Mark symbol as ABSENT, to complete the GCCE bringup of pppmain.dll - added to Bug 2629
// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// dns_sock.cpp - the main client module of the DNS.
#include <e32math.h>
#include <networking/dnd_err.h>
#include <in_sock.h>
#include "dns_sock.h"
#include "message.h"
#include "inet6log.h"
#include <es_enum.h>
* Max number of consecutive RunL() calls with error condition.
* When this limit is exceeded, the socket it closed.
const TUint KSocketErrorLimit = 20;
//seeds cannot be negative number. Need mask to seed to positive number.
const TInt KNegativeNumberMask = -1;
// TRequestQueue
// *************
class TRequestQueue : public TDblQue<TDnsRequest>
// Construct an empty request queue
// Construct new request queue and MOVE all requests from another into it
TRequestQueue(TRequestQueue &);
// Remove the first request from a queue, return NULL if queue is empty
TDnsRequest *Remove();
: TDblQue<TDnsRequest>(_FOFF(TDnsRequest, iQueueLink))
TRequestQueue::TRequestQueue(TRequestQueue &aQueue)
: TDblQue<TDnsRequest>(_FOFF(TDnsRequest, iQueueLink))
if (aQueue.IsEmpty())
iHead = aQueue.iHead;
iHead.iPrev->iNext = &iHead;
iHead.iNext->iPrev = &iHead;
TDnsRequest *TRequestQueue::Remove()
if (!IsEmpty())
TDnsRequest *rq = First();
return rq;
return NULL;
class CDnsSocketReader;
// CDnsSocketWriter
// ****************
// Internal "hidden" class to do all the work
class CDnsSocketWriter : public CActive
CDnsSocketWriter(CDnsSocket &aMaster);
void ConstructL();
// Create a basic (UDP) reader/writer (not activated)
static CDnsSocketWriter *NewL(CDnsSocket &aMaster, TInt aTTL);
// Create a TCP writer/reader (not activated)
static CDnsSocketWriter *NewTcpL(CDnsSocket &aMaster, const TInetAddr &aServer, TInt aTTL);
// Create a TCP listening writer/reader (not activated)
static CDnsSocketWriter *NewTcpListenL(CDnsSocket &aMaster, TInt aTTL);
// Test if a address matches current connection
TBool Match(const TInetAddr &aServer) const;
// (Re)Queue the request for processing with new ID
void Queue(TDnsRequest &aRequest, const TInt aId = -1);
// Cancel the request and dequeue it
void Remove(TDnsRequest &aRequest);
// Change the bind port (and address if specified)
void SetBind(const TInetAddr &aBind);
// Set hoplimit for for transmitted packets.
void SetHoplimit(const TInt aTTL);
// Open and activate the UDP socket for DNS traffic (unless already done)
TInt ActivateSocket();
// Process socket errors
TInt HandleError(TInt aReason, const TInetAddr *aServer = NULL);
// Close and deactivate the UDP socket for DNS traffic
void DeactivateSocket(TInt aReason);
// Handle receive compeleted, keep receiver active
void RunReader(const TMsgBuf &aMsg, const TInetAddr &aFrom);
// Handle send completed, keep sender active (if work to do)
void RunWriter(TRequestStatus &aStatus);
//seed id generator
TInt64 SeedIdGenerator(TInt64 aSequence);
// Return a reference to the RSocket
inline RSocket &Socket() { return iSocket; }
inline TBool IsTCP() const { return iTCP != 0; }
inline TBool IsListen() const { return iListen != 0; }
inline TBool IsOpened() const { return iOpened; }
inline void ResetErrorCount() { iErrorCount = 0;}
// A link chain used by the CDnsSocket to keep track of multiple writers
CDnsSocketWriter *iNext;
void RunL();
void DoCancel();
TBool CanUseConnection();
CDnsSocket &iMaster; //< The connection to the CDnsSocket owning this
RSocket iSocket; //< The DNS socket
RConnection iAttachedConn; //< The connection on which the DNS socket may be opened on
TUint iDeactivateCount; //< Count number of deactivations (needed in reply processing)
TUint iErrorCount; //< Count number of consecutive errors in RunL (read and write)
TUint iListen; //< = 1, if socket is listening TCP socket, waiting on accept.
