WEEK 8 code drop
Steps to load protocol.
1. build napt
2. on any application do
RSocketServer sock_server;
RSOcket socket;
socket.Open(sock_server ,_L("napt"));
This drop supports specified downlink. You need to send Interface Index information for both private and global Interace.
//////Steps to do it with Example.
/////Open socket on that connection.i.e
RConnection con; //global
con.Start(sock_server); //If not started. If started attach it to existing connection
RSocket sock;
sock.Open( on conn); // Open(sock_Server, KAfInet, KSockDatagram, KProtocolInetUdp, con);
Sock.Send() //send some dummy data through this interface;
TPckg<TInt> indexBuf(index);
sock.GetOpt(KSoInterfaceIndex, KSolInetIp , index);//KSolInetIp
//////////Similarly you can take interafce index of private interface.
1. Open Connection on that interface.
2. Open connection bound socket.
3. Send dummy information.
4. GetOpt and take interface Index.
Now how to set these options to napt.....
socket.setopt (Downlink , private , NULL );
////////////// socket is the socket instance that is opened on napt.
//////////// downlink is the interface index of downlink interface , private one is for private Interface.