// Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
// All rights reserved.
// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
// Initial Contributors:
// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
// Contributors:
// Description:
#include "qosparameters.h"
#include "pfqosparser.h"
#include "qosvariables.h"
//lint -e{1927}
EXPORT_C TQoSParameters::TQoSParameters()
/** Default constructor.
* Sets all internal members to zero, priorities are
* set to the lowest priority and the adapt flag is cleared. */
// Uplink
iUplinkBandwidth = 0;
iUpLinkMaximumBurstSize = 0;
iUpLinkMaximumPacketSize = 0;
iUpLinkAveragePacketSize = 0;
iUpLinkDelay = 0;
iUpLinkPriority = KQoSLowestPriority;
// Downlink
iDownlinkBandwidth = 0;
iDownLinkMaximumBurstSize = 0;
iDownLinkMaximumPacketSize = 0;
iDownLinkAveragePacketSize = 0;
iDownLinkDelay = 0;
iDownLinkPriority = KQoSLowestPriority;
// Others
iFlags = 2; // Headers included in bitrate calcs
EXPORT_C TInt TQoSParameters::operator==(const TQoSParameters& aParameters)
/** Equality operator.
* @param aParameters The object to be compared with *this.
* @return 1, if the supplied argument is equal to *this;
* 0, otherwise.*/
if (iUplinkBandwidth == aParameters.GetUplinkBandwidth() &&
iUpLinkMaximumBurstSize == aParameters.GetUpLinkMaximumBurstSize() &&
iUpLinkMaximumPacketSize == aParameters.GetUpLinkMaximumPacketSize()
iUpLinkAveragePacketSize == aParameters.GetUpLinkAveragePacketSize()
iUpLinkDelay == aParameters.GetUpLinkDelay() &&
iUpLinkPriority == aParameters.GetUpLinkPriority() &&
iDownlinkBandwidth == aParameters.GetDownlinkBandwidth() &&
iDownLinkMaximumBurstSize == aParameters.GetDownLinkMaximumBurstSize()
iDownLinkMaximumPacketSize ==
aParameters.GetDownLinkMaximumPacketSize() &&
iDownLinkAveragePacketSize ==
aParameters.GetDownLinkAveragePacketSize() &&
iDownLinkDelay == aParameters.GetDownLinkDelay() &&
iDownLinkPriority == aParameters.GetDownLinkPriority() &&
iName.Compare(aParameters.GetName()) == 0 &&
iFlags == aParameters.Flags())
return 1;
return 0;
EXPORT_C TQoSParameters& TQoSParameters::operator=
(const TQoSParameters& aSpec)
/** Assignment operator.
* @param aSpec The object to make *this equal to.
* @return A reference to *this. */
if (this != &aSpec)
return (*this);
EXPORT_C void TQoSParameters::SetUplinkBandwidth(TInt aBandwidth)
/** Sets the bandwidth for the uplink.
* @param aBandwidth The bandwidth for the uplink. */
iUplinkBandwidth = aBandwidth;
EXPORT_C void TQoSParameters::SetUpLinkMaximumBurstSize(TInt aSize)
/** Sets the maximum burst size for the uplink.
* @param aSize The maximum burst size for the uplink. */
iUpLinkMaximumBurstSize = aSize;
EXPORT_C void TQoSParameters::SetUpLinkMaximumPacketSize(TInt aMaxSize)
/** Sets the maximum packet size for the uplink.
* @param aMaxSize The maximum packet size for the uplink. */
iUpLinkMaximumPacketSize = aMaxSize;
EXPORT_C void TQoSParameters::SetUpLinkAveragePacketSize(TInt aSize)
/** Sets the average packet size for uplink direction.
* Average packet size is used as the smallest packet size when doing traffic
* policing and estimating effect of protocol headers. The average packet size
* must be <= maximum packet size.
* @param aSize The average packet size for uplink direction in bytes. */
iUpLinkAveragePacketSize = aSize;
EXPORT_C void TQoSParameters::SetUpLinkDelay(TInt aDelay)
/** Sets the delay for the uplink.
* @param aDelay The uplink delay (in milliseconds). */
iUpLinkDelay = aDelay;
EXPORT_C void TQoSParameters::SetUpLinkPriority(TInt aPriority)
/** Sets the priority for uplink direction.
* Priority can be used to prioritise between traffic flows inside the
* terminal.
* @param aPriority The priority for uplink direction, 0 indicates the highest
* priority. */
if (aPriority > KQoSLowestPriority)
iUpLinkPriority = KQoSLowestPriority;
iUpLinkPriority = aPriority;
EXPORT_C void TQoSParameters::SetDownlinkBandwidth(TInt aBandwidth)
/** Sets the bandwidth for downlink direction.
* Bandwidth defines the requested transfer rate that the application
* requests. bandwidth must be > 0.
* @param aBandwidth The value to which to set the bandwidth for downlink
* direction in bytes/second. */
iDownlinkBandwidth = aBandwidth;
EXPORT_C void TQoSParameters::SetDownLinkMaximumBurstSize(TInt aSize)
/** Sets the maximum burst size for downlink direction.
