--- a/analyzetool/commandlineengine/src/CATProject.cpp Thu Sep 02 22:05:40 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,2413 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description: Class representing a project.
-#include "../inc/CATProject.h"
-#include "../inc/CATModule2.h"
-#include "../inc/CATParseTraceFile.h"
-#include "../inc/CATDatParser.h"
-//dbghelp.dll version function.
-extern int showDbgHelpVersionInfo( bool showVersion );
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CATProject::CATProject()
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::CATProject");
- m_bUninstrumented = true;
- m_bAbldTest = false;
- // Use windows api to acquire current directory info.
- GetCurrentDirectory( MAX_LINE_LENGTH, m_cCurrentDir );
- m_eBuildSystem = SBS_V1;
- m_eBuildType = UDEB;
- m_eLoggingMode = TRACE;
- m_eMode = NOT_DEFINED;
- m_iLoggingLevel = 3;
- m_pAnalyzer = 0;
- m_sBinaryTarget = "";
- m_sBuildCommand = "";
- m_sDataFile = "";
- m_sDataFileOutput = "";
- m_sDataFileTemp = "";
- m_sEpocRoot = "\\";
- m_sMakeFile = "";
- m_sPlatform = "";
- m_sS60FileName = "";
- m_sTargetModule = "";
- m_sVariant = "";
- m_vRomSymbolFiles.clear();
- m_vModules.clear();
- m_vStaticLibraries.clear();
- m_vTargetModules.clear();
- m_vUnsupportedModules.clear();
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CATProject::~CATProject()
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::~CATProject");
- CleanModuleVectors();
- // Delete analyzer
- if ( m_pAnalyzer )
- delete m_pAnalyzer;
- // Temporary datafile
- if ( !m_sDataFileTemp.empty() )
- {
- if ( FileExists( m_sDataFileTemp.c_str() ) )
- FileDelete( m_sDataFileTemp, false );
- }
-bool CATProject::SetArguments( ARGUMENTS& arguments )
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::SetArguments");
- bool bRet = true;
- //Project mode.
- if( arguments.eHookSwitch == HOOK_INTERNAL )
- {
- SetMode( CATProject::COMPILE );
- SetLoggingMode( CATProject::FILE );
- }
- else if ( arguments.eHookSwitch == HOOK_EXTERNAL )
- {
- SetMode( CATProject::COMPILE );
- SetLoggingMode( CATProject::TRACE );
- }
- else if ( arguments.eHookSwitch == HOOK_EXTERNAL_FAST )
- {
- SetMode( CATProject::COMPILE );
- SetLoggingMode( CATProject::TRACE_FAST );
- }
- /* Extension*/
- else if ( arguments.eHookSwitch == HOOK_EXTENSION_INTERNAL )
- {
- SetMode( CATProject::INSTRUMENT );
- SetLoggingMode( CATProject::FILE );
- }
- else if ( arguments.eHookSwitch == HOOK_EXTENSION_EXTERNAL )
- {
- SetMode( CATProject::INSTRUMENT );
- SetLoggingMode( CATProject::TRACE );
- }
- else if ( arguments.eHookSwitch == HOOK_EXTENSION_EXTERNAL_FAST )
- {
- SetMode( CATProject::INSTRUMENT );
- SetLoggingMode( CATProject::TRACE_FAST );
- }
- else if ( arguments.eHookSwitch == HOOK_EXTENSION_UNINSTRUMENT )
- {
- SetMode( CATProject::UNINSTRUMENT );
- }
- else if ( arguments.eHookSwitch == HOOK_EXTENSION_FAILED )
- {
- }
- //Return if uninstrumenting because no other arguments are set.
- if ( GetMode() == CATProject::UNINSTRUMENT
- || GetMode() == CATProject::UNINSTRUMENT_FAILED )
- {
- return bRet;
- }
- // No build / instrument.
- if ( arguments.HOOK.bNoBuild )
- // Call stack sizes
- SetAllocCallStackSize( arguments.HOOK.iAllocCallStackSize );
- SetFreeCallStackSize( arguments.HOOK.iFreeCallStackSize );
- //Build system.
- if ( arguments.HOOK.iBuildSystem == 1 )
- SetBuildSystem( CATProject::SBS_V1 );
- else if ( arguments.HOOK.iBuildSystem == 2 )
- SetBuildSystem( CATProject::SBS_V2 );
- //Test module build only
- if ( arguments.HOOK.bAbldTest == true )
- m_bAbldTest = true;
- //Platform.
- if ( !_stricmp( arguments.HOOK.sPlatform.c_str(), "armv5" ) )
- SetPlatform( arguments.HOOK.sPlatform );
- else if ( !_stricmp( arguments.HOOK.sPlatform.c_str(), "gcce" ) )
- SetPlatform( arguments.HOOK.sPlatform );
- else if ( !_stricmp( arguments.HOOK.sPlatform.c_str(), "winscw" ) )
- SetPlatform( arguments.HOOK.sPlatform );
- else
- {
- LOG_STRING( "Error, no supported platform specified (armv5/gcce/winscw).");
- bRet = false;
- }
- //BuildType.
- if ( !_stricmp( arguments.HOOK.sBuildType.c_str(), "urel" ) )
- SetBuildType( CATProject::UREL );
- else if ( !_stricmp( arguments.HOOK.sBuildType.c_str(), "udeb" ) )
- SetBuildType( CATProject::UDEB );
- else
- {
- LOG_STRING( "Error, no build type specified.");
- bRet = false;
- }
- //Internal data file.
- if ( arguments.HOOK.bDataFileName )
- SetS60FileName( arguments.HOOK.sDataFileName );
- //Build command.
- if ( arguments.HOOK.sBuildCmd.empty() && (
- GetMode() == CATProject::COMPILE ||
- GetMode() == CATProject::INSTRUMENT ||
- ))
- {
- cout << AT_MSG << "Error, no build command specified." << endl;
- bRet = false;
- }
- SetBuildCommand( arguments.HOOK.sBuildCmd );
- //Variant.
- SetVariant( arguments.HOOK.sFeatureVariant );
- //Target programs.
- SetTargetModules( arguments.HOOK.vTargetPrograms );
- return bRet;
-void CATProject::CleanModuleVectors()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::CleanModuleVectors");
- // delete modules from vector.
- for( size_t i = 0; i < m_vModules.size() ; i++ )
- delete m_vModules[i];
- m_vModules.clear();
- // Delete modules from vector (unsupported).
- for( size_t i = 0; i < m_vUnsupportedModules.size() ; i++ )
- delete m_vUnsupportedModules[i];
- m_vUnsupportedModules.clear();
- // Delete modules from static library vector.
- for( size_t i = 0; i < m_vStaticLibraries.size() ; i++ )
- delete m_vStaticLibraries[i];
- m_vStaticLibraries.clear();
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CATProject::Run
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-int CATProject::Run()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::Run");
- int iReturnCode = 0;
- switch( m_eMode )
- {
- case COMPILE:
- // Run compile
- iReturnCode = RunCompile();
- {
- DeleteTemporaryDirs();
- DirDelete( AT_TEMP_DIR, true );
- }
- else
- {
- DisplayCompileSummary();
- DisplayBuildSummary();
- }
- break;
- case CLEAN:
- iReturnCode = RunClean();
- break;
- case ANALYZE:
- iReturnCode = RunAnalyze();
- break;
- iReturnCode = RunInstrument();
- break;
- iReturnCode = RunInstrumentConsole();
- {
- DeleteTemporaryDirs();
- DirDelete( AT_TEMP_DIR, true );
- }
- else
- {
- DisplayBuildSummary();
- }
- break;
- iReturnCode = RunUninstrument();
- // Show summary
- DisplayCompileSummary();
- DisplayBuildSummary();
- break;
- iReturnCode = RunUninstrumentConsole();
- // Show summary
- DisplayCompileSummary();
- DisplayBuildSummary();
- break;
- iReturnCode = RunUninstrumentFailed();
- // Display message
- cout << AT_MSG << "Build aborted, because project contains compile error(s)."
