branchBUG 3869 Reference XTI device driver for Open System Trace
changeset 61 0e5a77c79f1e
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/tracesrv/reference/sf/adapt/	Mon Oct 25 18:15:05 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,949 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+/** @file
+XtiRx driver receives the data from Musti and sends it to Trace Core.
+//- Include Files  ----------------------------------------------------------
+#include <rap.h>
+#include <kernel/kernel.h>
+#include <rap_priv.h>
+#include <PowerResourceManager.h>
+#include "xtirx.h"
+#include "xtitx.h"
+#include "XtiDebug.h"
+//- Namespace ---------------------------------------------------------------
+//- Using -------------------------------------------------------------------
+//- External Data -----------------------------------------------------------
+//- External Function Prototypes --------------------------------------------
+//- Constants ---------------------------------------------------------------
+const TInt   KBitsInByte                    = 8;  // the amount of bits in byte
+const TInt   KBitsInDataLengthMsg           = 32; // the amount of bits in data length message
+const TInt   KMaxWakeupResponceCounterValue = 20; // the maximum number of attempts to writing to TraceCore buffer
+const TInt   KWakeupResponceTimerInterval   = 100000; // time interval of attempts to writing to TraceCore buffer (microseconds)
+const TUint  KBitRate                       = 115200; // bit rate
+const TUint8 KDefaultDfcPriority            = 3;      // Default DFC queue priority
+const TInt   KInterruptId                   = TRap::EIntIdASR001_MUSTI_BUFFERFULL; // Uart interrupt line
+const TInt   KPollPeriodMs                  = 2;      // time interval of checking if the Uart RX buffer has data (milliseconds)
+const TInt   KIdleTimerInterval             = 500000; // time interval for idle timer (microseconds)
+const TInt   KResetTimerInterval            = 800000; // time interval for idle timer (microseconds)
+const TInt   KMaxPoll                       = 25;    // the maximum number of checking if the Uart RX buffer has data 
+const TUint  KMaxXtiMessageLength           = 8204;    // Maximum size of XTI message send by Musti
+const TUint  KClearPoll                     = 3; // Used when clearing UART buffer
+/** The name of the created XTI RX thread */
+_LIT( KThreadName, "XtiRxThread" );
+/** DFC thread priority */
+const TInt KDfcThreadPriority = 26;
+//- Macros ------------------------------------------------------------------
+//- Global and Local Variables ----------------------------------------------
+XtiRx* XtiRx::iXtiRxPtr = NULL;
+TBool HasUartRxFifoData( TAny* aPtr );
+_LIT(KXTIRXDriver, "XTI RX Driver");
+//- Local Function Prototypes -----------------------------------------------
+//- Local Functions ---------------------------------------------------------
+//- Member Functions --------------------------------------------------------
+void XtiRx::GPIOwakeIsr(TAny* aPtr)
+    {
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::GPIOwakeIsr") )
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::GPIOwakeIsr <<") )
+    }
+    XtiRx
+    XtiRx
+    Constructor
+    : iDfcQueue( NULL )
+    , iReceiveDataDfc( ReceiveDataDfc, this,  KDefaultDfcPriority )
+    , iGPIOWakeupDfc( GPIOWakeupDfc, this, KDefaultDfcPriority )
+    , iSetPowerDfc( SetPowerDfc, this, KDefaultDfcPriority )
+    , iClearPowerDfc( ClearPowerDfc, this, KDefaultDfcPriority )
+    , iClocksOn( EFalse )
+    , iTraceCoreDfcPtr( NULL )
+    , iRxBufferPtr( NULL )
+    , iRxState( KRxStateIdle )
+    , iReceiveBufferFree( EFalse )
+    , iMessagelength( 0 )
+    , iWakeupResponseCounter( 0 )
+    , iClientId( 0 )
+    {
+    // Register the PRM client
+    TInt r = TPowerResourceManager::RegisterClient( iClientId, KXTIRXDriver );
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG(r==KErrNone,Kern::Fault("Registration with the power manager failed",r));
+    }
+    XtiRx
+    ~XtiRx
+    Destructor
+    {
+    iRxBufferPtr = NULL;
+    iTraceCoreDfcPtr = NULL;
+    // Deregister the PRM client
+    TPowerResourceManager::DeRegisterClient( iClientId );    
+    iDfcQueue = NULL;
+    }
+    XtiRx
+    Instance
+    Return an instance to XtiRx interface. This method returns the
+    only XtiRx instance system can have, it is not possible to create
+    new instances of this class.
