--- a/memspy/Driver/Shared/heaputils.cpp Thu Sep 02 22:05:40 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1678 +0,0 @@
-// heaputils.cpp
-// Copyright (c) 2010 Accenture. All rights reserved.
-// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-// under the terms of the "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-// Initial Contributors:
-// Accenture - Initial contribution
-#define private public
-#include <e32def.h>
-#include "slab.h"
-#include "page_alloc.h"
-#include "heap_hybrid.h"
-#include "heaputils.h"
-#ifdef __KERNEL_MODE__
-#include <kern_priv.h>
-#define MEM Kern
-__ASSERT_COMPILE(sizeof(LtkUtils::RKernelSideAllocatorHelper) == 10*4);
-#define KERN_ENTER_CS() NKern::ThreadEnterCS()
-#define KERN_LEAVE_CS() NKern::ThreadLeaveCS()
-#define LOG(args...)
-#define HUEXPORT_C
-#include <e32std.h>
-#define MEM User
-#define KERN_ENTER_CS()
-#define KERN_LEAVE_CS()
-//#include <e32debug.h>
-//#define LOG(args...) RDebug::Printf(args)
-#define LOG(args...)
-#define HUEXPORT_C
-#endif // __KERNEL_MODE__
-using LtkUtils::RAllocatorHelper;
-const TUint KPageSize = 4096;
-__ASSERT_COMPILE(sizeof(RAllocatorHelper) == 9*4);
-// RAllocatorHelper
-HUEXPORT_C RAllocatorHelper::RAllocatorHelper()
- : iAllocatorAddress(0), iAllocatorType(EUnknown), iInfo(NULL), iValidInfo(0), iTempSlabBitmap(NULL), iPageCache(NULL), iPageCacheAddr(0)
-#ifdef __KERNEL_MODE__
- , iChunk(NULL)
- {
- }
-namespace LtkUtils
- {
- class THeapInfo
- {
- public:
- THeapInfo()
- {
- ClearStats();
- }
- void ClearStats()
- {
- memclr(this, sizeof(THeapInfo));
- }
- TInt iAllocatedSize; // number of bytes in allocated cells (excludes free cells, cell header overhead)
- TInt iCommittedSize; // amount of memory actually committed (includes cell header overhead, gaps smaller than an MMU page)
- TInt iAllocationCount; // number of allocations currently
- TInt iMaxCommittedSize; // or thereabouts
- TInt iMinCommittedSize;
- TInt iUnusedPages;
- TInt iCommittedFreeSpace;
- // Heap-only stats
- TInt iHeapFreeCellCount;
- // Hybrid-only stats
- TInt iDlaAllocsSize;
- TInt iDlaAllocsCount;
- TInt iDlaFreeSize;
- TInt iDlaFreeCount;
- TInt iSlabAllocsSize;
- TInt iSlabAllocsCount;
- TInt iPageAllocsSize;
- TInt iPageAllocsCount;
- TInt iSlabFreeCellSize;
- TInt iSlabFreeCellCount;
- TInt iSlabFreeSlabSize;
- TInt iSlabFreeSlabCount;
- };
- }
-const TInt KTempBitmapSize = 256; // KMaxSlabPayload / mincellsize, technically. Close enough.
-#ifdef __KERNEL_MODE__
-TInt RAllocatorHelper::OpenKernelHeap()
- {
- _LIT(KName, "SvHeap");
- NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
- DObjectCon* chunkContainer = Kern::Containers()[EChunk];
- chunkContainer->Wait();
- const TInt chunkCount = chunkContainer->Count();
- DChunk* foundChunk = NULL;
- for(TInt i=0; i<chunkCount; i++)
- {
- DChunk* chunk = (DChunk*)(*chunkContainer)[i];
- if (chunk->NameBuf() && chunk->NameBuf()->Find(KName) != KErrNotFound)
- {
- // Found it. No need to open it, we can be fairly confident the kernel heap isn't going to disappear from under us
- foundChunk = chunk;
- break;
- }
- }
- iChunk = foundChunk;
- chunkContainer->Signal();
-#ifdef __WINS__
- TInt err = OpenChunkHeap((TLinAddr)foundChunk->Base(), 0); // It looks like DChunk::iBase/DChunk::iFixedBase should both be ok for the kernel chunk
- // Copied from P::KernelInfo
- const TRomHeader& romHdr=Epoc::RomHeader();
- const TRomEntry* primaryEntry=(const TRomEntry*)Kern::SuperPage().iPrimaryEntry;
- const TRomImageHeader* primaryImageHeader=(const TRomImageHeader*)primaryEntry->iAddressLin;
- TLinAddr stack = romHdr.iKernDataAddress + Kern::RoundToPageSize(romHdr.iTotalSvDataSize);
- TLinAddr heap = stack + Kern::RoundToPageSize(primaryImageHeader->iStackSize);
- TInt err = OpenChunkHeap(heap, 0); // aChunkMaxSize is only used for trying the middle of the chunk for hybrid allocatorness, and the kernel heap doesn't use that (thankfully). So we can safely pass in zero.
- if (!err) err = FinishConstruction();
- NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
- return err;
- }
-HUEXPORT_C TInt RAllocatorHelper::Open(RAllocator* aAllocator)
- {
- iAllocatorAddress = (TLinAddr)aAllocator;
- TInt udeb = EuserIsUdeb();
- if (udeb < 0) return udeb; // error
- TInt err = IdentifyAllocatorType(udeb);
- if (!err)
- {
- err = FinishConstruction(); // Allocate everything up front
- }
- if (!err)
- {
- // We always stealth our own allocations, again to avoid tripping up allocator checks
- SetCellNestingLevel(iInfo, -1);
- SetCellNestingLevel(iTempSlabBitmap, -1);
- SetCellNestingLevel(iPageCache, -1);
- }
- return err;
- }
-TInt RAllocatorHelper::FinishConstruction()
- {
- TInt err = KErrNone;
- if (!iInfo)
- {
- iInfo = new THeapInfo;
- if (!iInfo) err = KErrNoMemory;
- }
- if (!err && !iTempSlabBitmap)
- {
- iTempSlabBitmap = (TUint8*)MEM::Alloc(KTempBitmapSize);
- if (!iTempSlabBitmap) err = KErrNoMemory;
- }
- if (!err && !iPageCache)
- {
- iPageCache = MEM::Alloc(KPageSize);
- if (!iPageCache) err = KErrNoMemory;
- }
- if (err)
- {
- delete iInfo;
- iInfo = NULL;
- MEM::Free(iTempSlabBitmap);
- iTempSlabBitmap = NULL;
- MEM::Free(iPageCache);
- iPageCache = NULL;
- }
- return err;
- }
-TInt RAllocatorHelper::ReadWord(TLinAddr aLocation, TUint32& aResult) const
- {
- // Check if we can satisfy the read from the cache
- if (aLocation >= iPageCacheAddr)
- {
- TUint offset = aLocation - iPageCacheAddr;
- if (offset < KPageSize)
- {
- aResult = ((TUint32*)iPageCache)[offset >> 2];
- return KErrNone;
- }
- }
- // If we reach here, not in page cache. Try and read in the new page
- if (iPageCache)
- {
- TLinAddr pageAddr = aLocation & ~(KPageSize-1);
- TInt err = ReadData(pageAddr, iPageCache, KPageSize);
- if (!err)
- {
- iPageCacheAddr = pageAddr;
- aResult = ((TUint32*)iPageCache)[(aLocation - iPageCacheAddr) >> 2];
- return KErrNone;
- }
- }
- // All else fails, try just reading it uncached
- return ReadData(aLocation, &aResult, sizeof(TUint32));
