author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Tue, 31 Aug 2010 16:45:15 +0300
changeset 57 abbed5a4b42a
parent 0 af10295192d8
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201035 Kit: 201035

// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:

 @internalComponent - Internal Symbian test code 

#include "te_ipups_ups_step.h"  
#include "upstestnotifierproperties.h"
#include <s32mem.h> 

static TInt ThreadFunction(TAny *)
	return KErrNone;
 * Destructor
	} // End of function

 * Constructor
	} // End of function

TVerdict CIpUpsStep::doTestStepPreambleL()
 * @return - TVerdict code
 * Override of base class virtual
	TSecurityPolicy nullPolicy(ECapability_None);
    TInt err;
    //Properties modified to be returned to test harness from test notifier
    err = RProperty::Define(KUidPSUPSTestNotifCategory, KUnNotifyCount, KUnCountKeyType, nullPolicy, nullPolicy);
    if (err != KErrAlreadyExists && err != KErrNone)
    err = RProperty::Define(KUidPSUPSTestNotifCategory, KUnNotifyValues, KUnNotifyValuesKeyType, nullPolicy, nullPolicy);
    if (err != KErrAlreadyExists && err != KErrNone)
    //Properties test notifier requires from test harness about the button press and delay
    err = RProperty::Define(KUidPSUPSTestNotifCategory, KUtButtonPress, KUtButtonPressKeyType, nullPolicy, nullPolicy);
    if (err != KErrAlreadyExists && err != KErrNone)
    err = RProperty::Define(KUidPSUPSTestNotifCategory, KUtButtonPressDelay, KUtButtonPressDelayKeyType, nullPolicy, nullPolicy);
    if (err != KErrAlreadyExists && err != KErrNone)
    //Get the testNotifier working mode, filemode or P&S mode
    User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Get(KUidPSUPSTestNotifCategory, KUtFileOverride, iTestNotifierMode));
    //Set the property to override working of testNotifier in P&S mode instead of filemode
    User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Set(KUidPSUPSTestNotifCategory, KUtFileOverride, KFileOverride));
    //Initialise optional data iNoOfAuthoriseCalls (should be '1' minimum).
    iNoOfAuthoriseCalls = 1;
    //Initialise optional data iPromptTriggerCount (Initialising with '-1' means no check if user not specfied in INI file).
    iPromptTriggerCount = -1;
    //Read data from INI file
	GetHexFromConfig(ConfigSection(), KIpUpsServiceId, iServiceUID);
	GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(),KIpUpsDestination, iDestination);
	GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(),KIpUpsOpaqueData, iOpaqueData);
	GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(),KIpUpsDialogOptionSelection, iDialogOption);
	GetBoolFromConfig(ConfigSection(),KIpUpsPlatSecPass, iPlatSecPass);	
	GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(),KIpUpsExpectedDecision, iExpectedUpsDecision);	
	GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(),KIpUpsPromptTriggerCount, iPromptTriggerCount);
    GetIntFromConfig(ConfigSection(),KIpUpsNoOfAuthoriseCalls, iNoOfAuthoriseCalls);    
    GetBoolFromConfig(ConfigSection(),KIpUpsCancelPromptCall, iCancelPromptCall);
    GetBoolFromConfig(ConfigSection(),KIpUpsAlwaysOpenNewSession, iAlwaysOpenNewSession);
    GetBoolFromConfig(ConfigSection(),KIpUpsUseSameSubSession, iUseSameSubSession);
    GetBoolFromConfig(ConfigSection(),KIpUpsUseSameSubSessionAfterClose, iUseSameSubSessionAfterClose);
    GetBoolFromConfig(ConfigSection(),KIpUpsAlwaysOpenNewSubSession, iAlwaysOpenNewSubSession);
    //Keep the initial count of the notifier recorded, should be '0'
    User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Get(KUidPSUPSTestNotifCategory, KUnNotifyCount, iNotifyCount));
	return TestStepResult();
	} // End of function.

