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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #include "threadedlogger.h"
    20 CThreadedLogger* CThreadedLogger::NewLC(MOmxScriptTestLogger& aRealLogger)
    21 	{
    22 	CThreadedLogger* self = new(ELeave) CThreadedLogger(aRealLogger);
    23 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    24 	self->ConstructL();
    25 	return self;
    26 	}
    28 CThreadedLogger::CThreadedLogger(MOmxScriptTestLogger& aRealLogger):
    29 CActive(EPriorityHigh),
    30 iRealLogger(aRealLogger)
    31 	{
    32 	iCreatorThreadId = iCreatorThread.Id();
    33 	}
    35 void CThreadedLogger::ConstructL()
    36 	{
    37 	User::LeaveIfError(iCreatorThread.Open(iCreatorThreadId));
    38 	User::LeaveIfError(iMutex.CreateLocal());
    39 	User::LeaveIfError(iSemaphore.CreateLocal(0));
    40 	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
    41 	iStatus = KRequestPending;
    42 	SetActive();
    43 	}
    45 CThreadedLogger::~CThreadedLogger()
    46 	{
    47 	Cancel();
    48 	iSemaphore.Close();
    49 	iMutex.Close();
    50 	iCreatorThread.Close();
    51 	}
    53 void CThreadedLogger::Log(const TText8* aFile, TInt aLine, TOmxScriptSeverity aSeverity, const TDes& aMessage)
    54 	{
    55 	if(RThread().Id() == iCreatorThreadId)
    56 		{
    57 		iRealLogger.Log(aFile, aLine, aSeverity, aMessage);
    58 		}
    59 	else
    60 		{
    61 		// proxy the log to creator thread
    63 		// mutex prevents multiple threads to proxy at the same time
    64 		iMutex.Wait();
    66 		// const_cast is regrettable but all we do is pass the params onto a another MOmxScriptTestLogger which will
    67 		// also treat the args as const
    68 		iFile = const_cast<TText8*>(aFile);
    69 		iLine = aLine;
    70 		iSeverity = aSeverity;
    71 		iMessage = &const_cast<TDes&>(aMessage);
    73 		// signal the creator thread (waking the Active Object)
    74 		TRequestStatus* statusPtr = &iStatus;
    75 		iCreatorThread.RequestComplete(statusPtr, KErrNone);
    77 		// wait for creator thread to signal back
    79 		iSemaphore.Wait();
    80 		iMutex.Signal();
    81 		}
    82 	}
    84 void CThreadedLogger::RunL()
    85 	{
    86 	if(iStatus.Int() == KErrCancel)
    87 		{
    88 		return;
    89 		}
    90 	iRealLogger.Log(iFile, iLine, iSeverity, *iMessage);
    91 	iFile = NULL;
    92 	iLine = 0;
    93 	iSeverity = (TOmxScriptSeverity) 0;
    94 	iMessage = NULL;
    95 	iStatus = KRequestPending;
    96 	SetActive();
    97 	iSemaphore.Signal();	// signal the requestor thread
    98 	}
   100 void CThreadedLogger::DoCancel()
   101 	{
   102 	TRequestStatus* statusPtr = &iStatus;
   103 	User::RequestComplete(statusPtr, KErrCancel);
   104 	}