--- a/memspy/Engine/Source/Helpers/MemSpyEngineHelperHeap.cpp Thu Sep 02 22:05:40 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1207 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyenginehelperheap.h>
-// System includes
-#include <s32mem.h>
-// Driver includes
-#include <memspy/driver/memspydriverclient.h>
-// User includes
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyengine.h>
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyengineutils.h>
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyengineoutputsink.h>
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyengineoutputlist.h>
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyengineobjectthread.h>
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyengineobjectprocess.h>
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyenginehelperrom.h>
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyengineobjectcontainer.h>
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyenginehelpercodesegment.h>
-#include <memspy/driver/memspydriverenumerationsshared.h>
-// Constants
-const TBool KMemSpyHeapDumpCreateOwnDataStream = ETrue;
-// Literal constants
-_LIT( KCellTypeGoodAllocatedCell, "[Allocated Cell] ");
-_LIT( KCellTypeGoodFreeCell, "[Free Cell] ");
-_LIT( KCellTypeBadAllocatedCellSize, "[Bad Allocated Cell Size] ");
-_LIT( KCellTypeBadAllocatedCellAddress, "[Bad Allocated Cell Address]");
-_LIT( KCellTypeBadFreeCellAddress, "[Bad Free Cell Address] ");
-_LIT( KCellTypeBadFreeCellSize, "[Bad Free Cell Size] ");
-_LIT( KCellTypeBad, "[Bad Cell] ");
-_LIT( KCellTypeUnknown, "[Unknown!] ");
-_LIT( KCellListLineFormat, "%S cell: 0x%08x, cellLen: %8d, allocNum: %8d, nestingLev: %8d, cellData: 0x%08x, cellDataAddr: 0x%08x, headerSize: %02d");
-_LIT( KMemSpyMarkerHeapData, "<%SMEMSPY_HEAP_DATA_%03d>" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyMarkerCSV, "<%SMEMSPY_HEAP_CSV>" );
-_LIT( KMemSpyPrefixHeapData, "HeapData - %S - ");
-_LIT( KMemSpyPrefixCellList, "CellList - %S - ");
-_LIT( KMemSpyPrefixCSV, "CSV - " );
-CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap( CMemSpyEngine& aEngine )
-: iEngine( aEngine )
- {
- }
- {
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::ConstructL()
- {
- }
-CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap* CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::NewL( CMemSpyEngine& aEngine )
- {
- CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap* self = new(ELeave) CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap( aEngine );
- CleanupStack::PushL( self );
- self->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop( self );
- return self;
- }
-EXPORT_C void CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::OutputCellListingUserL( const CMemSpyThread& aThread )
- {
- // Suspend the process
- iEngine.ProcessSuspendLC( aThread.Process().Id() );
- // Free cells
- RArray<TMemSpyDriverFreeCell> freeCells;
- CleanupClosePushL( freeCells );
- // Info section
- TMemSpyHeapInfo heapInfo;
- const TInt error = iEngine.Driver().GetHeapInfoUser( heapInfo, aThread.Id(), freeCells );
- if ( error == KErrNone )
- {
- UpdateSharedHeapInfoL( aThread.Process().Id(), aThread.Id(), heapInfo );
- }
- if ( error == KErrNone && heapInfo.Type() != TMemSpyHeapInfo::ETypeUnknown )
- {
- // Get thread name for context
- const TFullName pName( aThread.FullName() );
- // Begin a new data stream
- _LIT( KMemSpyFolder, "Heap\\Cell List" );
- _LIT( KMemSpyContext, "Cell List - %S" );
- HBufC* context = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxFileName );
- TPtr pContext( context->Des() );
- pContext.Format( KMemSpyContext, &pName );
- iEngine.Sink().DataStreamBeginL( pContext, KMemSpyFolder );
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( context );
- // Set prefix for overall listing
- iEngine.Sink().OutputPrefixSetFormattedLC( KMemSpyPrefixCellList, &pName );
- // Start new section
- _LIT(KHeader, "CELL LISTING");
- iEngine.Sink().OutputSectionHeadingL( KHeader, '=' );
- // Prepare temp buffers
- TBuf<KMaxFullName + 100> printFormat;
- HBufC* tempBuffer = HBufC::NewLC( 2048 );
- TPtr pTempBuffer( tempBuffer->Des() );
- // Print initial info
- OutputHeapInfoL( heapInfo, pName, &freeCells );
- // Code segments (needed for map file reading...)
- _LIT(KCellListCodeSegInfoFormat, "CodeSegs - ");
- iEngine.HelperCodeSegment().OutputCodeSegmentsL( aThread.Process().Id(), printFormat, KCellListCodeSegInfoFormat, '-', ETrue );
- // Now walk the heap!
