--- a/memspy/Engine/Source/SysMemTracker/MemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager.cpp Thu Sep 02 22:05:40 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1150 +0,0 @@
-* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-* All rights reserved.
-* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-* Initial Contributors:
-* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-* Contributors:
-* Description:
-#include "MemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager.h"
-// System includes
-#include <e32debug.h>
-// Driver includes
-#include <memspy/driver/memspydriverclient.h>
-// User includes
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyengine.h>
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyengineutils.h>
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyenginemidwife.h>
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyengineundertaker.h>
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyengineobjectthread.h>
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyengineobjectprocess.h>
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyengineobjectcontainer.h>
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyenginehelperheap.h>
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyenginehelperchunk.h>
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyenginehelperfbserv.h>
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyenginehelperfilesystem.h>
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyenginehelpercodesegment.h>
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyenginehelperkernelcontainers.h>
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyenginehelperwindowserver.h>
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyenginehelpersysmemtracker.h>
-#include "MemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerImp.h"
-#include "MemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerLog.h"
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyenginehelpersysmemtrackercycle.h>
-#include <memspy/engine/memspyenginehelpersysmemtrackercyclechange.h>
-#include "MemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntries.h"
-#include "MemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryChunk.h"
-#include "MemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryGlobalData.h"
-#include "MemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryHeap.h"
-#include "MemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryRamDrive.h"
-#include "MemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryStack.h"
-#include "MemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryCode.h"
-#include "MemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryHandleGeneric.h"
-#include "MemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryHandlePAndS.h"
-#include "MemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryOpenFile.h"
-#include "MemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryDiskSpace.h"
-#include "MemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryBitmap.h"
-#include "MemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryFbserv.h"
-#include "MemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryFileServerCache.h"
-#include "MemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntrySystemMemory.h"
-#include "MemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryWindowServer.h"
-// Constants
-// Message printed to RDebug output for some clients that may be reading traces
-_LIT( KMemSpyKeepaliveMessage, "<MEMSPY_PROGRESS>" );
-CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager( CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerImp& aTracker, CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager* aMasterList )
-: iTracker( aTracker ), iMasterList( aMasterList )
- {
- }
- {
- iEntries.ResetAndDestroy();
- iEntries.Close();
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::ConstructL()
- {
- CreateSeedItemsL();
- }
-CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager* CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::NewL( CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerImp& aTracker )
- {
- CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager* self = new(ELeave) CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager( aTracker );
- CleanupStack::PushL( self );
- self->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop( self );
- return self;
- }
-CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager* CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::NewL( CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerImp& aTracker, CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager& aMasterList )
- {
- CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager* self = new(ELeave) CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager( aTracker, &aMasterList );
- CleanupStack::PushL( self );
- self->ConstructL();
- CleanupStack::Pop( self );
- return self;
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::IdentifyChangesL( CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerCycle& aCycle )
- {
- // Mark everything in this list (i.e. the master list) as dead.
- MarkEverythingDead();
- // Create a new list which will act as a secondary list. This new list will only contain
- // new entries. Any entries which it attempts to create that already exist in the master list
- // will be discared (after updating the corresponding master list entry with new values).
- CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager* newEM = CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::NewL( iTracker, *this );
- CleanupStack::PushL( newEM );
- // At this point, we have performed several key operations
- //
- // 1) We have tagged everything that is still alive as "alive".
- // 2) We have left everything that no longer exists as "dead"
- // 3) We have updated all alive entries with new values (if they have changed)
- // 4) We have identified new entries (these are currently orphaned within the secondary list right now).
- //
- // We now need to merge the two lists, i.e. take all the new entries in 'newEM' and merge them
- // into the current master list.
- MergeListIntoMeL( *newEM );
- // We can throw the other list away now as it will be empty.
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( newEM );
- // At this point we have our final new list, but it still contains dead entries.
- // We must next output all the change information required for this cycle.
