameter "aNetIpAddressLow"
						quid       	"40CEF93C03A8"
						type       	"TUint32")
					    (object Parameter "aNetMask"
						quid       	"40CEF93C03A9"
						type       	"TUint32"))
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Public"
					uid        	0))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Instantiated_Class "TPckg<TPolicyHandle>"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"Generate"
					value      	FALSE))
				quid       	"40CEF93C03C0"
				used_nodes 	(list uses_relationship_list
				    (object Uses_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF93C03C5"
					supplier   	"TPckg"))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Instantiated_Class "TPckg<TIpsecSaSpec>"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"Generate"
					value      	FALSE))
				quid       	"40CEF93C03D5"
				used_nodes 	(list uses_relationship_list
				    (object Uses_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF93C03D6"
					supplier   	"TPckg"))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "CSecpolReader"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AfxSupportMacro"
					value      	""))
				quid       	"40CEF93D00E7"
				documentation 	"class CListenerControl;"
				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF93D00E8"
					supplier   	"CActive"))
				operations 	(list Operations
				    (object Operation "RunL"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93D00F8"
					documentation 	" active object stuff, completion and cancel callback functions"
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "DoCancel"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93D00F9"
					result     	"void"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0)
				    (object Operation "RunError"
					attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
					    (object Attribute
						tool       	"VC++"
						name       	"Inline"
						value      	FALSE))
					quid       	"40CEF93D00FA"
					parameters 	(list Parameters
					    (object Parameter "aError"
						quid       	"40CEF93D0106"
						type       	"TInt"))
					result     	"TInt"
					concurrency 	"Sequential"
					opExportControl 	"Private"
					uid        	0))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Instantiated_Class "TBuf8<1000>"
				attributes 	(list Attribute_Set
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"AppliedPattern"
					value      	"none")
				    (object Attribute
					tool       	"VC++"
					name       	"Generate"
					value      	FALSE))
				quid       	"40CEF93D010C"
				used_nodes 	(list uses_relationship_list
				    (object Uses_Relationship
					quid       	"40CEF93D0116"
					supplier   	"TBuf8"))
				module     	"Component View::IPSECPOL"
				quidu      	"40CEF91D0220"
				language   	"VC++")
			    (object Class "CServer2"
				quid       	"418203800250"
				superclasses 	(list inheritance_relationship_list
				    (object Inheritance_Relationship
					quid       	"41820395007B"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CIPSecPolicyManagerServer"
					quidu      	"40CEF93900E7")))
			    (object Class "CSession2"
				quid       	"41823E210019")
			    (object Class "RSocket"
				quid       	"418395C303A6")
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$0"
				quid       	"40CEF93800F6"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iName"
					quid       	"40CEF9380116"
					label      	"iName"
					supplier   	"HBufC8"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$1"
					quid       	"40CEF9380118"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CPolicySpec"
					quidu      	"40CEF938006D")))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$2"
				quid       	"40CEF9380125"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iRemoteIdentity"
					quid       	"40CEF9380126"
					label      	"iRemoteIdentity"
					supplier   	"HBufC8"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$3"
					quid       	"40CEF9380128"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CPolicySpec"
					quidu      	"40CEF938006D")))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$4"
				quid       	"40CEF938012A"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iLocalIdentity"
					quid       	"40CEF938012B"
| if present, the TSecurityAssocSpec will
| only have constant reference to this!
