changeset 48 516af714ebb4
parent 45 185201be11b0
child 55 f2950aff7424
--- a/memspy/Driver/Kernel/Source/SubChannels/MemSpyDriverLogChanStack.cpp	Thu Sep 02 22:05:40 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,519 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-#include "MemSpyDriverLogChanStack.h"
-// System includes
-#include <u32hal.h>
-#include <e32rom.h>
-#include <memspy/driver/memspydriverobjectsshared.h>
-// Shared includes
-#include "MemSpyDriverOpCodes.h"
-#include "MemSpyDriverObjectsInternal.h"
-// User includes
-#include "MemSpyDriverUtils.h"
-#include "MemSpyDriverOSAdaption.h"
-#include "MemSpyDriverSuspensionManager.h"
-// Constants
-const TUint32 KMemSpyStackFillPatternUser = 0x29292929;
-const TUint32 KMemSpyStackFillPatternSupervisor = 0xeeeeeeee;
-DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack( DMemSpyDriverDevice& aDevice, DThread& aThread )
-:   DMemSpyDriverLogChanBase( aDevice, aThread )
-    {
-    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack() - this: 0x%08x", this ));
-    }
-	{
-	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::~DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack() - START - this: 0x%08x", this ));
-	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::~DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack() - END - this: 0x%08x", this ));
-	}
-TInt DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::Request( TInt aFunction, TAny* a1, TAny* a2 )
-	{
-	TInt r = DMemSpyDriverLogChanBase::Request( aFunction, a1, a2 );
-    if  ( r == KErrNone )
-        {
-	    switch( aFunction )
-		    {
-	    case EMemSpyDriverOpCodeStackGetInfo:
-            r = GetStackInfo( (TUint) a1, (TMemSpyDriverStackInfo*) a2 );
-            break;
-	    case EMemSpyDriverOpCodeStackGetData:
-            r = GetStackData( (TMemSpyDriverInternalStackDataParams*) a1 );
-            break;
-        default:
-            r = KErrNotSupported;
-		    break;
-		    }
-        }
-    //
-    return r;
-	}
-TBool DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::IsHandler( TInt aFunction ) const
-    {
-    return ( aFunction > EMemSpyDriverOpCodeStackBase && aFunction < EMemSpyDriverOpCodeStackEnd );
-    }
-TInt DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackInfo( TUint aTid, TMemSpyDriverStackInfo* aParams )
-    {
-    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackInfo() - START - thread id: %d", aTid));
-    TMemSpyDriverStackInfo params;
-	TInt r = OpenTempObject( aTid, EThread );
-	if  ( r == KErrNone )
-		{
-        DThread* thread = (DThread*) TempObject();
-        // Check the threads in the process are suspended
-        if  ( SuspensionManager().IsSuspended( *thread ) )
-            {
-            DMemSpyDriverOSAdaptionDThread& threadAdaption = OSAdaption().DThread();
-            //
-            GetStackPointers( thread, params.iSupervisorStackPointer, params.iUserStackPointer );
-            //
-            params.iUserStackBase = threadAdaption.GetUserStackBase( *thread );
-            params.iUserStackSize = threadAdaption.GetUserStackSize( *thread );
-            params.iSupervisorStackBase = threadAdaption.GetSupervisorStackBase( *thread );
-            params.iSupervisorStackSize = threadAdaption.GetSupervisorStackSize( *thread );
-            // Try to get watermarks
-            GetStackHighWatermark( *thread, params.iUserStackHighWatermark, EMemSpyDriverDomainUser, KMemSpyStackFillPatternUser );
-            GetStackHighWatermark( *thread, params.iSupervisorStackHighWatermark, EMemSpyDriverDomainKernel, KMemSpyStackFillPatternSupervisor ) ;
-    #ifdef __WINS__
-            params.iUserStackPointer = params.iUserStackBase;
-            params.iUserStackHighWatermark = params.iUserStackBase;
-            params.iSupervisorStackPointer = params.iSupervisorStackBase;
-            params.iSupervisorStackHighWatermark = params.iSupervisorStackBase;
-    #endif
-            // Write data to user-side
-            r = Kern::ThreadRawWrite( &ClientThread(), aParams, &params, sizeof(TMemSpyDriverStackInfo) );
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackInfo - parent process not suspended => KErrAccessDenied"));
-            r = KErrAccessDenied;
-            }
-        CloseTempObject();
-        }
-	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackInfo() - END - ret: %d", r));
-    return r;
-    }
-TInt DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackData( TMemSpyDriverInternalStackDataParams* aParams )
-    {
-    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackData() - START"));
-	TMemSpyDriverInternalStackDataParams params;
-    TInt r = Kern::ThreadRawRead( &ClientThread(), aParams, &params, sizeof(TMemSpyDriverInternalStackDataParams) );
-    if  ( r != KErrNone )
-        {
-    	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackData() - END - params read error: %d", r));
-        return r;
-        }
-    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackData - thread id: %d, remaining: %8d", params.iTid, params.iRemaining));
-    DMemSpyDriverOSAdaptionDThread& threadAdaption = OSAdaption().DThread();
-    r = OpenTempObject( params.iTid, EThread );
-	if  ( r == KErrNone )
-		{
-        // Find the correct thread...