- TInt r = iEngine.Driver().WalkHeapInit( aThread.Id() );
- if ( r == KErrNone )
- {
- _LIT(KHeader2, "Cells");
- iEngine.Sink().OutputSectionHeadingL( KHeader2, '-' );
- TMemSpyDriverCellType cellType;
- TAny* cellAddress;
- TInt cellLength;
- TInt cellNestingLevel;
- TInt cellAllocationNumber;
- TInt cellHeaderSize;
- TAny* cellPayloadAddress;
- TBuf8<4> cellData;
- //
- r = iEngine.Driver().WalkHeapNextCell( aThread.Id(), cellType, cellAddress, cellLength, cellNestingLevel, cellAllocationNumber, cellHeaderSize, cellPayloadAddress );
- while( r == KErrNone )
- {
- TUint fourByteCellData = 0;
- TPtrC pType(KNullDesC);
- //
- if (cellType & EMemSpyDriverAllocatedCellMask)
- {
- r = iEngine.Driver().WalkHeapReadCellData( cellAddress, cellData, 4 );
- if ( r == KErrNone )
- {
- fourByteCellData = DescriptorAsDWORD( cellData );
- }
- pType.Set(KCellTypeGoodAllocatedCell);
- }
- else if (cellType & EMemSpyDriverFreeCellMask)
- {
- pType.Set(KCellTypeGoodFreeCell);
- }
- else if (cellType & EMemSpyDriverBadCellMask)
- {
- switch (cellType)
- {
- case EMemSpyDriverHeapBadAllocatedCellSize:
- pType.Set(KCellTypeBadAllocatedCellSize);
- break;
- case EMemSpyDriverHeapBadAllocatedCellAddress:
- pType.Set(KCellTypeBadAllocatedCellAddress);
- break;
- case EMemSpyDriverHeapBadFreeCellAddress:
- pType.Set(KCellTypeBadFreeCellAddress);
- break;
- case EMemSpyDriverHeapBadFreeCellSize:
- pType.Set(KCellTypeBadFreeCellSize);
- break;
- default:
- pType.Set(KCellTypeBad);
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- pType.Set(KCellTypeUnknown);
- }
- if ( r == KErrNone )
- {
- pTempBuffer.Format( KCellListLineFormat, &pType, cellAddress, cellLength, cellAllocationNumber, cellNestingLevel, fourByteCellData, cellPayloadAddress, cellHeaderSize );
- iEngine.Sink().OutputLineL( pTempBuffer );
- //
- r = iEngine.Driver().WalkHeapNextCell( aThread.Id(), cellType, cellAddress, cellLength, cellNestingLevel, cellAllocationNumber, cellHeaderSize, cellPayloadAddress );
- }
- }
- //
- iEngine.Driver().WalkHeapClose();
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempBuffer );
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // clear prefix
- iEngine.Sink().DataStreamEndL();
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &freeCells );
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // resume process
- }
-EXPORT_C void CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::OutputHeapDataUserL( const CMemSpyThread& aThread )
- {
- OutputHeapDataUserL( aThread, KMemSpyHeapDumpCreateOwnDataStream );
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::OutputHeapDataUserL( const CMemSpyThread& aThread, TBool aCreateDataStream )
- {
- // Make sure the process is suspended for the entire time we are manipulating it's heap
- iEngine.ProcessSuspendLC( aThread.Process().Id() );
- // Get the heap info, including cell information
- RArray<TMemSpyDriverCell> cells;
- CleanupClosePushL( cells );
- TMemSpyHeapInfo heapInfo;
- TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::OutputHeapDataUserL() - checksum1: 0x%08x", heapInfo.AsRHeap().Statistics().StatsFree().Checksum() ) );
- GetHeapInfoUserL(aThread.Process().Id(), aThread.Id(), heapInfo, &cells, ETrue);
- TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::OutputHeapDataUserL() - checksum2: 0x%08x", heapInfo.AsRHeap().Statistics().StatsFree().Checksum() ) );
- // Get the heap data
- const TFullName pName( aThread.FullName() );
- OutputHeapDataUserL( aThread.Process().Id(), aThread.Id(), pName, heapInfo, aCreateDataStream, &cells );
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &cells );
- // Resume process
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
- }
-EXPORT_C void CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::OutputHeapDataUserL(const TProcessId& aPid, const TThreadId& aTid, const TDesC& aThreadName, const TMemSpyHeapInfo& aInfo, const RArray<TMemSpyDriverCell>* aCells)
- {
- OutputHeapDataUserL(aPid, aTid, aThreadName, aInfo, ETrue, aCells);
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::OutputHeapDataUserL( const TProcessId& aPid, const TThreadId& aTid, const TDesC& aThreadName, const TMemSpyHeapInfo& aInfo, TBool aCreateDataStream, const RArray<TMemSpyDriverCell>* aCells )
- {
- TBuf<KMaxFullName + 100> printFormat;
- // Begin a new data stream
- if ( aCreateDataStream )
- {
- _LIT( KMemSpyFolder, "Heap\\Data" );
- _LIT( KMemSpyContext, "Heap Data - %S" );
- HBufC* context = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxFileName );
- TPtr pContext( context->Des() );
- pContext.Format( KMemSpyContext, &aThreadName );
- iEngine.Sink().DataStreamBeginL( pContext, KMemSpyFolder );
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( context );
- }
- // Get the heap info first of all
- iEngine.ProcessSuspendLC( aPid );
- // Start marker
- iEngine.Sink().OutputLineFormattedL( KMemSpyMarkerHeapData, &KNullDesC, (TUint) aTid );
- // Set overall prefix
- iEngine.Sink().OutputPrefixSetFormattedLC( KMemSpyPrefixHeapData, &aThreadName );
- // Info section
- OutputHeapInfoL( aInfo, aThreadName, aCells );
- // Code segments (needed for map file reading...)
- _LIT(KCellListCodeSegInfoFormat, "CodeSegs - ");
- iEngine.HelperCodeSegment().OutputCodeSegmentsL( aPid, printFormat, KCellListCodeSegInfoFormat, '-', ETrue );
- // Dump section
- _LIT(KHeaderDump, "Heap Data");
- iEngine.Sink().OutputSectionHeadingL( KHeaderDump, '-' );
- HBufC8* data = HBufC8::NewLC( 4096 * 12 );
- TPtr8 pData(data->Des());
- TUint remaining = 0;
- TUint readAddress = 0;
- // When we obtained the heap info, we also obtained a checksum of all the free cells
- // within the specified heap. We validate that this hasn't changed at the time we
- // request the heap data for paranoia purposes (There have been "Issues" with MemSpy
- // not actually suspending a process between fetching heap info & heap data, causing
- // a mismatch in free cell information).