- }
-TInt RAllocatorHelper::ReadByte(TLinAddr aLocation, TUint8& aResult) const
- {
- // Like ReadWord but 8-bit
- // Check if we can satisfy the read from the cache
- if (aLocation >= iPageCacheAddr)
- {
- TUint offset = aLocation - iPageCacheAddr;
- if (offset < KPageSize)
- {
- aResult = ((TUint8*)iPageCache)[offset];
- return KErrNone;
- }
- }
- // If we reach here, not in page cache. Try and read in the new page
- if (iPageCache)
- {
- TLinAddr pageAddr = aLocation & ~(KPageSize-1);
- TInt err = ReadData(pageAddr, iPageCache, KPageSize);
- if (!err)
- {
- iPageCacheAddr = pageAddr;
- aResult = ((TUint8*)iPageCache)[(aLocation - iPageCacheAddr)];
- return KErrNone;
- }
- }
- // All else fails, try just reading it uncached
- return ReadData(aLocation, &aResult, sizeof(TUint8));
- }
-TInt RAllocatorHelper::WriteWord(TLinAddr aLocation, TUint32 aWord)
- {
- // Invalidate the page cache if necessary
- if (aLocation >= iPageCacheAddr && aLocation - iPageCacheAddr < KPageSize)
- {
- iPageCacheAddr = 0;
- }
- return WriteData(aLocation, &aWord, sizeof(TUint32));
- }
-TInt RAllocatorHelper::ReadData(TLinAddr aLocation, TAny* aResult, TInt aSize) const
- {
- // RAllocatorHelper base class impl is for allocators in same address space, so just copy it
- memcpy(aResult, (const TAny*)aLocation, aSize);
- return KErrNone;
- }
-TInt RAllocatorHelper::WriteData(TLinAddr aLocation, const TAny* aData, TInt aSize)
- {
- memcpy((TAny*)aLocation, aData, aSize);
- return KErrNone;
- }
-#ifdef __KERNEL_MODE__
- : iThread(NULL)
- {}
-void LtkUtils::RKernelSideAllocatorHelper::Close()
- {
- NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
- if (iThread)
- {
- iThread->Close(NULL);
- }
- iThread = NULL;
- RAllocatorHelper::Close();
- NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
- }
-TInt LtkUtils::RKernelSideAllocatorHelper::ReadData(TLinAddr aLocation, TAny* aResult, TInt aSize) const
- {
- return Kern::ThreadRawRead(iThread, (const TAny*)aLocation, aResult, aSize);
- }
-TInt LtkUtils::RKernelSideAllocatorHelper::WriteData(TLinAddr aLocation, const TAny* aData, TInt aSize)
- {
- return Kern::ThreadRawWrite(iThread, (TAny*)aLocation, aData, aSize);
- }
-TInt LtkUtils::RKernelSideAllocatorHelper::TryLock()
- {
- return KErrNotSupported;
- }
-void LtkUtils::RKernelSideAllocatorHelper::TryUnlock()
- {
- // Not supported
- }
-TInt LtkUtils::RKernelSideAllocatorHelper::OpenUserHeap(TUint aThreadId, TLinAddr aAllocatorAddress, TBool aEuserIsUdeb)
- {
- NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
- DObjectCon* threads = Kern::Containers()[EThread];
- threads->Wait();
- iThread = Kern::ThreadFromId(aThreadId);
- if (iThread && iThread->Open() != KErrNone)
- {
- // Failed to open
- iThread = NULL;
- }
- threads->Signal();
- NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
- if (!iThread) return KErrNotFound;
- iAllocatorAddress = aAllocatorAddress;
- TInt err = IdentifyAllocatorType(aEuserIsUdeb);
- if (err) Close();
- return err;
- }
-#endif // __KERNEL_MODE__
-TInt RAllocatorHelper::OpenChunkHeap(TLinAddr aChunkBase, TInt aChunkMaxSize)
- {
- iAllocatorAddress = aChunkBase;
-#ifdef __KERNEL_MODE__
- // Must be in CS
- // Assumes that this only ever gets called for the kernel heap. Otherwise goes through RKernelSideAllocatorHelper::OpenUserHeap.
- TInt udeb = EFalse; // We can't figure this out until after we've got the heap
- // Assumes the chunk isn't the kernel heap. It's not a good idea to try messing with the kernel heap from user side...
- TInt udeb = EuserIsUdeb();
- if (udeb < 0) return udeb; // error
- TInt err = IdentifyAllocatorType(udeb);
- if (err == KErrNone && iAllocatorType == EAllocator)
- {
- // We've no reason to assume it's an allocator because we don't know the iAllocatorAddress actually is an RAllocator*
- err = KErrNotFound;
- }
- if (err)
- {
- TInt oldErr = err;
- TAllocatorType oldType = iAllocatorType;
- // Try middle of chunk, in case it's an RHybridHeap
- iAllocatorAddress += aChunkMaxSize / 2;
- err = IdentifyAllocatorType(udeb);
- if (err || iAllocatorType == EAllocator)
- {
- // No better than before
- iAllocatorAddress = aChunkBase;
- iAllocatorType = oldType;
- err = oldErr;
- }
- }
-#ifdef __KERNEL_MODE__
- if (err == KErrNone)
- {
- // Now we know the allocator, we can figure out the udeb-ness
- RAllocator* kernelAllocator = reinterpret_cast<RAllocator*>(iAllocatorAddress);
- kernelAllocator->DebugFunction(RAllocator::ESetFail, (TAny*)9999, (TAny*)0); // Use an invalid fail reason - this should have no effect on the operation of the heap
- TInt err = kernelAllocator->DebugFunction(7, NULL, NULL); // 7 is RAllocator::TAllocDebugOp::EGetFail
- if (err == 9999)
- {
- // udeb new
- udeb = ETrue;
- }
- else if (err == KErrNotSupported)
- {
- // Old heap - fall back to slightly nasty non-thread-safe method
- kernelAllocator->DebugFunction(RAllocator::ESetFail, (TAny*)RAllocator::EFailNext, (TAny*)1);
- TAny* res = Kern::Alloc(4);
- if (res) udeb = ETrue;
- Kern::Free(res);
- }
- else
- {
- // it's new urel
- }
- // Put everything back
- kernelAllocator->DebugFunction(RAllocator::ESetFail, (TAny*)RAllocator::ENone, (TAny*)0);
- // And update the type now we know the udeb-ness for certain
- err = IdentifyAllocatorType(udeb);
- }
- return err;
- }
-// The guts of RAllocatorHelper
-enum TWhatToGet
- {
- ECommitted = 1,
- EAllocated = 2,
- ECount = 4,
- EMaxSize = 8,
- EUnusedPages = 16,
- ECommittedFreeSpace = 32,
- EMinSize = 64,
- EHybridStats = 128,
- };
-class RHackAllocator : public RAllocator
- {
- using RAllocator::iHandles;
- using RAllocator::iTotalAllocSize;
- using RAllocator::iCellCount;
- };
-class RHackHeap : public RHeap
- {
- // Careful, only allowed to use things that are still in the new RHeap, and are still in the same place
- using RHeap::iMaxLength;
- using RHeap::iChunkHandle;
- using RHeap::iLock;
- using RHeap::iBase;
- using RHeap::iAlign;
- using RHeap::iTop;
- };