+    Return Values:          iXtiRxPtr* An instance to XtiRx class
+XtiRx* XtiRx::Instance( )
+    {
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::Instance") )
+    // Allow only 1 instance of XtiRx to exists at any time
+    if ( iXtiRxPtr == NULL )
+        {
+        iXtiRxPtr = new XtiRx();
+        }
+    return iXtiRxPtr;
+    }
+    XtiRx
+    Init
+    Bind Uart interrupt, configure Uart HW and start receiving the data 
+    Return Values: KErrNone or error code
+TInt XtiRx::Init()      
+    {
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::Init >>") ) 
+    TInt ret( KErrNone );
+    SetPowerRequirements();
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::Init - Bind method Isr to uart interrupt 0x%x", KInterruptId) ) 
+    ret = Interrupt::Bind( KInterruptId, Isr, this );
+    if( ret == KErrNone ) 
+        {                        
+        ret = Configure();
+        if( ret == KErrNone )
+            {                           
+            ret = Start();
+            }         
+        }
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::Init <<, ret= %d", ret))
+    return ret;
+    }
+    XtiRx
+    ConfigureUart
+    Configure Uart HW.
+    Return Value: KErrNone or error code
+TInt XtiRx::ConfigureUart() const
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::ConfigureUart >>") )
+    TInt ret( KErrNone );
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::ConfigureUart - Disable uart interrupt 0x%x", KInterruptId) )
+    ret = Interrupt::Disable( KInterruptId );
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG(ret == KErrNone, Kern::Fault( ("XtiRx::ConfigureUart"), __LINE__ ));
+    TUint32 clock_in_hz = TRap::McuppClockInHz();
+    TUint32 baud_rate = 2304000;  // Use Musti default bit rate
+    // Integer part of bitduration value for Rx (the bit window)
+    TUint32 mcuClock;
+    mcuClock = clock_in_hz / baud_rate;
+    TUint32 rx_bitduration = (TUint32)((mcuClock - 3) / 2);
+    TUint32 rx_modulo = rx_bitduration / 5;  // Use the recommended 20%
+    // Fractional part: The formula is rewritten like this in order to
+    // be able to use integer math:
+    //
+    // rx_bitduration = clock_in_hz / (2 * baud_rate) - 3/2
+    //
+    // Thus the fractional part of rx_bitduration can be calculated as
+    //
+    //      f = f1 - f2
+    //
+    // where
+    //
+    //      f1 = fractional_part_of( clock_in_hz / (2 * baud_rate) )
+    //
+    //      f2 = fractional_part_of( 3/2 )
+    //
+    // The two fractional parts are calculated as follows:
+    //
+    // f1 = ( clock_in_hz % (2 * baud_rate) ) * ( 2^32 / 2 * baud_rate )
+    //    = ( clock_in_hz % (2 * baud_rate) ) * ( 2^31 / baud_rate )
+    //
+    //
+    // f2 = ( 3 % 2 ) * ( 2^32 / 2 )
+    //    =     1     *   2^31
+    //
+    TUint32 rx_fraction = (clock_in_hz % (baud_rate << 1)) * ( (TUint32)(1<<31)/baud_rate ) - (TUint32)(1<<31);
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf( "XtiRx Rx parameters:" ));
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf( "Baud             %u", baud_rate ) );
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf( "Mcupp clock freq %u", clock_in_hz ) );