- << endl;
- break;
- default:
- cout << AT_MSG << "Error, mode not supported / implemented." << endl;
- break;
- }
- // Error messages
- switch( iReturnCode )
- {
- cout << AT_MSG << "Error, creating/reading makefiles." << endl;
- break;
- cout << AT_MSG << "Error, compiling project." << endl;
- break;
- cout << AT_MSG << "Error, unknown." << endl;
- break;
- cout << AT_MSG << "unable to analyze the data file.\n";
- cout << AT_MSG << "wrong data file version.\n";
- break;
- cout << AT_MSG << "Error, invalid datafile." << endl;
- break;
- cout << AT_MSG << "Error, copying releasable(s)." << endl;
- break;
- cout << AT_MSG << "Error, restoring mmp file(s)." << endl;
- break;
- cout << AT_MSG << "Error, creating temporary cpp file(s)." << endl;
- break;
- cout << AT_MSG << "Error, cleaning temporary dir(s)." << endl;
- break;
- cout << AT_MSG << "Error, reading makefile." << endl;
- break;
- cout << AT_MSG << "Error, modifying mmp file(s)." << endl;
- break;
- break;
- cout << AT_MSG << "Error, writing attributes." << endl;
- break;
- cout << AT_MSG << "Error, reading project configuration. Instrument project again." << endl;
- break;
- cout << AT_MSG << "Error, no data to be analyzed." << endl;
- break;
- cout << AT_MSG << "Error, no modules found with supported target type." << endl;
- break;
- cout << AT_MSG << "Error, kernel side component found component. Build/instrument aborted." << endl;
- break;
- }
- return iReturnCode;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CATProject::RunRecoveryAndExit()
-// Restore modules quick and exit. Used when user wants to kill/end process.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-int CATProject::RunRecoveryAndExit()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::RunRecoveryAndExit");
- cout << AT_MSG << "Error, user requested exit." << endl;
- VerifyAndRecoverModules();
- DeleteTemporaryDirs();
- DirDelete( AT_TEMP_DIR, true );
- cout << AT_MSG << "Exit." << endl;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CATProject::IsUninstrumented()
-// Reads projects configuration file if it exists.
-// Return false in case the data contains information that project is
-// uninstrumented. Otherwise returns always true.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-bool CATProject::IsUninstrumented()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::IsUninstrumented");
- string sCfgFile( AT_TEMP_DIR );
- sCfgFile.append( "\\" );
- if ( ! FileExists( sCfgFile.c_str() ) )
- return true;
- if( !ReadAttributes() )
- {
- LOG_STRING( "Error, reading project.cfg file." );
- return false;
- }
- return m_bUninstrumented;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// CATProject::RunCompile()
-// Helper functions to run different modes.
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-int CATProject::RunCompile()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::RunCompile");
- // Store attributes
- if( ! MakeTempDirIfNotExist() )
- if ( ! WriteAttributes() )
- // Create makefile
- if ( ! CreateMakeFile() )
- // Read makefile to get project attributes
- if ( ! ReadMakeFile() )
- // Filter unsupported
- FilterModules();
- // Check that we have some "valid" modules to hook
- if ( m_vModules.size() == 0 &&( m_vUnsupportedModules.size() > 0 || m_vStaticLibraries.size() > 0 ) )
- // Check is possible target module defined in project
- if ( ! IsTargetModuleInProject() )
- // Clean temporary dirs of modules
- if ( ! CleanTemporaryDirs() )
- // Create temporary cpps for modulse
- if (! CreateTemporaryCpps() )
- // Hook modules
- if (! ModifyModules() )
- // Compile all
- // Return code
- int iRetCode = AT_RETURN_CODE::OK;
- // Compile
- if ( ! Compile() )
- // Listings
- if (! CreateListings() )
- // Releasables
- if (! CopyReleasables() )
- // Restore "unhook" modules
- if (! RestoreModules() )
- // Return error code OK
- return iRetCode;
-int CATProject::RunClean()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::RunClean");
- int iRetCode = AT_RETURN_CODE::OK;
- bool bNothingFound = true;
- // Read attributes.
- if ( ReadAttributes() )
- {
- bNothingFound = false;
- if ( m_eBuildSystem == SBS_V1 )
- InitSbs1MakeFileWithPathToTemp();
- // Read makefile to get project attributes
- if( ReadMakeFile() )
- {
- // Filter unsupported
- FilterModules();
- // Restore modules to make sure no changes left
- if( VerifyAndRecoverModules() )
- {
- // Run reallyclean
- switch ( m_eBuildSystem )
- {
- case SBS_V1:
- RunReallyCleanSbs1();
- break;
- case SBS_V2:
- RunReallyCleanSbs2();
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- // Delete temporary dirs of modules
- if(! DeleteTemporaryDirs() )
- {
- }
- }
- else
- {
- }
- }
- }
- // Projects
- if ( ! DirDelete( AT_TEMP_DIR, true ) )
- {
- }
- else
- bNothingFound = false;
- if ( bNothingFound )
- cout << AT_MSG << "Nothing found to clean." << endl;
- else
- cout << AT_MSG << "Cleaning done." << endl;
- return iRetCode;
-int CATProject::RunAnalyze()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::RunAnalyze");
- // Parse data file if it is trace.
- if ( !IsDataFile( m_sDataFile ) )
- {
- m_sDataFileTemp.clear();
- m_sDataFileTemp.append( m_sDataFile );
- m_sDataFileTemp.append( ".atool" );
- cout << AT_MSG << "Parsing trace file..." << endl;
- CATParseTraceFile Parser;
- if ( ! Parser.StartParse( m_sDataFile.c_str(), m_sDataFileTemp.c_str() ) )
- {
- }
- m_sDataFile = m_sDataFileTemp;
- }
- // Init makefile member for this run mode.
- if ( m_eBuildSystem == SBS_V1 )
- InitSbs1MakeFileWithPathToTemp();
- // Read makefile to get project attributes
- if( ! ReadMakeFile() )
- {
- cout << AT_MSG << "Error, cannot find project build with AnalyzeTool." << endl;
- }
- else
- FilterModules();
- #ifndef ADDR2LINE
- // Initialize modules locating code lines.
- for( size_t i = 0 ; i < m_vModules.size() ; i++ )
- {
- m_vModules.at(i)->InitializeAddressToLine();
- }
- #endif
- // Create analyzer
- m_pAnalyzer = new CATDatParser( &m_vModules );
- // Pass some info from project if it "exists" to analyzer.
- if ( m_vModules.size() > 0 )
- {
- // Pass platform.
- m_pAnalyzer->SetProjectPlatform( m_sPlatform );
- // Pass build type.
- m_pAnalyzer->SetProjectBuildType( m_eBuildType );
- }
- // Set file.
- m_pAnalyzer->SetInputFile( m_sDataFile );
- // Set rom symbol file.
- m_pAnalyzer->SetRomSymbolFiles( m_vRomSymbolFiles );
- // Set output file if specified
- if ( ! m_sDataFileOutput.empty() )
- {
- m_pAnalyzer->SetOutputFile( m_sDataFileOutput );
- }
- // Set log level
- m_pAnalyzer->SetLogLevel( m_iLoggingLevel );
- // Analyze
- return m_pAnalyzer->Analyze();
-int CATProject::RunInstrument()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::RunInstrument");
- // Store attributes
- if( ! MakeTempDirIfNotExist() )
- if ( ! WriteAttributes() )
- if ( m_eBuildSystem == SBS_V1 )
- {
- // Initialize level 1 make file member.
- if ( ! InitSbs1MakeFileWithPath() )
- // Copy it to temporary folder.
- CopyMakeFileSbs1ToTemporaryFolder();
- // Run export.
- if( ! RunExportSbs1() )
- // Create level 2 makefiles.
- if ( ! CreateMakeFileSbs1Level2() )
- }
- else if ( m_eBuildSystem == SBS_V2 )
- {
- // Create makefile only when using SBS v.2
- if ( ! CreateMakeFile() )
- }
- else
- {
- }
- // Read makefile to get project attributes
- if ( ! ReadMakeFile() )
- // Filter unsupported
- FilterModules();
- // Check that we have some "valid" modules to hook
- if ( m_vModules.size() == 0 &&( m_vUnsupportedModules.size() > 0 || m_vStaticLibraries.size() > 0 ) )
- // Clean temporary dirs of modules
- if ( ! CleanTemporaryDirs() )
- // Create temporary cpps for modulse
- if (! CreateTemporaryCpps() )
- // Hook modules
- if (! ModifyModules() )
- return AT_RETURN_CODE::OK;
-int CATProject::RunInstrumentConsole()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::RunInstrumentConsole");
- if( ! MakeTempDirIfNotExist() )
- // Store attributes
- m_bUninstrumented = false;
- if ( ! WriteAttributes() )
- // Create makefile
- if ( ! CreateMakeFile() )
- // Read makefile to get project attributes
- if ( ! ReadMakeFile() )
- // Filter unsupported
- FilterModules();
- // Check that we have some "valid" modules to hook
- if ( m_vModules.size() == 0 &&( m_vUnsupportedModules.size() > 0 || m_vStaticLibraries.size() > 0 ) )
- // Clean temporary dirs of modules
- if ( ! CleanTemporaryDirs() )
- // Create temporary cpps for modulse
- if (! CreateTemporaryCpps() )
- // Hook modules
- if (! ModifyModules() )
- // Run Reallyclean when using abld.