TUint iTCP; //< = 1, if socket is a connected TCP socket
TUint iOpened:1; //< = 1, if the socket is open
TUint iRunWriter:1; //< = 1, if executing RunWriter (callback safeguard)
TUint iRunReader:1; //< = 1, if executing RunReader (callback safeguard)
TInt iTTL; //< The TTL/Hoplimit to be used
TInt64 iSequence; //< Used in computing the ID value for the queries
TBuf8<KDnsMaxMessage> iOutMsg; //< For sending the outgoing message
TInetAddr iBind; //< Address/Port to bind the socket.
TInetAddr iTo; //< Filled with the destination address of the query
TRequestQueue iSendQueue; //< Requests waiting to be sent
TRequestQueue iWaitQueue; //< Requests waiting for a reply
TDnsRequest *iSending; //< The request currently being sent, if non-NULL
CDnsSocketReader *iReader; //< The reader object
void TDnsRequest::Cancel()
CDnsSocketWriter *const writer = iQueueLink.Writer();
if (writer)
// CDnsSocketReader
// ****************
// Internal "hidden" class for hanlding asynchronous reading
class CDnsSocketReader : public CActive
friend class CDnsSocketWriter;
CDnsSocketReader(CDnsSocketWriter &aWriter);
void ConstructL(TUint aDnsMaxMessage);
void Activate();
void RunL();
void DoCancel();
CDnsSocketWriter &iWriter;
TUint iReadLength:1;
TInetAddr iFrom; //< Filled with source address of a received packet
HBufC8 *iInMsg; //< The real allocated buffer
TInt iAllocatedLength; //< The real max length of the buffer
TPtr8 iBuf; //< The current receive buffer
CDnsSocketWriter::CDnsSocketWriter(CDnsSocket &aMaster) : CActive(0), iMaster(aMaster)
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketWriter[%u]::CDnsSocketWriter([%u])"), this, &aMaster));
TTime seed;
iSequence = seed.Int64();
void CDnsSocketWriter::ConstructL()
iReader = new (ELeave) CDnsSocketReader(*this);
CDnsSocketWriter *CDnsSocketWriter::NewL(CDnsSocket &aMaster, TInt aTTL)
CDnsSocketWriter *const writer = new (ELeave) CDnsSocketWriter(aMaster);
writer->iTTL = aTTL;
return writer;
CDnsSocketWriter *CDnsSocketWriter::NewTcpL(CDnsSocket &aMaster, const TInetAddr &aServer, TInt aTTL)
CDnsSocketWriter *const writer = NewL(aMaster, aTTL);
// Note: with TCP iTo is dummy!
writer->iTo = aServer;
writer->iTCP = 1;
return writer;
CDnsSocketWriter *CDnsSocketWriter::NewTcpListenL(CDnsSocket &aMaster, TInt aTTL)
CDnsSocketWriter *const writer = NewL(aMaster, aTTL);
writer->iTCP = 1;
writer->iListen = 1;
return writer;
// As this class is managed by CDnsSocket, it is impossible
// to get here if IsActive(), or with requests in any queue.
// (DeactivateSocket is ALWAYS called before destructor)
delete iReader;
Cancel(); // should not be needed...
if (IsAdded())
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketWriter[%u]::~CDnsSocketWriter()"), this));
TBool CDnsSocketWriter::Match(const TInetAddr &aServer) const
// The match applies only to connected TCP readers/writers
return iTCP && !iListen && aServer.CmpAddr(iTo) && aServer.Scope() == iTo.Scope();
// RunReader
void CDnsSocketWriter::RunReader(const TMsgBuf &aMsg, const TInetAddr &aFrom)
if (iRunReader)
iRunReader = 1;
#ifdef _LOG
TBuf<50> tmp;
Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketWriter[%u]::RunReader() read %d bytes from %S#%d"), this, (TInt)aMsg.Length(),
&tmp, aFrom.Port());
if (aMsg.Length() >= TInt(sizeof(TDndHeader)))
const TDndHeader &hdr = aMsg.Header();
const TUint16 id = (TUint16)hdr.ID();
if (hdr.QR())
// This is a reply message, match it with
// a waiting request, if any...
// Things get somewhat tricky, because almost anything
// can happen inside the Reply (like DeactivateSocket,
// ActivateSocketL, removal of any requests, requeing
// for sent, etc...