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf( "Write registers:" ));
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf( "RX-bitduration   %u", rx_bitduration) );
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf( "RX-pulseduration %u", rx_bitduration) );
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf( "RX-fraction      %u", rx_fraction) );
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf( "RX-modulo        %u", rx_modulo) );
+    // Configure static Rx parameters
+    // Setting up ASR001
+    TRap::SetRegister32(ASR001_T_V_MODE_RUN, KRapRegXTIASR001_MODE);
+    TRap::SetRegister32(rx_modulo, KRapRegXTIASR001_MODULO);
+    TRap::SetRegister32(ASR001_T_V_FLOW_OFF, KRapRegXTIASR001_FLOW);
+    TRap::SetRegister32(ASR001_T_V_RXSTATE_IDLE, KRapRegXTIASR001_RXSTATE);
+    TRap::SetRegister32(rx_bitduration, KRapRegXTIASR001_BITDURATION); /* Bitrate = 2304000 b/s */
+    TRap::SetRegister32(rx_bitduration, KRapRegXTIASR001_PULSEDURATION);
+    TRap::SetRegister32(rx_fraction, KRapRegXTIASR001_FRACTION);
+    // Note that only the upper bits of the written fraction will have effect
+    // e.g. 0x40000000
+    //TRap::SetRegister32(0x42AAAAAA, KRapRegXTIASR001_FRACTION);
+    TRap::SetRegister32(0x02, KRapRegXTIASR001_THRESHOLD);
+    TRap::SetRegister32(0x07, KRapRegXTIASR001_DATABITS); /* 8 Data bits */
+    TRap::SetRegister32(0x00, KRapRegXTIASR001_STOPBITS); /* 1 Stop bits */
+    TRap::SetRegister32(ASR001_T_V_PARITY_NONE, KRapRegXTIASR001_PARITY); /* No parity */
+    TRap::SetRegister32(0x00, KRapRegXTIASR001_WATERMARK);
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::ConfigureUart <<") )
+    return ret;
+    XtiRx
+    Configure
+    Configure HW.
+    Return Value: KErrNone or error code
+TInt XtiRx::Configure() const
+    {
+    TInt ret( KErrNone );
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::Configure >>") )
+    // Configure UART
+    ret = ConfigureUart();
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG(ret == KErrNone, Kern::Fault( ("XtiRx::Configure"), __LINE__ ));
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::Configure <<") )
+    return ret;
+    }
+    XtiRx
+    Isr
+    Uart interrupt service routine
+    @param   aPtr  Pointer to XtiRx object
+void XtiRx::Isr(TAny* aPtr)
+    {
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::Isr >>") )
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG(aPtr != NULL, Kern::Fault( ("XtiRx::Isr - Null pointer!"), 0 ));
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::Isr - Disable uart interrupt 0x%x", KInterruptId) )  
+    TInt ret = Interrupt::Disable( KInterruptId );
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG(ret == KErrNone, Kern::Fault( ("XtiRx::Isr"), __LINE__ ));
+    XtiRx& self = *static_cast<XtiRx*>( aPtr );
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::Isr - Add ReceiveDataDfc") )     
+    self.iReceiveDataDfc.Add();
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::Isr <<") )
+    }
+    XtiRx
+    ReceiveDataDfc
+    Function called in DFC context after Uart interrupt. Reads the data
+    from Uart RX FIFO and saves the data to the buffer which is defined
+    XtiRx::Register function. 
