// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
@file newtlsstepbase.h
#include "tlsstepbase.h"
#include <asymmetric.h>
#include <asymmetrickeys.h>
#include <symmetric.h>
#include <asnpkcs.h>
#include "tlsgenericactive.h"
* About this new test step base:
* This new test step base is derived from existing test base "CTlsStepBase" but
* has been optimised for out of memory test.
* Main differences with previous test base:
* - All reading of values form INI file had been moved to test pre-amble.
* - No production code under test had been initialised in test pre-amble.
* - Includes OOM test facilities.
class CNewTlsStepBase : public CTlsStepBase
virtual TVerdict doTestStepPreambleL();
virtual TVerdict doTestStepL();
virtual TVerdict doOOMTestL();
virtual void doTestL();
void ConstructL();
// These "Lean" functions are base on fuctions with similar name in
// first base but they do not read any INI value when called.
// Generic methods.
TInt LeanVerifyServerCertificate(CX509Certificate*& aCertOut, HBufC8* aCertIn);
TInt LeanCreateSession();
TInt LeanClientKeyExchange(HBufC8*& aMessageOut);
HBufC8* LeanDerivePreMasterSecretL(const TDesC8& aClientKeyExMessage, CDecPKCS8Data* aServerKeyData);
TInt LeanCipherSuiteIndex(const TTLSCipherSuite& aSuite);
HBufC8* LeanComputeMasterSecretL(const TDesC8& aPremasterSecret);
HBufC8* LeanComputeSslMasterSecretL(const TDesC8& aPremasterSecret);
HBufC8* LeanComputeTlsMasterSecretL(const TDesC8& aPremasterSecret);
void LeanComputeTlsCipherKeysL(const TDesC8& aMasterSecret, const TDesC8& aRandom);
void LeanComputeSslCipherKeysL(const TDesC8& aMasterSecret, const TDesC8& aRandom);
TInt LeanGetCipherSuitesL();
TBool iOOMCondition;
TBool iOOMAllowNonMemoryErrors;
TBool iUseDHParams;
CGenericActive* iActive;
// Data that should deleted by test step destructor
HBufC8* iServerRandom;
HBufC8* iClientRandom;
TTLSCipherSuite iCipherSuite;
TTLSProtocolVersion iProtocolVersion;
TTLSSessionId iSessionId;
TPtrC iDomainName;
HBufC8* iServerCertificate;
CTLSSession* iSession;
CDecPKCS8Data* iServerPrivateKey;
// Data that has to be reset for each OOM cycle..
CActiveScheduler* iSched;
CTLSProvider* iProvider;
RArray<TTLSCipherSuite> iSuites;
HBufC8* iClientMacSecret;
HBufC8* iServerMacSecret;
HBufC8* iClientWriteSecret;
HBufC8* iServerWriteSecret;
HBufC8* iClientInitVector;
HBufC8* iServerInitVector;
#endif /* __CNEWTLSSTEPBASE_H__ */