// Grab the current list into separate list. Note, that
// Query or Reply callbacks are allowed to remove entries
// from this temporary queue (the TDnsRequest::Cancel and
// CDnsSocket::Redmove() still work correctly--they don't
// care which chain the request belongs!),
TRequestQueue reply(iWaitQueue);
TUint mark = iDeactivateCount;
TDnsRequest *rq;
for (;;)
rq = reply.Remove();
if (rq == NULL)
// Didn't match any request, punt it into Query()
iMaster.Query(aMsg, aFrom, iSocket);
if (rq->iId == id && rq->Reply(iMaster, aMsg, aFrom))
if (iDeactivateCount == mark)
// No socket shutdown occurred, just reinsert remaining requests
while ((rq = reply.Remove()) != NULL)
// Socket was shut within Reply, all requests
// should have been cancelled then...
while ((rq = reply.Remove()) != NULL)
rq->Abort(iMaster, KErrCancel);
// Not a reply message, let the derived
// class decide on how to deal with it.
iMaster.Query(aMsg, aFrom, iSocket);
iRunReader = 0;
if (iOpened ) // still open for business?
// Start a new read
void CDnsSocketWriter::Queue(TDnsRequest &aRequest, TInt aId)
// Assign a new random ID for the request
if (aId < 0)
TInt64 seed = SeedIdGenerator(iSequence);
seed = seed *(KNegativeNumberMask);
aRequest.iId = (TUint16)(Math::Rand(seed) >> 8);
aRequest.iId = (TUint16)aId;
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\t\tDNS session [%u] Queued for send with ID=%d"), (TInt)&aRequest, (TInt)aRequest.iId));
if (!IsActive())
void CDnsSocketWriter::SetBind(const TInetAddr &aBind)
iBind = aBind;
void CDnsSocketWriter::SetHoplimit(const TInt aTTL)
if (aTTL != iTTL)
iTTL = aTTL;
iSocket.SetOpt(KSoIp6UnicastHops, KSolInetIp, iTTL);
iSocket.SetOpt(KSoIp6MulticastHops, KSolInetIp, iTTL);
TInt CDnsSocketWriter::ActivateSocket()
if (iOpened)
return KErrNone; // Nothing to do if already opened
iErrorCount = 0;
TInt err =
iListen ? iSocket.Open(iMaster.iSS) :
iTCP ? iSocket.Open(iMaster.iSS, KAfInet, KSockStream, KProtocolInetTcp) :
iSocket.Open(iMaster.iSS, KAfInet, KSockDatagram, KProtocolInetUdp);
TInt err = KErrNone;
if (iListen)
err = iSocket.Open(iMaster.iSS);
TUint addrFamily = iTCP ? KSockStream : KSockDatagram;
TUint protocol = iTCP ? KProtocolInetTcp : KProtocolInetUdp;
if (CanUseConnection())
err = iSocket.Open(iMaster.iSS, KAfInet, addrFamily, protocol, iAttachedConn);
err = iSocket.Open(iMaster.iSS, KAfInet, addrFamily, protocol);
#ifdef _LOG
// Initialize for LOG prints
TBuf<50> tmp;
if (err == KErrNone)
if (iListen || (err = iSocket.Bind(iBind)) == KErrNone)
iOpened = 1;
if (iListen)
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketWriter[%u]::ActivateSocketL() listening %S#%d"), this, &tmp, iBind.Port()));
iMaster.iListener.Accept(iSocket, iStatus);
iSocket.SetOpt(KSoIp6UnicastHops, KSolInetIp, iTTL);
iSocket.SetOpt(KSoIp6MulticastHops, KSolInetIp, iTTL);
if (iTCP)
#ifdef _LOG
TBuf<50> dst;
Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketWriter[%u]::ActivateSocketL() TCP connect src=%S#%d dst=%S#%d"), this,
&tmp, iBind.Port(),
&dst, iTo.Port());
iSocket.Connect(iTo, iStatus);
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketWriter[%u]::ActivateSocketL() UDP %S#%d"), this, &tmp, iBind.Port()));
iSocket.SetOpt(KSoUdpReceiveICMPError, KSolInetUdp, 1);
if (!iRunReader)
return KErrNone;
// Should probably be logged in release too!
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketWriter[%u]::ActivateSocketL() bind=%S#%d (or open) failed %d"), this, &tmp, iBind.Port(), err));
return err;
* Decides on action when the socket returns an error status. Not all
* errors are fatal errors, which require a reset of the socket.