-        DThread* thread = (DThread*) TempObject();
-        DProcess* process = threadAdaption.GetOwningProcess( *thread );
-	    TFullName fullName;
-        thread->FullName( fullName );
-	    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackData - thread: %lS", &fullName));
-        // Check the threads in the process are suspended
-        const TBool isSuspended = SuspensionManager().IsSuspended( *process );
-        TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackData() - isSuspended: %d", isSuspended ));
-        if  ( isSuspended )
-            {
-            TInt stackSize = 0;
-            TUint32 stackBase = 0;
-            TBool stackAvailable = EFalse;
-            //
-            if  ( params.iDomain == EMemSpyDriverDomainUser )
-                {
-                stackSize = threadAdaption.GetUserStackSize( *thread );
-                stackBase = threadAdaption.GetUserStackBase( *thread );
-                }
-            else if ( params.iDomain == EMemSpyDriverDomainKernel )
-                {
-                stackSize = threadAdaption.GetSupervisorStackSize( *thread );
-                stackBase = threadAdaption.GetSupervisorStackBase( *thread );
-                }
-            TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackData() - stackAvailable: %d", stackAvailable ));
-            //           
-            if  ( stackAvailable )
-		        {
-                // Get user side descriptor length info
-                TInt destLen = 0;
-                TInt destMax = 0;
-                TUint8* destPtr = NULL;
-                r = Kern::ThreadGetDesInfo( &ClientThread(), params.iDes, destLen, destMax, destPtr, ETrue );
-                TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackData - user side descriptor: 0x%08x (0x%08x), len: %8d, maxLen: %8d, r: %d", params.iDes, destPtr, destLen, destMax, r ));
-                if  ( r == KErrNone )
-                    {
-                    // Calculate stack starting address. If we want to get the entire stack data
-                    // then we use the information from DThread. If we only want the data from
-                    // the current SP onwards, then we use GetStackPointerByDomain to return
-                    // the current SP value. If we are only fetching a portion of the stack, then
-                    // the amount of data we will have to read is obviously reduced.
-                    TUint32 stackStartingAddress = 0;
-                    if  ( params.iEntireStack )
-                        {
-                        stackStartingAddress = stackBase;
-                        }
-                    else
-                        {
-                        stackStartingAddress = GetStackPointerByDomain( thread, params.iDomain ); 
-                        }
-                    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackData - stackStartingAddress:  0x%08x", stackStartingAddress));
-                    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( stackStartingAddress != 0, MemSpyDriverUtils::Fault( __LINE__ ) );
-                    // Calculate how much data (maximum) there is to read, depending on whether the
-                    // client asked for all or just the active part of the stack.
-                    TUint stackDataSize = 0;
-                    if  ( params.iEntireStack )
-                        {
-                        stackDataSize = stackSize;
-                        }
-                    else
-                        {
-                        stackDataSize = stackBase + stackSize - stackStartingAddress;
-                        }
-                    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackData - stackDataSize:           %8d", stackDataSize ));
-                    // Deal with the initial case - i.e. whereby the client is requesting stack
-                    // data for the first time. In this situation, the magic rune for "first
-                    // request" is a remaining value of -1.
-                    if  ( params.iRemaining < 0 )
-                        {
-                        params.iRemaining = stackDataSize;
-                        }
-                    // The remaining number of bytes should allow us to calculate the position
-                    // to read from.
-                    const TInt amountToRead = Min( params.iRemaining, destMax );
-                    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackData - amountToRead:            %8d", amountToRead));
-                    const TInt readOffset = ( stackDataSize - params.iRemaining );
-                    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackData - readOffset:              %8d", readOffset));
-                    const TAny* readAddress = (const TAny*) ( stackStartingAddress + readOffset );
-                    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackData - readAddress:           0x%08x", readAddress));
-                    // Do the read into user-space
-            #ifndef __WINS__
-                    if  ( params.iDomain == EMemSpyDriverDomainKernel )
-                        {
-                        const TPtrC8 pData( (TUint8*) readAddress, amountToRead );
-                        r = Kern::ThreadDesWrite( &Kern::CurrentThread(), params.iDes, pData, 0 );
-                        }
-                    else
-                        {
-                        r = Kern::ThreadRawRead( thread, readAddress, destPtr, amountToRead );
-                        }
-                    // Update user-side
-                    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackData - mem. operation result: %d", r));
-                    if  ( r == KErrNone )
-                        {
-                        // Update remaining bytes and write back to user address space
-                        params.iRemaining -= amountToRead;
-                        r = Kern::ThreadRawWrite( &ClientThread(), aParams, &params, sizeof(TMemSpyDriverInternalStackDataParams) );
-                        if  ( r == KErrNone )
-                            {
-                            // Client takes care of updating descriptor length.