-const TInt KChunkSizeOffset = 30*4;
-const TInt KPageMapOffset = 141*4;
-//const TInt KDlOnlyOffset = 33*4;
-const TInt KMallocStateOffset = 34*4;
-const TInt KMallocStateTopSizeOffset = 3*4;
-const TInt KMallocStateTopOffset = 5*4;
-const TInt KMallocStateSegOffset = 105*4;
-const TInt KUserHybridHeapSize = 186*4;
-const TInt KSparePageOffset = 167*4;
-const TInt KPartialPageOffset = 165*4;
-const TInt KFullSlabOffset = 166*4;
-const TInt KSlabAllocOffset = 172*4;
-const TInt KSlabParentOffset = 1*4;
-const TInt KSlabChild1Offset = 2*4;
-const TInt KSlabChild2Offset = 3*4;
-const TInt KSlabPayloadOffset = 4*4;
-const TInt KSlabsetSize = 4;
-__ASSERT_COMPILE(_FOFF(RHybridHeap, iChunkSize) == KChunkSizeOffset);
-__ASSERT_COMPILE(_FOFF(RHybridHeap, iPageMap) == KPageMapOffset);
-__ASSERT_COMPILE(_FOFF(RHybridHeap, iGlobalMallocState) == KMallocStateOffset);
-__ASSERT_COMPILE(sizeof(malloc_state) == 107*4);
-__ASSERT_COMPILE(_FOFF(malloc_state, iTopSize) == KMallocStateTopSizeOffset);
-__ASSERT_COMPILE(_FOFF(malloc_state, iTop) == KMallocStateTopOffset);
-__ASSERT_COMPILE(_FOFF(malloc_state, iSeg) == KMallocStateSegOffset);
-__ASSERT_COMPILE(sizeof(RHybridHeap) == KUserHybridHeapSize);
-__ASSERT_COMPILE(_FOFF(RHybridHeap, iSparePage) == KSparePageOffset);
-__ASSERT_COMPILE(_FOFF(RHybridHeap, iPartialPage) == KPartialPageOffset);
-__ASSERT_COMPILE(_FOFF(RHybridHeap, iSlabAlloc) == KSlabAllocOffset);
-__ASSERT_COMPILE(_FOFF(slab, iParent) == KSlabParentOffset);
-__ASSERT_COMPILE(_FOFF(slab, iChild1) == KSlabChild1Offset);
-__ASSERT_COMPILE(_FOFF(slab, iChild2) == KSlabChild2Offset);
-__ASSERT_COMPILE(_FOFF(slab, iPayload) == KSlabPayloadOffset);
-__ASSERT_COMPILE(sizeof(slabset) == KSlabsetSize);
-TInt RAllocatorHelper::TryLock()
- {
-#ifdef __KERNEL_MODE__
- NKern::ThreadEnterCS();
- DMutex* m = *(DMutex**)(iAllocatorAddress + _FOFF(RHackHeap, iLock));
- if (m) Kern::MutexWait(*m);
- return KErrNone;
- if (iAllocatorType != EUnknown && iAllocatorType != EAllocator)
- {
- RFastLock& lock = *reinterpret_cast<RFastLock*>(iAllocatorAddress + _FOFF(RHackHeap, iLock));
- lock.Wait();
- return KErrNone;
- }
- return KErrNotSupported;
- }
-void RAllocatorHelper::TryUnlock()
- {
-#ifdef __KERNEL_MODE__
- DMutex* m = *(DMutex**)(iAllocatorAddress + _FOFF(RHackHeap, iLock));
- if (m) Kern::MutexSignal(*m);
- NKern::ThreadLeaveCS();
- if (iAllocatorType != EUnknown && iAllocatorType != EAllocator)
- {
- RFastLock& lock = *reinterpret_cast<RFastLock*>(iAllocatorAddress + _FOFF(RHackHeap, iLock));
- lock.Signal();
- }
- }
-HUEXPORT_C void RAllocatorHelper::Close()
- {
- iAllocatorType = EUnknown;
- iAllocatorAddress = 0;
- delete iInfo;
- iInfo = NULL;
- iValidInfo = 0;
- MEM::Free(iTempSlabBitmap);
- iTempSlabBitmap = NULL;
- MEM::Free(iPageCache);
- iPageCache = NULL;
- iPageCacheAddr = 0;
- }
-TInt RAllocatorHelper::IdentifyAllocatorType(TBool aAllocatorIsUdeb)
- {
- iAllocatorType = EUnknown;
- TUint32 handlesPtr = 0;
- TInt err = ReadWord(iAllocatorAddress + _FOFF(RHackAllocator, iHandles), handlesPtr);
- if (err) return err;
- if (handlesPtr == iAllocatorAddress + _FOFF(RHackHeap, iChunkHandle) || handlesPtr == iAllocatorAddress + _FOFF(RHackHeap, iLock))
- {
- // It's an RHeap of some kind - I doubt any other RAllocator subclass will use iHandles in this way
- TUint32 base = 0;
- err = ReadWord(iAllocatorAddress + _FOFF(RHackHeap, iBase), base);
- if (err) return err;
- TInt objsize = (TInt)base - (TInt)iAllocatorAddress;
- if (objsize <= 32*4)
- {
- // Old RHeap
- iAllocatorType = aAllocatorIsUdeb ? EUdebOldRHeap : EUrelOldRHeap;
- }
- else
- {
- // new hybrid heap - bigger than the old one. Likewise figure out if udeb or urel.
- iAllocatorType = aAllocatorIsUdeb ? EUdebHybridHeap : EUrelHybridHeap;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- iAllocatorType = EAllocator;
- }
- return KErrNone;
- }
-HUEXPORT_C TInt RAllocatorHelper::SetCellNestingLevel(TAny* aCell, TInt aNestingLevel)
- {
- TInt err = KErrNone;
- switch (iAllocatorType)
- {
- case EUdebOldRHeap:
- case EUdebHybridHeap:
- // By this reckoning, they're in the same place amazingly
- {
- TLinAddr nestingAddr = (TLinAddr)aCell - 8;
- err = WriteWord(nestingAddr, aNestingLevel);
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- return err;
- }
-HUEXPORT_C TInt RAllocatorHelper::GetCellNestingLevel(TAny* aCell, TInt& aNestingLevel)
- {
- switch (iAllocatorType)
- {
- case EUdebOldRHeap:
- case EUdebHybridHeap:
- // By this reckoning, they're in the same place amazingly
- {
- TLinAddr nestingAddr = (TLinAddr)aCell - 8;
- return ReadWord(nestingAddr, (TUint32&)aNestingLevel);
- }
- default:
- return KErrNotSupported;
- }
- }
-TInt RAllocatorHelper::RefreshDetails(TUint aMask)
- {
- TInt err = FinishConstruction();
- if (err) return err;
- // Invalidate the page cache
- iPageCacheAddr = 0;
- TryLock();
- err = DoRefreshDetails(aMask);
- TryUnlock();
- return err;
- }
-const TInt KHeapWalkStatsForOldHeap = (EUnusedPages|ECommittedFreeSpace);
-const TInt KHeapWalkStatsForNewHeap = (EAllocated|ECount|EUnusedPages|ECommittedFreeSpace|EHybridStats);
-TInt RAllocatorHelper::DoRefreshDetails(TUint aMask)
- {
- TInt err = KErrNotSupported;
- switch (iAllocatorType)
- {
- case EUrelOldRHeap:
- case EUdebOldRHeap:
- {
- if (aMask & ECommitted)
- {
- // The old RHeap::Size() used to use iTop - iBase, which was effectively chunkSize - sizeof(RHeap)
- // I think that for CommittedSize we should include the size of the heap object, just as it includes
- // the size of heap cell metadata and overhead. Plus it makes sure the committedsize is a multiple of the page size
- TUint32 top = 0;
- //TUint32 base = 0;
- //err = ReadWord(iAllocatorAddress + _FOFF(RHackHeap, iBase), base);
- //if (err) return err;
- err = ReadWord(iAllocatorAddress + _FOFF(RHackHeap, iTop), top);
- if (err) return err;
- //iInfo->iCommittedSize = top - base;
- iInfo->iCommittedSize = top - iAllocatorAddress;