- if ( m_eBuildSystem == SBS_V1 )
- RunReallyCleanSbs1();
- return AT_RETURN_CODE::OK;
-int CATProject::RunUninstrument()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::RunUninstrument");
- // Read attributes.
- if ( ! ReadAttributes() )
- // Init makefile member for this run mode.
- if ( m_eBuildSystem == SBS_V1 )
- InitSbs1MakeFileWithPathToTemp();
- // Read makefile to get project attributes
- if ( ! ReadMakeFile() )
- // Filter unsupported
- FilterModules();
- // Check that we have some "valid" modules to hook
- if ( m_vModules.size() == 0 &&( m_vUnsupportedModules.size() > 0 || m_vStaticLibraries.size() > 0 ) )
- // Create lst files
- if (! CreateListings() )
- // Copy releasables of modules
- if (! CopyReleasables() )
- // Restore "unhook" modules
- if (! RestoreModules() )
- // Return error code OK
- return AT_RETURN_CODE::OK;
-int CATProject::RunUninstrumentConsole()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::RunUninstrumentConsole");
- int iErrorCode = AT_RETURN_CODE::OK;
- // Read attributes
- if ( ReadAttributes() )
- {
- // Init makefile member for this run mode.
- if ( m_eBuildSystem == SBS_V1 )
- InitSbs1MakeFileWithPathToTemp();
- // Read makefile to get project attributes
- if( ReadMakeFile() )
- {
- // Filter unsupported
- FilterModules();
- // Create lst files
- CreateListings();
- if (! CopyReleasables() )
- }
- else
- // Change state to uninstrumented and write status
- m_bUninstrumented = true;
- if ( ! WriteAttributes() )
- }
- else
- {
- }
- return iErrorCode;
-int CATProject::RunUninstrumentFailed()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::RunUninstrumentFailed");
- // Read attributes.
- if ( ! ReadAttributes() )
- // Init makefile member for this run mode.
- if ( m_eBuildSystem == SBS_V1 )
- InitSbs1MakeFileWithPathToTemp();
- // Read makefile to get project attributes
- if( ReadMakeFile() )
- {
- // Filter modules
- FilterModules();
- // Restore modules to make sure no changes left
- if( RestoreModules() )
- {
- // Delete temporary dirs of modules
- if(! DeleteTemporaryDirs() )
- {
- }
- }
- else
- {
- }
- }
- else
- {
- }
- // Projects
- if ( ! DirDelete( AT_TEMP_DIR, true ) )
- {
- }
- return AT_RETURN_CODE::OK;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Main Functions
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CATProject::DisplayCompileSummary()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::DisplayCompileSummary");
- // Supported modules
- for( size_t i = 0; i < m_vModules.size(); i++ )
- {
- // Successful
- if ( m_vModules.at(i)->GetErrors().empty() )
- {
- // Create build complete file for Carbide xtension
- m_vModules.at(i)->CreateBuildCompleteFile();
- << GetPathOrFileName( true, m_vModules.at(i)->GetMmpFile() )
- << endl
- << m_vModules.at(i)->GetBinaryName()
- << endl;
- // Datafiles
- // Use module data file name if project's data file not defined.
- if ( m_eLoggingMode == CATProject::FILE
- && m_vModules.at(i)->GetTargetType().compare("exe") == 0 )
- {
- if ( m_sS60FileName.empty() )
- << m_vModules.at(i)->GetS60FileName()
- << endl;
- else
- << m_sS60FileName
- << endl;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Failed
- << GetPathOrFileName( true, m_vModules.at(i)->GetMmpFile() )
- << endl
- << m_vModules.at(i)->GetBinaryName()
- << endl;
- // Print errors.
- << m_vModules.at(i)->GetErrors()
- << endl;
- }
- }
- // Static libraries
- for( size_t i = 0; i < m_vStaticLibraries.size(); i++ )
- {
- if ( m_vStaticLibraries.at(i)->GetErrors().empty() )
- {
- << GetPathOrFileName( true, m_vStaticLibraries.at(i)->GetMmpFile())
- << endl
- << m_vStaticLibraries.at(i)->GetBinaryName()
- << endl
- << endl;
- }
- else
- {
- // Failed
- << GetPathOrFileName( true, m_vStaticLibraries.at(i)->GetMmpFile() )
- << endl
- << m_vStaticLibraries.at(i)->GetBinaryName()
- << endl;
- // Print errors.
- << m_vStaticLibraries.at(i)->GetErrors()
- << endl;
- }
- }
- // Unsupported modules
- for( size_t i = 0; i < m_vUnsupportedModules.size(); i++ )
- {
- << GetPathOrFileName( true, m_vUnsupportedModules.at(i)->GetMmpFile() )
- << endl
- << m_vUnsupportedModules.at(i)->GetBinaryName()
- << endl;
- cout << m_vUnsupportedModules.at(i)->GetCompileInfoText() << endl;
- }
-void CATProject::DisplayBuildSummary( void )
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::DisplayBuildSummary");
- cout << endl;
- // Build information
- cout << AT_BUILD_SUMMARY_BUILD_TYPE << GetBuildTypeString() << endl;
- // Platform
- cout << AT_BUILD_SUMMARY_BUILD_PLATFORM << m_sPlatform << endl;
- // Possible variant
- if ( ! m_sVariant.empty() )
- cout << AT_BUILD_SUMMARY_BUILD_VARIANT << m_sVariant << endl;
- // Logging mode
- if ( m_eLoggingMode == FILE )
- else if ( m_eLoggingMode == TRACE )
- else if ( m_eLoggingMode == TRACE_FAST )
- cout << endl;
- // Call stack sizes
- << m_iAllocCallStackSize
- << endl;
- << m_iFreeCallStackSize
- << endl;
- if(!_stricmp(m_sPlatform.c_str(), ("winscw")))
- {
- //print version info only when version is not up-to-date
- cout << endl;
- showDbgHelpVersionInfo( false );
- }
-bool CATProject::CreateMakeFile()
- switch ( m_eBuildSystem )
- {
- case SBS_V1:
- if( ! CreateMakeFileSbs1() )
- return false;
- // Copy main make file.
- if( ! CopyMakeFileSbs1ToTemporaryFolder() )
- return false;
- // Run export.
- if( ! RunExportSbs1() )
- return false;
- // Create level 2 makefiles.
- if( ! CreateMakeFileSbs1Level2() )
- return false;
- return true;
- case SBS_V2:
- return CreateMakeFileSbs2();
- default:
- return false;
- }
-bool CATProject::CreateMakeFileSbs1()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::CreateMakeFileSbs1");
- // If variant defined check does it exist.
- if( ! m_sVariant.empty() )
- {
- if ( ! CheckVariant( m_sEpocRoot, m_sVariant ) )
- {
- if ( IsDefaultVariant( m_sEpocRoot ) )
- {
- m_sVariant = "default";
- if ( ! WriteAttributes() )
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- // Create level 1 make file.
- string sCmd( "bldmake bldfiles " );
- sCmd.append( m_sPlatform );
- cout << AT_MSG_SYSTEM_CALL << sCmd << endl;
- (void)system( sCmd.c_str() );
- return InitSbs1MakeFileWithPath();
-bool CATProject::CopyMakeFileSbs1ToTemporaryFolder()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::CopyMakeFileSbs1ToTemporaryFolder");
- // Check that temporary dir exists if not create it.
- if ( ! MakeTempDirIfNotExist() )
- return false;
- // Copy makefile to temporary directory
- string sMakeFileInTemp( AT_TEMP_DIR );
- sMakeFileInTemp.append( "\\" );
- sMakeFileInTemp.append( AT_LEVEL_1_MAKEFILE_NAME );
- if ( ! FileCopyToPath( m_sMakeFile, sMakeFileInTemp ) )
- return false;
- return true;
-bool CATProject::RunReallyCleanSbs1()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::RunReallyCleanSbs1");
- // Check that abld.bat has been made.
- if ( ! FileExists( "abld.bat" ) )
- return false;
- // Run reallyclean.
- string sCmd;
- if ( m_bAbldTest )
- sCmd = "abld test reallyclean ";
- else
- sCmd = "abld reallyclean ";
- sCmd.append( m_sPlatform );
- if ( ! m_sVariant.empty() )
- {
- sCmd.append( "." );
- sCmd.append( m_sVariant );
- }
- sCmd.append( " " );
- sCmd.append( GetBuildTypeString() );
- if ( m_vTargetModules.size() > 1 )
- {
- RunAbldCommandToAllTargets( sCmd );
- }
- else
- {
- AddTargetModuleIfDefined( sCmd );
- cout << AT_MSG_SYSTEM_CALL << sCmd << endl;
- (void) system( sCmd.c_str() );
- }
- return true;
-bool CATProject::RunReallyCleanSbs2()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::RunReallyCleanSbs2");
- string sCmd("");
- if ( m_sBuildCommand.empty() )
- {
- // If no build command defined (not found in project.cfg).