					label      	"iLocalIdentity"
					supplier   	"HBufC8"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$5"
					quid       	"40CEF938012D"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CPolicySpec"
					quidu      	"40CEF938006D")))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$6"
				quid       	"40CEF9380148"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iSpec"
					quid       	"40CEF9380149"
					documentation 	"TBool Comp(CPolicySpec *aPolSpec);    //Compares 2 SAs"
					label      	"iSpec"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TSecurityAssocSpec"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B004B"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$7"
					quid       	"40CEF938014B"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CPolicySpec"
					quidu      	"40CEF938006D"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$8"
				quid       	"40CEF9380155"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iNext"
					quid       	"40CEF9380156"
					label      	"iNext"
					supplier   	"TSglQueLink"
					exportControl 	"Private"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$9"
					quid       	"40CEF9380158"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CPolicySpec"
					quidu      	"40CEF938006D"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$10"
				quid       	"40CEF9380173"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iSpec"
					quid       	"40CEF9380174"
					label      	"iSpec"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CPolicySpec"
					quidu      	"40CEF938006D"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$11"
					quid       	"40CEF9380176"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CSecpolBundleItem"
					quidu      	"40CEF9380164")))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$12"
				quid       	"40CEF9380178"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iTunnel"
					quid       	"40CEF9380179"
					label      	"iTunnel"
					supplier   	"TInetAddr"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$13"
					quid       	"40CEF938017B"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CSecpolBundleItem"
					quidu      	"40CEF9380164"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$14"
				quid       	"40CEF938017D"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iNext"
					quid       	"40CEF938017E"
					documentation 	"private:"
					label      	"iNext"
					supplier   	"TSglQueLink"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$15"
					quid       	"40CEF9380180"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CSecpolBundleItem"
					quidu      	"40CEF9380164"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$16"
				quid       	"40CEF93802DC"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iOldSA"
					quid       	"40CEF93802DD"
					label      	"iOldSA"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CPolicySpec"
					quidu      	"40CEF938006D"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$17"
					quid       	"40CEF93802DF"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TSAPairNode"
					quidu      	"40CEF93802CB")))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$18"
				quid       	"40CEF93802E1"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iNewSA"
					quid       	"40CEF93802E2"
					label      	"iNewSA"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CPolicySpec"
					quidu      	"40CEF938006D"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$19"
					quid       	"40CEF93802E4"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TSAPairNode"
					quidu      	"40CEF93802CB")))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$20"
				quid       	"40CEF93802EA"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$21"
					quid       	"40CEF93802EB"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TSAPairNode"
					quidu      	"40CEF93802CB")
				    (object Role "iNext"
					quid       	"40CEF93802ED"
					label      	"iNext"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TSAPairNode"
					quidu      	"40CEF93802CB"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$22"
				quid       	"40CEF9380319"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iList"
					quid       	"40CEF938031A"
					label      	"iList"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TSAPairNode"
					quidu      	"40CEF93802CB"
					exportControl 	"Private"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$23"
					quid       	"40CEF938031C"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CSAPairList"
					quidu      	"40CEF93802FA")))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$24"
				quid       	"40CEF93803E4"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iDirection"
					quid       	"40CEF93803E5"
| If the addr is to match any address, the mask must all zeroes
| If the addr is to match as is, the mask must be all ones
| If the selector is to match a transport connection, the
|      port numbers are stored as non-zero in iDst and iSrc,
|      and iProtocol is non-zero.
					label      	"iDirection"
					supplier   	"TUint"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$25"
					quid       	"40CEF93803E7"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CPolicySelector"
					quidu      	"40CEF93803A6"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$26"
				quid       	"40CEF93803E9"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iRemote"
					quid       	"40CEF93803EA"
					label      	"iRemote"
					supplier   	"TInetAddr"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$27"
					quid       	"40CEF93803EC"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CPolicySelector"
					quidu      	"40CEF93803A6"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$28"
				quid       	"40CEF93803EE"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iRemoteMask"
					quid       	"40CEF93803EF"
					label      	"iRemoteMask"
					supplier   	"TInetAddr"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$29"
					quid       	"40CEF93803F1"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CPolicySelector"
					quidu      	"40CEF93803A6"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$30"
				quid       	"40CEF939000C"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iLocal"
					quid       	"40CEF939000D"
					label      	"iLocal"
					supplier   	"TInetAddr"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$31"
					quid       	"40CEF939000F"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CPolicySelector"
					quidu      	"40CEF93803A6"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$32"
				quid       	"40CEF9390011"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iLocalMask"
					quid       	"40CEF9390012"
					label      	"iLocalMask"
					supplier   	"TInetAddr"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$33"
					quid       	"40CEF9390014"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CPolicySelector"
					quidu      	"40CEF93803A6"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$34"
				quid       	"40CEF9390016"
				roles      	(list role_list
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|    TSglQue<CPolicySpec> iSpecs;            // SA specifications
|    TSglQue<CPolicySelector> iSelectors;    // Policy selectors to match
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					documentation 	" earlier revision used 32-bit words!"