+    @param   aPtr  Pointer to XtiRx object    
+void XtiRx::ReceiveDataDfc( TAny* aPtr )
+    {
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::ReceiveDataDfc >>") )
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG(aPtr != NULL, Kern::Fault( ("XtiRx::ReceiveDataDfc - Null pointer!"), 0 ));
+    XtiRx& self = *static_cast< XtiRx* >( aPtr );
+    TInt ret( KErrNone );
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::ReceiveDataDfc - Cancel timer") )
+    self.iIdleTimer.Cancel();    
+    // Start timer safety timer to clear state machine if problems
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::ReceiveDataDfc - Start timer safety timer to clear state machine if problems") )
+    self.iIdleTimer.OneShot( KResetTimerInterval, XtiRx::ResetReceiveState, aPtr );
+    self.SetPowerRequirements(); 
+    if( self.iRxState == KRxStateIdle )
+        {
+        XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::ReceiveDataDfc - XTI state = KRxStateIdle") )
+        TInt count(0);
+        // Clear Uart RX buffer
+        XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::ReceiveDataDfc - Clear Uart RX buffer") ) 
+        while( TRap::Register32(KRapRegXTIASR001_GAUGE) != 0 || count < KClearPoll )
+            {
+            TInt r = Kern::PollingWait(HasUartRxFifoData, (TAny*)&self , KPollPeriodMs, KMaxPoll);
+            if( r == KErrNone  )
+                {
+                TRap::Register32(KRapRegXTIASR001_DATA);
+                }
+            count++;
+            }
+        // check if Trace Core has read the previous data package
+        if( self.iReceiveBufferFree )
+            {
+            if( ret == KErrNone ) 
+                {
+                // Send bit rate to Musti
+                XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::ReceiveDataDfc - Send bit rate to Musti") ) 
+                XtiTx::SetBitRate( KBitRate );
+                // Waiting for the data length message
+                XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::ReceiveDataDfc - Waiting for the data length message") ) 
+                self.iRxState = KRxStateWaitDataLenMsg;
+                }
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::ReceiveDataDfc - Buffer not free -> start timer") )
+            self.iWakeupResponseTimer.OneShot( KWakeupResponceTimerInterval, XtiRx::ReceiveDataDfc, aPtr );
+            self.iWakeupResponseCounter++;
+            if( self.iWakeupResponseCounter == KMaxWakeupResponceCounterValue )
+                {
+                self.iWakeupResponseTimer.Cancel();
+                ret = KErrGeneral;
+                } 
+            }
+        XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::ReceiveDataDfc - Enable uart interrupt 0x%x", KInterruptId) )    
+        Interrupt::Enable( KInterruptId );
+        }
+    else if( self.iRxState == KRxStateWaitDataLenMsg ) 
+        {
+        XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::ReceiveDataDfc - XTI state = KRxStateWaitDataLenMsg") )
+        self.iMessagelength = 0;
+        // Read XTI message length. The number of bytes is sent as a 32-bit binary little-endian integer.
+        TInt r( KErrNone );
+        for( TInt i = 0 ; (i < KBitsInDataLengthMsg) ; i += KBitsInByte )
+            {
+            //TUint32 len = 0;
+            r = Kern::PollingWait(HasUartRxFifoData, (TAny*)&self , KPollPeriodMs, KMaxPoll);
+            if( r == KErrNone  )
+                {
+                //len = TRap::Register32(KRapRegXTIASR001_DATA) << i;
+                self.iMessagelength += TRap::Register32(KRapRegXTIASR001_DATA) << i;
+                }
+            //__DEBUG_ONLY (Kern::Printf("XtiRx::ReceiveDataDfc - len = %d", len) );
+            //self.iMessagelength += len;
+            }
+        __DEBUG_ONLY (Kern::Printf("XtiRx::ReceiveDataDfc - iMessagelength = %d", self.iMessagelength) );
+        // acknowledgement to Musti
+        if( r == KErrNone )
+            {
+            XtiTx::SendDataLenAckMsg();
+            self.iRxState = KRxStateWaitDataMsg; 
+            }
+        else
+            {
+            self.iXtiRxPtr->iReceiveBufferFree = ETrue;
+            self.iXtiRxPtr->iRxBufferPtr->Zero();  // set data length to zero
+            self.iRxState = KRxStateIdle;
+            }