- sCmd.append( RAPTOR_CMD_BASE );;
- sCmd.append( m_sPlatform );
- sCmd.append( "_" );
- sCmd.append( GetBuildTypeString() );
- if ( ! m_sVariant.empty() )
- {
- sCmd.append( "." );
- sCmd.append( m_sVariant );
- }
- AddTargetModuleIfDefined( sCmd );
- sCmd.append( " REALLYCLEAN" );
- }
- else
- {
- // When build command set use it.
- sCmd.append( m_sBuildCommand );
- sCmd.append( " REALLYCLEAN" );
- }
- cout << AT_MSG_SYSTEM_CALL << sCmd << endl;
- int iRet = (int)system( sCmd.c_str() );
- if ( iRet == 0 )
- return true;
- return false;
-bool CATProject::RunExportSbs1()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::RunExportSbs1");
- // Run export.
- string sCmd;
- if ( m_bAbldTest )
- sCmd = "abld test export";
- else
- sCmd = "abld export";
- cout << AT_MSG_SYSTEM_CALL << sCmd << endl;
- (void) system( sCmd.c_str() );
- return true;
-bool CATProject::CreateMakeFileSbs1Level2()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::CreateMakeFileSbs1Level2");
- // Create level 2 makefiles.
- string sCmd;
- if ( m_bAbldTest )
- sCmd ="abld test makefile ";
- else
- sCmd ="abld makefile ";
- sCmd.append( m_sPlatform );
- if ( ! m_sVariant.empty() )
- {
- sCmd.append( "." );
- sCmd.append( m_sVariant );
- }
- // Check if multiple targets defined and sbs 1.
- if ( m_vTargetModules.size() > 1 )
- {
- RunAbldCommandToAllTargets( sCmd );
- }
- else
- {
- AddTargetModuleIfDefined( sCmd );
- cout << AT_MSG_SYSTEM_CALL << sCmd << endl;
- (void) system( sCmd.c_str() );
- }
- return true;
-bool CATProject::CreateMakeFileSbs2()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::CreateMakeFileSbs2");
- // Delete build directory if it exists before creating new makefiles.
- if ( DirectoryExists( "atool_temp\\build" ) )
- DirDelete( "atool_temp\\build", true );
- // Create command to create makefiles.
- string sCmd( m_sBuildCommand );
- sCmd.append( " " );
- sCmd.append( " " );
- cout << AT_MSG_SYSTEM_CALL << sCmd << endl;
- int iRet = (int)system( sCmd.c_str() );
- if ( iRet == 0 )
- return true;
- return false;
-bool CATProject::ReadMakeFile()
- // Clean modules before reading.
- CleanModuleVectors();
- if ( m_eBuildSystem == SBS_V1 )
- {
- // Read level 1 makefile which contains module name and makefiles.
- if( ! ReadMakeFileSbs1Level1() )
- return false;
- // Read level 2 makefiles.
- vector<CATModule2*>::iterator it;
- // If we are compiling or etc... we need to create temporary directories.
- if ( m_eMode == COMPILE || m_eMode == INSTRUMENT || m_eMode == INSTRUMENT_CONSOLE )
- {
- // Read make makefiles from /epoc32/build... and create temporary directory.
- bool bLevel2 = true;
- for( it = m_vModules.begin(); it != m_vModules.end() ; it ++ )
- {
- if( ! (*it)->CreateTemporaryDirectory() )
- return false;
- if( ! (*it)->ReadMakeFile() )
- {
- bLevel2 = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- // If failed reading modules from level 2 makefiles.
- if ( ! bLevel2 )
- {
- // Clean modules.
- CleanModuleVectors();
- // Try use default variant if it exists.
- if ( CheckVariant( m_sEpocRoot, "default" ) )
- {
- m_sVariant = "default";
- if ( ! WriteAttributes() )
- return false;
- if ( ! InitSbs1MakeFileWithPath() )
- return false;
- if ( ! ReadMakeFileSbs1Level1() )
- return false;
- for( it = m_vModules.begin(); it != m_vModules.end() ; it ++ )
- {
- if( ! (*it)->CreateTemporaryDirectory() )
- return false;
- if( ! (*it)->ReadMakeFile() )
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // Read make files from temporary directories.
- for( it = m_vModules.begin(); it != m_vModules.end() ; it ++ )
- {
- if ( ! (*it)->ReadMakeFileFromTemp() )
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- else if ( m_eBuildSystem == SBS_V2 )
- {
- // Read make file.
- if( ! ReadMakeFileSbs2() )
- return false;
- // Create module temporary directories if we are compiling or etc...
- if ( m_eMode == COMPILE || m_eMode == INSTRUMENT || m_eMode == INSTRUMENT_CONSOLE )
- {
- for( vector<CATModule2*>::iterator it = m_vModules.begin(); it < m_vModules.end(); it++ )
- (*it)->CreateTemporaryDirectory();
- for( vector<CATModule2*>::iterator it = m_vStaticLibraries.begin(); it < m_vStaticLibraries.end(); it++ )
- (*it)->CreateTemporaryDirectory();
- }
- }
- return true;
-bool CATProject::ReadMakeFileSbs1Level1()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::ReadMakeFileSbs1Level1");
- bool bRet = false;
- //Try to open makefile
- ifstream in;
- in.open( m_sMakeFile.c_str() );
- //File open ok?
- if( !in.good() )
- {
- printf( "Can not open file: %s\n", m_sMakeFile.c_str() );
- in.close();
- return bRet;
- }
- // Add also these so "compatible with sbs2".
- // Releasables path (binaries).
- string sReleasePath( m_sEpocRoot );
- // add trailing '\' if root path is missing it
- if ( sReleasePath.size() < 1 )
- sReleasePath.append( "\\" );
- else if ( sReleasePath.at( sReleasePath.length() -1 ) != '\\' )
- sReleasePath.append( "\\" );
- sReleasePath.append( "epoc32\\release" );
- string sFullVariantPath( m_sPlatform );
- sFullVariantPath.append( "\\" );
- sFullVariantPath.append( GetBuildTypeString() );
- char cTemp[MAX_LINE_LENGTH];
- bool bContinueSearch = true;
- bool bMmpInfoFound = false;
- CATModule2* pModule = 0;
- string sTempLineFromFile;
- string sMmpFileSearchString;
- if ( m_bAbldTest )
- else
- sMmpFileSearchString = MMPFILE_SEARCH_STRING;
- do
- {
- // get line from file
- in.getline( cTemp, MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
- sTempLineFromFile.clear();
- sTempLineFromFile.append( cTemp );
- //Search makefile string
- if( sTempLineFromFile.find( MAKEFILE_SEARCH_STRING ) != string::npos )
- {
- bMmpInfoFound = true;
- if( sTempLineFromFile.find( sMmpFileSearchString ) != string::npos )
- {
- bRet = true;
- //Parse mmp path + mmp filename
- sTempLineFromFile.erase( 0, sTempLineFromFile.find_first_of("\"") );
- sTempLineFromFile.erase( 0, 1 );
- string sPath = sTempLineFromFile.substr(0, sTempLineFromFile.find_first_of("\"") );
- sPath = ChangeSlashToBackSlash( sPath );
- //Remove text "bld.inf"
- sPath.erase( (sPath.find_last_of( "\\" ) + 1) , string::npos );
- string sFileName = sTempLineFromFile.substr( (sTempLineFromFile.find( sMmpFileSearchString ) + sMmpFileSearchString.length() + 3), string::npos );
- sFileName = ChangeSlashToBackSlash( sFileName );
- sFileName = sFileName.substr( 0, sFileName.find_first_of("\"") );
- // Append .mmp to filename if it does not exist
- if ( sFileName.find(".mmp") == string::npos )
- sFileName.append(".mmp");
- //Insert drive letter
- sPath.insert(0, string( m_cCurrentDir).substr(0,2) );
- //Insert mmp file to the end
- sPath.append( sFileName );
- ChangeToLower( sPath );
- // If target programs defined find from those or do not
- // add module to vector.