- ProcessChangesL( aCycle );
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::EverythingHasChangedL( CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerCycle& aCycle )
- {
- ProcessChangesL( aCycle );
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::ProcessChangesL( CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerCycle& aCycle )
- {
- const TInt count = iEntries.Count();
- for( TInt i=count-1; i>=0; i-- )
- {
- CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntry* entry = iEntries[ i ];
- // Create any change descriptors etc
- TRAP_IGNORE( entry->HandleNewCycleL( aCycle ) );
- // Destroy the entry if it's no longer needed
- if ( entry->IsDead() )
- {
- delete entry;
- iEntries.Remove( i );
- }
- else
- {
- // It's not new anymore
- entry->SetNew( EFalse );
- }
- }
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::AddItemAndPopL( CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntry* aItem )
- {
- // We sort by entry key, we do not allow duplicates
- TLinearOrder<CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntry> orderer( CompareKey );
- // Before we save the entry we must check to see if the master list knows about it.
- const TUint64 key( aItem->Key() );
- // Operates in one of two ways. If we're in stand-alone mode, then it saves every specified entry.
- // If we're in secondary mode (i.e. we have an associated master list) then it only saves new entries.
- // Entries which are changed are updated (in the master list) and entries that don't exist anymore
- // are tagged as dead.
- //
- if ( ActingAsSecondaryList() )
- {
- CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntry* existingEntry = iMasterList->EntryByKey( key );
- if ( existingEntry )
- {
- // Entry used to exist, still does. Update the master list entry with the information
- // from the transient (new) entry.
- existingEntry->UpdateFromL( *aItem );
- // Entry is still alive. Previously, at the start of the cycle, we'd tagged all master list
- // entries as dead, hence we must undo that if we find the entry really still exists...
- // NB: this also updates the timestamp for the entry, to show when it was last still alive.
- existingEntry->SetAlive();
- // But it definitely isn't new anymore as we've seen it at least once before
- existingEntry->SetNew( EFalse );
- // Transient entry not needed anymore, keep original
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( aItem );
- }
- else
- {
- // Entry didn't exist before - it's a new one
- iEntries.InsertInOrderL( aItem, orderer );
- CleanupStack::Pop( aItem );
- }
- // Any entries in the master list which aren't present anymore in this list (aka, dead entries)
- // will remain tagged as dead and will be filtered out and dealt with shortly...
- }
- else
- {
- // We ARE the master list
- const TInt err = iEntries.InsertInOrder( aItem, orderer );
- if ( err == KErrAlreadyExists )
- {
- // Don't allow duplicates
- RDebug::Printf( "CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::AddItemAndPopL() - ******* duplicate key ******* key: %LU, type: %d, tid: 0x%08x, pid: 0x%08x, handle: 0x%08x", key, aItem->Type(), (TUint32) aItem->ThreadId(), (TUint32) aItem->ProcessId(), aItem->Handle() );
- delete aItem;
- }
- else if ( err != KErrNone )
- {
- User::Leave( err );
- }
- CleanupStack::Pop( aItem );
- }
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::MarkEverythingDead()
- {
- const TInt count = iEntries.Count();
- for( TInt i=count-1; i>=0; i-- )
- {
- CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntry* entry = iEntries[ i ];
- entry->SetDead();
- }
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::MergeListIntoMeL( CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager& aOtherList )
- {
- const TInt count = aOtherList.iEntries.Count();
- for( TInt i=count-1; i>=0; i-- )
- {
- CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntry* entry = aOtherList.iEntries[ i ];
- CleanupStack::PushL( entry );
- aOtherList.iEntries.Remove( i );
- AddItemAndPopL( entry );
- }
- }
-TInt CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::FindByHandle( TUint aHandle, TMemSpyEngineSysMemTrackerType aType ) const
- {
- TInt ret = KErrNotFound;
- //
- const TInt count = iEntries.Count();