- const TUint32 checksum = aInfo.AsRHeap().Statistics().StatsFree().Checksum();
- TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::OutputHeapDataUserL() - checksum: 0x%08x", checksum ) );
- TInt r = iEngine.Driver().GetHeapData( aTid, checksum, pData, readAddress, remaining );
- TUint prevEndAddress = readAddress + pData.Length();
- if (r == KErrNone)
- {
- while (r == KErrNone)
- {
- if (readAddress > prevEndAddress)
- {
- // We've hit a discontinuity, ie one or more unmapped pages
- _LIT(KBreak, "........");
- iEngine.Sink().OutputLineL(KBreak);
- }
- _LIT(KHeapDumpDataFormat, "%S");
- iEngine.Sink().OutputBinaryDataL(KHeapDumpDataFormat, pData.Ptr(), (const TUint8*) readAddress, pData.Length());
- readAddress += pData.Length();
- if (remaining > 0)
- {
- prevEndAddress = readAddress;
- r = iEngine.Driver().GetHeapDataNext(aTid, pData, readAddress, remaining);
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- _LIT( KHeapFetchError, "Heap error: %d");
- iEngine.Sink().OutputLineFormattedL( KHeapFetchError, r );
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( data );
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // clear prefix
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // resume process
- // End marker
- iEngine.Sink().OutputLineFormattedL( KMemSpyMarkerHeapData, &KMemSpySinkTagClose, (TUint) aTid );
- if ( aCreateDataStream )
- {
- iEngine.Sink().DataStreamEndL();
- }
- }
-EXPORT_C void CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::OutputHeapInfoL( const TMemSpyHeapInfo& aInfo, const TDesC& aThreadName, const RArray<TMemSpyDriverCell>* aCells )
- {
- CMemSpyEngineOutputList* list = NewHeapSummaryExtendedLC(aInfo, aCells);
- // Format the thread name according to upper/lower case request parameters
- _LIT( KOverallCaption1, "HEAP INFO FOR THREAD '%S'");
- list->InsertItemFormatUCL( 0, KOverallCaption1, &aThreadName );
- list->InsertUnderlineForItemAtL( 0 );
- // Print it
- list->PrintL();
- // Tidy up
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( list );
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::OutputCSVEntryL( TInt aIndex, const TMemSpyHeapInfo& aInfo, const TDesC& aThreadName, const TDesC& aProcessName )
- {
- const TMemSpyHeapInfoRHeap& rHeapInfo = aInfo.AsRHeap();
- const TMemSpyHeapMetaDataRHeap& rHeapMetaData = rHeapInfo.MetaData();
- const TMemSpyHeapStatisticsRHeap& rHeapStats = rHeapInfo.Statistics();
- // Example:
- //
- // <ENTRY_001>
- // <THREAD_NAME_001>ESock_IP</THREAD_NAME_001>
- // <PROCESS_NAME_001>c32exe.exe[101f7989]0001</PROCESS_NAME_001>
- // <CHUNK_NAME_001>Local-c812ba58</CHUNK_NAME_001>
- // <FIELDS_001>1,0x12400000,0x00c00074,36744,4092,524288,0x00c011a4,0,13,6872,1368,1680,2584,219,40,28996,0</FIELDS_001>
- // </ENTRY_001>
- _LIT( KFmtTagOpenAndClose, "<%S_%04d>%S</%S_%04d>" );
- _LIT( KFmtEntryId, "<%SENTRY_%04d>");
- _LIT( KFmtNameThread, "THREAD_NAME");
- _LIT( KFmtNameProcess, "PROCESS_NAME");
- _LIT( KFmtNameChunk, "CHUNK_NAME");
- _LIT( KFmtFields, "FIELDS");
- _LIT( KFmtFieldContent , "<%S_%04d>%06d,0x%08x,0x%08x,%d,%d,%d,0x%08x,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d</%S_%04d>");
- // <ENTRY_001>
- iEngine.Sink().OutputLineFormattedL( KFmtEntryId, &KNullDesC, aIndex );
- // <THREAD_NAME_001>ESock_IP</THREAD_NAME_001>
- iEngine.Sink().OutputLineFormattedL( KFmtTagOpenAndClose, &KFmtNameThread, aIndex, &aThreadName, &KFmtNameThread, aIndex );
- // <PROCESS_NAME_001>c32exe.exe[101f7989]0001</PROCESS_NAME_001>
- iEngine.Sink().OutputLineFormattedL( KFmtTagOpenAndClose, &KFmtNameProcess, aIndex, &aProcessName, &KFmtNameProcess, aIndex );
- // <CHUNK_NAME_001>Local-c812ba58</CHUNK_NAME_001>
- const TPtrC pChunkName( rHeapMetaData.ChunkName() );
- iEngine.Sink().OutputLineFormattedL( KFmtTagOpenAndClose, &KFmtNameChunk, aIndex, &pChunkName, &KFmtNameChunk, aIndex );
- // Fields
- iEngine.Sink().OutputLineFormattedL( KFmtFieldContent,
- &KFmtFields,
- aIndex,
- aInfo.Tid(),
- rHeapMetaData.ChunkHandle(),
- /*rHeapObjectData.Base(),*/ rHeapMetaData.iAllocatorAddress,
- /*rHeapObjectData.Size(),*/ rHeapMetaData.iHeapSize,
- /*rHeapObjectData.iMinLength,*/ rHeapMetaData.iMinHeapSize,
- /*rHeapObjectData.iMaxLength,*/ rHeapMetaData.iMaxHeapSize,
- /*rHeapObjectData.iFree.next,*/ NULL,
- /*rHeapObjectData.iFree.len,*/ 0,
- rHeapStats.StatsFree().TypeCount(),
- rHeapStats.StatsFree().TypeSize(),
- rHeapStats.StatsFree().SlackSpaceCellSize(),
- rHeapStats.StatsFree().LargestCellSize(),
- rHeapStats.StatsAllocated().LargestCellSize(),
- /*rHeapObjectData.iCellCount,*/ rHeapStats.StatsAllocated().TypeCount(),
- /*rHeapObjectData.iMinCell,*/ 0,
- /*rHeapObjectData.iTotalAllocSize,*/ rHeapStats.StatsAllocated().TypeSize(),
- rHeapMetaData.IsSharedHeap(),
- &KFmtFields,
- aIndex
- );
- // </ENTRY_001>
- iEngine.Sink().OutputLineFormattedL( KFmtEntryId, &KMemSpySinkTagClose, aIndex );
- }
-EXPORT_C void CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::OutputHeapInfoForDeviceL( TBool aIncludeKernel )
- {
- // NB: The goal here is to minimise the line length. We already look like we
- // could exceed the available RDebug::Print length...