+        XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::ReceiveDataDfc - Enable uart interrupt 0x%x", KInterruptId) )  
+        Interrupt::Enable( KInterruptId );
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::ReceiveDataDfc - XTI state = KRxStateWaitDataMsg") )
+        ret = self.ReadData();
+        if( ret == KErrNone )
+            {
+            // acknowledgement to Musti
+            XtiTx::SendDataRxAckMsg();   
+            self.iReceiveBufferFree = EFalse;
+            // Cancel reset timer
+            XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::ReceiveDataDfc - Cancel reset timer") )
+            self.iIdleTimer.Cancel();
+            // inform Trace core that the data is in the receive buffer
+            self.iTraceCoreDfcPtr->Enque();
+            // Start standby timer
+            XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::ReceiveDataDfc - Start standby timer") ) 
+            self.iRxState = KRxStateIdle;
+            self.iIdleTimer.OneShot( KIdleTimerInterval, XtiRx::StandbyMode, aPtr );
+            }
+        XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::ReceiveDataDfc - Enable uart interrupt 0x%x", KInterruptId) )  
+        Interrupt::Enable( KInterruptId );
+        }  
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::ReceiveDataDfc <<") )
+    }
+    XtiRx
+    GPIOWakeupDfc
+    Function called in DFC context after GPIO interrupt. Mux the UART PIN and
+    start UART clocks
+    @param   aPtr  Pointer to XtiRx object    
+void XtiRx::GPIOWakeupDfc( TAny* aPtr )
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::GPIOWakeupDfc >>") )
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG(aPtr != NULL, Kern::Fault( ("XtiRx::GPIOWakeupDfc - Null pointer!"), 0 ));
+    XtiRx& self = *static_cast< XtiRx* >( aPtr );
+    self.SetPowerRequirements();
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::GPIOWakeupDfc - Enable uart interrupt 0x%x", KInterruptId) )
+    TInt ret = Interrupt::Enable( KInterruptId );
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG(ret == KErrNone, Kern::Fault( ("XtiRx::GPIOWakeupDfc"), __LINE__ ));   
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::GPIOWakeupDfc <<" ) )
+    XtiRx
+    GPIODeepSleepWakeupDfc
+    Function called in DFC context after GPIO interrupt in deep sleep. Mux the UART PIN and
+    start UART clocks
+    @param   aPtr  Pointer to XtiRx object    
+void XtiRx::GPIODeepSleepWakeupDfc( TAny* aPtr )
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::GPIODeepSleepWakeupDfc >>") )
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG(aPtr != NULL, Kern::Fault( ("XtiRx::GPIODeepSleepWakeupDfc - Null pointer!"), 0 ));
+    XtiRx& self = *static_cast< XtiRx* >( aPtr );
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::GPIODeepSleepWakeupDfc - Bind method Isr to uart interrupt 0x%x", KInterruptId) ) 
+    TInt ret = Interrupt::Bind( KInterruptId, Isr, aPtr );
+    self.SetPowerRequirements();
+    self.ConfigureUart();
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::GPIODeepSleepWakeupDfc - Enable uart interrupt 0x%x", KInterruptId) )
+    ret = Interrupt::Enable( KInterruptId );
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG(ret == KErrNone, Kern::Fault( ("XtiRx::GPIODeepSleepWakeupDfc"), __LINE__ ));   
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::GPIODeepSleepWakeupDfc <<" ) )
+    XtiRx
+    SetPowerDfc
+    Call SetPowerRequirements
+    @param   aPtr  Pointer to XtiRx object    
+void XtiRx::SetPowerDfc( TAny* aPtr )
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::SetPowerDfc >>") )
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG(aPtr != NULL, Kern::Fault( ("XtiRx::SetPowerDfc - Null pointer!"), 0 ));
+    XtiRx& self = *static_cast< XtiRx* >( aPtr );
+    self.SetPowerRequirements();
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf( "XtiRx::SetPowerDfc <<" ) )
+    XtiRx
+    ClearPowerDfc
+    Call ClearPowerRequirements
+    @param   aPtr  Pointer to XtiRx object    
+void XtiRx::ClearPowerDfc( TAny* aPtr )
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::ClearPowerDfc >>") )
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG(aPtr != NULL, Kern::Fault( ("XtiRx::ClearPowerDfc - Null pointer!"), 0 ));
+    XtiRx& self = *static_cast< XtiRx* >( aPtr );
+    self.ClearPowerRequirements();
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf( "XtiRx::ClearPowerDfc <<" ) )