- for( TInt i=0; i<count; i++ )
- {
- const CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntry* entry = iEntries[ i ];
- if ( entry->Handle() == aHandle && entry->Type() == aType )
- {
- ret = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- //
- return ret;
- }
-TInt CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::FindByThreadId( const TThreadId& aThreadId ) const
- {
- TInt ret = KErrNotFound;
- //
- const TInt count = iEntries.Count();
- for( TInt i=0; i<count; i++ )
- {
- const CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntry* entry = iEntries[ i ];
- if ( entry->ThreadId() == aThreadId )
- {
- ret = i;
- break;
- }
- }
- //
- return ret;
- }
-CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntry* CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::EntryByKey( const TUint64& aKey )
- {
- TLinearOrder<CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntry> orderer( CompareKey );
- //
- CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryWithSuppliedKey tempEntry( iTracker, aKey );
- const TInt pos = iEntries.FindInOrder( &tempEntry, orderer );
- //
- CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntry* ret = NULL;
- if ( pos >= 0 )
- {
- ret = iEntries[ pos ];
- }
- //
- return ret;
- }
-TInt CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CompareKey( const CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntry& aLeft, const CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntry& aRight )
- {
- TInt ret = -1;
- //
- const TUint64 kLeft( aLeft.Key() );
- const TUint64 kRight( aRight.Key() );
- //
- if ( kLeft > kRight )
- {
- ret = 1;
- }
- else if ( kLeft == kRight )
- {
- ret = 0;
- }
- //
- return ret;
- }
-TInt CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CompareKeyAndTimeStamp( const CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntry& aLeft, const CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntry& aRight )
- {
- TInt ret = CompareKey( aLeft, aRight );
- if ( ret == 0 )
- {
- // Keys are the same, so compare time stamps
- const TTime& tLeft = aLeft.LastUpdateTime();
- const TTime& tRight = aRight.LastUpdateTime();
- //
- ret = -1;
- if ( tLeft > tRight )
- {
- ret = 1;
- }
- else if ( tLeft == tRight )
- {
- ret = 0;
- }
- }
- //
- return ret;
- }
-CMemSpyEngine& CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::Engine()
- {
- return iTracker.Engine();
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsL()
- {
- RDebug::Print( KMemSpyKeepaliveMessage );
- TMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerConfig config;
- Engine().HelperSysMemTracker().GetConfig( config );
- // Get chunk list for entire device
- CMemSpyEngineChunkList* chunks = Engine().HelperChunk().ListL( );
- CleanupStack::PushL( chunks );
- {
- const TInt chunkCount = chunks->Count();
- for( TInt i=chunkCount-1; i>=0; i-- )
- {
- const TMemSpyDriverChunkInfo& info = chunks->At( i ).Info();
- RDebug::Print( _L("CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsL() - MASTER - info[%03d]: type: %d, size: %d, name: %S"), i, info.iType, info.iSize, &info.iName );
- }
- }
- if ( config.iEnabledCategories & TMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerConfig::EMemSpyEngineSysMemTrackerCategoryFileServerCache )
- {
- RDebug::Print( KMemSpyKeepaliveMessage );
- // Extract F32 cache chunk
- CreateSeedItemsFileServerCacheL( *chunks );
- }
- {
- const TInt chunkCount = chunks->Count();
- for( TInt i=chunkCount-1; i>=0; i-- )
- {
- const TMemSpyDriverChunkInfo& info = chunks->At( i ).Info();
- RDebug::Print( _L("CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsL() - AFTER F32 CACHE - info[%03d]: type: %d, size: %d, name: %S"), i, info.iType, info.iSize, &info.iName );
- }
- }
-// TODO: Uncomment when bitmap handels are fixed
-// if ( config.iEnabledCategories & TMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerConfig::EMemSpyEngineSysMemTrackerCategoryBitmapHandles )
-// {
-// RDebug::Print( KMemSpyKeepaliveMessage );
-// // Bitmap
-// CreateSeedItemsBitmapL( *chunks );
-// }
- {
- const TInt chunkCount = chunks->Count();
- for( TInt i=chunkCount-1; i>=0; i-- )
- {
- const TMemSpyDriverChunkInfo& info = chunks->At( i ).Info();
