changeset 48 516af714ebb4
parent 45 185201be11b0
child 55 f2950aff7424
--- a/memspy/Engine/Source/Helpers/MemSpyEngineHelperCodeSegment.cpp	Thu Sep 02 22:05:40 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,950 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyenginehelpercodesegment.h>
-// System includes
-#include <e32capability.h>
-#include <f32file.h>
-#include <babitflags.h>
-// Driver includes
-#include <memspy/driver/memspydriverclient.h>
-// User includes
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyengine.h>
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyengineutils.h>
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyengineoutputsink.h>
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyengineobjectthread.h>
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyengineobjectprocess.h>
-// Constants
-const TInt KMemSpyEngineMaxCodeSegmentCount = 512;
-// Literal constants
-_LIT( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma, ", " );
-CMemSpyEngineHelperCodeSegment::CMemSpyEngineHelperCodeSegment( CMemSpyEngine& aEngine )
-:   iEngine( aEngine )
-    {
-    }
-    {
-    }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperCodeSegment::ConstructL()
-    {
-    }
-CMemSpyEngineHelperCodeSegment* CMemSpyEngineHelperCodeSegment::NewL( CMemSpyEngine& aEngine )
-    {
-    CMemSpyEngineHelperCodeSegment* self = new(ELeave) CMemSpyEngineHelperCodeSegment( aEngine );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-    self->ConstructL();
-    CleanupStack::Pop( self );
-    return self;
-    }
-EXPORT_C void CMemSpyEngineHelperCodeSegment::OutputCodeSegmentsL( TUint aPid, TDes& aLine, const TDesC& aPrefix, TChar aSectionUnderlineCharacter, TBool aLowerCaseSectionHeading)
-    {
-	_LIT(KHeaderLC, "Code Segments");
-	_LIT(KFmtOverflow, "Only first %d code segments displayed");
-	_LIT(KFmtMod, "%S%08X-%08X %S");
-	const TInt KMaxCount = 256;
-	TAny* handles[KMaxCount];
-	TInt c = KMaxCount;
-	TInt r = iEngine.Driver().GetCodeSegs(aPid, handles, c);
-	if  ( r == KErrNone )
-    	{
-        if  ( c > 0 )
-            {
-            if  ( aLowerCaseSectionHeading )
-                {
-                iEngine.Sink().OutputSectionHeadingL( KHeaderLC, aSectionUnderlineCharacter );
-                }
-            else
-                {
-            	iEngine.Sink().OutputSectionHeadingL( KHeaderUC, aSectionUnderlineCharacter );
-                }
-        	if (c > KMaxCount)
-        		{
-        		c = KMaxCount;
-        		aLine.Format(KFmtOverflow, c);
-        		iEngine.Sink().OutputLineL( aLine );
-        		}
-        	TBuf<KMaxFileName> path;
-        	TMemSpyDriverCodeSegInfo info;
-        	for (TInt i=0; i<c; i++)
-        		{
-        		r = iEngine.Driver().GetCodeSegInfo(handles[i], aPid, info);
-                //
-        		if  ( r == KErrNone )
-        			{
-        			path.Copy( info.iCreateInfo.iFileName );
-        			aLine.Format(KFmtMod, &aPrefix, info.iMemoryInfo.iCodeBase,info.iMemoryInfo.iCodeBase + info.iMemoryInfo.iCodeSize, &path);
-        			iEngine.Sink().OutputLineL( aLine );
-        			}
-        		}
-            }
-        }
-   }
-EXPORT_C CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList* CMemSpyEngineHelperCodeSegment::CodeSegmentListL()
-    {
-    RArray<TAny*> handles( 16 );
-    CleanupClosePushL( handles );
-    // Get everything
-    GetCodeSegmentHandlesL( handles, NULL, EFalse );
-    CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList* list = ListFromHandlesLC( handles );
-    //
-    CleanupStack::Pop( list );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &handles );
-    //
-    return list;
-    }
-CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList* CMemSpyEngineHelperCodeSegment::CodeSegmentListRamLoadedL()
-    {
-    RArray<TAny*> handles( 16 );
-    CleanupClosePushL( handles );
-    // Get just RAM-loaded