TVerdict CIpUpsStep::doTestStepL()
 * @return - TVerdict code
 * Override of base class virtual
	UserPromptService::RUpsSession 		upsSession;
    UserPromptService::RUpsSubsession 	upsSubSession[KMaxNoOfAuthoriseCalls];
    RThread dummyThread[KMaxNoOfAuthoriseCalls];
    TRequestStatus threadStatus; 	
 	TInt notifyCountBeforeTest = iNotifyCount;
 	TInt notifyCountAfterTest = 0;
	TServiceId serviceId = TUid::Uid(iServiceUID);
	TInt subSessionCntr = 0;
	//Repeat call to Authorise as specified in INI file (through NoOfAuthoriseCalls data)
    for (TInt cntr=0; cntr<iNoOfAuthoriseCalls && cntr<KMaxNoOfAuthoriseCalls; cntr++)
    	if (upsSession.Handle() == KNullHandle)
    		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("UPS Session Started."));
    	if (upsSubSession[subSessionCntr].SubSessionHandle() == KNullHandle)
    		//Create dummy thread with different names
    		TBuf<32> dummyThreadName;
    		User::LeaveIfError(dummyThread[subSessionCntr].Create(dummyThreadName.Right(dummyThreadName.Length()-subSessionCntr), ThreadFunction, 4096, 4096, 4096, 0, EOwnerThread));
    		upsSubSession[subSessionCntr] = UserPromptService::RUpsSubsession();
    		User::LeaveIfError(upsSubSession[subSessionCntr].Initialise(upsSession, dummyThread[subSessionCntr]));
    		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("UPS SubSession Initialised."));
		//Get the dialog option for this iteration (specified in the INI file through 
	    //DialogOptionSelection data, separated using KIniFileDelimeter).
		TBuf<32> dialogOption;
		GetValueAt(cntr, iDialogOption, KIniFileDelimeter, dialogOption);
	    UserPromptService::TPromptResult promptResult;
	    promptResult.iSelected = ButtonToOption(dialogOption);
		TPckg<UserPromptService::TPromptResult> resultPckg(promptResult);
		//Set the Dialog Option selection by user (specifies through DialogOptionSelection data value in INI file).
	    User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Set(KUidPSUPSTestNotifCategory, KUtButtonPress, resultPckg));
		User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Set(KUidPSUPSTestNotifCategory, KUtButtonPressDelay, iCancelPromptCall?1:0));
		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Dialog Option Selection ( %S )."), &dialogOption);
		//Get the Notify Count BEFORE call to Authorise
		User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Get(KUidPSUPSTestNotifCategory, KUnNotifyCount, notifyCountBeforeTest));
	    TUpsDecision upsDecision;
	    TRequestStatus status;
	    if ( iOpaqueData.Length() > 0 )
	    	HBufC8* converter = HBufC8::NewLC(iOpaqueData.Length());
	       	iOpaqueDataStored = converter->Ptr();
	       	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //converter
	       	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opaque data present."));
	    	upsSubSession[subSessionCntr].Authorise(iPlatSecPass, serviceId, iDestination, iOpaqueDataStored, upsDecision, status);
	    	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("Opaque data NOT present."));
	    	upsSubSession[subSessionCntr].Authorise(iPlatSecPass, serviceId, iDestination, upsDecision, status);

	    if (iCancelPromptCall)
	    	INFO_PRINTF1(_L("CancelPrompt called on UPS SubSession."));
	    //Get the Notify Count AFTER call to Authorise
	    User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Get(KUidPSUPSTestNotifCategory, KUnNotifyCount, notifyCountAfterTest));
	    INFO_PRINTF3(_L("NotifyCount Before Authorise ( %d ) <> NotifyCount After Authorise ( %d )"), notifyCountBeforeTest, notifyCountAfterTest);
	    if ( iExpectedUpsDecision.Length() > 0 )
	    	//Get the expected UPS decision for this iteration (specified in the INI file through 
	    	//ExpectedUpsDecision data, separated using KIniFileDelimeter).
	    	TBuf<32> expectedUpsDecision;
	    	GetValueAt(cntr, iExpectedUpsDecision, KIniFileDelimeter, expectedUpsDecision);
	    	TPtrC upsDecisionString = TUpsDecisionToString(upsDecision);
	    	INFO_PRINTF3(_L("UPS Decision Expected ( %S ) <> UPS Decision Returned ( %S )"), &expectedUpsDecision, &upsDecisionString);
	    	//Compare the expected and returned UPS decision
	    	TEST( expectedUpsDecision.Compare(TUpsDecisionToString(upsDecision)) == 0);
		//Check what user requested to do with SubSession for further iterations (if any).
		if ( iUseSameSubSession )
			INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Using UPS SubSession ( %d )."), subSessionCntr);
		if ( iUseSameSubSessionAfterClose || iAlwaysOpenNewSession )
			INFO_PRINTF2(_L("UPS SubSession Closed ( %d )."), subSessionCntr);
		else if ( iAlwaysOpenNewSubSession )
		if ( iAlwaysOpenNewSession  )
			INFO_PRINTF1(_L("UPS Session Closed."));
	    } //End - for loop
    //As with multiple clients , its better not to try to synchronize the calls which change the notify count.
    //When all the concurrent calls are done , check the count finally through test step notifycount.
    if (iPromptTriggerCount >= 0)
    	TEST( notifyCountAfterTest == (iNotifyCount+iPromptTriggerCount) );
    //Ensure all sub sessions are closed
    for (TInt cntr=0; cntr<subSessionCntr; cntr++)
    	if ( upsSubSession[cntr].SubSessionHandle() != KNullHandle )
    		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("UPS SubSession Closed ( %d )."), cntr);
    //Ensure session is closed
    if ( upsSession.Handle() != KNullHandle )
		INFO_PRINTF1(_L("UPS Session Closed."));
	return TestStepResult();
	}  // End of function