- RDebug::Print( _L("CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsL() - AFTER BITMAPS - info[%03d]: type: %d, size: %d, name: %S"), i, info.iType, info.iSize, &info.iName );
- }
- }
- if ( config.iEnabledCategories & TMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerConfig::EMemSpyEngineSysMemTrackerCategoryUserHeap )
- {
- RDebug::Print( KMemSpyKeepaliveMessage );
- // Look for user heaps
- CreateSeedItemsHeapUserL( *chunks );
- }
- {
- const TInt chunkCount = chunks->Count();
- for( TInt i=chunkCount-1; i>=0; i-- )
- {
- const TMemSpyDriverChunkInfo& info = chunks->At( i ).Info();
- RDebug::Print( _L("CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsL() - AFTER USER HEAP - info[%03d]: type: %d, size: %d, name: %S"), i, info.iType, info.iSize, &info.iName );
- }
- }
-// TODO: Uncomment after fix
-// if ( config.iEnabledCategories & TMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerConfig::EMemSpyEngineSysMemTrackerCategoryKernelHeap )
-// {
-// RDebug::Print( KMemSpyKeepaliveMessage );
-// // Look for kernel heaps
-// CreateSeedItemsHeapKernelL( *chunks );
-// }
- {
- const TInt chunkCount = chunks->Count();
- for( TInt i=chunkCount-1; i>=0; i-- )
- {
- const TMemSpyDriverChunkInfo& info = chunks->At( i ).Info();
- RDebug::Print( _L("CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsL() - AFTER KERNEL HEAP - info[%03d]: type: %d, size: %d, name: %S"), i, info.iType, info.iSize, &info.iName );
- }
- }
- if ( config.iEnabledCategories & TMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerConfig::EMemSpyEngineSysMemTrackerCategoryLocalChunks )
- {
- RDebug::Print( KMemSpyKeepaliveMessage );
- // Local chunks
- CreateSeedItemsChunkLocalL( *chunks );
- }
- {
- const TInt chunkCount = chunks->Count();
- for( TInt i=chunkCount-1; i>=0; i-- )
- {
- const TMemSpyDriverChunkInfo& info = chunks->At( i ).Info();
- RDebug::Print( _L("CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsL() - AFTER LOCL CHUNK - info[%03d]: type: %d, size: %d, name: %S"), i, info.iType, info.iSize, &info.iName );
- }
- }
- if ( config.iEnabledCategories & TMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerConfig::EMemSpyEngineSysMemTrackerCategoryGlobalChunks )
- {
- RDebug::Print( KMemSpyKeepaliveMessage );
- // Global chunks
- CreateSeedItemsChunkGlobalL( *chunks );
- }
- {
- const TInt chunkCount = chunks->Count();
- for( TInt i=chunkCount-1; i>=0; i-- )
- {
- const TMemSpyDriverChunkInfo& info = chunks->At( i ).Info();
- RDebug::Print( _L("CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsL() - AFTER GLOB CHUNK - info[%03d]: type: %d, size: %d, name: %S"), i, info.iType, info.iSize, &info.iName );
- }
- }
- if ( config.iEnabledCategories & TMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerConfig::EMemSpyEngineSysMemTrackerCategoryRAMDrive )
- {
- RDebug::Print( KMemSpyKeepaliveMessage );
- // RAM drive
- CreateSeedItemRamDriveL( *chunks );
- }
- {
- const TInt chunkCount = chunks->Count();
- for( TInt i=chunkCount-1; i>=0; i-- )
- {
- const TMemSpyDriverChunkInfo& info = chunks->At( i ).Info();
- RDebug::Print( _L("CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsL() - AFTER RAMD - info[%03d]: type: %d, size: %d, name: %S"), i, info.iType, info.iSize, &info.iName );
- }
- }
-// TODO: Uncomment after fix
-// if ( config.iEnabledCategories & TMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerConfig::EMemSpyEngineSysMemTrackerCategoryUserStacks )
-// {
-// RDebug::Print( KMemSpyKeepaliveMessage );
-// // Stacks ($DAT)
-// CreateSeedItemsStacksL( *chunks );
-// }
- {
- const TInt chunkCount = chunks->Count();
- for( TInt i=chunkCount-1; i>=0; i-- )
- {
- const TMemSpyDriverChunkInfo& info = chunks->At( i ).Info();
- RDebug::Print( _L("CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsL() - AFTER STACKS - info[%03d]: type: %d, size: %d, name: %S"), i, info.iType, info.iSize, &info.iName );
- }
- }
-// TODO: Uncomment after fix
-// if ( config.iEnabledCategories & TMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerConfig::EMemSpyEngineSysMemTrackerCategoryGlobalData )
-// {
-// RDebug::Print( KMemSpyKeepaliveMessage );
-// // Global data (DLL$DATA)
-// CreateSeedItemsGlobalDataL( *chunks );
-// }
- {