-    GetCodeSegmentHandlesL( handles, NULL, ETrue );
-    CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList* list = ListFromHandlesLC( handles );
-    //
-    CleanupStack::Pop( list );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &handles );
-    //
-    return list;
-    }
-EXPORT_C CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList* CMemSpyEngineHelperCodeSegment::CodeSegmentListL( TProcessId aProcess )
-    {
-    TUint processId = aProcess;
-    //
-    RArray<TAny*> handles( 16 );
-    CleanupClosePushL( handles );
-    // Get process-specific list
-    GetCodeSegmentHandlesL( handles, &processId, EFalse );
-    CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList* list = ListFromHandlesLC( handles );
-    //
-    CleanupStack::Pop( list );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &handles );
-    //
-    return list;
-    }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperCodeSegment::GetCodeSegmentHandlesL( RArray<TAny*>& aHandles, TUint* aProcessId, TBool aRamOnly ) const
-    {
-	TAny* handles[ KMemSpyEngineMaxCodeSegmentCount ];
-	TInt count = KMemSpyEngineMaxCodeSegmentCount;
-	TInt r = KErrNone;
-	if  ( aProcessId == NULL )
-    	{
-	    r = iEngine.Driver().GetCodeSegs( handles, count, aRamOnly );
-	    }
-    else
-	    {
-	    r = iEngine.Driver().GetCodeSegs( *aProcessId, handles, count );
-	    }
-	if  ( r == KErrNone )
-    	{
-        TInt index;
-        TLinearOrder< TAny* > comparer( SortByAddress );
-        // Remove duplicates - since we reqested code segments for all processes, there
-        // might be some dupes.
-        count = Min( count, KMemSpyEngineMaxCodeSegmentCount );
-        for( index = 0; index < count; index++ )
-            {
-            TAny* handle = handles[ index ];
-            const TInt error = aHandles.InsertInOrder( handle, comparer );
-            //
-            if  ( ! (error == KErrNone || error == KErrAlreadyExists ) )
-                {
-                User::Leave( error );
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList* CMemSpyEngineHelperCodeSegment::ListFromHandlesLC( RArray<TAny*>& aHandles ) const
-    {
-    CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList* list = CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList::NewLC( iEngine );
-    //
-    TMemSpyDriverCodeSegInfo info;
-    const TInt count = aHandles.Count();
-    //
-    for (TInt i=0; i<count; i++)
-        {
-        TAny* handle = aHandles[ i ];
-        const TInt err = iEngine.Driver().GetCodeSegInfo( handle, 0, info );
-        //
-        if  ( err == KErrNone )
-        	{
-            // Create item
-            CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry* entry = CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry::NewLC( handle, info.iSize, info.iCreateInfo, info.iMemoryInfo );
-            list->AddItemL( entry );
-            CleanupStack::Pop( entry );
-        	}
-        }
-    //
-    return list;
-    }
-TInt CMemSpyEngineHelperCodeSegment::SortByAddress( TAny* const& aLeft, TAny* const& aRight )
-    {
-    TInt ret = 1;
-    //
-    if  ( aLeft < aRight )
-        {
-        ret = -1;
-        }
-    else if ( aLeft == aRight )
-        {
-        ret = 0;
-        }
-    //
-    return ret;
-    }
-CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList::CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList( CMemSpyEngine& aEngine )
-:   CMemSpyEngineTwiddlableItemArray<CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry>( aEngine )
-    {
-    }
-void CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList::ConstructL()
-    {
-    }
-CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList* CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList::NewLC( CMemSpyEngine& aEngine )
-    {