* @param aReason the error code from the socket (iStatus)
* @param aServer the dns server address, if known (only for Send errors)
* @return
* @li = 1, Error fully processed, Don't activate anything
* @li = 0, Error handled, keep CActive running
TInt CDnsSocketWriter::HandleError(TInt aReason, const TInetAddr *aServer)
if (++iErrorCount > KSocketErrorLimit)
// Too many consecutive errors, deactivate to reset
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketWriter[%u]::HandleError(%d) Too many (%d) consecutive errors"), this, aReason, iErrorCount));
return 1;
if (IsTCP())
// Any error on TCP socket means that it is "dead",
// and we must close the socket to recover!
return 1;
// The error state should automaticly clear with datagram
// sockets, but in some releases it does not. Issue a
// dummy KSOSelectLastError, which in some cases also
// clears the error code from socket server. (Note: the
// option parameter is dummy, the error is actually
// returned as a return value of GetOpt, very bizarre
// -- msa)
TInt socket_err = iSocket.GetOpt(KSOSelectLastError, KSOLSocket, socket_err);
(void)socket_err; // shut down compiler warning about unreference variable.
if (aServer == NULL)
// The only errors on receive side, that we can do something about, are
// the ICMP errors for some server (other errors are ignored).
// Try to find out the server.
TPckgBuf<TSoInetLastErr> opt;
if (iSocket.GetOpt(KSoInetLastError, KSolInetIp, opt) == KErrNone)
#ifdef _LOG
TBuf<50> src;
TBuf<50> dst;
TBuf<50> err;
Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketWriter[%u]::HandleError(%d) last=%d, icmp(%d,%d) src=%S dst=%S err=%S"),
this, aReason, opt().iStatus, opt().iErrType, opt().iErrCode, &src, &dst, &err);
if (opt().iStatus != aReason)
return 0; // Error does not match the ICMP last error, just ignore.
aServer = &opt().iDstAddr;
return 1;
// aServer possibly identifies a DNS server with which
// we have some communication problems. Declare this
// server unusable for all queries currently using it.
const TUint mark = iDeactivateCount;
iMaster.Error(*aServer, aReason);
// If shutdown occurred within above call, then
// this return must not try to reactivate the
// reader or writer.
return (mark != iDeactivateCount);
void CDnsSocketWriter::DeactivateSocket(TInt aReason)
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketWriter[%u]::DeactivateSocket() Entry"), this));
if (!iOpened )
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketWriter[%u]::DeactivateSocket() return without action"), this));
return; // Nothing to do if not open
// Grab current set of requests away, so that
// potentially newly entered requests won't
// get affected by this...
TRequestQueue send(iSendQueue);
TRequestQueue wait(iWaitQueue);
// Cancel all activity
// LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketWriter[%u]::DeactivateSocket() iReader->Cancel()"), this));
// LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketWriter[%u]::DeactivateSocket() Cancel()"), this));
// LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketWriter[%u]::DeactivateSocket() iSocket.Close()"), this));
// Shut down the sessions
iOpened = 0;
iDeactivateCount += 1;
// Remove and abort all requests
TDnsRequest *rq;
while ((rq = send.Remove()) != NULL)
rq->Abort(iMaster, aReason);
while ((rq = wait.Remove()) != NULL)
rq->Abort(iMaster, aReason);
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketWriter[%u]::DeactivateSocket() complete"), this));
// CDnsSocketWriter::Remove
// ************************
void CDnsSocketWriter::Remove(TDnsRequest &aQuery)
// Must not be called for request that is not queued
ASSERT(aQuery.iQueueLink.Writer() == this);
if (iSending == &aQuery)
iSending = NULL;
// If IsActive() == FALSE, then this Remove is actually
// called from the Build() callback!
if (IsActive())
// There can be other queries waiting
// for writer..
void CDnsSocketWriter::RunL()
const TInt result = iStatus.Int();
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("--> CDnsSocketWriter[%u]::RunL() -start- iStatus=%d"), this, result));
#ifdef _LOG
TBuf<50> tmp;
for (;;) // ...just for easy exits..
if (result)
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketWriter[%u]::RunL() Error on %S#%d"), this, &tmp, iTo.Port()));
if (iListen)
// Keep listening active, allocate a new reader/writer to listen
CDnsSocketWriter *writer = NULL;
writer = CDnsSocketWriter::NewTcpListenL(iMaster, iTTL);
err = iMaster.AddSecondaryWriter(writer));
if (err != KErrNone)
// Cannot start new accept for some reason, reject the current accept and
// reinitialize the current writer to wait a new accept instead
iMaster.DeleteWriter(writer, err); // <-- safe to call with writer == NULL
// Reactivate this socket for listening instead (iListen remains set)
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketWriter[%u]::RunL() Failed (%d) to activate new Accept() to=%S#%d"),
this, err, &tmp, iTo.Port()));
// Succesful Accept, update iTo to the address and port of the
// remote end.