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| For current, these will count items used so far. For Hard and
| Soft these will contain the limit values for the current
| counts.
| study: present unspecified limit with 0 or max value?
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					quidu      	"40CEF93A03E4"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$238"
				quid       	"40CEF93B0012"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iBytes"
					quid       	"40CEF93B0013"
					label      	"iBytes"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TLifetimeBytes"
					quidu      	"40CEF93A03A7"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$239"
					quid       	"40CEF93B0015"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TLifetime"
					quidu      	"40CEF93A03E4"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$240"
				quid       	"40CEF93B001C"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iAddtime"
					quid       	"40CEF93B001D"
| For Current, these will record the creation and first use times.
| For Hard and Soft, these will record the expiration times (e.g.
| simple comparison with the current time can be used to test for
| expiration, and for returning CURRENT values to application, use
| the SecondsFrom method with current.
					label      	"iAddtime"
					supplier   	"TTime"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$241"
					quid       	"40CEF93B001F"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TLifetime"
					quidu      	"40CEF93A03E4"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$242"
				quid       	"40CEF93B0021"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iUsetime"
					quid       	"40CEF93B0022"
					label      	"iUsetime"
					supplier   	"TTime"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$243"
					quid       	"40CEF93B0024"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TLifetime"
					quidu      	"40CEF93A03E4"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$244"
				quid       	"40CEF93B005A"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iType"
					quid       	"40CEF93B005B"
| SA selection fields
					label      	"iType"
					supplier   	"TUint8"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$245"
					quid       	"40CEF93B005D"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TSecurityAssocSpec"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B004B"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$246"
				quid       	"40CEF93B005F"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iAalg"
					quid       	"40CEF93B0060"
					label      	"iAalg"
					supplier   	"TUint8"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$247"
					quid       	"40CEF93B0062"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TSecurityAssocSpec"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B004B"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$248"
				quid       	"40CEF93B006A"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iAalgLen"
					quid       	"40CEF93B006B"
|TUint16 iAalgMinLen;		// Authentication algorithm Max allowed length
|TUint16 iAalgMaxLen;		// Authentication algorithm Max allowed length
					label      	"iAalgLen"
					supplier   	"TUint16"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$249"
					quid       	"40CEF93B006D"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TSecurityAssocSpec"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B004B"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$250"
				quid       	"40CEF93B006F"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iEalg"
					quid       	"40CEF93B0070"
					label      	"iEalg"
					supplier   	"TUint8"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$251"
					quid       	"40CEF93B0072"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TSecurityAssocSpec"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B004B"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$252"
				quid       	"40CEF93B0074"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iEalgLen"
					quid       	"40CEF93B0075"
|TUint16 iEalgMinLen;		// Encryption algorithm Max allowed length
|TUint16 iEalgMaxLen;		// Encryption algorithm Max allowed length
					label      	"iEalgLen"
					supplier   	"TUint16"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$253"
					quid       	"40CEF93B0077"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TSecurityAssocSpec"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B004B"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$254"
				quid       	"40CEF93B0079"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iReplayWindowLength"
					quid       	"40CEF93B007A"
					label      	"iReplayWindowLength"
					supplier   	"TUint8"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$255"
					quid       	"40CEF93B007C"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TSecurityAssocSpec"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B004B"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$256"
				quid       	"40CEF93B007E"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iPfs"
					quid       	"40CEF93B007F"
					label      	"iPfs"
					supplier   	"TUint8"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$257"
					quid       	"40CEF93B0081"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TSecurityAssocSpec"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B004B"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$258"
				quid       	"40CEF93B0089"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iMatchSrc"
					quid       	"40CEF93B008A"
					label      	"iMatchSrc"
					supplier   	"TUint8"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$259"
					quid       	"40CEF93B008C"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TSecurityAssocSpec"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B004B"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$260"
				quid       	"40CEF93B008E"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iMatchProxy"
					quid       	"40CEF93B008F"
					label      	"iMatchProxy"
					supplier   	"TUint8"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$261"
					quid       	"40CEF93B0091"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TSecurityAssocSpec"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B004B"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$262"