- bool bAddToVector = true;
- if ( m_vTargetModules.size() > 0 )
- {
- bAddToVector = false;
- vector<string>::iterator it;
- for( it = m_vTargetModules.begin() ; it != m_vTargetModules.end() ; it++ )
- {
- string sFind( *it );
- sFind.insert( 0, "\\" );
- if ( sPath.find( sFind ) != string::npos )
- {
- bAddToVector = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( bAddToVector )
- {
- pModule = new CATModule2();
- pModule->SetMmpFile( sPath );
- pModule->SetVariantType( GetBuildTypeString() );
- pModule->SetVariantPlatform( m_sPlatform );
- pModule->SetReleasePath( sReleasePath );
- pModule->SetFullVariantPath( sFullVariantPath );
- pModule->SetBuildSystem( SBS_V1 );
- m_vModules.push_back( pModule );
- }
- }
- }
- else if( bMmpInfoFound )
- //Do not continue search if mmp info lines are all handled
- bContinueSearch = false;
- if( !in.good() )
- bContinueSearch = false;
- }
- while( bContinueSearch );
- bContinueSearch = true;
- //Search MAKEFILES for invidual modules
- do
- {
- in.getline( cTemp, MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
- sTempLineFromFile.clear();
- sTempLineFromFile.append( cTemp );
- // find the lines 'MAKEFILE[modulename]_FILES'
- if( (sTempLineFromFile.find( "MAKEFILE" ) == 0) && (sTempLineFromFile.find( "_FILES" ) != string::npos) )
- {
- //Math the makefile line with one of our modules
- for( size_t i = 0 ; i < m_vModules.size() ; i++ )
- {
- //Create name
- string sMakeFile( "MAKEFILE" );
- string sTempMmpFile( RemovePathAndExt( m_vModules.at(i)->GetMmpFile(), true ) );
- ChangeToUpper( sTempMmpFile );
- sMakeFile.append( sTempMmpFile );
- sMakeFile.append( "_FILES" );
- // matched
- if( sTempLineFromFile.find( sMakeFile ) != string::npos )
- {
- //parse the makefile name from line
- in.getline( cTemp, MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
- sTempLineFromFile.clear();
- sTempLineFromFile.append( cTemp );
- //Remove character "\""
- sTempLineFromFile.erase( 0, ( sTempLineFromFile.find_first_of("\"") + 1 ) );
- // in winscw last part is '" \' and on armd '"' so remove all after last '"'
- sTempLineFromFile.erase( sTempLineFromFile.find_last_of("\""), sTempLineFromFile.size() );
- // Set correct makefile for module
- m_vModules.at( i )->SetMakeFile( sTempLineFromFile );
- // break
- break;
- } // If mathed to mmp
- } // End of mmp file loop
- } // found lines 'MAKEFILE[modulename]_FILES'
- if( !in.good() )
- bContinueSearch = false;
- }
- while( bContinueSearch );
- in.close();
- return bRet;
-bool CATProject::ReadMakeFileSbs2( void )
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::ReadMakeFileSbs2(void)");
- // File is by default named make_build.default but when building specific layer
- // make_build_LAYERNAME.default is produced by Raptor.
- // So find makefile(s) and read them.
- vector<string> vMakeFiles = DirList( "atool_temp\\build\\", false, true );
- bool bRet = true;
- for( vector<string>::iterator it = vMakeFiles.begin(); it != vMakeFiles.end() ; it++ )
- {
- // Recognize multiple makefiles.
- if ( it->find("make_build_") != string::npos && it->find(".default") != string::npos )
- {
- if ( ! ReadMakeFileSbs2( *it ) )
- bRet = false;
- }
- // Single makefile.
- else if ( it->find( "make_build.default" ) != string::npos )
- {
- if ( ! ReadMakeFileSbs2( *it ) )
- bRet = false;
- }
- }
- // We got some modules?
- if ( m_vModules.size() == 0 )
- bRet = false;
- return bRet;
-bool CATProject::ReadMakeFileSbs2( string& sMakeFile )
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::ReadMakeFileSbs2(string)");
- try {
- // Open file
- ifstream in;
- in.open( sMakeFile.c_str() , ios_base::in );
- // Check that open ok
- if ( ! in.good() )
- {
- cout << AT_MSG << "Error, opening file "
- << RAPTOR_MAKEFILE << endl;
- in.close();
- return false;
- }
- // Source line from file
- string sSourceLine;
- // Module pointer
- CATModule2* pModule = 0;
- // Are we looking for module attributes
- bool bFindAttributes = false;
- // Until end of file
- while( in.good() )
- {
- // Get new line from file
- string sLine;
- getline(in, sLine);
- // New module
- if ( sLine.find( RAPTOR_PROJECT_META ) == 0 )
- {
- // Remove project_meta from line
- sLine.erase(0, strlen( RAPTOR_PROJECT_META ) );
- LOG_STRING("Found module: " << sLine );
- // Check is name empty
- // This seems to happen when sbs2 "wraps" i.e. mifconv to a module type item
- if ( sLine.empty() )
- {
- LOG_STRING("skipping empty module");
- // Skip it
- continue;
- }
- // If module add it to vector
- if ( pModule )
- {
- // Add sources,
- pModule->AddSources( sSourceLine );
- // Build system.
- pModule->SetBuildSystem( SBS_V1 );
- // Push to vector.
- m_vModules.push_back( pModule );
- }
- // New module
- pModule = new CATModule2();
- // Clear sourceline
- sSourceLine.clear();
- // Set modules mmp with path
- if ( ! pModule->SetMmpFile( sLine ) )
- {
- // Fatal error setting mmp file
- in.close();
- return false;
- }
- // Find attributes on
- bFindAttributes = true;
- // Get new line from file
- getline(in, sLine);
- }
- // If attribute finding on
- if ( bFindAttributes )
- {
- // Pickup modules attributes
- if ( sLine.find ( RAPTOR_SOURCE ) == 0 )
- {
- sLine.erase(0, strlen( RAPTOR_SOURCE ) );
- sSourceLine = sLine;
- }
- else if ( sLine.find ( RAPTOR_TARGET ) == 0 )
- {
- sLine.erase(0, strlen( RAPTOR_TARGET ) );
- pModule->SetTarget( sLine );
- }
- else if ( sLine.find ( RAPTOR_TARGETYPE ) == 0 )
- {
- sLine.erase(0, strlen( RAPTOR_TARGETYPE ));
- pModule->SetTargetType( sLine );
- }
- else if ( sLine.find( RAPTOR_REQUESTEDTARGETEXT ) == 0 )
- {
- sLine.erase(0, strlen( RAPTOR_REQUESTEDTARGETEXT ) );
- pModule->SetRequestedTargetExt( sLine );
- }
- else if ( sLine.find ( RAPTOR_VARIANTPLATFORM ) == 0 )
- {
- sLine.erase(0, strlen( RAPTOR_VARIANTPLATFORM ));
- pModule->SetVariantPlatform( sLine );
- }
- else if ( sLine.find ( RAPTOR_VARIANTTYPE ) == 0 )
- {
- sLine.erase(0, strlen( RAPTOR_VARIANTTYPE ));
- pModule->SetVariantType( sLine );
- }
- else if ( sLine.find ( RAPTOR_FEATUREVARIANT ) == 0 )
- {
- sLine.erase(0, strlen( RAPTOR_FEATUREVARIANT ));
- pModule->SetFeatureVariant( sLine );
- }
- else if ( sLine.find ( RAPTOR_FEATUREVARIANTNAME ) == 0 )
- {
- sLine.erase(0, strlen( RAPTOR_FEATUREVARIANTNAME ));
- pModule->SetFeatureVariantName( sLine );
- }
- else if ( sLine.find ( RAPTOR_RELEASEPATH ) == 0 )
- {
- sLine.erase(0, strlen( RAPTOR_RELEASEPATH ));
- pModule->SetReleasePath( sLine );
- }
- else if ( sLine.find ( RAPTOR_FULLVARIANTPATH ) == 0 )
- {
- sLine.erase(0, strlen( RAPTOR_FULLVARIANTPATH ));
- pModule->SetFullVariantPath( sLine );
- }
- else if ( sLine.find ( RAPTOR_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS ) == 0 )
- {
- sLine.erase(0, strlen( RAPTOR_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS ) );
- pModule->SetCompileDefinitions( sLine );
- }
- }
- } // while in.good()
- // Add last module if n number of modules found
- if ( pModule )
- {
- if ( ! pModule->GetTarget().empty() )
- {
- // Add sources
- pModule->AddSources( sSourceLine );
- // Build system.
- pModule->SetBuildSystem( SBS_V1 );
- // Push back to vector
- m_vModules.push_back( pModule );
- }
- }
- // Close file
- in.close();
- return true;
- } // try.
- catch(...)
- {
- LOG_STRING("Unexpected exception reading sbs 2 makefile");
- return false;
- }
-bool CATProject::CreateTemporaryDirectories()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::CreateTemporaryDirectories");
- bool bRet = true;
- for( size_t i = 0 ; i < m_vModules.size(); i++)
- {
- if( ! m_vModules.at(i)->CreateTemporaryDirectory() )
- bRet = false;
- }
- for( size_t i = 0 ; i < m_vStaticLibraries.size(); i++)
- {
- if( ! m_vStaticLibraries.at(i)->CreateTemporaryDirectory() )
- bRet = false;
- }
- return bRet;
-bool CATProject::CreateTemporaryCpps()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::CreateTemporaryCpps");
- bool bRet = true;
- for( size_t i = 0 ; i < m_vModules.size(); i++)
- {
- if( ! m_vModules.at(i)->CreateTempCpp(
- m_sS60FileName, m_eLoggingMode, m_eBuildType, m_iAllocCallStackSize, m_iFreeCallStackSize ) )
- bRet = false;
- }
- return bRet;
-bool CATProject::FilterModules()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::FilterModules");
- vector<CATModule2*>::iterator it;
- // Loop thru modules.