- const TInt count = iEngine.Container().Count();
- TInt index = 0;
- //
- HBufC* buf = HBufC::NewLC( 1024 );
- TPtr pBuf(buf->Des());
- //
- _LIT( KMemSpyFolder, "Heap\\Compact" );
- _LIT( KMemSpyContext, "Heap Compact" );
- _LIT( KMemSpyExtension, ".log" );
- iEngine.Sink().DataStreamBeginL( KMemSpyContext, KMemSpyFolder, KMemSpyExtension );
- // Start marker
- iEngine.Sink().OutputLineFormattedL( KMemSpyMarkerCSV, &KNullDesC );
- // Set overall prefix
- iEngine.Sink().OutputPrefixSetLC( KMemSpyPrefixCSV );
- // Output version info
- _LIT( KVersionNumber, "<VERSION>1</VERSION>" );
- iEngine.Sink().OutputLineL( KVersionNumber );
- // Output time stamp
- _LIT( KTimeStamp, "<TIMESTAMP>%u</TIMESTAMP>" );
- iEngine.Sink().OutputLineFormattedL( KTimeStamp, User::FastCounter() );
- // Heap info we'll populate by calling the driver
- TMemSpyHeapInfo info;
- TFullName processName;
- if ( aIncludeKernel )
- {
- // Get kernel heap info
- GetHeapInfoKernelL( info );
- if ( info.Type() != TMemSpyHeapInfo::ETypeUnknown )
- {
- TName threadName;
- MemSpyEngineUtils::GetKernelHeapThreadAndProcessNames( threadName, processName );
- OutputCSVEntryL( index++, info, threadName, processName );
- }
- }
- for(TInt ii=0; ii<count; ii++)
- {
- const CMemSpyProcess& process = iEngine.Container().At( ii );
- process.FullName( processName );
- //
- if ( iEngine.ProcessSuspendAndGetErrorLC( process.Id() ) == KErrNone )
- {
- const TInt threadCount = process.Count();
- //
- for(TInt j=0; j<threadCount; j++)
- {
- const CMemSpyThread& thread = process.At( j );
- const TPtrC threadName( thread.Name() );
- //
- const TInt error = iEngine.Driver().GetHeapInfoUser( info, thread.Id() );
- if ( error == KErrNone )
- {
- UpdateSharedHeapInfoL( process.Id(), thread.Id(), info );
- }
- if ( error == KErrNone && info.Type() != TMemSpyHeapInfo::ETypeUnknown )
- {
- OutputCSVEntryL( index++, info, threadName, processName );
- }
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // ProcessSuspendLC
- }
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // clear prefix
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( buf );
- // End marker
- iEngine.Sink().OutputLineFormattedL( KMemSpyMarkerCSV, &KMemSpySinkTagClose );
- iEngine.Sink().DataStreamEndL();
- }
-EXPORT_C void CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::GetHeapInfoUserL(const TProcessId& aProcess, const TThreadId& aThread, TMemSpyHeapInfo& aInfo, RArray<TMemSpyDriverFreeCell>* aFreeCells)
- {
- GetHeapInfoUserL(aProcess, aThread, aInfo, aFreeCells, EFalse);
- }
-EXPORT_C void CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::GetHeapInfoUserL(const TProcessId& aProcess, const TThreadId& aThread, TMemSpyHeapInfo& aInfo, RArray<TMemSpyDriverCell>* aCells, TBool aCollectAllocatedCellsAsWellAsFree)
- {
- iEngine.ProcessSuspendLC( aProcess );
- TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::GetHeapInfoUserL() - checksum1: 0x%08x", aInfo.AsRHeap().Statistics().StatsFree().Checksum() ) );
- TInt r = KErrNone;
- //
- if (aCells)
- {
- r = iEngine.Driver().GetHeapInfoUser( aInfo, aThread, *aCells, aCollectAllocatedCellsAsWellAsFree);
- }
- else
- {
- r = iEngine.Driver().GetHeapInfoUser( aInfo, aThread );
- }
- if ( !r )
- {
- UpdateSharedHeapInfoL( aProcess, aThread, aInfo );
- }
- //
- TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::GetHeapInfoUserL() - checksum2: 0x%08x", aInfo.AsRHeap().Statistics().StatsFree().Checksum() ) );
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // ProcessSuspendLC
- User::LeaveIfError( r );
- }
-EXPORT_C void CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::GetHeapInfoUserL( const CMemSpyProcess& aProcess, RArray<TMemSpyHeapInfo >& aInfos )
- {
- aInfos.Reset();
- iEngine.ProcessSuspendLC( aProcess.Id() );
- //
- TMemSpyHeapInfo info;
- //
- const TInt count = aProcess.Count();
- for( TInt i=0; i<count; i++ )
- {
- const CMemSpyThread& thread = aProcess.At( i );
- //
- GetHeapInfoUserL( aProcess.Id(), thread.Id(), info );
- aInfos.AppendL( info );
- }
- //
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // ProcessSuspendLC
- }
-EXPORT_C void CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::OutputHeapInfoUserL( const CMemSpyThread& aThread )
- {
- HBufC* threadName = aThread.FullName().AllocLC();
- //