TVerdict CIpUpsStep::doTestStepPostambleL()
 * @return - TVerdict code
 * Override of base class virtual
	//ReSet the property to specify working of testNotifier in P&S or filemode
    User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Set(KUidPSUPSTestNotifCategory, KUtFileOverride, iTestNotifierMode));
	return TestStepResult();
	} // End of function.

TBool CIpUpsStep::VerifyAndPrintPromptDataL()
 * @return - TBool - ETrue of prompt data returned matched the data expected as specified in INI file, else EFalse.
	//Get the Prompt Information
	const TInt KMaxPromptDataLenght = 512;
    HBufC8* buf=HBufC8::NewLC(KMaxPromptDataLenght);
    TPtr8 bufPtr(buf->Des());

	User::LeaveIfError(RProperty::Get(KUidPSUPSTestNotifCategory, KUnNotifyValues, bufPtr));
	RDesReadStream promptDataStream(bufPtr);
	iPromptData = UserPromptService::CPromptData::NewL();
	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Client Name ( %S )"), &iPromptData->iClientName);
	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Vendor Name ( %S )"), &iPromptData->iVendorName);
	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Destination ( %S )"), &iPromptData->iDestination);	
	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("ClientSid   ( %08x )"), iPromptData->iClientSid.iId);
	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("ServerSid   ( %08x )"), iPromptData->iServerSid.iId);
	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("ServiceId   ( %08x )"), iPromptData->iServiceId);
	TInt count = iPromptData->iDescriptions.Count();
   	for (TInt cntr = 0; cntr < count; ++cntr)
      INFO_PRINTF3(_L("Descriptions(%d) : %S "), cntr, iPromptData->iDescriptions[cntr]);
	//Print Dialog Flags
	TBuf<64> dialogFlags;
	if ( iPromptData->iFlags & UserPromptService::ETrustedClient )
		dialogFlags.Append(_L(" TrustedClient "));
	if ( iPromptData->iFlags & UserPromptService::EBuiltInApp )
		dialogFlags.Append(_L(" BuiltInApp "));
	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("DialogFlags Set to  ( %S )"), &dialogFlags);
	TPtrC expectedDialogOptions;
	TBuf<64> bufOptions;
	GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(),KExpectedDialogOptions, iExpectedDialogOptions);
	if (iExpectedDialogOptions.Length() > 0)
		INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Options Expected ( %S )"), &iExpectedDialogOptions);
		//Check if options presented are as expected		
		TBool result = OptionsFlagToString(iPromptData->iOptions, bufOptions);		
		TEST(result != EFalse);
		OptionsFlagToString(iPromptData->iOptions, bufOptions, EFalse);
	INFO_PRINTF2(_L("Options Presented ( %S )"), &bufOptions);
	TEST(iPromptData->iServiceId.iUid == iServiceUID);
	TEST(iPromptData->iDestination == iDestination);
	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2); //buf, iPromptData
	return EFalse;
	} // End of function.