-    CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList* self = new(ELeave) CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList( aEngine );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-    self->ConstructL();
-    return self;
-    }
-EXPORT_C TInt CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList::IndexByHandle( TAny* aHandle ) const
-    {
-    TInt index = KErrNotFound;
-    //
-    const TInt count = Count();
-    for(TInt i=0; i<count; i++)
-        {
-        const CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry& entry = At( i );
-        if  ( entry.Handle() == aHandle )
-            {
-            index = i;
-            break;
-            }
-        }
-    //
-    return index;
-    }
-EXPORT_C void CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList::SortByFileNameL()
-    {
-    TLinearOrder< CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry > comparer( CompareByFileName );
-    Sort( comparer );
-    }
-EXPORT_C void CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList::SortByCodeSizeL()
-    {
-    TLinearOrder< CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry > comparer( CompareByCodeSize );
-    Sort( comparer );
-    }
-EXPORT_C void CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList::SortByDataSizeL()
-    {
-    TLinearOrder< CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry > comparer( CompareByDataSize );
-    Sort( comparer );
-    }
-EXPORT_C void CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList::SortByUidsL()
-    {
-    TLinearOrder< CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry > comparer( CompareByUid );
-    Sort( comparer );
-    }
-EXPORT_C void CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList::ShowOnlyEntriesWithGlobalDataL()
-    {
-    TMemSpyEngineVisibiltyFunction< CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry > function( VisibilityFunctionGlobalData, NULL );
-    ShowL( function );
-    SortByDataSizeL();
-    }
-EXPORT_C void CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList::OutputDataColumnsL( CMemSpyEngine& aEngine )
-    {
-    HBufC* columns = HBufC::NewLC( 1500 );
-    TPtr pColumns( columns->Des() );
-    //
-    _LIT(KCol1, "Name");
-    pColumns.Append( KCol1 );
-    pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-    //
-    _LIT(KCol2, "Uid %d");
-    pColumns.AppendFormat( KCol2, 1 );
-    pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-    pColumns.AppendFormat( KCol2, 2 );
-    pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-    pColumns.AppendFormat( KCol2, 3 );
-    pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-    //
-    _LIT(KCol3, "Module Version");
-    pColumns.Append( KCol3 );
-    pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-    //
-    _LIT(KCol4, "SID");
-    pColumns.Append( KCol4 );
-    pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-    //
-    _LIT(KCol5, "VID");
-    pColumns.Append( KCol5 );
-    pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-    //
-    _LIT(KCol6, "Code Size");
-    pColumns.Append( KCol6 );
-    pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-    //
-    _LIT(KCol7, "Text Size");
-    pColumns.Append( KCol7 );
-    pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-    //
-    _LIT(KCol8, "Data Size");
-    pColumns.Append( KCol8 );
-    pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-    //
-    _LIT(KCol9, "BSS Size");
-    pColumns.Append( KCol9 );
-    pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-    //
-    _LIT(KCol10, "Total Data Size");
-    pColumns.Append( KCol10 );
-    pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-    //
-    _LIT(KCol11, "Entrypoint Veneer");
-    pColumns.Append( KCol11 );
-    pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-    //
-    _LIT(KCol12, "File Entrypoint");
-    pColumns.Append( KCol12 );