- it = m_vModules.begin();
- while( it != m_vModules.end() )
- {
- // Get target type of module to separate string (will be modified).
- string sTargetType = (*it)->GetTargetType();
- // Modules compile definitions.
- string sCompileDefinition = (*it)->GetCompileDefinitions();
- // Check is it supported.
- if ( !IsTargetTypeSupported( sTargetType) )
- {
- (*it)->SetCompileInfoText( AT_UNSUPPORTED_TARGET_TYPE );
- // Not supported add to not supported vector.
- m_vUnsupportedModules.push_back( *it );
- // Erase cell.
- it = m_vModules.erase( it );
- }
- // Check if its static library
- else if ( _stricmp( sTargetType.c_str(), "lib" ) == 0 )
- {
- // Static librarie move to their vector.
- m_vStaticLibraries.push_back( *it );
- // Erase cell.
- it = m_vModules.erase( it );
- }
- else if ( sCompileDefinition.find( KERNEL_MODE_COMPILE_DEFINITION ) != string::npos )
- {
- // Not supported add to not supported vector.
- m_vUnsupportedModules.push_back( *it );
- // Erase cell.
- it = m_vModules.erase( it );
- }
- else
- it++;
- }
- return true;
-bool CATProject::ModifyModules()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::ModifyModules");
- bool bRet = true;
- for( size_t i = 0; i < m_vModules.size(); i++ )
- {
- if (! m_vModules.at(i)->ModifyMmp() )
- bRet = false;
- }
- for( size_t i = 0; i < m_vStaticLibraries.size(); i++ )
- {
- if (! m_vStaticLibraries.at(i)->ModifyMmp() )
- bRet = false;
- }
- return bRet;
-bool CATProject::RestoreModules()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::RestoreModules");
- bool bRet = true;
- for( size_t i = 0; i < m_vModules.size(); i++ )
- {
- if (! m_vModules.at(i)->RestoreMmp() )
- bRet = false;
- }
- for( size_t i = 0; i < m_vStaticLibraries.size(); i++ )
- {
- if (! m_vStaticLibraries.at(i)->RestoreMmp() )
- bRet = false;
- }
- return bRet;
-bool CATProject::VerifyAndRecoverModules()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::VerifyAndRecoverModules");
- bool bRet = true;
- for( size_t i = 0; i < m_vModules.size(); i++ )
- {
- if (! m_vModules.at(i)->VerifyAndRecoverMmp() )
- bRet = false;
- }
- for( size_t i = 0; i < m_vStaticLibraries.size(); i++ )
- {
- if (! m_vStaticLibraries.at(i)->VerifyAndRecoverMmp() )
- bRet = false;
- }
- return bRet;
-bool CATProject::Compile()
- switch ( m_eBuildSystem )
- {
- case SBS_V1:
- // Run Reallyclean.
- if( ! RunReallyCleanSbs1() )
- return false;
- return CompileSbs1();
- case SBS_V2:
- return CompileSbs2();
- default:
- return false;
- }
-bool CATProject::CompileSbs1()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::CompileSbs1");
- string sCommand("");
- if ( m_sBuildCommand.empty() )
- {
- sCommand = "abld build";
- // -debug if urel
- if ( m_eBuildType == UREL )
- sCommand.append( " -debug" );
- // No variant
- if ( m_sVariant.empty() )
- {
- sCommand.append( " " );
- sCommand.append( m_sPlatform );
- }
- else
- {
- // Add variant
- sCommand.append( " " );
- sCommand.append( m_sPlatform );
- sCommand.append( "." );
- sCommand.append( m_sVariant );
- }
- // urel vs udeb
- sCommand.append( " " );
- sCommand.append( GetBuildTypeString() );
- // Possible target module
- AddTargetModuleIfDefined( sCommand );
- }
- // Check that build command contains -debug switch if sbs v.1 used
- else if ( ! m_sBuildCommand.empty()
- && m_eBuildType == UREL
- && m_eBuildSystem == SBS_V1
- && m_sBuildCommand.find( "-debug" ) == string::npos )
- {
- // Find correct index to insert -debug switch
- size_t iPos = m_sBuildCommand.find( "build" );
- if ( iPos != string::npos )
- {
- sCommand = m_sBuildCommand;
- sCommand.insert( iPos+5, " -debug" );
- }
- else
- {
- LOG_STRING("Overwriting given build command to add -debug switch. Original command is: " << m_sBuildCommand );
- if ( m_bAbldTest )
- sCommand = "abld test build -debug ";
- else
- sCommand = "abld build -debug ";
- // No variant
- if ( m_sVariant.empty() )
- {
- sCommand.append( m_sPlatform );
- }
- else
- {
- // Add variant
- sCommand.append( m_sPlatform );
- sCommand.append( "." );
- sCommand.append( m_sVariant );
- }
- // urel vs udeb
- sCommand.append( " " );
- sCommand.append( GetBuildTypeString() );
- // Possible target module
- AddTargetModuleIfDefined( sCommand );
- }
- }
- else
- sCommand = m_sBuildCommand;
- // Run command
- cout << AT_MSG_SYSTEM_CALL << sCommand << endl;
- (void)system( sCommand.c_str() );
- return true;
-bool CATProject::CompileSbs2()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::CompileSbs2");
- // Create command to compile with raptor
- string sCmd( m_sBuildCommand );
- sCmd.append( RAPTOR_BUILD_LOG );
- cout << AT_MSG_SYSTEM_CALL << sCmd << endl;
- int iRet = (int)system( sCmd.c_str() );
- if ( iRet == 0 )
- return true;
- return false;
-bool CATProject::CreateListings()
- // Create listings if no addr2line defined
- #ifndef ADDR2LINE
- if ( _stricmp( m_sPlatform.c_str(), "armv5" ) == 0 )
- {
- switch ( m_eBuildSystem )
- {
- case SBS_V1:
- return CreateListingsSbs1();
- case SBS_V2:
- return CreateListingsSbs2();
- default:
- return false;
- }
- }
- #endif
- return true;
-bool CATProject::CreateListingsSbs1()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::CreateListingsSbs1");
- string sCommand;
- if ( m_bAbldTest )
- sCommand = "abld test listing ";
- else
- sCommand = "abld listing ";
- // Listing
- if ( m_sVariant.empty() )
- {
- // No variant
- sCommand.append( m_sPlatform );
- }
- else
- {
- // Use specified variant
- sCommand.append( m_sPlatform );
- sCommand.append( "." );
- sCommand.append( m_sVariant );
- }
- // udeb vs urel
- sCommand.append( " " );
- sCommand.append( GetBuildTypeString() );
- if ( m_vTargetModules.size() > 1 )
- {
- RunAbldCommandToAllTargets( sCommand );
- }
- else
- {
- AddTargetModuleIfDefined( sCommand );
- cout << AT_MSG_SYSTEM_CALL << sCommand << endl;
- (void)system( sCommand.c_str() );
- }
- return true;
-bool CATProject::CreateListingsSbs2()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::CreateListingsSbs2");
- string sCmd( m_sBuildCommand );
- sCmd.append( RAPTOR_LISTING_LOG );
- sCmd.append( " LISTING");
- cout << AT_MSG_SYSTEM_CALL << sCmd << endl;
- int iRet = (int)system( sCmd.c_str() );
- if ( iRet == 0 )
- return true;
- return false;
-bool CATProject::CopyReleasables()
- bool bRet = true;
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::CopyReleasables");
- // Only copy releasables on armv5 platform and no addr2line defined.
- #ifndef ADDR2LINE
- if ( _stricmp( m_sPlatform.c_str(), "armv5" ) == 0 )
- {
- for( size_t i = 0; i < m_vModules.size(); i++ )
- {
- if ( ! m_vModules.at(i)->CopyReleasables() )
- bRet = false;
- }
- // Static libraries lst files.
- // First create directory for them (delete old one if exists).
- if ( ! DirectoryExists( AT_TEMP_LST_DIR ) )
- {
- DirCreate( AT_TEMP_LST_DIR, true );
- }
- else
- {
- DirDelete( AT_TEMP_LST_DIR, true );
- DirCreate( AT_TEMP_LST_DIR, true );
- }
- for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < m_vStaticLibraries.size(); i ++ )
- {
- if( ! m_vStaticLibraries.at(i)->CopyLstFilesToDir( AT_TEMP_LST_DIR ) )
- bRet = false;
- }
- // Delete lst files from all type of modules in project.