- iValidInfo |= ECommitted;
- }
- if (aMask & EAllocated)
- {
- TUint32 allocSize = 0;
- err = ReadWord(iAllocatorAddress + _FOFF(RHackAllocator, iTotalAllocSize), allocSize);
- if (err) return err;
- iInfo->iAllocatedSize = allocSize;
- iValidInfo |= EAllocated;
- }
- if (aMask & ECount)
- {
- TUint32 count = 0;
- err = ReadWord(iAllocatorAddress + _FOFF(RHackAllocator, iCellCount), count);
- if (err) return err;
- iInfo->iAllocationCount = count;
- iValidInfo |= ECount;
- }
- if (aMask & EMaxSize)
- {
- TUint32 maxlen = 0;
- err = ReadWord(iAllocatorAddress + _FOFF(RHackHeap, iMaxLength), maxlen);
- if (err) return err;
- iInfo->iMaxCommittedSize = maxlen;
- iValidInfo |= EMaxSize;
- }
- if (aMask & EMinSize)
- {
- TUint32 minlen = 0;
- err = ReadWord(iAllocatorAddress + _FOFF(RHackHeap, iMaxLength) - 4, minlen); // This isn't a typo! iMinLength is 4 bytes before iMaxLength, on old heap ONLY
- if (err) return err;
- iInfo->iMinCommittedSize = minlen;
- iValidInfo |= EMinSize;
- }
- if (aMask & KHeapWalkStatsForOldHeap)
- {
- // Need a heap walk
- iInfo->ClearStats();
- iValidInfo = 0;
- err = DoWalk(&WalkForStats, NULL);
- if (err == KErrNone) iValidInfo |= KHeapWalkStatsForOldHeap;
- }
- return err;
- }
- case EUrelHybridHeap:
- case EUdebHybridHeap:
- {
- TBool needWalk = EFalse;
- if (aMask & ECommitted)
- {
- // RAllocator::Size uses iChunkSize - sizeof(RHybridHeap);
- // We can't do exactly the same, because we can't calculate sizeof(RHybridHeap), only ROUND_UP(sizeof(RHybridHeap), iAlign)
- // And if fact we don't bother and just use iChunkSize
- TUint32 chunkSize = 0;
- err = ReadWord(iAllocatorAddress + KChunkSizeOffset, chunkSize);
- if (err) return err;
- //TUint32 baseAddr = 0;
- //err = ReadWord(iAllocatorAddress + _FOFF(RHackHeap, iBase), baseAddr);
- //if (err) return err;
- iInfo->iCommittedSize = chunkSize; // - (baseAddr - iAllocatorAddress);
- iValidInfo |= ECommitted;
- }
- if (aMask & (EAllocated|ECount))
- {
- if (iAllocatorType == EUdebHybridHeap)
- {
- // Easy, just get them from the counter
- TUint32 totalAlloc = 0;
- err = ReadWord(iAllocatorAddress + _FOFF(RHackAllocator, iTotalAllocSize), totalAlloc);
- if (err) return err;
- iInfo->iAllocatedSize = totalAlloc;
- iValidInfo |= EAllocated;
- TUint32 cellCount = 0;
- err = ReadWord(iAllocatorAddress + _FOFF(RHackAllocator, iCellCount), cellCount);
- if (err) return err;
- iInfo->iAllocationCount = cellCount;
- iValidInfo |= ECount;
- }
- else
- {
- // A heap walk is needed
- needWalk = ETrue;
- }
- }
- if (aMask & EMaxSize)
- {
- TUint32 maxlen = 0;
- err = ReadWord(iAllocatorAddress + _FOFF(RHackHeap, iMaxLength), maxlen);
- if (err) return err;
- iInfo->iMaxCommittedSize = maxlen;
- iValidInfo |= EMaxSize;
- }
- if (aMask & EMinSize)
- {
- TUint32 minlen = 0;
- err = ReadWord(iAllocatorAddress + _FOFF(RHackHeap, iAlign) + 4*4, minlen); // iMinLength is in different place to old RHeap
- if (err) return err;
- iInfo->iMinCommittedSize = minlen;
- iValidInfo |= EMinSize;
- }
- if (aMask & (EUnusedPages|ECommittedFreeSpace|EHybridStats))
- {
- // EAllocated and ECount have already been taken care of above
- needWalk = ETrue;
- }
- if (needWalk)
- {
- iInfo->ClearStats();
- iValidInfo = 0;
- err = DoWalk(&WalkForStats, NULL);
- if (err == KErrNone) iValidInfo |= KHeapWalkStatsForNewHeap;
- }
- return err;
- }
- default:
- return KErrNotSupported;
- }
- }
-TInt RAllocatorHelper::CheckValid(TUint aMask)
- {
- if ((iValidInfo & aMask) == aMask)
- {
- return KErrNone;
- }
- else
- {
- return RefreshDetails(aMask);
- }
- }
-HUEXPORT_C TInt RAllocatorHelper::CommittedSize()
- {
- TInt err = CheckValid(ECommitted);
- if (err) return err;
- return iInfo->iCommittedSize;
- }
-HUEXPORT_C TInt RAllocatorHelper::AllocatedSize()
- {
- TInt err = CheckValid(EAllocated);
- if (err) return err;
- return iInfo->iAllocatedSize;
- }
-HUEXPORT_C TInt RAllocatorHelper::AllocationCount()
- {
- TInt err = CheckValid(ECount);
- if (err) return err;
- return iInfo->iAllocationCount;
- }
-HUEXPORT_C TInt RAllocatorHelper::RefreshDetails()
- {
- return RefreshDetails(iValidInfo);
- }
-HUEXPORT_C TInt RAllocatorHelper::MaxCommittedSize()
- {
- TInt err = CheckValid(EMaxSize);
- if (err) return err;
- return iInfo->iMaxCommittedSize;
- }
-HUEXPORT_C TInt RAllocatorHelper::MinCommittedSize()
- {
- TInt err = CheckValid(EMinSize);
- if (err) return err;
- return iInfo->iMinCommittedSize;
- }
-HUEXPORT_C TInt RAllocatorHelper::AllocCountForCell(TAny* aCell) const
- {
- TUint32 allocCount = 0;
- switch (iAllocatorType)
- {
- case EUdebOldRHeap:
- case EUdebHybridHeap: // Both are in the same place, amazingly
- {
- TLinAddr allocCountAddr = (TLinAddr)aCell - 4;
- TInt err = ReadWord(allocCountAddr, allocCount);
- if (err) return err;
- return (TInt)allocCount;
- }
- default:
- return KErrNotSupported;
- }
- }
-struct SContext3
- {
- RAllocatorHelper::TWalkFunc3 iOrigWalkFn;
- TAny* iOrigContext;
- };
-TBool RAllocatorHelper::DispatchClientWalkCallback(RAllocatorHelper& aHelper, TAny* aContext, RAllocatorHelper::TExtendedCellType aCellType, TLinAddr aCellPtr, TInt aCellLength)
- {
- WalkForStats(aHelper, NULL, aCellType, aCellPtr, aCellLength);
- SContext3* context = static_cast<SContext3*>(aContext);
- return (*context->iOrigWalkFn)(aHelper, context->iOrigContext, aCellType, aCellPtr, aCellLength);
- }
-HUEXPORT_C TInt RAllocatorHelper::Walk(TWalkFunc3 aCallbackFn, TAny* aContext)
- {
- // Might as well take the opportunity of updating our stats at the same time as walking the heap for the client
- SContext3 context = { aCallbackFn, aContext };
- TInt err = FinishConstruction(); // In case this hasn't been done yet
- if (err) return err;
- TryLock();
- err = DoWalk(&DispatchClientWalkCallback, &context);
- TryUnlock();
- return err;
- }
-TInt RAllocatorHelper::DoWalk(TWalkFunc3 aCallbackFn, TAny* aContext)
- {
- TInt err = KErrNotSupported;
- switch (iAllocatorType)
- {
- case EUdebOldRHeap:
- case EUrelOldRHeap:
- err = OldSkoolWalk(aCallbackFn, aContext);
- break;
- case EUrelHybridHeap:
- case EUdebHybridHeap:
- err = NewHotnessWalk(aCallbackFn, aContext);
- break;
- default:
- err = KErrNotSupported;
- break;
- }
- return err;
- }
-struct SContext
- {
- RAllocatorHelper::TWalkFunc iOrigWalkFn;
- TAny* iOrigContext;
- };
-struct SContext2
- {
- RAllocatorHelper::TWalkFunc2 iOrigWalkFn;
- TAny* iOrigContext;
- };
-#define New2Old(aNew) (((aNew)&RAllocatorHelper::EAllocationMask) ? RAllocatorHelper::EAllocation : ((aNew)&RAllocatorHelper::EFreeMask) ? RAllocatorHelper::EFreeSpace : RAllocatorHelper::EBadness)
-TBool DispatchOldTWalkFuncCallback(RAllocatorHelper& /*aHelper*/, TAny* aContext, RAllocatorHelper::TExtendedCellType aCellType, TLinAddr aCellPtr, TInt aCellLength)
- {
- SContext* context = static_cast<SContext*>(aContext);
- return (*context->iOrigWalkFn)(context->iOrigContext, New2Old(aCellType), aCellPtr, aCellLength);
- }
-TBool DispatchOldTWalk2FuncCallback(RAllocatorHelper& aHelper, TAny* aContext, RAllocatorHelper::TExtendedCellType aCellType, TLinAddr aCellPtr, TInt aCellLength)
- {
- SContext2* context = static_cast<SContext2*>(aContext);
- return (*context->iOrigWalkFn)(aHelper, context->iOrigContext, New2Old(aCellType), aCellPtr, aCellLength);
- }
-HUEXPORT_C TInt RAllocatorHelper::Walk(TWalkFunc aCallbackFn, TAny* aContext)
- {
- // For backwards compatability insert a compatability callback to map between the different types of callback that clients requested
- SContext context = { aCallbackFn, aContext };
- return Walk(&DispatchOldTWalkFuncCallback, &context);
- }
-HUEXPORT_C TInt RAllocatorHelper::Walk(TWalkFunc2 aCallbackFn, TAny* aContext)
- {
- SContext2 context = { aCallbackFn, aContext };
- return Walk(&DispatchOldTWalk2FuncCallback, &context);
- }
-TInt RAllocatorHelper::OldSkoolWalk(TWalkFunc3 aCallbackFn, TAny* aContext)
- {
- TLinAddr pC = 0;
- TInt err = ReadWord(iAllocatorAddress + _FOFF(RHackHeap, iBase), pC); // pC = iBase; // allocated cells
- if (err) return err;
- TLinAddr pF = iAllocatorAddress + _FOFF(RHackHeap, iAlign) + 3*4; // pF = &iFree; // free cells
- TLinAddr top = 0;
- err = ReadWord(iAllocatorAddress + _FOFF(RHackHeap, iTop), top);
- if (err) return err;
- const TInt KAllocatedCellHeaderSize = iAllocatorType == EUdebOldRHeap ? 12 : 4;
- TInt minCell = 0;
- err = ReadWord(iAllocatorAddress + _FOFF(RHackHeap, iAlign) + 4, (TUint32&)minCell);
- if (err) return err;
- TInt align = 0;
- err = ReadWord(iAllocatorAddress + _FOFF(RHackHeap, iAlign), (TUint32&)align);
- if (err) return err;
- {
- err = ReadWord(pF+4, pF); // pF = pF->next; // next free cell
- if (err) return err;
- TLinAddr pFnext = 0;
- if (pF) err = ReadWord(pF + 4, pFnext);
- if (err) return err;
- if (!pF)
- {
- pF = top; // to make size checking work
- }
- else if (pF>=top || (pFnext && pFnext<=pF) )
- {
- // free cell pointer off the end or going backwards
- //Unlock();
- (*aCallbackFn)(*this, aContext, EHeapBadFreeCellAddress, pF, 0);
- return KErrCorrupt;
- }
- else
- {
- TInt l; // = pF->len
- err = ReadWord(pF, (TUint32&)l);
- if (err) return err;
- if (l<minCell || (l & (align-1)))
- {
- // free cell length invalid
- //Unlock();
- (*aCallbackFn)(*this, aContext, EHeapBadFreeCellSize, pF, l);
- return KErrCorrupt;
- }
- }
- while (pC!=pF) // walk allocated cells up to next free cell
- {
- TInt l; // pC->len;
- err = ReadWord(pC, (TUint32&)l);
- if (err) return err;
- if (l<minCell || (l & (align-1)))
- {
- // allocated cell length invalid
- //Unlock();
- (*aCallbackFn)(*this, aContext, EHeapBadAllocatedCellSize, pC, l);
- return KErrCorrupt;
- }
- TBool shouldContinue = (*aCallbackFn)(*this, aContext, EHeapAllocation, pC + KAllocatedCellHeaderSize, l - KAllocatedCellHeaderSize);
- if (!shouldContinue) return KErrNone;
- //SCell* pN = __NEXT_CELL(pC);
- TLinAddr pN = pC + l;
- if (pN > pF)
- {
- // cell overlaps next free cell
- //Unlock();
- (*aCallbackFn)(*this, aContext, EHeapBadAllocatedCellAddress, pC, l);
- return KErrCorrupt;
- }
- pC = pN;
- }
- if (pF == top)
- break; // reached end of heap
- TInt pFlen = 0;
- err = ReadWord(pF, (TUint32&)pFlen);
- if (err) return err;
- pC = pF + pFlen; // pC = __NEXT_CELL(pF); // step to next allocated cell
- TBool shouldContinue = (*aCallbackFn)(*this, aContext, EHeapFreeCell, pF, pFlen);
- if (!shouldContinue) return KErrNone;
- }
- return KErrNone;
- }
-HUEXPORT_C TInt RAllocatorHelper::CountUnusedPages()
- {
- TInt err = CheckValid(EUnusedPages);
- if (err) return err;
- return iInfo->iUnusedPages;
- }
-HUEXPORT_C TInt RAllocatorHelper::CommittedFreeSpace()
- {
- TInt err = CheckValid(ECommittedFreeSpace);
- if (err) return err;
- return iInfo->iCommittedFreeSpace;
- }
-#define ROUND_DOWN(val, pow2) ((val) & ~((pow2)-1))
-#define ROUND_UP(val, pow2) ROUND_DOWN((val) + (pow2) - 1, (pow2))
-HUEXPORT_C TLinAddr RAllocatorHelper::AllocatorAddress() const
- {
- return iAllocatorAddress;
- }
-TBool RAllocatorHelper::WalkForStats(RAllocatorHelper& aSelf, TAny* /*aContext*/, TExtendedCellType aType, TLinAddr aCellPtr, TInt aCellLength)
- {
- //ASSERT(aCellLength >= 0);
- THeapInfo& info = *aSelf.iInfo;
- TInt pagesSpanned = 0; // The number of pages that fit entirely inside the payload of this cell
- if ((TUint)aCellLength > KPageSize)
- {
- TLinAddr nextPageAlignedAddr = ROUND_UP(aCellPtr, KPageSize);
- pagesSpanned = ROUND_DOWN(aCellPtr + aCellLength - nextPageAlignedAddr, KPageSize) / KPageSize;
- }
- if (aSelf.iAllocatorType == EUrelOldRHeap || aSelf.iAllocatorType == EUdebOldRHeap)
- {
- if (aType & EFreeMask)
- {
- info.iUnusedPages += pagesSpanned;
- info.iCommittedFreeSpace += aCellLength;
- info.iHeapFreeCellCount++;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (aType & EAllocationMask)
- {
- info.iAllocatedSize += aCellLength;
- info.iAllocationCount++;
- }
- else if (aType & EFreeMask)
- {
- // I *think* that DLA will decommit pages from inside free cells...