-    pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-    //
-    _LIT(KCol13, "Dependency Count");
-    pColumns.Append( KCol13 );
-    pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-    //
-    _LIT(KCol14, "ROM Code Load Address");
-    pColumns.Append( KCol14 );
-    pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-    //
-    _LIT(KCol15, "Data Load Address");
-    pColumns.Append( KCol15 );
-    //
-    _LIT(KCol16, "Capabilities...");
-    pColumns.Append( KCol16 );
-    //
-    aEngine.Sink().OutputLineL( pColumns );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( columns );
-    }
-EXPORT_C TInt CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList::MdcaCount() const
-    {
-    return Count();
-    }
-EXPORT_C TPtrC CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList::MdcaPoint( TInt aIndex ) const
-    {
-    const CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry& item = At( aIndex );
-    return TPtrC( item.Caption() );
-    }
-TInt CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList::IndexByName( const TDesC& aName ) const
-    {
-    TInt index = KErrNotFound;
-    //
-    const TInt count = Count();
-    for(TInt i=0; i<count; i++)
-        {
-        const CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry& entry = At( i );
-        if  ( entry.FileName().FindF( aName ) >= 0 )
-            {
-            index = i;
-            break;
-            }
-        }
-    //
-    return index;
-    }
-TInt CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList::CompareByFileName( const CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry& aLeft, const CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry& aRight )
-    {
-    const TInt ret = aLeft.FileName().CompareF( aRight.FileName() );
-    return ret;
-    }
-TInt CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList::CompareByCodeSize( const CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry& aLeft, const CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry& aRight )
-    {
-    TInt ret = -1;
-    //
-    if  ( aLeft.CreateInfo().iCodeSize < aRight.CreateInfo().iCodeSize )
-        {
-        ret = 1;
-        }
-    else if ( aLeft.CreateInfo().iCodeSize == aRight.CreateInfo().iCodeSize )
-        {
-        ret = 0;
-        }
-    //
-    return ret;
-    }
-TInt CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList::CompareByDataSize( const CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry& aLeft, const CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry& aRight )
-    {
-    TInt ret = -1;
-    //
-    if  ( aLeft.CreateInfo().iTotalDataSize < aRight.CreateInfo().iTotalDataSize )
-        {
-        ret = 1;
-        }
-    else if ( aLeft.CreateInfo().iTotalDataSize == aRight.CreateInfo().iTotalDataSize )
-        {
-        ret = 0;
-        }
-    //
-    return ret;
-    }
-TInt CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList::CompareByUid( const CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry& aLeft, const CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry& aRight )
-    {
-    TInt ret = -1;
-    //
-    if  ( aLeft.CreateInfo().iUids.MostDerived().iUid < aRight.CreateInfo().iUids.MostDerived().iUid )
-        {
-        ret = 1;
-        }
-    else if ( aLeft.CreateInfo().iUids.MostDerived().iUid == aRight.CreateInfo().iUids.MostDerived().iUid )
-        {
-        ret = 0;
-        }
-    //
-    return ret;
-    }
-TBool CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList::VisibilityFunctionGlobalData( const CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry*& aItem, TAny* /*aRune*/ )
-    {
-    const TBool hasGlobalData = ( aItem->CreateInfo().iTotalDataSize > 0 );
-    return hasGlobalData;
-    }
-CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry::CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry( TAny* aHandle, TInt aSize, const TCodeSegCreateInfo& aCreateInfo, const TProcessMemoryInfo& aMemoryInfo )