* Maximum burst size defines the burst size that the application might send.
* Maximum burst size must be > 0.
* @param aSize The value to which to set the maximum burst size for downlink
* direction in bytes. */
iDownLinkMaximumBurstSize = aSize;
EXPORT_C void TQoSParameters::SetDownLinkMaximumPacketSize(TInt aMaxSize)
/** Sets the maximum packet sixe for the downlink.
* @param aMaxSize The maximum packet size for the downlink. */
iDownLinkMaximumPacketSize = aMaxSize;
EXPORT_C void TQoSParameters::SetDownLinkAveragePacketSize(TInt aSize)
/** Sets the average packet size for downlink direction.
* @param aSize The value to which to set the maximum packet size for
* downlink direction in bytes. */
iDownLinkAveragePacketSize = aSize;
EXPORT_C void TQoSParameters::SetDownLinkDelay(TInt aDelay)
/** Sets the downlink delay
* @param aDelay The downlink delay (in milliseconds). */
iDownLinkDelay = aDelay;
EXPORT_C void TQoSParameters::SetDownLinkPriority(TInt aPriority)
/** Sets the priority for downlink direction.
* Priority can be used to prioritise between traffic flows inside the
* terminal.
* @param aPriority The priority for downlink direction, 0 indicates the
* highest priority. */
if (aPriority > KQoSLowestPriority)
iDownLinkPriority = KQoSLowestPriority;
iDownLinkPriority = aPriority;
EXPORT_C TBool TQoSParameters::AdaptMode() const
/** Tests whether the application can adapt.
* @return ETrue, if the application can adapt; otherwise, EFalse. */
// @return The adaption mode. */
if (iFlags & KPfqosOptionCanAdapt)
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
EXPORT_C TBool TQoSParameters::GetHeaderMode() const
if (iFlags & KPfqosOptionHeadersIncluded)
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
EXPORT_C TInt TQoSParameters::SetName(const TName& aName)
/** Sets the name to a copy of the supplied argument.
* @param aName The name.
* @return KErrNone, if successful; KErrTooBig, if the supplied argument
* is too large (256 characters maximum). */
if (aName.Length() > iName.MaxLength())
return KErrTooBig;
return KErrNone;
EXPORT_C void TQoSParameters::SetAdaptMode(TBool aCanAdapt)
/** Sets the adaption mode.
* @param aCanAdapt The adaption mode. */
if (aCanAdapt)
iFlags |= KPfqosOptionCanAdapt;
iFlags &= ~KPfqosOptionCanAdapt;
EXPORT_C void TQoSParameters::SetHeaderMode(TBool aHeadersIncluded)
if (aHeadersIncluded)
iFlags |= KPfqosOptionHeadersIncluded;
iFlags &= ~KPfqosOptionHeadersIncluded;
EXPORT_C void TQoSParameters::Copy(CExtension& aExtension)
/** Makes the members of this object equal to the equivalent settings of the
* extension policy (i.e. a module specific policy) of the supplied parameter.
* If any of the extension policy settings do not exist then the appropriate
* member of this object is unchanged.
* @param aExtension The extension policy. */
TVariableBase* var;
// bandwidth up
var = aExtension.FindVariable(KDescUplinkBandwidth);
if (var && var->Type() == KPfqosTypeInteger)
// maximum burst size up
var = aExtension.FindVariable(KDescUpLinkMaximumBurstSize);
if (var && var->Type() == KPfqosTypeInteger)
// Priority up
var = aExtension.FindVariable(KDescUpLinkPriority);
if (var && var->Type() == KPfqosTypeInteger)
// Max packet size up
var = aExtension.FindVariable(KDescUpLinkMaximumPacketSize);
if (var && var->Type() == KPfqosTypeInteger)
// average packet size up
var = aExtension.FindVariable(KDescUpLinkAveragePacketSize);
if (var && var->Type() == KPfqosTypeInteger)
// Delay up
var = aExtension.FindVariable(KDescUpLinkDelay);
if (var && var->Type() == KPfqosTypeInteger)
// bandwidth down
var = aExtension.FindVariable(KDescDownlinkBandwidth);
if (var && var->Type() == KPfqosTypeInteger)
// maximum burst size down
var = aExtension.FindVariable(KDescDownLinkMaximumBurstSize);
if (var && var->Type() == KPfqosTypeInteger)
// Priority down
var = aExtension.FindVariable(KDescDownLinkPriority);
if (var && var->Type() == KPfqosTypeInteger)
// Max packet size down
var = aExtension.FindVariable(KDescDownLinkMaximumPacketSize);
if (var && var->Type() == KPfqosTypeInteger)
// average packet size down
var = aExtension.FindVariable(KDescDownLinkAveragePacketSize);
if (var && var->Type() == KPfqosTypeInteger)
// Delay down
var = aExtension.FindVariable(KDescDownLinkDelay);
if (var && var->Type() == KPfqosTypeInteger)
// Flags
var = aExtension.FindVariable(KDescFlags);
if (var && var->Type() == KPfqosTypeInteger)
// Name
var = aExtension.FindVariable(KDescName);
if (var && var->Type() == KPfqosTypeString)