iListen = 0;
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketWriter[%u]::RunL() Listen accepted to=%S#%d"), this, &tmp, iTo.Port()));
if (!iReader->IsActive())
if (iSending)
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("\t\tDNS session [%u] Sent to=%S#%d ID=%d"), iSending, &tmp, iTo.Port(), (TInt)iSending->Id()));
TDnsRequest *query = iSending;
iSending = NULL;
if (result == KErrNone)
else if (HandleError(result, &iTo))
else if (result && HandleError(result)) // Error that cannot be associated with specific sending (does it ever happen?)
// Keep writer busy, if not already active.
if (!IsActive())
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("<-- CDnsSocketWriter[%u]::RunL() -exit- iStatus=%d"), this, iStatus.Int()));
void CDnsSocketWriter::RunWriter(TRequestStatus &aStatus)
if (iRunWriter)
return; // This is a callback from Build, return
iRunWriter = 1;
// Pick next query to be served
// ****************************
iSending = iSendQueue.Remove();
while ( iSending != NULL)
// Before calling Build, the message is reset into
// initial state:
TPtr8 payload((TUint8 *)iOutMsg.Ptr(), iOutMsg.MaxLength());
if (iTCP)
payload.Set((TUint8 *)payload.Ptr()+2, 0, payload.MaxLength()-2);
TMsgBuf &buf = TMsgBuf::Cast(payload);
// If Build fails, request(s) are simply moved
// into iWaitQueue to wait for further actions.
// (If iSending becomes NULL in Build, then Build has Removed the
// request--do not start write)
// Note: if receive buffer > KDnsMaxMessage, then it requests EDNS0. Don't
// request EDNS0, if TCP is being used (report receive buffer = 0).
if (iSending->Build(iMaster, buf, iTo, iTCP ? 0 : iReader->iAllocatedLength) && iOpened && iSending)
const TInt len = buf.Length();
if (iTCP)
// Patch in the length
TUint8 *const p = (TUint8 *)iOutMsg.Ptr();
p[1] = (TUint8)len;
p[0] = (TUint8)(len >> 8);
#ifdef _LOG
TBuf<50> tmp;
Log::Printf(_L("\t\tDNS session [%u] Send to=%S#%d %d bytes (TCP=%d)"), iSending, &tmp, iTo.Port(), iOutMsg.Length(), (TInt)iTCP);
if (iTCP)
iSocket.Write(iOutMsg, aStatus);
if (!iReader->IsActive())
iSocket.SendTo(iOutMsg, iTo, 0, aStatus);
iRunWriter = 0;
void CDnsSocketWriter::DoCancel()
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketWriter[%u]::DoCancel()"), this));
if (iListen)
iListen = 0;
iSending = NULL;
TBool CDnsSocketWriter::CanUseConnection()
TInt err = iAttachedConn.Open(iMaster.iSS);
if (KErrNone != err)
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketWriter[%u]::CanUseConnection() error opening connection: %d"), this, err));
return EFalse;
TUint noConnections = 0;
err = iAttachedConn.EnumerateConnections(noConnections);
if (KErrNone != err)
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketWriter[%u]::CanUseConnection() error enumerating connections: %d"), this, err));
return EFalse;
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketWriter[%u]::CanUseConnection() no of connections: %u"), this, noConnections));
if (noConnections > 0)
TPckgBuf<TConnectionInfo> info;
TConnectionInfo currentInfo;
TBool foundConnection = EFalse;
for(TInt i=1; i<=noConnections; i++)
if (KErrNone != iAttachedConn.GetConnectionInfo(i, info))
return EFalse;
currentInfo = info();
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketWriter[%u]::CanUseConnection() currentInfo.NetId = %d "), this, currentInfo.iNetId));
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketWriter[%u]::CanUseConnection() iMaster.iNetworkId = %d "), this, iMaster.iNetworkId));
if(currentInfo.iNetId == iMaster.iNetworkId)
foundConnection = ETrue;
if ((foundConnection) && (KErrNone == iAttachedConn.Attach(info, RConnection::EAttachTypeNormal)))
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketWriter[%u]::CanUseConnection() attached to existing connection at IAP: [%d] Network: [%d]"), this, info().iIapId, info().iNetId));
return ETrue;
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketWriter[%u]::CanUseConnection() could not find any connection matching the Network: [%d]"), this, iMaster.iNetworkId));
return EFalse;
return EFalse;
// CDnsSocketReader
// ****************
CDnsSocketReader::CDnsSocketReader(CDnsSocketWriter &aWriter) : CActive(0), iWriter(aWriter), iBuf(0,0)
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketReader[%u]::CDnsSocketReader()"), this));
void CDnsSocketReader::ConstructL(TUint aDnsMaxMessage)
// Any reader MUST have a buffer of capacity at least KDnsMaxMessage
// octets. If this cannot be allocated, cancel the reader (leave!).