-:   CDesCArrayFlat( 10 ), iHandle( aHandle ), iSize( aSize ), iCreateInfo( aCreateInfo ), iMemoryInfo( aMemoryInfo )
-    {
-    }
-EXPORT_C CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry::~CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry()
-    {
-    delete iCaption;
-    delete iFileName;
-    }
-void CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry::ConstructL()
-    {
-    iFileName = HBufC::NewL( iCreateInfo.iFileName.Length() );
-    iFileName->Des().Copy( iCreateInfo.iFileName );
-    // Make caption
-    TParsePtrC parser( *iFileName );
-    const TPtrC pFileNameWithoutPath( parser.NameAndExt() );
-    TBuf<KMaxFullName + 128> item;
-    //
-    _LIT(KCodeSegFormat, "\t%S\t\t%S code");
-    const TMemSpySizeText codeSize( MemSpyEngineUtils::FormatSizeText( iCreateInfo.iCodeSize ) );
-    item.Format( KCodeSegFormat, &pFileNameWithoutPath, &codeSize );
-    if  ( iCreateInfo.iDataSize > 0 )
-        {
-        _LIT(KCodeSegFormatAdditionalData, ", %S data");
-        const TMemSpySizeText dataSize( MemSpyEngineUtils::FormatSizeText( iCreateInfo.iTotalDataSize ) );
-        item.AppendFormat( KCodeSegFormatAdditionalData, &dataSize );
-        }
-    iCaption = item.AllocL();
-    //
-    _LIT(KItem0, "\tName\t\t%S");
-    item.Format( KItem0, &pFileNameWithoutPath );
-    AppendL( item );
-    // Uids
-    const TUidType uids( iCreateInfo.iUids );
-    for( TInt i=0; i<KMaxCheckedUid; i++ )
-        {
-        _LIT(KItem1, "\tUid #%d\t\t0x%08x");
-        const TUid uidValue( uids[ i ] );
-        //
-        item.Format( KItem1, i+1, uidValue.iUid );
-        AppendL( item );
-        }
-    //
-    if  ( iCreateInfo.iModuleVersion == KModuleVersionWild )
-        {
-        _LIT(KItem12, "\tModule Version\t\t[Wild]");
-        AppendL( KItem12 );
-        }
-    else if ( iCreateInfo.iModuleVersion == KModuleVersionNull )
-        {
-        _LIT(KItem12, "\tModule Version\t\t[Null]");
-        AppendL( KItem12 );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        _LIT(KItem12, "\tModule Version\t\t0x%08x");
-        item.Format( KItem12, iCreateInfo.iModuleVersion );
-        AppendL( item );
-        }
-    //
-    _LIT(KItem13, "\tSID\t\t0x%08x");
-    item.Format( KItem13, iCreateInfo.iS.iSecureId );
-    AppendL( item );
-    //
-    _LIT(KItem14, "\tVID\t\t0x%08x");
-    item.Format( KItem14, iCreateInfo.iS.iVendorId );
-    AppendL( item );
-    //
-    if  ( iCreateInfo.iCodeSize > 0 )
-        {
-        _LIT(KItem2, "\tCode Size\t\t%d");
-        item.Format( KItem2, iCreateInfo.iCodeSize );
-        AppendL( item );
-        }
-    //
-    if  ( iCreateInfo.iTotalDataSize > 0 )
-        {
-        _LIT(KItem6, "\tTotal Data Size\t\t%d");
-        item.Format( KItem6, iCreateInfo.iTotalDataSize );
-        AppendL( item );
-        }
-    //
-    if  ( iCreateInfo.iTextSize > 0 )
-        {
-        _LIT(KItem3, "\tText Size\t\t%d");
-        item.Format( KItem3, iCreateInfo.iTextSize );
-        AppendL( item );
-        }
-    //
-    if  ( iCreateInfo.iDataSize > 0 )
-        {
-        _LIT(KItem4, "\tData Size\t\t%d");
-        item.Format( KItem4, iCreateInfo.iDataSize );
-        AppendL( item );
-        }
-    //
-    if  ( iCreateInfo.iBssSize > 0 )
-        {
-        _LIT(KItem5, "\tBSS Size\t\t%d");
-        item.Format( KItem5, iCreateInfo.iBssSize );
-        AppendL( item );
-        }
-    //
-    _LIT(KItem7, "\tEntrypoint Veneer\t\t0x%08x");
-    item.Format( KItem7, iCreateInfo.iEntryPtVeneer );
-    AppendL( item );
-    //
-    _LIT(KItem8, "\tFile Entrypoint\t\t0x%08x");
-    item.Format( KItem8, iCreateInfo.iFileEntryPoint );
-    AppendL( item );
-    //
-    _LIT(KItem9, "\tDependency Count\t\t%d");
-    item.Format( KItem9, iCreateInfo.iDepCount );