TBool CIpUpsStep::OptionsFlagToString(TUint aOptions, TDes& aOptionString, TBool aCheckAgainstExpectedOpt)
/** OptionsFlagToString converts the dialog option(s) presented to string and check if the presented option
 * 	is amongst the one which is expected(from INI file) or not if aCheckAgainstExpectedOpt is set to ETrue.
 * @return - TBool - ETrue if presented options are the ones which are expected as specified in the INI file.
	_LIT(KOptionYes, "Yes");
	_LIT(KOptionNo, "No");	
	_LIT(KOptionSessionYes, "SessionYes");
	_LIT(KOptionAlways, "Always");
	_LIT(KOptionNever, "Never");
	_LIT(KOptionSessionNo, "SessionNo");
	const TPtrC policyOptions[] = {KOptionYes(), KOptionNo(), KOptionSessionYes(), KOptionAlways(),
									KOptionNever(), KOptionSessionNo()};
	TInt optionsCntr = 0;
	TBool isOptionExpected = ETrue;
	if (aOptions & UserPromptService::CPolicy::EYes)
		if (aCheckAgainstExpectedOpt)
			if (iExpectedDialogOptions.FindF(policyOptions[optionsCntr]) == KErrNotFound)
				isOptionExpected = EFalse;
	if (aOptions & UserPromptService::CPolicy::ENo)
		if (aCheckAgainstExpectedOpt)
			if (iExpectedDialogOptions.FindF(policyOptions[optionsCntr]) == KErrNotFound)
				isOptionExpected = EFalse;
	if (aOptions & UserPromptService::CPolicy::ESessionYes)
		if (aCheckAgainstExpectedOpt)
			if (iExpectedDialogOptions.FindF(policyOptions[optionsCntr]) == KErrNotFound)
				isOptionExpected = EFalse;
	if (aOptions & UserPromptService::CPolicy::EAlways)
		if (aCheckAgainstExpectedOpt)
			if (iExpectedDialogOptions.FindF(policyOptions[optionsCntr]) == KErrNotFound)
				isOptionExpected = EFalse;
	if (aOptions & UserPromptService::CPolicy::ENever)
		if (aCheckAgainstExpectedOpt)
			if (iExpectedDialogOptions.FindF(policyOptions[optionsCntr]) == KErrNotFound)
				isOptionExpected = EFalse;
	if (aOptions & UserPromptService::CPolicy::ESessionNo)
		if (aCheckAgainstExpectedOpt)
			if (iExpectedDialogOptions.FindF(policyOptions[optionsCntr]) == KErrNotFound)
				isOptionExpected = EFalse;
	return isOptionExpected;
	} // End of function.

/** GetValueAt provides the value of data at a specific index (specified by aPos)
*	String containing the values is specified thorugh aArrayString and multiple values 
*	are separated by delimeter aDelimeter.
*	aValue is returned. 
void CIpUpsStep::GetValueAt(const TInt aPos, const TPtrC& aArrayString, const TChar aDelimeter, TDes& aValue)
	TInt posCntr=0;	
	TInt itemCntr = -1;	
	//Initialise it with blank string to avoid any previous copies
	while (posCntr < aArrayString.Length() && itemCntr != aPos)
		if (aArrayString[posCntr] != aDelimeter)
			//Is this the item we are looking for, if not, make space to next one
			if (itemCntr != aPos)

/* TUpsDecisionToString converts TUpsDecision to string.
TPtrC CIpUpsStep::TUpsDecisionToString(TUpsDecision aDecision)
	if(aDecision == EUpsDecYes)
		return _L("Yes");
	else if(aDecision == EUpsDecNo)
		return _L("No");
	else if(aDecision == EUpsDecSessionYes)
		return _L("SessionYes");
	else if(aDecision == EUpsDecSessionNo)
		return _L("SessionNo");
		ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Invalid UPS Descision, returning No by default."));
		return _L("No");
	} // End of function.

/* TUpsDecisionFromString converts string value to TUpsDecision.
TUpsDecision CIpUpsStep::TUpsDecisionFromString(const TPtrC& aDecision)
		return EUpsDecYes;
	else if(aDecision.CompareF(_L("No"))==0)
		return EUpsDecNo;
	else if(aDecision.CompareF(_L("SessionYes"))==0)
		return EUpsDecSessionYes;
	else if(aDecision.CompareF(_L("SessionNo"))==0)
		return EUpsDecSessionNo;
		ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Invalid UPS Descision, returning No by default."));
		return EUpsDecNo;
	} // End of function.

/* ButtonToOption converts string value of button presented to CPolicy::TOptions.
UserPromptService::CPolicy::TOptions CIpUpsStep::ButtonToOption(const TPtrC& aButton)
		return UserPromptService::CPolicy::EYes;
	else if(aButton.CompareF(_L("No"))==0)
		return UserPromptService::CPolicy::ENo;
	else if(aButton.CompareF(_L("Session"))==0)
		return UserPromptService::CPolicy::ESession;
	else if(aButton.CompareF(_L("SessionYes"))==0)
		return UserPromptService::CPolicy::ESessionYes;
	else if(aButton.CompareF(_L("Always"))==0)
		return UserPromptService::CPolicy::EAlways;
	else if(aButton.CompareF(_L("Never"))==0)
		return UserPromptService::CPolicy::ENever;
	else if(aButton.CompareF(_L("SessionNo"))==0)
		return UserPromptService::CPolicy::ESessionNo;
		ERR_PRINTF1(_L("Invalid Button Option, returning Policy Option No by default."));
		return UserPromptService::CPolicy::ENo;
	}  // End of function.