- TInt committedLen = aCellLength - (pagesSpanned * KPageSize);
- info.iCommittedFreeSpace += committedLen;
- }
- switch (aType)
- {
- case EDlaAllocation:
- info.iDlaAllocsSize += aCellLength;
- info.iDlaAllocsCount++;
- break;
- case EPageAllocation:
- info.iPageAllocsSize += aCellLength;
- info.iPageAllocsCount++;
- break;
- case ESlabAllocation:
- info.iSlabAllocsSize += aCellLength;
- info.iSlabAllocsCount++;
- break;
- case EDlaFreeCell:
- info.iDlaFreeSize += aCellLength;
- info.iDlaFreeCount++;
- break;
- case ESlabFreeCell:
- info.iSlabFreeCellSize += aCellLength;
- info.iSlabFreeCellCount++;
- break;
- case ESlabFreeSlab:
- info.iSlabFreeSlabSize += aCellLength;
- info.iSlabFreeSlabCount++;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- return ETrue;
- }
-#define PAGESHIFT 12
-TUint RAllocatorHelper::PageMapOperatorBrackets(unsigned ix, TInt& err) const
- {
- //return 1U&(iBase[ix>>3] >> (ix&7));
- TUint32 basePtr = 0;
- err = ReadWord(iAllocatorAddress + KPageMapOffset, basePtr);
- if (err) return 0;
- TUint8 res = 0;
- err = ReadByte(basePtr + (ix >> 3), res);
- if (err) return 0;
- return 1U&(res >> (ix&7));
- }
-TInt RAllocatorHelper::PageMapFind(TUint start, TUint bit, TInt& err)
- {
- TUint32 iNbits = 0;
- err = ReadWord(iAllocatorAddress + KPageMapOffset + 4, iNbits);
- if (err) return 0;
- if (start<iNbits) do
- {
- //if ((*this)[start]==bit)
- if (PageMapOperatorBrackets(start, err) == bit || err)
- return start;
- } while (++start<iNbits);
- return -1;
- }
-TUint RAllocatorHelper::PagedDecode(TUint pos, TInt& err)
- {
- unsigned bits = PageMapBits(pos,2,err);
- if (err) return 0;
- bits >>= 1;
- if (bits == 0)
- return 1;
- bits = PageMapBits(pos+2,2,err);
- if (err) return 0;
- if ((bits & 1) == 0)
- return 2 + (bits>>1);
- else if ((bits>>1) == 0)
- {
- return PageMapBits(pos+4, 4,err);
- }
- else
- {
- return PageMapBits(pos+4, 18,err);
- }
- }
-TUint RAllocatorHelper::PageMapBits(unsigned ix, unsigned len, TInt& err)
- {
- int l=len;
- unsigned val=0;
- unsigned bit=0;
- while (--l>=0)
- {
- //val |= (*this)[ix++]<<bit++;
- val |= PageMapOperatorBrackets(ix++, err) << bit++;
- if (err) return 0;
- }
- return val;
- }
-enum TSlabType { ESlabFullInfo, ESlabPartialInfo, ESlabEmptyInfo };
-#define MAXSLABSIZE 56
-#define SLABSHIFT 10
-#define SLABSIZE (1 << SLABSHIFT)
-const TInt KMaxSlabPayload = SLABSIZE - KSlabPayloadOffset;
-TInt RAllocatorHelper::NewHotnessWalk(TWalkFunc3 aCallbackFn, TAny* aContext)
- {
- // RHybridHeap does paged, slab then DLA, so that's what we do too
- // Remember Kernel RHybridHeaps don't even have the page and slab members
- TUint32 basePtr;
- TInt err = ReadWord(iAllocatorAddress + _FOFF(RHackHeap, iBase), basePtr);
- if (err) return err;
- if (basePtr < iAllocatorAddress + KUserHybridHeapSize)
- {
- // Must be a kernel one - don't do page and slab
- }
- else
- {
- // Paged
- TUint32 membase = 0;
- err = ReadWord(iAllocatorAddress + KPageMapOffset + 8, membase);
- if (err) return err;
- TBool shouldContinue = ETrue;
- for (int ix = 0;(ix = PageMapFind(ix,1,err)) >= 0 && err == KErrNone;)
- {
- int npage = PagedDecode(ix, err);
- if (err) return err;
- // Introduce paged buffer to the walk function
- TLinAddr bfr = membase + (1 << (PAGESHIFT-1))*ix;
- int len = npage << PAGESHIFT;
- if ( (TUint)len > KPageSize )
- { // If buffer is not larger than one page it must be a slab page mapped into bitmap
- if (iAllocatorType == EUdebHybridHeap)
- {
- bfr += 8;
- len -= 8;
- }
- shouldContinue = (*aCallbackFn)(*this, aContext, EPageAllocation, bfr, len);
- if (!shouldContinue) return KErrNone;
- }
- ix += (npage<<1);
- }
- if (err) return err;
- // Slab
- TUint32 sparePage = 0;
- err = ReadWord(iAllocatorAddress + KSparePageOffset, sparePage);
- if (err) return err;
- if (sparePage)
- {
- //Walk(wi, iSparePage, iPageSize, EGoodFreeCell, ESlabSpare); // Introduce Slab spare page to the walk function
- // This counts as 4 spare slabs
- for (TInt i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- {
- shouldContinue = (*aCallbackFn)(*this, aContext, ESlabFreeSlab, sparePage + SLABSIZE*i, SLABSIZE);
- if (!shouldContinue) return KErrNone;
- }
- }
- //TreeWalk(&iFullSlab, &SlabFullInfo, i, wi);
- TInt err = TreeWalk(iAllocatorAddress + KFullSlabOffset, ESlabFullInfo, aCallbackFn, aContext, shouldContinue);
- if (err || !shouldContinue) return err;
- for (int ix = 0; ix < (MAXSLABSIZE>>2); ++ix)
- {
- TUint32 partialAddr = iAllocatorAddress + KSlabAllocOffset + ix*KSlabsetSize;
- //TreeWalk(&iSlabAlloc[ix].iPartial, &SlabPartialInfo, i, wi);
- err = TreeWalk(partialAddr, ESlabPartialInfo, aCallbackFn, aContext, shouldContinue);
- if (err || !shouldContinue) return err;
- }
- //TreeWalk(&iPartialPage, &SlabEmptyInfo, i, wi);
- TreeWalk(iAllocatorAddress + KPartialPageOffset, ESlabEmptyInfo, aCallbackFn, aContext, shouldContinue);
- }
- // DLA
-#define CHUNK_OVERHEAD (sizeof(TUint))
-#define CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK (7)
-#define CHUNK2MEM(p) ((TLinAddr)(p) + 8)
-#define MEM2CHUNK(mem) ((TLinAddr)(p) - 8)
-/* chunk associated with aligned address A */
-#define ALIGN_OFFSET(A)\
- ((((TLinAddr)(A) & CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK) == 0)? 0 :\
- ((8 - ((TLinAddr)(A) & CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK)) & CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK))
-#define CINUSE_BIT 2
-#define INUSE_BITS 3
- TUint32 topSize = 0;
- err = ReadWord(iAllocatorAddress + KMallocStateOffset + KMallocStateTopSizeOffset, topSize);
- if (err) return err;