				quid       	"40CEF93B0099"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iMatchProtocol"
					quid       	"40CEF93B009A"
|TUint8 iMatchConnection:1;// SA must have a matching protocol and ports
|TUint8 iMatchIdentity:1;	// SA must have a matching identity
					label      	"iMatchProtocol"
					supplier   	"TUint8"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$263"
					quid       	"40CEF93B009C"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TSecurityAssocSpec"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B004B"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$264"
				quid       	"40CEF93B009E"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iMatchLocalPort"
					quid       	"40CEF93B009F"
					label      	"iMatchLocalPort"
					supplier   	"TUint8"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$265"
					quid       	"40CEF93B00A1"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TSecurityAssocSpec"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B004B"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$266"
				quid       	"40CEF93B00A8"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iMatchRemotePort"
					quid       	"40CEF93B00A9"
					label      	"iMatchRemotePort"
					supplier   	"TUint8"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$267"
					quid       	"40CEF93B00AB"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TSecurityAssocSpec"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B004B"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$268"
				quid       	"40CEF93B00AD"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iLarvalLifetime"
					quid       	"40CEF93B00AE"
| iLarvalLifetime specifies the maximum time to wait in
| larval/egg state, when an ACQUIRE request originating
| from this template is sent to the key management.
					label      	"iLarvalLifetime"
					supplier   	"TUint"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$269"
					quid       	"40CEF93B00B0"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TSecurityAssocSpec"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B004B"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$270"
				quid       	"40CEF93B00B8"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iHard:struct sadb_lifetime"
					quid       	"40CEF93B00B9"
| These are only used in specifying the life time requirements
| for the acquire message and are thus preformatted to be used
| directly as a component of the TPfkeyMessage.
					label      	"iHard:struct sadb_lifetime"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::sadb_lifetime"
					quidu      	"40CEF939025E"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$271"
					quid       	"40CEF93B00BB"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TSecurityAssocSpec"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B004B")))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$272"
				quid       	"40CEF93B00BD"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iSoft:struct sadb_lifetime"
					quid       	"40CEF93B00BE"
					label      	"iSoft:struct sadb_lifetime"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::sadb_lifetime"
					quidu      	"40CEF939025E"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$273"
					quid       	"40CEF93B00C0"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TSecurityAssocSpec"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B004B")))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$274"
				quid       	"40CEF93B00F8"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iClass"
					quid       	"40CEF93B00F9"
					label      	"iClass"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TAlgorithmClass"
					quidu      	"40CEF93A01A4"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$275"
					quid       	"40CEF93B00FB"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TAlgorithmMap"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B00D7"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$276"
				quid       	"40CEF93B00FD"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iId"
					quid       	"40CEF93B00FE"
					label      	"iId"
					supplier   	"TInt"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$277"
					quid       	"40CEF93B0106"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TAlgorithmMap"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B00D7"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$278"
				quid       	"40CEF93B0108"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iBits"
					quid       	"40CEF93B0109"
					label      	"iBits"
					supplier   	"TInt"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$279"
					quid       	"40CEF93B010B"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TAlgorithmMap"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B00D7"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$280"
				quid       	"40CEF93B010D"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iDefaultLen"
					quid       	"40CEF93B010E"
					label      	"iDefaultLen"
					supplier   	"TInt"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$281"
					quid       	"40CEF93B0110"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TAlgorithmMap"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B00D7"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$282"
				quid       	"40CEF93B0116"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iMinLen"
					quid       	"40CEF93B0117"
					label      	"iMinLen"
					supplier   	"TInt"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$283"
					quid       	"40CEF93B0119"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TAlgorithmMap"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B00D7"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$284"
				quid       	"40CEF93B011B"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iMaxLen"
					quid       	"40CEF93B011C"
					label      	"iMaxLen"
					supplier   	"TInt"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$285"
					quid       	"40CEF93B011E"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TAlgorithmMap"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B00D7"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$286"
				quid       	"40CEF93B0127"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iLibrary"
					quid       	"40CEF93B0128"
| Name of the library instance: if iLibrary is empty,
| then the first matching algorithm from any of the
| installed libraries is used.