- // Ignoring errors because different modules might use same source/lst files.
- for( size_t i = 0; i < m_vModules.size(); i++ )
- m_vModules.at(i)->DeleteLstFilesFromSrc();
- for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < m_vUnsupportedModules.size(); i ++ )
- m_vUnsupportedModules.at(i)->DeleteLstFilesFromSrc();
- for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < m_vStaticLibraries.size(); i ++ )
- m_vStaticLibraries.at(i)->DeleteLstFilesFromSrc();
- return bRet;
- }
- #endif
- // When addr2line defined and used we use symbol and map file(s).
- #ifdef ADDR2LINE
- if ( _stricmp( m_sPlatform.c_str(), "armv5" ) == 0 )
- {
- // Verify that module(s) symbol file(s) exist
- for( size_t i = 0; i < m_vModules.size(); i++ )
- {
- // Check symbol file.
- if ( ! m_vModules.at(i)->SymbolFileExist() )
- bRet = false;
- // Check map file.
- if ( ! m_vModules.at(i)->MapFileExist() )
- bRet = false;
- }
- }
- #endif
- // Platform winscw.
- else if ( _stricmp( m_sPlatform.c_str(), "winscw" ) == 0 )
- {
- // Verify that module(s) binaries exist
- for( size_t i = 0; i < m_vModules.size(); i++ )
- {
- if ( ! m_vModules.at(i)->BinaryFileExist() )
- bRet = false;
- }
- // For static libraries binary/target is same as their library.
- for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < m_vStaticLibraries.size(); i ++ )
- if ( ! m_vStaticLibraries.at(i)->BinaryFileExist() )
- bRet = false;
- }
- // Platform gcce.
- else if ( _stricmp( m_sPlatform.c_str(), "gcce" ) == 0 )
- {
- // Verify that module(s) symbol file(s) exist
- for( size_t i = 0; i < m_vModules.size(); i++ )
- {
- // Check symbol file.
- if ( ! m_vModules.at(i)->SymbolFileExist() )
- bRet = false;
- }
- }
- return bRet;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Write project's (user) attributes to a file under temp folder
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-bool CATProject::WriteAttributes() const
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::WriteAttributes");
- // File to write to
- string sOutFile( AT_TEMP_DIR );
- sOutFile.append( "\\" );
- // Open file truncate if exists
- ofstream out( sOutFile.c_str(), ios_base::trunc );
- // Check file opened successfully
- if ( ! out.good() )
- return false;
- // Write attributes line by line
- out << m_bUninstrumented << endl; // Is project instrumented
- // Sbs version
- if ( m_eBuildSystem == CATProject::SBS_V2 )
- out << "SBS_2" << endl;
- else
- out << "SBS_1" << endl;
- out << endl; // Reserved for possible binary data
- out << m_sPlatform << endl;
- out << m_sVariant << endl;
- out << m_eLoggingMode << endl;
- out << m_eBuildType << endl;
- out << m_sS60FileName << endl;
- out << m_iAllocCallStackSize << endl;
- out << m_iFreeCallStackSize << endl;
- for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < m_vTargetModules.size() ; i++ )
- out << m_vTargetModules.at(i) << AT_PROJECT_ATTRIBUTES_SEPARATOR;
- out << endl;
- out << m_sBuildCommand << endl;
- out.close();
- return true;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Reads project's (user) attributes to a file under temp folder
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-bool CATProject::ReadAttributes()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::ReadAttributes");
- // File to read on
- string sInFile( AT_TEMP_DIR );
- sInFile.append( "\\" );
- // Open file
- ifstream in( sInFile.c_str() );
- // Check file opened successfully
- if ( ! in.good() )
- return false;
- // Read attributes
- char cLine[ MAX_LINE_LENGTH ];
- string sLine;
- in.getline( cLine, MAX_LINE_LENGTH );
- int iValue = atoi( cLine );
- if ( iValue == 1 )
- m_bUninstrumented = true;
- else
- m_bUninstrumented = false;
- // Sbs version
- in.getline( cLine, MAX_LINE_LENGTH ); string sBuildSystem = string( cLine );
- if ( sBuildSystem.compare( "SBS_1" ) == 0 )
- m_eBuildSystem = CATProject::SBS_V1;
- else if ( sBuildSystem.compare( "SBS_2" ) == 0 )
- m_eBuildSystem = CATProject::SBS_V2;
- else {
- LOG_STRING("Error invalid build system defined in project.cfg");
- m_eBuildSystem = CATProject::SBS_V1;
- }
- in.getline( cLine, MAX_LINE_LENGTH ); // reserverd for possible binary timestamp or similar
- in.getline( cLine, MAX_LINE_LENGTH ); m_sPlatform = string( cLine );
- in.getline( cLine, MAX_LINE_LENGTH ); m_sVariant = string( cLine );
- in.getline( cLine, MAX_LINE_LENGTH ); m_eLoggingMode = atoi( cLine );
- in.getline( cLine, MAX_LINE_LENGTH ); m_eBuildType = atoi( cLine );
- in.getline( cLine, MAX_LINE_LENGTH ); m_sS60FileName = string( cLine );
- in.getline( cLine, MAX_LINE_LENGTH ); m_iAllocCallStackSize = atoi( cLine );
- in.getline( cLine, MAX_LINE_LENGTH ); m_iFreeCallStackSize = atoi( cLine );
- in.getline( cLine, MAX_LINE_LENGTH ); sLine = cLine;
- size_t iSpot = sLine.find( AT_PROJECT_ATTRIBUTES_SEPARATOR );
- while ( iSpot != string::npos )
- {
- string sTarget = sLine.substr(0, iSpot );
- m_vTargetModules.push_back( sTarget );
- sLine.erase(0, iSpot + AT_PROJECT_ATTRIBUTES_SEPARATOR.size() );
- }
- in.getline( cLine, MAX_LINE_LENGTH ); m_sBuildCommand = cLine;
- in.close();
- return true;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Creates atool_temp directory to current folder if does not exist
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-bool CATProject::MakeTempDirIfNotExist()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::MakeTempDirIfNotExist");
- if ( ! DirectoryExists( AT_TEMP_DIR ) )
- {
- if( !CreateDirectory( AT_TEMP_DIR , NULL ) )
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Utilities
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-bool CATProject::RunAbldCommandToAllTargets( const string& sCommand )
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::RunAbldCommandToAllTargets");
- // Check for space at the commands end.
- string sSystemCall( sCommand );
- if ( *(sSystemCall.rbegin()) != ' ' )
- sSystemCall.append( " " );
- // Loop calls.
- bool bRet = true;
- for ( vector<string>::iterator it = m_vTargetModules.begin(); it < m_vTargetModules.end(); it++ )
- {
- string sCall( sSystemCall );
- sCall.append( RemovePathAndExt( *it, true ) );
- cout << AT_MSG_SYSTEM_CALL << sCall << endl;
- if ( (int) system( sCall.c_str() ) != 0 )
- bRet = false;
- }
- return bRet;
-void CATProject::AddTargetModuleIfDefined( string& sCmd )
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::AddTargetModuleIfDefined");
- // Do we have target modules defined
- if ( m_vTargetModules.size() > 0 )
- {
- switch( m_eBuildSystem )
- {
- case SBS_V1:
- // Add first target modules name without extension to build cmd.
- sCmd.append( " " );
- sCmd.append( RemovePathAndExt( m_vTargetModules.at( 0 ), true ) );
- break;
- case SBS_V2:
- // Add all target modules to build command using raptor switch '-p'.
- for( size_t i = 0 ; i < m_vTargetModules.size() ; i++ )
- {
- LOG_STRING("Adding :" << m_vTargetModules.at( i ) );
- sCmd.append( " -p " );
- sCmd.append( m_vTargetModules.at( i ) );
- }
- break;
- }
- }
-bool CATProject::IsTargetModuleInProject() const
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::IsTargetModuleInProject");
- vector<CATModule2*>::const_iterator modules;
- vector<CATModule2*>::const_iterator staticModules;
- vector<string>::const_iterator targets;
- bool bRet = true;
- // Do we have target modules defined
- if ( m_vTargetModules.size() > 0 )
- {
- // Sbs version 1 support only single target module.
- if ( m_eBuildSystem == SBS_V1 )
- {
- // Try to find module from project.
- bRet = false;
- string sTarget = m_vTargetModules.at(0);
- for( modules = m_vModules.begin() ; modules != m_vModules.end() ; modules++ )
- {
- if( (*modules)->GetMmpFile().find( sTarget ) != string::npos )
- {
- // Found it return true.