+    XtiRx
+    ReadRxData
+    Read data from Uart RX FIFO
+    Return Value: KErrNone or error code
+TInt XtiRx::ReadData()
+    {
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::ReadData >>") )
+    TInt ret( KErrNone );
+    TInt error( KErrNone );
+    TUint32 character( 0 );
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG(iRxBufferPtr != NULL, Kern::Fault( ("XtiRx::ReadData - Null pointer!"), 0 ));
+    iRxBufferPtr->Zero();  // set data length to zero
+    if( iMessagelength > KMaxXtiMessageLength )
+        {     
+        XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::ReadData - Message is greater than the maximum size of XTI message") )
+        ret = KErrGeneral;
+        }                    
+    else
+        {
+        while( iMessagelength != 0 && ret == KErrNone )
+            {           
+            ret = Kern::PollingWait(HasUartRxFifoData, this , KPollPeriodMs, KMaxPoll);
+            if( ret == KErrNone  )
+                {
+                character = TRap::Register32(KRapRegXTIASR001_DATA);
+                XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::ReadData - data = 0x%x",character) )
+                error = character >> KBitsInByte;
+                character = character & KMaxTUint8;
+                /*Check for receive errors
+                Error flags are OR'ed into the high bits of char
+                */
+                if( error & ASR001_T_V_ERROR_OVERRUN) 
+                    {
+                     XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::ReadData - Overrun ERROR") ) 
+                    ret = KErrCommsOverrun;  
+                    }
+                if( error & ASR001_T_V_ERROR_PARITY)
+                    {
+                    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::ReadData - Parity ERROR") ) 
+                    ret = KErrCommsParity;
+                    }
+                if( error & ASR001_T_V_ERROR_FRAMING )
+                    {
+                    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::ReadData - Framing ERROR") )
+                    ret = KErrCommsFrame;
+                    }
+                iRxBufferPtr->Append( character );
+                iMessagelength--;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::ReadData <<, ret= %d", ret) )
+    return ret;
+    }
+    XtiRx
+    Register
+    This method is used to register an user to the driver.
+    @param   aDfc         Pointer to the DFC function which is called by the XTI driver when the data is
+                          available in the receive buffer.
+    @param   aBuf         Receive buffer 
+    Return Value:         KErrNone or error code  
+EXPORT_C TInt XtiRx::Register( TDfc* aDfc, TDes8& aBuf  )
+    {
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG(aDfc != NULL, Kern::Fault( ("XtiRx::Register - Null pointer!"), 0 ));
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::Register >>") )
+    TInt ret(KErrNone);
+    // Create DFC thread inside of which the operations are performed
+    if( iXtiRxPtr != NULL )
+        {
+        ret = Kern::DfcQCreate( iXtiRxPtr->iDfcQueue, KDfcThreadPriority, &KThreadName );
+        }
+     else
+        {
+        ret = KErrGeneral;
+        }
+    if(ret == KErrNone )
+        {
+        iXtiRxPtr->iReceiveDataDfc.SetDfcQ( iXtiRxPtr->iDfcQueue );
+        iXtiRxPtr->iGPIOWakeupDfc.SetDfcQ( iXtiRxPtr->iDfcQueue );
+        iXtiRxPtr->iSetPowerDfc.SetDfcQ( iXtiRxPtr->iDfcQueue );
+        iXtiRxPtr->iClearPowerDfc.SetDfcQ( iXtiRxPtr->iDfcQueue );
+        ret = iXtiRxPtr->Init();
+        if( ret == KErrNone )
+            {
+            iXtiRxPtr->iTraceCoreDfcPtr = aDfc;
+            iXtiRxPtr->iRxBufferPtr = &aBuf;
+            iXtiRxPtr->iReceiveBufferFree = ETrue;
+            }
+        }
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::Register <<, ret= %d",ret) )
+    iXtiRxPtr->ClearPowerRequirements();
+    return ret;
+    }
+    XtiRx
+    SetReceiveBufferRead
+    User of the driver calls this function when the receive buffer has been read
+EXPORT_C void XtiRx::SetReceiveBufferRead()
+    {
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::SetReceiveBufferRead >>") )
+    iXtiRxPtr->iReceiveBufferFree = ETrue;
+    iXtiRxPtr->iRxBufferPtr->Zero();  // set data length to zero