|TProtocolName iLibrary;
					label      	"iLibrary"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TBuf8<0x20>"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B0125"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$287"
					quid       	"40CEF93B012A"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TAlgorithmMap"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B00D7"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$288"
				quid       	"40CEF93B012C"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iAlgorithm"
					quid       	"40CEF93B012D"
| Name of the algorithm: if iAlgorithm is empty, then
| this map entry describes a NULL algorithm. No libraries
| are searched.
					label      	"iAlgorithm"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TAlgorithmName"
					quidu      	"40CEF93A01A2"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$289"
					quid       	"40CEF93B0135"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TAlgorithmMap"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B00D7"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$290"
				quid       	"40CEF93B025F"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iMsg"
					quid       	"40CEF93B0260"
					label      	"iMsg"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TBuf<200>"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B0251"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$291"
					quid       	"40CEF93B0262"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TPolicyParser"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B01D1"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$292"
				quid       	"40CEF93B0264"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "iToken"
					quid       	"40CEF93B0265"
					label      	"iToken"
					supplier   	"TPtrC"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$293"
					quid       	"40CEF93B0267"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TPolicyParser"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B01D1"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$294"
				quid       	"40CEF93B029E"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "sa_type"
					quid       	"40CEF93B029F"
					label      	"sa_type"
					supplier   	"TUint8"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$295"
					quid       	"40CEF93B02A1"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CKeysData"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B028D"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$296"
				quid       	"40CEF93B02A3"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "spi"
					quid       	"40CEF93B02A4"
					label      	"spi"
					supplier   	"TInt"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$297"
					quid       	"40CEF93B02A6"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CKeysData"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B028D"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$298"
				quid       	"40CEF93B02AC"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "encr_alg"
					quid       	"40CEF93B02AD"
					label      	"encr_alg"
					supplier   	"TUint8"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$299"
					quid       	"40CEF93B02AF"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CKeysData"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B028D"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$300"
				quid       	"40CEF93B02B1"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "auth_alg"
					quid       	"40CEF93B02B2"
					label      	"auth_alg"
					supplier   	"TUint8"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$301"
					quid       	"40CEF93B02B4"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CKeysData"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B028D"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$302"
				quid       	"40CEF93B02B6"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "direction"
					quid       	"40CEF93B02B7"
					label      	"direction"
					supplier   	"TInt"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$303"
					quid       	"40CEF93B02BD"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CKeysData"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B028D"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$304"
				quid       	"40CEF93B02BF"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "lifetime_bytes"
					quid       	"40CEF93B02C0"
					label      	"lifetime_bytes"
					supplier   	"TInt"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$305"
					quid       	"40CEF93B02C2"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CKeysData"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B028D"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$306"
				quid       	"40CEF93B02C4"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "lifetime_sec"
					quid       	"40CEF93B02C5"
					label      	"lifetime_sec"
					supplier   	"TInt"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$307"
					quid       	"40CEF93B02C7"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CKeysData"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B028D"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$308"
				quid       	"40CEF93B02CB"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "src_addr"
					quid       	"40CEF93B02CC"
					label      	"src_addr"
					supplier   	"TInetAddr"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$309"
					quid       	"40CEF93B02CE"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CKeysData"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B028D"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$310"
				quid       	"40CEF93B02D0"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "dst_addr"
					quid       	"40CEF93B02D1"
					label      	"dst_addr"
					supplier   	"TInetAddr"
					is_navigable 	TRUE)
				    (object Role "$UNNAMED$311"
					quid       	"40CEF93B02D3"
					supplier   	"Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::CKeysData"
					quidu      	"40CEF93B028D"
					is_aggregate 	TRUE)))
			    (object Association "$UNNAMED$312"
				quid       	"40CEF93B02DB"
				roles      	(list role_list
				    (object Role "protocol"
					quid       	"40CEF93B02DC"
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|IPSECPOL Model Update Overview
|This diagram was automatically created by Rational Rose Model Update Tool.