- TUint32 top = 0;
- err = ReadWord(iAllocatorAddress + KMallocStateOffset + KMallocStateTopOffset, top);
- if (err) return err;
- TInt max = ((topSize-1) & ~CHUNK_ALIGN_MASK) - CHUNK_OVERHEAD;
- if ( max < 0 )
- max = 0;
- TBool shouldContinue = (*aCallbackFn)(*this, aContext, EDlaFreeCell, top, max);
- if (!shouldContinue) return KErrNone;
- TUint32 mallocStateSegBase = 0;
- err = ReadWord(iAllocatorAddress + KMallocStateOffset + KMallocStateSegOffset, mallocStateSegBase);
- if (err) return err;
- for (TLinAddr q = ALIGN_AS_CHUNK(mallocStateSegBase); q != top; /*q = NEXT_CHUNK(q)*/)
- {
- TUint32 qhead = 0;
- err = ReadWord(q + 4, qhead);
- if (err) return err;
- //TInt sz = CHUNKSIZE(q);
- TInt sz = qhead & ~(INUSE_BITS);
- if (!(qhead & CINUSE_BIT))
- {
- //Walk(wi, CHUNK2MEM(q), sz, EGoodFreeCell, EDougLeaAllocator); // Introduce DL free buffer to the walk function
- shouldContinue = (*aCallbackFn)(*this, aContext, EDlaFreeCell, CHUNK2MEM(q), sz);
- if (!shouldContinue) return KErrNone;
- }
- else
- {
- //Walk(wi, CHUNK2MEM(q), (sz- CHUNK_OVERHEAD), EGoodAllocatedCell, EDougLeaAllocator); // Introduce DL allocated buffer to the walk function
- TLinAddr addr = CHUNK2MEM(q);
- TInt size = sz - CHUNK_OVERHEAD;
- if (iAllocatorType == EUdebHybridHeap)
- {
- size -= 8;
- addr += 8;
- }
- shouldContinue = (*aCallbackFn)(*this, aContext, EDlaAllocation, addr, size);
- if (!shouldContinue) return KErrNone;
- }
- // This is q = NEXT_CHUNK(q) expanded
- q = q + sz;
- }
- return KErrNone;
- }
-TInt RAllocatorHelper::TreeWalk(TUint32 aSlabRoot, TInt aSlabType, TWalkFunc3 aCallbackFn, TAny* aContext, TBool& shouldContinue)
- {
- const TSlabType type = (TSlabType)aSlabType;
- TUint32 s = 0;
- TInt err = ReadWord(aSlabRoot, s);
- if (err) return err;
- //slab* s = *root;
- if (!s)
- return KErrNone;
- for (;;)
- {
- //slab* c;
- //while ((c = s->iChild1) != 0)
- // s = c; // walk down left side to end
- TUint32 c;
- for(;;)
- {
- err = ReadWord(s + KSlabChild1Offset, c);
- if (err) return err;
- if (c == 0) break;
- else s = c;
- }
- for (;;)
- {
- //TODOf(s, i, wi);
- TUint32 h;
- err = ReadWord(s, h); // = aSlab->iHeader;
- if (err) return err;
- TUint32 size = (h&0x0003f000)>>12; //SlabHeaderSize(h);
- TUint debugheadersize = 0;
- if (iAllocatorType == EUdebHybridHeap) debugheadersize = 8;
- TUint32 usedCount = (((h&0x0ffc0000)>>18) + 4) / size; // (SlabHeaderUsedm4(h) + 4) / size;
- switch (type)
- {
- case ESlabFullInfo:
- {
- TUint32 count = usedCount;
- TUint32 i = 0;
- while ( i < count )
- {
- TUint32 addr = s + KSlabPayloadOffset + i*size; //&aSlab->iPayload[i*size];
- shouldContinue = (*aCallbackFn)(*this, aContext, ESlabAllocation, addr + debugheadersize, size - debugheadersize);
- if (!shouldContinue) return KErrNone;
- i++;
- }
- break;
- }
- case ESlabPartialInfo:
- {
- TUint32 count = KMaxSlabPayload / size;
- TUint32 freeOffset = (h & 0xff) << 2;
- if (freeOffset == 0)
- {
- // TODO Shouldn't happen for a slab on the partial list
- }
- memset(iTempSlabBitmap, 1, KTempBitmapSize); // Everything defaults to in use
- TUint wildernessCount = count - usedCount;
- while (freeOffset)
- {
- wildernessCount--;
- TInt idx = (freeOffset-KSlabPayloadOffset)/size;
- LOG("iTempSlabBitmap freeOffset %d index %d", freeOffset, idx);
- iTempSlabBitmap[idx] = 0; // Mark it as free
- TUint32 addr = s + freeOffset;
- TUint8 nextCell = 0;
- err = ReadByte(addr, nextCell);
- if (err) return err;
- freeOffset = ((TUint32)nextCell) << 2;
- }
- memset(iTempSlabBitmap + count - wildernessCount, 0, wildernessCount); // Mark the wilderness as free
- for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
- {
- TLinAddr addr = s + KSlabPayloadOffset + i*size;
- if (iTempSlabBitmap[i])
- {
- // In use
- shouldContinue = (*aCallbackFn)(*this, aContext, ESlabAllocation, addr + debugheadersize, size - debugheadersize);
- }
- else
- {
- // Free
- shouldContinue = (*aCallbackFn)(*this, aContext, ESlabFreeCell, addr, size);
- }
- if (!shouldContinue) return KErrNone;
- }
- break;
- }
- case ESlabEmptyInfo:
- {
- // Check which slabs of this page are empty
- TUint32 pageAddr = ROUND_DOWN(s, KPageSize);
- TUint32 headerForPage = 0;
- err = ReadWord(pageAddr, headerForPage);
- if (err) return err;
- TUint32 slabHeaderPageMap = (headerForPage & 0x00000f00)>>8; // SlabHeaderPagemap(unsigned h)
- for (TInt slabIdx = 0; slabIdx < 4; slabIdx++)
- {
- if (slabHeaderPageMap & (1<<slabIdx))
- {
- TUint32 addr = pageAddr + SLABSIZE*slabIdx + KSlabPayloadOffset; //&aSlab->iPayload[i*size];
- shouldContinue = (*aCallbackFn)(*this, aContext, ESlabFreeSlab, addr, KMaxSlabPayload);
- if (!shouldContinue) return KErrNone;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- //c = s->iChild2;
- err = ReadWord(s + KSlabChild2Offset, c);
- if (err) return err;
- if (c)
- { // one step down right side, now try and walk down left
- s = c;
- break;
- }
- for (;;)
- { // loop to walk up right side
- TUint32 pp = 0;
- err = ReadWord(s + KSlabParentOffset, pp);
- if (err) return err;
- //slab** pp = s->iParent;
- if (pp == aSlabRoot)
- return KErrNone;
-#define SlabFor(x) ROUND_DOWN(x, SLABSIZE)
- s = SlabFor(pp);
- //if (pp == &s->iChild1)
- if (pp == s + KSlabChild1Offset)
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-HUEXPORT_C TInt RAllocatorHelper::SizeForCellType(TExtendedCellType aType)
- {
- if (aType & EBadnessMask) return KErrArgument;
- if (aType == EAllocationMask) return AllocatedSize();
- if (iAllocatorType == EUdebOldRHeap || iAllocatorType == EUrelOldRHeap)
- {
- switch (aType)
- {