- const TInt chunkCount = chunks->Count();
- for( TInt i=chunkCount-1; i>=0; i-- )
- {
- const TMemSpyDriverChunkInfo& info = chunks->At( i ).Info();
- RDebug::Print( _L("CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsL() - AFTER GLOBAL DATA - info[%03d]: type: %d, size: %d, name: %S"), i, info.iType, info.iSize, &info.iName );
- }
- }
- // Don't need the chunks anymore
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( chunks );
- if ( config.iEnabledCategories & TMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerConfig::EMemSpyEngineSysMemTrackerCategoryRAMLoadedCode )
- {
- RDebug::Print( KMemSpyKeepaliveMessage );
- // Code
- CreateSeedItemsCodeL();
- }
- if ( config.iEnabledCategories & TMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerConfig::EMemSpyEngineSysMemTrackerCategoryKernelHandles )
- {
- // Handles
- RDebug::Print( KMemSpyKeepaliveMessage);
- CreateSeedItemsHandlesL();
- }
- if ( config.iEnabledCategories & TMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerConfig::EMemSpyEngineSysMemTrackerCategoryOpenFiles )
- {
- RDebug::Print( KMemSpyKeepaliveMessage );
- // Open files
- CreateSeedItemsOpenFilesL();
- }
- if ( config.iEnabledCategories & TMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerConfig::EMemSpyEngineSysMemTrackerCategoryDiskusage )
- {
- RDebug::Print( KMemSpyKeepaliveMessage );
- // Disk space
- CreateSeedItemsDiskSpaceL();
- }
- if ( config.iEnabledCategories & TMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerConfig::EMemSpyEngineSysMemTrackerCategorySystemMemory )
- {
- RDebug::Print( KMemSpyKeepaliveMessage );
- // System memory
- CreateSeedItemsSystemMemoryL();
- }
- if ( config.iEnabledCategories & TMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerConfig::EMemSpyEngineSysMemTrackerCategoryWindowGroups )
- {
- RDebug::Print( KMemSpyKeepaliveMessage );
- // Window Server
- CreateSeedItemsWindowServerL();
- }
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsHeapUserL( CMemSpyEngineChunkList& aList )
- {
- CMemSpyEngine& engine = Engine();
- const TInt procCount = engine.Container().Count();
- for(TInt i=0; i<procCount; i++)
- {
- if ( !( i % 10 ) ) // Print the message on only every 10th cycle
- {
- RDebug::Print( KMemSpyKeepaliveMessage );
- }
- CMemSpyProcess& process = engine.Container().At( i );
- TRAP_IGNORE( CreateSeedItemsHeapUserL( process, &aList ) );
- }
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsHeapUserL( CMemSpyProcess& aProcess, CMemSpyEngineChunkList* aList )
- {
- SYSMEMTRACKERLOG_PRINTF( RDebug::Printf( "CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsHeapUserL() - START - aProcess: %d", (TUint) aProcess.Id() ) );
- CMemSpyEngine& engine = Engine();
- engine.ProcessSuspendLC( aProcess.Id() );
- const TInt threadCount = aProcess.Count();
- SYSMEMTRACKERLOG_PRINTF( RDebug::Printf( "CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsHeapUserL() - threadCount: %d", threadCount ) );
- for( TInt j=0; j<threadCount; j++ )
- {
- CMemSpyThread& thread = aProcess.At( j );
- //
- if ( !thread.IsDead() )
- {
- TRAP_IGNORE( CreateSeedItemsHeapUserL( thread, aList ) );
- }
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // ProcessSuspendLC
- SYSMEMTRACKERLOG_PRINTF( RDebug::Printf( "CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsHeapUserL() - END" ) );
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsHeapUserL( CMemSpyThread& aThread, CMemSpyEngineChunkList* aList )
- {
- TBool exists = FindByThreadId( aThread.Id() ) != KErrNotFound;
- //
- if ( !exists )
- {
- CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryHeap* entry = CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryHeap::NewUserLC( iTracker, aThread );
- // Check if chunk already logged
- TInt entryIndex = FindByHandle( entry->Handle(), EMemSpyEngineSysMemTrackerTypeHeapUser );
- exists = entryIndex != KErrNotFound;
- SYSMEMTRACKERLOG_PRINTF( RDebug::Printf( "CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsHeapUserL() - heapChunkHandle: 0x%08x, already exists: %d", entry->Handle(), exists ) );
- if ( exists )
- {
- CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryHeap& sharedheapEntry = static_cast< CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryHeap& >( *iEntries[ entryIndex ] );