-                            r = amountToRead;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    else if ( r == KErrBadDescriptor )
-                        {
-                        MemSpyDriverUtils::PanicThread( ClientThread(), EPanicBadDescriptor );
-                        }
-            #else
-                    (void) destPtr;
-                    params.iRemaining -= amountToRead;
-                    r = amountToRead;
-                    Kern::Printf( "DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackData - not reading data on WINS" );
-            #endif
-                    }
-                else
-                    {
-                    Kern::Printf( "DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackData - error getting client descriptor info" );
-                    }
-                }
-	        else
-                {
-    	        Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackData - stack address or stack length is invalid");
-                r = KErrArgument;
-                }
-            }
-        else
-            {
-            TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackData - parent process not suspended => KErrAccessDenied"));
-            r = KErrAccessDenied;
-            }
-	    CloseTempObject();
-        }
-    else
-        {
-    	Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackData - thread not found");
-		}
-	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackData() - END - ret: %d", r));
-    return r;
-    }
-#ifdef __MARM__
-#define __INCLUDE_REG_OFFSETS__  // for SP_R13U in nk_plat.h
-#include "nk_plat.h"
-#include "arm.h"
-void DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackPointers( DThread* aThread, TUint& aSupSP, TUint& aUsrSP )
-	{
-    __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aThread != &Kern::CurrentThread(), MemSpyDriverUtils::Fault( __LINE__ ) );
-    // Get NThread associated with DThread
-    NThread* nThread = OSAdaption().DThread().GetNThread( *aThread );
-    TMemSpyDriverRegSet regs;
-    MemSpyDriverUtils::GetThreadRegisters( nThread, regs );
-    //
-    aSupSP = aThread->iNThread.iSavedSP;
-    aUsrSP = regs.iRn[13];
-    //
-	TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackPointers() - usr: 0x%08x [0x%08x-0x%08x], svc: 0x%08x [0x%08x-0x%08x]", aUsrSP, aThread->iUserStackRunAddress, (TUint) aThread->iUserStackRunAddress + (TUint) aThread->iUserStackSize, aSupSP, aThread->iSupervisorStack, (TUint) aThread->iSupervisorStack + (TUint) aThread->iSupervisorStackSize ));
-	}
-TLinAddr DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackPointerByDomain( DThread* aThread, TMemSpyDriverDomainType aDomainType )
-    {
-    TUint stackPointer = 0;
-    //
-    if  ( aDomainType == EMemSpyDriverDomainUser )
-        {
-        // Get NThread associated with DThread
-        NThread* nThread = OSAdaption().DThread().GetNThread( *aThread );
-        TMemSpyDriverRegSet regSet;
-        MemSpyDriverUtils::GetThreadRegisters( nThread, regSet );
-        stackPointer = regSet.iRn[13];
-        }
-    else if ( aDomainType == EMemSpyDriverDomainKernel )
-        {
-        TUint userSPNotUsed = 0;
-        GetStackPointers( aThread, stackPointer, userSPNotUsed );
-        }
-    //
-    return TLinAddr( stackPointer );
-    }
-void DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackPointers( DThread* /*aThread*/, TUint& aSupSP, TUint& aUsrSP )
-	{
-    aSupSP = 0;
-    aUsrSP = 0;
-	}
-TLinAddr DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackPointerByDomain( DThread* aThread, TMemSpyDriverDomainType aDomainType )
-    {
-    // Just return the base address in WINS
-    DMemSpyDriverOSAdaptionDThread& threadAdaption = OSAdaption().DThread();
-    TUint32 stackPointer = 0;
-    //
-    if  ( aDomainType == EMemSpyDriverDomainUser )
-        {
-        stackPointer = threadAdaption.GetUserStackBase( *aThread );
-        }
-    else if ( aDomainType == EMemSpyDriverDomainKernel )
-        {
-        stackPointer = threadAdaption.GetSupervisorStackBase( *aThread );
-        }
-    //
-    return TLinAddr( stackPointer );
-    }
-TInt DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackHighWatermark( DThread& aThread, TLinAddr& aHighWatermark, TMemSpyDriverDomainType aDomain, TUint aRune )
-    {
-    aHighWatermark = 0;
-    const TInt KStackPageSize = 512;
-    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackHighWatermark() - START - domain: %d, rune: 0x%08x", aDomain, aRune ));
-    DMemSpyDriverOSAdaptionDThread& threadAdaption = OSAdaption().DThread();
-    const TUint32 baseAddress = aDomain == EMemSpyDriverDomainUser ? threadAdaption.GetUserStackBase( aThread ) : threadAdaption.GetSupervisorStackBase( aThread );
-    const TInt size           = aDomain == EMemSpyDriverDomainUser ? threadAdaption.GetUserStackSize( aThread ) : threadAdaption.GetSupervisorStackSize( aThread );