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::SetReceiveBufferRead <<") )
+    }
+    XtiRx
+    Start
+    Start receiving characters
+    Return Value:         KErrNone or error code
+TInt XtiRx::Start() const 
+    {   
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf( "XtiRx::Start >>") )
+    TInt ret(KErrNone);
+    // Clear Uart RX buffer
+     XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf( "XtiRx::Start - Clear Uart RX buffer") )   
+    while(  TRap::Register32(KRapRegXTIASR001_GAUGE) )
+        { 
+         TRap::Register32(KRapRegXTIASR001_DATA);
+        }
+    if( ret == KErrNone )    
+        {
+        // Enable Uart interrupt 
+        XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf( "XtiRx::Start - Enable uart interrupt  0x%x", KInterruptId) )
+        ret = Interrupt::Enable( KInterruptId );
+        }
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf( "XtiRx::Start <<, ret= %d",ret) )
+    return ret;
+    }
+    XtiRx
+    SetPowerRequirements
+    Set power requirements
+void XtiRx::SetPowerRequirements() 
+    {   
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf( "XtiRx::SetPowerRequirements >>") )
+    if( iClocksOn == EFalse )
+        {
+        // Request to enable a clock resource
+        XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf( "XtiRx::SetPowerRequirements - Request to enable a clock resource") )        
+        iClocksOn = ETrue;
+        }
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf( "XtiRx::SetPowerRequirements <<" ) )
+    }
+    XtiRx
+    ClearPowerRequirements
+    Clear power requirements
+void XtiRx::ClearPowerRequirements() 
+    {   
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf( "XtiRx::ClearPowerRequirements >>") )
+    if( iClocksOn )
+        {
+        iClocksOn = EFalse;
+        }
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf( "XtiRx::ClearPowerRequirements <<" ) )
+    }
+    XtiRx
+    StandbyMode
+    Set the driver to standby mode
+void XtiRx::StandbyMode( TAny* aPtr ) 
+    {
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf( "XtiRx::StandbyMode >>") )
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG(aPtr != NULL, Kern::Fault( ("XtiRx::StandbyMode - Null pointer!"), 0 ));
+    XtiRx& self = *static_cast< XtiRx* >( aPtr );
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf( "XtiRx::StandbyMode - Enque ClearPowerDfc") )    
+    self.iClearPowerDfc.Enque();
+    self.iRxState = KRxStateIdle;
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf( "XtiRx::StandbyMode <<" ) )
+    }    
+    XtiRx
+    ResetReceiveState
+    Reset receiver state machine.
+void XtiRx::ResetReceiveState( TAny* aPtr ) 
+    {
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf( "XtiRx::ResetReceiveState >>") )
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG(aPtr != NULL, Kern::Fault( ("XtiRx::ResetReceiveState - Null pointer!"), 0 ));
+    XtiRx& self = *static_cast< XtiRx* >( aPtr );
+    self.iXtiRxPtr->iReceiveBufferFree = ETrue;
+    self.iXtiRxPtr->iRxBufferPtr->Zero();  // set data length to zero
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf( "XtiRx::ResetReceiveState - Enque ClearPowerDfc") )    
+    self.iClearPowerDfc.Enque();
+    self.iRxState = KRxStateIdle;
+    XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf( "XtiRx::ResetReceiveState <<" ) )
+    }   
+//- Global Functions --------------------------------------------------------
+    HasUartRxFifoData
+    Check if there is data in the Uart RX FiFo. 
+    @param   aPtr  Pointer to XtiRx object 
+    Return Values: ETrue ot EFalse
+TBool HasUartRxFifoData( TAny* aPtr  )
+  {
+    __ASSERT_DEBUG(aPtr != NULL, Kern::Fault( ("XtiRx::HasUartRxFifoData - Null pointer!"), 0 ));
+    TBool ret( ETrue );
+    if( TRap::Register32(KRapRegXTIASR001_GAUGE) == 0 )
+        {
+        XTI_TRACE( Kern::Printf("XtiRx::HasUartRxFifoData - No data in RX FIFO") )
+        ret = EFalse;
+        }
+    return ret;
+  }
+    The entry point for a standard extension. Creates Xti extension.
+    @return KErrNone, if successful
+    {
+    TInt ret( KErrNoMemory );
+    XtiRx* xtirx = XtiRx::Instance();
+    if ( xtirx != NULL )
+        {
+        ret = KErrNone;
+        }
+    return ret;
+    }                 
+//- Namespace ---------------------------------------------------------------
+// End of File