// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
// Implements the DHCP Message format
@file DHCPIP6Msg.cpp
#include "DHCPIP6IA.h"
#include "DHCPAuthentication.h"
#include "DHCP_Std.h"
using namespace DHCPv6;
delete iNext;
COptionNode* COptionNode::NewL()
return new(ELeave)COptionNode(NULL);
COptionNode* CDHCPOptionAny::NewL()
return new(ELeave)CDHCPOptionAny(NULL);
COptionNode* CDHCPOptionStatusCode::NewL()
return new(ELeave)CDHCPOptionStatusCode();
COptionNode* CDHCPOptionRequestOption::NewL()
return new(ELeave)CDHCPOptionRequestOption();
struct SOptionHeader
TInt iCode;
#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
const TText8* iName;
#ifdef __FLOG_ACTIVE
const TInt KNumberOfSupportedOptions = 23;
const SOptionHeader KOptions[KNumberOfSupportedOptions + 1]=
{ //iCode, iName
{EClientId, _S8( "EClientId" )},
{EServerId, _S8( "EServerId" )},
{EIaNa, _S8( "EIaNa" )},
{EIaTa, _S8( "EIaTa" )},
{EIaAddr, _S8( "EIaAddr" )},
{EOro, _S8( "EOro" )},
{EPreference, _S8( "EPreference" )},
{EElapsedTime, _S8( "EElapsedTime" )},
{ERelayMsg, _S8( "ERelayMsg" )},
{EAuthentication, _S8( "EAuthentication" )},
{EUnicast, _S8( "EUnicast" )},
{EStatusCode, _S8( "EStatusCode" )},
{ERapidCommit, _S8( "ERapidCommit" )},
{EUserClass, _S8( "EUserClass" )},
{EVendorClass, _S8( "EVendorClass" )},
{EVendorOpts, _S8( "EVendorOpts" )},
{EInterfaceId, _S8( "EInterfaceId" )},
{EReconfMsg, _S8( "EReconfMsg" )},
{EReconfAccept, _S8( "EReconfAccept" )},
{ESipServerD, _S8( "ESipServerD" )},
{ESipServerA, _S8( "ESipServerA" )},
{EDNSServers, _S8( "EDNSServers" )},
{EDomainList, _S8( "EDomainList" )},
{0, _S8( "EUnknown" )}
void COptionNode::Dump(const TDesC& aTag, const TDesC& aFile)
RFileLogger f;
if (f.Connect() == KErrNone)
f.CreateLog(aTag, aFile, EFileLoggingModeAppend);
TInt i = 0;
TInt nCode = OpCode();
while (KOptions[i].iCode != nCode && ++i < KNumberOfSupportedOptions){/*do nothing*/}
f.WriteFormat(_L8("Option Code: %s, length: %d"), KOptions[i].iName, nCode);
if (GetItemLength() > KOptionHeaderLength)
f.HexDump(NULL, NULL, GetBodyPtr(), GetLength());
//simple static const mapping option id to the handling class constructor
//to simplify parsing
namespace DHCPv6
typedef COptionNode* (*TOptionCostructor)();
struct SMapOptionNumberToOption
TUint iOption;
TOptionCostructor iNewL;
static const SMapOptionNumberToOption mapOptionNumberToOption[] = {
{EIaNa , CDHCPOptionIA_NA::NewL}, //Identity Association for Non-temporary Addresses
{EIaTa , CDHCPOptionIA_TA::NewL}, //Identity Association for Temporary Addresses
{EOro , CDHCPOptionRequestOption::NewL},//Option Request - identify a list of options in a message
{EAuthentication , CDHCPOptionAuthentication::NewL},
{EDNSServers , CDHCPOptionDNSServers::NewL},
{ESipServerA , CDHCPOptionSipServerAddrs::NewL},
{EOptionAny , COptionNode::NewL}
//the rest of the options uses CDHCPOptionAny::NewL
}//namespace DHCPv6
void COptionList::ParseL(TPtr8& aDes8)
* Parse message to set pointers into descriptor buffer
* at locations of each option supplied in a response msg
* @internalTechnology
COptionNode** ppNode = reinterpret_cast<COptionNode**>(&iRecord.iFirst);
User::LeaveIfError(aDes8.Length() < KOptionHeaderLength ? KErrBadDescriptor : KErrNone);
TUint nOptCode = TBigEndian::GetValue(aDes8.Ptr(), KOptionLengthOffset);
*ppNode = CreateNodeL(nOptCode);
ppNode = reinterpret_cast<COptionNode**>(&(*ppNode)->iNext);
TUint32 COptionList::GetL( TInt aIndex, TUint aOpCode ) const
* Return a value from the message in big endian format
* @internalTechnology
COptionNode* pNode = FindOption(aOpCode);
if ( !pNode || pNode->GetLength() < aIndex * K32bitNumberOctets + K32bitNumberOctets )