const TUint len = aDnsMaxMessage > (TUint)KDnsMaxMessage ? aDnsMaxMessage : KDnsMaxMessage;
iInMsg = HBufC8::NewMaxL(len);
iAllocatedLength = len;
delete iInMsg;
if (IsAdded())
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketReader[%u]::~CDnsSocketReader()"), this));
void CDnsSocketReader::Activate()
if (IsActive())
return; // Do nothing, if already active!
if (iWriter.IsTCP())
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketReader[%u]::Activate() TCP"), this));
// Initialize iFrom for connected socket, if not yet done.
// (only for debugging purposes, no other functionality at momemnt)
if (iFrom.IsUnspecified())
iReadLength = 1;
iBuf.Set((TUint8 *)iInMsg->Ptr(), 0, 2);
iWriter.Socket().Read(iBuf, iStatus);
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketReader[%u]::Activate() UDP"), this));
iReadLength = 0;
iWriter.Socket().RecvFrom(iBuf, iFrom, 0, iStatus);
void CDnsSocketReader::RunL()
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("--> CDnsSocketReader[%u]::RunL() -start- iStatus=%d"), this, iStatus.Int()));
if (iStatus.Int())
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketReader[%u]::RunL() error=%d"), this, iStatus.Int()));
if (iWriter.HandleError(iStatus.Int()) == 0)
// Need to re-issue previous request
if (iWriter.IsTCP())
iWriter.Socket().Read(iBuf, iStatus);
iWriter.Socket().RecvFrom(iBuf, iFrom, 0, iStatus);
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketReader[%u]::RunL() soft error, restarted last read (TCP=%d)"), this, (TInt)iWriter.IsTCP()));
else if (iReadLength)
iReadLength = 0;
const TUint8 *p = (TUint8 *)iInMsg->Ptr();
const TInt len = p[0] << 8 | p[1];
if (iAllocatedLength < len)
// Oops, the current buffer is too short for the packet.
delete iInMsg;
iAllocatedLength = len;
iInMsg = HBufC8::New(len);
if (iInMsg == NULL)
iBuf.Set((TUint8 *)iInMsg->Ptr(), 0, len);
iWriter.Socket().Read(iBuf, iStatus);
iWriter.RunReader(TMsgBuf::Cast(iBuf), iFrom);
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("<-- CDnsSocketReader[%u]::RunL() -exit- iStatus=%d"), this, iStatus.Int()));
void CDnsSocketReader::DoCancel()
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocketReader[%u]::DoCancel()"), this));
// CDnsSocket
// **********
CDnsSocket::CDnsSocket(TUint aMaxDnsMessage) : iMaxDnsMessage(aMaxDnsMessage)
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocket[%u]::CDnsSocket()"), this));
void CDnsSocket::ConstructL()
// Allocate the primary reader/writer for UDP
iWriter = CDnsSocketWriter::NewL(*this, -1);
while (iWriter)
CDnsSocketWriter *const writer = iWriter;
iWriter = iWriter->iNext;
delete writer;
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocket[%u]::~CDnsSocket() completed"), this));
RSocket &CDnsSocket::Socket()
return iWriter->Socket();
// Open the DNS socket and start listening incoming
// packets. The socket is bound to current "bind"
// address and port, which default to NONE and 0.
// Does nothing, if socket is already active
// Leaves, if socket cannot be activated
void CDnsSocket::ActivateSocketL(TUint aNetworkId)
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocket[%u]::ActivateSocketL([NetId = %d])"), this, aNetworkId));
if (iConnected && IsOpened())
LOG(Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocket[%u]::ActivateSocketL([NetId = %d]) return without action"), this, aNetworkId));
return; // Already connected, nothing to do
iConnected = 1;
iNetworkId = aNetworkId;
const TInt ret = iWriter->ActivateSocket();
if (ret != KErrNone)
// Change the current bind address and activate the
// DNS socket. If socket is already active, the bind
// address is set, but will only take effect after
// deactivation and next activate.