- bRet = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- for( staticModules = m_vStaticLibraries.begin(); staticModules != m_vStaticLibraries.end(); staticModules++ )
- {
- if( (*staticModules)->GetMmpFile().find( sTarget ) != string::npos )
- {
- bRet = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( ! bRet )
- {
- // Not found display error message.
- cout << AT_MSG << "Error, " << sTarget << " not defined in project." << endl;
- }
- }
- // Sbs version 2 supports multiple target modules.
- else if ( m_eBuildSystem == SBS_V2 )
- {
- // Check that all targets are defined in project.
- for( targets = m_vTargetModules.begin(); targets != m_vTargetModules.end() ; targets++ )
- {
- // Found iterated target?
- bool bFound = false;
- for ( modules = m_vModules.begin() ; modules != m_vModules.end() ; modules++ )
- {
- if( (*modules)->GetMmpFile().find( *targets ) != string::npos )
- {
- // yes.
- bFound = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- for( staticModules = m_vStaticLibraries.begin(); staticModules != m_vStaticLibraries.end(); staticModules++ )
- {
- if( (*staticModules)->GetMmpFile().find( *targets ) != string::npos )
- {
- bFound = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( ! bFound )
- {
- // Display error when not found and set return value false.
- bRet = false;
- cout << AT_MSG << "Error, " << targets->c_str() << " not defined in project." << endl;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return bRet;
-string CATProject::GetBuildTypeString()
- LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::GetBuildTypeString");
- // Return build type as lowercase string
- switch( m_eBuildType )
- {
- case UDEB:
- return string("udeb");
- case UREL:
- return string("urel");
- default:
- return "";
- }
-string CATProject::GetBuildTypeString( int eType )
- LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::GetBuildTypeString( int eType )");
- // Return build type as lowercase string
- switch( eType )
- {
- case UDEB:
- return string("udeb");
- case UREL:
- return string("urel");
- default:
- return string("unknown");
- }
-bool CATProject::CleanTemporaryDirs()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::CleanTemporaryDirs");
- bool bRet = true;
- // Modules
- for( size_t i = 0; i < m_vModules.size(); i++ )
- {
- if ( ! m_vModules.at(i)->CleanTemporaryDir() )
- bRet = false;
- }
- for( size_t i = 0; i < m_vStaticLibraries.size(); i++ )
- {
- if ( ! m_vStaticLibraries.at(i)->CleanTemporaryDir() )
- bRet = false;
- }
- // Projects
- vector<string> vFileList = DirList( AT_TEMP_DIR, false , true );
- vector<string>::iterator it2 = vFileList.begin();
- // Size of constant table
- int iCount = sizeof( TEMP_EXTENSION_NO_DELETE ) / sizeof( string );
- while ( it2 != vFileList.end() )
- {
- // Get extension and compare it to list
- bool bDelete = true;
- string sExtension = GetExtension( *it2 );
- ChangeToLower( sExtension );
- for ( int i = 0 ; i < iCount ; i++ )
- {
- if( sExtension.compare( TEMP_EXTENSION_NO_DELETE[i] ) == 0 )
- {
- bDelete = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( bDelete )
- {
- // Delete file
- if ( ! FileDelete( *it2, true ) )
- bRet = false;
- }
- // Increment
- it2++;
- }
- return bRet;
-bool CATProject::DeleteTemporaryDirs()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::DeleteTemporaryDirs");
- bool bRet = true;
- // Modules
- for( size_t i = 0; i < m_vModules.size(); i++ )
- {
- if (! m_vModules.at(i)->DeleteTemporaryDir() )
- bRet = false;
- }
- for( size_t i = 0; i < m_vStaticLibraries.size(); i++ )
- {
- if (! m_vStaticLibraries.at(i)->DeleteTemporaryDir() )
- bRet = false;
- }
- return bRet;
-bool CATProject::InitSbs1MakeFileWithPathToTemp()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::InitSbs1MakeFileWithPathToTemp");
- // Use temporary folder
- m_sMakeFile.clear();
- m_sMakeFile.append( AT_TEMP_DIR );
- m_sMakeFile.append( "\\" );
- m_sMakeFile.append( AT_LEVEL_1_MAKEFILE_NAME );
- // At end check does it exist, return the result.
- return FileExists( m_sMakeFile.c_str() );
-bool CATProject::InitSbs1MakeFileWithPath()
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::InitMakeFileWithPath");
- if ( m_sEpocRoot.empty() )
- {
- LOG_STRING("Error, epocroot is not set.");
- return false;
- }
- m_sMakeFile.clear();
- m_sMakeFile.append( m_sEpocRoot );
- if( *m_sMakeFile.rbegin() != '\\' )
- m_sMakeFile.append( "\\" );
- m_sMakeFile.append( "epoc32\\build\\" );
- // Add current directory to path (first remove driveletter).
- string sCurrentDir( m_cCurrentDir );
- if ( sCurrentDir.length() < 3 )
- {
- LOG_STRING("Error, current dir invalid.");
- return false;
- }
- sCurrentDir.erase(0,3);
- m_sMakeFile.append( sCurrentDir );
- m_sMakeFile.append( "\\" );
- // Platform
- string sPlatInUpper( m_sPlatform);
- ChangeToUpper( sPlatInUpper );
- m_sMakeFile.append( sPlatInUpper );
- // Possible variant
- if ( m_sVariant.empty() )
- {
- // Test modules only?
- if ( m_bAbldTest )
- m_sMakeFile.append( "TEST" );
- m_sMakeFile.append( "." );
- m_sMakeFile.append( "MAKE" );
- }
- else
- {
- m_sMakeFile.append( "." );
- m_sMakeFile.append( m_sVariant );
- // Test modules only?
- if ( m_bAbldTest )
- m_sMakeFile.append( "TEST" );
- m_sMakeFile.append( ".MAKE" );
- }
- // At end check does it exist, return the result.
- return FileExists( m_sMakeFile.c_str() );
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Get & Sets
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CATProject::SetBuildSystem( BUILD_SYSTEM eSystem )
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::SetBuildSystem");
- m_eBuildSystem = eSystem;
-void CATProject::SetMode( PROJECT_MODE eMode )
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::SetMode");
- m_eMode = eMode;
-int CATProject::GetMode() const
- LOG_LOW_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::GetMode");
- return m_eMode;
-void CATProject::SetEpocRoot( const string& sEpocRoot )
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::SetEpocRoot");
- m_sEpocRoot = sEpocRoot;
-void CATProject::SetPlatform( const string& sPlatform )
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::SetPlatform");
- m_sPlatform = sPlatform;
-void CATProject::SetVariant( const string& sVariant )
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::SetVariant");
- m_sVariant = sVariant;
-void CATProject::SetLoggingMode( LOGGING_MODE eLoggingMode)
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::SetLoggingMode");
- m_eLoggingMode = eLoggingMode;
-void CATProject::SetAllocCallStackSize( int iAllocCallStackSize )
- m_iAllocCallStackSize = iAllocCallStackSize;
-void CATProject::SetFreeCallStackSize( int iFreeCallStackSize )
- m_iFreeCallStackSize = iFreeCallStackSize;
-void CATProject::SetBuildType( BUILD_TYPE eType )
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::SetBuildType");
- m_eBuildType = eType;
-void CATProject::SetS60FileName( const string& sFileName)
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::SetS60FileName");
- m_sS60FileName = sFileName;
-void CATProject::SetRomSymbolFiles(const vector<string>& vRomSymbolFiles)
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::SetRomSymbolFiles");
- m_vRomSymbolFiles = vRomSymbolFiles;
-void CATProject::SetTargetModule(const string& sTargetModule)
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::SetTargetModule");
- m_sTargetModule = sTargetModule;
- ChangeToLower( m_sTargetModule);
-void CATProject::SetBinaryTarget(const string& sBinaryTarget)
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::SetBinaryTarget");
- m_sBinaryTarget = sBinaryTarget;
- ChangeToLower( m_sBinaryTarget );
-void CATProject::SetDataFile( const string& sDataFile )
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::SetDataFile");
- m_sDataFile = sDataFile;
-void CATProject::SetLogLevel( int iLogLevel )
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::SetLogLevel");
- m_iLoggingLevel = iLogLevel;
-void CATProject::SetDataFileOutput( const string& sDataFileOutput )
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::SetDataFileOutput");
- m_sDataFileOutput = sDataFileOutput;
-void CATProject::SetTargetModules( const vector<string>& vTargetModules )
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::SetTargetModules");
- m_vTargetModules = vTargetModules;
-void CATProject::SetBuildCommand( const string& sBuildCommand )
- LOG_FUNC_ENTRY("CATProject::SetBuildCommand");
- m_sBuildCommand = sBuildCommand;
-// End of file