User::Leave( KErrNotFound );
return TBigEndian::GetValue( pNode->Ptr() + aIndex * K32bitNumberOctets, K32bitNumberOctets );
COptionNode* COptionList::CreateNodeL( TUint aOpCode )
TInt n = 0;
while ( mapOptionNumberToOption[n].iOption != aOpCode &&
mapOptionNumberToOption[n].iOption != EOptionAny )
return (*mapOptionNumberToOption[n].iNewL)();
COptionNode* COptionList::AddNodeL(TOptionCodes aOpCode, TInt aInitialLength)
* Create a new node for an option in the message
* @internalTechnology
COptionNode* pNode = CreateNodeL(aOpCode);
return pNode;
COptionNode* COptionList::FindOption(TUint aOpCode, TInt& aPos) const
COptionNode* nodeCursor = static_cast<COptionNode*>(iRecord.iFirst);
TInt counter = 0;
while (nodeCursor)
if ( nodeCursor->OpCode() == aOpCode && ++counter > aPos )
aPos = counter;
return nodeCursor;
nodeCursor = static_cast<COptionNode*>(nodeCursor->iNext);
return NULL;
TUint32 CDHCPOptionStatusCode::GetStatusCode() const
__ASSERT_DEBUG( GetLength() >= KDHCPOptionStatusCodeLength, User::Panic( KDhcpv6, KErrBadDescriptor ) );
return TBigEndian::GetValue(iPtr8 + KOptionHeaderLength, KDHCPOptionStatusCodeLength);
void CDHCPOptionStatusCode::SetStatusCode( TUint32 aStatusCode )
__ASSERT_DEBUG( GetLength() >= KDHCPOptionStatusCodeLength, User::Panic( KDhcpv6, KErrBadDescriptor ) );
TBigEndian::SetValue(iPtr8 + KOptionHeaderLength, KDHCPOptionStatusCodeLength, aStatusCode);
void CDHCPOptionDNSServers::ParseL(TPtr8& aDes8)
TPtr8 ptr(GetBodyDes());
User::LeaveIfError(ptr.Length() % KIp6AddressLength ? KErrBadDescriptor : KErrNone);
TBool CDHCPOptionDNSServers::GetDomainNameServer( TInt aIndex, TInetAddr& addr )
TInt pos = aIndex * KIp6AddressLength;
TBool ret = GetLength() >= pos + KIp6AddressLength;
if ( ret )
// Must ensure IP6 address is word aligned! So declare it locally
TIp6Addr ip6addr;
Mem::Copy(&ip6addr,GetBodyPtr() + pos,KIp6AddressLength);
return ret;
void CDHCPOptionSipServerAddrs::ParseL(TPtr8& aDes8)
TPtr8 ptr(GetBodyDes());
User::LeaveIfError(ptr.Length() % KIp6AddressLength ? KErrBadDescriptor : KErrNone);
TBool CDHCPOptionSipServerAddrs::GetSipServerAddr(TInt aIndex, TInetAddr& addr)
__CFLOG_VAR((KLogSubSysDHCP, KLogCode, _L8("CDHCPOptionSipServerAddrs::GetSipServerAddr index = %d"),aIndex));
TInt pos = aIndex * KIp6AddressLength;
TInt len = GetLength();
TBool ret = len >= pos + KIp6AddressLength;
__CFLOG_VAR((KLogSubSysDHCP, KLogCode, _L8("pos = %d, len = %d, ret = %d"), pos, len, ret));
if (ret)
// Must ensure IP6 address is word aligned! So declare it locally
TIp6Addr ip6addr;
Mem::Copy(&ip6addr,GetBodyPtr() + pos,KIp6AddressLength);
return ret;
void CDHCPOptionSipServerDomains::ParseL(TPtr8& aDes8)
TBool CDHCPOptionSipServerDomains::GetSipServerDomains(TInt aIndex, THostName& aName)
TInt domainIdx = 0;
TUint8* pChar = const_cast<TUint8*>(GetBodyDes().Ptr());
TUint labelLength = 0;
// Walk the list of domain names
while(*pChar++ != NULL && domainIdx != aIndex)
labelLength = *(pChar - 1);
*(pChar - 1) = '.';
TBuf8<0x100> tmp;
tmp.Copy(pChar, labelLength);
pChar += labelLength;
return EFalse;
void CDHCPOptionRequestOption::AppendRequestedOptions()
// the array is in network byte order(big-endian) already => could be used as a descriptor
// authentication option and IA for temporary addresses not involved so far
TUint8 requestedOptions[KDHCPOptionRequestLen] = {0,EServerId, 0,EIaNa, 0,ESipServerD, 0,ESipServerA,
0,EDNSServers, 0,EDomainList};
TPtr8 ptr(requestedOptions, KDHCPOptionRequestLen, KDHCPOptionRequestLen );
COptionNode* CDHCPMessageHeaderIP6::AddOptionL(TOptionCodes aOpCode, TInt aLength)
* First stage of adding an option to the message. Calls AddNode to create space
* for message.