|15. kesäkuuta 2004 16:27:25
				    (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::VC++ Reverse Engineered::IPSECPOL::TSecpolBundleIter" @2
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|instance of "secpol6" RSocket
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			    label      	"When SA is not present, a PFKEY Acquire Msg is passed to the key manager, which negotiates SA and adds it to the system.")
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			    label      	"OpenL checks the IPsec policy, and attaches IPsec to the the flow, if any processing is requires. Otherwise, IPsec hook is not interested and no further calls to IPsec for this flow occurs.")
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			    label      	"IPsec header has SPI, which identifies the SA. The SA is applied to packet. This may cause a lifetime expiration, and PFKEY Expire message.")
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			    label      	"Eventually, incoming packets may cause the application socket read to complete.")
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			    label      	"For example, even if the policy socket is closed, the key manager can keep the PFKEY and CRYPTO active, if it has the socket open.")
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|cont1=CArray<$TYPE, $TYPE&>
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|cont21=CTypedPtrArray<CObArray, $TYPE*>
|cont22=CTypedPtrList<CObList, $TYPE*>
|cont23=CTypedPtrList<CPtrList, $TYPE*>
|cont27=CComQIPtr<$TYPE, IID*>
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|*_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
|cm2=$NAME(orig:const $NAME&)
|cm3=<<virtual>> ~$NAME()
|cm4_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return rhs;
|cm5=<<const>> operator==(rhs:const $NAME&):bool
|cm5_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
|cm6=<<const>> operator!=(rhs:$NAME&):bool
|cm6_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
|cm7=<<const>> operator<(rhs:$NAME&):bool
|cm7_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
|cm8=<<const>> operator>(rhs:$NAME&):bool
|cm8_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
|cm9=<<const>> operator<=(rhs:$NAME&):bool
|cm9_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
|cm10=<<const>> operator>=(rhs:$NAME&):bool
|cm10_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return false;
|cm11=<<friend>> operator>>(i:istream&, rhs:$NAME&):istream&
|cm11_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return i;
|cm12=<<friend>> operator<<(o:ostream&, rhs:const $NAME&):ostream&
|cm12_body=// ToDo: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class||return o;
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|agf_body=return $NAME;
|asf_body=$NAME = value;|return;
|agv=<<const>> get_$BASICNAME():const $TYPE&
|agv_body=return $NAME;
|asv_body=$NAME = value;|return;
|agp=<<const>> get_$BASICNAME():const $TYPE
|agp_body=return $NAME;
|asp_body=$NAME = value;|return;
|agr=<<const>> get_$BASICNAME():const $TYPE
|agr_body=return $NAME;
|asr_body=$NAME = value;|return;
|aga=<<const>> get_$BASICNAME(index:int):const $TYPE
|aga_body=return $NAME[index];
|asa=set_$BASICNAME(index:int, value:$TYPE):void
|asa_body=$NAME[index] = value;|return;
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|*_decl=#ifdef _DEBUG
|cond1=<<virtual, const>> AssertValid():void
|cond2=<<virtual, const>> Dump(dc:CDumpContext&):void
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