// Does nothing, if socket is already active.
// Leaves if socket cannot be activated.
// @param aBind specify the address and port for
// received packets (also the source
// address and port for any sent
// messages).
void CDnsSocket::ActivateSocketL(const TInetAddr &aBind)
#ifdef _LOG
TBuf<50> tmp;
Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocket[%u]::ActivateSocketL([%S#%d])"), this, &tmp, aBind.Port());
// Activate the TCP listening socket.
// This will automaticly cancel any previsous listens.
// Leaves if listening cannot be activated.
// @param aBind specify the address and port for
// received connections.
// @param aTTL specify the TTL for accepted connections
void CDnsSocket::ActivateListenL(const TInetAddr &aBind, TInt aTTL = -1)
#ifdef _LOG
TBuf<50> tmp;
Log::Printf(_L("CDnsSocket[%u]::ActivateListenL([%S#%d])"), this, &tmp, aBind.Port());
ActivateSocketL(); // First, make sure normal socket is up and running.
// Abort pending listens, if any
CDnsSocketWriter **head = &iWriter->iNext;
while (*head != NULL)
CDnsSocketWriter *writer = *head;
if (writer->IsListen())
*head = writer->iNext;
// Note: IsListen() writers should never have any
// queued requests, so no Abort() callbacks will
// occur and thus, we don't need to worry about
// re-entries into CDnsSocket via callbacks!
delete writer;
head = &writer->iNext;
if (iListening)
TInetAddr bind(aBind); // Needed only because RSocket::Bind wants non-const argument! ARRGHH!
User::LeaveIfError(iListener.Open(iSS, KAfInet, KSockStream, KProtocolInetTcp));
iListening = 1; // Socket opened.
(void)iListener.SetOpt(KSoIp6UnicastHops, KSolInetIp, aTTL);
(void)iListener.SetOpt(KSoUserSocket, KSolInetIp, 0);
// Create and append a new socket writer waiting for listen accept
(void)AddSecondaryWriter(CDnsSocketWriter::NewTcpListenL(*this, aTTL));
// Close the socket and socket server session, if they
// were open. Abort all queued requests with the specifiec
// reason.
// @param aReason
// the abort reason that is passed to any requests which
// are removed from the system (see TDnsRequest::Abort)
void CDnsSocket::DeactivateSocket(TInt aReason)
// Need to grab the list away, because
// re-activation might occur via callbacks.
CDnsSocketWriter *writer = iWriter->iNext;
iWriter->iNext = NULL;
while (writer)
CDnsSocketWriter *tmp = writer;
writer = tmp->iNext;
delete tmp;
// Oops... Should not close if re-activated ---FIX!
if (iListening)
iListening = 0;
// Oops... Should not close if re-activated ---FIX!
if (iConnected)
iConnected = 0;
void CDnsSocket::SetHoplimit(const TInt aTTL)
* Set TTL for for transmitted packets.
* The socket must be activated (open) when this is called. The set TTL
* is used as is for both unicast and multicast. The value -1 selects
* the system defaults.
* The set TTL will remain in effect for the primary writer until
* changed again.
* @param aTTL The TTL
// Queue a request for sending. The request may get following
// "callbacks":
// @li TDnsRequest::Build,
// just before a request is ready to be sent, build
// the outgoing packet into specified message buffer
// @li TDnsRequest::Sent,
// the packet has been sent to the interface
// @li TDnsRequest::Reply,
// a DNS reply packet matching the request id has
// been received. Need to test whether rest of the
// packet matches the request, and if so, handle
// it.
// @li TDnsRequest::Abort,
// request is being aborted (usually DNS socket
// is being deactivated).
// @param aRequest the request to be queued
// @param aId the request id
// @li -1 (< 0),
// the default if parameter is omitted. The queue
// method will assign random id automatically.
// @li >= 0,
// 16 bits of this value is used as id.
void CDnsSocket::Queue(TDnsRequest &aRequest, const TInt aId)
iWriter->Queue(aRequest, aId);
// Queue a request for sending with a specific socket
TInt CDnsSocket::Queue(TDnsRequest &aRequest, const RSocket &aSocket, const TInt aId)
for (CDnsSocketWriter *writer = iWriter; writer != NULL; writer = writer->iNext)
if (&aSocket == &writer->Socket())
// Found it!
writer->Queue(aRequest, aId);
return KErrNone;
return KErrNotFound;
// Queue a request for sending with TCP.