- RArray<TMemSpyDriverFreeCell> freeCells;
- CleanupClosePushL( freeCells );
- //
- TMemSpyHeapInfo info;
- GetHeapInfoUserL( aThread.Process().Id(), aThread.Id(), info, &freeCells );
- OutputHeapInfoL( info, *threadName, &freeCells );
- //
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2, threadName ); // freecells & thread name
- }
-EXPORT_C void CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::GetHeapInfoKernelL( TMemSpyHeapInfo& aInfo, RArray<TMemSpyDriverFreeCell>* aFreeCells )
- {
- TInt error = KErrNone;
- //
- if ( aFreeCells )
- {
- error = iEngine.Driver().GetHeapInfoKernel( aInfo, *aFreeCells );
- }
- else
- {
- error = iEngine.Driver().GetHeapInfoKernel( aInfo );
- }
- //
- User::LeaveIfError( error );
- }
-EXPORT_C void CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::OutputHeapInfoKernelL()
- {
- // Get thread name
- TFullName threadName;
- MemSpyEngineUtils::GetKernelHeapThreadName( threadName );
- // Free cells
- RArray<TMemSpyDriverFreeCell> freeCells;
- CleanupClosePushL( freeCells );
- // Get info
- TMemSpyHeapInfo info;
- GetHeapInfoKernelL( info, &freeCells );
- // Ouput
- OutputHeapInfoL( info, threadName, &freeCells );
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &freeCells );
- }
-EXPORT_C void CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::OutputHeapDataKernelL()
- {
- OutputHeapDataKernelL( KMemSpyHeapDumpCreateOwnDataStream );
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::OutputHeapDataKernelL( TBool aCreateDataStream )
- {
- // Get thread name
- TFullName threadName;
- MemSpyEngineUtils::GetKernelHeapThreadName( threadName, EFalse );
- // Begin a new data stream
- if ( aCreateDataStream )
- {
- _LIT( KMemSpyFolder, "Heap\\Data" );
- _LIT( KMemSpyContext, "Heap Data - %S" );
- HBufC* context = HBufC::NewLC( KMaxFileName );
- TPtr pContext( context->Des() );
- pContext.Format( KMemSpyContext, &threadName );
- iEngine.Sink().DataStreamBeginL( pContext, KMemSpyFolder );
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( context );
- }
- RArray<TMemSpyDriverFreeCell> freeCells;
- CleanupClosePushL( freeCells );
- // Get kernel data and heap info before outputting anything...
- TMemSpyHeapInfo info;
- HBufC8* data = iEngine.Driver().GetHeapDataKernelLC( info, freeCells );
- // Start marker
- iEngine.Sink().OutputLineFormattedL( KMemSpyMarkerHeapData, &KNullDesC, info.Tid() );
- // Set overall prefix
- iEngine.Sink().OutputPrefixSetFormattedLC( KMemSpyPrefixHeapData, &threadName );
- // Info section
- OutputHeapInfoL( info, threadName, &freeCells );
- // Dump section
- _LIT(KHeaderDump, "Heap Data");
- iEngine.Sink().OutputSectionHeadingL( KHeaderDump, '-' );
- /*TOMSCI TODO this stuff needs fixing
- _LIT(KHeapDumpDataFormat, "%S");
- const TUint8* heapBaseAddress = info.AsRHeap().ObjectData().Base();
- iEngine.Sink().OutputBinaryDataL( KHeapDumpDataFormat, data->Ptr(), heapBaseAddress, data->Length() );
- */
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // clear prefix
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( data );
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &freeCells );
- // End marker
- iEngine.Sink().OutputLineFormattedL( KMemSpyMarkerHeapData, &KMemSpySinkTagClose, info.Tid() );
- if ( aCreateDataStream )
- {
- iEngine.Sink().DataStreamEndL();
- }
- }
-EXPORT_C CMemSpyEngineOutputList* CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::NewHeapSummaryShortLC( const TMemSpyHeapInfo& aInfo )
- {
- CMemSpyEngineOutputList* list = CMemSpyEngineOutputList::NewLC( iEngine.Sink() );
- // Heap type
- _LIT( KItem0, "Heap type" );
- if ( aInfo.Type() == TMemSpyHeapInfo::ETypeUnknown )
- {
- _LIT( KItem0_Type_Unknown, "Unknown" );
- list->AddItemL( KItem0, KItem0_Type_Unknown );
- }
- else
- {
- const TMemSpyHeapInfoRHeap& rHeap = aInfo.AsRHeap();
- const TMemSpyHeapMetaDataRHeap& metaData = rHeap.MetaData();
- const TMemSpyHeapStatisticsRHeap& statistics = rHeap.Statistics();
- _LIT( KItem0_Type_RHeap, "RHeap" );
- _LIT( KItem0_Type_RHybridHeap, "RHybridHeap" );
- if (aInfo.Type() == TMemSpyHeapInfo::ETypeRHeap)
- {
- list->AddItemL( KItem0, KItem0_Type_RHeap );
- }
- else
- {
- list->AddItemL( KItem0, KItem0_Type_RHybridHeap );
- }
- // Heap size is the size of the heap minus the size of the embedded (in-place) RHeap.