-    AppendL( item );
-    //
-    if  ( iCreateInfo.iCodeLoadAddress != 0 )
-        {
-        _LIT(KItem10, "\tROM Code Load Addr.\t\t0x%08x");
-        item.Format( KItem10, iCreateInfo.iCodeLoadAddress );
-        AppendL( item );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        _LIT(KItem10, "\tROM Code Load Addr.\t\t[RAM Loaded]");
-        AppendL( KItem10 );
-        }
-    //
-    if  ( iCreateInfo.iDataLoadAddress != 0 )
-        {
-        _LIT(KItem11, "\tData Load Addr.\t\t0x%08x");
-        item.Format( KItem11, iCreateInfo.iDataLoadAddress );
-        AppendL( item );
-        }
-    //
-    AddCapabilityItemsL();
-    }
-CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry* CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry::NewLC( TAny* aHandle, TInt aSize, const TCodeSegCreateInfo& aCreateInfo, const TProcessMemoryInfo& aMemoryInfo )
-    {
-    CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry* self = new(ELeave) CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry( aHandle, aSize, aCreateInfo, aMemoryInfo );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( self );
-    self->ConstructL();
-    return self;
-    }
-EXPORT_C TBool CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry::HasCapability( TCapability aCapability ) const
-    {
-    TBool hasCap = EFalse;
-    //
-    for( TInt i=0; i<SCapabilitySet::ENCapW && !hasCap; i++ )
-        {
-        const TUint32 capsRawValue = iCreateInfo.iS.iCaps[i];
-        const TBitFlags flags( capsRawValue );
-        //
-        hasCap = flags.IsSet( aCapability );
-        }
-    //
-    return hasCap;
-    }
-EXPORT_C void CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry::OutputDataL( CMemSpyEngineHelperCodeSegment& aHelper ) const
-    {
-    _LIT(KHexFormat, "0x%08x");
-    HBufC* columns = HBufC::NewLC( 4096 );
-    TPtr pColumns( columns->Des() );
-    // Name
-    TParsePtrC parser( *iFileName );
-    const TPtrC pFileNameWithoutPath( parser.NameAndExt() );
-    pColumns.Append( pFileNameWithoutPath );
-    pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-    // Uids
-    const TUidType uids( iCreateInfo.iUids );
-    for( TInt i=0; i<KMaxCheckedUid; i++ )
-        {
-        const TUid uidValue( uids[ i ] );
-        //
-        pColumns.AppendFormat( KHexFormat, uidValue.iUid );
-        pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-        }
-    // Module version
-    if  ( iCreateInfo.iModuleVersion == KModuleVersionWild )
-        {
-        _LIT( KCaption, "Wild");
-        pColumns.Append( KCaption );
-        }
-    else if ( iCreateInfo.iModuleVersion == KModuleVersionNull )
-        {
-        _LIT( KCaption, "Null");
-        pColumns.Append( KCaption );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        pColumns.AppendFormat( KHexFormat, iCreateInfo.iModuleVersion );
-        }
-    pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-    // SID
-    pColumns.AppendFormat( KHexFormat, iCreateInfo.iS.iSecureId );
-    pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-    // VID
-    pColumns.AppendFormat( KHexFormat, iCreateInfo.iS.iVendorId );
-    pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-    // Code size
-    if  ( iCreateInfo.iCodeSize > 0 )
-        {
-        pColumns.AppendNum( iCreateInfo.iCodeSize, EDecimal );
-        }
-    pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-    // Text size
-    if  ( iCreateInfo.iTextSize > 0 )
-        {
-        pColumns.AppendNum( iCreateInfo.iTextSize, EDecimal );
-        }
-    pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-    // Data size
-    if  ( iCreateInfo.iDataSize > 0 )
-        {
-        pColumns.AppendNum( iCreateInfo.iDataSize, EDecimal );
-        }
-    pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-    // BSS
-    if  ( iCreateInfo.iBssSize > 0 )
-        {