// @param aRequest to be queued
// @param aServer The address and port of the DNS server
// @param aId of the request, if >= 0. If < 0, then a new random ID is generated
// @param aTTL of the connection (= -1, the default, requests the system default). This is
// only effective if the connection is created.
// @return KErrNone, if queued successfully, or error code if failed.
TInt CDnsSocket::Queue(TDnsRequest &aRequest, const TInetAddr &aServer, const TInt aId, const TInt aTTL)
// Locate or create connected Socket reader/writer instance
CDnsSocketWriter *writer = iWriter->iNext;
while (writer != NULL)
if (writer->Match(aServer))
// A writer already exists
writer->Queue(aRequest, aId);
return KErrNone;
//iWriter = iWriter->iNext;
writer = writer->iNext;
//do we need to return?
// Create and append a new connected socket writer
TRAPD(err, writer = CDnsSocketWriter::NewTcpL(*this, aServer, aTTL));
if (writer)
err = AddSecondaryWriter(writer);
if (err == KErrNone)
writer->Queue(aRequest, aId);
DeleteWriter(writer, err);
return err;
// Abort whatever the request is currently doing and reque
// it for new send (eventually, a call to DnsRequest::Build
// should happen). This preserves the old id of the request.
// If a request is not currently queued, this does an implicit
// Queue. (a new id is generated).
// @param aRequest the request to be resent.
void CDnsSocket::ReSend(TDnsRequest &aRequest)
Queue(aRequest, aRequest.IsQueued() ? aRequest.Id() : -1);
// Add and activate a new secondary writer/reader unit.
// Insert a newly created and constructed reader/writer unit
// to the system and activate it. The secondearies are inserted
// into the iWriter chaing after the first primary unit, which
// always exists, as long as CDnsSocket exists.
// @param aWriter The reader/writer instance
// @return KErrNone, if succesfully activated, and an error code otherwise
TInt CDnsSocket::AddSecondaryWriter(CDnsSocketWriter *aWriter)
ASSERT(iWriter != NULL); // Primary must always exist!
ASSERT(aWriter != NULL); // Silly caller, program error
if (aWriter == NULL) // Test again (for release version)
return KErrArgument; // Should really not happen!
ASSERT(aWriter->iNext == NULL); // The new writer should be just created
// Insert the new unit after the primary reader/writer, and
// before all previous secondary units (as the placement in
// chain should not matter--this is just simplest to do).
aWriter->iNext = iWriter->iNext;
iWriter->iNext = aWriter;
return aWriter->ActivateSocket();
// Deactivate and delete a writer instance.
// Deactivate the writer, remove it from the list of writers
// (if present), and delete it.
// @param aWriter The reader/writer to be deleted
// @param aReason The reason (passed to any requests that are aborted because of this)
void CDnsSocket::DeleteWriter(CDnsSocketWriter *aWriter, TInt aReason)
// Allow call with NULL, as normal delete does
if (aWriter == NULL)
// Primary writer must not be deleted with this function!
ASSERT(aWriter != iWriter);
if (aWriter != iWriter)
// Remove instance from the writer chain (allow
// case where the aWriter is not in the chain!)
CDnsSocketWriter **head = &iWriter->iNext;
while (*head != NULL)
CDnsSocketWriter *const writer = *head;
if (writer == aWriter)
*head = writer->iNext;
head = &writer->iNext;
// Note: Deactivate call may cause the CDnsSocket to be deleted,
// thus it is important that this no longer references it and
// that the writer has already been removed from the list before
// this!
delete aWriter; // a detached instance can now be deleted
TBool CDnsSocket::IsOpened() const
return iWriter ? iWriter->IsOpened() : EFalse;
TInt64 CDnsSocketWriter::SeedIdGenerator(TInt64 aSequence)
* Function to generate seed for which will be passed to generate another level of sequence number
* The requirement came due the fact that microsoft DNS sequence where gussed.
* Seed generation is divided into two levels of generation.
TInt64 operand = Math::Random() % 5;
//Generation of random number secure ID which should be mathematically operated with the
//Seed. The generation will make guess difficult. Secure ID should not be negative so there is
//an extra check done to make it positive number.
TInt64 secureId;
secureId = Math::Random();
if(secureId < 0)
secureId = secureId * (KNegativeNumberMask);
case 1:
return (secureId + aSequence);
case 2:
return (aSequence - secureId);
return (secureId * aSequence);
};//end of switch
}//end of function