- _LIT( KItem1, "Heap size" );
- list->AddItemL(KItem1, metaData.iHeapSize);
- _LIT( KItem8b, "Allocator address" );
- list->AddItemHexL( KItem8b, (TUint)metaData.iAllocatorAddress );
- _LIT( KItem1b, "Shared" );
- list->AddItemYesNoL( KItem1b, metaData.IsSharedHeap() );
- // This is the size (rounded to the page) of memory associated with
- // the underlying heap chunk
- _LIT( KItem2, "Chunk size" );
- list->AddItemL( KItem2, metaData.ChunkSize() );
- _LIT( KItem3, "Alloc. count" );
- list->AddItemL( KItem3, statistics.StatsAllocated().TypeCount() );
- _LIT( KItem4, "Free. count" );
- list->AddItemL( KItem4, statistics.StatsFree().TypeCount() );
- _LIT( KItem5, "Biggest alloc." );
- list->AddItemL( KItem5, statistics.StatsAllocated().LargestCellSize() );
- _LIT( KItem6, "Biggest free" );
- list->AddItemL( KItem6, statistics.StatsFree().LargestCellSize() );
- _LIT( KItem6a, "Total alloc." );
- list->AddItemL( KItem6a, statistics.StatsAllocated().TypeSize() );
- _LIT( KItem6b, "Total free" );
- list->AddItemL( KItem6b, statistics.StatsFree().TypeSize() );
- // Slack is the free space at the end of the heap
- _LIT( KItem7, "Slack free space" );
- list->AddItemL( KItem7, statistics.StatsFree().SlackSpaceCellSize() );
- // Fragmentation is a measurement of free space scattered throughout the heap, but ignoring
- // any slack space at the end (which can often be recovered, to the granularity of one page of ram)
- _LIT( KItem8a, "Fragmentation" );
- list->AddItemPercentageL( KItem8a, metaData.iHeapSize, ( statistics.StatsFree().TypeSize() - statistics.StatsFree().SlackSpaceCellSize() ) );
- _LIT( KItem9c, "Overhead (total)" );
- const TInt totalOverhead = metaData.iHeapSize - statistics.StatsAllocated().TypeSize();
- list->AddItemL( KItem9c, totalOverhead );
- _LIT( KItem9d, "Overhead" );
- list->AddItemPercentageL( KItem9d, metaData.iHeapSize, totalOverhead );
- _LIT( KItem10, "Min. length" );
- list->AddItemL( KItem10, metaData.iMinHeapSize );
- _LIT( KItem11, "Max. length" );
- list->AddItemL( KItem11, metaData.iMaxHeapSize );
- _LIT( KItem12, "Debug Allocator Library" );
- list->AddItemYesNoL( KItem12, metaData.IsDebugAllocator() );
- }
- return list;
- }
-EXPORT_C CMemSpyEngineOutputList* CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::NewHeapSummaryExtendedLC( const TMemSpyHeapInfo& aInfo, const RArray<TMemSpyDriverCell>* aCells )
- {
- CMemSpyEngineOutputList* list = CMemSpyEngineOutputList::NewLC( iEngine.Sink() );
- //
- AppendMetaDataL( aInfo, *list );
- AppendStatisticsL( aInfo, *list );
- //
- if ( aCells )
- {
- AppendCellsL( *aCells, *list );
- }
- //
- return list;
- }
-//cigasto: not formatted - raw heap info
-EXPORT_C TMemSpyHeapData CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::NewHeapRawInfo( const TMemSpyHeapInfo& aInfo )
- {
- _LIT(KUnknown, "Unknown");
- TMemSpyHeapData list;
- list.iType.Copy(KUnknown);
- // Heap type
- if (aInfo.Type() != TMemSpyHeapInfo::ETypeUnknown)
- {
- const TMemSpyHeapInfoRHeap& rHeap = aInfo.AsRHeap();
- const TMemSpyHeapMetaDataRHeap& metaData = rHeap.MetaData();
- const TMemSpyHeapStatisticsRHeap& statistics = rHeap.Statistics();
- _LIT(KRHeap, "RHeap");
- _LIT(KRHybridHeap, "RHybridHeap");
- switch (aInfo.Type())
- {
- case TMemSpyHeapInfo::ETypeRHeap:
- list.iType.Copy(KRHeap);
- break;
- case TMemSpyHeapInfo::ETypeRHybridHeap:
- list.iType.Copy(KRHybridHeap);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- // Heap size is the total amount of memory committed to the heap, which includes the size of the embedded (in-place) RHeap/RHybridHeap.