-    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackHighWatermark - baseAddress: 0x%08x, size: %8d", baseAddress, size));
-    TInt r = KErrNone;
-    //
-	if  ( baseAddress && size )
-		{
-        aHighWatermark = baseAddress;
-        TBuf8<KStackPageSize> stackBuf;
-        TUint8* readAddress = NULL;
-        //
-        while( r == KErrNone )
-            {
-            // Read a chunk of data
-            r = ReadStackData( aThread, stackBuf, readAddress, aDomain );
-            // Process the data, looking for the first bytes that aren't 0x29292929
-            if  ( r == KErrNone )
-                {
-                const TInt readLength = stackBuf.Length();
-                TRACE_DATA( MemSpyDriverUtils::DataDump("stackdata - %lS", stackBuf.Ptr(), readLength, readLength ) );
-                TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackHighWatermark - readLength: %d", readLength));
-                for( TInt readPos = 0; readPos < readLength && ((readLength - readPos) >= 4); readPos += 4, aHighWatermark += 4 )
-                    {
-                    const TUint dword =  stackBuf[ readPos ] +
-                                        (stackBuf[ readPos + 1 ] <<  8) + 
-                                        (stackBuf[ readPos + 2 ] << 16) + 
-                                        (stackBuf[ readPos + 3 ] << 24);
-                    //
-                    if  ( dword != aRune )
-                        {
-                        TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackHighWatermark - found end of uninit. stack!"));
-                        TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackHighWatermark - dword:          0x%08x", dword));
-                        TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackHighWatermark - readPos:          %8d", readPos));
-                        TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackHighWatermark - aHighWatermark: 0x%08x", aHighWatermark));
-                        TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackHighWatermark() - END"));
-                        return KErrNone;
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    //
-    aHighWatermark = 0;
-    Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::GetStackHighWatermark() - END - error: %d", r);
-    return r;
-    }
-TInt DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::ReadStackData( DThread& aThread, TDes8& aDestination, TUint8*& aReadAddress, TMemSpyDriverDomainType aDomain )
-    {
-    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::ReadStackData() - START - domain: %d", aDomain ));
-    DMemSpyDriverOSAdaptionDThread& threadAdaption = OSAdaption().DThread();
-    const TUint32 baseAddress = aDomain == EMemSpyDriverDomainUser ? threadAdaption.GetUserStackBase( aThread ) : threadAdaption.GetSupervisorStackBase( aThread );
-    const TInt size           = aDomain == EMemSpyDriverDomainUser ? threadAdaption.GetUserStackSize( aThread ) : threadAdaption.GetSupervisorStackSize( aThread );
-    const TUint32 topAddress  = ( baseAddress + size );
-    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::ReadStackData - baseAddress:   0x%08x", baseAddress));
-    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::ReadStackData - size:          0x%08x", size));
-    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::ReadStackData - topAddress:    0x%08x", topAddress));
-    //
-    if  ( aReadAddress == NULL )
-        {
-        aReadAddress = (TUint8*) baseAddress; 
-        }
-    // Work out how much we should read
-    TInt readLen = Min( aDestination.MaxLength(), topAddress - (TLinAddr) aReadAddress );
-    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::ReadStackData - aReadAddress:  0x%08x", aReadAddress));
-    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::ReadStackData - readLen:         %8d", readLen));
-    TInt r = KErrNotSupported;
-    aDestination.Zero();
-#ifndef __WINS__
-    if  ( aDomain == EMemSpyDriverDomainKernel )
-        {
-        const TPtrC8 pData( (TUint8*) aReadAddress, readLen );
-        aDestination.Copy( pData );
-        r = KErrNone;
-        readLen = aDestination.Length();
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        r = Kern::ThreadRawRead( &aThread, aReadAddress, (TAny*) aDestination.Ptr(), readLen );
-        }
-    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::ReadStackData - read result: %d", r));
-    if  (r == KErrNone)
-        {
-        aDestination.SetLength( readLen );
-        aReadAddress += aDestination.Length();
-        }
-    Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::ReadStackData - not reading data on WINS");
-    TRACE( Kern::Printf("DMemSpyDriverLogChanStack::ReadStackData() - END - ret: %d", r));
-    return r;
-    }