- sharedheapEntry.SetAsShared( ETrue );
- }
- // Remove utilised entries
- if ( aList )
- {
- aList->RemoveByHandle( (TAny*) entry->Handle() );
- }
- // Save
- if ( !exists )
- {
- AddItemAndPopL( entry );
- }
- else
- {
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( entry );
- }
- }
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsHeapKernelL( CMemSpyEngineChunkList& aList )
- {
- SYSMEMTRACKERLOG_PRINTF( RDebug::Printf( "CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsHeapKernelL() - START" ) );
- CMemSpyEngine& engine = Engine();
- CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryHeap* entry = CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryHeap::NewKernelLC( iTracker );
- AddItemAndPopL( entry );
- // Remove utilised entries
- aList.RemoveByHandle( (TAny*) entry->Handle() );
- SYSMEMTRACKERLOG_PRINTF( RDebug::Printf( "CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsHeapKernelL() - END" ) );
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsChunkLocalL( CMemSpyEngineChunkList& aList )
- {
- SYSMEMTRACKERLOG_PRINTF( RDebug::Printf( "CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsChunkL() - START" ) );
- const TInt chunkCount = aList.Count();
- for( TInt i=chunkCount-1; i>=0; i-- )
- {
- const TMemSpyDriverChunkInfo& info = aList.At( i ).Info();
- SYSMEMTRACKERLOG_PRINTF( RDebug::Print( _L("CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsChunkLocalL() - info[%03d]: type: %d, pid: 0x%04x, size: %d, name: %S"), i, info.iType, info.iOwnerId, info.iSize, &info.iName ) );
- //
- if ( info.iType == EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeLocal )
- {
- // Try to find corresponding process
- const TInt processIndex = Engine().Container().ProcessIndexById( info.iOwnerId );
- SYSMEMTRACKERLOG_PRINTF( RDebug::Print( _L("CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsChunkLocalL() - processIndex: %d"), processIndex ) );
- //
- if ( processIndex >= 0 )
- {
- CMemSpyProcess& process = Engine().Container().At( processIndex );
- //
- CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryChunk* entry = CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryChunk::NewLC( iTracker, info, process );
- AddItemAndPopL( entry );
- );
- //
- aList.Remove( i );
- }
- }
- }
- SYSMEMTRACKERLOG_PRINTF( RDebug::Printf( "CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsChunkL() - END" ) );
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsChunkGlobalL( CMemSpyEngineChunkList& aList )
- {
- const TInt chunkCount = aList.Count();
- for( TInt i=chunkCount-1; i>=0; i-- )
- {
- const TMemSpyDriverChunkInfo& info = aList.At( i ).Info();
- if ( info.iType == EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeGlobal )
- {
- if ( CMemSpyEngineHelperFbServ::IsSharedBitmapChunk( info ) || CMemSpyEngineHelperFbServ::IsLargeBitmapChunk( info ) )
- {
- // Don't process these two yet, they'll be handled by the bitmap code
- }
- else
- {
- CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryChunk* entry = CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryChunk::NewLC( iTracker, info );
- AddItemAndPopL( entry );
- );
- // Remove processed item
- aList.Remove( i );
- }
- }
- }
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemRamDriveL( CMemSpyEngineChunkList& aList )
- {
- const TInt chunkCount = aList.Count();
- for( TInt i=chunkCount-1; i>=0; i-- )
- {
- const TMemSpyDriverChunkInfo& info = aList.At( i ).Info();
- if ( info.iType == EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeRamDrive )
- {
- CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryRamDrive* entry = CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryRamDrive::NewLC( iTracker, info );
- AddItemAndPopL( entry );
- );
- // Remove processed item
- aList.Remove( i );
- }
- }
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsStacksL( CMemSpyEngineChunkList& aList )
- {
- CMemSpyEngine& engine = Engine();
- CMemSpyEngineObjectContainer& container = engine.Container();
- //
- const TInt procCount = container.Count();
- for( TInt p=0; p<procCount; p++ )
- {
- CMemSpyProcess& process = container.At( p );
- // We've now sized the user-mode stacks for the process.