- list.iSize = metaData.iHeapSize;
- list.iBaseAddress = (TUint)metaData.iAllocatorAddress; // TODO we can't do the base address any more, allocator address is the closest thing
- list.iShared = metaData.IsSharedHeap();
- list.iChunkSize = metaData.ChunkSize();
- list.iAllocationsCount = statistics.StatsAllocated().TypeCount();
- list.iFreeCount = statistics.StatsFree().TypeCount();
- list.iBiggestAllocation = statistics.StatsAllocated().LargestCellSize();
- list.iBiggestFree = statistics.StatsFree().LargestCellSize();
- list.iTotalAllocations = statistics.StatsAllocated().TypeSize();
- list.iTotalFree = statistics.StatsFree().TypeSize();
- list.iSlackFreeSpace = statistics.StatsFree().SlackSpaceCellSize();
- list.iFragmentation = statistics.StatsFree().TypeSize() - statistics.StatsFree().SlackSpaceCellSize(); //to calculate percentage value use iSize as 100% value
- list.iHeaderSizeA = 0; //metaData.HeaderSizeAllocated();
- list.iHeaderSizeF = 0; //metaData.HeaderSizeFree();
- TInt allocOverhead = rHeap.Overhead(); //metaData.HeaderSizeAllocated() * statistics.StatsAllocated().TypeCount();
- list.iAllocationOverhead = allocOverhead;
- //TInt freeOverhead = metaData.HeaderSizeFree() * statistics.StatsFree().TypeCount();
- list.iFreeOverhead = 0; // TODO there is no way of calculating this
- list.iTotalOverhead = allocOverhead; // freeOverhead + allocOverhead
- list.iOverhead = allocOverhead; //freeOverhead + allocOverhead; //to calculate percentage value use iSize as 100% value
- list.iMinLength = metaData.iMinHeapSize;
- list.iMaxLength = metaData.iMaxHeapSize;
- list.iDebugAllocatorLibrary = metaData.IsDebugAllocator();
- }
- return list;
- }
-TUint CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::DescriptorAsDWORD( const TDesC8& aItem)
- {
- __ASSERT_ALWAYS( aItem.Length() >= 4, User::Invariant() );
- const TUint ret = aItem[0] +
- (aItem[1] << 8) +
- (aItem[2] << 16) +
- (aItem[3] << 24);
- return ret;
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::AppendMetaDataL( const TMemSpyHeapInfo& aInfo, CMemSpyEngineOutputList& aList )
- {
- const TMemSpyHeapInfoRHeap& rHeap = aInfo.AsRHeap();
- // Make caption
- _LIT( KOverallCaption1, "Meta Data" );
- aList.AddItemL( KOverallCaption1 );
- aList.AddUnderlineForPreviousItemL( '=', 0 );
- // Type
- _LIT( KMetaData_Type, "Type:" );
- if ( aInfo.Type() == TMemSpyHeapInfo::ETypeUnknown )
- {
- _LIT( KMetaData_Type_Unknown, "Unknown" );
- aList.AddItemL( KMetaData_Type, KMetaData_Type_Unknown );
- }
- else
- {
- const TMemSpyHeapMetaDataRHeap& metaData = rHeap.MetaData();
- // Type
- _LIT( KMetaData_Type_RHeap, "Symbian OS RHeap" );
- _LIT( KMetaData_Type_RHybridHeap, "Symbian OS RHybridHeap" );
- if (aInfo.Type() == TMemSpyHeapInfo::ETypeRHeap)
- {
- aList.AddItemL( KMetaData_Type, KMetaData_Type_RHeap );
- }
- else
- {
- aList.AddItemL( KMetaData_Type, KMetaData_Type_RHybridHeap );
- }
- // VTable
- //_LIT( KMetaData_VTable, "VTable:" );
- //aList.AddItemHexL( KMetaData_VTable, metaData.VTable() );
- // Object size
- //_LIT( KMetaData_ObjectSize, "Object Size:" );
- //aList.AddItemL( KMetaData_ObjectSize, metaData.ClassSize() );
- // Chunk name
- _LIT( KMetaData_ChunkName, "Chunk Name:" );
- TPtrC pChunkName( metaData.ChunkName() );
- aList.AddItemL( KMetaData_ChunkName, pChunkName );
- // Chunk size
- _LIT( KMetaData_ChunkSize, "Chunk Size:" );
- aList.AddItemL( KMetaData_ChunkSize, metaData.ChunkSize() );
- // Chunk base address
- _LIT( KMetaData_ChunkBaseAddress, "Chunk Base Address:" );
- aList.AddItemL( KMetaData_ChunkBaseAddress, metaData.ChunkBaseAddress() );
- // Debug allocator
- _LIT( KMetaData_DebugAllocator, "Debug Allocator:" );
- aList.AddItemYesNoL( KMetaData_DebugAllocator, metaData.IsDebugAllocator() );
- // Shared Heap
- _LIT( KMetaData_Shared, "Shared:" );
- aList.AddItemYesNoL( KMetaData_Shared, metaData.IsSharedHeap() );
- // Add ROM info
- iEngine.HelperROM().AddInfoL( aList );
- }
- aList.AddBlankItemL( 1 );
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::AppendStatisticsL( const TMemSpyHeapInfo& aInfo, CMemSpyEngineOutputList& aList )
- {
- if (aInfo.Type() != TMemSpyHeapInfo::ETypeUnknown)
- {
- const TMemSpyHeapInfoRHeap& rHeap = aInfo.AsRHeap();
- const TMemSpyHeapStatisticsRHeap& rHeapStats = rHeap.Statistics();
- // Shared captions