- case EHeapAllocation:
- return AllocatedSize();
- case EHeapFreeCell:
- case EFreeMask:
- return CommittedFreeSpace();
- default:
- return KErrNotSupported;
- }
- }
- else if (iAllocatorType == EUrelHybridHeap || iAllocatorType == EUdebHybridHeap)
- {
- TInt err = CheckValid(EHybridStats);
- if (err) return err;
- switch (aType)
- {
- case EHeapAllocation:
- case EHeapFreeCell:
- return KErrNotSupported;
- case EDlaAllocation:
- return iInfo->iDlaAllocsSize;
- case EPageAllocation:
- return iInfo->iPageAllocsSize;
- case ESlabAllocation:
- return iInfo->iSlabAllocsSize;
- case EDlaFreeCell:
- return iInfo->iDlaFreeSize;
- case ESlabFreeCell:
- return iInfo->iSlabFreeCellSize;
- case ESlabFreeSlab:
- return iInfo->iSlabFreeSlabSize;
- case EFreeMask:
- // Note this isn't the same as asking for CommittedFreeSpace(). SizeForCellType(EFreeMask) may include decommitted pages that lie inside a free cell
- return iInfo->iDlaFreeSize + iInfo->iSlabFreeCellSize + iInfo->iSlabFreeSlabSize;
- default:
- return KErrNotSupported;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- return KErrNotSupported;
- }
- }
-HUEXPORT_C TInt RAllocatorHelper::CountForCellType(TExtendedCellType aType)
- {
- if (aType & EBadnessMask) return KErrArgument;
- if (aType == EAllocationMask) return AllocationCount();
- if (iAllocatorType == EUdebOldRHeap || iAllocatorType == EUrelOldRHeap)
- {
- switch (aType)
- {
- case EHeapAllocation:
- return AllocationCount();
- case EHeapFreeCell:
- case EFreeMask:
- {
- TInt err = CheckValid(ECommittedFreeSpace);
- if (err) return err;
- return iInfo->iHeapFreeCellCount;
- }
- default:
- return KErrNotSupported;
- }
- }
- else if (iAllocatorType == EUrelHybridHeap || iAllocatorType == EUdebHybridHeap)
- {
- TInt err = CheckValid(EHybridStats);
- if (err) return err;
- switch (aType)
- {
- case EHeapAllocation:
- case EHeapFreeCell:
- return KErrNotSupported;
- case EDlaAllocation:
- return iInfo->iDlaAllocsCount;
- case EPageAllocation:
- return iInfo->iPageAllocsCount;
- case ESlabAllocation:
- return iInfo->iSlabAllocsCount;
- case EDlaFreeCell:
- return iInfo->iDlaFreeCount;
- case ESlabFreeCell:
- return iInfo->iSlabFreeCellCount;
- case ESlabFreeSlab:
- return iInfo->iSlabFreeSlabCount;
- case EFreeMask:
- // This isn't a hugely meaningful value, but if that's what they asked for...
- return iInfo->iDlaFreeCount + iInfo->iSlabFreeCellCount + iInfo->iSlabFreeSlabCount;
- default:
- return KErrNotSupported;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- return KErrNotSupported;
- }
- }
-HUEXPORT_C TBool LtkUtils::RAllocatorHelper::AllocatorIsUdeb() const
- {
- return iAllocatorType == EUdebOldRHeap || iAllocatorType == EUdebHybridHeap;
- }
-HUEXPORT_C const TDesC& LtkUtils::RAllocatorHelper::Description() const
- {
- _LIT(KRHeap, "RHeap");
- _LIT(KRHybridHeap, "RHybridHeap");
- _LIT(KUnknown, "Unknown");
- switch (iAllocatorType)
- {
- case EUrelOldRHeap:
- case EUdebOldRHeap:
- return KRHeap;
- case EUrelHybridHeap:
- case EUdebHybridHeap:
- return KRHybridHeap;
- case EAllocator:
- case EUnknown:
- default:
- return KUnknown;
- }
- }
-#ifdef __KERNEL_MODE__
-DChunk* LtkUtils::RAllocatorHelper::OpenUnderlyingChunk()
- {
- // Enter and leave in CS and with no locks held. On exit the returned DChunk has been Open()ed.
- TInt err = iChunk->Open();
- if (err) return NULL;
- return iChunk;
- }
-DChunk* LtkUtils::RKernelSideAllocatorHelper::OpenUnderlyingChunk()
- {
- if (iAllocatorType != EUrelOldRHeap && iAllocatorType != EUdebOldRHeap && iAllocatorType != EUrelHybridHeap && iAllocatorType != EUdebHybridHeap) return NULL;
- // Note RKernelSideAllocatorHelper doesn't use or access RAllocatorHelper::iChunk, because we figure out the chunk handle in a different way.
- // It is for this reason that iChunk is private, to remove temptation
- // Enter and leave in CS and with no locks held. On exit the returned DChunk has been Open()ed.
- TUint32 chunkHandle = 0;
- TInt err = ReadData(iAllocatorAddress + _FOFF(RHackHeap, iChunkHandle), &chunkHandle, sizeof(TUint32));
- if (err) return NULL;
- NKern::LockSystem();
- DChunk* result = (DChunk*)Kern::ObjectFromHandle(iThread, chunkHandle, EChunk);
- if (result && result->Open() != KErrNone)
- {
- result = NULL;
- }
- NKern::UnlockSystem();
- return result;
- }
-LtkUtils::RAllocatorHelper::TType LtkUtils::RAllocatorHelper::GetType() const
- {
- switch (iAllocatorType)
- {
- case EUrelOldRHeap:
- case EUdebOldRHeap:
- return ETypeRHeap;
- case EUrelHybridHeap:
- case EUdebHybridHeap:
- return ETypeRHybridHeap;
- case EAllocator:
- case EUnknown:
- default:
- return ETypeUnknown;
- }
- }
-TInt LtkUtils::RAllocatorHelper::EuserIsUdeb()
- {
- TAny* buf = User::Alloc(4096);
- if (!buf) return KErrNoMemory;
- RAllocator* dummyHeap = UserHeap::FixedHeap(buf, 4096, 4, ETrue);
- if (!dummyHeap) return KErrNoMemory; // Don't think this can happen
- dummyHeap->__DbgSetAllocFail(RAllocator::EFailNext, 1);
- TAny* ptr = dummyHeap->Alloc(4);
- // Because we specified singleThreaded=ETrue we can allow dummyHeap to just go out of scope here
- User::Free(buf);
- if (ptr)
- {
- // Clearly the __DbgSetAllocFail had no effect so we must be urel
- // We don't need to free ptr because it came from the dummy heap
- return EFalse;
- }
- else
- {
- return ETrue;
- }
- }
-#include <fshell/ltkutils.h>
-HUEXPORT_C void LtkUtils::MakeHeapCellInvisible(TAny* aCell)
- {
- RAllocatorHelper helper;
- TInt err = helper.Open(&User::Allocator());
- if (err == KErrNone)
- {
- helper.SetCellNestingLevel(aCell, -1);
- helper.Close();
- }
- }