- // Try to locate the stack/data chunk
- const TInt index = aList.ItemIndexByProcessId( process.Id(), EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeStackAndProcessGlobalData );
- if ( index >= 0 )
- {
- const TMemSpyDriverChunkInfo& stackChunkInfo = aList.At( index ).Info();
- //
- const TInt threadCount = process.Count();
- for( TInt t=0; t<threadCount; t++ )
- {
- CMemSpyThread& thread = process.At( t );
- //
- if ( !thread.IsDead() )
- {
- TRAP_IGNORE( CreateSeedItemsStacksL( thread, stackChunkInfo ) );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsStacksL( CMemSpyThread& aThread, const TMemSpyDriverChunkInfo& aStackChunkInfo )
- {
- RThread rThread;
- if ( aThread.Open( rThread ) == KErrNone )
- {
- CleanupClosePushL( rThread );
- TThreadStackInfo stackInfo;
- if ( rThread.StackInfo( stackInfo ) == KErrNone )
- {
- CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryStack* entry = CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryStack::NewLC( iTracker, aThread, aStackChunkInfo, stackInfo );
- AddItemAndPopL( entry );
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &rThread );
- }
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsGlobalDataL( CMemSpyEngineChunkList& aList )
- {
- CMemSpyEngine& engine = Engine();
- CMemSpyEngineObjectContainer& container = engine.Container();
- //
- const TInt chunkCount = aList.Count();
- for( TInt i=chunkCount-1; i>=0; i-- )
- {
- const TMemSpyDriverChunkInfo& info = aList.At( i ).Info();
- if ( info.iType == EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeGlobalData || info.iType == EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeStackAndProcessGlobalData )
- {
- // Need to get associated process
- const TInt processIndex = container.ProcessIndexById( info.iOwnerId );
- if ( processIndex >= 0 )
- {
- CMemSpyProcess& process = container.At( processIndex );
- //
- if ( info.iType == EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeGlobalData )
- {
- if ( !( i % 10 ) ) // Print the message on only every 10th cycle
- {
- RDebug::Print( KMemSpyKeepaliveMessage );
- }
- // Pure global data, unique chunk
- CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerGlobalData* entry = CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerGlobalData::NewLC( iTracker, process, info );
- AddItemAndPopL( entry );
- );
- // Remove processed item
- aList.Remove( i );
- }
- else if ( info.iType == EMemSpyDriverChunkTypeStackAndProcessGlobalData )
- {
- if ( !( i % 10 ) ) // Print the message on only every 10th cycle
- {
- RDebug::Print( KMemSpyKeepaliveMessage );
- }
- // We don't check uniqueness as any stack entries share a common handle with the process
- // global data.
- CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerGlobalData* entry = CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerGlobalData::NewLC( iTracker, process, info );
- AddItemAndPopL( entry );
- );
- // Remove processed item
- aList.Remove( i );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsCodeL()
- {
- CMemSpyEngineCodeSegList* code = Engine().HelperCodeSegment().CodeSegmentListRamLoadedL();
- CleanupStack::PushL( code );
- //
- const TInt count = code->Count();
- for( TInt i=0; i<count; i++ )
- {
- const CMemSpyEngineCodeSegEntry& info = code->At( i );
- //
- CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryCode* entry = CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryCode::NewLC( iTracker, info );
- AddItemAndPopL( entry );
- );
- }
- //
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( code );
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsHandlesL()
- {
- CMemSpyEngineGenericKernelObjectContainer* allContainers = Engine().HelperKernelContainers().ObjectsAllLightweightL();
- CleanupStack::PushL( allContainers );
- //
- const TInt count = allContainers->Count();
- for( TInt i=0; i<count; i++ )
- {
- const CMemSpyEngineGenericKernelObjectList& list = allContainers->At( i );
- //
- const TInt entryCount = list.Count();
- for( TInt j=0; j<entryCount; j++ )
- {
- TAny* handle = list.HandleAt( j );
- CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntry* entry = NULL;
- //
- if ( list.Type() == EMemSpyDriverContainerTypePropertyRef )
- {
- entry = CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryHandlePAndS::NewLC( iTracker, handle );
- }
- else
- {
- entry = CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryHandleGeneric::NewLC( iTracker, handle, list.Type() );
- }
- AddItemAndPopL( entry );
- );
- }
- }
- //
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( allContainers );
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsOpenFilesL()
- {
- CMemSpyEngineOpenFileList* list = Engine().HelperFileSystem().ListOpenFilesLC();
- //
- const TInt threadCount = list->Count();
- for( TInt t=0; t<threadCount; t++ )
- {
- const CMemSpyEngineOpenFileListForThread& thread = list->At( t );
- //
- const TInt entryCount = thread.Count();
- for( TInt e=0; e<entryCount; e++ )
- {
- const CMemSpyEngineOpenFileListEntry& fileEntry = thread.At( e );
- //
- CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryOpenFile* entry = CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryOpenFile::NewLC( iTracker, thread, fileEntry );
- AddItemAndPopL( entry );
- );
- }
- }
- //
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( list );
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsDiskSpaceL()
- {
- TDriveList list;
- //
- RFs& fsSession = Engine().FsSession();
- if ( fsSession.DriveList( list ) == KErrNone )
- {
- TDriveInfo info;
- //
- for( TInt i=0; i<KMaxDrives; i++ )
- {
- if ( list[ i ] != KDriveAbsent )
- {
- if ( fsSession.Drive( info, i ) == KErrNone )
- {
- CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryDiskSpace* entry = CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryDiskSpace::NewLC( iTracker, static_cast<TDriveNumber>( i ) );
- AddItemAndPopL( entry );
- );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsSystemMemoryL()
- {
- CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntrySystemMemory* entryT = CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntrySystemMemory::NewLC( iTracker, ETypeTotal );
- AddItemAndPopL( entryT );
- );
- CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntrySystemMemory* entryF = CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntrySystemMemory::NewLC( iTracker, ETypeFree );
- AddItemAndPopL( entryF );
- );
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsBitmapL( CMemSpyEngineChunkList& aList )
- {
- TInt bitmapConCount = 0;
- TInt fontConCount = 0;
- //
- RArray<TInt> handles;
- CleanupClosePushL( handles );
- Engine().HelperFbServ().GetArrayOfBitmapHandlesL( handles, bitmapConCount, fontConCount );
- //
- const TInt count = handles.Count();
- for( TInt i=0; i<count; i++ )
- {
- const TInt handle = handles[ i ];
- //
- CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryBitmap* entry = CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryBitmap::NewLC( iTracker, handle );
- AddItemAndPopL( entry );
- );
- }
- //
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &handles );
- // Make overall fbserv info item
- TMemSpyDriverChunkInfo infoChunkLarge;
- TMemSpyDriverChunkInfo infoChunkShared;
- //
- const TInt chunkCount = aList.Count();
- for( TInt i=chunkCount-1; i>=0; i-- )
- {
- const TMemSpyDriverChunkInfo& info = aList.At( i ).Info();
- if ( CMemSpyEngineHelperFbServ::IsSharedBitmapChunk( info ) )
- {
- SYSMEMTRACKERLOG_PRINTF( RDebug::Printf( "CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsBitmapL() - found FbsSharedChunk..." ) );
- infoChunkShared = info;
- aList.Remove( i );
- }
- else if ( CMemSpyEngineHelperFbServ::IsLargeBitmapChunk( info ) )
- {
- SYSMEMTRACKERLOG_PRINTF( RDebug::Printf( "CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsBitmapL() - found FbsLargeChunk..." ) );
- infoChunkLarge = info;
- aList.Remove( i );
- }
- }
- CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryFbserv* entry = CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryFbserv::NewLC( iTracker, infoChunkLarge, infoChunkShared, bitmapConCount, fontConCount, count );
- AddItemAndPopL( entry );
- );
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsFileServerCacheL( CMemSpyEngineChunkList& aList )
- {
- TInt index = KErrNotFound;
- const CMemSpyEngineChunkEntry* entry = Engine().HelperFileSystem().IdentifyCacheChunk( aList, index );
- //
- if ( entry )
- {
- const TMemSpyDriverChunkInfo& info = entry->Info();
- SYSMEMTRACKERLOG_PRINTF( RDebug::Printf( "CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsFileServerCacheL() - found F32 cache chunk..." ) );
- //
- CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryFileServerCache* entry = CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryFileServerCache::NewLC( iTracker, info );
- AddItemAndPopL( entry );
- );
- //
- aList.Remove( index );
- }
- }
-void CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsWindowServerL()
- {
- if ( Engine().IsHelperWindowServerSupported() )
- {
- MMemSpyEngineHelperWindowServer& windowServerManager = Engine().HelperWindowServer();
- MMemSpyEngineWindowGroupList* windowGroupList = windowServerManager.WindowGroupListL();
- CleanupDeletePushL( windowGroupList );
- TInt count = windowGroupList->Count();
- TBool isFocused( EFalse );
- for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
- {
- TMemSpyEngineWindowGroupDetails windowGroupDetails;
- windowServerManager.GetWindowGroupDetailsL( windowGroupList->At( i ).iId, windowGroupDetails );
- windowGroupDetails.iOrdinalPosition = windowGroupList->At( i ).iOrdinalPosition;
- if ( !isFocused && windowGroupDetails.iPriority == 0 )
- {
- windowGroupDetails.iIsFocused = ETrue;
- isFocused = ETrue;
- }
- else
- {
- windowGroupDetails.iIsFocused = EFalse;
- }
- CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryWindowServer* entry = CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryWindowServer::NewLC( iTracker, windowGroupDetails );
- AddItemAndPopL( entry );
- );
- }
- CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( windowGroupList );
- }
- else
- {
- SYSMEMTRACKERLOG_PRINTF( RDebug::Printf( "CMemSpyEngineHelperSysMemTrackerEntryManager::CreateSeedItemsWindowServerL() - Not supported" ) );
- }
- }