* @param aOpCode The opcode of the options to be added
* @param aLength The length of the option data
* @return COptionNode* The pointer to the option in the message
* @internalTechnology
COptionNode* pNode = iOptions.AddNodeL(aOpCode, aLength);
TPtr8 ptr = iMsg->Des();
return pNode;
TInt CDHCPMessageHeaderIP6::Parse(const TDhcpRnd& aXid, const TDesC8& aClientId, RBuf8& aServerId)
* When a response is received to a message
* this function will unpack the response by creating
* option objects which can be easily used to retrieve
* the values returned in these options. Providing
* this functionality hides the nasty descriptor operations.
* Each option class has a pointer set to the start point
* of their data in the response message.
* There is no need to explicitly unpack the mandatory fields
* of the DHCP message that has been returned. Accessor functions
* simply extract the data sraight out of the decsriptor.
* @internalTechnology
__CFLOG_VAR((KLogSubSysDHCP, KLogCode, _L8("CDHCPMessageHeaderIP6::Parse")));
TPtr8 ptr = iMsg->Des();
if ( ret == KErrNone )
/* Reject the message if:
* 1) Not an Advertise, Reply, or potentially a Reconfigure message.
* 2) The server or client ID values are nonexistent
* 3) The client ID being advertised does not match ours
* 4) Bad status code
if (GetXid()!=aXid.Xid())
__CFLOG_VAR((KLogSubSysDHCP, KLogCode, _L8("CDHCPMessageHeaderIP6::Parse - non-matching xid")));
return KErrBadDescriptor; // does not match so we are not interested in this message
CDHCPOptionStatusCode* pStatus = static_cast<CDHCPOptionStatusCode*>(iOptions.FindOption( EStatusCode ));
TInt code = pStatus ? pStatus->GetStatusCode() : ESuccess;
if (code != ESuccess )
__CFLOG_VAR((KLogSubSysDHCP, KLogCode, _L8("CDHCPMessageHeaderIP6::Parse - status code %d"), code));
return KErrBadDescriptor; // bad status code so we are not interested in this message
TUint8 nType = GetMessageType();
COptionNode* pServerId = iOptions.FindOption( EServerId );
COptionNode* pClientId = iOptions.FindOption( EClientId );
case EAdvertise:
if(pClientId == NULL || pServerId == NULL)
__CFLOG_VAR((KLogSubSysDHCP, KLogCode, _L8("CDHCPMessageHeaderIP6::Parse - invalid message type %d or options"), nType));
return KErrBadDescriptor;
case EReply:
case EReconfigure:
if (pClientId == NULL || pServerId == NULL ||
(aServerId.Length() && pServerId->GetBodyDes() != aServerId))
__CFLOG_VAR((KLogSubSysDHCP, KLogCode, _L8("CDHCPMessageHeaderIP6::Parse - invalid message type %d or options"), nType));
return KErrBadDescriptor;
if ( nType == EReconfigure && !iOptions.FindOption( EReconfMsg ) )
__CFLOG_VAR((KLogSubSysDHCP, KLogCode, _L8("CDHCPMessageHeaderIP6::Parse - Reconfigure msg with no reconfigure option")));
return KErrBadDescriptor;
__CFLOG_VAR((KLogSubSysDHCP, KLogCode, _L8("CDHCPMessageHeaderIP6::Parse - invalid message type %d or options"), nType));
return KErrBadDescriptor;
if(pClientId->GetBodyDes() != aClientId)
__CFLOG_VAR((KLogSubSysDHCP, KLogCode, _L8("CDHCPMessageHeaderIP6::Parse - ClientIds don't match")));
return KErrBadDescriptor;
if ( !aServerId.Length() )
TRAP(ret, aServerId.CreateL( pServerId->GetBodyDes() ));
return ret;
void CDHCPOptionDomainSearchList::ParseL(TPtr8& aDes8)
TBool CDHCPOptionDomainSearchList::GetDomainSearchList(TInt aIndex, THostName& aName)
TInt domainIdx = 0;
TUint8* pChar = const_cast<TUint8*>(GetBodyDes().Ptr());
TUint labelLength = 0;
TBuf8<0x100> tmp;
// Walk the list of domain names
while(*pChar++ != NULL && domainIdx != aIndex)
labelLength = *(pChar - 1);
*(pChar - 1) = '.';
tmp.Copy(pChar, labelLength);
pChar += labelLength;
return EFalse;
return ETrue;