-        pColumns.AppendNum( iCreateInfo.iBssSize, EDecimal );
-        }
-    pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-    // Total data size
-    if  ( iCreateInfo.iTotalDataSize > 0 )
-        {
-        pColumns.AppendNum( iCreateInfo.iTotalDataSize, EDecimal );
-        }
-    pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-    // Entrypoint veneer
-    pColumns.AppendFormat( KHexFormat, iCreateInfo.iEntryPtVeneer );
-    pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-    // File Entrypoint
-    pColumns.AppendFormat( KHexFormat, iCreateInfo.iFileEntryPoint );
-    pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-    // Dependency Count
-    pColumns.AppendNum( iCreateInfo.iDepCount, EDecimal );
-    pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-    // ROM Code Load Address
-    if  ( iCreateInfo.iCodeLoadAddress != 0 )
-        {
-        pColumns.AppendFormat( KHexFormat, iCreateInfo.iCodeLoadAddress );
-        }
-    else
-        {
-        _LIT(KCaption, "N.A. - RAM Loaded");
-        pColumns.Append( KCaption );
-        }
-    pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-    // Data Load Address
-    if  ( iCreateInfo.iDataLoadAddress != 0 )
-        {
-        pColumns.AppendFormat( KHexFormat, iCreateInfo.iDataLoadAddress );
-        }
-    pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-    // Capabilities
-    CDesCArray* capabilities = CapabilityStringsLC();
-    const TInt count = capabilities->Count();
-    //
-    for( TInt j=0; j<count; j++ )
-        {
-        const TPtrC capabilityName( (*capabilities)[ j ] );
-        //
-        pColumns.Append( capabilityName );
-        if  ( j < count-1 )
-            {
-            pColumns.Append( KMemSpyEngineCodeSegListOutputComma );
-            }
-        }
-    //
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( capabilities );
-    aHelper.Engine().Sink().OutputLineL( pColumns );
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( columns );
-    }
-void CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry::AddCapabilityItemsL()
-    {
-    _LIT(KCapFormat, "\tCapability #%3d\t\t%S");
-    TBuf<128> item;
-    //
-    CDesCArray* capabilities = CapabilityStringsLC();
-    const TInt count = capabilities->Count();
-    //
-    for( TInt i=0; i<count; i++ )
-        {
-        const TPtrC capabilityName( (*capabilities)[ i ] );
-        item.Format( KCapFormat, i+1, &capabilityName );
-        AppendL( item );
-        }
-    //
-    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( capabilities );
-    }
-CDesCArray* CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry::CapabilityStringsLC() const
-    {
-    CDesCArrayFlat* array = new(ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat( ECapability_Limit );
-    CleanupStack::PushL( array );
-    //
-    const TInt KCapabilityCountPer32Bits = 32;
-    //
-    for( TInt i=0; i<SCapabilitySet::ENCapW; i++ )
-        {
-        const TUint32 caps = iCreateInfo.iS.iCaps[i];
-        //
-        AddCapabilitiesL( caps, i * KCapabilityCountPer32Bits, *array );
-        }
-    //
-    return array;
-    }
-void CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry::AddCapabilitiesL( TUint32 aCaps, TInt aCapCount, CDesCArray& aArray ) const
-    {
-    TBitFlags flags( aCaps );
-    TBuf<128> capabilityName;
-    //
-    for( TInt i=aCapCount; i<aCapCount + 32 && i<ECapability_Limit; i++ )
-        {
-        const TBool isSet = flags.IsSet( i );
-        //
-        if  ( isSet )
-            {
-            // Get capability name
-            const TCapability capability = static_cast< TCapability >( i );
-            MemSpyEngineUtils::GetCapabilityName( capabilityName, capability );
-            // Make a capability entry for this item
-            aArray.AppendL( capabilityName );
-            }
-        }
-    }