- _LIT( KStatsData_CellCount, "Number of cells:" );
- _LIT( KStatsData_CellSize, "Size of cells:" );
- _LIT( KStatsData_LargestCellAddress, "Largest cell:" );
- _LIT( KStatsData_LargestCellSize, "Largest cell size:" );
- // Free space
- _LIT( KOverallCaption1, "Free Cell Statistics" );
- aList.AddItemL( KOverallCaption1 );
- aList.AddUnderlineForPreviousItemL( '=', 0 );
- aList.AddItemL( KStatsData_CellCount, rHeapStats.StatsFree().TypeCount() );
- aList.AddItemL( KStatsData_CellSize, rHeapStats.StatsFree().TypeSize() );
- aList.AddItemL( KStatsData_LargestCellAddress, rHeapStats.StatsFree().LargestCellAddress() );
- aList.AddItemL( KStatsData_LargestCellSize, rHeapStats.StatsFree().LargestCellSize() );
- if (aInfo.Type() == TMemSpyHeapInfo::ETypeRHeap)
- {
- _LIT( KStatsData_Free_SlackCellAddress, "Slack:" );
- aList.AddItemL( KStatsData_Free_SlackCellAddress, rHeapStats.StatsFree().SlackSpaceCellAddress() );
- _LIT( KStatsData_Free_SlackCellSize, "Slack size:" );
- aList.AddItemL( KStatsData_Free_SlackCellSize, rHeapStats.StatsFree().SlackSpaceCellSize() );
- }
- _LIT( KStatsData_Free_Checksum, "Checksum:" );
- aList.AddItemHexL( KStatsData_Free_Checksum, rHeapStats.StatsFree().Checksum() );
- aList.AddBlankItemL( 1 );
- // Allocated space
- _LIT( KOverallCaption2, "Allocated Cell Statistics" );
- aList.AddItemL( KOverallCaption2 );
- aList.AddUnderlineForPreviousItemL( '=', 0 );
- aList.AddItemL( KStatsData_CellCount, rHeapStats.StatsAllocated().TypeCount() );
- aList.AddItemL( KStatsData_CellSize, rHeapStats.StatsAllocated().TypeSize() );
- aList.AddItemL( KStatsData_LargestCellAddress, rHeapStats.StatsAllocated().LargestCellAddress() );
- aList.AddItemL( KStatsData_LargestCellSize, rHeapStats.StatsAllocated().LargestCellSize() );
- aList.AddBlankItemL( 1 );
- }
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::AppendCellsL(const RArray<TMemSpyDriverCell>& aCells, CMemSpyEngineOutputList& aList)
- {
- // For reasons that may or may not turn out to be sensible, we separate free and allocated cells in the output data
- _LIT( KOverallCaption1, "Free Cell List" );
- aList.AddItemL( KOverallCaption1 );
- aList.AddUnderlineForPreviousItemL( '=', 0 );
- TBuf<128> caption;
- _LIT( KCaptionFormat, "FC %04d" );
- _LIT( KValueFormat, "0x%08x %8d %d" );
- TBool foundAllocatedCells = EFalse;
- const TInt count = aCells.Count();
- for( TInt i=0; i<count; i++ )
- {
- const TMemSpyDriverCell& cell = aCells[ i ];
- if (cell.iType & EMemSpyDriverAllocatedCellMask)
- {
- foundAllocatedCells = ETrue;
- }
- else if (cell.iType & EMemSpyDriverFreeCellMask)
- {
- caption.Format( KCaptionFormat, i + 1 );
- aList.AddItemFormatL( caption, KValueFormat, cell.iAddress, cell.iLength, cell.iType );
- }
- }
- if (foundAllocatedCells)
- {
- aList.AddBlankItemL( 1 );
- _LIT( KOverallCaption1, "Allocated Cell List" );
- aList.AddItemL( KOverallCaption1 );
- aList.AddUnderlineForPreviousItemL( '=', 0 );
- TBuf<128> caption;
- _LIT( KCaptionFormat, "AC %04d" );
- _LIT( KValueFormat, "0x%08x %8d %d" );
- for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
- {
- const TMemSpyDriverCell& cell = aCells[ i ];
- if (cell.iType & EMemSpyDriverAllocatedCellMask)
- {
- caption.Format( KCaptionFormat, i + 1 );
- aList.AddItemFormatL( caption, KValueFormat, cell.iAddress, cell.iLength, cell.iType );
- }
- }
- }
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::UpdateSharedHeapInfoL( const TProcessId& aProcess, const TThreadId& aThread, TMemSpyHeapInfo& aInfo )
- {
- RArray<TThreadId> threads;
- CleanupClosePushL( threads );
- iEngine.Driver().GetThreadsL( aProcess, threads );
- TMemSpyHeapInfo otherHeap;
- TThreadId otherThreadId;
- TInt r( KErrNone );
- for ( TInt i = 0; i < threads.Count(); i++ )
- {
- otherThreadId = threads[i];
- if ( aThread != otherThreadId ) // skip current thread
- {
- r = iEngine.Driver().GetHeapInfoUser( otherHeap, otherThreadId );
- if ( !r && otherHeap.AsRHeap().MetaData().ChunkHandle() == aInfo.AsRHeap().MetaData().ChunkHandle() )
- {
- TRACE( RDebug::Printf( "CMemSpyEngineHelperHeap::UpdateSharedHeapInfoL - shared heap detected chunkhandle: 0x%08x", aInfo.AsRHeap().MetaData().ChunkHandle() ) );
- aInfo.AsRHeap().MetaData().SetSharedHeap( ETrue );
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &threads );
- }